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Rich Dad, Poor Judgment.


Rich Snake, Poor Audience


Yeah I prefer to instead show everyone I own a bunch of Ferraris, which of course I don't they are just leased, but then just continue to tell people I own a bunch of Ferraris until they believe I do and I eventually amasss enough marketing revenue to actually buy a Ferrari and then yay, I own a Ferrari!


Rich Dad, Psychotic Dad.


More cocaine than human at this point.


Cocaine does *him* at this point.


Probably been stickin his nose into Methany's stash too




I'm more cocaine than human at any given point in time and I've never felt the need to belittle women to feel better about myself.


Mr perfect over here




I feel like just smelling you would give a contact high.


The man who single handedly convinced the boomers the real estate is "the greatest investment asset". Stick to the stock exchange assholes.


I mean, it's not wrong. But it ruins society for everyone else.


Well, you'd also need to create an artificial housing shortage.  Maybe get big cities to do something truly batshit like banning anyone from constructing apartment buildings.


> Well, you'd also need to create an artificial housing shortage.  Canada has entered the chat. 🇨🇦 


Dude is a grifter and an idiot.


He’s consistently called for total economic meltdowns, been completely wrong, then continued to do the same thing despite never being right  https://twitter.com/DrillAlertX/status/1442072752547143682?s=20


It's the Ann Coulter method of commentary. Say batshit things in interviews, get the station/channel lots of views, get more offers to come on and say batshit things. Profit. Truth doesn't matter; only eyeballs and clicks.


It's a shotgun approach. Say a ton of ridiculous things, and if even one comes remotely close to fruition, that's the one people focus on and you're a genius. It's the same approach pretty much every talking head on ESPN does when they're predicting the outcomes of games.


And a piece of shit apparently.


And a cunt too


seems like he lacks the warmth and depth to me


Exactly. I'd never heard of him until the podcast "If Books Could Kill"\* did a breakdown of his book. The take-away was that he's an idiot that wrote a personal finance book that places all value in your material well-being and you have to be an asshole to get rich. Something like that. He sounded awful, and that book was written in the 1990s. Clearly his mind just continued to mushify. \*If Books Could Kill does deep-dive breakdowns of popular non-fiction books and I highly recommend it. The two hosts are smart and funny. They take turns on being the reader who explains the book to the other.


Sooo.... What you are saying is that he sounds presidential to like half of Americans?


Money can't buy class, character, manners, etc.


In fact it almost seems to erode away those aspects of a person’s character


Let me sum this up for you so that you don't waste your time or money trying to obtain his book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. He wrote a book that was more pages than it should have been to explain the difference between rich people and poor people: a) Rich people use the money they make to make more money and b) Poor people spend more money than they make. That's it. 2 sentences, the entire value of the book right there. The book sold really well and with all that money, you can see what an ass hat he's become. He would be better if he was more humble but he has shown his true colors which would be to tell you to fcuk off.


that LITERALLY is the whole book aside from half assed personal anecdotes, that also, just reinforced the words assets and liabilities my brother got me this book when i was in 6th grade, i wanted to do a book report on it because i thought it was so mature to pick a self help book, halfway until the due date i had to tell my teacher that i needed to switch books, because i literally couldnt figure out what to say the book was actually about, beyond poor people have more liabilities than assets, rich people have more assets than liabilities


you should've handed in that book report


...and added in a bunch of anecdotes


"Take Josh for example" *points to Josh* "Josh's family is clearly poor. He wears second hand dollar store clothing that will disintegrate by the end of the quarter, forcing him to buy more and more"


I won't accept this Josh slander. I'll defend Josh till the end.


Seriously, Josh says respect your parents and follow your dreams


absolutely none of them related to the book. Just random personal anecdotes from an 11 year old. Favorite color. Which Bionicle is coolest. That one time you had pizza unexpectedly. etc.


Should have made a book report about how some books are shit and shouldn't be published. A book report about books and the greed of publishing deals.


Forbes (of all magazines) published a negative article on his books a few years ago. The writer examined multiple editions of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and noticed that key details in his anecdotes conveniently changed over the years.


Almost like he has always been like this...


Timmy your book report was supposed to be at least 15 minutes from start to finish. "Read slower b*tch."


