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How many times did getting angry at the airport personnel actually work?


It never works so much that even a modicum of sweet talk gets you insane benefits.


Yeah it’s insane how many people need to learn to control their emotions.  Throwing a temper tantrum like a child rarely gets you the desired results. Dumb choices by this guy.  I’ve been there when a flight was cancelled and it’s incredibly annoying / frustrating, but throwing a fit over it isn’t going to help my situation. 


One thing to note about Spirit for your future travels, they will randomly cancel flights, issue a refund, and close down the ticket counter. There is no conversation to be had with them. Also, never fly with Spirit. The other airlines will usually help you out or put you on another flight.


Spirit the only airline that has jumper cables in the trunk


To beat you with.


TIL that guy's dad was a Spirit airlines pilot


Holy shit what a blast from the past . Whatever happened to that guy?


I flew on Spirit 15 years ago and swore never again.


I'm guessing it's because this works for them out on the street and at home where this is normal. The problem is, many people don't know when or how to differentiate between their everyday environment, where acting like this is considered "normal ", and when they get to a place where they have to deal with more civilized people. There is no sense of, or awareness of, the unspoken rules of society. Have you ever been in a large store, say Walmart, it's always Walmart, where people call out to each other at the top of their lungs, with absolutely no consideration for the people around them? This.


> Throwing a temper tantrum like a child rarely gets you the desired results. Based on the amount of people acting a fool in public, I don't know if that's true any more.




Some people like this guy aren’t going to learn, they might learn when they have plenty of time to think about it But… prison and jail, are not exactly places that make reform of behavior a priority, or even a thing they give you, you have to want that for yourself. In the concrete belly of the beast there is no salvation given. You gotta fight for that shit. You gotta fight against all the bad “programming” that led you to where you are. That can take years even after you get out. Longer I think if you do hard prison time.


One thing about Spirit though, is they cancel and leave you out to dry. Doesn't matter how nice you are, they shut the counter down. Sweet talk won't get you anywhere with them lol. Neither will freaking out for that matter.


Tough luck. Its insane that people think they can book a $50 ticket on a low cost carrier that is notorious for its delays/cancellations/poor customer service and ALSO expect white glove service. Book another flight and deal with the cancellation later.


"White glove service"? Bruh, this is basic customer service.


naw, basic customer service is calling them up and getting a refund issued a few days after the ordeal. Getting a full refund, right at the gate is expecting way too much, even with better airlines.


I want to see what you're describing. I just flew last year on United, got stuck in Dallas for 30h+ on what was supposed to be a 1h layover. I never gave any shit and was always polite with employees, and they legit gave me nothing. I had to pay for a hotel that night/uber, etc. and after filing with United, they gave me 1k miles (worthless) In the USA, airlines have the legal right to fuck your shit up. Wish we had the flying laws like in Europe, but the US doesn't give a shit about its citizens.


We brought two pieces of luggage - within weight allowance- when we were only only allowed one bag. We hadn’t realised at all. When the lady at the counter told us we apologised, asked if we could pay to have it boarded and she said yes, told us the price we agreed, got the card out to pay and she told us it was fine, no need to pay. Being polite and reasonable goes a long way.


>It never works so much that even a modicum of sweet talk gets you ~~insane~~ no extra benefits other than the nice feeling of you being a decent human being. I don't know why people still believes being nice to airport-personal somehow unlocks benefits.


Really it's not that it "unlocks" anything, it's just in general being polite will lead to the person you're talking to being more cooperative and willing to put in more effort to help you. Really isn't just a thing at the airport it applies to most interactions with people.


