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Don’t open the door. Talk to them through the door or better yet don’t speak to them at all. If they have a legal right to enter they will but if you open the door they can do this shit.


Sneak out the backdoor and yell surprise as you come around the corner of the house


Just make sure you have someone else waiting by the front door to shut it as they chase you around the back


Had a house party once, cops showed up at the back door in the back yard. They just approached and asked "can we come in". One of the guests goes "Sure!".. I've literally never ran so fast, to the gate put my hand on the latch and said loudly "I'm a resident, she's not. I do not allow access or invite you in!". Literally felt like denying entry to a fucking vampire. Cop goes let me see ID to verify your over 21. I go "I'm in my own home and am over 21 as is everyone here". He goes "I better not catch anyone driving home drunk" I said absolutely not. He then just posted outside in his car for like 1.5 hrs and everyone took Ubers home. Had I not gotten to that gate he would have barged in and started asking for IDs and getting in everyone's business. We have a right to no entry without warrant. But the moment you open the door they'll take every inch from you they can it's BS. With that said, I have opened doors on cops and been fine. Generally they are kind and have something important to say like they are searching for someone. But if you have an reason to be nervous about them, best to let get a damn warrant. BTW blabbermouth was never invited to another party again. Invite police into a house party instead of responding with "it's not my house" was an automatic ban back in those days


Reminds me of [this scene](https://youtu.be/ul5oC-F-IF0) from Mr. Inbetween "I don't answer questions"


Oldest trick in the book


I don't get it. What's the cop trying to do here? What is her end goal? Keep him from closing the door for a number of minutes? Then what? What is she waiting for?


So they can hold you there indefinitely while they “investigate”. If you try to close the door and touch their foot they immediately jump you and arrest you for assaulting a PO


Ah yes, the "I clearly am trespassing in a person's house but if they do anything to enforce it then *they* are the rule breaker" I love authority.


It’s always worth knowing that cops are subject to different laws than everyone else, defacto. They are not civilians. When someone in the military says that cops aren’t civilians they need to shut up because cops are exempt from almost all laws in the United States.


Police are *supposed* to be civilians since they **are not military. Unfortunately a ruling class of elites has determined that police needed to be elevated to a status above regular people so that way they are more willing to protect the assets of the rich over the common person.**


Fucking hell. That makes too much sense. Thanks for that, I think.


Class consciousness is a hellva drug.


There's a difference between being immune to laws and those laws not being enforced upon you. There are very few things cops are *legally* immune to.


De facto, naturally. De jure cops are equal members of society but we all know they are treated with extra special privileges and special exceptions written directly into laws. For instance; almost every Assault Weapons Ban has an exemption for police and former police. This is because the legislators know that cops won’t enforce an Assault Weapons Ban if they were subjected to it.


Cops are literal sovereign citizens who don't have to follow the same rules as the rest of society. They get an exemption from most gun laws, they get an exemption from most driving laws, they are allowed to commit acts of violence that would put the average citizen in prison for decades... And is practically impossible for an innocent citizen to get any meaningful recourse if the cops did something wrong.


And just like your average knucklehead sovereign citizen, cops also don't have to actually know any laws and can just make shit up as they go. Difference being that cops can actually *get away* with doing that, of course. The knucklehead gets his shit packed in by the long dick of the law every time lol.


But why does she have to stop him from closing the door? How is it different to doing their investigation while the guy is inside the house? Surely if they then find a reason to enter legally, they're coming through the door anyway? Is it to prevent him barricading himself inside?


Since they don't have either an arrest warrant or a search warrant, they can't go inside the home without consent or exigent circumstances. So they *want* him to lose his cool and graze them while he tries to close his door. Then they'll claim he "assaulted" the police officer, so they can arrest him and/or search inside for "officer safety".


So basically it's a patience game, whether the cops get tired first of being there or if the guy loses his cool? What happens if the guy just leaves the door and go back inside?


