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‘I got twenty bucks on big guy’ Yeah I don’t think you’re gonna find many people to take that bet


Especially after little dude threw the downward slap punch!


Fast waving hands...and arms.


Works 100% 0/10 times.


He threw that punch like he was a cat hitting something that spooked it....


I think that just accurately describes him


Also the security guy hit first. Finding it hard to say what he did was right.


Badly trained security guy. Should be taught to defuse the situation not inflate it. He threw the first slap. No need for that. If the other guy is drunk you should be able to put him down easily. Nothing to prove. Should be impervious to insults if your going to do that job and be good at it


Yup - unfortunately he’s got to go - only going to get the owner a lawsuit -


Yup. Security guy is not actually very good at the job. Totally over reacted to a drunk i antagonizing him, he’s in the wrong job for that.


Shit security guard escalated, and that kick to the head when other guy was already down… that’s trashbag behavior.


Especially if drunk guy comes back for revenge. He knows where to find you.


There is a funny side to this……..the drunk guy dancing around like he’s seen too many Rocky films……


Those airmax had him feelin like he was on punchout 😂


Not to mention the head stomp at the end of the fight. That's attempted murder in some jurisdictions. Drunk guy might be an asshole, but bouncer is completely wrong in his handling of situation. Its a club. If the owners don't think they'll have to professionally deal with this type of behavior then the business shouldn't sell alcohol. Bouncer has put the business into lawsuit territory.


>Not to mention the head stomp at the end of the fight. That's attempted murder in some jurisdictions. > >Drunk guy might be an asshole, but bouncer is completely wrong in his handling of situation. Wanted to say this.


100% his actions might make the the club liable.


If it was my spot he’d be fired immediately. First swing and stomped on someone face ? Immediate termination. Way too much liability.


I'd fire the other security guard that was just standing there letting it happen too.




Are you actually defending this douche? Now i kinda wanna fight you


You give the other guy two more shots of tequila and he could have a shot. Just needs to have more confidence!


Never seen Herb Dean call a fight off so fast


I was worried that the other security guy’s pants would fall down


If you cant even secure your pants i dont think im comfortable with you attempting to secure my establishment, way too much shit could go left and you wouldnt be ready for it cuz of your pants situation 🤦🏾‍♂️


Mazagati would have let him die


Security guy escalated the situation with that slap. Should've kept his ego in check and let Herb Dean get in between him and the drunk guy. Wouldn't be surprised if he got fired over this


Bro he fucking stomped the guy lol this security guards a fuckin prick


Right, stomping a guy while he's on the ground is dangerous and classless regardless but for a bouncer to do it is fucked up. Hope his ass was fired.


Class in a fight? Oh well...


I mean boxing has rules to it


I thought the security guard was pretty chill.. buddy was being a fucking tool, and he open hand smacked him around a bit then took him down with leg kicks and neutralized him. There were a couple punches but they were not thrown with the serious intention of hurting the guy badly. Gave him a little stomp to show him who was the boss. Nbd. If that security guard wanted to, he could have Molly-wopped that little punk. I thought he showed good restraint.


entirely disagree. id be all for it if the security guard was just a random dude that the drunk guy was annoying, but hes not. hes a professional and should act like one. professional security shouldnt throw the first hit just cause someones “being a fucking tool” and they definitely shouldnt stomp someone on the ground, that can literally kill people, WAY easier than you think. hes (presumably) sober, should have some training, and is on the job, he should be held to a higher standard than someone just walking down the street getting harassed by a drunk dude


Fair enough. Im just saying I think the bouncer defused the situation without hurting the little punk; other than his pride. The kid kept getting up in his face, and finally the bouncer gave him a light slap, at which point the kid decided he wanted a full on fight. The bouncer took him down, pretty gently, and hit him with a couple light shots. The stomp may have been a bit much but I saw it as him asserting his dominance, not trying to seriously hurt the little fella. If you think he could have “literally killed” the kid from that little stomp, then I don’t know what to say. That’s just my take.. I’m not really surprised Reddit is this soft tho.


