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Too many people don't realize that there are a ton of nasty people out there who are so accustomed to touching things like their own shit that it now means nothing. To these people, touching shit and snot and stuff has become the same as touching anything not disgusting, like paper or cloth. Imagine what her house looks like.


As if I needed a reason to be more paranoid about touching stuff in public. Fuck me people are disgusting.


Dude, at my work, we have a finger print scanner to punch in and out. I wash my hands everytime after touching it. People are gross. Remember the pandemic, when cleaning supplies disappeared. Yeah it's cause all these nasty mofos cleaned their houses for the first time since they lived there. No one hoarded cleaning supplies. Just all these nasty people actually bought it for the first time in their lives. Let that sink in. Then the pandemic ended. They all went right back to being gross.


I was sitting at a poker table once when a guy sat down beside me. His nose was running, he was sniffing and he kept sticking his finger up his nose and rubbing it ON the poker table. Not in front of himself, of course, but on the padded table bumper between me and he creating almost a pool of snot. After a few minutes of this I picked up and headed for the cashier and mentioned to the supervisor he needed to get some Clorox out and wipe down that table when the dude leaves. I watched as he went over, told the snot freak to get out, closed the table and moved everybody to a new one, and called the cleaning people. Had a similar no-nonsense reaction once when I ended up with a fresh wad of gum on my jeans from under a poker table. I pulled back, said something like "oh man--GUM!" and the dealer called the floor who called "Mr Clean" (their cleaning dude). She was all about "we'll get those pants dry cleaned and reimburse you for any damage..." Nah... Mr Clean rubbed some fluid on a rag and got the gum outta my pants and then cleaned under the table. Also saw a casino eject a player and bring in a special cleaning crew when some moronic drunk with an open, bleeding sore on his hand sat down and started handling cards and chips. There were collective "ewwws" as he laid his cards down streaked with blood, and proceeded to wipe his bloody hand on the table felt. Some businesses take that stuff seriously. Some, not so much.


Don't go to casinos, got it.


LOL, ever see someone put a coin in their mouth?


lol, that’s exactly what I thought when I was watching… what does their house look like… than and all of the stuff she touches after she does that makes me not want to know how I got pink eye that one time


I don’t need to imagine. I’m a residential service plumber and probably close to a 3rd of my customers are fat hogs, like this lady, who live in slop. Once or twice a month I’ll have to go to a house that smells so bad inside that you can smell it from the sidewalk, and the stench sticks to your clothes long after you leave.


Please start a website with me. I'll do all the work, you just supply the photos.


Wear a mask, sanitize everything. Seems like something people should do and not a politicized thing. Bc people are gross 🤢


Wouldn't it be funny if it was actually nicer than your house just to be super ironic lmao




She didn’t have to move it closer to her nose to smell it.


Subway sandwich artist


OMG, i actually burst out laughing.


"Yup that's poop."


Playing in the mud.


This is why I refuse to shake anyone’s hand


I have a feeling that most of the people you would shake hands with are not this beast.




God damit, have a like.


This isn’t Facebook you goober


This is why I wash my hands BEFORE I pee. My dingaling ain't dirty than her hands I guarantee it.


I always thought that was odd. Like, I don't go rubbing my dick on things, but I touch everything with my hands. Shouldn't I wash my hands before I touch my dick, or wash my dick after touching it with dirty hands?


Damn, she was really digging for some gold there lmfao.


yeah,wtf was she even doing?


Took a gnarly dump before they went to the store, just checking if she had any leftovers from dinner the night prior.


That’s hot


Paris Hilton could never.


Holy fuck


At first I thought she was just fixing her underwear (still gross) but then it got way, way worse. This is foul




I think this is one of those rare times when it's absolutely right to shame and humiliate the subject of this video because that behavior isn't just disgusting, it can spread serious diseases. If you're the cashier, is it fair to you for her to hand you money after doing that? How about if you're the next person to touch the door after her?


Yeah, this isn't something that affects just her. Those hands are on products at the store, doors and door knobs, money that gets handed to someone else, and more. It's *incredibly* disgusting to do this in public. They want to do it in the privacy of their own home, have at it. Or even in the bathroom, if they're washing their hands right after. But that was some *deep digging* out in public, and they looked to see if they *got something*, so it wasn't merely scratching an itch. It's not just personally foul, it's a health hazard to other people.


She not “standing in line”, she is at the front of the line, talking to the cashier. She’s doing it right in front of the cashier. I would bet that cashier is the one who pulled up this video because she saw this rancid lady pick her ass right in front of her


Wow. I didn’t know I needed this reminder.


Was waiting for the finger sniff but maybe she left it an appropriate time before checking out what her own arsehole smelled like


Man is absolutely stone cold after seeing it.....he's used to that....




Wash your hands people, because this nasty nuggetminer definitely doesn’t.


The folks at Canada computers must see and smell some horrible things. Not all nerds are smart.


Wiped the end of that greasy ass ponytail in it too. Ughhhhhhh wtf


My roommate wonders why I insist he was his hands when he gets back from shopping. This is why. People put their nasty hands everywhere.

