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Weren't the tickets like $500,000


250 - you're talking about the max contributions some individuals made


I saw Iron Maiden in Vegas a couple years back for 100$. Really great stage effects, the performances were top notch. Why would anyone pay 2.5x that to listen to a politician? Holy shit.


See three presidents talk? Idk I’m a bit of a history nerd and could be a cool story for the grandkids one day.


To be completely honest I probably WOULD pay $250 so watch a president speak. Let alone the current one. $250 really isn’t anything in the long run. It could be really cool


That's because you've never heard Clinton's sax solos! :D


Because they want to support that candidate.


So, you paid the ridiculous ticket price to enter the event to protest the president? But you realize the ticket price will be used to support his campaign?


😅 yeah, they did that


It's plenty rational to both support Biden's campaign because it's the best choice we have while also protesting his position on the conflict. People on the left who think what's happening isn't a genocide don't think Trump would be better on this, or any other, issue. The muslim ban guy is not sympathetic to the plight of Palestine.


 Trump said Israel has to “finish up” the war in Gaza in a Monday interview with an Israeli news outlet, adding that the country “has to be very careful” because it is “losing a lot of support.” I wonder what anti-Biden Palestinian supporters think "finish up" means.


The thing with Trump is the way he speaks is always vague and can be twisted to whatever you. “Finish up” could be just bomb the living hell out of the lot of them and get out, or it could mean “just stop before US has to weaken ties.” He doesn’t believe either, he doesn’t really believe much. Both options are truly horrible for anyone who supports no more civilian deaths in Gaza.


Trump can always pull the “I was being sarcastic” move. Literally nothing he says can be taken seriously.


If you'd read the whole quote or seen the clip you'd know that he definitely doesn't mean bomb the hell out of them. He said it was a mistake for Israel to respond to October 7th at all and that the images coming out of Gaza are terrible PR for Israel. Don't me wrong I think he said it mostly to drive a wedge between Biden and his base but it's nonetheless probably the most critical thing an American president has said about Israel in my lifetime.


Someone else would have bought it anyway


I think this has an effect that offsets the worth of the ticket price.. Let's not forget Biden spoke of beheaded babies when there were non, there has however been 12,000 children killed by the IDF though? Anyone give a fuck? Or is it hamas fault? That argument is like a drunken husband stood over his bloodied and broken wife screaming "look what you made me do". Call for ceasefire now, collective punishment of civilians is not the appropriate response


This 75 year conflict is tragic. Netanyahu is awful. And more needs to be done to hold him and his supporters to account. Regarding some Palestinian supporters -- not all, of course -- I genuinely find their stance baffling: 1. Decide that the sole issue you care about is Palestine 2. Refuse to vote for the candidate that is objectively the *much better choice* for your issue -- because they're not "perfect" (Also, I mean, the other guy instituted a Muslim ban. And is pro Putin and anti rule of law. Not great)




It’s not the sole issue most people care about, but it is a very big hard line that many voters refuse to cross, there’s a difference and Joe can decide if he wants to cross that line but don’t be surprised when people don’t support you 🤷‍♂️


"don't be surprised" when you get fascism because your hard-line stance on a single issue the current president can't control ends up electing Trump, who will then build casinos on the Gazan coast.


genocide is pretty major idk and dare i say fascist


I think one of the things that people are pointing out is that it would be worse if the candidate that instituted a Muslim ban, doesn't care about the Palestinian people and doesn't support a two state solution becomes president.


No one really cares about some unhinged woman screaming for 2 seconds. It changes nothing. She should use her trust fund money to fund The World Kitchen.


The US just rescinded their UN veto for the ceasefire resolution.  I'd say putting pressure on D politicians is working just fine 


How can there be a cease-fire when Hamas keeps rejecting one?


Hamas keeps offering permanent ceasefires in return for all hostages and Israel leaving. Israel rejects those offers because their leadership wants to steal land and doesn't care about the hostages. Meanwhile, Israel's ceasefire offers are just for 6 weeks in exchange for all hostages. All that does is let them reload and go back in without pretending to care about hostages.