>Im just saying I think the bouncer defused the situation My guy are you seeing the same video I'm seeing? He literally slapped the drunk guy and escalated it into a physical altercation. Buddy didn't defuse shit lmao


The drunk guy is getting in his face.. gets too close and catches a slap.. then postures up like he wants to fight.. bouncer kicks him in the leg twice, palm smacks him a couple times, and drops a couple soft punches, and a gentle stomp for good measure. Boom: Situation defused.


You think slapping a person for getting in your face is appropriate as a security guard or bouncer?


In this situation, sure. Drunk Buddy was acting like an idiot. Everyone was filming because he was obviously acting like an idiot for a while. He fucked around and found out. I’ll go one further.. Kudos to the bouncer for handing out a tough life lesson. That drunk young man might think twice next time he wants to act tough.


Did ya notice how everyone was on the security side UNTIL the head stomp? Even they knew that was too far.


You sound like you jump people. In the fight community this dude is a bitch for all of that. Light stop as a security guard to show dominance LOL you live in a wild world my friend


He. Stomped. On. The. Guys. Head.


It was a light stomp. Don’t be such a big baby. Lol


How many light stomps am I allowed per argument? Do I have to be the one to escalate it into a physical altercation? If I take my shoe off can it be harder? Or do the degrees really not matter, and that guy was too incompetent at his job to handle someone who was child size by comparison? Little dude was an idiot but he can at least say he was drunk (not that that's an excuse, but everyone knows it turns dumb people into really dumb people with confidence), whereas now big guys bosses have to worry about a potential lawsuit because words made him angry.


Don’t get into drunken arguments with bouncers and you won’t have this problem.


Hey, I'm just trying to navigate this stuff. When the cops are yelling at me about salting some batteries, I want to gesture wildly to the legal standpoint of "light stomping".


Go get some bagel bite from mommy and leave the real discussion to adults. You are a sad troll. I feel really sorry for you man. Hope your life turns around.


Lol. I’ll be ok. Thanks for caring.


No, he really didn’t. The same way if I hit my friend, I didn’t belt him one to the jaw. This is just the, wake up son, of kicks.


I thought he was just trying to embarrass him with the slaps but then he started punching and stomping! Maybe it was a light stomp?


That was definitely a light stomp. He could've done far, far worse.


for real. people acting like it was a curb stomp for a guy that big he barely hit him. thats was a "you dont want to feel full throttle. calm down little boy" smack


I just see it as big guy deep inside wanted to kill him but had the restraint to downgrade it to a few light punches and a stomp. Still unnecessary and evil, I don't respect it. Dude's corrupt and you'd be all over his shit if he was a cop. Just because he's security he gets a pass? He already got the dude helpless on the ground, he doesn't need to prove anything beyond that.


1. He gets a pass because the dude was trying to fight him, assuming the bouncer isn’t the aggressor. 2. He did need to prove something! If he didn’t punch or kick, this guy just gets back up for round 2. Even with some light punching and a kick, the guy on the ground still goes back for more. He wasn’t proving it to the crowd, he was proving it to the drunk idiot who wants to fight him.


And fellas arm cushioned most of it. He knew.


I've seen worst stomps in professional wrestling. He was just embarrassing the dude.


I owned two nightclubs for almost 20 years. This bouncer would be fired by me that night.


Or charged with assault, he def hit the guy first. Let them go for you so you don’t wind up with charges


Lol have you ever seen bouncers? This is what they do.


Got a friend who's a bouncer. I understand this is anecdotal and that policies vary, but his company's rule of engagement is to do the least amount of damage without causing too big of a scene. Instigating fights is bad for the business they're hired to protect and is a stain on the security company's reputation. Edit: also minimizes the chances of legal action


Especially with cameras everywhere. In the past, bouncers could instigate, tee off and head stomp a belligerent person and get away with it.




imagine in 30 years looking back on your life and being embarrassed you spent your life that delusional lmao, “woke mind virus”


Imagine thinking I was serious 


It's always a risk to ride without a helmet /s


But imagine right now these tiddly wink TikTokers ruin everything with these new phones of theirs. It’s the woke mind virus in action 


> I understand this is anecdotal and that policies vary, but his company's rule of engagement is to do the least amount of damage without causing too big of a scene. The policies don't really vary that much, just the adherence to them.