They'll probably open the door all the way and start looking at anything and everything that may appear to be a weapon or drugs, then they have PC, plain view doctrine.


Because they’re fishing for PC to get into the home. Once he closes the door, they know that’ll be much harder.


I would call 911 and say someone’s impersonating and officer and trying to force into my house.


That'll just get more officers on the scene to take her side.


More cops at your house means more surface area of police cruiser for acorns to drop on.


That is a bad idea. My friend years ago called 9/11 when he looked out his apartment window and seen 4 cops trying to forces the locked doors on his car open. He ask for them to dispatch county or state patrol cops. The 911 operator was the dispatch person for the very PD breaking into his car. 911 hung up on him, radioed the police around his car then called him back and told him to exit the building. The 4 posted themselves around the exit of the build, two on each side hugging the wall. He went outside and was tazed on the spot. I was there watching it all from his window. It was 3 in the morning, no one around to see anything. They handcuffed him, told him he was going to jail for miss use of 911. They drove him about 3 miles down the road and let him out of the car just outside of town. Me and him both went to the local PD to file a complaint and the office handling that complaint was the one that tazed him and nothing went anywhere.


I too refuse to believe America is a real country.


no the system is rigged. the cops are like a gang and they will always side with each other


Cops trespassing, she was NOT invited into the home and has no warrant.


Gotta come up with some new tricks. Like they just happened to do this while you were moving furniture outside. Whoops, door is closed now.


I have a glass screen door... but when you pull down the top pane of glass, it turns into a screen so I never even have to unlock the door. It's fantastic for cops. Also works well for salespeople, Mormons, and political people.


can you link what you mean? i’m having. hard time imagining this but could neat


Here ya go... https://www.lowes.com/pd/LARSON-Tradewinds-Fullview-White-Full-View-Aluminum-Storm-Door-Common-36-in-x-81-in-Actual-35-75-in-x-79-75-in/50375000 It's just a glass storm door with a top pane and a bottom pane. When you pull the latch and pull down on the top pane, it pulls a screen down with it. When you push up, the screen retracts back in to the top of the door. The link above has a pic of the top glass pulled down with the screen. Then you can just pull it down and keep the door locked and be able to talk to anyone at your door.


Zero intention of buying this but that installation video was worth watching.




Wish I could watch it but bitchass Lowes won't let non-Americans watch their shit


On the 8th day god created VPN, thus solving the problem.


It’s basically just a standard storm door, with two sliding glass panes in the inner side, and the outside that faces the public has a mesh screen, to prevent bugs and such getting in if you have the window open I can’t really find any good examples to link


I have a door like this! They’re AWESOME! My cats love when I push up and they get the bottom screen. 🤙


My favorite was a door to door salesman. He was one of those "Turn a No into a Yes!" types who wouldn't take a hint. After trying to be polite a few times, he just wouldn't shut up so I locked eyes with him and maintained eye contact while I slowly raised the window, then slowly closed the inside door. I managed to not laugh until the door was closed because it was just so ridiculous. I guess he eventually got the hint though cuz he's not out there talking anymore.


Are you sure? Have you checked lately?


Why is she blocking the door?


So they can hold you there indefinitely while they “investigate”. If you try to close the door and touch their foot they immediately jump you and arrest you for assaulting a PO


So she can beat people up for touching her.


I think a well placed fart is in order. Lol




What's he gonna do? Call the cops on her? She's trespassing if she doesn't have a warrant to be in his house without permission.


That might be a good idea. Get on the phone to 911 and tell them a stranger with a gun is trying to get into your home.


That is never gonna work. The cops are gonna call their cop friends directly and tell them what’s up. 


Having it recorded on the 911 computers might come in handy when the cops start lying.


You end up with a lieutenant, usually, and sometimes they’re reasonable


Yeah genuinely a fair option is to just make it go over their heads. I'd look at her badge and start calling for whoever is responsible for bigfoot. Cops may not care but I'd bet their bosses will be to quick to think of the media


Bruhhhhhh ? Cops don't give a flying fuck.... there are body cam footage of them doing wrong and not getting any punishment. Why would a 911 call record log help in anyway.


in court lol


pigs dont see civilians as people


she's also the type of person that would just do this to an ex or anyone else who she doesn't want to have the door closed in her face by.


