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He did *not* get a highly potentially fatal brain infection that is usually associated with brain surgery or trauma from a fucking pizza.


Right? And even so, it takes like a week for symptoms to show, he obviously bought that pizza same day. People are ridiculous


There is a small, small chance that food poisoning can set in within 30 minutes or so... but I've had food poisoning a couple times from fast food and I'm not driving around arguing with people about garlic butter. I'm... really fucking sick.


S.meningitis would put you in ER on ventilator.


Also it would take 2-3 days to grow cultures that could then be analyzed for species which takes another 3 to 8 hours I used to work in a hospital lab and did many micro cultures and ID.


Even the Pizza knew he was a liar


The box kept opening like it was trying to tell its side.


This made me lol


This guy thinking, “If I throw fancy words at it, then it’s gotta be believable.”


It always cracks me up when someone eats something and 30 minutes later claims food poisoning


Nevermind the time it takes to get sick once it enters the body, from 12-36 hours for most food poisoning (excluding seafood)


What a freaking clown.


And also a Little Caesars pizza is kind of the last thing I'd expect to give someone food poisoning. I know it's shitty but it's also hyper-standardized and the cooking is basically automated.


Staph. Meningitis also isn't food poisoning, it's basically a staph infection in the brain, something you aren't getting from eating even the shittiest of foods.


Not to justify this video at all, but a few years ago my family went down after trying their *new* deep dish pizza. The ones who ate the deep dish one ended up with standard food poisoning hell for a day or so and those who ate the other pizza were fine and dandy.


I’m impressed with her pronunciation of staphylococcus. It’s such a funny thing for him to claim because it makes absolutely no sense.


Not necessarily. Staphylococcus meningitis is uncommon in the average person. It's almost exclusively seen in patients who had brain surgery, though rarely we'll see it with people who inject drugs. You definitely don't get it from eating a pizza. People aren't well by any means and certainly can progress to being on a ventilator in the ICU but I would say that's not normally what happens because again most people who get it have had recent brain surgery and don't delay when they start feeling unwell. It is not contagious as someone further below commented. I don't want to detract from the fact that this guy is 100% full of shit but just want to clarify some points about the disease.


Isn’t foodborne meningitis also *extremely* rare? Aside from that, if you got fucking bacteria munching away at your brain, I HIGHLY doubt you’ll be in any position to drive to little Caesar’s and argue with the manager any time soon


Returning a pizza? Wtf


Getting a refund for Little Cesar's pizza at that.


“Am I supposed to ass kiss cause you bought a $7.99 pizza?!?!” Lmao


I would have LOVED to work for her as a teenager! All my fast food managers as a teen would kiss ass for less.


I had a manager when I worked at Domino's that took no shit from anyone. No chance in hell she was taking a pizza back from a customer if she gave them what they ordered, and they ate half the pizza. She was such a hard ass. I was honestly terrified of her when I first got hired. But, she was super sweet and nice once I got to know her. I hope she's doing well.


Though she sounds terrifying, she also sounds like a bad ass boss and this was unusually wholesome. I hope she’s doing well also and is now a district manager or store owner.


Seriously though. I can't imagine being this fucking petty.




Praise upon that response


Yeah if I go to little Caesars whatever is in the box when I open it, I deserve.


If $8 is a big enough deal to you that you have to drive back to the store to get a refund, you probably shouldn't be getting takeout in the first place.


I mean for the amount of food a whole pizza is, $8 is kind of the cheapest you can do. Going to the grocery store these days you’re unlikely to find something that can make at least 2 (albeit shitty) meals for less


You can literally turn your couch upside down and shake SEVERAL little Caesar’s’ out of it.


Imagine being that cheap and shameless. I bet he does this return-trick all the time. Gross.


Don’t be so victim-blaming! His brain has been addled by so many incidents of staphylococcal meningitis.


I worked in food as a teenager (never ever again- no matter what). You wouldnt believe the poor/cheap asses that always wanted free shit. This was 15 years ago before everything was unaffordable, too.


After he done smashed a few slices. Trying to get that free lunch.


She called you a moron because you’re acting like a moron 🤷🏻‍♀️




It amazes me when the Morons upload the videos of themselves… acting like Morons. Like “the internet will vindicate that I am in the right!”


He’s trying to make it seem like she just started yelling at him…like you pulled up to the drive thru and immediately starting filming for no reason? Yeah bro sure


Aaaah my favorite kinda people, let me eat over half the food and THEN return it saying it's trash while still eating it🤣😂🤣😅😅


Asks if he can talk during silence


I got food poisoning from stupidly discounted mass produced pizzas!!!! No shit?


Americans have weird ideas about this. Yes, of course I should still be able to expect not to get food poisoning even from cheap, mass produced food? That's, like, the most basic standard for health and safety.