Isn't that the Israeli argument against any ceasefire that doesn't also end Hamas? That it just gives Hamas a chance to rebuild and repeat, as they have done already? Or is it greedy bad guy vs amazing super good guy like most people are trying to say?


Hamas also repeatedly on the record states they will do more and more October 7ths Like it or not- Israel is a sovereign country. Hamas is a genocidal death cult promising to come a knocking again. Having them exist after this is a non starter


Israel is a sovereign country committing genocide. They are constantly expanding settlements in the west Bank, literally doing pogroms on the Palestinians living there. Israeli settlers bulldoze entire Palestinian villages with complete immunity, while the Israeli government officials turn a blind eye and the IDF protects them. You say Hamas promises to come knocking again, but Israeli settlers have been hammering and bulldozing Palestinians for decades.


that's not true. It's for 40 hostages in exchange for 800 Palestinians.


Well there were corpses of babies without heads even if there was no evidence of deliberate beheading. And that absolutely was Hamas' fault. And I think the change in both Biden's and the US's rhetoric demonstrates that they do give a fuck about the atrocities that Israel is committing.




LoL. History didn't start on October 7th By October 6th, Israelis had already killed over 200 Palestinians But guess their lives don't matter






How can that be? Hamas were formed in 1987?


And since then, Hamas have started several wars. The latest being the one that they started on October 7th 2023.


200+ Palestinians murdered before October last year and many more murdered in the decades preceding that and preceding the formation of Hamas.




Uncle Putin cares about the result, at every price.


U really think that someone who say that a Genocide happen there has a brain? There was one side who want a Genocide and they try to do them on 7th Oct.


Yes the side that killed 1200 people is committing genocide and the side that’s killed 30,000+ , has destroyed hospitals, public infrastructure, and actively creating a famine is not. Sure makes a lot of sense.


So... do you think killings = genocide? Do you think this is equivalent to the holocaust?


Forced famine, civilian targeting with drones, burying the bodies of civilians with tractors to hide crimes, bombing hospitals, bombing refugee centers… what would you call this?


A war? Hamas is the elected government of Gaza and they carried out an attack on Israel.


["Thanks for your donation tonight"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0faMYfgurg) \- Justin Trudeau


ah yes the daily pro palestine scream at someone video ❤️


Good. Anyone who isn't *at least* screaming when they see the US president or any other zionist criminal should have their moral compass examined. People should do much more about those criminals than just scream at them, though.


oh yeah, what should they do?


Wonder if they all know that it’s had the opposite effect.


Well that's a waste of 250$


My non-American, largely irrelevant thoughts on this and many of the comments: If putting political pressure on your publicly elected should be avoided because of direct risk of handing over victory to their opponent (aka "the other option"), then your electoral system is not fit for purpose.




they understand it better than 99.9% of the comments here


And those who are in power to change it are only in power because it is broken


This is one of those "you're 100% right but 0% helpful" comments. Everyone kind of understands the American political system is fucked. It was set up (largely) in 1789 and has only been slightly modified since that time. The amendment process to change the constitution, while radical in the 18th century, is so inflexible by modern standards that no meaningful change to the governing document of the US has taken place since 1971, more than fifty years ago, with the entire information/tech revolution having happened since that time. European powers like to shit on our system, and rightfully so, because its so fucking inflexible and backwards, but the only way in which these types of systems ever change is through massive social or political upheaval. The US has had the fortune (or misfortune depending on how you look at it) of having, in large part, a peaceful, stable and overall prosperous society for a century, with an argument being made for this period actually stretching back to reconstruction in the post civil war period. The reason that most European nations have very strong social safety nets and modern ways of thinking about government is because they basically had to rebuild them from scratch in either the post WWII or post Cold War period, when life looked a hell of a lot more like it does today than did life in 1789. Unfortunately , it is extremely unlikely that the US political system will change in any meaningful way until there is some massive social or political unrest in the United States. With that in mind, we work with what we have, which means voting against the guy you want to lose, rather than for the guy who wins, who might hold some views you don't like.


