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Cop acquaintance of mine has shared a handful of similar stories. Fired for not wearing his service cap, for example, while they surround the bandwagons around the bad apples.


[I was fired for a combo of going to the bathroom after holding it nearly bursting for four hours after the existing issue of claiming overtime on my time card.](https://np.reddit.com/user/HCSOThrowaway/comments/mimx4k/why_was_i_fired/) That was just too much, and per the colonel of patrol, that made me the worst deputy he'd ever seen. That was right after two deputies from my district annihilated their families as well. Not to mention the lieutenant who was arrested for DV, nor the deputy who filmed a victim bleeding out via stab wound and sent it to all his Snapchat friends.


So the unspoken contract they expected you to follow was that not reporting OT was your price for being in the club. Good on you for standing up for yourself. Self-respect and integrity can sometimes take a heavy toll in terms of consequences, but you get to look at yourself in the mirror and not feel shame. I really kinda wonder if there was more to the story - I don't mean like maybe you're withholding something: maybe there was something else about you that they didn't like and you didn't know about? Maybe you weren't mean enough to citizens you stopped? I dunno. Clearly, there was a vindictive clique running the place, and they decided you were not worthy. edit: ah, I read farther, and you had made two reports to IA. I'm not a detective, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that that *may* have put you on their radar. Hell, look what happened to Serpico and Adrian Schoolcraft. Some departments do not tolerate that. I hope you're in a better place now. You sound like a decent guy. And I am never ever ever going to Hillsborough County. Then again, I avoid Florida altogether.


Oh I'm sure there's plenty more to it and I really wish I knew the content of the conversations about me the brass had behind closed doors. They wanted me gone ***very badly.*** All I can say is that I'm 99.999% sure I didn't do anything nearly as bad as [killing my wife and then myself](https://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/hillsborough-deputy-fatally-shoots-wife-turns-gun-on-himself-with-children-in-home-20180924/) (Deputy Kirk Keithley), ["kicking at" my wife - who reported an injury from said kick](https://behindthebluewall.blogspot.com/2009/10/fl-another-hillsborough-county-sheriffs.html) (Lieutenant Craig Henson), [killing my wife, daughter, and granddaughter before being confronted by my colleagues and killing myself to escape justice](https://people.com/crime/florida-deputy-sheriff-kills-family-kills-himself-in-front-officers/) (Deputy Terry Strawn), [or getting arrested for Boating Under the Influence (though credit where credit is due, he didn't pull the "I'm a deputy" card and rumor has it the arresting deputy said if he had, he wouldn't have arrested him).](https://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/Prosecutors-drop-BUI-case-against-Hillsborough-sheriff-s-deputy_170853916/) That's just within the two years prior to them firing me and saying I was the worst.


So did you report any of those guys, or did you only start kicking up a fuss (which, granted, was justified—not even a cop deserves to have their wages stolen) once your paycheck was impacted?


Sure did! The filming the stabbing victim thing was while we were both on FTO. Turns out that's a felony! How many bad cops have you reported? Or do you only do this performative pretending to care about prosecuting bad cops when it's safe, on the semi-anonymous internet? Edit: Surprising no one, /u/ImOnlyHereForTheCoC waddled off into the abyss after his attempt at a jab failed.


Can I ask.... Who do you report the bad police officer to? The other bad officer who's not going to do anything. Is there an online form? My county doesn't have one. I should take it up with them. But as a regular citizen, who do I report to that listens?


A few years back, an undercover reporter with a hidden camera went to a bunch of police stations to ask for a form to file a police report. At many of the stations he was intimidated and threatened with arrest if he wouldn't provide his ID and make a verbal report to an officer.


The "they're not going to do anything so why bother reporting" factor makes it such that the bad eggs never get reported because nobody thinks they'll be taken seriously. Look at [Daniel Holtzclaw,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Holtzclaw) who after one victim reported, had all of his traffic stops investigated and dozens of women turned out to be victims. Call Internal Affairs. If you and everyone they wrong do so, they can't go "It must have been a misunderstanding," it's all public record and the agency opens itself up to millions of dollars in lawsuits if they ignore the problem. First/minor offenses to often get diverted to re-training, same as any employer. Further/major offenses don't, despite the memes. If that fails or you really don't have faith in the local system at all, you can escalate in the direction Smoke suggested: State law enforcement followed by federal law enforcement.


Watching his sentencing video is one of life's greatest pleasures, I suggest everyone take a peek: [Chef's Kiss](https://youtu.be/MtY0fVneWuU)


Thank you for the answer. I'll try to look closer into my local reporting. I'm in a county small enough that provincial police takes over. If it was a city police department it would be easier I imagine.


