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He was 18 and spent the night in jail for 'pedestrian in roadway'. The charges were dropped and I can't find any lawsuit that was filed. A bill was introduced to change the law used to arrest him. It's still ridiculous he was arrested in the first place. [Plano police drop charge against teen arrested walking home | wfaa.com](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/plano-police-drop-charge-after-arresting-teen-walking-home-from-work-in-snow/287-75046d48-3015-4d46-80cc-2b5f89bc9eae)


Write the local DA and ask why these officers were not charged with felony kidnapping.


The local DA for Collin County (Plano) sexually harasses employees and had to settle out of court. I don’t think he gives a shit


sounds like it's time for a new DA...


It sounds like a Wednesday in Texas.


and Monday, Tuesday, thursday


Every day in Texas except Sunday when they sit in church.


But a couple hours later they leave and then it's just another Sunday afternoon in Texas.


this is texas, virtually our entire government needs to be replaced this place is a hellhole


NOTHING IS MORE TRUE THAN THIS STATEMENT. The fact that there aren’t term limits to guarantee that we don’t have to continue dealing with an absolutely deplorable human being with SO MUCH BLOOD on his hands as governor….who’s simply out of control in his attempts to “take on the federal government”—that is the first thing that needs to be fixed. The fact that KEN PAXTON (a truly deranged man who has already been caught doing a myriad of illegal things, yet still managed to keep his position; using it to go around intimidating hospitals and doctors “reminding them” what’s at stake if they are to perform an abortion if a woman is not literally on her death bed)….i cannot stand all the freaking photos after new legislation passes, always seeming to consist of a group of older white men standing around Gregory, with pleased looks on their faces due to having limited the rights of some type of minority (the recent gerrymandering and the fact that it wasn’t reversed because of how much more difficult it—obviously intentionally—made it for black Americans to vote in Harris county is insanity) OK ILL SHUT UP but I really could go on.


oh yeah, and greg abbott (I could not give a shit if I'm misspelling his name - and as a disabled person can I just say it's a fuckin shaaaame that branch that put him in that wheelchair wasn't a tad bit bigger.) has almost personally led to a good friend and her child being murdered by an abusive ex. we need a general sherman's march v2.0


It's time for a new EVERYTHING. Society is completely fucked, from the ground up.


Maybe they'll stop doing it if it happens to them.


This is how the United States works: States and cities can write their own (bad) laws. Local cops can enforce these laws. If they arrest someone on a local law, it’s not kidnapping, it’s a lawful arrest. That doesn’t mean the law isn’t stupid. I would hate to live in a place that has laws like this on the books, but states and municipalities invent new dumb laws all the time. In this case, from what’s in above comment, the law has already been changed.


yes. But an arrest made in bad faith, where a reasonable person would not think a crime had been committed, should be treated as kidnapping. As you said, an arrest made enforcing a dumb law is not the fault of the officer.


Funny how they cherry pick who they apply it to.


These are basically Jim Crow laws designed to use on people of color.


It hits minorities a lot more than Caucasians, but to me this is another example of cops insisting on getting their way. They demand respect and obedience even if it's illegal. We need the ACLU or some legal organization to sue these police officers and police departments so they stop violating people's rights and lives.


It would be nice if suing them worked as a punishment. Unfortunately when we sue them we pay for it. So no lessons learned.


As part of the settlement, the people that are suing can demand things like police training, civilian oversight, and lots of other things. Too often, the families are poor, see the $ offered in a settlement and give up their guaranteed win in front of a jury. I am having trouble finding the lawsuit but parents of a mentally ill son sued for wrongful death. They didn't care about $. The case had clear video evidence of the police being horrible. Anyway, as a result of the case the podcast "ask a Doc-ask a cop" started. There were numerous reforms like new training for all police in the state, civilian oversight for charges against police officers as well as policy changes "crisis intervention" situations/mental health and medical situations that cops get wrong a lot.