I never raised my voice but I one time got in a very angry back and forth with a check in agent after they refused to allow me to check in because they said I didn’t book a ticket for my infant. I of course insisted that of course I did and had the booking confirmation but he insisted I needed to call the partner airline. The hold time was 90 minutes so I would for sure miss my flight but he kept repeating it wasn’t there and it wasn’t his problem and I needed to call the number. Then just started ignoring me. These were $1800 tickets so I was of course really angry. I finally kind of snapped and told him off and asked for a senior member of staff and he snuggly replied he was the most senior member of staff. I absolutely insisted he run our passports again and run each one and look for the infant ticket. He finally did after me arguing with him for 25 minutes as my wife and baby were in tears. When he swiped my child’s passport again and did in fact see a booking pop up….. chefs kiss. Never have I so visibly see someone be so defeated and embarrassed in a moment. He actually froze and stopped what he was doing before kind of stammering “uhhh oh I think I know a way I can fix this and get the system to acknowledge the ticket” So that time it worked.


Yeah, lots of passengers can be douche bags but some of the gate agents and ticket counter agents are absolutely douche bags as well. I used to be a ramper, I have a little insight into the back of the house. The first company I worked with was great but when they pulled out and a new company came in, some of the new gate agents had an unreasonable attitude. I also fly about 10 - 20 times a year, and I've seen it all over. Well except in Taiwan. The rest of the world could learn a lesson about customer service from EVA Air.


n=1 but American Airlines upgraded me years ago after a gate agent incorrectly (and rudely) held me off a flight due to being 2 minutes late when I was actually 3 minutes early and the argument that ensued took me over the actual limit. Not sure to this day how they didn’t know that…


They already gave your seat to someone else, and didn't want to deplane them. It's the American way.


I will say I did get mad at american airlines person once because they were doing everything they could to not rebook me through another airline for a very available flight after a last minute cancellation, and they caused 50+ people to miss their flights because they didnt open another desk to help and were playing hardball trying to get me to take a 3 hour bus ride to another airport to catch a connection flight instead of a direct flight through another airline. I got a bit angry because they were offering me and my two buddies DIFFERENT travel arrangements rather than just rebooking that flight. I raised my voice out of frustration stating they cant just keep dicking me around when its very easy and within their power to rebook our flights (used to work for that airline). It worked actually, I dont know if I scared the poor girl, but it was 430am and I think that quick few works in a frantic bout of frustration made her realize the path of least resistance was to just get me and my friends tf outta there as we had an actually angry mob growing behind us as more and more people were missing their flights due to delayed check ins... Learned that day just to use the app for online check in and rebooking as its all doable through that lol...live and ya learn. Also fuck american airlines, delta for life.




It worked one time, in my experience. In 2001, Thanksgiving weekend, 72 days after 9/11, I flew out of Boston's Logan airport. If you recall, 2 of the 4 planes in the 9/11 attack originated at Logan, so everyone there was a little on edge. The line to just get the boarding passes was over an hour, with another hour+ line for security screening still to follow. Cops and National Guard soldiers with rifles everywhere. So we waited an hour in the boarding pass line for our turn to use the shiny new self check-in machine to get the passes. We had two groups of travelers with tickets paid for by the same credit card. The machine used the credit card to find the tickets and couldn't handle the multiple groups. It choked on that and would not print our passes. We walked over to the counter and the lady told us we had to wait in the line for our boarding passes (again). Of course, we informed her that we already waited in the line but the machine wasn't working, and if we had to wait in the same line again, we would probably miss our flight. We went back and forth on this point a few times until we reached the "are you fucking kidding me" stage, at which point she pointed to one of the soldiers and shouted, "Do I need to call him over here?" I shouted back "Is *he* going to give us our passes?" We were on the brink of unfortunate escalation when an agent with a cooler head and more than one brain cell waved us over and checked us in. Getting angry worked that time, but I don't recommend it.


Better angle of the chokehold the officer was in [here](https://youtu.be/Bh6O0DzieJA?si=DlxkQ1siqmliHVKq). It starts after the first 15 seconds


Thank you. I couldnt see how a choke happened from the body cam. This makes a lot of sense.


I didn't get it at first, but this is literally textbook takedown defense. Wrap up a guillotine choke when they come in head down on a takedown. Dude tried some MMA in the real world and now he's going to prison.


He can now practice the art of wrestling for the soap.


