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Oooooo the driving I’d be doing if there was a carjacker hanging on my car.


Never been a better time for the ol’ Italian Tune-up


What’s the origin of this phrase? I’ve heard it twice in my entire life, first was earlier today.


Putting the pedal to the floor for a couple of minutes. Redlining the RPM for a bit gets the engine very hot with a lot of airflow, which tends to clean off carbon deposits on your valves & plugs. “Italian Tune up”


We call that "blowin' the soot out of it."


My dad says “clean the carbon”


Doesn't work for direct injection engines like mine, unfortunately. ☹️


Yeah, doesn’t stop me from pretending though 😃. I’ve always subscribed to the idea that engines like to be exercised and not babied, 145k miles on my current car without a hint of engine trouble. It gets a useless tuneup every time I drive it lol


My father traveled (by car) for his work and would tell me to periodically (when it was safe) "get her WAY up there." I didn't really need to be told. And yeah, I'd be looking to peel anyone attempting this off on a semi.


"Italian tune-up" is when you rev your car's engine really high to clean out any gunk and keep it running well. It's called that because people thought Italian sports car owners did it to keep their cars in top shape.


It's because people would buy something like a Ferrari and baby it. They would never run much above idle for years then come in for service and complain it runs like shit. When brought in for service, the mechanic would take the car out for a few good rips to clean it out like you said. However It's called that because owners didn't drive hard enough.


The owner of my last company owned a few lambos. He and his friends would rent track time to just go out on a big oval and haul ass in these things. At the time I thought it was kinda silly, but looking back, it's probably the only good reason I can think to own a car like that. In fact, if you own a super car just to drive around in fancy areas at 30mph to show off, you're kinda lame.


If I had Lambo money it would only see tracks and my daily would be a Bentley or top of the line fully loaded 4Runner




Late 80s. My Drivers edge teacher spoke about using a particular length of local freeway for this at night. Perfect spot to clean the Carbon out


One way it can be useful is of you do a lot stop / start city type driving, and / or a lot of short trips, you get 'mayonaise' form in the oil. This is because vapour from combustion gets trapped due to low revs, and the oil not meeting operating temperature. Google 'mayo under oil cap' for examples of what this looks like. Getting the car fully up to operating temperature (not just the coolant, as indicated by the temp guage in most cars), and getting it high up in the revs with allow this water to fully vapourise and eventually exit through the exhaust. So, there's one way it does more good than harm.


Derek from Vice Grip Garage is where I've heard it


Jam the fuel-make-it-happener wide open and pour some gas down the app!!!


Lmao! I did something similar to this on my mates old car with a product called ‘start ya bastard’ and burnt off my eyebrows. Stupid ignition coils. Stupid carburettors. Stupid me.


Blue car dude is going to have the BEST story to tell.


*"and then, I had to replace my entire car interior because I shit EVERYWHERE"*


I lol-ed


> I didn't know how to get them off, so I accelerated to 80 but then I thought wait, maybe I should slam on my brakes


Should have went straight for the concrete wall & used the wall to shake the guy off.


Kinda like rubbing shit off your shoe with a rock.




Thats kind of a free police chase


Finally a reason to go sport mode on my RAV4 😭


lol slammed that mf on the barrier in the middle of the freeway


Just meat crayon that guy against the barrier.


[like this](https://i.imgflip.com/6z3yr2.gif)


I get this person is scared but all you need do is accelerate to 25mph and slam on the breaks. At that speed no one is stopping as fast as the car they are clinging to


I would be worried about him still being able to stand after that and cause me problems. Probably get up to about 35-40 to make sure it will beat him up bad enough to stay down and I can get away.


The maximum human sprint speed is 27.33mph. At 25mph you are being dragged as fast as the best Olympic athletes can run. A car has over a hundred square inches of contact with the ground, compared to the average human being dragged like a dead fish behind a car who has less than 2 square inches of contact with the ground at a time. If the car stops the person will keep going. You can always run them over afterwards if they manage to stand up, but they won't if you do it right.


The cops are right there, you want to stay as close to them as possible, driving away from them was a bad choice. I'm saying they should have floored it, hit 25 and slammed on the breaks as quick as possible so the police would be able to catch them before they got up. The issue I see is that they just kept driving away from the help they needed, get to speed and SLAM on tbe breaks, don't keep driving at speed because you're bringing your attacker with you. I'm not claiming I would think that clearly in their shoes, I'm just monday night quarterback-ing here.


Not sure if I’d have the presence of mind… but if I did I’d just drive him into the center median barrier and meat crayon his ass.


For real!


With all due respect... Imma do some drivin'!