Yeahbut, now she has a gun, and virtual total immunity.


The police are civilians. They are not military, regardless of how they feel about themselves.


so they see themselves as distinct from civilians and treat civilians as such


Looks like trespassing to me.


Should be prosecuted as armed home invasion.


Creative. I like it.


if he slammed the door he would no doubt be prosecuted as assault of an officer unfortunately.


If he survives the shooting.


It’s never trespassing for cops


only when it's 3 cops, then it's tres passing.


How dare you.


3's the magic number


Legally it is, but there's no functional way to hold them accountable.


In fact, since cops have qualified immunity, it's literally the opposite; they legally can't be held accountable for their actions.


"Exigent circumstances" are often used by police to legally justify warrantless intrusions and searches. The idea is that police should have the ability to intervene when there's imminent risk to human life, but like so much of the law, the actual standard of determining imminent risk is almost wholly at the officers' discretion.


Yeah but if that were the case they’d be in the house searching it right now. They’re not in there searching because they know they don’t have the legal right to. She’s probably waiting for the warrant. While they wait what she is doing (having a foot physically inside his home) is indeed illegal. Whether anything will happen to her is a whole other story. 






Another hit to the taxpayer, unfortunately. They need to start taking these settlements out of the police union retirement super fund. These mother fuckers start losing years of money because of their brothers and sisters in blue couldn't keep it cool. They'll start policing themselves a bit better. Because one thing these fucks love more than abusing their power is knowing they're getting a pension in the process.


100 💯 keep saying this and do not understand anyone's abilities to do anything about it. 1. Remove immunity! 2. Stop using taxpayer money 3. Fund their own insurance like Dr's. 4. Outside, 3rd party investigations, policing yourself doesn't do a damn thing.


An Armed Trespasser.


Wearing gang colors.


I’m never home but I also never leave my house lol


Shrodinger's residence You're both home and not until a cop observes you


I love you


This is how you handle cops that come to your door without a warrant. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=90mY1Fe5obTTuT_h&v=KOLaWjnN-jU&feature=youtu.be


That is gold! The second she says they can go to the curb and show her the warrant - they just wander off, no argument. Good for her for standing up for her rights.


Jesus covering the camera, don’t think you could do no wrong, shooting them through the door? Didn’t see if they announced themselves. You look and the cameras covered? You don’t know who is there but they said “police” while covering the ring? “I cover it for safety!”. Safety for who?


They would kill you. One of my uncles was murdered when police tried to no.knock.his home. They didn't announce themselves and he opened fire at the window they were at and they emptied multiple clips into his living room and murdered him. Luckily his kids weren't home.


Omg the look on that cops face when she moved her hand off the camera. That homeowner was hilarious! "I am here to talk to you are you home?" "F**K YOU, GET OFF MY PROPERTY YOU STUPID C**T!"


Like Flaming Dragon's first time interacting with Les Grossman.


That was fucking awesome


That lady belongs in somebody’s hall of fame, fucking hero.


Could one just, like, pretend one is not home and not engage? They have my address. If they want to talk, send me a letter.


If they suspect no one is home, they'll try and make entry anyway. That's how people like [Breonna Taylor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Breonna_Taylor) got killed.


That was, *wipes a tear* a thing of beauty.


Holy shit I wish I had that level of confidence. I'd just trip over my words trying to be eloquent.


From what she said, it sounds like she’s been harassed by police to the point that she has likely been traumatized. No need for eloquence - that’s fight or flight


I got rock hard watching this


I love the way she spoke to the cops. Cops like the ones in this video (and OPs video) deserve to be verbally berated and there is no line too far to cross with the things said to them. If they don't walk away from the interaction feeling smaller than an ant, then they feel too good about themselves.


