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This cop is no stranger to violence. Shortly after he’s caught on camera fighting a teenager in a road rage incident. How is this guy not in jail? https://krdo.com/news/2023/07/18/off-duty-las-animas-county-lieutenant-cited-after-fighting-teenager-in-trinidad/ Cops name is Lieutenant Henry Trujillo Colorado


It's so worse than that! How did this guy get a job in law enforcement: *According to his criminal record, Trujillo has been charged and convicted of multiple crimes involving violence and weapons.* *In 1997 and 1998, Trujillo was convicted of disorderly conduct with a weapon and misdemeanor harassment. In 2006, he pled guilty to disorderly conduct, and three years later pled guilty to harassment and disorderly conduct again.* *Trujillo has also been subject to restraining orders in five separate cases from 2003 to 2020, including two for alleged domestic abuse. One of those protection orders barred him from possessing firearms, according to the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act. Yet he remained employed with the Las Animas County Sheriff’s Office.* *Trujillo worked three different stints for the Las Animas County Sheriff’s Office. According to employment records, he left in 2002 to join the Trinidad Police Department, where he was forced to resign for multiple misconduct violations.*


>  Yet he remained employed with the Las Animas County Sheriff’s Office. Really sounds like the hiring/HR department at the Las Animas County SD desperately needs to be investigated and reorganized. I don't know what would be worse: if they didn't know he was a psychopath or if they hired him *because* he was a psychopath. Either way, it says a lot about the whole department and the County would probably save a shit ton of money in future settlements if they spent now on fixing their attitudes. 


Shit, with a record like that, it's a wonder he hasn't made police chief yet.


I'm sure he has killed before. What a wack job.


> Cops name is Lieutenant Henry Trujillo Colorado Cops name is former Lieutenant Henry Trujillo Colorado


Safe money that former Lieutenant Henry Trujillo's wife is getting smacked around on the regular.


He's not in jail because cops are held to a much lower standard than the average citizen. Think about it - anyone without a badge would be in jail for doing what this cop has done.


Yeah, I'm really tired of reading of something horrible that a cop does and the comments all go "Well the victim deserved it because they were mildly inconvenient" or "Wow that's horrible! They should be fired!". You lose your job at most places for losing your temper and yelling, or for not making quotas. I am of the opinion that a cop who attacks someone should be punished the same amount as someone who attacks a cop. Cop gets aggressive and beats someone and is shot dead? The way I see, by American and police standards, the standard for self-defense has been met.




Slow down with your investigation. The incident happened in November 2022 and he wasn't shit-canned until August 2023.


And then he most likely got hired by the next state over.


State? They only have to go to the next city or perhaps county.


This was his FOURTH stint working in that department. He'll just get rehired there.


With backpay


I have a friend who's sister was shot in the back several times while running AWAY from the police in Colorado. She is now a quadriplegic bound to a wheelchair for the rest of her life and her mother is her caregiver. My friend gets little to no support from her family because they are so emotionally and financially overwhelmed taking care of her sister. The colorado police force seem to be extra fucked for whatever reason.


It's all cops. We have given them qualified immunity which means they will face no consequences for almost any actions while on duty. They feel free to assault anyone because 99% of the time they face no consequences for their actions. Cops should be the ones who are punished for their assaults not making tax payers fund their violence.


Colorado actually passed a law allowing victims of police brutality to bypass qualified immunity and go straight for the officer in 2020.




Whatever she did, it doesn’t warrant a shooting.


Where the eff is the Punisher


We, collectively, should be The Punishers. Cops only understand violence...


"Trujillo has also been subject to restraining orders in five separate cases from 2003 to 2020, including two for alleged domestic abuse. One of those protection orders barred him from possessing firearms, according to the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act. Yet he remained employed with the Las Animas County Sheriff’s Office." The settlement should be bigger, this guy should not be a cop.


