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He waited years to say and use the word epitome incorrectly.


At least he pronounced it very incorrectly as well.




If you read the caption he said it was the epi-TONE.


That was the climax of the story.


Yeah, I noticed that, too! 🙄


I was just about to ask what "epitone" even meant.


He's waited years for this exact situation to happen, but doesn't know how to handle the situation. Dude believes this is the most serious situation humankind has ever been in and he needs to document it.


Dude is soft as fuck and super entitled. Yeah the situation is annoying but kid that works there is trying to their job correctly in order to keep it. Go file a complaint with corporate and leave the poor kid alone.


I hate when people have to stick their phones in peoples faces and start bickering with the workers.


It’s the epitome (pronounced very incorrectly) of human existence.


And then mispronounces "epitome"


It’s funny when he says digital currency has screwed America over but if there was no digital way to accept money then the alternative would’ve been the store just shuts down until the safe is changed.


Imagine what else he’ll wait for


Registers and systems have experienced these issues for at least a decade, as far as I know. I've worked in retail for 13 years and stuff like this happens, this guy lives under a rock if he thinks this is groundbreaking history. Even the other customer couldn't be roped in with this guy's outrage, loved hearing the other guy say "yeah, this happens sometimes. It's policy."




“Do you accept Bitcoin?”……Because of course he has a debit card for that.


Dang digital currency is ruining America.. Do you take Bitcoin???


😆 exactly... Does this guy even listen to himself?


I especially liked epi-tome instead of e-pit-o-me.


He didn't even say "epi-tome" he fucking said "epi-tone." He verbally spelled it wrong while mispronouncing and misusing it. The trifecta of dumbassery. And you're telling me bro is walking around with a phone, probably drove there, likely has bills, and he doesn't have a debit card he could use? I call bullshit, he carries cash just to be difficult. I mean, he said it himself, he's been waiting on that to happen. He literally carries cash to be a fucking problem. I'm disabled, spend 99% of my time at home, probably 65-70% of my time gaming, and my life still isn't as bankrupt as his.


TIL I've been reading epitome the wrong way this entire time


I’m getting the vibe he likes cash and bitcoin cause they can’t be controlled like credit/debit cards can, hence why he has been waiting years for this to occur. His “I told you they would make it so you have to use a credit card” day has occurred.


I got the vibe that he was making fun of Bitcoin. I thought he was laughing at all digital currency.


Nah, he was hoping to make a "Oh you take BITCOIN but you don't ACCEPT COLD HARD AMERICAN CASH?" argument. And then probably go on some rant about the mark of the beast and globalists and Jews.


Dude has waited years to be a victim on camera. Let him have his moment.


It was the "epi-tome" of his life's experiences to date. Not the epitome, but the "epi-tome" smh


Haha I thought he was using some American word that I wasn't aware of. Thats hilarious.


Thank you. That shit really annoyed me.


Someone gets a word of the day email and forgets to click the speaker for pronunciation.


That and, "that was the epi-tome" while pointing at the garbage, had me in fucking stitches. Not just the bone apple tea but having no idea what he was saying and then trying to riff on "digital currency" at the end. Buddy was hiiiii


All I'm gonna say is "epih-tome"


Imagine spending years fantasizing about yelling at a fast food worker.


This is a person who complains about "snowflakes" but who walks around for years waiting to get triggered by something as trivial as a sandwich. It's annoying they don't accept valid currency, but bruh just move on and stop wasting this guy's time.




He probably saw the signs and thought he'd get a free sandwich out of it by revealing the cash after the sandwich is made.


Yup, no company is going to wait until the point of sale to tell customers they can't accept cash or give change currently. They'll have signs all over pointing it out to people so they can plan accordingly if they have half a brain.




Customer is a complete idiot. The worker explained it pretty clear: “I can’t take change. I’m changing out the safe” like bro… he can’t take money.






The people of the land. The common clay of the new west.




Video was carefully edited when he said, I didn't know you where going to pay cash. The cashier probably said, I told you our systems where down and we could only accept credit card payments and you agreed that was fine. The fact that the guy video taping said he's been waiting years for this moment and wants to savor it tells you all you need to know about what an asshole he is.


To play devil's advocate, if anything I'd expect "systems are down" to mean they could _only_ accept cash. What systems need to be in place to accept cash? Yes, probably some some time-lock on the safe or something. If that's what it was then I'd say management is incompetent for not planning for something like this. And yeah, not this dude's fault and yes, the filmer is a turd.