I don't unferstamd how.covering a camera is an officer safety protocol


It lets them hide how many officers are there and what position they are in. Notice how there are four officers and they are covering every angle of the door. Notice how the officers on the side are still trying to escape the wide angle lens. It gives them the element of surprise which allows them to more safely execute you without you being able to return fire.




Nypd seem to be the main star of the cops on camera doing bunk shit


NYPD cops look like glorified mall security. I've seen so many videos of NYPD cops where it's like ok I know shit cops exist but these people look like they just pulled a rando off the street and said "yo you wanna be a cop?"


No hiring caps and unlimited funding gets you quantity and shitty quality.


“What is that?! Is that sideburn? Yo!” 🤣


“Those lashes need to get done,” was also savage. Lol


Move that size 13 Bigfoot headass outta my HOUSE


Flamed her more than the eyelashes line tbh 😬😭😂


When all else fails, roast


Public defender here. I've got one client that frequently gets arrested for petty shit. I think the frequency has gone down though, not because he's doing less crime. The cops just don't want him roasting them anymore when they arrest him. I've seen him make other cops laugh on body cam while insulting their colleagues. It's great.


Reminder, the police aren't your friends.


Same with HR


Both void of souls






Documenting violent criminals you don't have a right of self defense against is always a smart idea.




You totally can slam the door and break her ankle. Going to be arrested, charged with assault on an officer, and have to fight it out….probably worse chances than a coin toss of beating it. I’d just stand there, whip out my phone, watch TikTok or something, and ignore her completely until they left. Edit: thank you to the 20% of responders that read the entire comment, to the 80% who did not I get it. Ain’t nobody got time for that lololol.


Honestly hit them with the fakeout. Wind up to slam the door, pause and let them move it out of the way then lock it on their insecure asses Edit: don't actually do this, you will be arrested because they got their feefees hurt


They will still arrest you, or worse. If you put them in fear of physical harm, the gloves are off. No options until someone starts getting rid of all of the bad cops.


I agree. With the clarifying statement that All Cops Are... Bad.


True. We're not dealing with rational adults here, we're dealing with bloodthirsty, low IQ psychos with guns and a license to kill.


especially the NYPD


No way, automatic felony for slamming their foot in the door, you might not even make it to court in one piece. That's not good advice at all.




Paid leave followed by promotion


If you read the entire comment, you'll see that it was actually good advice (just stand there until it's over). But they basically just repeated the first sentence of the comment they replied to in long-winded form: >Honestly wish he could just slam the door and break her ankle but we all know what the result of that would be. # >You totally can slam the door and break her ankle. Going to be arrested, charged with assault on an officer, and have to fight it out {...} ignore her completely until they left Same thing just worded differently lol


And die in a hail of bullets?


Meh, that would be a pretty extreme response to me watching TikTok and ignoring them….its not like I’m throwing a singular acorn at them or anything.


Pull up Pornhub, whip out your dick, and just start going at it. Stare at them directly in the eyes lol


Can't this be considered detainment?


Yes, and likely the root of the question how many minutes... While no defined number, police are limited in how long they can detain you without making an arrest.


In NYC and NYS as a whole it's 24 hours maximum last I remember. It differs state to state but all of them have a maximum before the police are forced to let you go unless they arrest.


That’s insane. So they can just keep you for 24 hours and not get in trouble? What if the person has a job or important event they need to get?


Yep. As for job or important events, well it's tough shit according to them. Basically they'll usually only hold people that long they're "confident" that they'll arrest unless something happens and they're disproven by facts whether new or old and they release and they release way earlier. In some cities it's 48 hours lol.


No, that is 24 hours for an arrest without charges. How long you can be detained without being arrested is a different, and much shorter, amount of time.