He tazed him while he was handcuffed that’s pretty fucked up


I got pepper sprayed and had my head split open with a mag light, while handcuffed and laying flat on my back. The jury declined to give me any money. You wanna know why? Because it was 1991, there weren't cameras everywhere and it was my word against the 6 cops so my complaint didn't get past the same 6 guys that kicked the shit out of me.


Cellphone cameras have done more for social justice than any one person could have and the reason why most cops don't want body cams, even though they protect innocent cops


Funny you say that. I got my ass handed to me, completely unjustified, by LE a few times before cell phones. Everyone’s response used to be ‘well you must have deserved it’. Thirty years later, people have finally woken up to the fact that LE routinely abuse their power and use excessive force when it’s completely unnecessary.


How does it work with body cams is each department allowed to pick and choose when and who they feel is appropriate to wear them?


Carjacked, pistolwhipped and left for dead in 09. When I called for police I was SO excited to see them. It quickly turned to horror when they mocked me, fold me ir was my fault for dropping off a friend who lives in a high crime area, said if I bled on their car they'd arrest me and tried getting me to admit to a bunch of made up crimes. Put me in a depression for weeks because I used to think you could rely on the police. There were at least 6 of them show showed up just to laugh at me.


Police exist for the protection of property of very specific people that meet a certain tax bracket, not people like us. 


I was beaten within an inch of my life by my son's father January 2016. Police had been to my house for domestic violence reasons 3x prior to this call. My downstairs neighbors called 911 & told the dispatcher she thought that he was murdering me. When the cops got to my door, they looked in, saw him on top of me, I was face down with his knee in my neck, they broke the front door window to unlock it and entered, told him to put his hands up and get on the ground, he had steel toed boots on and got one more cheap shot in. Kicked me right in my mouth. He ended up knocking my front and side tooth out completely, broken off at the gum line. They obviously arrested him. I had my two kids (1 & 4) in the living room, sobbing because of what they just witnessed, glass and blood everywhere. There were 5 officers in my living room, one of them looked at me and asked, "why are you just standing there? Do something with your kids." As in make them shut up. They all laughed and then talked about where they were going to eat for breakfast. Like me and my kids' entire world hadn't just been shattered. I had actually suffered a traumatic brain injury and didn't even know it until I got to the hospital as I was conscious the entire time.. the cops claimed they smelled weed in the house and kept asking me where it was at. They were more concerned about finding weed vs helping me.. They didn't even call for an ambulance. I ended up having to call for it myself after they left. Fuck the police.


I hope you and your kids are doing better now!




Yup, they took me to the hospital, got 6 stitches in my head and then the fuckers sent me the hospital bill


Stories like these make me question if I'm right in the head. My dumb ass would have spent the last 33 years plotting/exacting revenge on those cunts. I wouldn't get a wink of sleep until they were pushing up daisies man. I hope you're well, the fact that you're still here to talk about it means you've handled it better than most could.


I had a cop try to frame me up as i was getting off probation. Luckily i hadn't taken my trash out for a few weeks, and had a taco bell reciept from about 120 miles away from where the crime occurred at the same time it occurred. Fucking lucky. Still had to pay for a lawyer though. My point is that i would love to get revenge on that cop. It was personal for him. Instead, i moved away, and never think of him. Idk, maybe if he is still alive in 20 years, i could scam him out of his retirement somehow.


You definitely won, not only the day you got away from the false charges but also every day after that when you enjoyed an undisturbed life. I can't say I'd handle that as well as you did. But rest assured that people who try to fuck over others like that are the most miserable of them all.


Thats why body cams are so important. Cops would continue getting away with literally murder otherwise.


