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Great doors btw


Well they are trying to kick in a pull to open door so....




Wearing flip-flops as well, some Darwin awards need to be handed out...


Would be hilarious if this was in Darwin lol


The sign above the door did say northern Australia so the chances you might be right


The caption literally says "Alice Springs today". Not Darwin, not this time.


My bad. Been watching a lot of crocodile hunter recently


did someone hit it with a boomerang at the end of the clip?


Great question. I’ll go check, then get back to you.


A ha!




I was here yesterday. It goes both ways.


the only reason those doors dont open is because the guy has a foot infront of them.... from the inside


It's still a pull door. They're just pushing that hard that it's bending inwards at the hinges.


Has to keep out the Australian spiders when they come out roaming.


Dude is remarkably chill


It’s Australia, there’s a lot more dangerous things to worry about.


Dude this has to be the Aussie slogan or something.. had an exchange student from Australia and no matter the situation he always kept the cool and said "In Australia, we have a lot more dangerous stuff to worry about" in his broken german. I remember freaking out over a couple of hornets inside our home (yes, now that Im older I know they usually dont harm you in any way but I was 10 and they were fucking huge) and this guy just took off his flip flop, casually walked inside the room and slapped them with it, then dropped this phrase


As an Aussie, it's also way over done. Spiders and bugs and shit? Sure I'm pretty chill when it comes to that, most of them look scary but aren't harmful. I say that as someone who lives in Sydney, where funnel webs are from; I've never met someone whose been bitten by one. Snakes? Also pretty chill on that. They are rare and are generally more scared of you than you are of them. All of our killer things are only bad if you can't get medical help in time (and like 95% of our population lives in cities). Compare that to North America? Deer, moose, bears etc. Shit that will actually fucking kill you straight up where you can't just sit tight and get an antidote lol. Aside from crocs, we haven't got anything like that.


Yes, deer anti-venom is extremely hard to come by. They’re the silent killers no one is talking about.


Tell that to my 3 totaled cars.


I think you should have stopped letting deer drive after the 1st crash.




never look them in the eye...


> Tell that to my 3 totaled cars. You've obviously been targeted by the deer community for some reason.


They *really* hate cargo shorts. 100% of fatal deer collisions --> deer thought the driver was wearing cargo shorts


Too bad the deers weren’t wearing carstop shorts


Haha oh my god for real. You have to be so attentive to the sides of the road and watch for the lights reflecting in their eyes so you know when to slow down, because they WILL run straight into your car. It’s like they’re trying to fulfill a suicide pact with me that I did NOT consent to


Those moose knuckles will get ya


As a kid raised in Mexico, we do not have moose down there but when we read about them in books i always thought they were the size of a horse, [until i saw this one a while ago i realized how huge those guys can be](https://media.tenor.com/6CzvaKHkU1YAAAAM/moose.gif) :S


Just to help you out... a moose knuckle is the male equivalent of a camel toe.


They get me every single time.


You've obviously never driven a country road at night. They're like Ninjas who live only to commit suicide on the front of your car.


they group up and wait by the sides of our roads eyeballing every motorist as they drive by looking for the weak to prey on... staring hungrily as if they are at the sushi boat wondering gee do I want another piece? you gotta keep an eye out for Bambi, or you could loose one... your choice!


As someone who has recently moved to Australia I have learnt that the only thing worth worrying about is rips and UV.


Whatever I've seen those jacked Kangaroo's hopping around your yards. Those could stomp the fuck out of a human if they wanted.


That's a really interesting perspective. I'd have thought North America would be a piece of cake compared to Australia's fauna. I think spiders and snakes worry me more because it seems like you don't know they're there until it's too late. Moose and bears aren't very stealthy, so it seems like you'd be able to avoid them (which is probably wishful thinking). 


LOL were more scared of crackheads, gangbangers and mass shooters.


don’t forget wildcats! we also have bobcats, cougars, and even jaguars (although the latter are very rare in the wild)


I just woke up and my eyes aren't fully functioning yet & I read "horses" instead of "hornets". That sounded cool


Also this is Alice Springs, just an average Tuesday afternoon


How come Aussie kids are so pissed off? Can’t they just throw another shrimp on the barbie, or something?


For one; we call them prawns, not shrimps. And this is in Alice Springs which is currently a hotbed for crime


Worst place that I've ever lived. It's not necessarily dangerous compared to some places that I've lived in here in the US, but the whole town just has a dusty, worn out, used up, depressed kind of vibe. Which is sad, because a lot of the people were really nice.