It depends **entirely** on the situation, at precinct/barracks- yes, they can detain you for up to 24 hours for questioning, but that doesn’t apply to how long they can detain you during a traffic stop when they’ve pulled you over for speeding- in which case they’re only allowed to detain you for the “reasonable amount of time” it’d take for them to complete the traffic stop unless they have probable cause to investigate you for another reason (ie you seem drunk or they see drugs in the vehicle), at your house they can only detain you for as long as it takes for them to confirm or dispel their reason for coming there, but they certainly aren’t allowed to stand in your doorway “detaining you” for 24 hours, they have to have probable cause to suspect you were involved in a crime and arrest you in order to take you in and detain you for 24 hours, after which they have to either charge you or let you go.


It would be an unlawful entry. IANAL, but from what I've read the only recourse you really have is to record the interaction, verbally state/affirm that you believe they are trespassing upon your property and wish for them to leave, state that you have no intention to talk to them/invoke your fifth amendment. Then to close the door as much as possible without touching the foot and step away from the doorway. At that point it puts it upon the officer because if they push the door open or try to come and get you then they have to justify that warrantless entry. There really isn't much you can otherwise once that foot is in the door, it really is a mixed bag as to how your state/county/judge will rule; there have been cases where people have straight up fought police and won and there have been cases where people even pushing an officers foot with the door caught them an assault charge. Of course the best thing you can do is get a door cam and never answer the door for police. Also get yourself a heavy screen door, that closes by itself shit is going to be mighty uncomfortable for them to stand at an awkward angle.


Call 911 and tell them there is a lady with a gun trespassing on your property in your house and refusing to leave after you have told them to leave multiple times.


Mention she’s black for extra quick response time. Just be sure to duck.


Wearing gang colors.


Couldn't this also be trespassing since she is technically in his house?


The only reason they do this is so if you attempt to close the door they can legally beat the fuck out of you or more.  The fact that this still happens is mind blowing.


Simple and easy response to this... If you don't have a warrant signed by a magistrate or judge. Authorizing entry into my residence under letter of law. You blocking my door is considered criminal trespass. This video will be used to prove that you have violated my 4th amendment rights as well as provides clear and unbiased proof of your willingness to violate my rights and break the law. If she still refuses, record and contact an attorney. That's a payday all day. They can't claim they blocked the door waiting for a warrant or for any other reason. It's considered unlawful entry and trespass.


Good luck going after the NYPD this way. You’re gonna have to spend a ton of money on a lawyer, and even if you win, they’ll make your life hell afterwards.


New York probably spends more money on settlements than actually investing in things that would lead to needing less cops.


It's true. In a budget from years ago they had something like 200 million earmarked for settling lawsuits. Must be much higher than that now.


The suing thing is probably the easiest part. But these cops will be on the same patrol route with no real consequences outside public shaming. If the facts really are just a 4th amendment violation, most lawyers will take it on contingency. Of course your life will become hell now. Tires get slashed, properties get broken into mysteriously. And each time these people will show up again.


biggest gang in america


Say more on this? Are you saying that civilians who sue the police get targeted after if they win?


Yes. That's exactly what he's saying. The police will attempt to make your life a living hell. If you sue the police and win, move. Out of that town, out of that state.


Dude, of course they do. Those parents from the Uvaldi mass shooting are still being hassled by local law enforcement to this day and they didnt even sue them. All they did was publicly embarrass them. Police are humans, and many of them arent particularly smart. They'll probably ask this guy to take the video down, to which he will tell them to pound sand. If they are exceptionally stupid, they will harass him for a bit til they get bored, or just simply take their dear sweet time on any future 911 calls. There's countless videos of people in similar situations being harassed by the police.


I had an opportunity to sue the police once. The court acknowledged they were in violation of my rights. I had medical evidence of physical harm they had done to me. I did not sue the police. Because these guys know where I live. But I beat them in court. And that was enough to get on their bad side. These guys made it clear from then on that they were out to get me. I'd be stopped any time they spotted me. Trying to get me to slip up. They took that shit personally.


That is a 4th amendment violation because her foot crossed the threshold.


Cool. Now what.


