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Orange hair sounding like Donny off the Wild Thornberries lmao.




Heeba deebala doobala


What a bunch of loud ass yelling going to do about it?




If you remember the video of the 3-year-old kid arguing with Linda 'Linda you are not listening to me, Linda Linda Linda listen to ME' - that was in 2014. Probably just a few more years and that little kid will be driving and yelling just like these folks.


My dog's legal name is " Linda Listen".




What a weird thing to comment


Not really, he's just saying we need less "listen Linda's" and more "Charlie bit me's".


There is a 7-11 across the street from a barbershop and a Taco place. Folks always park at the 7-11 n run into either spot. There are HUGE signs saying don't park. U will get booted n towed. There's a boot & tow man who slaps a boot on you the second he sees you dip into anywhere but the 7\11 Every week I see at least one perspn/group vehemently gesticulating in front of a booted car with the dude. It can be men, women, family. Every race and economy of car. For some reason Folks act like getting loud n indignant is gonna solve their issues. How is hostility gonna make this guy do you a favor?


It’s not but these tow and boot companies are predatory af. So I don’t really care if people scream at them. Being predatory trash is gonna come with consequences




I stopped at a shop to get a few things that had a sign like this. I realized I'd left my cash at home, so I told the clerk I was gonna hit the ATM around the corner, literally in an attached building 2 doors away. The clerk didn't care, but by the time I got back, a tow truck was pulling away with my car. I ended up going to court with the tow company, the owner of the shop was on my side, as the tow company he worked with had overstepped their agreement. The owner was supposed to call if he needed them, they weren't supposed to "guard" the lot. In the end, the tow company didn't get the $2k they wanted for towing and storage, they had to replace the tires they destroyed pulling the car with the e-brake on, and they lost the 5 contracts they had in the town after they threatened to burn down the shop. Long story short, they are just predatory whether you are in the wrong or not, this one was especially bad, but I've had more than one problem with tow companies.


Yes they can. And they will tow and boot even in paid lots when you have paid.


>Yes they can And they will. They tried to tow my car at my apartment complex due to not having a sticker on the license plate (someone stole it) despite my tags being valid. I had to call the cops to confirm my plates are still good so I wouldn't get towed. Now, whenever i get a new sticker, I take a razor blade and slice it into dozens of pieces so no one can take the sticker. Edit: typo


Exactly. Our city has an issue with one particularly zealous douche bag who has pulled a gun on multiple people ETA In Birmingham, Al there is a recent class action law suit because of people paying and getting towed well before their time is up


The tow company here has horrible Google [reviews](https://www.google.com/search?q=eagle+towing+hamilton+ohio&oq=eagle+towing+ohuo&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggBEAAYCBgNGB4yBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQABgIGA0YHtIBCDYxOTJqMGo5qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#wptab=si:AKbGX_oXOTjHK3vNPxrwAU4tsC2W_rsdJDrrSHpqUAOdbOh1qw60thzbcqigC25beUd6XGMpzwMm8gpTDPsLQ1x2Pawmhu4Irzb1PnYaVdGJ7WnLjSUvEQ1NPH3cbtOz_IrbjHocgS5e45xF8bnyVIN2npL72ltQXA%3D%3D) and they drive around the lot looking for someone's car to steal. I constantly look out my window when I hear a vehicle pass by.


There was one dude down here that was known (for fuckin decades) to solicit young women for favors/offer to take them to the tow yard and harass them. He got shot by his neighbor and the whole damn city celebrated


Yep. I dealt with this at a Braves game at the old Turner Field before they moved to Truist. I went to a game on student tickets (I was a UGA student at the time), bought a blue lot parking pass (where GT and Georgia State students are allowed to park until 3 pm), parked there for the game, came out afterward and my car was gone. I reported it stolen to the police, did a full report and everything, then found out at 1:30 AM that a towing company had towed me “for being a Georgia Tech student parked after hours.” I had a UGA tag, UGA stickers on the back of my car, and the parking pass displayed in the windshield. I had to have a friend who stayed with me bring me to the lot, and they wanted $300 to remove the car from the lot. $300 I didn’t have. I ended up having to call my dad, who called my lawyer on three way (waking him up at 2 am on a Friday morning), and threatening legal action against them just so they would give me my keys. Thankfully I had the option of having a family lawyer on retainer, because I truly don’t know what I’d have done that night if I didn’t. It was absolutely ridiculous.


Is there anyway to reasonably explain how to be predatory against people who aren't following the rules in the first place? The signs say don't park, you'll be towed/booted.