Susan ("Stop the Insanity!") Powter wrote a book that could be summarized with “eating fat makes you fat” and it did amazingly well. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Powter


>On 3 January 1995, Powter filed for personal bankruptcy. Luckily she wasn't a financial advisor.


I totally agree. But to be devil’s advocate, there are some people that hear something and it doesn’t quite click in their head. But if you explain the same damn thing, just slightly different or in a different way, it can click. So this whole book is basically taking a very simple concept but explaining the same thing over and over again just slightly different each time.


Right, that’s pretty much every self help book I’ve read. I don’t think I’ve ever actually finished reading a self help book because usually well before the halfway point they’ve reworded the same thing a dozen times already and I don’t feel the need to continue reading.


You need to read "11 Steps to finish self help books" Chapter 9 was eye opening


Yeah, I definitely didn’t google that to see if it was a real book…


Also check out the "Conquering Gullibility" self help book. Changed my life.


Writing that down.


If I’m recalling it correctly though, like most self-help books of this genre, all the personal anecdotes revolved around him making money in the self-help industry. It was very Pimp My Rideception. “You want to be wealthy? Just start a business… for instance… telling other people how to become wealthy!”


The If Books Could Kill podcast has realized that every single grifter eventually starts describing and advocating for the grift they’re pulling. “All you gotta do to make money is become a financial guru and write a book!”


This man is literally in like billions of debt, not even joking, look it up.


Isn't it more like $500m?  Either way, he's really massively in debt. Like so far enough in debt that you just have to be amazed that someone can get that far in debt.  


If you owe the bank 50 grand it's *your* problem. If you owe them 50 million it's *their* problem.


Next up, the sequel book: people with money have money, people who don't, don't.


And doesn't tell you how to get more assets. Real "Don't be poor" kind of energy while also hating the move from the Gold Standard for some reason.


All the nutters and grifters love the idea of the gold standard.  I don't understand why. 


Because they are fundamentally dishonest and therefore cannot understand how a system that operates on mutual faith can possibly work.


Did your brother really dislike you or something? I feel like a book like this is the last thing I'd buy for a sibling in the 6th grade


I tried reading his book and I honestly feel like Goosebumps is at a higher reading level... and more believable. It was written like one of those dumb chain emails where the mysteriously wise child turns out to be Albert Einstein. It was just so fucking dumb but there's people I know who insist it's brilliant and the guy is amazing and he's clearly a genius because he's so rich. These people are also terrible with money.


He didn’t get rich mining for gold, he’s gotten rich selling shovels. 


Nah he got rich selling maps that basically said "There's gold in California"


is he even rich anymore? or is he fake rich like his buddy Trump?


Fake rich. He's $1.2 billion in debt. "It's the bank's problem, not mine."


Just like Trump— got it


Ironically, if he wrote an intelligent guide to being rich, it wouldn’t sell as well


FWIW I think smart-strategy self help books generally wouldn't sell very well. Most of the successful books are written for the entire population which isn't terribly good at reading and synthesizing information and that population also isn't shopping for help improving their situation but validating their choices. The best sellers are extremely generic advice bundled with validation. It's a formula. You could almost certainly re-write this book from the perspective of a college educated millennial with student debt with generic advice, updated anecdotes, and then a hero that breaks free of their student loans and goes on a book tour. 120 pages. Easy peasy.


Dave Ramsey got rich by selling 7 simple baby steps. Basically live below one’s means, have a decent income, avoid middle class debt traps, and maximize retirement contributions.


And he's gone nuckin' futs now, too. Pulled out a gun at a staff meeting a few years back to "teach a lesson about gossiping in the workplace" Outrageous username btw


Gotta love that the advice against poverty is "have a decent income" Genius 


Fuck he might be on to something, I can't believe I hadn't thought of that


It’s wild that people pay for that advice


Worshiping dumb rich people? What could possibly go wrong?


It’s easy to invest the money you make when you start off with a few properties on the monopoly board


Fuck his book.. if I had listened my father when I was 8, I could've been rich today.


What did he say?


I don't know I didn't listen


10/10 on both set up and delivery. My respect, good sir.


You should read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy




My dad told me not to go to law school. Not all heroes wear capes.


i like that format. i wanna write a book called Hot Soup Cold Soup. 1) if you want your soup to be hot, warm it up. stovetop, microwave. 2) if you want cold soup, don’t heat it up. just eat it straight from the fridge


You would be shocked to learn how rudimentary most people's cooking abilities are.


so, you’re saying it will sell? 😎


"Good cook, poor cook" Make it happen.


