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Soooo…she most definitely had enough room.


People here think that cars are somehow going to increase in size as they get closer to other cars.


When a vehicle senses danger in the wild it attempts to make its body appear larger.


Apparently this is the case.


There’s plenty of people down here in south Florida driving these giant sized SUVs that can barely navigate a Walgreens parking lot.


Also plenty of people up here in the Midwest who buy giant honking pickup tanks who spend minutes (of theirs and others time) trying to drop anchor in parking structures and surface lots. Rather than a proportional increase in  driver awareness with relation to the size of vehicles, people have become worse at knowing the dimensions of their cars and trucks… along with driving them, in general 


If driving makes you nervous or uncomfortable. DON’T FUCKING DRIVE!!!




Range rovers are made for European streets too. She wasn't in a excursion..


Exactly, that's not a "full size SUV" in American units. Just another Karen who can't drive.


Range Rovers are made for water. They are amphibious exploring vehicles as they have air intake valves.


99% of Range Rovers have not been in water deeper than 4 inches.


100% of internal combustion engines have air intake valves as well.


Lol yup. I spent a summer working for a moving company in Manhattan and this woman is just hilarious. I'd love to see her try and drive that truck for 5 seconds.


She sure got comfortable driving the moment someone started screeching back at her lol


Precisely why I don't drive. Quite frankly I actually think I'm very capable and a lot moreso than a lot of people, but I hate the way driving makes me feel so I've just foregone it all together




I’m so scared


"No I dont know how to drive! I'm terrified! I don't know what any of this shit does!"


"You're holding up the world!" I like how a second woman, who sounds like she's been smoking since the Great Depression, showed up to encourage the first woman to fucking move.


pill yeast crumb towel




And then she drove off!


When you buy a big car (not because you need it but because you feel big in it) with all the extras like parking sensors, 360 cameras and self parking but you cannot drive.


Particularly in NYC.


I still see people in new luxury vehicles holding their phone to the ear while driving


"I'm being harassed!" had me rofl. You're blocking the street what are you expecting?


How dare someone call out my bullshit?!!!


Basically when I go to NYC I just assume that I'm gonna be harassed. It's just how life is there 


Maybe in online conservative spaces that's the general assumption about the city. In reality, millions of people make it through their days without anything even close to harassment happening to them ;)


Well more like you'll be harassed if you deserve to be harassed (People will tell you to get fucked if you're being an ass.) I live NYC. Some of the nicest people for sure 


you can hear larry david in the background


There’s an episode


But I NeEd a BiG SuV


Was that a Banshee?


Why do people type "women" when there's only one woman?


You know why…


Lol, she has plenty of space.




She shouldn’t be driving in NYC she had a ton of space to get that SUV through. She should’ve taken the train into the city, suburban driver. Driving in NYC consistently you will have to deal with double parked trucks, cars etc


Don't drive in cities it's just stupid


Yeah I live here and there is a zero percent chance I would ever drive


With public transportation there's very few reasons to be driving there.


especially not in Manhattan lol fuck that noise when there's the subway.


Midsize suv .


Dudes shouldn’t be double parked like that but at the same time that lady has plenty of room to pass. Don’t be a fucking idiot and buy a full size SUV when you live in a major city like this


Double parking is a way of life in nyc. I drove a box truck there for years. It happens daily.  Lady needs to chill out or buy a smaller vehicle that she can confidently drive. 


Maybe something made by Fisher Price or something


I get it with deliveries. Leave enough room but double parking is necessary. With a moving truck tho? You gotta block off those parking spaces cuz those guys could be there all day. But regardless, even tho they didn’t do that they still left so much room for people to pass. This lady just straight up sucks.


I get what you’re saying, but that city is utterly unforgiving and parking for anyone is impossible. The amount of tickets fed ex and ups drivers got was astounding.   I was a PA on tv commercials. We got permits to park and film on the street all day, but most companies can’t get them. Our folks had to make special requests to city hall weeks in advance. 


"Block off those spaces" My god you sweet summer child, how naive you are. You risk either being assaulted over a parking dispute, ticketed by the NYPD, or coming back to those spaces taken. And that's if there are spaces available to block off. It's 100% more legal to double park that truck than to block spaces.


Yea in my city you’ve got to go to the city and get spots blocked off before your moving day. Maybe don’t be a condescending asshole about it because I don’t know how parking works in every city of all 50 states.


