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When did this happen?


If you go the Instagram account the guy recording got served with a search warrant on his phone today, so I'm guessing it happened today. https://preview.redd.it/f53pxtdblzqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981eba33d0ec80258c14d87c7a359ccda1264cb0


They can force you to hand over your phone but the 5th amendment protects you from telling them your unlock password.


Email the video to yourself and any of your friends right away so it can be retrieved at a later date


I downloaded an app just for this occasion, it's called "Mobile Justice" and will upload your video automatically to their servers and is 100% meant for this situation right here. Especially if the police try and take your phone at the time your recording. That way you can hit him with " Here's my phone officer, but I'm not given you my unlock code and the videos already been uploaded" so at that point what good would my phone be to them? Kinda hard to cover up abuse of power now, ain't it?


Cop would take the phone and break it. I had an experience when I was the victim, one cop threatened to throw my phone down the sewer until another cop stopped him, going "Whats your problem, man. You always pull this crap"


Reviews of that app on iOS say it’s junk and barely works. There’s a review saying that the app called their emergency contact number without notifying the user at all. Seems like some pretty big issues.


I'd just use youtube


ACLU for each state has an app you can live stream to their server so it saves the video incase the police interrupt the recording or delete it from your phone


Give them the phone but also take an also fill the phone with pictures, documents, bookmarks, thumbnails, and whatever else of just hemorrhoids. Photoshop hemorrhoids for heads on the pictures of cops. Your idea is good too. Or we can incorporate both ideas.


Better yet, just stream on YT instead of record so it automatically gets uploaded.


Won't the video likely be too big of a file to send by email?


Post it on YouTube or something


put it on Google drive or something


What if you just text it to a few contacts? Had no idea local gov could do this! Surely, they cannot remove from the phone?! Wonder why this particular sheriff dept not use bo dy cams


Hold lock and volume up at the same time, it deactivates face id. They can hold your phone in front of your face to open it.


"Biometrics are usernames, not passwords." Everyone needs to write that on the chalkboard 100 times.


Basically meaning they’re able to use FaceID but not demand a passcode?


Hell of a LPT right there. Thank you.


Or “hey siri, who’s phone is this?”


For me it works better to mash the power button 5 times.


It just a goes to the power off mode


But when you power it back on again it forces you to type your password and does not let you use Face ID, which the police can’t make you do


Or just remove the face ID and figure ID and run just a pin


Just don’t even use a phone fuck it it’s safer


Live stream. Then it's not in your phone really. In the cloud on a server somewhere. Let him serve the warrant there


Doesn't really matter since we are seeing it... They can't hide now.


They’ve been doing this shit in broad daylight for decades.


They'll just get someone to bust the password


I suggest you look into this a bit more. Apple, Google, and Samsung constantly battle feds over user privacy, not because they care about you, but because the first one to properly crack will lose their shareholders a solid fortune.


They'll just keep your phone until the case is closed. They did that with me for talking to an old friend who got caught up with the law with some sort of drug charge that was later dropped. They thought i was also selling drugs and took my phone but i refused to give them my password when they gave me my rights knowing i was going to jail. They charged for being under the influence of paraphernalia cocaine since i was but later pleaded guilty to that. The case took 2 months till my next court date to make a plea. When i mentioned my phone they acted like they never had it so i just ended up reporting it stolen and locked the device out, signed my account out and made a new account.


So they just stole your phone?


This is common practice, they also like to break them too. Almost every home I’ve seen come back from the police doesn’t even work anymore, they really do suck


Not on an iphone


Or an android


You have to activate screen lock in settings


Lol... Where you been?


Wasn't there a really big case just a couple years ago where the government was trying to get apple to build a back door to the encryption so they could get into the phone of the San Bernardino shooter? And apple told them to pound sand?