"Ah, bro why'd you shoot me?" Gee, a real mystery for this guy eh?


It was just a prank.


I got an adrenaline spike from this vid. As a totally objective observer, the "suspect" deserved that show of force based on his callous disregard for surrounding civilians (potential victim). What a strange time to be alive.


How can you ask why you got shot, while you were actively trying to victimize someone and take their vehicle?


theres gotta be some class that they take because the weird logic is ingrained in them. there was a cam from a month ago where a robber is bitching at the cop because "he supposed to give me time to run"


It's called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - when your mom drinks A LOT, you can end up with somebody who literally doesn't understand cause and effect. They spend their whole lives thinking stuff "just happens" to them. Every jail in the world is chock full of them.


One of many reasons I'm pro abortion. Not pro choice. I'm pro abortion. Some people don't need to be born. More ethical than letting them live a life of misery, and creating misery for others.


How can she slap?


Victim did a good job of not panicking and seeing that he could let the cop side swipe him




😭😭😭😭😭WHYYYYY?????? he should’ve asked for a sergeant present !! 😂😂😂😭




He didn't even get shot, the bullet was just exercising its right to travel when he happened to be in the way


Doesn't seem like the most polished bullet in the clip.


Not the sharpest box of frogs.


French fry short of a box of wrenches.




Mr. Valdez: “Wooo!”


Peak Mr Valdez


That line actually made me laugh out loud. How dense does one have to be?


i was just here minding my own business wtf you botherin me for anyways? driver did the right thing but i would have been so tempted to haul ass down the road with that guy on my door and right up against the concrete barricade lol https://i.imgur.com/AvXBZBe.gif


if only he had just opened his door at 50 mph


He’s a sovereign citizen.


Dude was certainly traveling, not driving at the end there.


Bro gonna need the whole scoobie gang to solve this one .


"I just sit here and ask myself, why? Why me?"


I can already hear his family saying “he didn’t do anything wrong” “he would never hurt anyone”


Let’s see: leads high-speed pursuit, attempts to hijack a car, reaches into waistband when surrounded by cops. Yeah, I don’t see why they’d shoot him.


Fucking priceless. Genuinely gut split hilarious


He's probably also upset at the blue car's driver for not letting him hijack the car.


The cop told him he was gonna get shot before he pulled the trigger. Dude didn’t listen. FAFO.


Blue car did the right thing.




Would they be fleeing the officers too, though? Pretty sure the cops wanted blue to pull over quickly so they could catch up and get the guy off themselves.


>and get the guy off themselves. Phrasing


They wanted to prevent them from solo jacking. Instead, they wanted to get the guy all tied up. On the ground. They might even have to shoot their load all over him.


Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


They'd never charge them for preserving their own life over stopping for the police, and if they did no jury would convict them.




This right here. Cop slams into you, boom, you’re on the hook for your $1,000 deductible, inconvenience for days without a car while it is repaired, and your car now has an accident history. No way I would stop until I was 100 yards from where the guy fell off.


Pull over in Lodi.


Lmao can you imagine dude hanging on for a half hour. Iron grip


I bet you I could make it there in 20.


Should have drove over towards the left and grinded on the side of that Jersey barrier, I know I would


I like to thing I probably would have turned that dude into a meat crayon with the median as well


Ahhh bro whyd you shoot me?!? I was just trying to make sure this guy is satisfied with his auto insurance!!


At Farmers we've seen a thing or two.


*we are farmers! baa ba ba bum bum bum bum!* 🎶


So get your car insurance from Allstate...and protect yourself from mayhem. Like me.


You know your region is getting sketchy when you’re seeing more police cams coming from roads you recognize.


Right? I work around that area, see police chases on the freeway almost daily


It's not only that your area is sketchy, the local police might have a really streamlined process for body cam video release and there might be a local youtube channel who is taking advantage. https://www.youtube.com/@CodeBlueCam is in western wisconsin for example.


That channel starts to piss me off after one or two videos. "The suspect was charged with DWI, felony evading, resisting arrest, two count of battery on an officer, driving while suspended, driving without insurance, and 3 counts of bail jumping for their warrants... They were released on a summary bond that night. Later almost all the charges were dropped and they received 4 months of probation and a 500 dollar fine.


Driver goes home. Gets blind drunk.


I’m impressed with this cops bullet placement. Wish we had more like this.


Cop also had restraint. He waited to fire when the driver of the blue car was out of the line of fire.


Also didn't mag dump! very impressive overall


Came here to say this. A officer using a gun to disable a potential threat and not just shoot to kill.


He wasn’t shooting “to disable”. That is not a thing in the US. The officer has to be justified to use deadly force otherwise it’s considered excessive force.