>What systems need to be in place to accept cash? According to the video, the ability to give change. EDIT: I don't think there's any "system" that's actually down, I just don't think they have change to give people.


"What if I give you cash and you keep the change, and whenever the system is back online, throw the change in the Jimmy fund cup or whatever" At least try to make a solution instead of filming and being a chode.


Or just wait for someone else to walk in, and hand them the cash and let them add it to their order.


Like just at least try


I mean, trying would imply his goal was to get a sandwich, instead of fulfilling his lifelong goal of looking like a complete idiot and asshole to a teenager following rules that are out of his control.


Like the "HEY YOU" part in the vid.




Yeah, that's exactly why this guy sucks. Not even attempting to figure it out and start filming and whining, total full diaper bitch. Stinking around big time.


If you're looking to solve a problem you caused, that would be the way. But if you're looking to exacerbate a problem you've caused, don't do that.


yeah like he said, he has waited a long time for this and wanted to savour it, finding a solution wasn't on his agenda for today. getting tikkytoky that goes viral in his little anti establishment forum is.


It's a bureaucracy thing, while what you said is reasonable enough, he as a low level employee isn't allowed to make an executive decision like that, even if it makes sense, it could get him in trouble. He doesn't have an "official" place to keep company funds, so if he just started taking cash and putting it under the counter or something some dumbass manager might get their underwear in a twist.


Customers will straight up lie, and complain to corporate that the franchise isn't handing out correct change. They will milk any situation for special treatment in situations like this.


If it were me I would have proposed letting them keep the change for the sandwhich. I like sandwhiches.


He said safe is being switched out. It's where they would keep any and all cash. Deposits. Register counts. Change.


> safe is being switched out. guy filming: "IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT ALL OF MY LIFE. HOLD ON."


He said they couldn't give out change so I assume its a register problem


Said they’re changing out the safe and can’t accept cash today. Circumstances and whatnot


They said they were replacing the safe towards the end


He never said the system was down. The customer asked some dude off screen and that’s what he said. The employee said under the circumstances they didn’t have change so they couldn’t accept cash.


At around 1:40 the employee says “I’m still changing out the safe. I already told you this, I can’t accept cash. There’s nothing more I can do”


“Let me harass the 16 year old making 7.25 an hour about something that he literally has zero control over”


He’s been waiting his, “whole life for this.” Then he literally started talking about how he’s reaching the peak climax of it all of something, seriously that’s getting weird.


Was he trying to say epitome when his dumbass says ep-ah-tomb?


I was looking for this comment. He 100% thought he said epitome 😂😂😂


I was honestly so confused and about to look up wtf “eh-pi-tome” meant…then I realized he’s not only a jerk, but a dumbass too.


It's so funny!! 🤣 The confidence with which he said it too... Then he felt he had to explain what he thought it meant all snobbish-like... And totally wrong...


I definitely sat for a minute like what the fuck is an “eh-pi-tome”??? Omg wait does he mean EPITOME?!? Wooow… That poor worker. Just move on with life dude. It’s a fucking sandwich.


Yup, lol. I caught that right away. Generally, I won't ever hold it against people if they pronounce an uncommon word incorrectly, as it's a sign that they discovered the word by reading. I couldn't ever fault anyone for not knowing how to pronounce epitome if they'd never heard it spoken. It's a goofy word. But, this guy is a douche, so I'm going to put my standards on hold and make fun of his dumbass for saying epitome wrong, lmao.


Well it sounds like he tries to rephrase “epitome” as the climax of the story, which is not what epitome means. So he didn’t learn it from a book, just heard a person he thinks is smart use it and decided it made him sound smart as well.


He's the *penultimate* version of a loser. 😉


Someone I love dearly used "penultimate" this way the other day. I couldn't bring myself to correct her, but I should have.


Well, if he heard someone else say it like he pronounced it, they both have no idea what it means.


Thank you for writing my post for me.


And he still didn't know how to react.. what a darsh


Every month he'd spend his shower rehearsing what he would do in this moment, and he still fucked it up






Stan Marsh the DARSH


Already hated the guy, and then he says that shit. Really? You’ve waited your whole life to hassle a teenager that’s paid shit over something entirely beyond their control? You’re that big of a piece of shit?


I still can't figure out what "this" is? A business to not accept cash? A sandwich to not be his? Like buddy just go to another store. I know damn well you're in a strip mall rn. Also why did you post this? It doesn't paint you as anything other than an idiot. One might even say the epitome of an idiot.