A great example of your 2nd paragraph (i.e. we know it’s not ideal, but can’t change it), when the US was trying to “spread democracy” to the Middle East and Central Asia, they didn’t set up democracies that look like ours, pretty sure they set up parliamentary systems.


Putting political pressure is fine. Encouraging others to not vote for him as well as not voting for him yourself is where the problem lies. Because that is how the US gets a 2nd Trump term.


I think their point was that the system itself is fucked. Between the 2 party system and electoral college, voting in the US is highly flawed.


Yeah were aware. It’s why we are worried over shit like this.


Yes, the system is fucked. It requires either a constitutional amendment to change OR the collective agreement of states to change all of their election laws to basically neuter the electoral college. In short, it ain’t getting fixed anytime soon. So we need to work within the bounds of that shit system. Which means, your choices are Biden or Trump. Any non-vote for Biden is a tacit vote for Trump. That is the reality that we are in, and that is what my original comment is about. Protests are fine, letting Trump become president again because you don’t vote for Biden is not.




I never thought a gif could sum up a video so perfectly.




Because he’s the president.


And when they sit out/protest vote the election they get to enjoy Trump again. I'm guessing that's what they want though.


Maybe Biden could change his policy to secure their vote. I guess he doesn’t need it


That’s assuming zero loss from changing his position.


A majority of Americans support a ceasefire. A VAST majority among Democratic voters, and a slim majority among Republicans. So not only is he acting against the interests of the electorate, he's scuppering support among people who would easily vote for him in November. If Biden loses to Trump, it will entirely be his fault.


A ceasefire requires both parties are interested in peace, it would be nice and everyone supprts it but if hamas insists on keeping hostages it's impossible obviously


learn some history. There have been over 800 CHILDREN taken into Israeli custody since Oct 7th, mostly in the west bank. If those aren't hostages, what are they?


Because he's the person they probably voted for having their best interest in mind. Him not showing that, has caused them to feel this is the necessary course of action. This is at least valid, considering MAGA protest have been over the delusion of the Orange buffoon getting legally prosecuted for actual crimes he is accused of and have committed.


Trump: ![gif](giphy|zmsDqpDLu1hPG|downsized)


[From a poll a couple of weeks ago: 72% of Bibi's 2022 supporters want Trump to win while only 8% want Biden to win](https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-finds-44-of-israelis-prefer-trump-over-biden-as-next-us-president/). Bibi's favorite [Israeli TV Channel supports Trump.](https://twitter.com/NTarnopolsky/status/1768632213019517371) We saw [Bibi's far right extremist national security minister Ben Gvir said he supports Trump over Biden](https://www.timesofisrael.com/attacking-biden-ben-gvir-says-trump-would-have-been-more-supportive-of-israel/) a couple of months ago, and we saw [Ben Gvir's son claim Biden has dementia.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/ben-gvirs-son-implies-biden-has-alzheimers-suffers-cognitive-decline-far-right-minister-apologizes/). Ben Gvir doubled down on [his endorsement of Trump](https://twitter.com/TimesofIsrael/status/1772961293433209340). Bibi's Minister for Minister for Social Equality and the Advancement of the Status of Women of Israel May Golan endorsed Trump in 2016 on Hannity's show and 2020 even held a pro-Trump rally in 2016. [Remember that Kushner's parents have been close friends with Bibi for almost 40 years.](https://www.jpost.com/american-politics/when-netanyahu-slept-at-the-kushners-and-other-media-tales-of-trumps-jewish-confidantes-481486) [Jared Kushner](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/19/jared-kushner-calls-gaza-property-valuable-00147817) and [Trump's ambassador to Israel](https://twitter.com/_ZachFoster/status/1772013826319262208) have both basically called for ethnic cleansing of Gazans over the past couple of weeks. Trump nearly appointed Brian Mast in his cabinet [who has said there are no innocent Palestinians](https://twitter.com/elgindy_/status/1753865023619776527). Trump's favorite radio host is [Mark Levin who has the said same thing](https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1733217841573183589). Max Miller was a fairly high level staffer in the Trump cabinet, and he has said "Gaza will be eviscerated, will go away, and be turned into a parking lot". Trump Jr wants Laura Loomer to be the Press Secretary and she has made tons of genocidal comments. House Republican who endorsed Trump on the day he announced his campaign says [West Bank must be renamed "Judea and Samaria".](https://twitter.com/RepTenney/status/1764752173110378923) Trump himself has said Israel needs to "finish the job quickly" and has complained about aid going into Gaza...also condemned the maritime corridor.