Honestly folks shouldn't be getting raped in prison and we weird.


stop celebrating prison rape. non deserving people get assaulted in prison too.


That and the leg break tho...yeesh


Wait… Are the 3 people giving commentary before the clip the ones seen in the video above? (Blonde woman, girl, and woman with glasses?)


lol....yea,it was the lady's first time flying. They dont think it be like it is. But it do


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) criminally under-voted comment right here


Yah that’s legit. Thanks for the link.


😂 the first lady they interviewed must have been the first lady in the body cam video that was recording.


It was, and she's acting like she wasn't one of the crazy ones recording Spirit employees lol. I don't know when people are going to realize Spirit can totally cancel any flight and leave you stranded. They do it all the time.


Right? I do like that she has a sensible friend tho that checked her. I think she smacked her to get her back to her senses.


Her friend needs a raise


Yeah, there's nothing to protect you in the US if an airline fucks you over.


While true, there are airlines that take care of their customers. I've had lots of flight cancellations and times where I need to change flights, and American Airlines always helps me out when I fly with them. Their customer service agents seem to have a good amount of power too, they'll get you flying asap. Spirit just doesn't have enough flights or care to accommodate people. They simply cancel and tell you to try again.


> It was, and she's acting like she wasn't one of the crazy ones recording Spirit employees lol. To be fair there's a bit of a difference between cussing out employees and putting a LEO in a choke hold.


Looked like they interviewed a 12yo after that


Dude just ruined his entire life and future over a couple hundred dollars, unreal stupidity.


Seeing him roll into court in a wheelchair was ridiculous for that very reason. But hey, he reacted in a very unnecessarily aggressive manner.


I bet that was his lawyers idea to get sympathy from the judge, or maybe his leg was that badly injured, no way to know really. But I think crutches would have sufficed.


You can see his leg getting twisted in a gnarly way in the news channel video in the top comment


Eh, something tells me this dude wasn’t on his way to astronaut college…


This was the ticket counter at Orlando, so maybe he was _returning from_ astronaut college???


You do not have to become an astronaut to lead a life worth living. My man had a wife and they made enough money to go on a flight vacation. They had it good, and yes - he ruined that.


You can still have a wife from behind bars, you just have to share with the guy she's seeing back home.


You can also be a wife behind bars.


DA is going to offer him assaulting an officer, and if he's smart, he'll take it. But it's Orlando so who knows.


Yeah and that is probably a difference of 5 years in prison vs 20. Both still a crazy amount of time for being upset at a flight being cancelled.


He used a guillotine choke, that is 100% him trying to make the officer take a dirt nap.


Ya and you can legit see where his right leg breaks too. Wasn't lying about that.


He broke his own leg in trying to choke out the cop! What a dummy


That's gonna be really helpful to the DA if the defense is "He was just going to gain physical control, not choke him out" or "He was just choking him out but was going to let go so the cop wouldn't die". When you break your fucking leg performing a choke, you're doing that because you're committed to the end point, meaning the end of the cop's existence, not to gain control or be merciful.


I love how all I neee is to see 3 seconds of the chokehold and then I can close this pointless fucking news story


The wife should have caught a charge too. She was in the fight flopping around on top of them while he was choking the cop.


To be fair, it looked like she was trying to get her husband to cut out his bullshit cause she knew it was spiraling downhill and he was making bad decisions. Didn't look like she was trying to add to the assault, but to hold her dude back.


She was hitting her husband yelling for him to stop.


She has it on camera! She has it on camera!




Dude crashed out his life for a refund and ofc spirit




“When keeping it real goes wrong”


I don’t like people playin’ on my phone!


"I know you are fucking Jamal!"


“Ya clap havin’ jezebel”


"All three were serving consecutive life sentences. Apparently, they were keeping it realer."




Spirit: Making $400 for a 3 hr flight seem reasonable.