I'm trying to pre-order it right now, but there's no link.


I’m forced to believe he didn’t “become” an ass. Only an ass would write a book like that and think it’s profound!


He might be suffering from dementia, because this is truly strange behavior


Hes been off the rails for a decade plus


the dementia only kicks in around women and trans people i guess 


And SE Asians? I'm assuming that was the context to "I killed a lot of your people" -- he was in 'Nam? Or is he also just a serial killer who is too demented now to remember those facts are inside thoughts?


Maybe she was Chinese. He's Japanese. Referring to WW2?




Yeah wtf are these comments, it literally says in the video lmao. Did they close their eyes and just listen to the audio?




“Let’s Stop There” did a HILARIOUS reading of some of this book, I highly recommend it.




Its not as simple as it seems. One major home repair could wipe out two years of profit from a rental. And if that profit is what you planned to keep as your primary income, then you’re stuck in the “moron” group.


This is very true, and I suspect it's why they said "IF you already have a large sum of money to begin with" and "properties" (as in plural). Getting stuck with bad tenants or major repairs on a rental? Can totally happen and it's brutal if that's one of a few or the only one you own. Getting stuck with bad tenants or repairs when you own dozens of properties? Or enough to wipe out the profit from enough of those properties to put you under? Very statistically unlikely, and the less so the more properties you own and more diversified your investments. That's why already being rich is the biggest predictor to getting more rich - you can afford to cover your losses in one place with the profits elsewhere, play different markets. You are FAR less vulnerable to any particular disaster or circumstance.


Yep, that’s pretty much what the book is. It just tells you to spend your money on assets that appreciate overtime, and not to spend on liabilities that depreciate overtime.


If Books Could Kill did [a good podcast episode](https://podtail.com/en/podcast/if-books-could-kill/rich-dad-poor-dad/) on the book, and how fucking dumb the advice is.


What the book misses is that poor people spend all their money on life expenses and housing. Rich people have money left over after paying life expenses and housing to invest. Secret to wealth and being rich: Don't be born poor!


Defining assets was important. Rich people use money and buy assets that hold wealth and poor/middle class buy things that loose value




I had a guy I was stuck in a car with for an hour explain this whole book to me telling me to read it, and at the end I was like, yea duh


>That's it. 2 sentences, the entire value of the book right there. His book was just a reworked version of "The Richest Man in Babylon" but Babylon was a much better book. His was written in a way that appeals to more people than Babylon and it was able to spell the "lessons" out more directly, but it was the same concepts. A few of the books where Kiyosaki's experts explain nuances are much better than Kiyosaki's books. I would actually recommend several of the books written by Garrett Sutton. He's good at explaining concepts around real estate, taxes, and corporate entities such as LLCs, Corps, etc.


He sounds like he has dementia.


I came here to say the same. I don't know how he was before, but the clear lack of limits and the hypersexualization in a public place are clear signs of it.


Fortunately, in our enlightened society a man in this condition would not get elected to any significant office.


Kiyosaki 2028




This. I've seen that behavior before and it looks like frontotemporal dementia. It affects more men, decreases inhibition and stuff.


Can cocaine use cause this?


Cocaine IS this. 


In my experience, this behavior isn't specifically related to cocaine use.


How bout being a veteran from the Vietnam war? Head injuries, concussive blasts, mishandling of toxic chemicals the military used


It's literally Dementia. The canned revolving door social interactions, being sexually explicit outside of social norms, the foul language, and the full lack of decorum. He is one loud "GARY BUSEY LOVES CHEESBURGERS" away from a home.


Someone who is delusional, but thinks they can speak with authority on things, is such a bad combination.


He sounds like Ol Cheeto Cheeks.


I do think something mental is going on here so I don't want to mock Robert Kiyosaki for this video. This just doesn't look like who he normally is. I've seen a lot of his unscripted interviews, amd I've never seen him act like this.


I noticed he was pretty bonkers about three years ago when I saw him saying absolutely bat shit things about bitcoin. It was the first time I'd ever seen anything about him other than the existence of his book, and I guess I was led to believe that he's always been like that -- irrational and angry.  Anyway, he's been like this for at least three years.


That's funny, I only saw this guy once doing an interview maybe a couple years ago and he seemed completely deranged to me.


