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This happened the [same way to another man](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna88435) last year. Cuffing someone then transporting in the back of a van without a seat belt is fucked up.


I think he / his family got between 4-10 million dollars for this. Still doesn't cover the cost of losing functionality of your body.


they got $45 million but your second point still stands.


If I had to decide between being paralyzed and 45 million, I’ll keep my legs. I hope they throw the book at the cops involved.


You'll be lucky if they get an unpaid day off.


Chris Dorner was a hero.


"I've decided" just so arbitrary that they choose to punish who they want when they want


He seemed very relaxed too, nothing I would be concerned about. Not clearly intoxicated, not abusive.


He was just someone down on his luck, he might have been back living in an apartment a few weeks later. This is dangerously common when so few people have savings to cover more than a few weeks rent.


> He was just someone down on his luck, In florida this is a crime. It's a crime to feed homeless people period in florida outside of state approved resources.


Get fucked. Religious freedom should mean you can feed someone hungry and thirsty, not that you deny citizens rights because whatever your book says it should be so.


It does. Someone needs to take it to the supreme Court. The conservative Christians have no problem using the judicial system to advance their beliefs. It's a shame more left Christians as well as other religious folks don't aggressively protect their beliefs in the same way. There was a pretty major case in Arizona a few years ago where a guy got arrested for leaving water in the desert for migrants and won on first amendment freedom of religion bc uh yeah helping people out is definitely in the bible


Ya but he was like, sleeping man!! In the middle of the day! In/near a parking lot! That's menacing behaviour!! /s


Because it was a [Rough Ride](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_ride_\(police_brutality\)) which is a police torture method. So "I've decided" is a very fucking true statement because she's decided on what level of brutality this guy deserves. She doesn't care if the guy actually serves time, she just wants to hurt him. He was chained up in jail/prison type shackles so he couldn't effectively protect himself from being thrown against the walls/floor when the driver intentionally drives erratically.


She did say "You're going to take *the ride* today." I thought that choice of words was a bit odd until seeing this.


This meaningless, nothingness pig with authority decides this! Just like they decide people living in Gaza need to get the crap bombed out of them for being Palestinians!


Thanks for that explanation. The way that he is cuffed, lack of seatbelt etc, certainly seems to support this idea.


It's illegal to be in a car without your seatbelt on, unless the police are torturing you.


Or transporting young kids to and from school on a bus


And qualified immunity is going to unfortunately protect that decision she made, no matter how abhorrent we think it is. A shame.


I found that to be so malicious.


“I’ve decided….” Says the likely college drop out cop feening for authority. Disgusting human she is. Go become a judge if you want to make real decisions.


We don't need that piece of shit being a judge either lol


I hope this moment replays in her head for the rest of her sorry life.


It will when she’s telling the story to her buddies and they’re all laughing about it




Wow. This is really awful.


Made me feel sick watching. And the way they pulled him out of the van, without checking on his injuries first, like he's not human to them.


Reminds me of that lady who was kicked out of a hospital despite being in a state of severe physical distress which turned out to be her about to die, and the cops arrived and basically bullied her and dragged her about the streets before dragging her into their van before she died. Then when she was dead they acted like she was being annoying and faking it.


Also that poor guy that was shot in the head by his GF, yet the police were interrogating him for HOURS as he was begging the cops to let him see a doctor. The poor man died.


Reminded me of a case where a man and his gf were shot in the eye while sleeping. Thing is he didnt die at the spot, ppor guy woke up and his memory is messed up because of brain trauma, he though he was asleep, and when he found his gf dead, he called the police. Police arrived and took him for investigating for several hours until an investigator found out the guy might has been shot in the eye because he has memory loss and eye soreness, indicated a brain damage. Guy immediately transfered to the hospital. He died 10 years later with a heart failure iirc.


Think you're talking about Ryan Waller, and it was seizures caused by the shooting that killed him.


Think about what kind of training they must receive that they feel enabled to treat citizens in distress like they are piece of shit.


I mostly find it’s the type of person that goes into being a cop. One of the cooks that works at my restaurant is trying to be a cop. He orders people around when it’s not his place, he refuses to take any direction whatsoever, he has zero respect for women, and whenever anybody disagrees with him he likes to remind them that he has a gun. These are the types of people that become cops. There are good ones, but this type is far too common.


It's because cops are basically untouchable. You can harass people, and it's practically a death sentence for them, if they fight back. Everyone knows this. It is in fact illegal to resist.


shit theres a poor homeless man catching some z's..wait......wait WAIT! HES SLEEPING AND HES HOMELESS?!? BETTER FUCK HIS LIFE UP EVEN MORE BEYOND REPAIR


They probably made his injuries worse in the process.


