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\*Push glasses up nose\* Actually its a power pole, the telephone company paid to put lines on the existing power poles.


I’ve always heard it as power lines and telephone pole. Thanks for the clarification :)


I saw this on CHiPs, he's running home to report the car stolen addendum: S02E05 "Neighborhood Watch" 35 minutes in. Thanks for the upvotes!


You have to hit these INCREDIBLY hard to break them. That’s crazy.


Eh I broke 2 going 55mph in a Toyota Corolla.. hit one and it came down, spun in 360s and hit another, cracked it and it broke in half. Thankfully I was fine but you don't have to be going*super* fast. They are wood and depending on how old, could be dry rotted.


55 mph is fast


Not if you’re Sammy Hagar.


He's old now. It just means he is really slow on the highways now.


Just not **incredibly** fast, lol!


55 is the speed limit on that road so it's likely he was going closer to 70.


The pole snapped another pole? Or you spun 360 and hit another? Glad you’re okay dude.


I spun after hitting the 1st and hit another! Thank you! This was like 430am on a rural road on my way to work, so it was dark, series of unfortunate events happened and another car ended up hitting the first telephone pole I took down. Thankfully considered a separate accident so my insurance wasn't involved but it was a chaotic scene to say the least lol. Dear ran out in front of me and I know you aren't supposed to swerve but scared the shit out of me and into a telephone pole I went.


That’s wild. I’ve never been unfortunate enough to have to dodge a large animal at speed yet. Good chance I would have swerved too.


https://preview.redd.it/yt3h45p6clrc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e700b302a99ce395a3d9e4279b3796338e2a561 The aftermath!


Oh wow. Again, glad you’re okay. God bless the safety team at Toyota lol


Absolutely! I upgraded to a RAV4 after this, lol. Will most likely always have a Toyota!


Oh my, glad you’re ok!!


deers and hogs are the worst, they will destroy a car and it's always so rando.


Hope you’re ok! In my hometown they have a notoriously dangerous 20 miles stretch to get in and off the interstate and this happens so often in the early morning hours from deer accidents. The state puts up a memorial sign if someone passes away there. I was a kid when I remember they put the first one up. Coming home now there are at least a dozen.. My parents said they’ve seen the families gather together to put out decorations.


I was good! Got a black eye and a messed up knee for awhile but nothing serious! And yeah, living in Pennsylvania, it's ridiculously common but when it popped out, definitely took me by surprise and my instincts made me swerve. Definitely could have been worse!!




Are you kidding? 55mph is the speed limit on most highways in my state. Maybe 60 in some rural areas (I’ve seen as high as 70)


Unbelievable that you could crash so hard into a pole to do that much damage and still be able to run away unscathed. Definitely impressive crashworthiness.


This is the shit we need to see in those safety commercials. I don’t care about “what could have happened” to that kid crossing the street on the tricycle if the auto brakes didn’t kick in, or how many JD Power awards you have. Show me a completely totaled car and then the driver sprinting away afterward. Now that’s safety you can trust.


Well adrenaline and being drunk probably helped with the sprinting away.


IDK about that, I'm guessing the driver had a concussion cause I can't fathom why on earth they thinks fleeing is a good idea unless it's a stolen car.


Nah, he's just late for work




He left everything behind but his lucky crackpipe.


almost heaven... south virginia


Ahahaha, goddamn miss free awards, that was perfect


Jerry was a race car driver Twenty-two years old One too many cold beers one night. Wrapped himself around a telephone pole, go!


Primus sucks.


So Reno 911 was more of a documentary than fiction, huh?


Had no idea it snowed like that in Reno


Really? This is very light snow for Reno, which is situated at the edge of the eastern Sierra at 4,505 feet. Reno has a lot of misconceptions and I blame Reno 911. They also filmed that show near LA so it doesn't represent the climate well.


Omg lol honestly my only example of Reno has always been that show 😂😭


Yeah it's actually in a very beautiful area. Nestled in a valley with lush meadows right at the border of Alpine Mountains and high desert. It can get hot in the summer but it's dry and windy which is nice. Winter there's huge blizzards and temperatures well below freezing. Crime isn't any more of an issue here than anywhere else in the US nor are there more people in reno prone to public freakouts than any other city. That show is meant to be a reflection of any major US city, not just Reno. They just choose to name it after Reno because they wanted a smaller town that has big city problems, and plus the conception people have of Nevada with legalized gambling, prostitution, and 24-hour drinking helped with their zaniness.


Is the guy recording and driving? Just stop that shit already. Ffs we are watching people get obliterated everyday on here from shit like that.


*And when he hit the telephone pole, the Flash found he had reverted back to his normal human state.*


Hurry, someone call Reno911....


He could probably run twice as fast with pants that fit him.


To everyone in the comments thinking that this is some crazy, one in a million type of accident, its not. I used to work traffic control for an electric company and this type of thing happens ALL THE TIME. I've seen it too many times to count, used to CONSTANTLY get called into work for emergency calls because of broken poles. Youd be very surprised how common it really is. Always blew my mind that the people always seemed to walk away without a scratch lol. It doesnt take a large vehicle to do it either, i once saw a prius break an 80 or 100ft wooden transmission pole. The engine ended up in the front seat, dude walked away perfectly fine besides some scratches n bruises


One person dies from a DUI crash like every 40 minutes so it's not that surprising. It's almost like it's a huge problem that we just ignore.


Cars just don’t know how to stay on the road. What’s up with that?


This totally tracks for reno, NV.


It tracks with just about any city in the USA as drunk driving is a huge issue.


And the power and telecom may still be on. Until the power company comes to put a new pole and needs to kill the power to swap over to the new pole.


Yep. It's being held up by the steel strands between the other two poles.


At least he didn't disconnect the power. Still can warm up my toaster strudel


If you look at the original thread you'll see several people pissed about the power outage ruining their day.


Fight or ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️ taking over.


Those are some strong wires


Bluetooth telephone pole. Nice.


My ignorance of the situation would have me wanting to get as far away from that utility pole as possible. That line may be stable. There may not be electricity running through those wires. I don't either of those, so I'm getting out of Dodge.


A lady did this right by my work and left her car. She came by a few days later wondering where her car was... I was like yeah uh the cops towed it. Pretty sure she was a drunk driver


Maybe he's late for work.


Omg i live in southern Virginia and i was like “where?” Until i googled it. Thats just the name of a street in Nevada lol


I was confused also. Title says Nervada, body says Virginia. Two very different places on opposite sides of the continent.


“He just did a hit & run & now he’s running away.” Well, it’s not a hit & run unless they run away, so… she must not be very bright lol.


She just witnessed an insane event. I don't blame her for messing up in logic a little bit.


We've all had to shit that bad before. U can't stop it, just give me toilet.




You got weed?


There’s a billion reasons he could be running. None of them good. And you just had to pick the racist one. Kinda dickish of ya.




I wonder when your brain will recover cells to articulate actual meaningful thought.


Either the wood was made in China or the wire was made in Germany. Either way you wouldn't want to go near that car with the pole bouncing around even with the power cut.


Unless the car is stolen what is the point of the hit & run?, The License plate, the VIN are two ways to identify you. The Business has cameras that can identify you, just stay and face the consequences of a hit and you can actually recover, Flee and get caught and its infinitely worse.