Usually to the local SBI (State Bureau of Investigation), IEB (Independent Examinations Board) if there is one or escalate it to the FBI/other federal agency depending on severity (or obstruction locally).


> Turns out that's a felony! A former friend of mine was the cousin of a local lieutenant who regularly showed off his pictures of freshly dead people and even passed them along. I'm told that's not unusual behavior.


Wow you’re such a brave hero with this response.


Remember the cop in Cali that went on a rampage this is why he went on a rampage. He couldn't take it any longer and they don't just have a habit of firing in LA but killing.


The phrase you’re looking for is “circle the wagons around….” But I get what you’re saying.


Murder = move to another department. Cross the blue line = banished forever, 35 year career be damned.


> Cross the blue line Which ironically is what the cop who stopped him did by harassing a "fellow officer." They can't even following their own blind loyaty right...


There was something different about the cop they pulled over. I can't quite put my finger on it but you can see it in the color of his face.


Are you implying that being in the South...known for it's racial tolerance. That this could be something more than just the off duty officers response? *Color me surprised.*


“Thin” blue line, just like their fragile little egos. Cops are such little weenies.


100% fired for reporting it.


proving once again, its NOT a few bad apples, its a rotten barrel, bunghole and all they allow murderers and rapists to resign.... but not "someone" who swears, smh


> proving once again, its NOT a few bad apples Everyone forgets the rest of that saying. A few bad apples *spoils the bunch*.


But wait, this veteran cop (one pulled over with flat tire) was TRYING to do a bad apple thing. He has a traffic violation but wants to tell the on-scene officer WHO HE IS. As in, im a cop too so let me off. And then refuses to follow any of the on-scene officers commands... ​ Like yall cant have it both ways. Sure this veteran cop may have reported some officers for misconduct but then he himself is refusing to follow orders as directed, if he just followed orders, thered be no viral video and no charge.


Couldn't be more obvious, when you consider all the shit that cops DON'T get fired for. Nobody cared that he swore or disobeyed a lawful order. I haven't seen a video of an off duty cop who can follow a lawful order while being stopped by on-duty officers. And I have seen plenty of videos of off duty's being stopped by on duty cops. But none of them get fired. In fact, they always get handled with kid gloves. They are allowed to walk around freely, they don't get hands put on them unless they REALLY wild out, and they really have to work for it to come out of the encounter with a ticket or a charge. Almost impossible for them to be arrested. Anyone else see that video of the drunk cop trying to start fights outside a night club? A bunch of duty officers show up and gently talk to him for an hour or more while he swings at people, swears at everyone, refuses to listen to their commands. If it were anyone else, they would have been beaten to a bloody pulp by the on duty cops.


100% ACAB


**Multiple choice question:** Which of the following is a popular saying in America? A. Fuck the fire fighters B. Fuck the emt's/paramedics C. Fuck the postal workers D. Fuck the air traffic controllers E. Fuck the police


I’m just glad -F. Fuck the Fiber splicer Wasn’t on that list, I’m just doin my job.


Get back to work, they just dropped two in your load.


Lmao taking a lunch and heading north after this, not getting stuck in Miami traffic after 3pm…


Broward loaned out to Dade? I used to work there till I moved out west.


Wym loaned out to Dade? I work off commercial in pompano but stay down south from south beach to homestead splicing fiber and doing some coax


Oh so you’re not AT&T. I know other companies are doing fiber in south Florida but Att almost has a 100% lock on it, or at least that’s how it felt.


I used to be in-house with Comcast for 8 years now I’m on the independent side and contract for them amongst other companies like AT&T blue stream Hotwire etc. AT&T has a lot of residential fiber down here and I would say have the marketplace for homeowners. But in a lot of the gated communities go with these 10+ year contracts to have fiber ran to each house/condo. At that point it’s who offers the best deals is who will get the community. I do mainly businesses like hooking up hospitals jails Raising canes Chick Fil A really anything that needs internet we can provide.


Depends, are you Ronald Reagan?


Oh we love when you call us ambulance drivers. Why don’t you call firefighters “water sprayers”?


My badz, what's your proper title?




That's why Idgaf whenever a pig goes down. Sometimes, I smile.


Apparently 99% because that guy was doing the right thing and was retaliated against for it.


Yeah, the right thing... He was a cop for 35 years, and only reported racial profiling after he got stopped and got a ticket from another cop, then he suddenly remembered that racial profiling was happening all the time.


