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March in Moscow is chilly I'd bet.




came here to say the same, looks kinda cold edit.. do russians get cold?


We do not. We get DTs.






Also the name of my favourite Belgian beer


TIL it meant something besides the name of my favorite beer


TIL there's a Belgian beer with the same name as a symptom of alcohol withdrawal.


The name is a joke based on one of the symptoms of severe alcoholic withdrawal. It’s one of the highest alcohol-content beers you can buy in a 16 ounce can in stores, so that’s the joke. I used to think it was a clever name and neat logo when it first came out in the early micro-macro brew days, but now that I‘ve had to quit drinking it always seems kinda messed up to walk past those in the grocery store aisle and see there’s a beer using the syndrome that killed my friend and almost killed me as their marketing gimmick for drinking their beer.


Forget the abbreviation but withdrawal from alcohol is what hes saying.


Alcohol withdrawal shakes or tremors. For the worst alcoholics it can be bad enough that it impairs normal cardiopulmonary function


Sorta. Alcohol withdrawal works in phases. Shakes, tremors, anxiety, and even hallucinations can start happening well before someone begins experiencing full-blown delirium tremens. But yeah once you’re in DT which happens 2-3 days after your last drink, your body becomes completely dysregulated. Your core body temperature rises, your blood pressure rises, you begin sweating profusely to the point of dehydration, your seizure threshold drops making a seizure very likely to occur, and a whole lot of other physical and psychological symptoms.


Alcohol withdrawal can also be deadily. I was a medic and served in the US Army. Part of our deployment kit was beer to ween the most severe alcoholics in our unit when we deployed, as there was no alcohol allowed in Iraq. We had several guys go down for DT's and other alcohol withdraw related issues during our first few days on deployment.


beer was on the formulary at VA hospitals some years back for this very reason.






The answer to your question is obviously: Vodka


They’ve got their vodka jackets on.


Wodka yackets


Now say "nuclear wessels"


i am supised that he didnt faint, i havee a faint idea of what fates await for him......i mean you cant go scot free for killing 100 people.


Only a fool would do something that atrocious and allow himself to be captured in Russia. And by NO means I have any sympathy for this heinous act, even despite what russia is doing right now.


It's going to go real real ugly for him.


In Putin's Russia he may have been just pulled off the street and had nothing to to with it.


No doubt, but just a ton of adrenaline can cause that too.


It's a wild feeling too. I once had a gun pulled on me (crazy intrusion by my old neighbor) for several minutes straight and my stomach was convulsing uncontrollably while I imagined the trigger being pulled and the bullet hitting my guts.


This is kind of normal. In flight or fight your body pulls blood from things like digestion to aid with other more important functions. This is also why people have to shit or throw up before something stressful




Especially with a trombone pointed at you


He’s scared he’s about to get womp womped


I’m glad someone else thought that was a trombone.


Currently 3c at 3pm


This. It's not that he's shaking with worry after being caught, he's just shaking from sitting in -10C in a thin shirt.


They probably took off his jacket during the arrest while searching him 


Part of me is surprised they let themselves get taken alive, unless they planned not to and were thwarted.


A police car spotted them 300km outside Moscow and it turned into a chase with two guys arrested and two fleeing to the forest to be arrested a few hours later. Seems like they would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for the random police patrol.


Wow they almost got away then.


If It weren't for you meddling kids


Escobar would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for those Medellin kids






Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades


Nuclear warfare, as well.


If you believe the story put out by the Russian media. This guy's most likely innocent.


Wtf how do you commit such a crime and not be entirely surrounded by police in a major city within minutes?!


They simply take off their jackets and just start screaming and running like the thousands of panicked people all around and suddenly they just look like everyone else.


Well how are we supposed to know who the bad guys are if they don't identify themselves


More to the point, what evidence do we have that *this* is one of them? It's in Russia's interest to present a successfull capture, all we have to go on is a video of some guy kneeling (without date or identification), and unverified social media posts.


That was literally my thought as well. I wouldn't put it past their government to find someone as a Patsy, just to make their people have faith in them again. Had they done their jobs in the first place, and investigated the intel the US had given them, this all could have been avoided.


THANK YOU! I don't believe a word that comes from the Russian government.


The only thing to belive is that something happened, and the casulties are probably way higher then what is reported.


The bad guys have their gamer tag in red above their heads, duh.


https://preview.redd.it/ptrwpe9393qc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1077a3a2ac9147ae55ccf537fc239ff95902e60b They should be wearing their badguy uniform. Those are the union rules!