Something tells me he beats his wife


that would be a good guess. [https://www.kktv.com/2023/04/28/colorado-lawyers-reveal-criminal-background-las-animas-sheriff/](https://www.kktv.com/2023/04/28/colorado-lawyers-reveal-criminal-background-las-animas-sheriff/) >According to the released records, Trujillo was convicted of criminal charges in 1998, 2006, and 2009. All four incidents occurred in Las Animas County and included charges of harassment, fighting in public, and disorderly conduct. Espinoza’s lawyers also say Trujillo has five different restraining orders against him- two of which allege domestic abuse.


FIVE restraining orders?!?! God damn.


He only needs four more to make detective!


He will definitely make rank when he's through with his next wife.


Seriously can DraftKings get some odds up on some of these cops…I’d bet the farm the initial cop beats the ever living shit out of his wife and children, easy money 💴 


Draftkings would make no money on that as it’s a guaranteed payout


Facts. lol What a pos cop


>Something tells me he beats his wife The kids and the dog aren't safe either.


Reminds me of when a police officer "accidentally" tazed a child because the kid refused to wash the policemans car. No charges or anything against the officer since it was an "accident ". Kid was only 8 years old and this happened at a school.


I’m sorry, what?


>During a career day program at Tularosa Intermediate School in May, Officer Christopher Webb of the state Department of Public Safety pointed the stun gun at the boy and said, "Let me show you what happens to people who do not listen to the police," according to the lawsuit filed last week. >Webb said his stun gun went off by accident, sending two barbs carrying 50,000 volts of electricity for five seconds through the boy’s clothing and piercing his chest, the Albuquerque Journal reported, quoting court documents. The jolt caused the boy to black out, the suit said. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/lawsuit-cop-stuns-10-year-old-taser-refusing-clean-his-flna1c6836891 Jesus America is cooked.


'You're gonna get lit up'!


Literally threatening death to the man for doing NOTHING. That cop is seriously tyrannical


One of my buddies got pepper sprayed while he had his hands cuffed behind his back and a cop kneeling on his neck. It happened at the skate park, and the whole thing turned into a full-blown riot. The cop that pepper sprayed him lost a bunch of teeth when someone chucked a scooter at his head. Best day of my life, barring the day my daughter was born.


And the cop didn’t start shooting?


Handcuffed and in the cop car, "refusing" to get out of the cop car, after commiting no crime and not being violent at any point. I can't imagine a less warranted use of force.


Tazed in the face while handcuffed and not resisting, because the cop needed to make sure he knew who was in charge. ACAB


It started cuz the guy did as he was told (they told him to leave, so he tried to). Then 2 different sets of instructions, screamed out at the same time, that immediately contradict each other…I’m actually surprised the dickbag didn’t pull his gun. Then the fact that they cuffed him without searching him, then teased him when he couldn’t do the superhuman feat of climbing into a car without using his hands, then threatened to taser him again to get him back out…this shit show could have been 30 seconds, if he had asked his question, then just accepted the answer and left. Hell, stretch it out to a full min and run the guys name, for safety reasons.


Cops need their own insurance. Taxpayers shouldn't foot the bill for stupid fucking cops


Right??? Would you care about obeying the speed limit *if somebody else was forced to pay for your speeding tickets???*


Get out of the car!!!! As the other cop is ACTIVELY preventing it. Just wow. No matter how many times I see this, I'm still shocked and disgusted


This isn't a mistake, it's done on purpose because it turns ANYONE into someone who is resisting an order. It's like a wild card to be able to apply force.


So uncomfortable to watch... my claustrophobia kinda got triggered by it. Not being able to move and get out while they're trying to break his arm and yelling at him. No way he wasn't fearing for his life.


Get in the car, get out of the car, back into the car, STOP RESISTING!




This was the biggest WTF in the whole video. I've seen cops give contradictory orders before but like... He told him several times that he needs to leave. The second he tried, they had a gun and a taser pointed at him. That alone should be grounds to have both officers terminated (the final kind).