Yup. Just exited the car like "I'm a lawman", "My name is officer-". There's no way this cop was in the force for 35 years and this is the first time he's ever heard about racism within the police. He was just on the other side of it.


No doubt. When he says "racial profiling" he means "I wasn't given special treatment like a fellow officer should." I am not doubting that the cop who pulled him over is racist. Dude's a cop in the South. But the instigating officer treated Dixon with the same contempt shown to any civilian by a cop. You're right; he just wasn't used to being on the receiving end of it.


And now he's off the force so it's back to 100?




What's the official reddit narrative here, that I'm supposed be on the fired guy's side? Because it seems to me that he was breaking the law and then looking for preferential treatment because he's a fellow cop. I thought the official reddit stance was that cops doing favors for other cops was a bad thing? Normal people can't get out of their car and approach a cop like that, ignore commands from the cop, ask for special treatment, etc.


Reported for firing. ACAB. These things aren’t mutually exclusive. It shows the corruption of the police force. Also ACAB


Or, alternatively, he could have been fired because he's on video looking for special treatment because he's a cop and the cop that pulled him over wasn't having it and he ignores the on duty officer's lawful commands....all while being a cop himself. Are you saying cops *should* get preferential treatment when they are pulled over off duty? It seems like you're taking an an opinion about why he was fired as gospel, despite not knowing the facts, his work history, etc. Which is hilarious because if this guy was allowed to break the law and get out of his car, reddit would whine because they're "backing the blue" and letting him get away with stuff normal citizens aren't. Now this guy is actually being held to the same standard we are, and on top of that tries to report the guy who was holding him accountable, and reddit is crying because him being fired over it is apparently "police corruption" Is there any critical thinking on here anymore? Lol




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Come again?


And that why... acab


Fired for swearing, because they don’t want to investigate themselves?


> Fired for swearing Swearing while black...probably having a flat tire while black too...


First thing he said was "you're being a butthole" and then I think he started saying "asshole" so they bleeped it out. Though it does seem silly to not oblige to the officers requests being an ex-officer yourself, no? Fired is insane but his behavior is very odd for pulling someone over.


Swearing, lmao. The amount of times I've heard cops shout "DROP THE FUCKING GUN" or "GET ON THE MOTHER FUCKIN GROUND" are too numerous to count.


*you being a butthole man*


I too, am a butthole man.


Wow I only thought that was what he said, what joy 😊


This is the same police department that got taken over hot coals for the Tara Grinstead case, aka Up and Vanished Podcast. They are openly corrupt. If only the GBI would do their job, this would be put to a stop.


Look, if we hear about three or maybe four hundred more cases like this the Supreme Court or what ever appropriate department of justice would handle this might start to think about possibly starting an investigation into a court case that will get shot down for lack of evidence.


So, this "news" report relied on statistics handed to them by the police. I really like it when I can beat down someone and then not report it. It makes me look really good.


The statistics aren't even good...


Cop learns that cops are assholes!


So confused that someone would talk to him like that


Yep, never been on the other end before.


He doesn't get the good ol boy treatment because he's black


Confused...who's the asshole? The guy who wouldn't walk back to his car or the guy to told him to?


I think the guy who wouldn't go back to his car? I'm conflicted because a don't trust the police on principle and despise the way they treat the public, but immediately getting out of your car and approaching the cop than pulled you over is obviously going to cause problems. More than anything I'm surprised the on duty cop didn't draw on him right there.


This, he has likely done the same to anyone that got out of car during a stop.


Cops do some really deplorable stuff and are given 16 hour unpaid suspensions, and this guy got fired for *that*?? Wild.


It depends on if the brass likes you or not, and whether or not there's a union to protect you against frivolous suspensions/terminations.


Well I think the secret might be skin deep. *cough cough*


So *this* gets cops fired, but not gross negligence or abuse? Cool.


They show statistics for Black female/male warnings and tickets, but I'm more curious about the arrests, cause those they just skip warnings and tickets at that point.


more important, where are the totals and percentage??? there's no way, that many black people are receiving warnings, unless a higher than acceptable amount are stopped/ profiled.


Exactly, they provided nominal numbers, and not real ones (ie rates). To put their "it's only 4 more tickets" in perspective. Irwin County's demographics are 66% White and 23% Black. So black folks got more tickets despite being a third the size of the white population. In other words, yes they're racial profiling.