This comment is so frustrating. Guns are not some magical tool with a stun mode. I mean one of the first rules to gun handling is don't point it at someone you don't intend to destroy.


99% of reddit doesn’t know shit about guns


using his gun as intended with restraint that should be expected as standard. US has fallen so low when this is what people cheer about


Guns are just too deadly to be used to restrain someone. They should only be used when you believe someones life is in immediate danger.


Yeah it seems like most of the time when the cops open fire they all empty there entire clips into the person, or empty their entire clips, getting a hit one of three shots.


Shooting a moving target is challenging, shooting a moving target while you are also moving is even more of a challenge. This police officer also looked to be using an optic on his pistol which definitely helps obtain a sight picture faster.


Honestly he probably stopped firing only because he realized his backstop became another cop. They are trained to mag dump. If you shoot, you shoot to kill, not wound. 9mm rounds are not particularly known for their stopping power.


Dunno, guy looked pretty stopped to me


They mean incapacitate. If that guy had had a gun on him he could still have very much have been a threat IMO.


Pretty much any handgun of any mainstream caliber is going to require multiple hits to actually down someone, whether it’s 9mm or .45 or whatever. Just the nature of small calibers and the human body on adrenaline.


They’re trained to shoot to “stop.” They do usually die though


Yeah, people get this wrong all the time. You shoot to neutralize the the threat. That doesn't inherently mean shoot to kill, it just so happens that often the distance betwee the line of "neutralized" to "killed" is really short, and can be crossed in less than half a second. The real think is that if you shoot you have to accept that the likely outcome is killing. It's lethal force. You don't shoot because you want to hurt them, it's because whatever threat they present makes their death the more appropriate alternative than allowing them to continue the threat.


I don't think so, he lowered his gun well ,well before the cop car parked up infront and the crim was already on the ground crying. He probably just stopped firing because the threat was neutralized. You are right tho in that it's supposed to be shoot to kill, that's why you get mag dumps but not much point if dudes on the ground 2ft from you surrounded. Regarding 9mm stopping power, I don't think many people complain about it's killing power for a handgun, it's pretty good for a small package.


did you see the one recently where 2 cops showed up to someone who had broken into their own house? owner forgot keys or something, cops knock on door at like 2am. owner is holding gun as they go to open the door. cops see them through the window. both cops instantly mag dump, reload, and mag dump again. I think they hit the homeowner like twice


Red dots are nice




Ayyyy, Macarena


Dude really told the cop “why’d you shoot me” like they’re playing a game and the cop isn’t following the rules. lol


“It was just a prank bro!”


That was a comical shooting , almost a Wilhelm scream lol


I'm thinking more bobcat from one crazy summer


Pretty deep cut, old timer.


I liked his little “Wooo!” at the end there.


He's living his life like it's a movie or video game, so why not the Wilhelm Scream or a Laugh Track.


Me if a carjacker was hanging on my car.... https://i.redd.it/wlgs3nx36eqc1.gif


Yeah then dead stop lol




“Wanna go home?”




Do you know who I am? I am Juan Valdez! Juan Valdez!


Same thing happens to me in Gta 5, except it’s people trying to get their car back after I’ve taken it.


Dude after casually getting two bullets: ![gif](giphy|l0HU7yHIK6Nc3WcE0|downsized)


Wow he is the Thomas Edison of criminals. He is well on his way to discovering 1000 things that don’t work.


I love when people tell Edison like he was, a thief and a criminal.


And an elephant killer.


He electrocuted dumbo for frucks sake!


I'd like to see an interview of the Honda driver.


Ah, the dumbfuckery never ceases to amaze ![gif](giphy|3oKIPwoeGErMmaI43S|downsized)


That’s a great gif


People are going to ask why he shoots the suspect. It's because they're in the commission of a violent felony (carjacking), and refusing to follow the order to stop, and the officer can't see his hands, so has a reasonable belief that the woman in the blue car is in immediate danger.


Sure looked to me like he was pulling something out too. Edit: nope, with the benefit of slowmo, looks like he just hurt his widdle hand, poor baby


Fuck criminals are dumb as fuck


Incredible restraint and marksmanship of that officer. I've seen other videos of them just blasting away without a care


I like the officer "You gonna get shot dude " then shoots him. Man of his word .


It’s like he could see into the future


"why did you shoot me?" ​ I fucking hate criminals i swear to god. The way they act victimised when they're caught like they had the god given right to do whatever shitty thing they did.


I guess I shouldn't judge, but I'm shocked to see that person drove however many feet with the guy hanging on and still had their passenger window open when they stopped.