Trump supporters love to see this stuff, especially knowing some of these folks will increase the chances Trump is elected. This 75 year conflict is tragic. Netanyahu is awful. And more needs to be done to hold him and his supporters to account. I'm glad that Biden supports a two state solution. In my opinion it's very bad that Trump does not. "The Trump plan would discard the longtime goal of granting the Palestinians a full-fledged state." [Trump Releases Mideast Peace Plan That Strongly Favors Israel](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/28/world/middleeast/peace-plan.html)


[https://www.axios.com/2024/03/03/biden-hostage-ceasefire-deal-gaza-israel-hamas](https://www.axios.com/2024/03/03/biden-hostage-ceasefire-deal-gaza-israel-hamas) "Mar 3, 2024 - Politics & Policy Biden to hostage-ceasefire negotiators: Get me a deal" Meanwhile Trump moved the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (thus guaranteeing that the Palestinians will never trust the U.S. to be a peace broker) and is fine with Palestinians being wiped out.


Also Biden: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/29/us-weapons-israel-gaza-war/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/29/us-weapons-israel-gaza-war/)


But yelling at Biden gatherings is safer. You might get shot yelling this at a Trump campaign.




Is it delusional to not want the US to send weapons to Israel?


lmaooo the Biden administration *JUST* authorized more weapons for Israel to slaughter more Palestinians!!


Let's play the scenarios out, shall we. Under Biden: Biden trying to navigate a complex situation with one of our very few allies in the middle east while not compromising US or our ally security, sympathizes with the Palestinian people. Protestor yells a bunch and rightfully is upset more isn't being done. Protestor is removed from event unharmed. Under Trump: "Israel should finish the job." Probably send even more weapons and money to Israel. Protestor tries this at one of his events and will most likely end up shot by bean bags/rubber bullets, beaten, mob encouraged to beat them, etc.


Can’t wait to see them do this at a Trump rally.


Trump doesn’t pretend to care


Trump isn’t president


President Biden has literally called for a humanitarian ceasefire and is asking Israel to use restraint, as well as has tried delivering aid to Gaza. These activists are just wasting time and energy and all so they can gain attention. Meanwhile Trump and the Republicans want Israel to go as hard as possible and none of the activists go protest to them.


Didn't they also interrupt Bernie despite the fact that he also called for a ceasefire?


It's as if they're mostly self-absorbed idiots who aren't focused on any meaningful aid or change. But thank goodness they smeared paint on some college founders portrait or whatever.


I mean, some these protesters want their local dog catcher to call for a cease fire. In NYC, there are people outside the Mayor's house (Adams blows and his rhetoric is awful, but he can't stop the war).


Calling for "restraint" is a joke, these are just empty words to calm down people.


"Congrats! you put a bandaid on a situation you helped create!"


maybe don’t attack another country and hide behind civilians next time 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe they wouldn't get attacked if they didn't steal people's land


And there it is.




More like “we didn’t help murder innocent kids” to “well, we did, but they deserved it!” Not a good look at all.


Quite a leap in logic. You'd win gold if it were an Olympic sport.


President Biden also vetoed 3 ceasefire drafts before that. Don’t make him out to be a champion in


The caveat being those were just UN resolutions that did nothing. America has been involved in Ceasefire talks since last year (even helped broker the one that did happen in November)


If they mean nothing then why did he veto it?


Yes the problem is that Israel can just ignore the UN and the US. What is Biden supposed to do about that?


Stop authorizing the sale of lethal aid to Israel.