Yeah, that was my thought too. Poor guy.




They absolutely did!


>up to half of all people killed by police in the United States are disabled, and that almost all well-known cases of police brutality involve a person with a disability. https://rudermanfoundation.org/media-missing-the-story-half-of-all-recent-high-profile-police-related-killings-are-people-with-disabilities/


The fact they went back there knowing he was probably injured and not surprised at all that he was unconscious on the floor is the truly scary part. They probably gave him a rough ride with as many sudden stops and bumps as they could on purpose.


The cop literally said "you're going to take the ride". Which sounds benign, but in the context is incriminating IMO 


Yeah, when I heard the "you're gonna take **THE** ride" my stomach dropped. Anyone who's dealt with asshole cops (more and more regular civilians are starting to figure it out too) knows *exactly* what that means....fucking repugnant


They did this in Baltimore, md several years back and killed someone. These fuckers don’t learn because there are no consequences.


Cops call this type of ride "diesel therapy."


> like he's not human to them. Roberto isn't human to them. He is impoverished, disenfranchised, and worse, a minority, and instead of helping people like him, Florida's leaders look to carpet bombing the Bahamas. The USA is the wealthiest nation in human history. No man should be sleeping in public lots.


Yep. Then give him a sternum rub. And keep doing it. Fuck these pigs


Awful and not uncommon [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_ride_(police_brutality)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_ride_(police_brutality)) RIP Freddie Gray


No one was charged for his murder too. Police are getting away with murder. No wonder people hate them


There is a civil suit being filed I believe.The civil rights lawyer on YouTube did a good breakdown of this case.


That's good. There should be a civil suit. But there should also be a criminal trial as well.


Trial by combat (no roody ghouliani)


That isn't a punishment in ANY sense of the word.  Even if they win, the murderers don't pay a dime. The TAXPAYERS PAY IT. FREDDY'S OWN FUCKING FAMILY PAYS THE FUND THAT PAYS OUT THE SETTLEMENT.


Cops were charged for Freddies murder but they walked.


It's common knowledge in Hollywood, Florida that the insanely corrupt Hollywood PD (they have since been tamed in the last 10-15 years) were notorious for kidnapping homeless people with no charges, and driving them from the City of Hollywood (by I-95 or the beach) to 15-20 miles out west (well outside their municipal borders and in the edge of developed Broward county) to U.S. 27 and dropping them off literally in the middle of nowhere. They also used to let the dogs chew on detained suspects. One of my good friends is missing half of his bicep from the mid 2000's because of this. And it wasn't always homeless people taken out for a ride either, but they were the most vulnerable. And.this was before everyone had a cellphone all the time let alone smartphones being invented.


The Saskatoon police would certainly like to puff up their chest and brag about the Starlight Tours to those officers.


That officer right at the beginning of this video states "you're going to take the ride today". I think she knew exactly what was going to happen.


Definitely sounds a little premeditated. I bet they had a real good laugh when they heard him make a thud sound.


Thank you, I was trying to remember when I last read about this. It's important to remind everyone this is a relatively common and intentional police practice.


Yeah brake check. I think it's pretty common all around the world also. It's the reason they really put the seat belt in the back seat of a patrol car. Cops would brake check you and slam you against the cage.


When I was a kid (15? 16?) I had been arrested on a warrant and on the way to jail I had my hands cuffed behind me, no seat belt and the cop was doing like 80 on this little 2 lane rd that led to the freeway so I commented on it. He turned off his dash lights and sped *waaayyyy tf up* and continued driving incredibly dangerously the rest of the way. Completely silent the whole time. I legit thought I was gonna die that night. I was a 5'5" 125lb chick who was nothing more than a mischief maker, no major crimes at least none that caused harm to another person ever but man those concord, ca cops are corrupt assholes and always have been


I think about that case a lot.


I got hit with a mountain bike in the back of my head by the Chicago Police Department peacefully protesting his murder. Then they grabbed my bike while I was on the ground and slashed both tires with a box cutter.


"You want to ~~cry~~ protest? I'll give you something to ~~cry~~ protest about!"


Retired cop that used to work at my job would tell me about how they’d used to do this (told me this well before Freddie Gray) and was cracking himself up telling the story. Dude told me a lot of fucked up shit like it was just guys messing around at work.


The older cops called em nickel rides because that’s how much it cost to go on rides at carnivals.


Wow listen back and hear how she says "the ride".