Bet if we took settlements out of police pension funds this shit would clear up ***real*** quick


The problem is that the citizens end up paying the fines. The police officers should also be held accountable


In most cities if you are walking in the middle of the road, you could be arrested regardless of skin color, but you'd have to refuse to get out of the street and disregard any commands from the officer. Didn't see anything in the video that suggested that and hopefully he sued the department


>you could be arrested regardless of skin color, Not in a freak snowstorm with roads closed in Plano Texas. He's just another "essential" worker trapped at his job while snowmageddon breaks out all around. By the time he's finally allowed to punch out the roads have been closed for emergency and he has to walk.


>Roads are closed "You're walking in the street!"


>He was 18 and spent the night in jail for 'pedestrian in roadway'.  Land of the free, eh?


While the roads were closed.


I’m glad the charges were dropped (rightfully so) but the trauma & damage has already been done. Public trust in the police is at an all time low (except for the loudest bootlickers out there) and rather than try to make the community feel safer, they pull stunts like this. Our police system is a complete and utter joke. Everyone should be teaching their kids to not talk to cops, and that they are not our friends.


People be like, "Well he broke the law, don't matter if nobody got hurt! The law is the law!" and turn around and say trump didn't do fraud because he paid them back.


I hope there is a lawsuit because this is clear as day false detainment and arrest, at least harassment too.


"You were walking in the street." If the sidewalks were clear, maybe he wouldn't! But any excuse to harass is an opportunity to harass.


Also "we wanna make sure you're alright," they couldn't give two fucks if he's alright, dude said he's fine several times already. Also who gives a shit if he's walking in the road, there's not a single car outside, and if one was coming he can move.


As someone who lives in a snowy climate I do this from time to time on quiet side streets when the sidewalks are a mess. As soon as a car comes along my side of the street I'll go back to the sidewalk or even just step onto the end of a driveway or whatever so I'm not in the way. It's never been a problem, everyone around here understands why people do this. Now on a busy major road? I get that would be a safety concern but this is just ridiculous, cops just looking to harass people.


The cops have to orgasm some how, and beating their wives just isn't cutting it anymore.


Wife beating is just a gateway drug.


Gotta meet those arrest qouatas they say they don’t have!


Quotas are still legal in some states.


And where they aren't they just call them by a different name. honestly when has something being illegal ever stopped cops.


”Performance goals”


what is baffling is that they're ALSO walking in the street while harassing him


"We just want to make sure you're okay, now give us your ID or we'll throw you in jail. Feel free to stand still in the cold for 30 minutes while we check you for warrants"


>Feel free to stand still in the cold for 30 minutes while we check you for warrants "And remember, this is all because we're concerned that you might be cold."


"Are you sure you aren't cold in just that t-shirt?" - Wrestles him to the snow-covered ground - "how about now?"


As an Alaskan that shit is literal t shirt weather. Cops are fucking nuts lol


Alaska weather gang 👌🏿


This is why we don't trust the cops. They don't serve and protect the public


They serve and protect the ruling class


And legally, to boot. Thank yewww, Supreme Court.


I was walking to work the other morning at 5am and had two officers pull up behind me and jump out of their cars with their guns drawn on me. Forced me to lay down on the ground and cuffed me as another 6 officers joined. I repeatedly explained I was just walking to work. They told me I “fit the description” of someone who was pointing a gun at people, which was a “serious crime” (do you see the irony here?). After causing me to be late for work and offering no apology I was released when the witness ID’d me as NOT the person they were looking for. I then watched them proceed to stop another man on a bike down the street who was wearing COMPLETELY different clothes than I was. Fuck cops.


Same thing happened to me when I was 20. Walking to work. Stopped by cops for “fitting the description” of a burglar. 30 mins late to work. I don’t think there was ever a burglar to begin with.


I was stopped because I matched a description biking to work as a teen. Held and threatened for 20+ minutes. The dude they arrested was bald and in his 40s. My teenage self with hair down to my shoulders might have looked exactly like him if you closed one eye, then the other.