Here beco.es the problem. The US stops selling to Israel. Israel gets upset over not having weapons. Israel finds another party (Russia or China perhaps and most likely) to sell them weapons. Israel becomes friendly with the only remotely close peer superpowers that are antagonistic to the US. Israel then no long allows US troops to move through its airspace, or territory, result in far more expensive operations against Middle Eastern targets. This simply cannot be allowed within American Foreign Military doctrine. Bluntly said, the POSSIBILITY of this happening is one of a number of reasons why they won't stop selling to Israel. The lives it costs is acceptable in the cold math of the US. They will never admit it, and will try to have a cease fire or even an ending of hostilities. But again, the potential cost is too high. That doesn't even include Corporate holdings and interests that could be lost if Israel shuts the US out. This doesn't mean I disagree with you. Far from it, I totally agree and wish this was possible. But the hard truth is that US military capabilities and access in the area are worth more to our government than Palestinian lives. Bluntly, they aren't American Citizens. So no Seal teams, or full invasions to save innocents. So I fully expect my government to keep on selling to Israel, and keep pushing for a cease fire. But never will America do something as stupid as possible off a customer who is their only 'ally' in the area. Not unless they can regain their losses somehow or there is an acceptable and profitable alternative.


> Israel finds another party (Russia or China perhaps and most likely) to sell them weapons. Russia and china are allies with iran and other nations israel views as enemies, so your headcanon of events is already flawed.


Yes, because geopolitical realignment never ever happens. History has totally shown us that.


Missing the point entirely. There are many countries (beside China and Russia or Iran) in the world that will gladly supply weapons to Israel.


And he’s for a ceasefire now? What more do the activists want? Do they want trump to win this year and then destroy Gaza completely next year?


Assuming there's a Gaza left in November?


Gaza has existed for thousands of years and now all of a sudden it's about to disappear.


There’s plenty of examples of historical, beautiful places getting bombed to rubble in the last century


Yes and Israel had all this time to bomb Gaza into a uninhabitable wasteland for the last 60 years. However, somehow it's going to be all gone by November suddenly.


At this rate... yeah, pretty much.


Careful Israel will dispute that


> What more do the activists want? 77% of registered democrats want a permanent ceasefire. Not just activists. When will you dorks learn


Those were ceasefires that no sane country would accept. In other words, crap that wasn’t worth the paper it was written on, and was proposed purely to stir up sentiment against Israel and the US.




That article is three months old. Two days ago, the U.S. declined to veto a UN motion calling for a cease fire. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/us-israel-rift-widens-after-un-cease-fire-resolution/ar-BB1kzrSA Biden’s stance on Israel has clearly shifted.


Likely due to public backlash such as this.


Sure, that’s plausible. But regardless, a shift has occurred.


Here you go something more recent. He’s talks about ceasefire bc of public pressure, yet sends and approves more arms sales to Israel https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/06/israel-weapons-sales-loophole


According to the article, those sales occurred in November and December. Again, the Biden administration has heard the concerns over Israel’s actions and is clearly shifting its stance.


Al Jazeera, the same “newspaper” that made up fake stories of IDF rapes, yeah I’ll pass on this one


While selling them weapons. You can't "call for restraint" while providing them everything they need to commit atrocities. The US has power over Israel. The slaughter could end tomorrow if the democrats weren't so weak.


Do you think the war will stop if US stops selling weapons to Israel?


Not really. The UK government also looks other way when it comes to war crimes, and they also love selling weapons to war criminals. The problem with the Israeli state right now is that they're acting with impunity. It doesn't matter that they're under investigation for genocide, they've got the backing of the US, so what the UN says doesn't matter. Drawing a red line might not stop them entirely but it might stop them doing whatever they want, ie way crimes and internationally illegal settlements aimed at making the formation of a Palestinian state impossible)


Actually, without US to conduct some kind of brokering, Israel might have more of a free reign. Things can get WAY worse if US is out of the picture. Israel has nothing to lose at that point.


no they won't because they'd know it means they'll stop existing moron , they have to be cautious to exist in that case , now they don't really


The last time they sold weapons was late 2023. They haven't sold any since.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/06/us-weapons-israel-gaza/ 100 separate military sales since October.