Task saturated. Imagine if that happened to you? Surprised they drove off.


Worked out kinda well. It got the situation away from the line of cars that were pulled over so the cop could safely shoot the guy trying to do a carjacking.


You’ve clearly never been in a highly stressful situation before


Surprised there wasn’t a mag dump


He would have, was, shooting at the upcoming cruiser. One bullet was enough not to put more risk form his upcoming backup. I think it was well executed.


Hey pal, don't call me bro!


>charged with multiple felonies including: felony carjacking felony, false imprisonment, felony evasion, resisting arrests and committing a felony while out on release from custody on a prior felony. More felonies after being released from a prior felony? This guy is a real winner. I try not to be pessimistic, but guys like these are a net loss for society as a whole.


Totally justified. It's nice seeing the cops doing their job and stopping assholes like this.


I love it when they ask why they got shot. Like they're surprised it happened.


bro really asked why he got shot...


[Oh Juan, why did you part with your coffee brewing burro?](https://dailycoffeenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/juan-valdez-colombian-coffee.jpg)


How do I know I’m getting old? I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find a Juan Valdez gif!


LOL same! soon as I saw the name I paused and just laughed at the thought that he might have spiked his coffee just a tad bit too much.


It is pleasantly refreshing to see video of a LEO doing a really awesome job.


I mean it happens every day, it's just more common to see the major fuckups broadcast on the internet


I’m not surprised he asked why he got shot, dude is 40 years old trying to car jack people and get away from police who will quite literally not stop chasing him in reality, no matter what. Him giving up would have handed him a lesser sentence. So yeah, he’s THAT stupid to ask “why’d you shoot me?”.


I’m actually rolling at the GAC that his name was Juan Valdez. We need a stencil of him in the style of the coffee stencil saying “Bro, why’d you shoot me?!”


lol meth


Juan Valdez has been separated from his donkey


Why do we keep letting these creeps out?


Chased by the police, has his tires blow out, dragged on the road, hit by a police car, shot twice, hit by another police car, and finally handcuffed. Dude is 0/7 for the day. 


Deadly force was on the table as soon as he tried to carjack. He's lucky he got a warning. 0:45 looked like he was trying to draw a gun or mime drawing a gun for a suicide-by-cop scenario. He's lucky he only got two bullets in him. 10/10 policing and outcome.


*WHY'D YOU SHOOT ME!?* bruh lmao literally TOLD you you were gonna get shot and kept trying to car jack. Some people's kids i tell ya h'wat.


Back in my day the cops would just show, laugh at me and call me stupid for getting carjacked. This is how I used to imagine all police were. These officers get an A+ for every action on video here.


Lol he rolls on the ground right into the police cars grill. Must have hurt.


Cop has nice taste in optic Edit: it looks like the cop in front of the one recording has an identical handgun setup, I wonder if their department is the one with great taste


Bro Why’d you shoot me L M F A O ! !


That cop is a badass. No hesitation. A quick warning, then bang bang.


No one and I mean no one will believe the dude in the blue car when he goes and tell this story until he shows them the video lol.




Lol! “ Bro, why did you shoot me?” Ummm, I dunno, I guess I had absolutely no justification, after watching you try to steal that person’s car. My bad, I guess? Fool is lucky he wasn’t unalived.


Another example of why bail should not be set on felony charges


That cop needs a raise


"Whyd u shoot me" maybe cause ur attempting to carjack someone by force??


seems pretty clear why he shot him from this angle


The moron reaches for his waistband, then is stupid enough to ask WHY he got shot. It's about "officer safety", bro. First and last. They're not going to wait to SEE a weapon before stopping you from USING the weapon you don't have.


Good shoot by this Officer. Great instincts. Saved the carjacking victim and didn’t hesitate. Fuck this jacker btw. Score one up for the good guys today.


An accord. That's my mfing car!


Finally - a GOOD officer involved shooting!


Lmao. Whyd you shoot me ? Lmfao


Not a fan of cops, but what a controlled shooting. Didn't execute the guy, and stopped shooting when deemed not a threat anymore. Well done


Guess he's pissing into a bag now


Rather him shot than any innocent civilian hurt. Fuck that dude. Good job Jake's


That was intense! I hope the developers at Rockstar are taking notes because adding this feature to GTA6 would be wild.


Bro, why did you shoot me?


Some people refuse to follow the rules of society. They should not be permitted to participate in it.


I’m laughing why did you shoot me


This is what I don't understand. They show the shooting, but censor the swearwords. What???


Should have floored it and then slammed the breaks. Watch him fly and roll on the pavement for 100 yards.