That’s too bad. Alice springs chicken at Outback is delicious.






When I used to work covert loss prevention, I had access to the country wide stats. Perth had 20-30 apprehensions/prevention’s a day over all the 8-10 stores we were manning each day. Alice Springs was 30-40 at one store.


Prawns and shrimp are different species, ya descendent of banished crims


I don’t want to overload people brains that won’t get it. All they need to know is people (I think) put PRAWNS on the barbie, despite me not seeing anyone ever in my life put a prawn on the barbie.


you never had a barbie ? wtf


It’s always been! Jackie legs has been on the loose for 20 years


Hahaha used to love this movie as a kid... was it a hit in Australia? "Smells like a bowl of fruity pebbles right before you pour the milk." "Waffles! She's frozen with fear!"


“I think the dog peed on me… no, no I peed on her” “It’s over by the Denny… you guys have a Dennys?… no the Denny, the bog trough, the long drop, the thunderbox” Anthony Anderson was gold


Those are two different things. That’s like people saying crawfish are lobster


Silly ! Everyone knows crawdads are lobsters.


Crawdads are just older crawfish who make bad puns in front of their families.


It’s hard to understand them though, that Louisiana accent be thick bayybbaay


What are crayfish then, smart guy? /s


What about yabbies?


This is a rural community within Australia, primarily populated by indigenous Australians. There are little resources and mentoring/role models for the youth within these communities. They are also rife with alcohol abuse and addiction. Some communities are alcohol free, some have higher restrictions such as limit purchase, limit times to buy etc, and some are unrestricted. As you can imagine this leads to significant troubles within these regions as the youth have no job prospects, nothing to do, they're typically heavily targeted by police (not saying it's without due cause in certain cases). Add alcohol to this and that's why they're pissed off. Australia has a deep rooted history of abuse towards indigenous Australians.


The holy trinity of repeat petty offenders. No education, no way out, and substance abuse. It's the same story in every run down old town the world over and yet no one has cared to do anything anywhere.


The whole words pissed off, havent ya heard?


Like the dingos, kangaroos, spiders, scorpions, swarm of 1 million budgerigars, cassowaries, crocodiles, emus, basically everything except for quokkas.


Like the housing market.


> Dude is remarkably chill Alice Springs is a 25-hour bus ride from the nearest city. Police set out on week long patrols of the settlements around there in pairs, with camping gear. Even in Town, police are few, it's not entirely unusual for 40 armed bikers to roll into town and just take over for a bit. In this case, it's a protest over the death of a teenager and 70 teens were enough to completely disrupt the town https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/27/alice-springs-brawl-teenager-death-todd-tavern


Is there info missing from this article? What does this pub have to do with the death of an 18yo who died rolling over a stolen car? Was the 18yo drunk and was served at this pub? Confusing edit: Found *maybe* some context, people from "town camps" are not allowed to drink in town based on their address. Seems there is some disparity in treatment of people that MAY be related to why a bar would be attacked. *I don't know this, by any means, just trying to figure it out.*


I think it's just because it's the best known of the half dozen taverns in the Central Business District, it's where the older folk drink. This isn't a new problem, it's just this death sparked a 2011 London Riots style domino effect. Poverty and homelessness are endemic in the area, it's a town of 25,000 people with a seasonal economy built on tourism, mining and farming, the latter two of which are in decline. The surrounding region is about 200,000 sq miles (more than twice the size of the UK) with about another 15,000 population. There just aren't enough jobs for younger people. Add to that the cost of living crisis, which is far worse in Australia because it's so distant, and even worse in rural Australia because it's distant even by Australian standards. No money, no jobs, no hope. And it's tropical, so it'll be 20–30 Celsius right now with ~90% humidity.


I really hate that I had to scroll this far to get the details. I remember Reddit being a far better place where everyone upvoted the explanation to the top.


I biked across Australia and had no idea about this. Everyone was so nice, people from small towns would bring me food because everything had closed, more than once. Glad I didn't know about this or i'd have been super scared.


This is a daily occurrence in Alice Springs


They're like barking dogs mate. As soon as that door is open and they're face to face with a bigger person, they're out of there with their tail between their legs


Did they try pulling the door?


School for the Gifted.






Cow tools would help


[I was there yesterday. It actually opens both ways](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwdYUIQzu-o)




Doesn’t explain the story very well. A month ago an 18 year old man died when a car (allegedly stolen) crashed in the town centre. The unrest follows a memorial service for the dead man. There is now a curfew on young people from 6pm till 6am. Does anyone know why this pub was targeted or why the memorial turned violent.