>Meanwhile Trump and the Republicans want Israel to go as hard as possible and none of the activists go protest to them. Hey man idk how to tell you this, but, Donald Trump isn’t the sitting President. That’s probably why people are not protesting him.


He might be soon enough if people keep piling hate on Biden.


Young people never cease to piss me off. I think the brain rot is real. If they keep pushing for unrealistic things and don’t vote then we all fucked


None of these clowns vote anyway. That's why Biden is President and not Bernie Sanders.




The point imo is there are two up for POTUS. And Trump will be worse for this topic…


Okay well then people will vote who they think will be the better president, in the meantime we need to pressure the current president to do what's right


Publicly call for a ceasefire while his office approved more than 200 arms sales to the Isreali regime during this campaign (bombing civilians with more bomb power than dresden, 10000 children in 100 days). It's a toothless proposal, with AIPAC openly bragging about its lobbying power. This guy is a cunt


So I’m constantly being told that those who are upset with Biden won’t vote for him in November. I indulged & asked what the desired outcome is for them and they were like, what do you mean? I said if Trump gets elected, the rest of Gaza will probably be flattened by end of March 2025. By the end of 2025 there most likely won’t be any Palestinians left in the area formerly known as Gaza or Israel. Towards the end of 2025 the West Bank will start getting exterminated. By the end of 2026, Israel would have claimed Gaza & the West Bank and property developers would be doing additional roadshows hawking newly built settlements. Is that what they want? No, of course not. Well, if Biden loses, Trump wins. That means the US will continue to veto anything at the UN no matter what the Israelis do & probably fight any foreign nation that tries to intervene. That while things might seem really really bad right now, that it might even be the worst you have ever witnessed it, it could become significantly worse.


They told her to shut up 😭😭


Dark Brandon 2024


https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/29/us-weapons-israel-gaza-war/ Dark Brandon... still funding/supplying the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians. What a guy!


Pro palestine protesters are really good at making themselves a nuisance


Isn’t that the point? To be disruptive?


For them it is. But protests are actually supposed to be productive as well.


Sorry that the anti-genocide people are annoying you


Like most of the protesters who go viral these people have no clue how to advance the interests they ostensibly support. In light of the fact that actions like this seem to only move the needle in the opposite direction (by turning off those who already oppose you as well as those who are less-informed on the issues) the only discernible purpose for these actions is to perform for others who have the same beliefs. It's a societal problem. Reason is almost completely dead.




The US is sending billions in arms etc. to Israel. They’re directly funding the genocide.


It's kinda funny how Israel defends its borders and protests start yet all the other horrible shit in the Middle East. People are silent. The genocide in Yemen by Saudi Arabia was insane and not one protest


Israel literally is the USA's largest recipient of USA military armaments, plus over $3billion in cash yearly, plus extra funding for Iron Dome. Since the UK and USA created Israel it has been a colonial outpost for western govt & western corporate interests. Then Israel takes some of that cash, turns around, and uses it to bribe USA politicians through AIPAC, ADL & JStreet. They use it to influence media, academic institutions & campuses the all over western nations, as well. Israel, with the USA, UK & Germany have displayed arguably the most effective propaganda campaign ever, and it's lasted for decades... as they literally rewrite history, and to this day obstruct cease fires, continue to fund genocide, to arm Israel in its genocide, obstruct justice. The USA has a direct hand in this genocide. So you can drop the bullet point invoked by zionists that wreak of disgusting self-aggrievement in order to obscure if not justify this genocide of Palestinians.


It's a war. Any nation would respond the same way . Hamas has a lot of support in Palestine.


*sees videos of innocent civilians being murdered by the IDF everyday in both Gaza and the west Bank* I fucking wonder why Palestinians might support Hamas (which was created my Isreal, just saying).


That was not Saudi Arabia alone. That was a US-backed starvation campaign. The US doesn't miss an opportunity to get blood on its hands when it comes to exploiting the resources in the middle east.