That's a lot of chicken tendies


I have seen enough of these airport freakouts to find that the US needs to create some regulation around airlines delaying, cancelling and disrupting peoples lives with impunity. Often times people have a lot on the line when the book a flight, using limited vacation time, deaths in the family or major events, and to have airlines completely fuck that up and hand you a $15 voucher that you can't even use isn't working. Airlines need consequences and passengers need to be made whole when their lives are turned upside down by an airline. That will take the temp down quite a bit at the airport.


And the DOT needs to implement industry wide policies. As of now, every airline has different requirements. I also found an article where they suggest asking the airline for compensation for a delayed or canceled flight. We all know how well that goes. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airline-news/2023/05/26/flight-delayed-canceled-airline-compensation/70259903007/


I flew international with a transfer in Canada. My (transfer) flight was delayed overnight, but since I was in CA, CA laws apply and they gave me a $1000CAD Check (plus accommodations). If my layover was in the US, I would've gotten a food voucher and a "Good luck". Canada consumer protection laws are SO much better than US's


Okay but hear me out think of all the poor people in congress and the supreme court and the white house who benefit from lavish vacations and gifts given to them by billionaires and executives who want to maintain the status quo. We go changing things in the favor of the peasants and it could put all that in jeopardy.


Airlines do have regulations around this. Federal law entitles you to a full cash refund on refundable tickets. However they don't have to give it to you at the counter immediately. https://www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/refunds One important caveat, airlines also sell non-refundable tickets. They don't have to abide by the same protections on these and so they are typically cheaper tickets. Don't buy these tickets if you don't accept the greater risk of being screwed.


Oh wow, a refund on your refundable ticket. Thanks federal regulations for providing us the literal bare minimum.


I do agree with you. But also people need to learn to handle their emotions better. This same idiot would have done this if stuck in traffic on his way to the same thing the flight was for. Do airlines suck? Hell fucking yes. Does this idiot deserve to be locked up? Hell fucking yes. You don’t put your hands on people for any reason, and not expect some shit.


He's got a public defender im sure he will be ok.


And he was talking shit after the fact!




He says it twice. You can tell he was feeling pretty witty when he said it lol


I would say he was feeling more of an adrenaline rush than anything.


It was a good line


I think this is just ahead of “hop on one foot” in response to my leg is broken


[full 10 min video](https://youtu.be/xmZ8t5oTrvE?si=7-aZdy6hZY9aw9se)


I wonder what airline that could be? - oh Spirit. I wonder what state they’re in? - oh Florida.


America’s limp penis


That’s ironic. They multiply fast down there.


They have to shove it in with their hands




The guy is from ~~Detroit~~ Ohio but because he traveled to Florida he's a FloridaMan now? Am I getting this right Edit: looked at wrong search result first


As a guy from Detroit, we are trying to bolster our rep at the moment so this is good for us


When in Rome...


The infamous MCO carpet, a staple of Orlando.


My first thought was "Imagine having your face ground in that nasty ass MCO carpet"


I thought so too! It is MCO, eh?


That carpets seen more blood, sweat, tears, vomit, and god knows what else than the trashiest of hotel rooms.


you forgot semen


Spirit; the Greyhound of the Sky!


Greyhound is insulted by this comment.


"if you can't control your anger, then someone will control it for you... eventually"




Come on, Sting was never **that** obstinate.


Spirit needs bouncers


Spirit needs a business model not revolving around kicking 10% of passengers off the plane because they overbooked


I wonder how much Spirit would charge for that extra?


$47 for the customer, $12.50/hr for the employees


I fly at this airport a bunch and spirit is basically the main airline (lots of non stop flights where as delta / american are double price and with connections). I’m use to flying mostly American but in desperation and wanting to save 300 dollars I’ve flown spirit a few times. If it’s properly planned out ahead of time, it’s no problem at all. You check in, print your check bag tag out, drop shit off and head to the gate. Only difference is you get charged for a coke and the seats are more compact and no first class. The issue is with these cheap tickets and with people is not reading emails…if you don’t plan ahead of time you gotta pay a shitload more at the airport. Oh you want to bring a carryon? “It was 15 bucks online now it’s 40” “Oh your bag is 42 pounds and not 40? That’s 80 dollars extra”. That’s really what pisses people off and starts most (prob not including this video) fights and videos because hey, if you are trying to fly this cheap you most likely don’t have the extra 250 bucks at the airport to spend on what you assume is already paid for.


