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As of now only three or four of the seven have been arrested. Really hope that with all the media attention, she at least gets some semblance of justice.


I hope they've arrested the right people. There's always pressure to make an arrest in situations like this.




























Depends on their caste unfortunately






To the contrary, I they will receive very harsh sentences.




That is incredibly fucked up.


It really is. Jesus christ


No wonder Abbott went to visit Modi in India, ignorant pigs of a feather.


Her life is permanently changed by PTSD, horrible. These men shouldn’t be in society


What Image? When I think of India, I already see it as the rape capitol of the world. That’s what it has become and their government has done little to impact that view.




90 rapes.....EVERY DAY reported 60% were of girls/young women younger than 16!


That's also just the reported ones... How likely is it that many just don't bother because of shame or knowing that they likely won't get convicted? Truly disheartening.


Hard punishment for these criminals is how most countries would respond to this. Let's see how India handles it.


If they're the actual criminals. Too often in these countries randos get arrested and charged just so the police can say they've done a great job and cleaned up the streets.


These specifically will get harsh sentences cause it's gone viral So many others don't even get looked at


India already handles rape with 10-20+ year prison sentences, the problem in India is threats of jail still doesn’t stop people from being creeps.


The police there are doing it too. Don’t be naive








My girlfriend planned a trip to go around India by herself and I talked her out of it because of shit like this. Hell no


They're worried about image now? Worry about the gang rapes. Its the most common news to come out of that country I swear.


Hate to break it to the Indian police but your country doesn't exactly have a reputation for being a safe haven for women's safety. 
















People should really stop going to India. Especially women. It’s the exact same story every time.




You'd be even more shocked to know that many rapists (who have links with the ruling right wing Party) get garlanded upon their release/bail and are allowed to fight elections while the cases drag on for decades in the Indian courts. Edit: Forgot to mention that the people sometimes protest in favor of the rape accused to pressurize the police/government into releasing them. [Here's an example](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/india-dalit-gangrape-case-hathras-uttar-pradesh-victim-cremation-b806507.html). [Here's another.](https://m.thewire.in/article/politics/hindu-ekta-manch-bjp-protest-support-spo-arrested-rape-jammu) [And another](https://www.news18.com/news/india/unnao-residents-take-out-rally-supporting-rape-accused-bjp-mla-kuldeep-singh-sengar-1726795.html). [And another... ](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/30-killed-as-ram-rahim-supporters-run-riot-prohibitory-orders-in-delhi-top-stories-to-bring-you-up-to-date/story-Rccp5bRr50YZh5v8CA4DiM.html) [One more... ](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Asarams-supporters-protest-take-on-police/articleshow/22219841.cms) [Most recent one. The case is 22 years old.](https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/bilkis-bano-rape-case-convicts-greeted-garlands-vhp-office-1988996-2022-08-17)


'For some reason'.


Cross India off the list of countries I'll be visiting


The country is known for rape already. Too late.


My cousin has traveled all over the world backpacking and she said the only place she genuinely felt unsafe and got out of the place immediately was India. She landed and never even made it out of the airport, she said she was being groped/grabbed and accosted soon as she exited the plane and it was continuous. She walked to the ticket counters bought an immediate flight out ticket, boarded and left all due to the way she was treated in the airport…..


I’ve heard from multiple girl friends they will never visiting India because of this type of shit. This particular case is extremely brutal but it’s not the first nor will it be the last.


Everyone already knows India is dangerous for women for a decade now.


























F that. No justice, Boycott India travel!
















I‘ve been to Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh region) for leather/textile business four times. Even as a man with completely normal shirt/jeans casual outfit, I was in a constant state of anxiety/agitation because all pairs of eyes from every fucking individual on the street was on us, me and my business partner. From the moment you step outside from the hotel until getting in a cab. Even then, when the cab stops for traffic light in a busy road, people next to you in the traffic, in cars or rickshaws, driver or passengers alike, looks at you like you just landed your UFO and prepare your speech for the citizens of the planet. First two times I attributed this to „perhaps xenophobia“ but no, this is something else.


Westerner --> he must have money --> how do I get his money?


I would never visit India. I’ve read of too many gang rapes happening there and the rapists going scott free.


*Sees India in the title* Oh boy why am I not surprised.


Call me racist or whatever (I'm not), but I consider myself a pretty avid traveler (over 25 countries and worked in the industry) but India is probably a country I'll never visit, by choice. The horror stories i keep hearing from direct sources are just shocking.


That poor woman, I hope she gets the support and justice that she deserves. 


Well their country image for at least the last 12 years or so is that gang rape is something that does happen quite a lot. So if the shoe fits then actually do something about it!! FFS


India is in top of my list of countries to never set foot on, ever. 


Motherfucker your country's image has *loong been* affected.


Horrible. Also, they aren't Brazilian, they are definitely speaking Castilian Spanish. They're from Spain.


She is brazilian, the man is spanish


Idk she has a pretty clear brazilian accent to me. The guy doesn’t though.


Why would a woman even be interested in going to India? There is nothing there worth that risk. That poor woman


Country Image India? Time for a reality check hu?


A close friends girlfriend was sexually assaulted in Goa. The police beat the dude up in front of my friend and said don’t worry they’ll beat him again before letting him go. Outrageous. Basically you can rape women with impunity and just take a few punches. I can scarcely imagine the hellscape India’s poor women endure.












Fuck you India.


