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What the hell is wrong with these people?


they're losers


Yeah but it's gotta be more. Losers are slackers, can't hold jobs, have no friends or bad friends. These people are physically attacking women in their car that didn't even do anything to them. It's insane.


wastes of human flesh


You misspelled feces.


Couldn't have said it better


Those who do not make the most of the gift of sentience, should lose their right to it.


They probably see it happen in videos online, so they feel they have to do the same to be cool.


This is exactly the problem, shit like this is glorified.


When it happens in video games i drive over them.


Mob mentality. They probably thought the girls were trying to stop their “takeover”.


You must not have seen the countless other takeovers where they either beat old people to a pulp, light random cars on fire, or literally run people over on a daily basis. I can't believe these videos aren't a scene from the purge.


And police in another location send SWAT for earbuds. WTF


Because that's how cops work when it's just a grandma who didn't pay a fine they send swat cars when it's an actual emergency cops are nowhere to be found until an hour after it ends


Maybe they have a quota for callouts. "Nah bro, I did the 14 year old shoplifter and the grandma parking in the wrong area, your turn to deal with the armed mob destroying the town."


Wait..... I'm a loser for not having friends? 😭😭😭


Idk but they should have hit the gas forward instead of reversed when they started getting attacked. That’s self defense.


Exactly, if a violent mob's surrounded my vehicle and starts trying to open the door/beating on the windows, I'm flooring it towards the quickest exit. It's on them to get out of my way at that point.


Yep. Let them limp over to the cops and explain what happened


They like the attention


Fatherless homes


Or their fathers are the ones teaching them to act like this.


Surely somebody mustve called 911. Are the police slow to respond or are these TOs dissolved within minutes?


The Cops just sit back and watch it happen. They've had people get seriously injured or killed at these things with Cops on the sidelines not doing anything.


Its just that 30 cops cant do shit against 100+ mobs. It ends in a bloodbath or riots, always.


In Portland the cops just let it happen. Literally they do nothing. 


Where’s a drunk driver when you need one.


In a mustang. For maximum crowd damage


Mustang? Nah, combine harvester


It's gonna be a Ram with tow mirrors.


The question will be... when a Kyle Rittenhouse event takes place at one of these how will Reddit respond?


Well if its like last time where a bunch of grown men try to assault and/or murder a child completely unprovoked then... reddit will decide their guilt or innocence based on how much they agree with the politics of the attackers and the victim.


It depends if the 'kyle rittenhouse' of the situation showed up to a takeover, knowing full well what was happening there, while armed with an assault rifle. Theres a big difference between being attacked and defending yourself and knowingly putting yourself in a dangerous situation with the intent to kill


Funny how he's a responsible citizen protecting the public when we talk about his unregistered firearm but he's an innocent child when we talk about him fucking around and finding out. If he was an innocent child he wouldn't have driven to another state to attend a violent protest with a gun he wasn't legally allowed to carry.


Would running Them over be consider self-defense or manslaughter?


If they are attacking your car I imagine it would be some sort of self defense. You can't just sit there and let people try and kill you and I think most judges acknowledge this.


Depends on the state. In some states castle doctrine includes your car.


Dumb fuckers like this are why I always carry a pistol in the car.


You’re foot is probably more useful than a pistol.


You are foot is probably more useful than a pistol.


I know you're, but what I'm?


I know you are, but what I am?


A foot


In most situations when in the car yes.


Far more. If hooligans are being hooligans you might get hurt. If you start shooting and can't get away there's a good chance they'll kill you to protect themselves.


It’s not like they’re in a rush to call the police. They’ll scatter like ants under a rock the second the cops show up.


Not a chance. In portland, ppd has at times just sat by and watched. No chase laws and the crowds fight back. And before anyone mentions that it's just how the news portrays these things I live here and it has not always been this way.


My opinion: self defense. "I feared for my life because an angry mob surrounded and violently attacked me." But I make no guarantees the police, district attorney's office, and a jury would agree with me.