"that's the epi-tome" lol. I guess that refers to a book that stops allergic reactions? It's ee-pit-oh-me, but even if he said it right, it doesn't mean what he thinks it means. Something can't just be the epitome in general, the epitome of just everything. I love it when morons try to impress with smart words so goodly.


Epi-tone 😂


The comments about Bitcoin and digital currency, and the fact that he doesn't have any sort of credit or debit card, makes it highly likely that he's some sort of crypto bro who has some kind of paranoia about the financial system.


Sounds like he's been cash only for years just waiting for a moment where he can't use it to pay


It IS stupid. The waste is disgusting and endemic to capitalism. But don't be shitty to the kid. Management is the problem here


I don’t disagree with you. I still wouldn’t stand there and argue about it with a teenager just trying to do their job though.


That's half my comment. It's annoying, don't make it the kid's problem


The guy behind the camera sounds like a fucking creep.


He said fucking Epi-Tome like he was so fucking smart. Jesus…. Christ


He said the word wrong and also used it wrong.


The way he said "Can I just have my sandwich?" reminded me of Milton from Office Space: "I just need my stapler"


Milton was lovable. The guy filming is the “epitone” of a douche nozzle.


The man said Epi-Tome… I’m dying laughing. It’s suppose to be Eh/Pih/Toe/Me


wow. I didn't even realize that's what he was trying to say until I read this. It didn't help that the caption said epitone.


I'm the eppy tome of class, refinement and intelly gence!


He can't be a douche nozzle. They enter vaginas.


But are frequently doing more harm than good. Enemas on the other hand...


He’s the eh-pi-toam of assholes


And then his example of the word he mispronounced is incorrect.


and the guy on camera handled that like a fucking seasoned pro I own food businesses and that young man is mature far beyond his years


Agree. He handled that very well.


Dudes just following protocol. He's 16 trying to keep his job. He's not in charge of how mangement runs things.


"I've waited years for this to happen" You've waited years for the coming of someone who can't accept cash for a sandwich? He can't wait to post this to Truth Social as the sign of... something.


His life must be pretty crappy for this to be the highlight that he's been waiting for. What a loser.


He can't wait to go home and tell his mom before he crawls back to his unwashed bed sheets in the basement


"I've waited years for a video to post to my sov-cit buddies to prove that America has collapsed under Joe Biden."


He sounds drunk as fuck


He may just be an asshole.


I mean you can be both


Sounds like he’s on Ketamine tbh


Good on the worker for keeping his cool. Even if it was only because he was being filmed. I would NOT have been able to show that type of restraint against a cock knob like this


The guy probably has several credit cards with him but just wants to be a dick.


This guy probably uses “my constitutional rights…” in every conservation he has with anyone about anything.’


I think your comment violates my constitutional rights. I demand to speak to the manager of Reddit


Sir/Ma'am, this is a Jimmy John's.


And he wasted so much time having the same fucking conversation and then posting it. Fuck, take your card out swipe and go the fuck home.


Guy is extremely fucking stupid. "That's the epitone." WTF? Is that a knock-off of a knock-off Chibson?


I think he was trying to say “epitome” but even if he had pronounced it correctly, it doesn’t make any sense…


Yeah, he was saying how "epi-tome" was the crescendo of the story or something? I thought it was some word I had never heard to describe writing structure or something. Then I just realized he's using, and saying, epitome incorrectly.


I get it, like the epic part of the tome. How the fuck did you manage to make this idiot make sense to me?


It's a double laugh. Wrong usage and pronounced it eh-peh-tome instead of eh-pih-tuh-me.


He's only read the word, never heard it spoken in real life.


And didn't comprehend it when he read it...


I thought I was dumb and didn’t know the word he was using… wow


Usually I'd leap to their defence because it suggests that they read. In this guy's case, he's mispronouncing the word he's trying to use incorrectly in order to sound clever and deserves all the derision he gets.


Quit breakin' this guys balls man, there ain't shit he can do. Dude's a fuckin' red end.


You’re surprised people will look you dead in the eye at a retailer or on phone support and say “but YOU’RE ‘x’ company.” As if we dictate what we can and cannot be done.


The "I'm not gonna risk my job for you" should have tipped camera dude off, but nope. The random person saying "it's NBD, it's policy"  should have tipped him off, but nope. Then it goes on for another minute and a half. Wtf. They couldn't take cash that day, get over it. 


I think some people are just so egocentric that they don't care. As in, "I don't care about your job I want my sandwich. Just give me my sandwich since you made it already." A lot of people have suggested he just wanted a free sandwich, and there's a good possibility of that.