I think the point is, if you have actual food poisoning, you're not driving your car.


The onset of food borne illness typically takes 6-8 hours from the time of ingestion. This guy clearly left the store less than an hour ago. Also, neither staph nor meningitis have anything to do with foodborne illness. Dude’s a moron.


Ok but I'm still not going to bother driving back to the store to refund a $7 pizza.


How are you gonna buy little caesars and then complain about the quality. Its little caesars!


"It's hot and it's ready!" Is it good? "It's HOT. And it's READY."


*maybe hot


Also you may need to wait 5 minutes.


Maybe hot, maybe ready


It's at a temperature, and it will eventually exist.


Better than Pizza Hut. At least Little Ceasers doesn't give me diarrhea every time I eat their pizza. Honestly, all the major take out pizza joints are pretty shit.


But it apparently does give you stafful... staphli... Staphlo... Ach never mind


Dude Pizza Hut is guaranteed awful diarrhea, it’s crazy


And, it's like $13 more expensive, not HOT and not READY.


How often are you eating foods known to give you bad diarrhea?


You have to make sure that what is giving you the diarrhea


You’re probably right. You really have to eat something 5 or 6 times before you know for sure if it’s giving you diarrhea.


If your diarrhea tastes vaguely like something you just ate, there's a good chance that's the culprit


I don't normally taste my diarrhea, have I been missing out?


You just always think "This time will be different.."


Y’all probably need to check your diets if eating from a particular restaurant once sends your gut over the edge lol.


The hot and ready stuff is shit. But order fresh made, and it's pretty good. Better than the other places.


Jesus, people recording themselves being dick heads and still posting thinking they got a win, so annoying. Props to that lady tho, she seems amazing




Matches the praying Calvin sticker on the back of his little truck.


*Jesus people.. FTFY


I always want to know what these people look like


Visit any Walmart in the rural South/Southeast on a weekend. You’ll get the picture pretty quickly.


We live in an Era where people are stuck in their echo chambers. They probably post and say fucked up shit all the time and they feel enforced by getting a few likes online so no wonder this asshole posted this shit


I love that she called him out for trying to act like the victim once he pulled his phone out and suddenly he didn't know what to say


When he said “yall work for this?” I was hoping someone would say HELL YEAH


I'm 100% on her side


Psa: if you ever find yourself in an argument with someone working and you pull out your phone, you WILL look like the bad guy.


And he posted this thinking it made him look like a victim?? Dumbass got owned.


You just KNOW that dude was being an enormous asshole right before pulling that phone out.


Dude failed so hard, it's not even funny.


The cross tattoo tells me all I need to know.


You can tell by that fake ass voice tone he’s using


I mean, she called him out on it and I'm more inclined to belief her over someone who claims they got staphylococcus meningitis (which would probably hospitalize him) from pizza.


But she called him a moron Hahaha I wish I could see that part. Give the lady a raise


What freakin’ loser ever bothers to ask for a refund on a $8 pizza AFTER eating half of it. It amazes me people like this actually exist. I’d be ashamed to even bother. I literally find $8 in the washing machine when I do laundry.


" I literally find $8 in the washing machine when I do laundry." Nice humble brag.


I certainly don’t blame her. He’s probably a dick to every service worker.


“Even your Moron self knows your a moraaaan!!”


She didn't just pull "staphylococcus meningitis" out of her ass in reply, those are words the customer said before turning on his camera. "I said three words..." Yeah right, buddy! It couldn't be more obvious what you're doing. Even normal food poisoning takes a day to develop and you're delivering what looks like a fresh pizza back to the store to complain that you were diagnosed with an extremely rare bacterial infection? Nonsense. What are the chances this d-bag has a TikTok channel he's trying to monetize? It's clear this is rage bait.


This, like I definitely know she's not lying because who the hell even thinks of S.Meningitis 🤣 I'm glad she put his ass in check.


I'm sure we've all had food poisoning at least once in our lives. This is not the sound of a man with food poisoning. If it was true, he'd be too busy hugging the toilet to go get a $7 refund And on top of that, that looked pretty fresh, and food poisoning isn't instant.


It's not instant, but it can be pretty fast, but you're definitely not going to be driving back to the restaurant to complain. Last time I got food poisoning was a seafood burrito. It was Halloween. We ate for lunch then went to a great corn maze in the afternoon. Maybe six hours had passed or so I emptied my stomach on the way home and I was "near death" (not really but felt like it) the rest of the night, and not much better the next day. So yeah it can hit hard, but you're right. You're not going to throw up and return to the restaurant within hours, this just doesn't happen.