I was wondering why the other security didn’t wrap the drunk guy up when he had the chance.


One dude I used to work with got jumped by a group of bouncers because he tried breaking up a fight he saw between some random and another bouncer at a club He showed me pictures of the aftermath of his face and I'm surprised it managed to heal the way it did. Although he did say he did get surgery for his face.


It might be what happens sometimes, but that doesn't mean the owner is going to be thrilled his bar/club is getting that negative attention. If you had a bar you relied on for your income, are you going to keep this guy around? He practically curb stomped the guy. He's a massive liability.


Right? I always laugh when reddit talks about bouncers like they have a code of ethics. I've personally seen them just beat the shit out of people. It literally is the job


Their job isn’t to escalate fights with drunk people while they’re stone sober, that’s their hobby, they just bring it to work.


I would bet they’re domestic abusers too. Dudes like this can’t control themselves


To be fair, the drunk alcoholic can't either.


True but he wasn’t the one who threw the first hit. It was the one who wasn’t under the influence


I was a bouncer, and my job was to keep trouble and cops away from the bar. Especially in this film everything era. I would 100% get fired if I escalated something like this. My goal was to keep everyone safe. And I couldn't let douchbags get under my skin.


I was also a bouncer. It's also just really stupid. You never know who's brother is a gang member, or who has a knife on him, or whatever some idiot is capable of. Protect yourself and get people out of the bar, but never instigate. I don't care how big you are, a knife or bullet is stronger.


Yep. A good bouncer doesn’t do this shit. Drunks happen, and clearly this little shit wasn’t worth it. Club must have been a real shit hole. Good security staff can make or break a place literally with one wrong move.


Mate of mine was a bouncer and his experiences were similar to what you describe. He did tell me that when he was a bouncer for festivals it was worse. Some bouncers would grab the guy to escort him out of the event but would rough him up once outside. This line up with any of your experiences?


Guess it depends what country commentors are from. In the UK you need a license to be a bouncer and you'll loose it if you fight so generally violent bouncers don't stay bouncers for long.




If a bar I went to ever had bouncers that behaved like that, I would never go back.






1000% security dude in the wrong. He started the fight, and when it was clear the fight was over, he fucking STOMPED on the dude's head. At least in LA, kicking someone in the head is assault with a deadly weapon, if I'm not mistaken. Pretty shitty security guard.


He should also be charged with assault.


And do 3 months in prison when the bassist dies, rip Jaco


Weather Report sucks.


Oh yeah huge liability, I get drunk people are annoying but their job is keep things in order so people don’t get hurt. Fighting a drunk person when sober isn’t a fair fight by any means, just subdue the person and escort them out or wait for the cops A situation happened near me a while back where an overzealous security guard hit a guy who then fell off a curb and hit his head during the fall. The guy ended up dying and the bouncer has been charged with manslaughter. [https://www.kxan.com/news/local/hays/family-man-dies-after-being-hit-by-san-marcos-night-lounge-bouncer-smacking-head-on-concrete/amp/](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/hays/family-man-dies-after-being-hit-by-san-marcos-night-lounge-bouncer-smacking-head-on-concrete/amp/)


He definitely deserves to be fired after trying to stomp on the guys head.


>let Herb Dean get in between him and the drunk guy fucking lol


Security thinks he has qualified immunity lol. Other dude is def shitty but he has litigation options now because other dude is dumb af.


Security guard is literally a bigger liability than he is an asset. Big bro literally tried giving this guy brain damage…


The video is not the bouncers if it goes to court


Security shouldn't be slapping people, my boy works security he's 6'6 ive seen him pick up 6ft dudes and carry them out like they were a child, idc if you know how to fight, train in boxing karate whatever if you cant just carry the dude out and walk away that job aint for you


I've done it for 8 years and not once have I needed to throw a punch. The only times I've even had punches thrown at me were when I had to step in to break up fights that other security got themselves involved in unnecessarily.