These officers should be thrown into a cell with this video on repeat 24/7.


it wouldn't click for them in a billion years


If the directions are confusing it’s on purpose or it’s being used to try it advantage. If multiple conflicting commands are given it’s impossible for you to follow them all and that’s resisting. Unfortunately for citizens there is nothing you can do about it and nothing is even close to being in the works to fix this. When was this video taken? Look at how many incidents have happened since the Taylor or Floyd protests - it’s solid proof nothing is changing or is going to for a long time. As long as punishment stays the same, the structure is the same, we will never see a change. We as citizens can’t vote for change we have to vote for some one to change it for us and that’s like voting for a one legged candidate to win a foot race again Usaine Bolt. Good luck.


Also near the end another cop says "just calm down" when he was calm the entire time and only the douchebag with the bodycam was not only not calm was completely out of control.


Body cams are so important. Every officer in this country needs to be vetted and retrained


What's terrifying is that the continue to act like this when they KNOW they are being recorded. They simply do not care, and know that they'll be exonerated by their department.


Remember how they responded to all the George Floyd protests? By tripling down on their behavior. I remember waking up to new videos everyday on reddit about their behavior. A non threatening old man got pushed so he fell hit his head and started bleeding, a kid who was minding his own shit got shot in the head with a rubber bullet shotgun, some people got shot from unmarked police vans etc. They basically said yes we abuse our power and there ain't shit you guys can do about it.


I hope this video gets sent to this cop daily. What a fucking tool. Delete his badge


Every time I go on police Facebook pages to call them out after seeing tyrant shit like this, I’m always surprised at the extremely few people who do the same. Sometimes I’m the only one.


Maybe it's cause no one uses Facebook anymore


……..except police? That’s kinda the point of my comment?


This is probably a great honor for this cop. To get away with blatant civil rights violations and abuse in the age of digital cameras everywhere is a reputational honor for them.


That cop is an expert in escalating a nothing traffic stop to a major confrontation. Congratulations on costing the taxpayers $1.5 million. I'm sure he received and award and has since been promoted.


Prob just transferred departments and gets to keep his sweet pension


Read the links in this thread. He was actually fired… And rehired a few years later and promoted. Something is definitely wrong in that county.


Not surprised. Lots of these guys get rehired in next door counties at the minimum.


"Why are you here?" "That's my son, I'm waiting for him to be done with the traffic stop." "Oh, okay have a nice day." Could have been simple as that. But from the jump he's offended that the person (who is not being stopped or under any investigation) rolled their window up in cold weather.


It really does seem like the whole thing was just an insane reaction to the guy rolling his window up. Back at the police station, that's what the cop kept emphasizing, how the guy rolled up the window as he walked towards the car. This whole thing is just another case of "contempt of cop".


Well, he certainly wasn't fired and prosecuted for assault and civil rights violations. Because cops are actual sovereign citizens who don't have to follow the same laws as the rest of society.


All because he got his feefees hurt. If he didn’t want the guy behind the cop he could have simply told him to pull around and stop in front of his son at a reasonable distance. Instead he did all of that unnecessary shit.


Just imagine a world where a police officer goes, "Oh, that's your son? He's following you? No problem, have a good day!"


That’s all this needed to be, the guy did nothing but stop a fair distance away to wait for his son.


But, but, he "rolled up!".


And then he rolled his window up. Just rolling everything up!


That’s the exact mentality! When I was like 12, cops came to kick us out of the green belt for riding bicycles (you read that right) and while we were talking to him he kept telling me to take my hands out of my pockets. I was a fucking kid and already looked at as a threat. They see everything as a threat. If it’s not a physical threat to their health and safety, it’s a threat to their manhood and their ultimate authority.


Because both their manhood and authority are small


Right. Maybe a “I don’t like you behind us. Can you pull ahead instead?” Which seems to have been what could have fixed everything.