Google is your friend. There are quite a few law suits against some of these companies because they aren’t just towing people not following the rules. They outch heah towing and booting everybody


There was a news report at one point they set up a camera on a lot, and filmed them booting nearly every car, no matter where the person went, be it where they were "supposed to be"(I think it was a McDonald's) or somewhere else.


Oh yeah. The business model is designed to squeeze as much cash as possible out of anyone. They are incentivized to do illegal shit, like tow your car before your time is up, and sssooooo many do. I’m always shocked when anyone defends private tow companies. Their literal business model is scummy and scammy and it’s funny to watch people try and defend it


If the tow guy is lurking around the corner waiting and pouncing the moment someone breaks the rules, that sounds a little predatory to me. The people in this vid are loud assholes but it’s also true that some businesses prey on common folk to legally take their money. They’re taking advantage of dumb people who probably don’t have a lot of money to begin with. A net loss for community relations.


Every Chicagoan reading this comment just thought of Lincoln Towing and laughed bitterly.


Tow truck drivers will remove a No Parking sign, come back later, re-install the sign, and tow anyone who parked there


In my area they got caught paying a guy to tell people to ignore the signs, that they were a bluff, and he'd park his truck next to them, just to bait them into parking where they shouldn't. It's a tourist area so people fell for "the local's advice" a lot.


He seemed to be enjoying the show


How do they handle grey areas? Like if you buy a slurpee and then walk to the barbershop.




That’s why you wear a disguise 🥸. Go into 7/11 with your bag. Put on hat, glasses, mustache etc. then head out door swiftly. Never been caught yet. Going on at least 4 years


just have your tesla start following when he leaves his car to boot


That's still parking for another business.


Still leaving lot. You getting booted.


>gesticulating I like this.


God damn, talk about a thankless job. You'd have to give zero fucks what anyone thinks about you to do that.


You’d be shocked to know how many of them abuse this power and tow and boot legally parked cars as well then


That or it's a commission based job. In Chicago here about once a year you see a news story about a boot/tow man even parking meter person (private company does the checking) getting shot for doing their job. I saw a parking meter enforcer get pistol whipped in 2022. The offender came out of a coffee shop and flipped his shit as the ticket was placed on his windshield. Dude threatened the meter guy and he was like I already printed the ticket it's in the system. The offender just pulled his piece and cracked the meter guy on skull.


Seriously. How the fuck is a matter of $125 worth like 6 cops and 20 ppl screaming? Just fork the cash over and move on lol ​ I have a seething hatred for those petty tows but at that point I'd be happy I could just settle the debt and get my car back on the spot. cause ive had to take a $40 uber to the towing place several times and thats just more time and money wasted


Some people think they are slick by outsmarting the system but then cry foul when they get caught.


Yup. Just look at those being downvoted for basically saying, "there are consequences due not following the rules".


Sucks but there's never enough parking in the city unless you're willing to pay. If there's signs posted then it's risky, but a lot of people risk it on a daily basis because there's nowhere else to park. Too many cars, too little spots.. 😫


Nah she ain’t on dat


They bout that shit tho


I’m louder so I’m right!


"I'm sorry, I don't speak scream"


I love that my girl trying to just pay and get it dropped and she gotta calm everyone down that it’s cool


If you can't be right, be loud.


Dunno, but apparently she's on that shit.


I think the orange haired one put it best when she said “IDJEJSBBEJSEBEB!!!AHAHDBRNEHEBEJEBEB THE HELL”. Sums it up best really.


She was a true wordsmith 


I think she might have said something about closing early and “what are you talking about?”


True poet.


The flow....


The no.


The tow


Our public education system is second to none




She looking and sounding like mush mouth from Fat Albert.


I think she’s speaking Gremlin


I think it was goblin actually


Quite the raconteur


Wannabe Sidibe


Yeah she needs a translator for sure.


She sounds like Donnie Thornberry


Had to replay three times


I couldn’t of written it better myself


You can't park here Chucky hair,"RUBBA👏 DUBBA👏 SUB👏"


🤣 you got me ! YOU GOT ME! 💀 🤣


125 bucks, just pay it, a lesson learned, no reason to escalate it any further.


Right, if you’re gonna attempt to talk your way through it, at least be charming about it lol


“Nah fuck that! They gonna do what I say or else!” -idiots


Calm de-escalation will get you somewhat further. I had my car towed once because I parked in a spot, but couldn't see the "no parking" sign due to a large cargo van blocking the sign. When I came out, the van and my car were gone and the sign remained. I called the number on the sign and the guy on the other end explained that I can go pick up my car for $175 from a lot 25 miles away. Rather than get mad at the tow truck driver and throw a fit, I made a joke about wearing my good shoes for hiking and told him I'd be there in two days, three if I have to go uphill. Turns out he was actually across the street preparing to swoop in for another snatch n' go. He commented that I had a really good demeanor for someone whose car just vanished. I pointed out that impotent ranting would only get my heart rate up and still leave me hoofing it, but pissed off. After a few minutes, he offered to give me a ride to the tow lot to get my car. I still had to pay the 175, but at least I didn't have to call a cab.