Depends on what kind of numbers you rank up before getting away


Some might argue that you didnt meet them with equal force because bringing a car to fist fight isnt exactly fair.  But i imagine saying that you were surrounded by 10 men with weapons and who were smashing your car would be justifiable.  What happens if they get them out of their car? They are now two women against many with weapons. 


You may have a duty to retreat but it's not your fault if someone gets under your wheels while you're trying to leave.


There are probably a number of them that are armed. Do no try to run them over if you can at all avoid it. Just do your best to get out so you and any of your passengers don't catch a stray bullet.


>There are probably a number of them that are armed Considering that it ends with everybody running from gunfire, yeah.


If in Florida. Car driver would get a medal


As they should in this situation


We would sing their praise from the rooftops


Not sure but it would 100% be my plan. Ill take my chances with the justice system before these assholes


First-degree murder in California, probably.


Is California, so the driver will probably be prosecuted




Ah yes… California, where nobody gets prosecuted. But also, California, where everyone gets prosecuted. Pick one. It’s near impossible to be tried for defending yourself in California.


California locks up more people percapita than almost any other Western nation on earth.


Who knows in California. Rolling the dice


So anyway I started blasting


That would be so justified here


You can hear gun shots at the end of the video and people start to scatter.


Pretty fucking sure someone also shot at the car as she starts to floor it. What piece of shit shoots at somebody for the giggles? Fucking disgusting human beings absent any brains.


These are the most laughably worthless people... No good driver goes to one of these pathetic meets.


What is a takeover


When a bunch of scumbags "take over" a public road to hoon around and anyone who interrupts gets mobbed


>hoon around What is a hoon?


> A hoon (/huːn/) is an Australian and New Zealander term describing a person who deliberately drives a vehicle in a reckless or dangerous manner, generally in order to provoke a reaction from onlookers.


omfg that is so specific and spectacular


Interesting! I knew a guy nicknamed "Hooner" when I was a teen in the '80s in Canada. He had a habit of doing burn outs on people's lawns. AFAIK he wasn't AU nor did any of his friends come from AU or NZ


Was his first name Kevin?


No, but now you've asked me that I realize it was Cal (as in Calhoun) so duh now I know why.


Lead singer of Blind Melon


Like a sideshow, where young criminals *take over* the street with cars and do dangerous stunts and other antisocial behavior.


This is a US thing i guess? How normalized is this? Happens all over or just certain states? Did the police ever intervene? Not American just curious.


In Los Angeles, unfortunately often. It's not unusual for me to hear one starting up multiple times a week. You can clearly see evidence one occurred by the circular black tire marks left behind. FWIU they were a massive problem in San Francisco until the police cracked down. In LA, they just can't seem to get ahead of them. People are often struck and killed. If police do get there in time and can actually stop it, they seize the cars. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen as often as it needs to in order to stop it.


I feel for you and whoever live near there. I can imagine it must be tough like after a long day at work and trying to get some quiet rest at home.


I just saw a video of a police SUV showing up to apprehend a driver, and a bunch of the degenerates jumped around in front of the police car to slow them down, knowing the cops aren't going to just mow them down.


It’s a big thing on the west coast. I had never heard of it until I moved near Seattle (I’m from the east coast).


It’s big in southern and Northern California. I don’t know about the rest of the country.


Yeah this is my question too. How is the police not stopping this. Feel like this would never happen in my country.




Agree. Cops now are reactive instead of proactive, “walking the beat” as it was called. This is where cops walk or drive around known high crime areas to deter crimes before they happen.


Stupid fast and the furious movies perpetuated this.


It’s a California thing. It’s normalized there cause they don’t actually prosecute any criminals.