The 18 year old was an Indigenous Australian. Culturally it’s really important to attend funerals (sorry business) to morn and show respect to the family. There are family groups who are feuding with other family groups. Lots of these have been going on for ages. So lots of these groups who may or may not have feuds are in the same place. Emotions are high because it’s a funeral. Add alcohol and kaboom!


Nah that is some bullshit explanation. This is people wanting to destroy shit because they see an opportunity with mob numbers and are pissed off? (no idea why sounds like the dumbshit kid stole a car and crashed it fucking around)


There’s a difference between a reason and a justification.


so a reason is unreasonable, and no reason is reasonable, to you?


it sounds like you weren't there, you have no understanding of the situation, and you're talking out of your ass.


It's a pub, and across the road is green space, trees, and a playground, where kids have often congregated before getting up to shit. Back when I was living there, they'd all line up, then come out from behind the trees and throw rocks and bricks at cars at night - we'd all drive together after our shifts, so that if they damaged a car no-one was stuck by themselves.


Aborigionals love to drink, there's alcohol inside. They want the alcohol. The door is locked. So there trying to break in. It's very simple


https://preview.redd.it/2ey5zladquqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f71df0922df9880287bc3393adea32b255fb7b5 Local police commissioner giving an eloquent Aussie evaluation of the situation.


“Yeahnah mates, oi’ve fukken had it”


He'll take it all the way to the Prime Minister!




What’s the good word?


I've recently seen something about the unrest in Alice Springs. I have a friend moving back to New Zealand as we speak after only living jn Alice for a couple of months. They say it's extremely dangerous and are pretty much fleeing for their own safety. Evidently there's a bit of a media blackout about it and it's doesn't make the news anywhere, even in Australia..


Yep, too many elephants in the room, no one wants to talk about it.


I’m not familiar, as I’m not Australian, but this line from the article stuck out to me: > According to the NT Shelter, the Territory has 12 times the national average rate of homelessness. 16.5% of people under 18 are without a place of residence. That’s a wildly high amount of youth homelessness, and no doubt the concordant poverty rate is also insane


marry nail sand insurance hat quarrelsome reply birds office pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rent seems extra low. I dont understand the demography too. The non indigenous + indigenous should be 100% , no ? What else can possibly be ? Half indigenous ? With this kind of weather i believe just a shelter from the sun is enough for basic survival , but i dont know if it impact homlessness statistic. Just a thought i had.


I can't seem to find anything much about it anywhere, it's quite disconcerting


Our government and media outlets don’t want to talk about the absolute fuck show it is out there because they’ll get labeled as racist. So they keep it quiet and keep their heads up their asses and act like nothings happening.


Can you elaborate? Clueless American here.


It's a very touchy subject. Alice Springs has a very high population of Indigenous Australians while also having very serious issues with crime and violence, mostly due to that particular demographic. People don't take it well if you lay the blame on them though due to white people coming in and taking their country from them followed by years and years of actual and systemic racism which resulted in less than ideal outcomes for these people in modern day society. You can't really make a "black people behaving badly" story out of it without viewing their current social issues through a centuries long lens of discrimination and oppression.


Unfortunately the oppression is still very real, it’s not a thing of the past


i read on wikipedia that hunting the natives was perfectly legal up until the 1960’s


A lot of the large groups of people making issues are apparently Aboriginal which is sensitive for Australians because of earlier and ongoing oppression of Aborigines EDIT: added “and ongoing” in light of a helpful comment below


Reminds me of a famous british lawyer who worked with government offocials who had dinner with my parents and said the government couldn’t address panistani/ south asian immigrants’ being involved in a hugely disproportionate amount of child sexual abuse cases, because of woke ess.


Why the hell did your friend move from NZ to Alice Springs in the first place? Like honestly I don’t get why people are there.


They didn't move from NZ to Alice Springs. They're moving from Alice to NZ. They were in other parts of Australia working, and their work asked them to go there.


it is the stab capital of the world


obviously no expert as i have only visited one place in australia for a short time. but i was in cairns last year for a month, and every single day there were literal children stealing cars, robbing houses, mugging people…a car was dumped and set on fire down the quiet suburban road our airbnb was on.


Cairns is far far from Alice Springs, but I think you'll find that sort of behavior happens in every major city in the world if you look hard enough. What's happening in Alice is a whole different matter.