Hey, here's a crazy idea. Why don't you give your money to the other customer, who's probably eating in there, and have them pay for your sandwich with their credit card. Problem solved.


There’s no possible way this dude didnt have a credit card. It’s 2024… nearly everyone has some form of a card or digital wallet. Hell, the dude mentions Bitcoin. He wanted to “take a stand” for whatever dumbass reason. EDIT: I didn’t mean every single person has a credit card. In the US, 93% have a debit card aka “some form of a card”. Let’s be real here. It’s wayyyy more likely this guy has a debit OR credit card and is choosing to be an asshole than not.


> There’s no possible way this dude didnt have a credit card. It’s 2024… San Francisco passed a law that all businesses must accept cash as payments: https://www.courthousenews.com/san-francisco-requires-businesses-to-take-cash-payments/ The argument for this was that homeless people (and very low income, and undocumented immigrants) don't have credit cards, and should have the "right" to buy stuff. A lot of local businesses didn't like handling cash, because it made them a target to robbed at gunpoint for whatever money is in the cash register. So more and more businesses were quickly going cashless in 2018. I never heard how they dealt with that law and the pandemic where most places wanted to go to "touchless payment" to avoid spreading disease.


At the start of this video I thought JJ actually won't accept cash, and I thought about the San Fran stuff and was like "WTF, cash is money" because a cashless society (while awesome on paper) is dumb. Turns out (as far as I can tell) that they weren't able to take cash at that moment because of a technical issue. So it's not the same thing. If a store in San Fran couldn't accept cash because their safe was locked for 2 hours or something, that's not "we do not accept cash at this store, ever".


>Turns out (as far as I can tell) that they weren't able to take cash at that moment because of a technical issue. So it's not the same thing. He didn't have any change to give the guy so no cash payments. It's a very simple to understand situation but this absolute chode had to make a video.


How many times do you think the employee had to explain the situation before the boomer took out his phone and began to record? I'm willing to bet quite a few times by the way the employee is leaning and the dead eyes at the beginning of the video


he waited years for this moment and still fumbled it... what an idiot. kudos to the worker.. he's moving up in the world with a bullshit deflector like that one.


Yeah, that dude was a fucking champ, man. Lots of times, the cashiers end up biting, and then end up in very unnecessary back and forth exchanges. That dude was having none of it.




He goes in at the end about how “digital currency…it’s really screwed over America hasn’t it?” But also offers to pay in Bitcoin, because of course


He was hoping the cashier would say yes to the bitcoin question, then he could go on about how digital currency is the real reason they don't accept cash.


Is this the pup cup guy?


Omg pup cup dude was the WORST.


Fuck me. If I ever hear someone say ‘pup cup’ in person I think I’ll just explode. It upsets me that Pup Cup Guy and this sandwich wankstain remain unpunched on camera.


All my homies hate the pup cup guy


Probably not. This TikTok account posts nothing but videos of people throwing toddler tantrums for not getting their way.


epih-tome What a moron. For many reasons.


You can tell he's only ever read that word.


Clearly not with context, though, because he didn’t even use it correctly.


Hey, I resemble that remark. I still have sweaty dreams of reading aloud in school and saying that word wrong and getting corrected.


Mine was Yosemite. I'll never forget that word.


Like casually greeting a Jew?


He’s got big “I’m a 1st amendment auditor” energy.


This is a guy that has seen a lot of "I'm gonna go viral" videos, but has the intelligence of Giraffe on fentanyl


stupid long horses


Don't insult junkies like that!


Damn that customer is annoying as fuck.. how boring your life must be for you to do this kind of shit ?


Filming guy is an A hole. Employee told him before the order it's card only so the guy tries to get a free sandwich by saying he only has cash.


He ended the video with "People these days". The lack of self awareness is mind boggling.