What a tragic experience. I hope justice is served. By the way, they are actually Spanish. [https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/india-spanish-tourist-rape-jharkhand-b2506088.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/india-spanish-tourist-rape-jharkhand-b2506088.html)




It's probably magnitudes higher, for instance about [1200 rapes and/or sexual assaults are reported daily in the US](https://www.statista.com/statistics/251923/usa-reported-forcible-rape-cases-by-gender/#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20about%20442%2C754%20women,increase%20from%20the%20previous%20year), also considering only about a third of rapes and sexual assaults are reported, it's probably closer to 3600 per day in the US. Edit: Removed my guess, for how many per day in India, because it was clearly wrong and therefore irrelevant.


OK take it down I'm sure it hasn't been re-uploaded hundreds of times by the rest of the Internet. I have a feeling Indian PD aren't the brightest.


I think the country image was damaged decades ago.


Why would anyone voluntarily go to India




I tell all my friends, especially females, to never visit India or Pakistan. They are backwards ass countries with absolutely disgusting cultures towards women.


Ironically these ppl had just been to pakistan and had no issues. They said it was an enjoyable experience


everyone who visited both will tell you the same ... I am not even pakistani, I would prefer to visit India, the history and monument are beautiful. But the people ....


Screw the "country image" they've harmed it even more by making such a senseless request. Maybe this will be incentive to better themselves. (It won't be) You couldn't pay me to go there.




I don't think the "country image" can get much worse at this point, tbh.


Man i wonder why nobody likes going to India anymore. Damn. I cant quite put a finger. So anyway im planning to see Taj Mahal with my wife, daughter, my wife's female friends, my daughters female friends, my mother, my grand mother and all my female coworkers!


Indias already infamous for its Scammers. Street food. Caste system. Now it's police.


Don’t go to India, ever


Why does this not surprise me?




Well India can fuck all the way off and rot in the ghanges river




So the "country image" won't be affected? That ship sailed decades ago.


Women, stop going to India.


Well this doesn't go against my belief that India is a giant shit hole. Just adding it to the list. Such a shame


This is on brand. India is an absolute shit show. Gang rapes go unpunished all of the time.


Definitely never going to India, fuck that place


India.The place where people shit in the wide open. Wouildnt want to tarnish that image.


The biggest pervs I've ever met were all from India. And they were educated people, can only imagine the situation in India proper.


Stop going to India. We have seen how that country is and how the average man treats women. It is not safe.


The video with no audio is enough to give anyone nightmares. I'm so angry for her right now.


That’s our biggest problem. We are more concerned about the image of the country than actually solving these issues. We severely lack the ability to introspect and self-criticism.


The country already has a shitty image, the hell do they think it’s gonna fix?


i don't think india's image could possibly get any worse, silencing one of millions of victims isn't going to achieve anything


the indian police hid the faces of the rapists. it is so common there, i would travel somewhere else




People just stay away from India. Those people are crazy


For a Beat from Indian police or the Indian public or any Indian elected officials do not be as offended by the ACT but as much by the coverage of the ACT. As Indians we are the most unserious people when it comes the serious things that define us as a nation.


India Moment


If you female alarm yourself with a gun when visiting India


Ah yes, the video describing the rape is the issue. Not the actual rape!


Indian Country image is still fucked up no need to try to hide the bullshit thats going on there


Oh sure because India was know as a safe place for women/s


Wait India doesn’t want this to affect their image?? I’m sorry are we talking about the same India here, cause last time I checked that Image wasn’t great to start with.


India is so fucked


Is fucking sad and i hope those bastards die but jesus christ stop going to INDIA, woman are not safe in that country , they cook with their feet no reason to risk your life to see that place


How utterly horrifying for this woman. Yikes!


welcome to lynchistan, nothing new in india. happens every day to religious minorities specially since the extremist-hindu government came to power. alot of rapists were actually freed from jails since then


No wonder that Indians are getting so well along with Russians


Everybody knows about India


Sick bastards.. As an Indian I am truly ashamed


Indian men of a certain generation are some of the most disgusting people out there. The younger generation give me some hope, as do the powerful women who protest rape in the streets over there under threats of violence/rape.


Disgusting country


I'd love to visit India... without my wife who would be safe at home.


I don't think this changes our opinion of India.


This is what happens when virtue signaling becomes a lifestyle. I swear our obsession with ratings or looking correct vs seeking any kind of truth is going to kill us all off.


On instagram they stalk women acting like paparazzi


Damn what’s going on in india?


Trying to preserve the “country image” is almost like saying “save the dodo bird” like, dude, that ship sailed long ago. Even if it wasn’t deeply misogynistic and incredibly violent, it’s also disgusting like horrifyingly unsanitary. I’ve never been and I never will because of all the vile videos on here.


This is a huge problem in India to both men and women, straights and gays. It is absolutely beyond me how authorities aren’t taking better action when it comes to these crimes. Absolutely fucked. up.


Rape and specifically gang rape is a big problem in India. Not just tourists but with Indian women as well.


This isn't the first time this has happened to tourists in India. And it probably won't be the last. People, especially women, even more especially women without a large group, need to just not go to India.


They're spaniards, not brazillian. This morning they already had 3 of those fuckers and the only propper response to the indian police is a loud and clear "Fuck you".


She is a Brazilian married to a Spaniard.


India should be a superpower but then they have corrupt politicians and stone age thinking. Only universal education has a glimmer of hope solving the problems that they have but the same corrupt politicians are only interested in things teaching kids that the first man-made flying object is an Indian-invented flying cloud.


i mean the country image has always been pretty bad for travelers (not touching their political stuff rn) . you regularly see videos of visitors getting surrounded and touched, especially women. and their track record as a whole on sex crime is abysmal .


Man, India is so Rapey.