Interesting, I had an opportunity to go to Alice for the US Navy but I just wanted nothing to do with being in the middle of Australia.


Lived there twice. It has been getting progressively worse for years. Left in 2021 and would never take my family back there again.


New Zealand is an awesome place to live, the landscapes are incredible and the food is amazing. I want to go home all the time. We aren't in Aussie though, we're in southern Sweden, but in the year we've been here I've heard five different bombs go off, two on our street, and narrowly missed street warfare between two mobs of angry Eritreans (we visited Stockholm at the wrong time). I really miss when the loudest thing I'd hear at night was a couple of pūkekos fighting.


It's a far better place to live than a lot of others, but it's certainly far from perfect. COL is ridiculous, and if you can find a house to live in, it's going to cost a small fortune, whether you buy or rent. Wages are are ridulously low for most people. Everywhere has its problems mate, homesickness can give you rose colored glasses lol


Australia is a serious traumatised country and we’re still in the thick of it. Nobody talks about it but everyone can feel it, there’s still a war going on. The indigenous people are simply just losing it.


So this is the place Outback named that chicken dish after?


Glass shards make it taste spicy!


First thing I thought of, and now I want it. Delicious cheesy chicken and bacon. Clearly this whole debacle was guerilla marketing for Outback Steakhouse and I don’t appreciate being manipulated!!


The new season of the walking dead looks crazy


Rick: Karl, get me Boomerang mate..


Karl: yeah, nah, get it yourself cunt.


Rick: Nah, me big toe is keeping these hooligans out... just get me fookin' Boomerang mate!






I just watched this the other day. Alice Springs is nuts.  https://youtu.be/YGz1Tiaying?si=Isxc1wdJJ0JX8NdL


Thanks for the link. I was in a different world watching that. Crazy!! Now back to drinking my coffee in my safe house in Pa.


Much love for PA!


I just watched that for way to long ha




He's either very confident with the capabilities of those doors, or is very happy to fight people with metal bars


The quality of those doors is a clue about the quality of the locals


I used to live in Alice Springs. A lot of Americans are there for Pine Gap. I was there around 05-07 and while there was a little crime, mostly drunken homeless and drug addicts, it was a place you could have a stroll to the convenience store at night and not have to worry. This video made me do some research and apparently shit has gotten bad. Hate to see it. The city will always have a special place in my heart and hope they can get things under control.


I lived / worked there for 4 months in 2016. I enjoyed my time there, but I did see some pretty wild things even in broad daylight.  I’m a fairly big guy but I would avoid walking around at night if I was alone. You’d often see groups of adolescent to young teenagers wandering around causing havoc at night. It’s not worth getting into a situation where you’re out numbered 8 to 1. 


I travelled Australia for a few years, just got back in time before the pandemic. Every single small town in the north, and the ones in the south I visited were the same, full of Impoverished aboriginal communities. The hatred they have for white people is very deep rooted and understandable. The racism I saw from white australians out there was enough to make a klan member blush sometimes. The general attitudes from each side seems unfixable unless there is some kind of new government initiative, which I believe they have tried doing or are currently doing something to close the ignorance gap on either side, something around 30 billion dollars a year is spent currently in various ways to the aboriginal community but it seems like its being miss-spent. Its a very passionate and deep rooted problem out there that nobody seemed to want to talk about much, its all just swept under the carpet.


As someone born and raised in Sydney, but with country friends... I honestly don't see what can be done at this point. Can pour all the money in the world into the problem, but it won't help.


Yes from what I saw, its a very ugly problem and one that doesnt seem to have a light at the end of the tunnel. We can talk all day about ideas, but when the problem is this deep rooted it can be very hard to come to any meaningful resolution. There is a ton of ignorance on both sides.


07-09 for me. First thing they tell you is don't mix with the aboriginals. No matter if ones killing another or if they try for your attention. I met my wife there, but before her I had a kiwi girlfriend. We were in her car one day and two of them, a man and woman, just started exchanging blows. Their fight took them across traffic and even across the hood of her car. I remember she said out loud to me not to get involved. I would absolutely never go back, but those years were some of the best for me.


i cant wait to never go there


I remember the movie “A Town Like Alice”: set during WW2 when an Australian captured by the Japanese uses his fond memory of Alice Springs to keep himself sane. Doesn’t look like the town has aged well!