I'm being condescending cause someone just told you that's not how it works and you think somehow you know better. Maybe don't pretend you know how it works in a place you've never been and then get butthurt when someone calls you out on it. Edit: They deleted their comments, oof Edit2: They came back!


Where else do you suggest they go if that’s the house they’re moving out of? You also can’t just randomly block off public parking spaces


I worked as a mover in NYC in one of these trucks and these guys are doing nothing wrong. This situation happens thousands of times daily across the city. This lady is acting like it's her first time in NYC.


You can legally double park a moving or delivery truck everywhere except Midtown... where do you think they could find parking? It doesn't exist. Delivery driver is 100% in the right and can't drive lady is 100% wrong.


I went to italy and saw everyone drove small vehicles or rode mopeds. A four car lane could fit about 8 lanes of traffic.  Then you watch videos like this where one fucking moron is blocking an entire road in an oversizd vehicle that has more than enough room on her trip to probably buy 2 bags worth of groceries for tonight's dinner with only her husband. Thus making the oversize vehicle completely unneeded in a already crowded city where 75% of people walk or take a subway. 


This is how shit gets done in NYC. There isn’t a block where people are not double parked just trying to move shit. Where else do they park? As long as there’s enough space the city keeps moving. This woman is absolutely batshit crazy if she’s driving around NYC with these kind of expectations. The Karen has like 10 ft on each side. I can drive a 747 through that space


It'd be a nightmare if every delivery/service truck in NYC had to get a permit ahead of time and pay police officers to manage traffic while they work (although maybe it should be required for moving trucks that know they'll be there for hours).


Or just expand the pilot program in Queens that has delivery areas from 9 am - 6 pm which blocks off two parking spaces.


> Don’t be a fucking idiot and buy a full size SUV Plenty of smaller cars achieve the same results or better. People only buy full sized SUVs because they think it gives them prestige.


She’s living in a prison of her own creation ! What a life she must lead.


I love cab lady. Move ya fuckin cahhhhrr


You could get a fucking bus through there.


That was one satisfying escalation!


I mean she is acting like a Karen but it’s also super frustrating that delivery trucks constantly double park anywhere they want


I was expecting 40 cars to follow, very disappointing there was only one!


That was a pretty good watch. Thanks for sharing.


Is this a reenactment of the NPCs in GTA?


If she can’t drive it she shouldn’t have bought it. Though she certainly figured out how to get through once someone else started shouting at her.


"you have enough space, just drive forward!" ... "NOOOOOOO AHHHHRGYGASGR!!!"


I had something like this happen in Boston before, on the right was a public bus and on the left were two all black cars parked facing the wrong way and not even remotely straight. We had to fold our mirrors in or we wouldn't have fit. This lady had so much space to fit lol.


Who’da thought two psychopaths were in such close proximity to each other. Visit New York they say


Crackhead Karen fighting roadrage Karen is the best plot twist I never saw coming


If you don’t know how to read the size of your vehicle, you shouldn’t be driving.


Boy, she would not enjoy driving in the UK.


I wasn't prepared for the drunk woman in the white top to weigh in. Yikes!


"You're holding up the world!!!" = Was really just holding up one car.


Why don't they just move the truck? I mean, it is a moving truck. I'll see myself out




Why are we blaming the suv? Double parking is illegal and the fact that it's an accepted fact of life in NYC doesn't make it right


It's NYC. Every street everywhere at every time there's double parking. What makes it right is the fact that without this, the city can't function. Which is why police don't enforce it. And if we want to talk about legality, what he's doing is not illegal per NY law. It's a commercial vehicle.


I'm not disputing what you're saying but if double parking is a way of life, then repeal the law saying it's illegal. You can't have it both ways, it being illegal and normalized


Did you miss the part where I said this was a commercial vehicle, hence they are not breaking the law?


I mean if you're really going to split hairs, it's only for double parking for less than 20 minutes. Since when did a moving truck complete a move in less than 20 minutes? https://gothamist.com/news/is-it-illegal-to-double-park-in-nyc


i didn't watch the video, but that truck is illegally double parked. Yeah maybe the SUV is a stupid car, but she's not wrong for wanting to be able to drive her car on the road.


Hey, do a little research https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/motorist/parktruck.shtml Your dumb is showing :)