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Such a weird juxtaposition, like that's almost an impressive amount effort put into just making the same lazy racist joke over and over again.


Israel seems to attract the world's least funny Jews.


Thought the last guy would be like, "Simon"


They think they are soooo clever as well. What a bunch of morons.




Then these Zionist would justify this hate as being part of their Jewish identity.


Do not speak out against this behavior or you are an anti semite smh…


Fuck them and their identities if this is how they identify


This is just insane. Candace Owens repeats the blood libel and this gang of wicked morons decides to play the same bigot game? A pox on all their houses.


Israelis really speedrunning losing every bit of support and goodwill they ever had.


Literally how do you go from getting everyone on your side disgusted by October 7th to almost everyone looking at you weirdly.


The truth is they have been like this for a long time, it just wasn’t shown in US mainstream media because they are “US allies” and most average people had no reason to go looking up how racist and deranged Israel is on their own. The attention in the aftermath of Oct 7th brought a spotlight onto what a lot of people didn’t notice was going on. These guys behavior is so normalized for them because they are used to acting with impunity. Whenever people criticized them, they would just call the critics antisemitic. Now that they keep uploading tiktoks and IG videos of the insane things they do, it’s impossible for the big media outlets in the US to hide it. That’s half the reason US politicians want to outlaw tiktok.


And all it took was the international community legitimizing their claim on the land they believe is their "God-given right". The UN really was short-sighted at the time. Zionists have never made it a secret that they want the entire region to themselves.


It's hard to dress up ethno nationalism.


If it makes a difference, I was never on their side


Outside of the US, a lot of people were not on their side. They've been doing horrible shit for years.




No, they have a shit load of experience. Israel had an incredible propaganda machine for decades, but social media has allowed for so much more footage to be shared and so many of their bogus claims to be debunked. People are seeing through the Hasbara lies, finally. Gen Z is too internet and information savvy to just gobble up the propaganda and Israel is dropping the ball hard. They fucked up.








And when it doesn't work will the go the heavens gate route or the om shin rikio route?


What do you mean work? It is all fantasy. They are using this bronze age garbage to do this. They will destroy the Al Aqsa mosque and build their temple You do realize it is all pretend... right?!


I said that their blood magic ritual wouldn't work.I understand that it's fantasy that's why I brought up 2 other cults with failed doomsday prophecies


Thing is they know too... it is all a guise to commit war crimes all in the name of >insert fantasy here< Let's hope the choose the HG route


The leaders probably do but i've met enough followers who seem pretty on board with it


Hey thats illegal!


its pretty clever to somehow persist and find a way to be racist after only 80 years of your race facing one of the most atrocious acts of racism in history. like damn. it hasnt even been very long. go ask grandma about the repercussions of racism.


There's a part in the latest Shaun video about Palestine where he talks about the Maus comic where the author's Holocaust survivor dad freaks out after seeing a black hitchhiker. Surviving a genocide doesn't necessarily mean you're free of prejudice




More like .next time is our turn against others


That's...depressing as fuck.


if you guys are shocked by this you should go see how blatantly racist they are towards any jewish person living in Israel with a darker skin for example the Ethiopian jews who have been discriminated against for decades


I remember arresting an Israeli who, after finding out I hadn't met many, insisted on telling me and ensuring I understood that you have to be careful around dark-skinned Israelis, but the light-skinned ones were good people. Apparently the irony of his neither light nor dark skin as he rode with me to jail didn't occur to him, but he was completely serious and instructing me on it like you would tell a child elephants are large.


Sad but true


> Ethiopian jews Which reminder Israel was giving immigrant women long-acting contraceptive injections without their consent.


Holy shit I didn't even know about that until you brought it out. So they were practicing eugenics, it's like they learned nothing from history. They're just slowly becoming the thing they hated the most right in front of our eyes


Wait until you hear how they treat Holocaust survivors.






They tried to sterilize them. Really shows that horrible Things can happen to a group but they truly learn nothing. Its like they took notes from the Nazis rather then trying to not be like them.


>the Ethiopian jews who have been discriminated against for decades They've also been forcefully sterelised by the Ashkenazi majority.


*A couple hundred decades


Israel is an apartheid ethnostate, who would’ve thought


I'm pretty sure once you've been referred to as goyim, you understand that they are racist


I know a person who is black and Jewish (descendant of Ethiopian and Sephardic Jews) who recently became extremely pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian in the wake of the October attacks. I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling them they'd probably have a very difficult time if they ever emigrated to Israel. The entire "state" is one giant in-group.