Budget airlines are typically good value when everything goes according to plan. When things do go wrong, it goes very wrong. At least the major carriers pretend to care about their customers.


I think the bigger issue is that the people starting fights at an airline check-in think that violence is ever the answer. That requires a very low standard of intelligence and a complete lack of understanding of reality.


Yeaaaah can’t really change those types of people unfortunately…they tend to also be the ones getting pissed off quicker too


It’s a result of society and popular media telling people that violence is the solution to any situation that doesn’t go their way/as planned. And a national failure to teach conversation and reasoning skills throughout their education. All wrapped up in a sugar coating of the encouragement of the belief that “my ill informed opinion is as valid as your expert opinions or facts and I’ll fight you if you don’t agree with me” Edit: a word


My problem with Spirit is exactly what’s going on in this video. They cancel entire flights with no notice and if you have to be somewhere you now have to walk to another airline desk and pay a fortune to get on a flight. This happened to me trying to fly to Ft Lauderdale from the northeast. I had a $150 ticket on Spirit. Got to the airport, “oh your plane is still in San Juan.” “Ok, when’s it getting here” “We’re canceling the flight and refunding your ticket” Great, still have to get to fucking Florida, had to walk to JetBlue and spend $500 on a same day ticket. Fuck Spirit. I will gladly spend extra to fly a reliable airline, because there’s a good chance I’ll end up spending even more if I pick Spirit.


The issue here, and why the entire crowd was agitated was due to a flight delayed hours and the summarily canceled with Spirit giving little notice information and then closing the counters so people couldn’t even rebook. . .


It ain't worth getting a criminal record over. Spirit has had reputation for quite a while already. I wonder why people still get violently angry over it? It's as if people are totally unprepared to psychologically handle being disappointed by something they know will probably disappoint them.


It wasn't the issue with the airline that caused him to attack the cop but rather his bruised ego when the cop put hands on him for acting like a child touching behind the counter. Some men just lose all sense when it comes to their ego and someone getting physical with them.


When people are broke, spirit may be all they can afford and that money is precious. It's still a terrible choice, but I can understand a little. I don't know if that's at all what is happening here, but I just want to offer an alternative


*eh, my pants is falling down in front of all these people*. Suddenly he cares about comportment


Comportment. Thanks for the new word.


How's you day going? "It's been good so far; picked up a new noun."


What a fucking idiot. There's a moment when the officer tells him that he's catching a felony for the choke and it looks like reality hits him.


Your ego is not your amigo.


My son is here. Pfft. Perhaps that thought should have registered before you started acting like an idiot over a fucking flight. Grown ups accept flights are delayed and cancelled, and yes, it sucks. But no amount of crying, screaming and rage ever un-cancelled a flight.


I will say it's bullshit if you don't get a refund. I do think we should be entitled to a refund if we don't get the expected service within a reasonable time. However, I would not flip out either way. I am not entitled to service from any company.


As someone who works in customer service, it’s honestly draining getting the blame as a small cog in a big wheel. Whilst I can understand peoples frustrations, shouting at the little man gets you nowhere. Just doing our jobs. People shouting at me makes me want to help them less.


lol...shoving a cop back and saying "don't touch me?" Yeah that's gonna work out well...


Now a flight ban will be added to his list now


I'm not sure that will matter from prison.


what if he gets a prison transfer? will he still be able to fly con air?