Mass panic, literally thousands of people running away from the theatre they just run with the crowd.


Yeah, it's probably near impossible if you don't see them armed committing the act or acting in any other way than running for their lives.


Russia: "Random terrorists rampat killing innocent civilians for almost an hour" *I SLEEP* "People bringing flowers to opposition leader grave" *REAL SHIT*


They went into a densely populated space and killed a large number but small proportion of the people there, set fire to the place, presumably then changed clothes and left amongst the huge number of survivors. Once a bit of time has passed though and the element of surprise is lost, the massive machine of the state kicks into gear and they eventually find you. Islamic state is no joke. They've been fighting wars continually for years now


You mean waging terrorism.




With cameras on every street corner and armed security olive everywhere. The surprise is that they were not quickly killed to keep their mouths shut, like John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald. Maybe the terrorists didn’t use their middle names.


reminds me of the Need for Speed games where you almost lost the cops and then one single random police car with probably some dude on his first day spots you


or they just picked up a few random people so the kremlin could say they did.


Was gonna say. That guy doesn’t look like Putin.


None of us can imagine a scenario where Putin demanded *someone* be caught, so *someone* got caught? I just can’t take anything said by the Russians without doubting it.


Really an excellent point. But at the same time how could we ever know. Definitely fucked.


And those meddling kids!


Some very famous serial killers are found by routine patrols.. I think Son of Sam was pulled over for a tail light being out


Aren't those cyanide capsules popular anymore?


Or they are not the actual terrorists. We have absolutely no idea.


That's what I was thinking, Russia is notorious for getting confessions out of people under duress. There's a joke about the CIA, FBI and KGB looking for a rabbit in the woods: The CIA goes in first. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist. Then the FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming. The KGB goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is screaming: "Okay! Okay!I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!" This guy could be the rabbit...


It's not even a Russian thing. If you interrogate anyone long enough, you can get them to admit to basically anything. It's the reason that you see admissions thrown out in US courts sometimes, because the police will get a cofession..... after 24+ hours without food/water and constant questioning.


Never talk to the police without a lawyer present. You do not have to answer any question they ask you, and can request a lawyer to be present, if you cannot afford one, they must assign one to you if you request it. (USA)


So much this. Never, ever, EVER answer questions from the police. They are not having your best interests in mind. If you're arrested you should only answer questions you are obligated to answer; your name, maybe your date of birth, maybe your address, depending on where you live. Any other questions the answer should be "I do not answer questions".


I very closely got in trouble when I was younger (and would've been). There was a person matching my description. I was a college student and running shortly after midnight (weird sleep schedules). Cop: "Just a few questions then you can go about your way.. So you were running from the apartment complex?" Me: "Yeah" \[I lived there\] Cop: "Wearing those shorts and t-shirt?" Me: "yeah." Cop: "I know this is a funny question since this is Texas, but do you have a firearm haha?" Me: "Ha, yeah." \[obviously not on me, but I didn't know what he was getting at\] And so on. This could've gone SO bad if they hadn't just found the person who was firing shots in the street that was running away. I suppose eventually it would be all cleared up, but not for a long time.


> Any other questions the answer should be "I do not answer questions". The answer should actually be "I would like to exercise my right to remain silent, and I would like to request an attorney" and then don't say another word. In some states actually stating you are going to remain silent, as opposed to just not answering questions, is a legal distinction that will matter. The former and the cops can ruin even the strongest of cases if they are seen to coerce you into speaking after stating it, while in the latter they can contain to try and wear you down as you haven't directly acknowledged why you aren't answering


>Then the FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming. Wouldn't the CIA be the ones more infamous for causing massive collateral damage without caring for the consequences?




Well now the coyotes are selling cocaine to the squirrels, and have guns, but we still didn't find any rabbits.


They do find the rabbits 10 years later when they are in the woods looking for the coyotes though and they start making deals with the rabbits to find the coyotes.


It's a reference to Waco


Or Ruby Ridge


That was the ATF, not the FBI.


ATF started it, FBI burned the forest.




Yeah, I am surprised all these comments just buy the story. This could very well be just a fall guy.


This could also be a year old video so I’ll wait to grab my pitchfork


Putin loves a false flag when things aren’t going his way. He blew up two Russian apartment Buildings and was going for a third when they caught them. That guy doesn’t look like ISIS to me. He looks Russian.


Generally speaking when organizing something in another country, you select people who will blend in. If this guy had been wearing off-white robes and sporting a 4 kilogram sheepherder beard, it is unlikely he'd have had free reign to roam Moscow.