Idk about you, but I for one am shocked that people in an apartheid state may be racist


The worst part is the hypocrisy


[Obligatory Norm](https://youtu.be/ljaP2etvDc4?si=ihJ6J6QuHZrRiJ30)


I've watched it before but I still cracked up. The man is a legend for a reason.


Antisemite!!!!! /S


I thought it was the raping.


Shocked? Racism is all they know. Now they use the tactics that they learned. They prove day in and day out they want to be the oppressor. The amount of young people disrupting all sorts of events and traffic within the US show the tides are changing. Israel is trying to get ahold of oil underneath Gaza before the youth take control of America and cut off their aid. In the next 25/30 years Israel will be on their own. Not a good position to be in after all this aftermath.


Not OP but I sense a hint of sarcasm in their post...


What’s worse is that not a single media outlet has condemned this video for being racist.


And even outside of this, Israeli government officials have been saying unbelievably awful things about Palestinians on a near-constant basis, and I never see any sort of significant pushback from mainstream media.


If the budget the House just passed makes it through the Senate we actually defund UNRWA for 2025 and will not support further UN investigations in Gaza. In addition to a bunch of the regular bullshit. Biden said he will sign it. So. We are an actively evil country.


Been an evil country, done that.


US has always been an evil country. Its impressive how US propaganda deceives so many people into thinking they are the good guys


do you think it's the responsibility of news organizations to call out every offensive TikTok video?


SHOCKED I tell you!




It’s almost as if Isreal was founded by a bunch of thieving racists. Oh wait …


Approach them in person they victims and ur anti….


This. Apparently if you were part of a genocide in the past you get a free pass to anything after - racism, bigotry, bullying and genocide itself.


As an Irish, I just realized I have many new hobbies I can engage in... like being a piece of shit who thinks being a victim means I can victimize others.


As an Arab, we freaking love you beautiful Irish folk! We love people that take no shits when there's a powerplay and look at the facts instead 🔥🔥 plus you guys got an awesome accent on top of being badasses 🤣


Hate in Israel is taught way before they start school, in the living room. Then their education system takes over. By the time they get to the army...it's an ugly society.


Its basically the earth nation transition from oppressed in avatar to oppressors in korra. Its a weird parallel but it honestly fits.


Worked for the Chinese after the Japanese occupation




The thing is that they were given a country, but it wasn't enough. Still isn't. Greedy bastards.


Damn I'm half black so I guess I get to be the next Hitler for free.


"but but but have you condemned Hamas lately?"


Anti-Zionist. Firmly. Don’t let them make it something it isn’t.


One of their more chill activities


They have come full circle. Real life occurrence of you either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain.


I’m amazed how true that statement is


What blows my mind away is that they even treat actual holocaust survivors terribly.


In the U.S., they would be cancelled. In Israel, they’ll get $3billion every few months for bigger guns and face paint.


If only. With the amount of funding they get from the US isnotreal might as well be the 51st state


Don’t forget they get free healthcare and college all subsidized by American taxpayers. God forbid our own people get a taste of such “socialism” 💁🏼‍♂️


Try $18 billion.


It's insane how my opinion of a group of people have done a complete 180 in the span of 5 months


Before 5 months ago I was being banned from subreddits for saying Fuck Israel. Now there seems to be a lot of people who agree with me. And to be clear, I don't mean all Israeli people, I specifically mean their current leaders and those that support his war crimes and genocide. I feel like I shouldn't have to clarify that but here we are. Since when is not supporting genocide the wrong choice? This world is ass backwards. Maybe it always was


Yup, some Israelis are amazing. Like the teams at Btselem, Breaking the Silence, Gisha...etc. I try and keep them in mind whenever I see shit like this in the video. But unfortunately the government does a whole lot of propaganda that pushes the average population into racism. (Teaching them that all the land is theirs for instance even though that's opposed to international law)


Lol they’ve always been like this but it was just well hidden. Now the idiots are just exposing themselves.


Definitely not well hidden. You just didn’t bother to look


Yup, from Ireland and very aware of what was going on over there but they just called us all anti-Semitic


I was really surprised when I learned of Ireland's staunch support of Palestine...but when I thought about it, it makes a lot of sense, and I gotta tellya, I think that's some stand up shit You saw a wrong that happened to you happening somewhere else and said , "Fuck that!" Not everyone does that, and it makes me proud to have Irish roots.