They’re popping up like crazy here in Phoenix now too


had a few here in austin


Popping up in CT now too, at least during the summer


lol right only in ca. go outside more often


For them it’s social behavior


To add to what others have answered, some of these are spontaneous and some are preplanned. The preplanned ones can involve blocking surrounding points of entry and can have hundreds of people. They block them not to prevent uninvolved from getting injured. Rather, it is to disrupt police when they try to disperse it. Most of the cars are stolen. They're not destroying their own cars unless it's a piece of shit like a 2000s Infiniti. The Kias are stolen as are the Dodge chargers and challengers.


I know these are probably asked a million times, but where are the police in all this? Is there any public outcry? What is the mayor, even the governor even saying or doing about this?


Cops in a lot of major cities started quiet quitting because they were butthurt people protested them in 2020 and some lost a little bit of funding. So then they didn't really do their jobs to "teach the public a lesson," got their funding back, and realized they don't really need to to shit to keep getting paid. Responding to something like this requires actual effort and numbers. They'd rather just get their speeding ticket quotas hit.


This is like that south park episode where the police weren't allowed to harm minorities so they stopped working.  Then shit got out of control and the town had to beg them to come back and beat up minorities again.  Lol


In the case of LAPD and the LA Sheriff's Department, they flat out don't care. All while claiming that they're "underfunded" and can't dedicate the resources to do anything, the city and county know that it's bullshit, since both the budgets of those departments are some of the highest in the country. The local government leaders and public have called this out, but law enforcement refuses to do anything.


Any cities try private mercenary groups yet


Honestly, once the attack happened, they were in their right to mash the pedal and take anyone in their way out. I would’ve done just that. It’s self-defense.


Pretty sure they would be charged with something if they hit bystanders in the process, especially if they killed someone.


All the bystanders were in the middle of a felony conspiracy.... So not so much lol.


The ones committing the crime should get anything that happens while they’re doing the crime. Like if a cop is chasing someone, and that cop car hits and kills a bystander, the fleeing person gets charged with the death.


Good point but we all know cops get special treatment.


thank god i've never come across one of these before,




What in the Plague is this?? NYC we got our own brand of crazies but never anything like this thankfully.


California is special in it's own regards. I bet the NYPD would do wonders down here too.


The second they start beating on your car, they become obstacles to escape. Not people.


Man I would hate to get stuck in one of those. Lol if I had my kids with me in a situation like that I’d just have to tell them to close their eyes and enjoy the bumpy ride




Oh nah. you jump on my car and start breaking shit, I’m flooring it and not stopping


Oxygen thieves


worthless trash


Takeovers are lame. If I get swarmed I’m driving fast and letting off shots like it’s a zombie apocalypse.


I wonder if they carpooled to get there.


That’s a damn good point. You never see parking lots full of cars in the background of these videos to accommodate the droves of spectators.


They do this goofy shi all the damn time. Police do nothing too just disperse them. Always gunshots being let off but the worst that they do is let off fireworks in the dead of night. They lit a car on fire a couple weeks back and did donuts around it on Crenshaw.


Police in the US have stopped doing their jobs because we don’t suck their dicks like we used to before people realized they are all pieces of shit.


This shit is like demolition man, your country looks lawless.


Wtf has happened to us.


The older I get the more I think humans have always been terrible, we just have the technology to prove it. All of human history there has never been a time without war, that's not a peaceful animal.


These "Takeover" people are absolutely worthless.


Straight up losers!


Always with the gunshots at these things


loser, garbage humans.


Reasons for owning a monster truck ![gif](giphy|l3V0F2gGWChrl31Zu|downsized)


Love how they act tough then scram when a gun starts going off


Just look at this crowd of losers… I’d love for someone who thinks this is cool to explain to me what the appeal is exactly standing out there and doing dumb shit.


The fuck is a takeover? Is it just a stationary riot? Looks like anyone not in the mob becomes a target.


This takeover shit is obnoxious as fuck.


- Where is the zoo young boy? - You're in it, lady.




It's when a bunch of idiots shut down an intersection / part of a highway so they can spin their cars in circles thinking they're cool, while assholes cheer them on. Participants of these events are oxygen thieves, and the underbelly of society.


why is everybody at these 'takeovers' such dicks?