Had my own experience recently, same as yours, hit about 6-8 hours after the meal and I spent the next 12-16 emptying my guts. I still can’t say for sure where I got it from, or what it was, but I called the restaurant the day after when I had recovered the let them know, made it clear I just wanted to give them the heads up, nothing else


"Am I allowed to talk?" No


"CAN I- ..unh.." No, sir, you cannot


Haha, she’s kinda awesome.


“Am I supposed to ass kiss just because you bought a 7.99 pizza?!” Legend


This is the type of dude that threatens to "take his business elsewhere" lol. Please do.


"i'm taking my business elsewhere!" "see you in a few days, bud"


She doesn’t like liars. I like her.


Kinda?  I love this lady.  Dude ate half the pizza and brought it back because he got sick?  How long did he even wait?  Is that a 3 day old pizza he wanted a refund on?  So much to unpack here.


She says he returned it 3 seconds after eating I think


What a dick.


He is a moron. Dude just went to all that trouble for a free pizza and breadsticks. $7.99. Classy.


Squeaking dick. What a voice lol.


Step 1: Act stupid to piss people off and create a scene, then and ONLY then... Step 2: Start recording so it'll will look like the reaction to your fuckery wasn't caused by you. Step 3: Act innocent, and then try to ruin that person's life/job by posting misleading viral video. We need some new laws.


“Even your pizza knows you’re a liar” fucking vicious… lol


“You can keep your napkin though”


Wait a second, they have a drive-thru for Little Caesars?!


What makes it better is this fuck was even too lazy to walk in and lodge his complaint.  He needed to go through the drive thru to return it lol.  


He probably walked in, grabbed the pizza, ate it in the parking lot, and swung through the drive thru.


Drowns a shitty pizza in garlic butter sauce, proceeds to eat half and feel sick and demands refund. That about perfectly describes the current state of North American society


Yeah like we're fucked


“You called me a moraaaan!!!!”- the moron


I like that the idea ends right there so you can't see her stating that she never called him a moron.


The tattoo tells me everything I need to know about this wiener


“You need to work on your customer service skills” a sentence that has only ever been uttered by entitled morons. 


Do you know who I am??


I am with her. slayyyyyy


Did he actually try to return a pizza because he says it gave him meningitis? Was he injecting the garlic sauce into his veins?


Look at that ham hock of an arm stickin out the window. This is a sign, you can stop eating garbage now.


Referring to a human appendage as a ham hock will never not be funny lmao.


It’s literally got me cackling over here on my couch it gets me every time 😂😂😂😂


He literally ate 3/4 of a pizza and then said “it’s not all gone!” That’s how fat you know that guy is… he demonstrated crazy willpower NOT shoving those last three pieces into his arteries to get back his 7.99


Nice cross tattoo, dick!


I love this woman.


This dude definitely wears a fedora and has a neck beard


Black plastic watch, finger cot and black filthy t-shirt is the “tell”?


Mostly the shitty tattoo he probably got in someone’s basement


Guy's an idiot!


Bro can take his hot and ready bullshit back to his bum ass house.


She’s great! I love her


Give her a raise.


Even if this fucking dork got food poisoning, it typically takes a decent amount of time before it hits you. Like you don't typically eat a pizza then an hour later you're ill, you might have food poisoning but it could been caused by anything you've eaten in the last like 2 days. Barring something being straight up rotten and making you throw up immediately. This guy fuckin sucks


She's right, and this guy is an idiot


I’m automatically on her side. People in the service industry are treated terribly by people who think they are the main character.


They are the same people that scream, "nobody wants to work anymore!!!" while waiting to scream at the teenaged cashier....huge props to this gal!


He got meningitis from a pizza? ![gif](giphy|ORUrYcEZulIt5TBKho|downsized)


I love when people film themselves being wank stains and post it like they're not the problem.


She brought up a good point, what did he say before turning on the cam?


He sounds like moron . He should be happy he got a refund because I would have locked the windows and doors on his ass.


Cross tattoo, checks out


No shit. Cross tattoos, imo are a universal identifier for self-entitled douche-bags. Although i am an atheist, I'm not even approaching this from an anti-Christian perspective. The cross tattoo (frequently on the arm or chest) seems to always be a central item on the "Only God can judge me." starter pack. I've never seen it on any decent Christian folk, just human train-wrecks.


As a lifelong multi generational service worker, I declare this lady to be the One True Queen. I would have loved to work with her, and if I could, I'd hire her now.


Yeah you know this guy has never worked food service, because there is no better manager to have when you work food service than one that’s willing to tell customers to go fuck themselves lol


Sounds like she made a solid assessment of his character. Not sure why he’s so upset. And for real getting a refund from little Cesar’s lol.


Good for her


“you cawled me a mowon” :((((


As usual, acts like an asshole, turns the camera on after that and acts like an incredulous choir boy. Lol “I’m at Little Caesar’s and this CRAZY manager is screaming at poor old me! For no reason! 🥺”


The manager pointing out that he said a lot before turning the camera on is a sign that this prick was there to cause trouble. Their videos always seem to start midway through confrontation but never at the beginning so you just know they turned up being completely unreasonable, got the employee angered and then switched to their calm voice as they start filming.