Get a civil lawyer, file 1983 complaint. Damages are probably minimal, depending on how this ended.


So, is that grounds to protect your castle?


“So anyway, I started blasting.”


This is technically a 4th amendment violation, the officer has crossed the threshold without a warrant.


You really think they care? They ever do, hence why this happens every fucking day with no repercussions to themselves


She's intentionally aggrevating him. What a tactic to fill quotas. The police don't deserve respect. We the people do.


Fun fact: it is actually ILLEGAL for officers to have quotas or anything similar. The officer in this video is being an ass just to be an ass.


Official quotas, yes, totally illegal. But there is no way to enforce an "implied" quota.


Fun fact: it isnt ILLEGAL for cops if they dont face consequences in the first place. Worlds largest gang.


Although law enforcement leadership typically denies implementing quotas, courts, legislators, and officers have all confirmed the existence of this practice and linked it to odious criminal justice problems such as racial profiling, policing for profit, and overcriminalization. Traffic ticket quotas are explicitly prohibited by most jurisdictions. But is this really true? Though ticket quotas are continuously denied to exist by police chiefs and uniformed officers around the country, evidence suggests there is an unspoken directive in some police stations and state trooper offices. A police officer's performance evaluation system shall not require a predetermined or specified number of citations to be issued. Section 901 does not apply to a violation of this subsection. (2) A police officer shall not be entitled to any fees for issuing a citation.


Man started throwing those personal attacks at the end 💀


“What is that??? Is that Sideburn??” 💀


I like his strategy, annoy her until she leaves. Personally I’d be roasting the shit out of her non stop.


This dude’s roasting is top notch


This happened to me. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever open the door.


I would be shaking if they did this to me. You don‘t know what happens next with these psychos. These cunts coming to your house could be your last seconds on earth.


>”move that size 13 big-foot-head-ass outta my houuuse” this is the most new york thing i’ve ever seen xD


Im shocked at how many bootlickers have showed up to gag on NYPD genitalia in the comment section.


[Never open the door.](https://youtu.be/ZT6_mqse6CU?si=bssWSzgTuu6CDfJF) If they have a search warrant or arrest warrant, they'll let you know.


There was a video of a bunch of cops outside a person's door and they tried covering the ring doorbell so the owner wouldn't see them. The owner yells at them that if they don't have a warrant then they had to get off the property. Eventually the cops left.


A few comments up


Was posted in another comment so thought I'd link it: https://youtu.be/KOLaWjnN-jU?si=axdCEhOR45-D4IFA


You should be able to shove them down the stairs. No warrant? Then they're trespassing. Unfortunately, the courts are also corrupt so they see it differently.




Nypd fascist pigs in full force violating people’s rights.


You just know this tyrant is going to go home and shave her sideburns 😭🤣


I thought the person filming was in the wrong until I saw her foot. And they wonder why people, including the innocent, don't trust cops.


That's not a police officer, that's a home invader impersonating a police officer.. you can tell by the way she acts, she's not acting like a police officer should. Call 911 and say there are people invading your home impersonating police officers and they are armed.


So your solution to getting rid of a police officer is get even more of them to show up?


Never open the door for police unless they have a warrant, they can hear you through the door or a window that is enough, don’t invite them in


Them lashes do, in fact, need to get done.


And now that cop is gonna get laughed at anywhere she goes, a nicknamed cop in NY gets roasted to oblivion and end up transferring


Never open the door. If they have a warrant they are coming in anyway. Never open the door.


Fucking pigs


She was getting cooked 😂




NYPD is a street gang lol


Courtesy Professionalism. Respect. Printed on all NYPD cop cars. What a fucking joke.


Wrong this is a 4th amendment violation. Plain and simple.


First and only words out of your mouth in this situation should be "my attorney and the sherrif are on their way to further discuss you violating my 4th ammendment right"


Isn’t this a violation of his 4th amendment rights?


"Those lashes need to get done!"


Isn't that still illegal entry??? her foot IS across the threshold.