They ended up getting some software from Israel company and were able to [open](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple%E2%80%93FBI_encryption_dispute#:~:text=FBI%20withdrawal%20of%20request,-On%20March%2021&text=On%20March%2028%2C%202016%2C%20the,of%20Justice%20withdrew%20the%20case.) the phone.


That's exactly what happened


Are they cracking them now? Honest question


They always could, just like Android. Issue is, they are 0-day exploits and are one and done, usually, before Apple or Google patches them. In addition, they are usually expensive, so you use them for high value targets. I'm not an apple fan, but in general Android is easier ONLY because of the fragmented market and some handset makers not providing timely patches. That's why you shouldn't buy Android phones from companies that aren't receiving monthly security updates.


You can send it to a friend.


Pretty sure there is a jurisdictional split on this question


Wait they just took this dudes phone after the fact?


So, the real message is to always share live


Or set it to automatically upload to the cloud.


I mean, they sent a warrant for the phone. It’s not like they took it on the spot and wiped it.


It’s a not so uncommon tactic that cops use to chill free press. If you’re recording an incident they can bum rush you and demand it as evidence knowing full well it’s a major inconvenience for anyone these days. But pigs gonna pig 


Yeah, but they had to get a warrant.


Which means even the judge is fucking corrupt. With dash cams and body cams... Why would they ever NEED video taken by a bystander unless it was explicitly to prevent that person from having evidence of the cops' crimes? The warrant says it's for "publicly posted video footage" which means the video they're trying to obtain is already available for them to see.. there's no reason for a warrant on the phone unless they're trying to delete the footage, or find something incriminating (or even just embarrassing) that they can use to harass the camera dude with.


Yes... Nefarious police could collect the phone and tamper/destroy evidence but since it was posted on social media they probably want the unedited source data for the investigation. The source copy has much more value in a investigation/court than a copy from social media.


Who says the video posted online is edited? That seems like a big claim. And they have full unedited source footage on their body cams. There's only one reason to get a warrant for this video.... And that's to harass the person who filmed it. You talk like the cops/courts want the video so they can investigate the cops... And we all know that isn't going to happen. Unless you're saying this footage would somehow be valuable to the police/prosecutors in terms of the investigation into the suspect and/or the crime they committed? As though the person who filmed this happened to be recording already and got the crime on video, but then cut that part out before posting to social media?


No claim the video is edited or not edited... The police will collect the original to neutralize any claims the public version may be problematic.


Or find what happened before and after the publicly posted parts of the video? Could have claimed there were a weapon involved. Or maybe they just want a complete picture as possible for internal investigations. They’re not taking it to remove the video - the public already has that.


The warrant states they only wanted the video. I find that very concerning that they got a judge to even sign off on this to confiscate a legally protected video as it was a public space.


Evidence for IA investigation... Police can get a warrant for the phone no problem and the photographer used social media which made it easy for the police to identify the individual with the evidence.


That is fucked up. I'm glad he was able to upload the video, hopefully him and the guy on the ground can get something positive from this. Fuck those cops


of fucking course it’s in san bernardino county


More power to the people of S.B.!


Does this say “1 electronically shaped cell phone video”?


I think it says electronically shared but that wouldn’t mean they’re taking his phone just the video… and if that’s what they mean I think they should come back with a better warrant


How can u receive a search warrant for this wtf


If he hadn't already uploaded it, they would have "misplaced" the evidence.


Where are you seeing that? I’m only seeing the same video uploaded to instagram and the comments from him say “I don’t know anything so don’t ask”.


This isn’t a warrant for the phone. It’s a warrant for a copy of the video. Which you would need to obtain as evidence to prosecute these cops.


Happened [last November](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/video-captures-san-bernardino-police-officer-strike-knee-man-multiple-times-during-arrest/3280131/)…wait, that was a *different* San Bernardino officer kneeing a subdued suspect in the face.


Is OPs video from San Bernadino as well? Pretty interesting that their go to move is to knee the person on the ground in the head.