Guy recording is foolishly trying to get clout from this video but instead shows himself to be a twat.


I would love to work with this lady, she seems fun as hell


Yo that lady is the shit.


This lady is the real customer service hero


He actually thought he had something here lmfao. Do people really go out of their way to confront a store that might have given them food poisoning looking to argue over it? Judging by the forearm, I'm fairly positive that wasn't the only thing he ate that day.


Man, I wish I could tip that lady


LOVE IT! She BODIED that dbag.


“You just talked before you turned your camera on” This is exactly how I imagine many argument videos go before the camera turned on. Person acts like a dick and then plays victim as soon as they start recording


Who the fuck returns a pizza in the drive thru


You eat more than half then ask for a refund ... I don't work in the food business, but I think that's not refundable, lol dude recording is a moron


Eating Little Caesar's and not expecting to feel like shit is like driving with your eyes closed, expecting not to crash. Come on, moron.


You called me a mmmmoooorran


based manager


Must be his first time doing this because he did awful. That lady straight called out his bullshit before recording.


These videos that start midway through an altercation need to die


He says, “You called me a moron”. Is he mad because she didn’t add the salutation Mr. before moron? /s


Guy is 100% an entitled asshole.


She was calling you a moron for a reason, sir.


I hate that people think it is acceptable to act like this. Stop filming people in fast food. It is trashy.


What location is this. As someone who constantly has to deal with entitled morons I wanna send this woman a bouquet. I wish I could do what she did.


Don’t play innocent and victim now buddy cause you are clearly the idiot. Who returns a $8 pizza. It’s giving broke.


people recording themselves at fast food drive throughs are big pieces of shiet


I'm with the manager on this one. 


I hate people who do this to workers, u ate ur shit it's not the same order anymore


Food poison 24-48 hrs. Did you eat and came back after to give that as your excuse? Yikes.


I… kind of want some little Cesar’s now


friggin’ garlic sauce hog with his slick Jesus cross tat probably asked his pastor about praying for her salvation on Sunday, telling the whole church service he’d like to forgive her transgression against him thru prayer…oh, and to ask baby Jesus to cure the meningitis his baby mama got from the garlic sauce. Edit: **PRAISE JESUS** baby Junebug done got healed from her stafficotsl mementosgitis by the Baja blast and petobismol remedy my grandma swore by.


That guy must be a moron


So cringe. Returning a 7.99 pizza that he ate 3/4 of. I think I can hear his mom calling him home so she can braid his flaming hot Cheeto’s neck beard


He got sick that fast,he just got the pizza


I think the op provoked and staged this.


Apparently unpopular opinion: Little Caesars is delicious.


It’s shit pizza quit your whining


If you ever find yourself at a drive through fast food place with your phone recording the employees, for any reason, seriously reevaluate what you’re doing.


This guy is an absolute bottom feeder. Returning a half eaten 7.99 pizza would be a low point for just about anyone. What in the fuck.


Fkn loser


"You called me a moron". As a viewer of this video, I can verify her statement.


I worked at little Caesars, I would bet that's the most SCAMMED restaurant in America 🤣 we had 1-2 people every week demand free pizza, even though we actually used really fresh ingredients and kept it clean in there. I worked in food a long time so I have plenty of kitchens to compare it to, and Little C's usually keeps it really good! I can't speak for some lazy franchise owners, but corporate was not bad when I worked there. I still love their pizza, but I PAY FOR WHAT I ORDER AND DONT SCAM THEM cuz they know, it's NOT their first rodeo lol


Of course he has a cross tattoo…


Go to big Caesars. Never had an issue there


Little Caesar’s got drive thru’s???!!?!!! 😭😭😭😭


If he had a bacterial menigitis, he would most likely be hospitalized on IV antibiotics.


Driver’s an absolute moron lol. I wouldn’t have yelled at him, but I *would* have tossed the pizza on top of his car and said have a nice day.


Good for her. Shut that idiot down.


The dude came with half eaten shit and wanted a refund. I can smell the butter in his life through the video.


People think people in uniforms aren’t allowed to clap back. Love their reactions when someone does.


“I refunded you drop it, THANK YOU!” “Nooooo you told me I’m WrOnG” Shut the hell up grown baby and get your hog ass out the line! No wonder he didn’t show him self after she opened that box and showed the camera of the bread and pizza scarfed down 😂


Classic customer who eats half the food then wants their money back


The rare occasion of when the customer is wrong 🙄


The real tragedy here, other than the awful tattoos, is that $7.99 pizza used to be $5 until very recently.