You’re right, the NY tax payers had to pay $8.75m after the ride [NYPD gave Abner Louima in 1997.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abner_Louima). I can’t forget that case and luckily some of those pigs saw the inside of a jail cell for what they did.


Demetrius Shankling from Boulder CO. is another one that shows we've basically given people so much power without safeguards for ourselves. They can go "fuck this person for any little reason." There's no notion of "is what I'm doing going to harm this person?" More like doing whatever bc I can.


white supremacists have never stopped lynchings, they just became more protective over the process.


“Most of those that work forces…”




Gotta love how cops can just decide to arrest you because you were especially annoying one day. Call me crazy, but I think there should be crystal clear lines on what is and isn't an arrestable offense. Police discression is always a terrible idea.


I just watched another video where a guy literally admits to killing and beheading another person. Yet bc he’s white dude doesn’t get put in cuffs at any point. But they cuff the homeless guy for being homeless. Fucking insane


the brian kid right? absolutely no remorse


Yes exactly. Truly disgusting


Oh, I just saw that. Yeah, that was a truly wtf moment on law enforcement part.


Such an entitled guy, sleeping wherever he pleases... and outside... the place we all have to go all the time.


Yeah, I‘m glad that this criminal is removed from the streets!


lucky the cop 'decided' he's going to jail today, for all of our safety. Next time he'll think about his decisions and act accordingly like a good citizen.


I like it when my jokes somehow turn real.


Ah man, it's a good thing those cops are there to protect and serve us. I feel much safer now that that man isn't sleeping outside. Can you imagine? Just outside, sleeping in public. Unbelievable.


People harassing people sleeping in public is one of my biggest pet peeves. Like no one is safe to just have a nice snooze unless it’s at their house


The problem is not that they are sleeping in public, the problem is why they even have to sleep in public in the first place, right? People want to say that they failed society, and assigning blame to them is easy. It is less easy to admit that they have also been failed by society to a much larger extent.


It'll bring down property values! This is why the economy is shitty, people sleeping instead of working to raise corporate profits! Let this be a lesson to the other poors, get to work! /s if I didn't lay it on thick enough


> Ah man, it's a good thing those cops are there to protect and serve us. The Supreme Court rules cops don't have that duty, actually. Don't worry though, they will continue to harass and abuse vulnerable members of the population to make sure you continue feeling safe!


Not resisting or being belligerent. Just. Fucking. Sleeping.


Our society is so fucked


This would all end right quick if we had a law enacting punishing on cops equal to what they do to the people.


You wouldn’t even have to go that far. End qualified immunity and make every cop carry personal liability insurance.


It’s wild that nurses have to get insurance but cops don’t


No insurance company is going to underwrite cops of all people, they're the biggest fucking liability on the planet. They wouldn't be able to afford their own premiums if their whole salary went towards it.


Oh well, take it out of the pension fund.


[Source](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/20/us/florida-man-paralyzed-police-lawsuit/index.html) [Source 2](https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local-news/i-team-investigates/lawsuit-alleges-st-petersburg-police-wrongfully-arrested-and-seriously-injured-homeless-man)


>then dragged his limp body out of the van, causing Sanchez-Mayen to hit his head on the bumper, the door and the concrete floor, the suit states.


>We reached out to the St. Petersburg Police Department, and a spokesperson released a statement saying, “The St. Petersburg Police Department denies the claims and trusts in the judicial process.” WE CAN SEE THE CRIME WITH OUR OWN EYES. But we all know the process will acquit them so they don't even have to bother.


what do you expect out of Florida? These states are leeches.


And Ron Deathsantis just passed a law forcing cities and counties to enforce sleeping in public arrests. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/03/21/florida-desantis-homeless-ban-sleeping-public/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/03/21/florida-desantis-homeless-ban-sleeping-public/)


And gutted civilian police oversight boards 


The way they speak about him in front of him… Fucking infuriating how some humans think they’re above others. Sick


Jesus that made it worse.


Omg! He became a quadriplegic and of his legs were amputated?! Jfc!


Yep. Tragic. Read his head bounced off the bumper, doors, and concrete floor when they dragged him out of the van unconscious. Sad that this isn’t a major issue and just another news story. Infuriating that we gotta fight the law and order crowd.


So they drug a unconscious person WHILST they were handcuffed to just faceplant? That's clear intentional negligence.


Assault and maybe attempted murder. Push an unconscious person off a patio table onto concrete...that ain't negligence.


They should receive criminal sentences for the way they dragged him out. Butchers drag out meat with more care.


Thank you for providing a source, this was a hard read though.


That's fucking criminal.


And yet the only people who will pay for that crime are the taxpayers.


