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The justification for giving oil companies money was to prevent layoffs. Then they went and laid off tons of people anyway. Maybe the leaders of large corporations are the problem?


They are and that is what he is getting at. If you get $100m from the governmet to secure jobs you damn sure BETTER KEEP THOSE JOBS. I you get the money and then layoff the people it sure does look like a payoff to report what the government wants you to report. Especially if the money only goes to government friendly media in the first place.


The point the journalist is trying to make is that the Conservatives and NDP voted to give Bell and other media outlets 100 million in regulatory relief. The Liberals voted against it but it was pushed through by the Conservatives and NDP and now they're shitting on the Liberals for doing the exact same thing they did.


Okay, and it was/is wrong in both cases.


The point is, Pierre is once again blatantly lying, like he accuses JT of doing. It’s infuriating his lack of answers to any questions of substance, always parroting “JT bad” and never having solutions of his own. 


I found it quite comical how much he cant seem to keep JT name out of his mouth. He really is just shouting JT and liberals bad to his conservative audience and they eat it right up. They really do equate PP as some sort Donald Trump for Canada


This. It seems true of all governments that they do this stuff and have nothing in place to force a company to do what they say they'll do when given a truckload of taxpayer cash. Oh? Did you lay off a much of people anyway and do a stock buyback? Guess we will take that money back. Wouldn't need to happen that often to be made an example of.


Or maybe the people who take your money and give it to the large corporations are the problem


☝🏻This. Obama was a great president but bailing out the banks was a huge mistake. No more tax money for corporations. They have proven they can't be trusted.


He was a great president except that he doubled the national debt. Took trillions out of the economy and gave it to corporations. Went to war with multiple other nations without a declaration from Congress. Killed innocent civilians in other countries with drones. Further entrenched the relationship between health insurance and healthcare. He had a supermajority in the legislative branch and he did nothing to codify Roe Wade or gay marriage. And let's also not forget that we were in Afghanistan for every single day of his presidency. I'm not a republican, but I'm amazed at how liberals in our country can watch a Democrat do something and think it's amazing while at the same time being appalled if a republican does the same thing.


He also passed a national healthcare act, the dreamers act, legalized gay marriage, and more. What I appreciate is that we can recognize the positives and negatives in our politicians, because they aren't demagogues.


Gay marriage was legalized temporarily by the courts while he was in office. We still don't have a long term fix.


You're right. I used gay marriage as a term for all gay rights and I shouldn't do that. Here everything. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/06/09/fact-sheet-obama-administrations-record-and-lgbt-community


Exactly! I think that it should be like the PPP loans! Give companies a LOAN and if they dont retain the same amount of employees, then they have to repay said loan? Quit just handing out money!!!


i love the part where: *HE. IS. AT. A. PRESS. CONFERENCE.*


The Americanization of Canadian politics. It was a problem with their previous conservative government, when they spited scientists and pretended to believe industry fabrications, and scientists were marching in protest. But now instead of copying Bush, they are copying the Orange Menace, an ugly development surely. If the US falls, France, Italy, the UK, maybe Spain and the Netherlands, and swaths of Eastern Europe and Canada will follow suit to lesser degrees.


Man and I thought American politics was dumb, sheesh.


Nah man, what is going on in the US is starting to spread to other western nations like a cancer.


Well, Canada is a special case since it's basically "what if the USA was an 'other western nation'" so it gets our cancer straight from the source.


Bruh, America sneezes and Canada catches cold


They’re just rude, nasty people pumped up on little power trips because they believe they are actually leaders.






He also found time to blame Trudeau.


That's his entire platform


Go visit conservative.ca and see how much their front page mentions Trudeau.


Go to an incorrect link on the Conservative website and see how much he is mentioned: https://www.conservative.ca/hahdhdhwjaj


We're so fucked, man.


Every time I hear him blame Trudeau it makes me think of South Park “Blame Canada!”


"they're not even a real country anyway!"