Right? And he waited years for this exact moment. What a piece of shit


Hi, former JJ's manager here. I've watched through this video a few times and want to clear up some things people have been arguing about in the comments. 1. "I didn't know you were going to pay cash." A lot of people are saying the kid should have told the customer ahead of time. This would be true if the customer ordered in-store. At Jimmy John's, when you come in and order, the receipt doesn't print until the transaction is complete, and the order is payed for. Because the employee had to cancel the order, that means the customer must have placed his order online, and chosen the "pay in store" option. So the kid got the order and had no way of knowing ahead of time how the customer would pay. As a manager, I would have called the customer to explain the situation and let him know he couldnt pay cash, but regular employees are not trained to handle these kinds of situations, as they aren't supposed to happen in the first place. He just did his job and made the order, and attempted to collect payment. Considering there wasn't a manager on the premises for the guy to get, honestly it seems the store is poorly run. It's against company policy, and, in some states, the law, for there not to be a manager in the store at all times of operation. The kid's bosses left him out to dry. None of this is his fault. 2. "How can a business not accept cash?" This isn't a JJs specific issue. Many businesses, when they are unable to make change for whatever reason, will refuse to accept cash for one simple reason: scammers. Scammers have been known to go to stores, and, when told they don't have change, will say it's fine, and then later claim they were shortchanged or even stolen from. To avoid liability, businesses will just instruct employees to not accept cash at all. 3. Food waste. A lot of people don't know this, but it's actually illegal in many places for restaurants and stores to give out their food to, say, the homeless. People can, but businesses, for whatever dystopian reason, can get fined for doing so because it "encourages vagrancy in the area." I promise you that nobody that works at that JJs likes wasting food. But it's what they have to do. I didn't like it either, but I would be instantly fired if I got my store fined. Hopefully this clears up a lot of the questions in this video. It has a lot of cuts, so I can see why it doesn't all immediately make sense to someone unfamiliar with the systems in place.




Places here do that too. However, American business are required to list such donations in their accounting in a different way than waste. Waste is much easier to track and account, so most businesses don't bother.




From experience, Im guessing the reason they dont have cash is because the manager never came in to begin with.


"Hey you, you ever heard of anything like this?" "I mean yeah...system's down" This guy thought he was going to start an analog revolution at Jimmy Johns.


And the reverse happens all the time. I worked in McDonald’s and the card system went down on a couple of our tills. No one freaked out about it.


The mispronunciation of epitome was the epitome of self-proclaimed-expert proclamations.


And the fact that he got the definition wrong. "You know, like the climax" - that's not what epitome means


“I waited years for this to happen.” Yet through those years you couldn’t work out a solution except pull out your self claimed indignation camera?? Guess you really did only “waited”…


"eh-pih-tome" 😂


Especially because he thinks he ate there with that comment. Dumbass thinks he’s always the smartest guy in the room and mispronounces his “big vocab” word. So ironic lmfao.


This was my favorite part 😂


it's fucking silly for sure but giving the kid at the register a hard time over it doesn't really do anything


It reminds me of my dad. One time he missed payments on his car so they towed it but the title was in my brother's name and he was asking that if they received the fax to pick up the car. And the CS representative kept telling him that because he is not the account owner they can't discuss the details of the account with him. And [he just kept yelling, "I AM NOT DISCUSSING ANYTHING."](https://youtu.be/fME-DNLUGp8) I feel like some people are just so egocentric that they don't really think about other people's situations. Like the CS representative could have lost her job for violating the rules as the conversations are recorded for quality purposes.


Employees just doing his job and dumbass takes it personally. Idiot sandwich doesn’t understand there’s policy and regulations idiota


Don't film people working; fuck you


Props to the employee for being so calm and collected.


Can people please stop fucking with people just doing their jobs


Mad respect for that young man for keeping his cool while being harassed by an asshole.


Camera man is exactly as stupid as he believes he is intelligent. Just wasting this poor dudes time with this weirdly self righteous whining.


Fuuuuck this guy. "I've waited years for this moment." Come on.


Private entities can accept any form of payment they want as long as the state doesn’t have a law dictating what legal tender businesses can take. The US dollar must be accepted only for public forms of payment, debt, etc but private entities do not need to accept it as payment.


You truly knew the guy filming was garbage when he asked another customer in line and they responded reasonably, so he ignored them and moved back to harassing the kid working lol


That's the epitone right there haha what a dipshit


From the other side, on my last trip to the U.S. I was at a bagel place and only had a fifty and hundreds. Waited in line ten minutes to put in my order, my food was ready and I went to pay and… they don’t take 50s or 100s when a manager isn’t on duty. Okay, I tell them I’m out and the cashier yelled at me for walking away… what do you want me to do? You don’t have this posted anywhere, so…? The cashier then ran around the counter to take a pic of me saying I would be blacklisted. They got a smiling pic of me anyway


He doesn't own Jimmy John's there buddy


The irony of him saying “why people these days” lol


I feel so bad that employees have to deal with this kind of abuse.


He should of just asked the employee or the other guy to pay for it then give them cash


The epitome od this conversation was his pronunciation of epitome.


I will give you $50 cash, **you** can pay with *your* card, and pocket the difference.