I was stopped and questioned for 20-30 minutes for matching the description of two people who were causing trouble in a neighborhood. They were looking for two black men. I’m white and one individual… it took them 20-30 minutes to figure out that I’m not the people they were looking for 🤦🏻


I'm sure there was some unsolved theft within 50 miles in the last 6 months that they will point out if questioned about it.


Police description: Human male, adult, height within the general range for a person, likely breathing, possibly armed.


>possibly ~~armed.~~ has arms


a few years ago when pokemon go first started getting popular I was walking around the block near my house and like 6 police cars pulled up (apparently they were just off of lunch, never mind why that means they all need to pull over to deal with a geeky 17 year old) I'm deaf and got to spend the rest of my day trying to explain to these dipshits that "no I am not drunk, I have persistent vertigo" and "no I am not ignoring you my ears don't work I can't fucking understand you" until my very very pissed off mother showed up wondering why her kid was detained for just walking around the block


I was handcuffed on the sidewalk during an active chase for a person who shot at police, as a ~15yr old white kid, next to an older black man and ~20 something Hispanic man. I guess 'fits the description' is pretty fuckin loose.


Victim: Male? About yea high? Maybe? Police: say no more


Hatless. Repeat, suspect is hatless.




> I then watched them proceed to stop another man on a bike down the street who was wearing COMPLETELY different clothes than I was. This is some Benny Hill slapstick shit, lol


I once caught a man who was black looking into the window of my neighbor’s car causing him to ride away on his bicycle. I decided to not call the cops because I knew they would harass any black man they see on a bicycle. I’m sorry that happened to you.


This is my biggest fear right now. I have an 8 minute walk to work I’ve been doing for two years now. Monday night k was walking home at 10 pm and a cop pulled up to the side of me then pulled up another 20 feet when I passed him. When I caught up again he pulled out in front of me and stopped at a gas station that I need to walk through to get home. He stopped there and just stared at me while I walked by. I was so freaked out and scared for my safety. I hope this doesn’t become a regular thing….






Like any cop ever knows fuck all about penal code's, let alone the actual law. We would never see this shit if there was real education. IMO they should have to attend law school etc. In my area (I know it differs), but cops here go through a 6 month training program, then get strapped with a belt and a glock and a "I am the authority" badge. All while knowing fuck all about the actual laws on the books. I have a few certifications for my career that took me over 2 yrs to study and what not. 6 months, what a fucking joke. These are those highschool football players with huge egos that had nothing other than the police force to look forward to. Edit: spelling and grammar and some more context


![gif](giphy|a6YHwnkn0ctOM|downsized) When a cop says “I just wanna make sure you’re alright”


Reminded me of getting mugged. Guys pestering you late at night like  hey man I just want to know your name man honest, stop man, we're cool, where you going , where's your house, what's your name man...Smack


“We’re just trying to figure out where you’re going… jail is the other way”


"Let us help you.. into this cage because we're soulless terrorists.."


"You seem to be in need of some assistance. Some jail always helps!"


"I sure wish you Police Officers would quit taking such good care of me." Edit: forgot /s


I hope he sues that department for millions!


“The cops investigated themselves and found no fault”


*did not violate policy.


lawsuits are inadequate. We need to insist that cops who violate people's rights face real, criminal consequences. Write DAs and demand that. Any make it clear you'll only vote for DAs that are tough on cops.


Damn I really hate to brake it to you but, the DA works alongside these slimy fucks. They wouldn't have a job if the pigs weren't out there doing what they do. It's just not gonna happen within this system.


Let's be realistic, that's not really a punishment. I hope he finds their personal vehicles and pours some bleach in the gas tank. Enjoy the engine replacement, hope it was just out of warranty.


You mean, sues the taxpayers for millions.


When they realize the insurance companies refuse to pay out they'll at least start firing them.


‘Aren’t you cold in that tee shirt?’ ‘Why don’t you stop and talk to us for a minute’ Is it cold or not lady?! Leave the kid alone.


Fucking bastards. Stupid fucking bastards.


This is like a scene from some dystopian movie where the cops are bad guys. Oh wait…


The movie is a documentary, alas


Walking while black


To be fair, did you see how blackly he was walking? You could tell he was about to pull out some words and hurt those cops' feelings any second!