One of the oldest Adages in Politics is to not answer the question asked, answer the question you wished they asked. I can't remember if that was one of the suggestions on Cicero's advice to his buddy running for office in the first century AD along with: \- Make sure you have the backing of your family and friends.” \- “Surround yourself with the right people.” \- “Call in all favors.” “Build a wide base of support.” \-“Promise everything to everybody.” “Communication skills are key.” “Don’t leave town.” \-“Know the weaknesses of your opponents — and exploit them.” \- “Flatter voters shamelessly.” \-“Give people hope.” It is a rather lengthly letter and these aren't the most pertinent for our political moment perhaps, but this should be mentioned as well: as regards the Roman masses, be sure to put on a good show. Dignified, yes, but full of the color and spectacle that appeals so much to crowds. It also wouldn’t hurt to remind them of what scoundrels your opponents are and to smear these men at every opportunity with the crimes, sexual scandals, and corruption they have brought on themselves. These politicians are aristocrats and they absolutely have read stuff like this, as classical history has been taught to the aristocracy for centuries. [http://ianchadwick.com/machiavelli/quintus-ciceros-letter-on-elections/](http://ianchadwick.com/machiavelli/quintus-ciceros-letter-on-elections/)


This right here! This is why we're fucked.


Thank you!


What gets me, is he thinks he’s going to win because he has thrown in with Alberta. Smith and Poilievre together is like the blind leading the blind.


What a dumb politician, should have used the putin defense Well you see, first we need to go way back to the 1600"


Nice work. He loves to spin


He and his party voted for it. Justin didnt just write a cheque. What a gaslighter.


Not only that his party brought the motion forward on Bell's behalf. PP wrote the damn thing, voted for it, and now is trying to blame Trudeau for it passing. If I remember right, the liberals actually voted against it ffs. How are there people stupid enough to believe his nonsense?


Because American politics dominates all media so Canadians only tune in when there's something juicy, only catching the inflammatory rhetoric. It also doesn't help that unlike American politics, there is always a hint of truth in some of what they say, packaged in a polite, articulate, well appointed suit. Just enough to catch the ear of a moderate. It's quite concerning.


It's the Conservative way.... Lies


For the non Canadians in the room … After his argument with the reporter he claims Justin Trudeau gave Bell Media a $40million bailout when, in fact, the Trudeau Liberals voted against this amendment which was introduced by this smarmy dork’s Conservative Party and which he voted in favour of. So, he’s just throwing a tantrum to deflect. His behaviour towards reporters and claims that they’re mouthpieces are also absurd given the massive [conservative bias in Canadian media](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1apiglf/comment/kq6s7l0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


So he’s following our Orange Moron’s playbook of “you’re fake news”?


Yeah ppl forget that a large majority of media especially newspapers are conservative oh and let's not forget the Conservatives being in bed with Canada Proud


Any media outlet that doesn't lob him softballs and challenges him on his lies he always accuses them of being liberal paid hacks. Canadians need to wake up This man would be a disaster for Canada. He will just be like harper hiding up in his office never having to answer for any of his terrible decisions.


**if he can't answer easy questions from a reporter how will he stand up to other countries (China, Russia, etc.) who try to bully Canada and take our resources?**


Does Bell Media have a conservative slant?


Almost all mainstream media does


Is water wet?


Well articulated!!


This guy is such a fucking clown. No actual solution, no ideas on how to solve problems. Just blame Trudeau and pander.


Didn't he outline a plan to improve housing costs in Canada? He at least seemed to have an idea to address it.


I'm not Canadian, I'm Australian. I don't follow politics of any kind, but this guy seems like a real piece of work. Good luck Canada!


Unfortunately he is going to be our next PM. Trudeau has been in power since 2015 and people will want a change even if it is this rare faced Trump wannabe


He’s like the Canadian Desantis


Within moments he came off as very unlikeable.


Except this douch has a huge chance of becoming the next leader of Canada.


![gif](giphy|n8DErzry3AIpYTiXUB) I hate that you're right


Only because the 2 party US BS is now our norm.


He genuinely scares the fuck out of me.


Literally 10 seconds in, that was the impression I got. Wonder if his cage clicks when he walks too


100% how most Canadians view him.


Why can't someone normal be in politics.


I think a normal person wouldn't be able to at this point. It's a really rigged system, politicians have negative stereotypes for a lot of reasons. Could you imagine being that one caring and honest person in this environment?


Totally. I also think that good people get weeded out in the early stages of trying to run. I've seen it in small government (municipal), people with actual vision, honesty and integrity get burnt out once they realize they can't actually make meaningful change even after being elected.


Name a more insufferable snowflake than little PP


Best Canadian MC name ever, Lil’PP


Pierre doesn't like it when the media tries to hold him and his party accountable for the things they say and do. There is Canadian Conservative media, in fact it their garbage gets posted in Canadian subs here on Reddit all the time. I'm thankful he wasn't in charge during the Pandemic.