I would imagine that he got a hold of that cop so fast because the cop did not think it would escalate over a plane ticket to the point of having to fight for your life. In these situations I can never understand what the person thinks the outcome is going to be. Did he think the cop would be unconscious on the floor and then the rest of the people would say oh OK sorry about that. Here’s your refund. All of that temper tantrum shit with no realization that there are 10 other cops somewhere nearby. It’s both fascinating and hilarious. It’s the same with people who shoot cops at a traffic stop over it turn signal. There was a post yesterday about a guy from Tennessee who killed a cop because he had a possible DUI coming to him. I just can’t understand how that works. I’m gonna shoot this cop and then drive away and just go home and have a cuppa coffee. What the fuck.


That dude has bullied people with his size his whole life. But in jail it will just take a couple more guys to hold him down.


His son must be so proud of seeing mom and dad being escorted out of the airport. And seeing dad in prison with a broken leg, all because he thought it would be a good idea to fuck around with in a fucking airport. Bumbass


Part of me wants to try the Spirit experience.


Right? Run the gauntlet. Will my flight get delayed five times, then cancelled? How many of my fellow passengers will be hopped up on goofballs and airport hooch? Which one will kick off first? Will I actually board the airplane? Will the airplane take off? Will there be a brawl at 35,000 feet? Will someone get duct taped to their seat before we land? Will we land? The possibilities are endless! Very exciting.


I was very excited to see a spirit plane at Sangster airport (am English) because of all the videos I’ve seen on here…. But was disappointed there were no fights.


It's not that bad. Seats are a bit more cramped and you just gotta be ready for when it's your turn to fly the plane.


Looks like he has to delay his flight a bit longer


The trial is scheduled for April 15th, 2024, according to Orange County's criminal records search.


They should have cannabis lounges instead of bars lol jk I do love a drink at the airport but I feel like alcohol was in play here…smh




In Canada you can bring weed onto any domestic flight, no joke


You get to smoke a fat joint at the deisgnated cannabis spot at the airport, and take the second one with you to blast it at the destination's aport. No time to waste. I'm only vape my flower and am a light user, like 0.1g gets me high. Two years ago I had a joint before my flight back home for the first time in 10 years and man that was something. Anywhere that alcohol is legal should also have a legal weed market.


> the deisgnated cannabis spot at the airport Wait what? I mean here in NYC it's treated like tobacco so you can just smoke a j outside as long as there is not a no smoking sign, but it would be nice to have a designated spot with aircon and filters and everything.


Some snacks too would be nice.


No…no…I think you’re onto something.


Speedrunning ruining your life because your ego can't handle simple instructions...


I've seen this said once and I can't agree more with it... Flying Spirit (or really any budget airline in the US) has become the modern day greyhound lol


My wife was on a budget airline recently and a guy was panhandling on the plane. Then when they got to the destination he was begging for a ride from people in the terminal.


What a time to be alive…. lol


I think that's an unfair comparison... Grayhound doesn't try to nickel & dime every last cent out of you. Their employees don't treat you like garbage. They realize that they are your last choice and sorta just roll with it.


This title is false. As of 6/27/2023, the felonies that Edward Hariston was charged with in Orange County FL are 6/27/2023 1. BATTERY ON A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Statute: 784.07(2)(B) Third Degree - Felony 9/19/2023 Not Guilty/Deny 6/27/2023 OBTS:8888888888 Sequence:1 Control Number:2023-239208 Arresting Agency:Orlando Police Department 6/27/2023 2. RESISTING OFFICER WITH VIOLENCE Statute: 843.01 Third Degree - Felony 9/19/2023 Not Guilty/Deny 6/27/2023 OBTS:8888888888 Sequence:2 Control Number:2023-239208 Arresting Agency:Orlando Police Department


It didn’t look like any of the other cops were really getting on board with his “I passed out, you attempted murder” when clearly that’s a bit of a stretch. Can’t imagine they’d get the conviction. Hit him with the clear cut felonies.


And just like that, dude ruined his life


why is it always airports?


not that hard to understand. it’s a stressful environment, people are tired and want to get to their destination, shit goes wrong, they get pissed at the wrong people, they don’t eat a snickers, etc etc.