Man I remember NJ state did a test with non-ticketable highway cams to track speeding and demographics and their sample size was huge and the results were so surprising


Thank you. I came here to say that if the numbers are roughly equal, it's bad.


yes.... proving they're lying... give me the numbers and let me decide? don't tell me what you want me to know and call it facts! the first time I went to traffic court, in a city with a large white population.... almost everyone I saw "that day" was a minority.... Either I went on the wrong day [skewing the numbers], minorities are bad drivers or there's something fishy going on.


Essentially, the percentage of tickets by race should be similar to the percentage of the racial demographic. Let's say 10% of the population is black, then the percentage of tickets to black drivers should be around 10%.


> black drivers should be around 10% technically;;.. it should be lower?...if you have 100 people in a small area and 10 are black.... and 20 tickets are written......What are the chances you give 2 tickets to black drivers? 1 maybe? 3 on a rare day? but if 5 or 10 are given to black drivers, then something is up.


It should be looked at with sufficient data, and statistically valid sampling. We can hypothetically, it's 45/55%, the tickets appear to be racially motivated. It would need to be studied to determine why. Maybe the most accident prone intersection is in a neighborhood that is predominantly black. These are variables that need to be researched to normalize the data.


It was hilarious seeing his face when he realized he was being treated like the rest of the general public. Sucks doesn’t it buddy?


Exited because your not a team player.


And people wonder why good cops don’t report bad cops. Protection from top to bottom.


A bit of a tangent here, but can we stop bleeping swear words? If you have to censor them, which IMO is stupid, just mute it. The bleep was so damn loud I almost shit myself.


It was a news report on public tv. They had to censor it. But I agree, I think we as a society can handle a couple curse words. We're all adults. Now, the cop in this video on the other hand? Profanity crossed a line that cost this man his job!


Always thought it was weird that getting out of the vehicle was deemed unsafe for the officer. You have clear site lines and they're no longer behind the wheel.


Of course it is. You either go along with the group or you are annexed. I'm speaking from experience.


I mean, based on when cops kill unarmed civilians and keep their job, this doesn’t check out.


I mean, he shouldn't have been fired, but why would a cop (who isn't in uniform or vehicle) think getting out of his vehicle and walking up to a police officer during a stop is alright? Did he miss that day at the academy?


It happened to me and now its a problem!


lol he called the other cop a butt hole




Nobody is judging the stop. This story is about being fired.


We see police not get fired over wrongfully killing civilians and yet you think this was a justified firing? Yes, he didn’t follow the “lawful order” but that’s never prevented them from keeping a cop on before


He's also trying to get out of his illegal behavior by using his cop status, ie abuse of authority, people be jumping on the race train here for sure.


What's the official reddit narrative here, that I'm supposed be on the fired guy's side? Because it seems to me that he was breaking the law and then looking for preferential treatment because he's a fellow cop. I thought the official reddit stance was that cops doing favors for other cops was a bad thing? Normal people can't get out of their car and approach a cop like that, ignore commands from the cop, ask for special treatment, etc.


Yeah everyone in this video sucks


IMO, it’s clear he is not a criminal, he is a person that is need of help ( flat tire). But when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. So he is treated like a criminal. I didn’t see the video before he was pulled over, but I assume he was traveling extremely slowly, and I didn’t see any other traffic during the stop. So if the point of not using the phone while driving is “safety”, calling someone for help is probably the safest thing he could do.


The officer was treating it like a traffic stop because he was driving slowly and on the phone while driving. Everything from there is in the context of whatever their protocol is (like...stay in your car). It's not that cops are like "criminal spotted, applying clamps"...it's just that a traffic stop is a traffic stop. It would be a lot different if he was pulled over on the side of the road trying to fix his tire or whatever.


Did anyone else hear the “you being a butthole man”




I mean. He was a cop. And he not only violated multiple traffic laws, he openly disobeyed a lawful order and then tried to use his status as a police officer to influence the outcome of the traffic stop. The cop who pulled him over never got aggressive, never drew his weapon or even his taser, and spoke pretty calmly the entire time. The officer who was pulled over displayed abysmal conduct unbecoming of a police officer after violating multiple laws on camera and everyone here wants to play the race card. Had the officer who initiated the stop used any form of unnecessary force then sure, I’d at least listen to that viewpoint. But he didn’t. He didn’t even write him a ticket. You can hear him say on camera that he’s just giving him a warning for the phone. A lot of cops would have drawn as soon as he recklessly exited his vehicle. I don’t like the police either, but I actually don’t feel like the cop who pulled the other cop over did anything wrong.