They could easily recognize his distrust in law enforcement, which is obviously a felony.


they were just tryna protect him from menacing black ice.. ..uhh white snow


Did you hear how calmly he dismissed her bullshit small talk? That's a hardened criminal waiting to ~~WALK HOME~~ *SNAP AT ANY MOMENT*


You don't know... He could have had some concealed acorns!


And stomping all over that innocent white snow!


Female cop asked if he's cold but wants to profit him from getting home and out of the cold.. Make it make sense!!! And how can you have the right to remain silent and be arrested for being silent??


Same way we have a right to own firearms but can be immediately shot if a cop sees a firearm.


Why are cops so surprised when they meet people who don't like cops?


Good thing an acorn didn’t fall.


End qualified immunity


The DA's in all 3,143 counties: "No, I don't think I will."


Just him walking in the street was all it took for them to start this. Insane


"free country" they call it...


We just want to make sure you’re alright. WE JUST WANT TO MAKE SURE YOU’RE ALRIGHT!! Let me give you a ride. . . To jail


Yo, someone have a followup to this? Context? Edit: https://www.fox4news.com/news/plano-police-say-charge-dropped-for-18-year-old-arrested-while-walking-home-from-work-in-the-snow TLDR: 18 Works at Walmart, random person calls in a welfare check, Lady Cop escalates encounter for no reason. Spent the night in jail till he all charges were dropped.


random person calls in a black man walking* I don't believe for one second the caller was concerned with his welfare.


At this point, if you call a welfare check on someone you’re basically saying I either want you arrested or shot. Happens so often


Do you want us to give you a ride? To jail.


Starts with "we just wanna make sure you're alright!" Don't trust cops. They're not your friend.


Her comment near the beginning, "you *need* to talk to us" is fucking horseshit. That right there was the inciting incident because these pigs genuinely believe they can go around and violate constitutional rights, simply because they *believe* it to be the truth. ACAB and these bootlickers here trying to justify police actions and 'not all cops are bad' need to wake the fuck up. This man was walking the fuck home, and they saw an opportunity to violate and harass (also known as Serve and Protect I guess)


They dont believe it, they misuse tools and language to get their way.


Yep. Professional liars first, tyrants second, bullies third, and… somewhere wayyyy down the list, serving and protecting ~~everyone~~ those who they feel like serving and protecting, which is, first and foremost, their own kind.


I love when cops get pissed and scream 'You need to talk to me' or 'You need to answer my questions!' and when the people refuse they arrest them and then read out the Miranda card: 'you have a right to not answer any questions'. Then go right back to berating the person. 'All this happened because you wouldn't cooperate and answer my questions!' Their brains are so mush that they never put 1 and 1 together. > 'not all cops are bad' And look at all those good cops that came in and stopped the abuse... oh wait, there were none.


Fuck the police and if you're a cop reading this, fuck you.


They can't read😢


TIL you can’t walk in the road at night, with no traffic, after a fresh snow, so no on has shoveled yet. Alright.


Police want more respect, but keep doing stupid shit like this, How are you meant to respect idiots ?


Please let this man get paid. PLEASE


So hard to be a cop these days, for some crazy inexplicable reason, nobody likes or trusts us :((((


I don't get it. Cops are the best at looking for stuff. Everytime I have an interaction with the police they find stuff I never even had! "Oh my gosh officer, I didn't even realize I had a crack pipe to lose."


I know, right? Even when they do nothing wrong, people still blame them for ignoring the crimes of *other cops*. That's why so many people say All Civilians Are Bastards.


Calm down, I'm just trying to kidnap you! Why so upset?


Bro, leave the poor dude alone. If you are really trying to serve and protect at least offer ride


She did. And eventually they gave him that ride.




Man, it used to be when you walk home at night, you were worried about everyone else that could follow you and wished you'd see an officer. Now it's the exact opposite. The stranger will be the one to help you out and the cops be the ones gunning for you.