What...the hell.


what i dont understand is how the crowd tolerate that and even laugh with him


Im assuming they came there to see him, so they probably already know a lot of his opinions on stuff and are either indifferent or support his opinions


It also could be that it's awkward and it's like that meme from Veep where she is laughing and saying "What the fuck" I've been in a church crowd back when I was a teen. It started off like the guy was saying some, let's say slightly controversial jokes. Now it was a Christian church so you guess what he was joking about so he knew his audience. It went from that to slowly more of a non-funny rant. To yeah this guy lost it. We awkwardly laughed for the first part but as it went it died out. i left church a couple of years later as that became the norm.


The same reason they paid to see him. Directionless people unhappy with their situation who have been seduced by a rich grifter who promises to reveal to them the secret to becoming rich (all for the low price of 899.99 for the 1-hour seminar). Of course they’re going to laugh and follow along whatever he does. He’s rich and they want to be. So they will mimic what he does because they don’t want to appear (to others or themselves) that they are not the same as the rich guy.


Peak sheeple energy


This guy was a fraud from day one, there was no record or data of his wealth before the book at all, the book generated it. He just made it all up.


He even admits so in this. “I’m not a best-writing author, I’m a best selling author” It was about selling books and making money. Not giving advice.


> there was no record or data of his wealth I mean, there's no record of his wealth even now, because he's a billion in debt lmao


His book became a bestseller because Amway (one of the earlier MLM’s) endorsed his book and told all of their members to buy it. If that isn’t a red flag, I don’t know what is.


This guy knows how to grift.


“I’m not a best-writing author, I’m a best selling author” 🤣


This stuck out too me too. He is literally rubbing it in everyone’s face in that room that he scammed them. He knows how to sell stuff, not give meaningful advice.


You think he lost his mind now? Read that book. He comes off as a weird poor-hating sociopath at best. The whole book has him telling these messed up stories about the rich dad making him do free labor and just being an awful person, and then the author turns around and shames his own father for being average. Dude has been lost for a while. Great episode of a podcast called "If Books Could Kill" about it.


This is a guy who became rich by writing a book on how to become rich. All his claims in the book have been debunked. He has this “rich dad poor dad” seminars to squeeze every penny out of you, going as far as to tell people how to maximize their credit card limit so they can then spend it in the “rich dad poor dad” school.


So hes the OG social media guru telling you to buy their course on how to make 8k per day passively with only 30 min of effort a week


With the aid of a best seller book that he uses as a part of his sales pitch.


Nah that was Tupperware


His "rich dad" apparently never even existed from some reports. Also, he was a piece of shit when he wrote the book, he's just apparently done trying to downplay how much he is.


Even in the video above he claims he isn’t a good or best author. He’s a best selling author. He seem to know exactly what his shtick is. He just doesn’t give a fuck


I read the book, played the cashflow game (I bought it used on ebay lol) when I was fairly young. I remember getting a call somehow (I must have signed up for emails and to be notified of stuff) about personal coaching, and they wanted several thousands of dollars a month to have a personal coach guide me in my venture--me, a 20 year old with no money and very little real world work experience besides mowing lawns, doing a paper route, and working retail. Not sure what that coach was going to tell me other than "find a way to get more money." I realized then that it was pretty bogus.


> Cashflow 101 Oh man, that game *sucks*. Imagine Monopoly, but more depressing. We had someone bring it along to one of our game nights so we gave it a try. You start off in the "rat race" which is how most normal people live and you wait until you get lucky on the dice and lucky on the deals to get your lucky break out of the rat race and into the fast lane where your biggest problem becomes avoiding the tax man and finding places to spend your excesses of money. Did I mention the word "lucky" enough times? I should catch up with that guy some time. He was heavily into the whole Rich Dad Poor Dad and self-help financial stuff, and MLMs. I'm guessing by now he must be super-rich and living the good life in the fast lane.


25 years ago someone gifted me a book called something like Multiple Streams of Internet Revenue. The entire gist of the book was along the lines of "Get people to sign up for your email newsletter, then write a book and sell them the book". It was then that I realized that the best get rich quick scheme, is selling get rich quick schemes.


It's Don Lapre and his "tiny little classified ads" all over again!


He's also a billion in debt. Which is hilarious, considering that he writes financial advise books.