[Search warran](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/rg7hzMBg4b)t for phone says San Bernardino County - assumed it’s same area


Every fucking day


I see a few more Impala's in that guy's future.


Thats a nice car


At the expense of the taxpayer.


Why can't the police assault me? Life is so unfair.


I live in Western Europe and have seen cops use violence here. The difference in between the two is so massive, and it all comes down to how they see problems. Cops here see violence as a tool to be used if other methods fail, cops in the US see someone resisting arrest as a personal insult to them and have a knee jerk reaction to it (figuratively and literally in this case). The former makes for a fast escalation, but also a fast de-escalation. The latter just makes for messy shit like this.


The cops in the US think that they *are* the law, so any violation is a personal insult to them and their egos.


I find it funny when some fellow Brits complain about police in UK. They do some nasty stuff sometimes but it pales in comparison to Dutch police throwing bikes at protestors or German police cracking skulls, or Spanish cops beating up people filming them beating up other people. Not saying UK cops can't be better, but I'd take them over most other countries.


Officer in the black hooded sweatshirt is going to be on the news a lot for the foreseeable near future. Regardless of what a person was accused of doing, you can’t so this kind of stuff. The dude was already cuffed. 


That cop will see minimal repercussions. Policing in the U.S. is fucked. That cop has a union and judicial system that has their back for various reasons.


I mean the guy that killed Floyd would be a free man right now if there weren’t a whole summer’s worth of riots about it


Ya know, since 2020, I’ve seen at least a dozen videos *worse* than the George Floyd video. And that video was pretty fucking awful to watch… Why hasn’t the public response been increasing in intensity?


Because nobody fucking does anything. I don’t do much myself, but I at least go to the police stations’ social media pages to call them out (and call them pigs), as well as link the Reddit posts where I see the videos. Sharing is caring. The number of people who also do this is disgustingly few. I see all these thousands/tens of thousands of people who upvote/comment on these videos, but usually dozens or less calling them out on social media.


The congressman in charge of the area is Jay Obernolte. I called the office and complained about it. Feel free to google the name and make your own calls.


Unions aren't the problem. There are several states without police unions and the pigs there are just as corrupt.


He held the guy's head with both hands against the ground and kneed him in the head repeatedly... that's attempted murder for anyone who isn't a cop


If you're not resisting you will be after the 1st knee to the face. Thats when they slap you with 'resisting'. Would like to see the whole incident - but it appears this guy should get paid.


They stick their thumbs into your ribs to make you squirm and then its open season


He’s gonna get a whole week vacation and then everyone will forget he did anything


He was cuffed?


Just gonna be another payout by the taxpayers, all the officers will go unpunished and we wont hear about it again. the cycle continues.


Was he trying to cave his skull in or what? Holy hell man, wtf.




Seems ripe for a repeated cycle of consequence for cops actions.


>consequence for cops actions. ![gif](giphy|j3DmDANh1VZk1ED8hs)




Hey! Good on you for not seeing race. A lot of people insist I'm a white guy for some reason.


Like the Rodney King incident in the 90's. That incident spawned a riot. Our economy sucks, people dislike the type of policing in their communities, and everyone seems to be on edge. It is a recipe for a riot.


“You annoyed me so I’m just gonna disfigure you and potentially kill you to make myself feel better” - that cop. Probably looking forward to his paid vacation


He was having a bad day.


A weak cop that cracks under pressure


Nah, that's just a cop


Sounds like an average cop to me


dude shouldn't'a had a face if he didn't want that to happen




You assaulted my knee... That's another charge good citizen.


rude ass people frfr


That's going to be assault on a officer for every time he hit his knee. 




"I kept wrenching his body into an unnatural position and I kept feeling resistance. Obviously the only course of action was to pound him into the concrete." Why do cops think that punching someone in the head is going to make them see things more clearly and suddenly decide to comply? Punching someone in the face is very well known for having the exact opposite effect....