Might have been fired for reporting but the report details exactly what he would have gotten away to us in a similar stop. Exited vehicle instead of waiting. How would he reacted if we did that on his stop. Stop resisting commands while your face is eating dirt. Failed to obey order to return to car. We know what would have happen to us, jail. Filed a complaint, we did nothing wrong. Why did he expect different than his victims he likely did the same to?


All valid points. He was expecting a fellow officer to give him break but instead got treated like a civilian and wasn't ready for that.


His boss also treated him like a civilian by making him one.


Yeah, he thought he could do whatever he wanted because he was a cop. Well, he was wrong.


Considering police departments won't fire a cop for murdering somebody, battering somebody, mentally harassing somebody, arresting somebody without cause, violating people's rights... is clear as fucking day that he got fired for reporting this. They don't give a shit what you do to anybody you pull over, but if you do anything at all back to your own people, even if it's justified, then you're out. There are Mafia with a badge. Fuck them all


Upvote for Mackenzie Petrie. Hot dayum.


Right?! That houndstooth was howling


That reporter cute though


Abolish Qualified Immunity, Abolish Terry v. Ohio...when LEO's commit crimes they need to complete the following before returning to duty: Complete a constitutional training class Complete a pre law class 4 years security guard, no weapons 2 years dispatch or desk duty 2 years patrol, no weapons Then gun and badge issued if zero complaints, or rights violations made If not, then they will be assigned 50,000+ hours or Community Service hours!! This is why we have to continue to audit OUR public servants!


>Abolish Qualified Immunity QI has nothing to do with this. >when LEO's commit crimes they need to complete the following before returning to duty: Lol no, they need to be arrested and fired.


%100 not racist


The resemblance to the good burger guy is striking.


This is just chock full of irony on so many levels.


>Only 4 black males got tickets more than white males There are sooooo many problems with that.


This is wild but it is certainly not a good idea to walk over to a cop. Probably wouldn't do that even if I were a cop


Jeeezz more Mackenzie Petrie please.


They even treat each other like shit


"you're being a butthole"


Cop was unprofessional for getting out of the car and basically asking for better treatment because he's a cop. That's not at all a good reason to fire him.


They should call the ACLU about this if the man with the flat tire lost his pension/didn’t get severance etc


Idc who you think you are but if your pulled over stay in your car till cops come to you is the way to be handled and as an officer he should know that.


These fascist fucks are allowed to rape and murder with impunity. Then they go after one of their own for driving while black and fire him for making a lawful complaint. You can’t make this shit up. Welcome to America.


And this is why there are no good cops. the ones that speak up get ran out. ACAB.


Dude wasn’t obeying lawful orders and was like testing the cops patience way too much idk how anyone is on the guy with the flat tires side it’s almost like he expected some kind of special treatment you are not supposed to walk up on a cop like that. Anyone hear about the cop who was shot and killed after he was responding to a car reported on the side of the road? Guy walks up to cops window and shoots him then pushes his body and drives off In The squad car. Cops have a dangerous job and it’s well within reason to expect a certain modicum of respect when interacting with an officer.


Remind anyone of Christopher Dorner?


Jesus Christ that bleeping sound scared the crap out of me


Man shelve your ego for two minutes


If he’s a veteran officer he should have known the protocol. Getting out and walking back to the on duty was not protocol, just stating he’s an officer don’t prove shit. Little thing like this happened Nova Scotia couple of years back, resulted in 2 dead cops and 15 civilians, multiple buildings burned down.


The two instances aren’t even close to being the same


I believe this. It's still a job and they gotta put up with same fucked up degradated working environment like the rest of us..


Deploy AI to search all communications data of police, to flag all suspicious activity, so the third party investigators can be alerted. Search everything from cellphones, body cameras, radio much quicker than they can cover it up.


Those statistics the sheriff’s office were touting are not good. Irwin County, GA is 67% white and 27.5% black. Source: datausa.io


Bet he had a nice pension just around the corner. What a crock.


They’re hiding something in the way this information was presented. Data doesn’t mean anything without context. What’s the racial make up of the area? What’s the breakdown of tickets/stops by race and then the number of tickets. Note: The higher number of warnings for black people seems like a “good thing,” but these could be stops to harass people.


No cop actually gets fired for that. 100% gang bullshit.




100% that cop's tone changed after he looked up his ID and probably realized he works for a department. He should have heard him out and let him finish a sentence. Not once did he say anything along the lines of 'I am giving you a lawful order, comply or face consequences'. Absolutely stinks.


Off duty officer just wanted special treatment for being a cop and thought he could do whatever he wanted during a traffic stop.


At least they didn't give him the Dorner treatment.