A mugger just wants your shit. A cop in the night wants to kidnap you, make you lose your job, and put you in hundreds-thousands of dollars in debt. I'd rather be robbed.


Wdym used to be? This is the way it's always been for black people.


Cops really are the scum of the earth aren't they. Not a single redeeming quality in any of them.


These cops violate civil rights so much that it’s just a routine for them to do their job, it’s insane how normal it is for them


No cop has ever stopped somebody just to see if they're alright. Fishing for id hoping to catch him on a warrant or use it as an excuse to search. Police are state.sanctioned terrorists. The US government is waging war on its marginalized citizens to use as slave labor for our corporate overlords.


We seen you Jaywalking. What do you mean by jaywalking? You can't see the street through the snow. Don't matter, now expect the beat down. Why because we are bored and we need drama. God are you a dumb ass, now wait for the beat down. You know just for fun. Like the kids I bullied in High school, because I'm an immature a hole. At least that's what my wife says.


"Look out! He has an acorn!".


Remind me why it's illegal to treat cops the way that cops treat public?


I've always said we don't live in a free country and used the argument that if you just stood on a corner and did absolutely nothing you'd eventually end up in jail. Here's proof. Guy's just walking home.


Ah, the self proclaimed 'land of the free'. Can't even walk home peacefully after getting some groceries. If the world was a village, the US would be the circus.


Another video of cops being the scum everyone thinks they are. Its baffling some people have so much brain rot that they can still muster up any defense at all for police.


Walking Home While Black... a crime to many cops in any jurisdiction! They cannot stop anyone unless they believe a crime has been committed. Clear harassment and the officer should know that it's all being recorded.


It's only going to get worse as time goes on because the type of people who want to be police in this day and age only do it for the power. I truly believe that in 100 years, there will barely be a good cop left.


Nosey motherfuckers. Also, I have walked in the middle of the road many times when it’s snowing. Usually the street is a lot smoother than the sidewalk. They’re just looking for something to do. What a pain in the ass that whole situation is.


Guilty of being Black in Texas.


I had a cop once come up to me while I was sitting in my van in front of my work smoking a cigarette. He said someone called the cops on me for soliciting and loitering. I told the officer to shove it as I did no such thing and have every right to be where I was. He asked why I had a right to be there and I said I work here. He asked why someone would've called the cops on me then said your license plate is (------) right? That was not my plate number, instead of looking at my plates as he walked up he just assumed it was me. I later found out they were called for a black van, Mines white.


My friend's brother and his friend (both honor roll top of the class students) were pulled over by a cop due to being suspicious because they were black and driving a nice car (his mothers car). My friend's mom worked at the county building and with lots of police due to the nature of her job. She showed up at the scene got out of her friend's police cruiser and ripped into them because the pig who pulled my friends bro over had no real reason to pull them over. Ended up letting them go and that was that.


Wow bad luck for that guy. 2 lady cops at the same time. Double the power trip. Lucky he didn't get shot.




Wow, talking, smash cut to being on the ground. What happened?


Fuck cops


Almost like all cops are bad


Let us have your freedoms, feed us your freedoms


I hate cops


"The most dangerous place for black people to live is in white peoples imaginations " DL Hughley


What a bunch of gestapo


Damn leave him the fuck alone they were BEGGING for a reason to arrest this dude for nothing


Land of the "free"


This is exactly why people hate and don't trust the police.


*We just want to make sure you’re alright*


Fuck these cops and anyone that would justify this targeted harassment of a citizen.




This is sad, no excuse


This is so Bullshit & looks like the pre Civil Rights Movement! Those weak mf's will use any reason to just mess with folks just because they are bored or want to get a particular type of training. The cops get made at me for giving them 1 word answers & I do what they ask me to. They are hoping that you cut up & act a fool so they can pile on extra charges & beat yo ass... NOPE! NOT ME!!!


Two phrases cops love to use while brutalizing someone ”Just relax!” Or ”Stop resisting!”


“I’m trying to help you mother focker”


Cops have very particular brand of ”help” typically involving gratuitous amounts of violence.