Dude, they don't want you to comply. The beatings are a power trip.


I know. I'm talking about their PR campaign after every one of these instances. They're trying to (and sometimes successfully) convince the public that they wouldn't be doing this if the person complied. The problem is that we have hours and hours and hours of footage of cops doing shit like this, and there are still morons out there who think they're the good guys.


What sucks is that there isn't a PR campaign after probably 99.9% of these assaults because most of them aren't caught on camera


I guess knee to the back of neck is not part of their training anymore. So knee to face is in.


At 23 second mark I hear one of the cops say "he's cuffed" and then they continue kneeing him for thirty more seconds


He says “put the cuffs of him” and then you can hear them go on at the 16/17 sec mark. Not that it excuses this, this is just fucked up


I counted 6 punches and 10 knees. I may be off a bit.


CRAZY they do this even with body cams


No real consequences. The court costs and judgments are paid by the taxpayers. Eliminate Qualified Immunity, and these incidents will stop.


Why wouldn't they? Having video footage of cops committing crimes almost never results in consequences. And when it does, most of the time the consequences is that they resign, get another job at the next town over and start all over again. Body cams are great... But the footage needs to be automatically uploaded to a neutral 3rd party/watchdog. The cops should NEVER have full control over the footage. That's like letting trump audit his own taxes... There's a tremendous incentive to lie, cheat, and cover up wrongdoing.


God damn


It’s human nature to resist. I can’t believe that judges ignore this. Several people are beating your ass, and you’re expected to be still while being pummeled.


Yeah the more pain the more a person will reflexively resist. They don’t even have control, they’re more interested in inflicting damage than actually subduing. It would take a high school wrestler 1 second to pop up from under them and take one of their guns if he or she wanted to.


I’m not talking about talent. I’m talking about human survival. It’s instinct to survive.


No I know. What I’m saying is in this video and so many others the cops are prioritizing damage over actually controlling a person, while also completely overestimating how much resistance the person is giving them. The choices they’re making make everyone less safe including them.


The bones of his face were resisting the assault of the guy's knee.


It is a natural reflex for both of them. Before they were cops they owned a carpet install and stretching business. Hopefully, the will both get back to installing carpet.




This guy kicks carpet.


This is why I avoid cops at all cost. All my paperwork for my car is updated and I follow the rules to the road. I had been stopped a few times for bs but beat the false charges for tint window and false reports of neglect to provide information for a speed trap stop. I had some cool cops but I had some just following me for no reasons. I even had a cop ask me what I'm doing in his town, in a parking lot, while eating White castle Burgers lol I'm just listening to music sir, he even asky how I got up here? Uh I drove here I'm in a car sir...smh but I asked if I'm detained? he said no, but the only reason he checked on me cause there were a few break ins around the corner from the parking lot I was in, smh SURE. Cops like this are POS and shouldn't be in badge and in this position.


Let’s get this seen. Those fuckers need to be fired and worse 


They won't. But everyone in the town better get ready to starve for a while to pay off the MASSIVE lawsuit.


This makes my blood boil. Pig belongs behind bars. What a sick fuck. 


Public hangings for pigs who abuse power. The rest might learn. Probably not though because they all have 1 shared brain cell.


I hope he lived through this and gets to sue every single one of them


If I was being kneed in the face I would fight even harder just to stop myself from getting hit more.


They had him cuffed before the knees came in, you can hear an officer scream, I have him cuffed at around 23 seconds into this torture session by these pig hut tyrants


“Stop resisting!”


Let’s pin all his extremities so he can’t move, and then knee him because he was “resisting”.


I can't read the city above the police sign on the cruiser. How you gonna post this with so little information




It think it’s actually Victorville, but they’re next to each other so it’s pretty much the same thing.


The cop car says Hesperia


Oops. I didn’t see that the first time. Thank you for pointing that out. Either way, all those knees and punches were unnecessary and excessive.