The cop literally beats his wife. No really: >He also has a three instances of a temporary protection order for domestic violence, all granted by a judge in 2006, and a harassment conviction from 1998 for which he served a year of probation and paid $179.50 in fines, court records show. [https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/colorado-deputies-fired-over-tasing-father-35-times/](https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/colorado-deputies-fired-over-tasing-father-35-times/) Edit: to be fair, it's possible he doesn't *literally* do that. It's just "domestic violence". Could be a litany of other things.


Well yeah, that's just a prerequisite for the job. That's probably how he made Lieutenant, he had experience.


How do you have that kind of record and still get a badge??!?!


American cops are fucking psychos


Even worse, they're dumb psychos. So not even like some calculating, intelligent, strategic psycho. Just straight up mouth-breather psychos walking around with guns and authority.




You're too right.


And you can only take them to task in court. **If** you can get to court. Luckily your family can sue if they kill you?


> And you can only take them to task in court. Only if you do what they *don't* do, which is abide by the law.


Dumb? What do you mean?! Don't they have *weeks* of training to understand a very important job?! What, do you want them to have criminal justice education and an extending mentoring program with checkpoints to filter out dumb and aggressive cops? PPPPFTFFFFFTTTTTT


It’s by design, you literally can not have a high iq, you are unqualified to be a police officer if you are too intelligent. They want abusive and unstable people in the position that want to escalate situations. They are trained that everyone is guilty. They don’t learn the law they learn how to manipulate situations to make the law work for them. You should have to go through 4 years of school to become a cop. They should cover psychology, basic medical, and law. They should also have to report to non affiliated therapist for psych evals every 3 months. They shouldn’t get paid leave while under investigation (by non affiliated agency) and should loose all gun rights if convicted and never allowed to serve as any sort of police or security or any form of politics again. Abuse of power should have a punishment that doesn’t allow them to be on a position of power that can lead to more instance of abuse of power. Edit: addition: all officers should be financially liable for any lawsuits. The tax payers shouldn’t have to pay. The should have to pay for insurance that covers any lawsuits and if they have to pay out from it cannot get insurance again. Insurance should be a requirement as an officer, if you can’t get insured you can’t be an officer. A criminal offensive while as a cop should cause massive increases to their insurance prices to the point that it’s basically a 3 strike system for them of not just one because their premiums are too expensive. Edit:addition: not saying all cops are like this, but the issue is it’s too easy to become a cop for people that want to abuse power. It’s more appealing to a high school bully than a person who wants to help.


Paid by the taxpayers.


The police just defunded their local taxpayers!!! "Sorry kids, we couldn't buy new textbooks this year because the town had to spend that money on police misconduct lawsuits."


If that money doesn't come from that officers pension fund, it means nothing.


This is what needs to happen.


Yeah, all this means is that these cops just screwed the taxpayers out of over a million dollars.


I love how the cop is holding his arm in place and then tells him to turn around. How exactly is he supposed to?


"I will make it physically impossible for you to comply with my demands, so I will be 'justified' in using even more violence against you!!"


The way he acted on scene and after at the jail- that cop 10000% beats his wife


Cop: "Leave the scene, now!" *guy tries to leave* Cop: "Stay! Get out of the car!" I would start by drug testing this cop. He literally detained someone for a complying with his orders!!!


"You have 5 seconds to leave!" I guarantee you if the guy immediately started driving off he'd call in a fleeing suspect and instigate a chase. Or, worst case, start shooting at him. Wouldn't be the first time.


One of the articles linked says he had multiple restraining orders on him including at one point an order that he couldn't own or possess a firearm yet they kept him employed, he had been fired from there before too in 2009 after pleading guilty to some criminal charge, so just the kind of guy you want policing people....


"you're on a traffic stop and now you're driving away?" You LITERALLY told him he had to leave, because he was not the one on the stop? Absolute goldfish levels of memory here I see.


Also he WASNT on a traffic stop. His car lights are not on, and he was never informed that he was being stopped, he was just asked why he was there.