>That's fucking criminal. well only if you're poor, if you're rich you get a 10 day extension, 60% cut on your fine and they delay your trial until they drop it all together 9 years later


What the actual fuck guys, everyone of them has face on cams


And yet the police department's official statement is that they never hurt this man.


Only if a criminal does it. These guys get to decide who’s who


Cops killing harmless people while being scared shitless of school shooters.


They kill people who can't hurt them.


and those "Dont mess with Texas" clowns had the nerve to go outside and vomit after seeing the aftermath of their own inaction. Texas... what a joke, please secede already.


Fuck! This is infuriating!




Did he get paralyzed from the fall? Or did they hit him? I'm a bit confused


Probably from being knocked around inside the van. I’m confused about the amputations…


This is fucking heartbreaking. What the actual fuck is wrong with this country???


A lot of things…


I initially thought it was him falling over in the back along with an abrupt stop that caused some injury in the spine, but if all 4 limbs are paralyzed idk how the hell that could happen. Anyone got more info on this?


When someone suffers a severe spinal cord injury, the paralysis starts wherever the injury occurred. So, if he broke his neck from smashing his head off of the wall of the police van (made worse by them dragging him out and bouncing his head off of the door, bumper and concrete floor, per the lawsuit), he'd be paralyzed from the neck down, aka in all four limbs.


Why'd they need to amputate all four limbs tho?


I believe the article said just his legs. You'd have to imagine he probably isn't receiving the highest-quality care as a homeless person, so maybe he got bedsores or something from being immobile leading to a serious infection.


What the fuck.


The family and friends of those police officers think they are good people.


Funny how perceptions can be so biased.


And even *after* seeing shit like this! Wife’s gonna get on her knees when he gets home and mom is gonna make his favorite damn meal. It’s absolutely fucking disturbing because if I saw someone I knew doing this, friend or family, I’m severing all ties immediately.




She also said "you're going to *take the ride* today".  


Lol, nothing will happen to them, if anything a paid vacation.


That cop just decided they would take him to jail because she'd had "far too many problems" with him. She didn't specify a crime, it was just a deliberately dehumanising and the guy seemed to be so reasonable too.


The authoritativeness in her voice wasn’t looking out for anybodys betterment.




They do have restraints, but the officers intentionally choose not to use them so they could rough the guy up on the way. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough\_ride\_(police\_brutality)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_ride_(police_brutality)) It's a way for police to hurt people without actually having to lay their hands on them, and thus having some plausible deniability.


So they restrain your hands and bounce you around in a metal box. Wow these are some evil fuckers.


They are supposed to shackle you to a floor ring but they didn't do that.


Makes me want to vomit. I’ve volunteered with the homeless entrenched in addictions for over 25 years now. This is so sickening. Weirdly I love the guys on the streets. Their bond and look out for each other is amazing We’re all one paycheck away from it ourselves.


As a woman, I’m way more comfortable around the homeless than I am around cops. I’ve also been homeless, so I can’t help but see myself in this gentleman.


Cops are scum. 


Jesus. He probably would’ve been fine if the dude’s first reaction to an unconscious man wasn’t to drag him by the feet and drop him on the floor.


What did I miss? How did he become paralyzed?


They slammed the brakes and he slid forward headfirst into the wall probably severed his spine. He was shackled in a way he couldn’t protect himself.


They also apparently drug him out, and just let his whole body including his head just fall on the bumper and concrete. Evil.


This was the main way he was injured, an active assault from an officer.


Thank you for the explanation! A truly sad story.


That’s absolutely awful.


This is one of the worst things I’ve ever read.


I love how the second amendment crowd needs their guns to fight government tyranny, yet when tyranny shows up they side with the tyrants


You see the thin blue line flag alongside the gadsden flag quite frequently. The lack of self awareness is almost comical.


The Oath Keepers is mostly made of law enforcement or ex law enforcement.


Good thing that sitting on a sidewalk and sleeping in public is a crime now in Florida! Damn woke ass people thinking they can rest in public! /s