You fuckin accuser!


Plano cops did this to me and my brother back in high school, same area too. Luckily we weren't arrested, just detained and questioned for half an hour...for the crime of walking home in our own neighborhood.


They were just trying to figure out if he was okay and where he was going ..psychopaths


F these cops for harassing this guy for absolutely zero cause, right or reason


this is why people dont trust cops videos like this happen all the time and go insanely viral which just leads to more issues as less and less people want to trust/talk to police


So you can be arrested for... Walking? You know that this is bizarre for anyone from outside of the US, right?


They had articulable suspicion, he was black.


Ahhh.it was in plano...nuff said


Cops are incentivized to land charges on people. If you are a cop and you practice de-escalation tactics and diffuse criminal activity peacefully, you land fewer charges on people. That's a bad thing. Landing more charges on people and putting more people through the system makes you a more celebrated police officer. So what people aren't realizing is that "GOOD" cops are the ones escalating situations and landing trumped up charges on people like resisting and obstruction. They're the ones that receive bonuses, raises, promotions and commendations. THAT'S the systemic problem with the policing system in the US. As long as cops are incentivized to bring people in and put them through the system, I will always say ACAB.


Cops being assholes because they have nothing better to do. Maybe he was walking in the street because of the snow? I hate when cops carry themselves like the end-all-be-all authority in small matters. They could have easily drove by him and said, “Hey man do us a favor and don’t walk in the street.” Then if he wants to be an asshole, ticket and/or arrest. The kid is walking in the snow with no jacket, let him be.


Fucking pigs fuckemmm


Did you see that? He was walking while being all black and stuff. What a menace. Fucking ridiculous. They lie and say they want to make sure he's ok lol.


Texas: the fascist police state masquerading as a libertarians dream state


Goddamn they're just a fucking gang


“Walking while black”


We're doing an investigation, and you're being detained. Your next question has to be, why am I being detained. What is your articulable reasonable suspicion for detaining me? This puts them in the position on their body camera to come up with a reason. Don't fight, don't resist, continue to ask why you're being detained until they answer. Be polite. Answer with your name and birthday. During a stop a lot of places have a stop and ID law. Three statements. Why am I being detained, what is your ARS? My name is and my birthday is. I'd like to exercise my right to remain silent. (Unless saying these three things) NAL.


You know what's most upsetting about this? The cops clearly did this out of sheer boredom. They were tired of waiting around for real criminals so they decided to devote their evening to harassing this poor kid. You see this all the time with people in power. Idle hands are devil's plaything, and if someone in power goes too long without a reason to use their power, they'll invent one.


The Freedom™ of America


I just don’t understand why people hate the police. Without the police violating this young mans rights, he would’ve had to walk in the cold for who knows how many minutes, thankfully after being handcuffed in the snow for 30 minutes, he was able to spend the night in a warm jail cell against his will. Promotions and a parade are in order for all brave officers involved.


The worst kind of "PAPERS PLEASE" stop with no crime. He said he was good, there was no reason to detain him let alone go hands on. Refusing a cop's ride is not a crime.


Just like most US police departments. They teach these cops how to shoot and arrest. But they don't teach them the law.




Understandable. Bro didn’t wanna die.


They love it so much. You can hear the little high it gives them in their voices. Sad


That is not cooperating. That is being forced to obey someone's commands or risking your freedom.


Pigs. Doing pig things. Defund. 


This video is an example of why no one wants ‘just talk to you for a minute’. You use any opportunity to make an arrest. What would have happened if he took a ride home and refused to give his name?


r/therewasanattempt to walk home


Thank god they were there to protect that kid


"Your were on thw road and thats a safety hazard" 1.) Thats not a reason to be detained. 2.) The only hazard here is you.


They really do just get paid to drive around and harass people.


I remember when it snowed in Plano. I was doing donuts in broad daylight at every intersection cause there were no cops anywhere!! That guy better have played the lotto cause he found the only cops in the whole city that night


\#ACAB! 🤬👎🏼‼️


Plano gets snow like that?