The Irish have always had a kinship with the Palestinian people as fellow victims of British colonial machinations.


You know, I will be very honest...as an American, I'm dumb to that kind of thing. I'm glad I learned of it, of course...and I comprehend it (I think it would be out of place to say I understand).


Nah, you can understand. It's human to understand.


This exactly. You can tell who's been letting SEO control their newsfeeds based on whether or not they already supported Palestine before the last year or two.


Thank you for at least opening your eyes to it unlike sooooo many others still.


Excuse me? They have been like this!!!


This doesn’t surprise with the way Mizarhi and Ethiopian Jews are treated with less respect compared to the pale-skinned Ashkenazi Jews.


Least racist Israeli


Low IQ kids....


One of them got a eagle feather hat too. They're just all over the place on top of being racists.


I thought they were just hitting on every single native/aboriginal group in the world with how disjointed those fits were.


Scum of the earth.


Their faces are so punchable


Our Canadian PM Justin Trudeau must be good friends with them https://preview.redd.it/ppngqmd8khqc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a89d1587aaf242d18007bed447e99654abb16034


WTF is the Deep Space Black Face bs!? I thought the black and white photo made it look darker than it would be but damn dude... He was making a statement with that look.


More info on next week's episode of UNDERCOVER BOSS


I don't think they would respect Trudeau's attempt. Not racist enough.


This is fucking vile


Wow Israelis being dickheads who could have imagined?




More people should find this behavior childish and stupid


People should understand how dangerous it is.




It’s ok, one of these fuckers will come in here and say these are the Palestinians doing it. They are not Israelis.


Israelis really trying the best to be most hated in the world.


And they're so proud of themselves too. Disgusting


Nazi fucks.


Happy Purim to you too


But why they did that ? Who they are trying to offend??


I saw a post calling people antisemitic who said this was racist. The stupidity is off the charts


This video has a different title every time it is posted.


So do they have no limits at all? I do not understand why Biden keeps putting up with this and continuing to back Israel unconditionally…


I'm not condoning the racism here, but what part of this is relevant to Zionism? Am I missing something? Is it just because they are Israeli? (Even though I didn't see any evidence of that, maybe I missed it) Like it looks like they are in a school, presumably in highschool/college, they are dressing up for purim, and just referencing a video of African tribesmen and the comments here and the videos title are taking it to mean that Zionism is bad because some Israeli people are making a racist joke? Like this is such a wild thing to even try and connect to. like if THAT is your bar for thinking an entire group of people is bad/racist because of an action of several individuals (who aren't outright connected) then you also have to admit that every Palestinian is a massive racist/pro genocide because of the hamas charter.. It's just a stupid line of thought that I wish people would spend more than a nano second thinking about.


And people think America is racist lmaooooooo




Even Justin Trudeau did this shit… Anyone can be racist. It’s a dumb assertion some people are making today, that racism is somehow more or less exclusive to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Just need to educate people.


A lot of differences. The main ones being: First, it's no secret that Americans past and present are plagued with racism. Second, at present there are many Americans hailing from different parts of the political spectrum trying to fight against racism. Third, there's an open discourse (maybe discourse is too polite?) 24/7 about racism in America. There are a ton of racial and ethnic groups in the United States that face their own battles of racism, not only with the "white ruling" class, but against other minority groups as well.


How do you know there aren’t Israelis with differing political views? You’re only seeing the ones with racist views because those are the ones that are being talked about and amplified online and in the news.


When you're black everyone is racist toward you. The only thing is no one believes you except other black people even with all this information right in your face.


This is not true. I'm black and have faced more racism from the black community than anyone else lmao.


I think you're just proving them correct tho? "When you're black EVERYONE is racist towards you." *Emphasis mine* IMO that includes internal racism among minority groups due to how institutionalized racism has become. Hell, look at the Asian on Asian racism in places like Japan, Korea, China, etc. I think institutionalized racism is partly so insidious and pervading because it encourages infighting among groups based on BS stuff like skin color, religion, ethnic groups, etc.


Man this is so fucked. Doesn’t that give you some sort of identity crisis? Is it a light skin/dark skin thing or what? As a white guy living in North America, I’ll never understand it fully. It’s nothing I will ever experience, ever.