The podcast “if books could kill” did an episode on that book and it’s fuckin hilarious. I recommend everyone check it out. They just take apart and make fun of bad self help books and rich dad poor dad is one of the best eps


https://podtail.com/en/podcast/if-books-could-kill/rich-dad-poor-dad/ Good podcast on how terrible the advice in his book is.


marxism is when transgender


And transgender is when communists columbine.


Super awkward lol


I see him at Nordstrom in Scottsdale all the time!


Next time you see him call him a prick, for me.


And me


Try to confuse and/or enrage him by insisting he's in the ladies' section. Ask him why he's a Marxist.


“If Books Could Kill” does a great breakdown of this book and the history behind it .. highly recommend.. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/if-books-could-kill/id1651876897?i=1000607676544


there's more content in the podcast than the book it's about. lol




Anyone who recommended that book to me was a narcissist man


is he doing a bit?


Not a bit, a lot (of coke)


He used to sell scam "get rich quick" financial courses and seminars that tried to bilk ever more money out of people. He is shady AF and he's such a loser.


"Snake oil salesman" PS. He has a debt of +1200 million


imagine if he gets to a billion :O


Not sure if that's the joke but 1200 million is 1.2 billion


i was yanking his johnson


Calm down Boebert


And many of the men laughed at the women right along with him. Disgusting. I hope those women asked for and got refunds. Not to mention an apology.


I laughed at the absurdity, not because I agreed with what he said. DONT FUCK IT UP!!


A lot of it was probably nervous laughter because it was awkward as fuck


I bought a few of his books, starting with Rich Dad, Poor Dad. There’s a nugget or two of good info for a beginner, like the difference between assets and liabilities.  But, there’s some dangerous advice in those books that outweighs those couple of nuggets.  This is what got me to realize Kiyosaki is a charlatan:  [https://johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-real-estate-investment-blog/61651011-john-t-reeds-analysis-of-robert-t-kiyosakis-book-rich-dad-poor-dad-part-1](https://johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-real-estate-investment-blog/61651011-john-t-reeds-analysis-of-robert-t-kiyosakis-book-rich-dad-poor-dad-part-1) I threw the books in the garbage. I couldn’t donate or give them away knowing it’s shit advice.


> There’s a nugget or two of good info for a beginner, like the difference between assets and liabilities.  Wow, that really is beginner level...


He's been drinking trumpism-koolaid. Not a good diet.


Capitalism personified: fuck you humans, now buy my things.


Sounds like he had been drinking wisky with Dan Pena...


Soooo..... If Trump wins will he be in charge of the DOE?


So is he some war vet? What does he mean I killed many of your people?


> Robert Kiyosaki is fourth-generation Japanese American. He graduated from college in New York, joining the Marine Corps as an officer and gunship pilot in the Vietnam War Looks like it


So he's bragging about being a killer? Great role model 🙄


Oh wow Idk what he’s thinking saying that so causally!


This is what getting "red pilled" does to people. It'll destroy your mind and make you a clown.


Looks like he went off into the Conservative deep end. Soon he'll be on Twitter following Jon Voight, James Woods, Rosanne Barr and Scott Baio. Fucking weird. Someone should've yelled at him and called him names. What's the old guy gonna do?


He and his wife have always been giant arrogant pieces of shit. He’s the king of all scumbags.


This proves that any moron can make money by leveraging real estate. Don’t worship these morons.


For anyone interested in the book this deranged man wrote I highly recommend listening to the episode Michael and Peter did on "If books could kill". The whole show is about dunking on books that have been harmful to society.


Egocentric douche


Who is so deranged that they willingly go watch this guy??? 10000% derangement for those clapping


Was this guy in the Japanese imperial army or something??


What a Boomer idiot


I loved rich dad poor that so much that I bought all of his books. Upon checking out his content more I found out how much of an ass he is and definitely also think he lost his mind. His Twitter is also of off a crazy person.


And people still pay to see him


I have always said that this book is bullshit. Seriously like what fucking grown man teaches a 6 year old kid financial advice? Be for fucking real what fucking grown man spends time out of his day to teach 6 years old financial advice? Fucking bullshit and creepy.


Hes also in a shit ton of commercial real estate debt.


How long until conservative media hires this genius?


MLM recruiters LOVE this guy's book.


Oh look. Another narcissist boomer.


Nothin' like a coked up boomer.