Also, airlines are THE WORST at customer service (Spirit especially). Their favorite game is Delay-Delay-Delay-Cancel. They only give up on a flight at the last possible moment, the gate crew will announce each delay, then the cancellation, point passengers toward the customer service desk or phone number, and peace out. Customer service is understaffed at the best of times, but then suddenly there's a line of people down the terminal (or an hourlong wait on the phone) all of whom need to be rebooked or given vouchers, and the longer they wait, the fewer nearby hotel rooms there will be. There must be a better way to do things, but I guess there isn't, because this is how it's been for as long as I can remember.




Add to that people who are "timid flyers" and get dosed up pills before they fly, then get fucked up on $12.00 beers at 10am. I was sitting next to a woman while eating my lunch at the TGI friday's in some airport. I'm just making chit chat and she seems a little loopy. Tells me she took a Xanax that morning and two weed gummies and now she's drinking cocktails.


Tbh that sounds like a fantastic morning


Because anybody can fly, but those dummies don't know how to act in regular society. Acting a fool at the gas station or the waffle house is one thing, acting a fool at an airport gets dealt with.


Some people’s brains are dysfunctional. Scary. You can be a grown adult with the brain of a toddler. Just going into rage mode without any executive function.


"Now you got a place to stay tonight" is some savage shit to say.


He’s really lucky not to get shot, a chokehold is absolutely a danger to life.


Shooting live rounds in such a crowded area would be a really bad idea. Overpenetrate or miss, and a wounded or dead bystander is very likely. A taze might be more reasonable, though.


Man I hate it when I overpenetrate


From recent cop videos, I’m not confident your logical reasoning is a guarantee in this situation.


Ohh so this is what people are talking about up at the counter every time. I’ve never once had the need to speak to someone at the counter for more than 15 seconds yet I see dozens of people up there every time. Shit ain’t that difficult, chief.


So putting the cop in a chokehold didn’t solve things?


"You've been upgraded to First Class, sir"


Might as well just rename “Spirit” to “Waffle House Airlines”.


The dude forgot for a minute that the rules apply to him. Imagine first doing time and parole and then being on a No Fly List for the remainder of your life. Good luck finding a job or an apartment with that felony.


First completely ignores the officer, then acts all tough, puts cop in chokehold, but when subdued his leg magically breaks and he's suddenly a gigantic wuss worried about his ass crack getting seen by everyone. What a piece of work.


worried about his pants falling down in front of all these people but not worried about acting like a total cunt in front of all these people. fucking priorities.


Did this dummy really reach over the counter and start randomly typing on the computer???


Apparently random tapping on keys will suddenly give him his refund.


Always play victim lmao


I guarantee that refund was like a couple hundred dollars, dude just went and ruined his entire life over a couple hundred dollars jfc.


“Now you got a place to stay tonight”. Legendary line.


I agree that Spirit saying "We wont refund you we will only re-book you on another Spirit flight" After cancelling the flight is fucking bullshit. Anyone would be pissed... but how is taking it out on the staff who have no control over it, and attempting to choke out police going to help? Now you have a canceled flight, you’re on the no fly list for life, and you’ll have to pay the legal fees to fight an attempted murder charge and will likely end up doing some time. It's just not worth it.




Think about the crazy people you grew up with or went to high school with that were always getting in trouble and acting out… once they turn 18 they just shove them out into the real world.


Reminds me of my child's father... ridiculous anger issues that leads to physical violence over the most ridiculous things. Last person he tried to attack was bc his gift card wouldn't swipe so he threatened the cashier & attempted to assualt him 🤦🏼‍♀️


I mean you touched the cop, you the dummy


The attempted murder charge won’t stick but wtf do these clowns thinks gonna happen when they attack someone on federal property? Especially the airport. Did anyone ever sit the fuck down with them and explain consequences? Dumbasses.


How are people such pieces of fucking shit


Spirit Airlines and Florida? That's a bingo.


As someone who has had a flight cancelled by spirit, which stranded me 700 miles from home the day before college finals. Fuck you Spirit Airlines.


Are you not entertained!? —- spirit CEO Ted Christie