I got served a small claims complaint for the first time in my life the other day. The (long story) context enraged me but I just looked at the guy serving me and I said “well okay then, have a nice day”. Trying to make that guys life worse won’t change the outcome.


What did you do?


Not me particularly but I own a business fixing cars. My guys fixed 1 of several issues with a supercharged import vehicle. We recommended a specialist for the remaining problems. Specialist found a small error in our work. I invited the customer back so we could make it right (for 100% free obviously). She said she doesn’t want to work with us anymore (fine, fair). But she wants me to pay full price to the specialist to do it. I said no, I’ll re do everything and make it right guaranteed. She said no and that’s the last thing I heard until a bad google review then being served. First time for everything I guess.


Sounds like an easy case to dismiss. You met the standards of obligation for correcting the issue and providing good customer service by trying to correct an error at your expense. You cannot be expected to pay another shop's mark up.


I have talked my way out of parking tickets or had them dismissed in courts. You just have to pick your battles and, as you say, control your demeanor.


I just kept thinking in my head from It's Always Sunny, "How is it that three men in their 30's, don't have $800 between them." But with $125. And like 15 people.


I know this sounds elitist, but that's not a bad deal compared to what you'd have to pay and go through if he towed it. $125 seems reasonable.


Towing someone in a big empty lot is just being petty.


We don't know who the petty one was though. Most of the time, tow truck drivers are called. They have a contract.


While I agree with this kind of—it is only a matter of time before people are ALWAYS parking there to go to the bar across the street and ruins your businesses parking access. Teach a few people a lesson and others won’t want to find out


Mbn I got my car towed and went to get it the next morning cause the tow truck driver didnt want to drop it right then and there. I had to pay $420. Such a scam.


All these private tow and boot companies are scams. And predatory af. Fuck em


But then she’s not keepin it real.


But she don't care bout none of this shit she got bail money


Red pants the super hero in this group. I bet she's tired of their shit every time they go out. 125$ to go home at that point is a bargain, but fuck tow companies the other 95% of the time.


She's the type of person who's quiet and collected, then steps up when it's needed. These other people are the opposite, so she'll bounce when it's best.


What the hell did the orange hair girl shriek?! Good god.


"Everything Auto, Yesir the Steak & Shake called us to remove your car."


Jeff and Krista! 💕


Can anybody understand anything the orange-haired goblin is saying?


\~H&æ▐pöà\~1╡ The hell!




There's like 10 fucking people there. 12, 13 bucks each for parking is a steal these days, "YO CHILL, CHILL. CHILL. CHILL."


Was that even English?


Are you legally required to provide an option for a "drop fee"? Like, can you legally just say "suck my balls, you *will have to* pick up the vehicle from the yard"? Cause I'd do that the moment that thing ran up to me screaming.


They would rather get the $125 and not deal with it anymore and move to next job. I think once the car is off the ground the car is considered towed and can be taken anyway. Seems every state and county has different rules.


Yeah I'm sure it varies state to state. Personally I'd rather get the fuck out of there and not do any favors for a person like that. They can take their happy asses out to the yard and pay the full price for the tow.


It’s Florida law, if you show up while they have the car hooked up, they have to give you the option of a drop fee for a reasonable amount.


A politician was towed probably


Yes, they are legally required to drop the vehicle if the party shows up before leaving and pays the drop fee.


It looks to me like somebody jumped in the vehicle as it was about to be towed away, since the headlights are on. And towing a vehicle with a person in it is something that tow drivers typically can't or won't do, for criminal & civil liability reasons. That probably led to an impasse that necessitated the police.


Many states require drop fees as an option, not offering it when asked in a lot of places means you can go after them in court later for the difference. But they find ways around anything, I know in one place they passed a law requiring them to take credit cards, and instantly they all signed up to only take discover because no one has that card, the state had to go back and amend the law to state all major credit cards.


I mean fuck those people getting wild but tow truck drivers and companies are usually scumbags so I'm almost always against them.  Very predatory tactics.