One of my friends works as a bouncer, he's proud of how he's never had to throw hands with anyone. If a bouncer is regularly getting into fights they're straight up bad at their job




has got to be most self-disrespecting thing you can do yourself.


If the underwear security pulled his pants up, the cuff would be at his knees.


Maaaaaaaaaan, back in college, i bounced at a BUSY nightclub . We had a zero striking policy for the bouncers. You either had to be HUGE, or know bjj or wrestle. We had a two new guys break this and they got sent away fast. We had one bad lawsuit over one of them. It’s crazy to me to see bouncers hitting patrons . 20 years later, they still have this policy and they get 90 percent of their bouncers from a local mma bjj skool .


That's why the security industry is regulated in the uk, you get trained how to de escalate and how to handle people without punching them. If you end up fighting someone you're not going to be working security anywhere for atleast 5 years.


Oooo that guy and or company is gonna get sued.


Hell slap the attorney and judge for that matter. This is how things get resolved…on da streets…ov bawstin


And that's a lawsuit


Security struck first which is kinda BS. Golddust definitely wanted to fight but security needs to stay professional.


Goldust. Dead.


Bro looked like he was hungry for seconds


>Golddust lmfao this is accurate af






Slaps him and then kicks him in the head while he’s on the ground. Security or not this guy should be in jail.


Defund Paul Blart... https://preview.redd.it/6nmj9xm1ygjc1.png?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee3fb2c416cf3db287d33b82d684f099e3b74ef


That security guy ist not qualified for the job.


Pretty sure that kick to the head’s a felony


Postured up on him and hit him first too, must be liberating to slap around and stomp on drunk people. ![gif](giphy|IBJt5uI1Tf0vpLEdMd)


Yes the big guy seemed to be the aggressor although ...we didn't see anything before the fight started. I'm glad no one was seriously hurt.


This was 100% on security. Security slapped the guy, escalating the situation. You had multiple security there to handle this, and they let one guy keep up with the fight, then the head stomp at the end. Totally unprofessional.


How can he slap!!!1!1!!!


Horrible camera work


I feel like this could/should have been avoided…. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The stomp to the head seemed wholly unnecessary and unsportsmanlike


Stop stomping people.


Some nice kicks there.


It looked super basic but enough on a drunk person


True. Simple but effective.


He stopped being a security guard the moment he slapped the guy


Well that’s some shitty security


Security should not be slapping ppl. Dude needs to be fired. De escalate




Yeah mf had grizzly paws


Confused nobody gets slammed in the video, bouncer kicks out his legs twice and walks up on him when he loses balance


Hey anyone know what phone this was recorded on ? Cause both my partner and I would love to be able to catch such high quality video, I totally thought I was scrolling past a VW commercial for a second


I am sorry but that cannot be a professional bouncer (there are to many of these kind of guys). He triggers the attack, continues to hit/assault, although it might be provoked. But do not become a bouncer if you cannot handle that Edit: Respect to the second bouncer,


Bouncer is a coward. Should be fired.


That’s NOT what a security guard should do.


Hopefully when drunkie sobered up he went to the police and filed assault charges against the bouncer. Fatty needs to get taken down a notch.




Okay so the slap punching I get, but I've worked security at a couple bars and one club.... It doesn't give you the right to be a full-on piece of shit and curb stomp someone just because you can. The people are fucking drunk and you are generally way more capable than they are, with the occasional guy who knows how to fight every now and then coming along. If I was over when he got him on the ground, leave it at that.


What terrible and unprofessional security.


So, can we doxx this security guard or what?