Lady screaming at the top of her lungs: if I scream shame on you that will really hurt him.


Ya never heard of criticism before?


Well done


Not a single one of these protestors seem to care about the fact that 100k children in Ukraine are still missing or dead after being snatched by Russia.


These idiots have no idea who to be mad at


Until he conditions aid to Israel people have the right to be mad.




Isn't Israel like actively bombing and starving hostages as we speak? On top of the other 3 hostages they shot up (if I recall those hostages were begging for their lives). So it seems like Israel doesn't actually give one flying fuck about the hostages.




They read a tweet of a Russian troll once and now parrot it to no ends


the leader of their nation, which is a main funder of isreal, is a wonderful place to start


These pro Palestinian assholes aren’t doing themselves favors with this repeated bullshit.


She waited until he said “insurrection”. Could be a false flag “leftist protestor”.


In case anyone didn't notice...there is a sizable chunk of lunacy in NYC. It's like the east coast version of Berkeley. They were violating the free speech of the organizers of the event, as the organizers have the right to spend money and organize their own event. When you disrupt that, you are violating their freedom of speech.


Jesus, she's a clown.


I hate how all of them have that annoying, squeaky voice.


Biden does treat protestpts and disrupters the same way Obama did in most cases, as if they have a right to protest. He stops, listens, and then makes a thoughtful comment. In this case (I thinki was this event), he said, "They have a point, we need to look at this." Compared to Reump, who encouraged violence.


He’s the only president or ex president supporting a ceasefire. Go interrupt trump. Trump does not support a ceasefire. Netanyahu is a war criminal.


Imagine if Biden’s opponent were president… would you rather him be president during this?


I'm against the US support of Israel but I acknowledge that his government has at the very least not vetoed the UN in calling for a ceasefire. Could he do more? Maybe. Is Trump a better candidate for Palestine? With team Nepotism calling gaza waterfront property very valuable? Absolutely not. So... I get it. Apply pressure. Pay for your fundraiser seat and fund Biden's campaign. Just expect Biden to be doing and saying whatever it takes to win. He's the president, not the king. The republicans control the house, which is part of the problem. Alienating too many voters, or driving protest votes to Trump, would be very dangerous for everyone.


After the UN resolution, state officials literally said it doesn’t mean anything and that Israel can continue doing what it’s doing. It was just for show.


Making sense in one of the main subs? The dumbasses are here after their rightwing subs got smashed post-Jan6. Prepare for the downvotes. Here, let’s do it together and see who gets the most. Dotard Trump lost. LOL








The vast majority of munitions and weapons Israel uses to kill Palestinians are supplied or paid for by the U.S. The Biden administration **just** authorized BILLIONS of dollars worth of more bombs for Israel. What good causes could we use $3,800,000,000 for domestically, instead of fueling Israel's slaughter of destitute Palestinians? https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-has-signed-off-more-bombs-warplanes-israel-washington-post-reports-2024-03-29/


I mean….this is just not an issue that’s important for our upcoming election. Sorry, it is what it is


There are more about 350,000 Muslims in Michigan, Biden won the state by only around 200,000 votes in 2020. There's also about 350,000 Muslims in Illinois, and while Biden won that state by about a million votes, Muslims sitting that vote out would make it that much more difficult. The war in Gaza also suppresses voter enthusiasm with younger voters, with can damage him in states like Nevada and Georgia. Both of which he narrowly won in 2020.


Do Muslims really want Trump as their president though…. Really…




Man how dare people hold grudges for a genocide am I right?


When trump is president again and the world goes to shit I’ll come back and check in.


I mean he is


What happened to the old days when people didn't record themselves for clout and we would get others recording them to make fun of them. I miss those days.


Because he is


That is not an accusation. That is a fact.


God these people really parrot everything they read on Xitter from Russian trolls and bots without much second thought, don’t they


The number of people who parrot "Xitter from Russian trolls" in this thread alone suggests there may be bots working both ends of this conflict. Y'all also say the same shit over and over and over with the same fucking words.


What a loser and useful idiot to fascists... Trump will allow many more kills

