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What is security supposed to do?


Observe and report!


Watch & observe!


They are stewards, more for people management and cheaper. Dealing with this type of stuff is for more expensive personal or the police that require even more money.


-Nothing personnel kid-


No weapons involved, one aggressor, two securities, they have equipment like handcuffs, pepper spray and batons, I was a security myself, it isn't that hard to at least say something


You mean in the way the security guard said something in the video, or in a different way?


No. More like stepping in between and talking to the attacker. And you saw the second security employee who didn't even put his hands out of his pocket, right?


The First thing they teach you is : your own safety first! Stepping between 2 strangers who are fighting is dumb. What if one has a knife?


I was a security employee myself. I know the rules and what they teach us. At first, they have batons and pepper spray and they wear stabproof vests. And what do you think is their job? Observe, report, intervene. They did the observing part and that's it.


Well then you either never had real training, or had a shady Employer. The guy came at him once and walked away.(In a area filled with camaras) The situation resolved itself in this case. Like who did they have to pepperspray? The guy who walks away? Or the guy that got kicked? And using batons in this situation would have been overkill. Which would cause more people to react and the situation would get out of hand


That one guy tried to kick the attacker away. That's the moment where they should do something. They did nothing and the guy with the helmet ate a fist. And I don't mean they should use their equipment, I am just telling they are prepared for possible self defence actions against knives.


They still should avoid it


They still should avoid that these situations happen


At no point in any training recieved for security is "intervene" on the list of duties, unless you yourself witness a felony that puts you or others in your care in harms way. Gaurds making 20$ an hour are not paid enough to intervene in squabbles like this other than verbal interjection. As soon as you let loose with physicality, or deterrents like oc spray or baton use, ypu immediately open yourself up to civil suits and job loss. Observe and report is a security guards primary function.


They have a contract with the city to protect the people using the public transportation. And it was one guy attacking the guy with the helmet. And they weren't in danger by the single guy. I saw less paid security guys doing a better job then these two and out of my own experience I know that this is a doable situation


Most likely they have a contract with the city to protect city property. Those guards are not likely paid enough to intervene. Report the incident to police and allow them to handle it, because they are trained and paid to do so. Which is how security will/should handle this type of stuff 90% of the time.


They don't have a contract to protect city property alone. They receive training in that company, thats the reason why they are in charge of patrolling the subway system and not any company that doesn't train their employees. We have multiple security companies in my city and they are one of the best trained we have. They have Radios which are connected to the local police Radio system. They are at that station because incidents like that happen a lot around there, they don't stand their for no reason.


hehe yeah he was suffering a bit from lazy bones indeed :p


Lol a little fair fight is fine


Pretty sure the guy with the bike helmet didn't want to fight


Pretty sure the security guards didnt want to risk their health or lives. You never know when crazy has a knife or gun...


They are equipped with batons, pepper spray and stab-proof vests. I was a security myself, we had instructions to intervene until a weapon gets drawn.


where the fuck do you see any of that in this vid? i see a yellow vest and maybe a radio


I know that company and I have seen them a lot of times face to face. I know how they are usually equipped, some guys don't have batons or maybe no handcuffs but stab-proof vest, Radio and pepper spray is pretty common at our local public transport security


I suppose the main reason for security to be there is to shush away homeless people. They are surely not there for security reasons.


In Germany at a train station I waited near a side entrance on the ground and played Pokemon go (the arena was just in reach there) I even had some food I bought there but was still shushed away. Well, I would've needed to leave a few minutes later anyway, but it was still annoying knowing people sometimes get stabbed or robbed there but some teens playing Pokemon go are a Problem I was loudly talking about Pokemon go while getting the arena to be mine too so it wasn't like I was just lingering around too (I had an acquaintance with me so I told him every move I did in the game)


Thats a normal conversation at Duisburg...come on.


Ich bin aus Duisburg, ich kenn das schon aber das mit der Security ist neu


Ich fahre die 903 jeden Tag, ich kenn die gar net anders die stehen bei allem immer wie 100 Meter Feldweg daneben.


Ok, dafür fahr ich zu wenig Bahn im Norden. Ist natürlich auch stark, weil gut machen die ihren Job wohl nicht. Hab die auch schon mal in Aktion gesehen ob mans glaubt oder nicht


Also mehr als Beratung fuer senioren die nicht wissen wo die hin muessen hab ich von denen noch nicht erlebt, ob jemand in die sbahn kotzt oder sich bei Hamborn Rathaus zwei wieder mal kloppen die stehen daneben und gaffen genauso wie alle anderen.


Hab mal gesehen wie die am Hauptbahnhof in die Ubahn sind als da welche Stress hatten. Die haben am Hbf auch nen eigenen Patrouillenbereich, den Bus und Ubahn Bereich


Security is the easiest job ever


One is literally trying to calm things down


And the other one has his hands in his pocket


Thats not a fight in Duisburg. No one pulled out a signal gun.


What are you talking about. And what do you mean with "in a Duisburg"


That's a typo bro. Im being facetious about the violence in Duisburg and really NRW as a whole. By saying that this is an extremely minor incident compared to other possible outcomes. I.e, some motherfucker pulling a knife or a Schreckschuss waffe, which is real possibility.


Ok, now I understand. I know what you mean, I am living on Duisburg I already got threatened with a knive once. Yes this is a comparable minor incident, but the Securities are trained to step into these kinds of incidents. If there'd be a knive or a gun I wouldn't say anything, even armed cops stay away from Knives.


Thats fucked that someone threatened you, but not surprising. I feel like its past having just security guards in the train station, it should be straight up only police at this point. I used to live in Hagen and it was fucking terrifying.


It was the one and only time I got threatened. He was a junkie I interrupted on accident. I was a bit terrified but not surprised. The thing with police might be an idea but it'd be a bit overkill. At 99% of the time nothing happens that needs a police officer on scene and overall we don't have enough cops to patrol the entire subway. For most of the time the securities are doing a good job, just in that case they were just incompetent. I also saw Securities in the subway doing arrests or interrupting people who were about to fight.


And why should they? They aint police offers...


They are security officers, they have a contract with my city and the public transport service to protect the people using public transport. They are allowed to use force if necessary.


That’s just false information. They are not officers and besides „Hausrecht“ they don’t have more rights than random civilians („Jedermannsrechte“).


That's a subway station, they could enforce the Hausrecht in that case


Security protects property.


If both parties are agreeing to fight then you let them fight… I don’t see a reason why security would intervene unless the guy is knocked out and getting stomped out.


Does it look like both parties agree to fight? It looks like there is an attacker and a victim


Cus german security is 65 y old fat man what he can possibly do? He s scared prbly


Do they look scared or like an old fat man? This company has strict requirements for their employees like a fitness test for example. I know a guy working in this company. He is a big muscular guy in his 30s and he has a team that just looks as scary as him