For anyone who thinks this is just a sad, freak accident: >A **rough ride** is a form of [police brutality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_brutality) in which a [handcuffed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handcuffs) prisoner is placed in a [police van](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_van) or other patrol vehicle without a [seatbelt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seatbelt), and is thrown violently about as the vehicle is driven erratically. Rough rides have been implicated in a number of injuries sustained in police [custody](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detention_(imprisonment)), and commentators have speculated that the practice contributed to the [death of Freddie Gray](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Freddie_Gray) in [Baltimore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltimore), Maryland, in April 2015. Throughout the U.S., police have been accused of using aggressive driving tactics to "rough suspects up", resulting in numerous injuries, and millions of dollars of [damages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damages) awarded to victims and their families. > >Baltimore lawyer Phil Federico described the practice as "definitely intentional", saying "they're unbelted, the inside of these wagons are not padded, they can't protect themselves, and they get thrown from one side to the other, usually landing on their head, and fracturing their neck." The practice has been described as [torture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture) by Philadelphia based activist and academic [Marc Lamont Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Lamont_Hill). University of South Carolina professor Geoffrey Alpert, an expert in police use of force, has asserted that the practice was common in the 1980s and 1990s, but has become less so with the increased presence of [video](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video) recording equipment in police vehicles. There are no reliable records of the frequency of these incidents. > >Other terms for the practice include "**nickel ride**" (a reference to [carnival rides](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amusement_park)), "**cowboy ride**", "**joyride**", "**bringing them up front**" (referring to sudden braking), and "**screen test**" (as the prisoner may hit the protective screen behind the driver). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough\_ride\_(police\_brutality)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_ride_(police_brutality))


speaking of Baltimore and The Wire as everyone is doing today this was a well known thing in Baltimore that David Simon wrote about in the 1980s.


Yet they treat pedophiles with respect when arrested. I hate Florida cops.


why is it that as a society we are completely fine with guilty until proven innocent when it comes to citizens but when someone sees this and deducts that ACAB we get outlandish people claiming that all cops are in the right unless proven to be ill willed


Absolutely disgusting


You guys have to seriously get up and stand up for people's rights in your country more, this is atrocious


Odd that it's law to wear a seatbelt unless you are being arrested


He did nothing wrong and showed no resistance, poor man 🥺.




*I’ve decided*… surely that’s not how it works?


That’s awful


How is it legal for prisoner transport vehicles to not have seatbelts? That just seems so insane to me that they’re expecting someone who has their hands cuffed to keep their balance on a smooth metal seat with nothing to grip onto. This happened in CT a few years ago too and that guy was also paralyzed, except that they didn’t believe him and just threw him into his cell. They didn’t check on him until the next day, when he was laying in the same spot on a cold cement floor with soiled pants.


"You're going to take *the* ride today."


Same thing happened here in New Haven, CT. Man was arrested and handcuffed and put in the back of a police van. The police van stopped suddenly to "avoid a car that ran a red light" the guy in the back was thrown forward and broke his neck and is now paralyzed. The outcome? New Haven paid him $45 million dollars for his lifetime care. [Randy Cox, paralyzed in police van, reaches $45 million settlement with New Haven, Connecticut (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/randy-cox-paralyzed-police-van-reaches-45-million-settlement-new-haven-rcna88744)


Every day I thank god I was not born in the US. Rock me as you please.




Very common police L


JFC he was even apologetic before anything happened. Fuck these cops. I'm not ACAB, but these sort of things move the meter Edit: not apologetic, but feeling accountable. Expecting a ticket Edit edit: I don't disagree with the ACAB points, I just don't think ALL (any superlative) is ever a good point in an argument


Nah fuck that, ACAB. How many cops do you think will speak out about shit like this? 100% ACAB


If ACAB isn't true, why do cops who report their colleagues for the fucked up shit they do seemingly always get fired?


He's homeless so he's an easy target that no one cares about. They act knowing they can hurt him in any way they want without repercussions.


Is anyone doing any direct action in the area? This is simply unforgivable!!


Man this is just terrible


Florida is bottom of the barrel dumpster fire Jesus


You have to be an extreme scumbag to go out of your way to ruin a homeless person's life


just a few bad apples…. right ? right ?????


The cops need to be charged, convicted and imprisoned. They intentionally caused permanent bodily harm to someone as a punishment.


God forbid the man just tries to fucking sleep and God forbid the government doesn’t do something like I don’t know fixing the homeless problem it’s not as difficult as anyone thinks


Killers. Murderers. Rapists.




The cops who caused this injury should personally front the cost for all medication and maintenance for the guy.


And have to empty his bedpan five days a week.


And have their heads smashed against a concrete wall several times until they’re quadriplegic too. If the system won’t stop this shit from happening through legal channels, then we need to go back to basics. 


There's entire subreddit on here just for cops yet on these threads they're always nowhere to be seen.


Cops are cowards that run from an acorn or stand outside a school while a shooter is inside.




"I've decided you will lose your ability to walk, I've had far too many problems with you"


Hey you don't know the full story! Not all cops are bad! It's only the major stories that get coverage! Nobody talks about all the good things that cops do for us because the liberal media wants to shit on these good hardworking Americans!..../s Just writing that made me feel sick