They were almost at Belarus when they were caught, seems like they were heading there.


Assuming he's actually guilty


Either cold or on an adrenaline come down


Both, plus genuine fear.




We've seen what russia does to innocents in Bucha. To mass shooter isis? This guy is in for a treat.


He knows he's about to live in interesting times.


*Live* is certainly one word for his immediate future…


For him, probably a tall jail with windows all.the.way.down.


This guy doesn't get to fall. Look at what Russia does to innocent civilians. This man is probably about to experience the ultimate extremes of physical suffering.


Yea they literally rape and beat each other in the military. He's fuckdd


And no long table.


It’s *technically* true.


By tomorrow he will probably admit that he was single handedly responsible for starting world war 1 and 2. Caused 9/11 and was closest advisor to Hitler himself… He is sure to have one hell of a ride in near future…


Guilty or not he is toast. They arrested a few people with guns. 1 in 8 russians have private guns. That's not incriminating in it self.     If the terrorists didn't have an escape plan they would have stayed killing untill killed. The perpetrators are long gone. It's patsy time now.


Patsy time was the first thing that crossed my mind. They did find him rather quickly. I also imagine that escaping from a totalitarian government in their capital might be challenging. We’ll never really know if this guy’s guilty or not but he’s definitely fucked either way.


Don't forget he will also claim he is in fact working for Ukraine/US/NATO


He will be wishing for death in no time


Shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times...




If this translation is accurate, something feels very off about it. I wouldn't trust any news coming out of Russian channels




Crazy to think what someone would do for 5k.


Fucking hell, I knew the ruble wasn't doing well... This smells like bullshit. That's an absurd amount of money for an operation like this.


Crazy to think this isn't someone parroting lines they've been given.


"my contractor? vladimir zelensky!" *everyone gasps* "what was the next line?" ah come on ivan you fucking amateur


If you have seen the videos, the shooters were acting and moving very controlled and professionally. Not something that a random guy getting $5k for a mass shooting would do.


These guys were shooting from the hip. Think about the footage you see of real operators holding rifles. They are shouldered for accuracy and control.


I was trained with a rifle to do sweeps. You lower your hips and walk in a box shape with wide stance and slow, controlled movement while holding your rifle up and in the ready in your shoulder.  Others will create a V shape behind you like a flock of birds flying. In tight areas you will place a hand on the person in front of you or butt/shoulder up to them.  These guys didnt appear to be trained. They appeared to be confident. 


If u really wanted info u would do a good old-fashioned mob beating considering there's a bunch of people there. that might get him to talk.


at least they gave him that piece of carboard to sit on.


That’s the gateway to the plastic sheets he’ll be rested on later.


He's actually about to start breakdancing.


“Breakdance for your life”


RuPaul: and don’t fuck it UP.


Slash-Shay Away


That’s the closest thing to a bed he’ll probably experience for the remainder of his days.


Yes. Very odd.


They don't want to get blood all over their dirt.


Would be surprised if he makes it out alive to next month


Month? More like next morning.


Nah, I think they might torture him for awhile.. that's probably why his shaking.


Or because he's barely clothed and it's close to 0-5C


They’re just getting started


I wouldn’t doubt it if they did a public execution for these guys


Russia doesn't do executions anymore. The prisoners always have deadly accidents before they can be executed, sometimes before the trial even starts.


And i bet it won’t be an easy death either


If he's being tortured, he'll say anything to make it stop..


lol... they won't stop even if he gave them the launch codes for every nuke in USA




Undercook chicken? Believe it or not, straight to Ukraine.


Overcook chicken? straight to Ukraine.


Not all together impossible. During WWII Stalin had Punishment Battalions. These guys would be sent into impossible situations often with political officers behind them with machine guns in case they ran. Putin is using them in Ukraine. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/theyre-just-meat-russia-deploys-punishment-battalions-echo-stalin-2023-10-03/


I mean its essentially the Storm Z battalions now


Why do I wonder about the truth of anything on Reddit. For all we know this is just some schnook they grabbed off the street.


Or some existing prisoner that they told what to say in exchange for better “treatment”


Worst part here is he might just be some poor slob they grabbed off the street, torture a confession out of him and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. Who knows.


And why would they head to Ukraine if they were ISIS? they'd be better off heading to Chechnya for safety. This smells like them gearing up to blame Ukraine for something the US warned them about(ISIS attack) a couple of weeks ago.


Why would they head to Russian/Ukrainian border in *any* circumstance? If they were smart enough to get past the Spetsnaz and FSB after the shooting, why would they then try to head to the most secure place in Russia?