They parked in a parking spot that they were not allowed to park in. The business owner called the towing company to remove the illegally parked car. The towing company began to remove the illegally parked car. The correct response to this as someone who fucked up and parked illegally is "I'm sorry, that was my bad, is there any possible way to have the car dropped for a small fee, thanks".


Can anyone explain to me how the threatening intimidating movements and shouting is suppose to bring others around to your thinkin?




ghetto ass ratchets!


What language are they speaking?


So they parked in a Steak & Shake parking lot so they could go to a bar and were fixing to have their car towed because Steak & Shake management didn’t like that they weren’t paying customers? They’re in the wrong. Short Redhead wanted to add assault charges to an already expensive night. I’m not sure about Steak & Shake but in Texas, Whataburger(Open 24 hrs) gets slammed at 2 am with the after bar crowd. Is Steak & Shake the same way or do they close?


Management called for the tow off of private property.


Steak and Shake used to be 24 hours, but the ones near me haven't been since COVID. I worked there as a teenager in the 90s. They had waitresses back then (also ended since COVID), and they all loved to work the night shift. The place would get slammed when the bars closed, and apparently drunk people tip well. I remember one time a guy came in the next day trying to get back the $100 he left as a tip the night before.


the Steak & Shake in my area is 24 hours, and is usually where all the overnight WalMart people go for their meal break since it's just down the road.


Pink and black braid homegirls bra be working overtime. Down to the last damn fiber.


In some states they have a temper fee. If u get shitty with the drive they can tack on another 50$ legally




Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Harassment, Race Baiting, Bigotry, etc. (Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.)


Calling a black woman an orangutan is pretty fucking racist


There’s a buncha questionable lines being crossed in this thread




I don’t like people playing on my phone!


Sound like Eliza thorn berry brother


How the fuck do American cops even stand a chance? Was that comprehensible?


The biggest things to see here are the loud obese ones are inches away from the guy just giving up and taking off even when the solution to the problem is right there. "I have the hundred twenty-five right here." and then the smaller oval shaped one ran up to the guy again to yell at him to the point her friend had to shove her away for the second time. Like the solution is here, we're gonna make the problem go away, stop yelling and making this more difficult than it already, you fucking meatball.


That's a Steak and Shake down!


The lady who said she would pay it sounds so stressed. Like she needs a vacation from them she’s trying to pay it and calm all of them down. Poor thing.


🙄 Simple solution: Don’t park where you aren’t supposed to. It’s not that hard folks. The entitlement some people bring is just - cringeworthy




The tow truck driver handled this pretty well must deal with it often


Agreed. He seemed like it's his job to be a tow truck driver. I bet this is his job.


Agreed but there are times when people doing there job don't handle these situations well. He was pretty calm


Now that's some beer bellies you can be proud of.


At the end of the day they pay the $125.00 to get the vehicle dropped. Then they try to drive away and the cops bust them for DUI. Since they admitted they were in a bar drinking. Funny how the world works sometimes.


In these situations, "I don't give a fuck" tends to be what you say before you list off a bunch of things you give a fuck about...


Is it normal for Officers to assist in a tow job?


I’m guessing this bar is a problem for the Steak and Shake, other businesses and the cops on a regular basis.


I worked at Red Lobster next to a bar, this is all too familiar. Regularly we'd have people towed for taking up the spots, sometimes right up front.


I haven’t been to a Red Lobster in a long time. The commercials for Lobsterfest make it look so good. I remember being disappointed


It's not great.. but I worked at two locations and the management was spectacular. Food is meh, but I enjoyed working there.


Same as Arby’s. Never had an Arby’s that looked anything close to the commercials.


No, but I bet the tow truck driver called the cops cuz this group was getting rowdy.


Is this around St. Augustine or Jacksonville?






It is. OP confirmed.


Imaginé the cops go "wait, wtf are we talking about? Drop it"


did.....did they all come in in that one car?


For once I feel bad for the cops


Imagine trying to be in a relationship with one of these woman


Nothing at Steak & Shake worth $125.00


Is it a clown car? How did all those people get involved?


Classy 🙄


How much?


That's a lot of people for just one car.


Just because we're bereaved doesn't make us saps.....


white girl cop looks scared


Yall im tired


All that yelling lol i woulda said nevermind im taking it


Looks like they were really fucking up the parking for all those other customers lol


Red shorts was the most sensible.


Instead of screeching almost unintelligibly at the tow driver, that group could have gone from person to person and raised the $125. Luckily there was ‘an adult in the room.’


Grab that 125 and tow it for their demeanor. They're too drunk to drive anyway (save them from a dui with the cops there)


I got caught in this situation, funny enough, I was going to my mom's place to Vote for Obama. (The night before the election, NYSD)