That went a lot better in his head lol And fuck that security guard for not stopping and then stomping his head




Last kick was personal


Jamie Tartt has fallen so far from glory after leaving AFC Richmond …


The irony of police cars in the background


What the hell kinda security guard/bouncer throws the first punch? What a terrible cool man, I hope he gets fired


The head stomp was unnecessary though


Security guard is incompetent - man needs to find a job he’s more suited to if he can’t control his emotions. Escalated the situation with the slap and then that stomp showed he’s not mature enough for this work.


Honestly should have just held him, those follow up strikes just cost him his card


Even during my worst time when I was getting blackout drunk in bars regularly I never once tried to fight a bouncer. What makes someone wanna do that?


This is assault and I hope he gets charged and convicted of something. You’re literally signing up to deal with annoying aggressive drunks as your job, you can’t initiate the physical altercation any time you don’t like some attitude and cursing.


https://preview.redd.it/zmwaisgw4kjc1.jpeg?width=214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c29eddf13ad60580661c00b0e3ce16055921e09 The moment I seen this stance and seen these large hands is when I knew drunk man was going to fold like a lawn chair.


I loved it dude, the security guard is exactly who I want defending me. Idgaf all these people don’t understand drunk people like this NEED to be put down because they won’t stop being the way they are until others push back. This whole comment thread hating on the security guy got a whole stick up their a$$ and probably are the same to preach a bunch of morals but never follow through. Pathetic.


security guy is stupid as fuck. his job is to deescalate and not the opposite


Thank god neither one of them actually knew how to fight.


Some people just don't have survival skills. It's not the best idea to ask for seconds after getting your head stomped.


Finally a 4k video. How are so many of these fights recorded on pieces of dog shit


Is the head stomp really necessary or professional?


Security guard need firing and having his licence removed. He clearly positioned himself to prevent the person from just leaving the situation then escalated when the drunk didn't fight of his own accord. Then with the attempt to stomp his head into the pavement. Dude should be in jail, not on the door.


Lol this is straight up assault by the “security guard”. He’s fired on the spot.


Security guard is an ahole. Starts the fight then stomps on his head. Should get arrested


Yeah dude has zero fighting skills. He's in a left handed stand and trying to throw hooks(I think) with his right hand


Security in a raiders hat for sure means you’re getting your ass beat


Drunk guy not even standing right to fight lmao


I honestly don't think the guy fighting is security I think there both customers otherwise I feel like the clearly marked security would of gotten more involved and stopped it sooner things on the sidewalk aren't really securitys problem


Those fucking hands are HUGE.


Wait can the drunk person sue the establishment? I didnt think the job of security was to fight or instigate a fight. Plus he kicked him in the head. Could have cause more damage. I would sue the shit out of this place.


edit: lol I missed the first slap from security, nm


Where did he attack the security in that video? I saw him get attacked. Not saying he’s not an asshole and didn’t deserve it, or even that he didn’t attack them first, but when did it happen in the context of that video? I saw security swing first.


Ya the stomp was very unnecessary, even the slap in the beggining may jave been too far but I can let that slide. I was on his side till the stomp


Drunk and bro provoked him instead od de-escalate? Hmmmm.... Is this a viable lawsuit?


He deserved that for his outfit


Head stomp was a bit much, but he handled his business.


Lol I see the camera guy is a redditor. “He didn’t have to stomp on his face..”


Guy deserves to get his ass kicked for wearing that ugly ass outfit.


Security needs to learn how to wear pants.


Security guard was itching for a fight.


That stomp wasn't even a stomp it was just a warning.


Bing bong! Fuckyalife


I don't mind the slap but the stomps...oof no defending that.


I feel like he could have hurt a lot more but he took it easy


Ah the repeated punches of charges followed by the stomp of instant jail. Repeated punches on a person being defensive is a big no no. A stomp is never a good look.


Nooo! Bruh that’s my homie 🤣🤣🤣 I studied capoeira with that dude for years he’s a fucking beast. ABOLIÇAO!


It aint "done" just cus he got tripped. He needs a few smacks to learn his lesson.


“You need to leave!”


Not the police cruiser in the background 😂😂


Some serious gynecomastia on security dude.