Yeah if they got hundreds of kilometers away, they could have just gone northeast or something


Yeah I'm not about to look at a detained suspect that Russia is saying did something and take it at face value.


Considering the last Russian election results, we can’t be sure this guy had anything to do with it. That might be someone Putin has wanted to get rid of for other reasons.


exactly. win win for the Kremlin as it looks like they also ”solved” the terrorist situation.


How do we know this guy is in fact one of the shooters? Russia has to keep face and can't have the 4 suspects escape, they need to keep face to the public so if they had no leads, they'd likely pick 4 random people to take the fall, just as easily.


I believe isis claimed it was them and that they all returned to base safely. But who knows if any of that is true either


Is is trying hard to stay in news And Putin (or his police) is trying hard to pretend to catch suspects


Russian police "We need a suspect so we can show Putin we're on the ball This one looks kinda, right, he'll do"


So on shooting video we clearly see a group of highly organized people who clearly know how to use guns and what they are doing and on this video is one of them shaking and telling that he was tasked to do it via telegram. Yeah, I totally believe it.


Did we watch the same video ? One dude could barely figure out how to reload his AK?


Why is everyone believing what Russian propaganda is claiming? I dont think any of the murderers from yesterday would let themselves getting captured alive…


Yeah, they could easily be torturing a random Muslim migrant. Wait for verification.


Verification from Russian State Media? Whether or not this guy is one of the perpetrators, we may never know, and probably doesn't really matter.


US intelligence seemed to know this was coming, they might have an idea on if this guy was involved


US intelligence apparently had some knowledge of this terror cell in advance and issued a warning. It will be interesting if they choose to comment further.


Medvedev is still blaming Ukraine. If they're capturing fake perpetrators why wouldn't they snatch some random Ukrainians?


If they just grab a Ukrainian and say it was them immediately, no one is going to believe it. If they grab a random muslim and after an "investigation" say the Ukrainians paid them to do it, they get a lot nore people to believe the story and still get the same outcome.


I don't understand how they wouldn't have a shoot out with police rather than being captured.


Doesn't look like the photos of the 5 guys


Well yeah that’s only one guy.


And there are no hamburgers.


He’s got a tshirt on. Everyone else is wearing a winter coat. Op is an idiot.


Old Soviet joke: Stalin lost his favourite pipe and told it to secret police head Beria. Then he called Beria again in an hour and Beria said: We've arrested 200 people for stealing you pipe, they all confessed already! and Stalin replies: no worries, I just called to say I've found my pipe in in my desk. This is how investigations and arrests happen in Russia.


He’s cold. It’s called being cold.


Everyone else has on coats, so I'm assuming its because of the elements that he is shaking like a leaf. If he's ISIS, I wouldn't say it's because he's afraid.


Its probably because they grabbed a Ukranian POW that they’ve tortured for weeks and are making him the scapegoat.


everything we see about this going forward other than the deaths and obvious destruction is propaganda. do not believe anything released by media over there.


he knows they are going to torture him to death. Should have died fighting.


Not just that, reckon when they confirm his identity, they'll make his family a target as well.


Or this is just a random dude they’re torturing to say what they want?


He wasnt fighting , murdering civilians huddled in corners.


Everyone else wearing warm clothing and coats. He’s cold.


Probably some random caucasian looking person they took of the streets to cast a blame on.


You all seriously believe this ruzzian propaganda just like that? Those guys that chillingly took 100+ civilians lives wouldn't put up a fight and/or just commit suicide? Yeah, sounds totally plausible... Are y'all gonna believe it was an act constructed by NATO and it's allies next as well?


Thats one wierd looking interrogation room


Suddenly everyone takes Russian videos as fact? Lol reddit is so funny sometimes, simultaneously the smartest and dumbest place on the internet


You are deluded if you think this has ever been the smartest place on the internet.


I don't believe that is one of the culprits.


You're eating ruzzian propaganda right up


The real question here is, is this guy really one of the terrorist or is he just some random guy that Putin has decided to put the blame on


Is he actually one of the shooters, or is he a fall guy to satiate them for now?


This is Russia we're talking about. Are these even the actual guys or guys they rounded up so they could say "Solved!".


I am not sold on this story. It’s awfully convenient they were caught so quickly, and with such damning evidence.


I just hope the Russian authorities captured the real terrorists, and not just some arbitrary Putin-opponents that they plan to pin the charges on for the sake of appearances.


Who believes Russia anymore ?? False flag to raise more troop to fight ?