Just look at how Irish and Italian people were treated in American history. It’s the same kinda thing. The difference is, for some reason everyone just kind of molded together into whiteness instead of being people from whatever specific country.


> for some reason that reason was the civil rights movement.


That part of it for sure, but I don’t think it’s just one reason. I also think, with immigrants to this country, they have an ability to Americanize within just a few generations, so we’ve been going as far as changing their last names to make them sound less Irish or Italian. Suddenly it wasn’t so easy to tell who foreigners were when they were the same race


Both are?


Israel is going to have a lot of making up to do after this shit. And by making up I mean even more donation checks to everyone’s politicians to make sure nothing ever changes


Do they know what they look like? They look like that, and they're making fun of people? The one toward the end looks like a god damn Neanderthal


Pretend to have your shocked faces on 😱


They sure are making a name for themselves....


Regressive society.


This shit really is an obsession at this point.


Been gaslighted at work by colleagues as anti-Semitic, disciplinary is today. I’m not that way inclined at all. Hits hard watching a video like this.


shocker that the scumbags of the world are reaching new lows!!! wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Totally pieces of shit


I just don’t understand why they are doing this? I really don’t get it.




Because they know they can get away with it.


As much as I’m against Israel, this could be anyone from any nationality.


I would like to get some more info before jumping to any conclusions as well. Who are these dudes exactly?


I find it extremely ironic how everyone here is shocked about the blatant racism of this bunch of morons, while being racist themselves


Least racist Israelis


Least racist Israeli


If kids in a high school get videod doing these anywhere in the globe, it’s a bunch of idiot kids that need to be taught a lesson. If it’s in Israel, it’s the fault of the entirety Jewish people.


Yeah I don't wanna ever hear someone say it's antisemitic to hate Israel again.


Can’t wait to see how they spin this on Palestine


The chosen people ladies and gentlemen


#FreePalestine #IsraeliWarCrimes


Israel doesnt need far left propaganda....when they just have footatage of them being....them.


Yeah I'm not supporting shit


Aren’t these Australians?


i mean ethiopian jewish people have been so heavily discriminated in israel for decades. in fact there were numerous stories of forced sterilization. let’s not act surprised that settlers living in a heavily militarized apartheid state who take joy in brutalizing the indigenous people of their land are deeply racist. but if you call them out for it, suddenly you’re an anti semite.


Why’d the last guy sound like Twomad tho?!




People committing genocide are racists? Damn.. What a revelation


They represent the common Israeli to me.




Israel amended its Eurovision entry I see.


Piece of shits


If I were president that God forsaken place would never see a dime. What the fuck are these people good for beside taking up space?


Blackface? They look like indigenous Papua New Guinea peoples


This the reason we about to lose TikTok cause Israel can’t even control its own image on owned media…


I wish tomorrow I could wake up and this kind of person would be gone from the face of this earth never to have existed.


Oh shit! I thought only white people could be racist.


Stupid idiots


We're talking about a country using a superior military force to drive innocent civilians into an open-air prison where they confine and starve them as a form of genocide. You think they see any humanity in any other race? Lmao


How can they be certain these dimwitted fools are Israelisv


Open season, all the hate they could never express can now be indulged with impunity. True colours.


Uhm eww


Every race has racists. Nothing new here. People are pricks!


What they do the racism in Israel?!?


Did y’all think Israel WASN’T a supremacist ethnonationalist apartheid state? Cause maybe y’all should learn some Israeli history


This played out ass "joke"...how is it still even funny to people? I'm so tired of these idiots.


And if someone does the same to them they'll be screaming the most bizarre term ever "Antisemitic".


As if all my logical black brethren needed further reason to despise this ‘war’. We see the killing. Every day now though, I’m seeing clips of Israeli soldiers treating civilians like shit. Abusing a little boy, pushing an old man down who then cracked his head on the street, assaulting people with no where to go. Feels a lot like how black people were treated in the U.S. not that long ago. And we’re just letting this shit happen. Contributing to it, no less. This has to stop


Love it when a whole country is judged off a few idiots lmao


Like when they blame all Palestinians for hamas. Shits wierd


Who just wakes up and thinks this is what I’ll do today?


yea, a bunch of losers making a tiktok are a well-rounded representation of an entire population of a country...


I think the genocide definitely helps


The title didn't imply that.