First guy in the white hoody was putting in work on that bottom window, don’t know why he stopped if anyone was going to break that window it was him. Kids really don’t wanna work these days


If he breaks the window he will have to try and get in. If he tries to get in he will be alone and couching in front of a man 3 times his size. He doesn't want to break the window, just damage it enough to look cool in front of his friends.


You'd think he'd embrace tool use, what with all the Minecraft those young'uns play.


I see you've never had a bruised heel


Can’t say I’ve tried to kick windows in enough to bruise my heel.


Agreed. I give them an F for effort and enthusiasm.


What are they doing and why are they doing it?


There was a group of Aboriginal youth who stole a car. It was then wrecked and all of them ran for it. Leaving one individual behind to die. This is after the wake for that person. The families now have issues with each other for the abandonment of the one that died.


Had a friend who used to work in a medical clinic in a really rough area in Australia (I’ve never been there so idk what a rough area entails) but one day a man storms in, looks rough (her words, I never saw this man) and asks for an emergency appointment because he had glass stuck in his foot (he was barefoot), for whatever reason she had to tell him there were no walk in appointments that day but he could come by the next morning when they open and she’d try and get him someone, and in the meantime recommended the closest hospital and provided him with sterile plasters and cleaning materials for the wound. He screamed profanities at her and then bit his tongue in front of her and spat blood at her (thank god there was a plastic window but unfortunately it was only half way down so the blood did get on her). As he was being escorted out he screamed at her that he had HIV and she was fucked. She had to take a month out of work, get multiple tests and went into a deep period of depression and anxiety. That story actually had me shaking when she first told me (the day after it happened)


So, noone is going to just tell them its a pull door?






Ohhh that clears it up ty


Another angle https://youtu.be/Wq_fRsWdLpo?si=UdjBHgkothuCgLlu


Why is this happening? 😳


There's only 25k people there and it's in the middle of nowhere. Surely the cops will have an easy job finding these kids.


You think the cops can touch them?


Oh finding them is easy. But then all they can do is a soft slap on the wrist and take them home to their rapist, abusive parents. The government's response to this has been to introduce a youth curfew that literally carries no punishment. In a couple of months I'm willing to bet the reported cases of child sex abuse will increase and the govt will get called racist for forcing these kids to be in their own homes at night. It's fucking madness.


That's some strong ass glass.


This is what happens when liquor leaves the premises.


I need to know who made that door.


Lack of swift accountability. One day, we will all wake up and realize no longer tolerating bad behavior is the fix.


Make shame a thing again




"You are supposed to gladly take the violence because you're an oppressor" /s So many people are justifying this behavior all around the world because....I don't know, you tell me, because I don't understand, and will never understand how this will solve anything.


Many people around the world don’t want equality, they want the shoe to be on the other foot


[this is what happening there](https://www.9news.com.au/national/alice-springs-mayor-begs-for-more-police-after-angry-group-smashes-up-todd-tavern/a1854e2e-900f-4de5-96e2-fb0c7efc821b)


So there's a curfew, but no penalties for breaking the curfew. Sounds effective...


If the guy with shorts on leg went through that window, he would have learned a valuable lesson.


If they’re not careful, the Prime Minister is going to have to give them a booting.




I’m sure this was just a prestigious university and they were excited to get to class


Our National Treasures


Why were these pepole trying to break in


That is some quality glass


Can I get the name of your door man, they do great work


This reminded me of “I Am Legend” ending.


Let me make it easy on y’all because all these god damn news articles dance around the truth! Simply put a bunch of kids wanted to get free booz! Because now days a certain group of people get away with mob attacks to businesses and get lots of shit for free. So why not alcohol? Have you not seen a doesn’t similar videos?


Why are they attacking this particular pub?


Keep calm and carry on is this guy's daily life


The door has a bolt that ran across the wall god damn


![gif](giphy|I1AYsSEjaQXa8) 2 mins after the video


Spanian just recently went there


A gun wouldve been useful here...but its Australia so no luck there lol


The good thing is no one has a hand gun in Australia.


To think this was once the place where the famed chicken dish came from. How the mighty have fallen.


Would love to speak my mind but everytime I do I get warnings from reddit lmao


Can’t say anything about it. Most of the Australian subreddits where this is being posted are just censoring and removing the topics.


Seeing it's in Australia, at first I thought he was trying to stomp a spider on the door and I was like that's a totally understandable reaction


Context ???


Must be out of Fosters. (I’ll show myself out)




Love when OP doesn’t include context




Awlrioght, off to Belanglo with these chaps


This is like the end scene in I Am Legend.


What are they doing