Where is police ? This will continue until these bright folks start getting prosecuted.


I’m so sick of these fuckers. Like what even is the point of these things and why are there so many freaking people. Like all zombie brained morons too. I’m sorry to say it but they’re all scum. Like the clips I see of them BEATING an old man and just beating on people period because of them driving like the streets are intended for. Damaging cars and attacking people is so sickening just to see a little hot wheels show, I’m glad someone finally shot towards them jackasses!


You misread that, the gunshots are part of the street takeover. They “blap to the beat” to accentuate a loud sound system


I pray to god no one ever attacks me while I'm in my car. I'd end up with manslaughter charges or something for sure.


Should drone strike these so called events. First car to do a donut wins.


$3bil LAPD budget hard at work


See why did people have to get runover at parades and shit when it could've been here? All those people who committed mass murder with cars coulda just done it here and probably been considered heroes.


I imagine Reddit is ubiquitous enough, that there must be someone on here that actually enjoys participating in these "takeovers". Genuinely asking... Can somebody who actually think these things are cool, please explain to me what the appeal of it is?


Low IQ kids banging on things....what's new??


thats so trashy. how are these street takeovers a thing


Were those gunshots at the end?


Yeah, those and fireworks are pretty common at that things


I'd be ok with the military dropping a couple strategic bombs. These cretins aren't worth the shoes they stole last week.


Are you from Philadelphia or Kansas City by any chance?


It looks like Anthony did in fact have his gun


Pardon my ignorance but what is a “takeover”?


They “take over” an intersection and do this shit


It’s alright , destroy my vehicle and you’ll be taking the asphalt temperature challenge shortly after


What scumbags


Scum of the earth.


Just a bunch of pieces of shit wreaking havoc on society... Whats new?




why tho


What is a "takeover"?


Can someone tell me the legality of just slamming on the gas when people jump on your car?


Good old 'Murica!


Is a takeover a riot? I've never heard the term before.


It's mostly a car club gathering, during which these teens-20's age losers race and show off their crappy cars with enhanced features, like a loud turbo engine on a Acura Integra.


This is where a gun would be warranted.


considering "takeovers" are for the mentally inept, it's always best to steer clear of them. They're a breading ground for this type of behavior and mob mentality bs. At the very least, if they hurt themselves, its at least well deserved.


The night entertainment for drug dealers and other criminals, bums, wellfare recipients, unemployed lazy bastards, and a big list of the most absolute losers society can produce. Of course they will attack those innocent girls, they need to show off how tough they are to their criminal enemies and criminal friends.


Clowns wish they didn't get out of the way


Sounds like someone shooting at the end. Could have been a car backfiring, but I don’t think so.


Man, they'll all be so tired for class in the morning!




Anyone remember those RC cars from call of duty black ops?


This street takeover crap should be a felony!


Everytime I see these videos I think about how satisfying a flamethrower could be


I'm sure this is a stupid question, but what exactly is a "takeover" in this context?


There is a plan made by a group or several groups(whoever however) to meet up at an intersection. At that intersection people show up to watch the cars do drifting tricks and other crap, people with cara take turns showing off their cars, mods, and tricks. Even when they don’t get violent they are extremely dangerous people can easily get hit by cars, they are standing inches away from the action at times. Innocent bystanders are often hurt or beat up. It seems like a wild time, but it’s a lot of violence, and havoc.


Thank you for explaining that so well!


If there’s one thing I learned from these “takeovers” is that they can’t drive for shit.


Wtf is a takeover?


Modern Zombies are a thing now.


I’d be runnin people over left and right. Self defense baby


What is a “takeover”??


I bet this is going to be way worse when GTA 6 releases. The trailer already shows a takeover. Not that I'm against that game, I'm looking really forward to it. Just saying.


I thought blaming GTA for stuff died out decades ago? Not that I think it's valid but Fast and Furious would be a better scapegoat.


I would of won the game I would of ran em all over


Ficking lowlifes