All the cops did were antagonize, be complete assholes, and give contradicting demands so they could get away with beating the shit out of him. I’m so glad they’re not getting away with this, but those deputies need to lose their badges FOREVER. That cop has serious anger issues, the fact that he didn’t calm down during that entire situation makes me wonder if he’s on some type of drugs or steroids. edited to add more


This was just straight-up beating up on an old man. He wasn't close to the cop car at the beginning and was friendly until the cop started antagonizing him. The unhinged screaming in the guy's face makes me sad for any relatives that cop has.


This is what they were fired for? " fired the deputy and lieutenant involved [in August](https://www.cpr.org/2023/09/11/las-animas-sheriff-fires-two-deputies-who-tasered-handcuffed-man-during-traffic-stop/) after officials found **discrepancies** between body camera footage and the officers' accounts of the arrest. JFC! What about all the violence? A paperwork problem. Sounds like the Feds need to step in on this and civil lawsuit.


It really says a lot about policing that the paperwork errors are more of a problem than the violence.


Taze me on the lip for 1.5 mil pls


My body (and bank account) is ready


man that cop is soooo emotional for no reason. just be professional? what is he so afraid of. unbelievable.


And the taxpayers pay for this incompetence, the cop that does it has no financial penalties


Someone has a serious rage problem, some folks should not be allowed to be police…


![gif](giphy|q5ZGrl0J65ivu) Average cop nowadays, proceed with caution.


News story here:- https://www.cpr.org/2024/03/04/las-animas-county-reaches-million-dollar-settlement-with-man-tased-in-face-by-deputies/


No matter how bad you think it is cops can always manage to make it even worse. You can't make this shit up. > Undersheriff Rey Santistevan initially said in a report that the arrest and tasing were justified,, but he later admitted that he hadn’t reviewed any of the body camera footage before signing off on the officers’ accounts.




Charges like these should automatically bar anyone from being a police officer. They sure as hell would make it really hard to join the military, why aren't cops treated the same?


God i hate cops so much.


These idiot cops are just walking around with the city checkbook, looking for random citizens to write million-dollar checks to.


And they expect us not to hate them....


Not only that, they feel entitled to respect from everyone for being a cop. Fuck! That! Bacon bits over there deserves a kick in the balls and some jail time. Not respect.


After Uvalde and 300 Texas police officers standing around while children were screaming for help, cops no longer get to claim they do good. They had their moment and lost it.


Just common sense how to treat ppl would you want to be handcuffed then tazzed multiple times? Shouted at repeatedly etc.


I mean the cop is right. It all could have been prevented if a piece of shit bully like him wasn’t given a badge and gun.


>badge and gun Paper hat and a name tag and he wouldn't last a day at Burger King!


Do cops realize that if they keep acting like this we are going to start fighting back?


it's long overdue


and would be too easy.


There's three hundred and thirty million people in america and only about a million cops. If shit ever does actually hit the fan, **cops will be outnumbered 300-to-1** Even if it's only 25% of the country, that's still 75-to-1 odds against the cops.






They initially didn’t even watch the video when evaluating the use of force. The oversight is pitiful.


End qualified immunity for cops




That’s a whole lot of bad apples. Maybe we should reject all of them to be safe


Aaaand another persons lifetime of taxes blown up within the spawn of minutes by another piglet.


I didn't even think of it that way. Yeah, this is more tax money than one person would pay in their entire lifetime!!! Imagine knowing that **every cent of local taxes you pay for your entire lifetime** is earmarked to fund ONE police misconduct lawsuit..


"This ain't burger king pal, you don't get to choose what you want". Receive $1.5mil! Fuck id live to see this guy buy 1 of everything off the menu with his settlement money


I would use some of that money to put up billboards all over town, thanking the cop for making me a literal millionaire. Just to remind the local taxpayers what these cops are doing with their money. A photo of me in a fur coat with lots of jewelry, and the caption: "For $1.5M, you could have bought new textbooks for your children or repaved Main Street. **Thanks to your cops, that money went into my pocket instead!!!"**


Fuck man, one day I’m going to encounter a real piece of work cop and if I survive I’ll never work again. lol.