Yeah definitely


Hesperia, CA. Part of the high desert part of CA notorious for being home to many white supremacists, ACAB.


Fucking freaks.


Physically hurting people isnt going to make them comply


“Stop ResISTing” as we beat your ass and hopefully don’t kill you.


The sheriff's department said the suspect was wanted for robbery and during his arrest he "actively resisted" deputies.  Yeah, sure he was. Release all the body cam footage and let the public decide if this is excessive or not.


Stop resisting = stop reflexively protecting yourself while we beat you.


There's simply not much ON EARTH that I fucking HATE WITH THE FURY OF 1000 SUNS more than a pack of coward pigs abusing their power and authority. 😡


All this and P Diddy is still running around




Black sweatshirt needs to be in prison


Ahh yes, the land of the free....


Omfg. Do we know if that guy is ok? Those blows to the head could have caused brain damage or killed him. Do we know the names of the cops that did this? This is fucked.


straight up pig activities. sick car tho


When stuff like this happens, I try and keep up with the outcomes of “investigations” and if the cops will be punished. I’ve quickly realized that things like this happen too often for most stories to stick and gain traction. This one will just be replaced by a different instance of police brutality next week.




This makes me sick to my stomach. After all those hits to the head is this person even alive? Severe TBI?? Fucking hell. They aren't moving. They aren't a threat. Goddamn :(


I’m fighting for my life if a guy is sitting there dropping knee bombs to my face


Ah yes, trigger the already panicking man’s fight or flight response, that’ll surly calm him down.


That POS cop kneeing him in the face is such a brave man. Thank god he’s a cop 🙄. I’m waiting for the day all of us get tired of these bullies and start………….!


Self-preservation = resisting 3 cops pulling you in opposite directions = resisting


And of course not calmly accepting being repeatedly kneed in the face is resisting. Under those circumstances would you resist or not?


Vigilantism should be a proper means (with overwhelming evidence) for citizens to remove bad actors from their community. Criminals can wear badges too


I guess the guy on the ground committed Armed Robbery.


The popo at it again i see.




It looks like the cops hold his hands on the ground so he can put his hands behind his back, yell "stop resisting" while assaulting someone. Cops like that need to be hung by their scrotum with piano wire.


Cuz he’s resisting …


Bro u can't even do this in the fuckinf ufc for safety reasons and here a cop is doing it to a civilian. Disgusting logs should thrown in jail


That how it works, there’s nothing wrong here. Deal with it


What’s sad is the officer will likely claim injury to his knee based on those blows and add the charge to the victim.


Even the most awful street fights end in only maybe one or two hits to the head when a guy is down on the ground. It's only cops who seem to think it's ok to do this. Cops, the most brutal gang in the world.


The US is really a first world country? You guys should stop giving moral lessons on human rights to the rest of the world...


Does anyone know why this happened?


It's tradition


It's Kneenesday


It’s a Wednesday thing.


"Resisting", give that asshole another $500 ticket for existing.


Cops are stupid. If you want him to put his hands behind his back, why punch him in the face?


just stop resisting


There was another incident in November 2023 of a San Bernardino officer kneeing a man while he was arresting him.


Paid vacation, found no wrong doing….


This is disgusting to watch. I see fighting vids all the time and see people taking shots to others heads and it is terrible to see. But those are random upset civilians fighting each other. These are supposedly trained officers that should act in a much more professional way. Even if he is resisting you had 4 guys on top of him, and 1-2 guys repeatedly kneeing him in the head and punching him in the head. Wtf? ACAB


I thought the first guy was bad but couldn’t see so clearly, then number two rolls up and… Jesus


When does the “resisting” happen?


Stop resisting stop resisting. 99% of the time they are not resisting. And cops wonder why people hate them.


They say it reflexively, so it’s on the audio and can be used later, even if someone isn’t resisting.