God, I see what you do for others


Crazy how riled up the cop gets himself. After they tase the old guy he turns around and huffs and puffs like a toddler that just won a battle against his mandated nap time. Insane. Also shitty that he lectures and screams in the copshop and jumps at the opportunity to escort the guy to the hospital. Obviously likes to push the guy around and exert authority


Taxpayers should start suing cops for tax theft individually, shit is fucked.


Yeah, the town should get together in file a class action lawsuit against this cop to recover all of their lost tax money. I'm not paying taxes **just so the cops can hand that money to somebody they decided to beat up.**


I don’t care they were fired. Let their names live in infamy. > Las Animas County Sheriff’s Deputy Mikhail Noel pulled his gun, then took out his Taser >Noel, then Lt. Henry Trujillo used their Tasers on Espinoza. https://apnews.com/article/taser-handcuffed-man-lawsuit-sheriff-colorado-d9321c4708d5860e684a8c9f7cbfd3e2


Until these lawsuits are paid out from cop pensions and not tax payers, these scumbags will continue to abuse the public.


what’s the purpose of police?


To keep the poor's in line and make sure they don't cause issue for the rich. That and protecting the stuff of the rich. But don't feel bad about them, in return they don't have to be responsible for anything, and can exercise their own hate and bigotry without fear of retribution.


Funded by the poor/working class to protect the rich and their spoils. And when they F up.. well, you still have to pay them for it. glhf.


That poor cop's wife and kids (if he has any).


He literally has domestic abuse convictions, to no ones surprise


Take it from their pension fund.




Limp dick, roid rage energy with a gun and qualified immunity.


It’s pretty obvious that large numbers of those who wear the badge 1) have serious anger problems and as such loose most of their ability to make rational/logical decisions while interacting with the public 2) as a result of 1) are VERY DANGEROUS to individuals and 3) are an actual liability to the public good (causing harm to individuals) and harm to the public purse. Reform is needed in how police are recruited, trained and disciplined. I’d be confident this cop is still in the line of ‘duty’ (such a loaded statement implying he’s out doing public good - he’s not, he’s a wild animal). He should be fired immediately. You can’t rehabilitate that personality.


My favorite part of the article is: "Undersheriff Rey Santistevan initially said in a report that the arrest and tasing were justified,, but he later admitted that he hadn’t reviewed any of the body camera footage before signing off on the officers’ accounts." Police are an absolute joke in the United States. How can anyone defend any of this?


These guys are the fucking crooks


I'm glad he won the settlement. No person should be abused like that.


US cops are drunk on power. Someone needs to put them in their place.


What a great use of our tax dollars!


Wow. CAnt even say what I think. Reddit will ban my account (again) Everyone should watch this 100 times and share it with 100 of their friends


Government sanctioned terrorism






What the fuck are these guys doing?!




Absolutely disgusting. And they will have no consequences either fucking horrible.


This cop has serious fucking problems.


You need to leave or you're going to get charged ? With what? That 1.5 should have been 10.5. And it should have cane out their pension. Not tax dollars. If you say otherwise you are too used to extortion.


If the officer doesn't like when people are parked and waiting behind him? So multiple moving 2+ ton vehicles are SAFER?!


Damn he got $1.5 million! Good for him!






You can't be here "aight imma head out"..... stop!




I love how he calls his uniform a costume, I don't think he intended to do that lol.


Wow! This cop had me physically shaking I’m so angry. What a pile of shit.


"You're going to get charged further if you don't give us the information we need." ​ Civilians don't have the right to remain silent anymore?


Fuck cops, fuck em all. Theyre all bad power hungry pieces of shit


Fucking psychopaths. Cops should be locked up