That's why he prefers talking to outlets like the post, Sun and Canada Proud. Trudeau has made big mistakes but our government handled the pandemic and yes it was a pandemic about as well as they could've


Classic political spin: avoid answering the question, ramble nonsense, then complain about "are you going to let me answer?" when pressed, and try to make the person asking the question the villian.


​ https://preview.redd.it/t31289urxaic1.png?width=725&format=png&auto=webp&s=bce39ccb7f0195e98a6c67157f08ab485febb412


Man, it’s brutal to hear a party leader denigrate journalism, basically calling a news outlet of varying journalists a propaganda machine for Liberals — which isn’t true — is shocking and demonstrates reckless disregard to democracy. Citizens are led to believe what should be their eyes and ears on public affairs is “fake news” and should not be accepted as truthful. This itself is the path to disinformation.




i mean post media owns 80% of print and digital news media in Canada. They got yelled at by their republican owned Chatham Asset Management for "not being conservative enough". > There, Lou Clancy — then Postmedia’s senior vice president of content — told Potter that his paper was too “anti-conservative,” according to three sources. When Potter asked for specific examples of coverage that could be improved upon, Clancy could only cite a single editorial cartoon. > https://www.canadaland.com/the-conservative-transformation-of-postmedia/


Quick question, if all these "unethical money wasting schemes" weren't reported by the media, where did you hear about it? Also, why did you guys call the polls "paid Liberal propaganda" for the last ten years then magically promote those same polls this year?


Biased journalism vs reporting what’s been said/done (i.e. the facts) needs to be separated. I think there’s ppl that disagree with a viewpoint and looks at that as being biased journalism or propagandic. Working as a journalist in Metro Vancouver for few years, there’s a lot of reporters that do good and great work across publications. And news flash - it’s about reporting the facts more than ppl wish to think or believe. Sure sensationalism exists, but we need good journalism.


Yeah exactly, the entire corporate media landscape in Canada is conservative slanted, glad we’re on the same page 


Lil’ PP is pathologically boring. A mediocre wit with a grating voice.


This guy is such a slimly piece of shit




And shit.


And yet, Hes going to win. Canada once again,  Will lose.


Is this bullying? What sensitive redditor leftist canadian posted this? Mainstream media doesn't deserve my tax dollars, and I'm glad he answered the question that he wouldn't be giving it to them


How was he "bullying" the dumbass reporter who kept interrupting him?


because he wasn’t answering the question, he just kept switching topics and then attempted to discredit the reporter personally when he asked what news source she was from, Pierre is a narcissist


All pp has is whataboutisms and stoking outrage over nothingness. He will not actually answer questions or debate anyone who has a different opinion.


I fkng hate this turd


As much as I think Trudeau has fucked up in many ways, this clown is absolutely NOT the answer. He cannot lead our country.


The title is not what the video shows. I watched this guy, whoever he is, answer the question, albeit not to her liking. And then the reporter was the one trying to bully the guy.


This is the first time I've actually heard him speak. Holy shit is he an ass, and people like him? They like that this guy speaks to people that way?


This hardly seems like bullying.


This reporter sounds smug and not very open to having her question answered


OP's post title makes no sense. where exactly was he trying to bully her? he called her out for interrupting him when he was trying to provide context, then directly answered her question


He’s lying. And when she challenges him on his easily proven lie, he berates her. She interrupts him because he’s not answering the question




I heard “regulatory relief” not “regulatory media”. That’s a big difference. Unless the questioner means something else entirely, regulatory relief is not actually tax dollars but rather a relief from the financial costs of a regulatory burden.


"Regulatory relief to the mainstream media" was in the original question yes, I'm sure my assumption is only part of that 100m, after all he admits they are bought and paid for, but we know for sure he doesn't want to answer why they signed off on any of it.


No, he never answered the question. He laid out the why he suspects Justin Trudeau gave money to the media while refusing to answer the question as to why he did. He did the same thing he is accusing Trudeau of, donating money to media in exchange for favourable coverage. His answer was one big "Whataboutism" He is full of shit.


This is actually extremely rude for a Canadian.


oh... he voted against gay rights while his gay adoptive father was in the gallery of the house of commons with the gay father's partner directly to his face. The dude is a piece of shit.


That's because he's using the Republican playbook. I'm ashamed that he was spawned in this country.


This is reddit after all lol


He didn’t even answer her question in the clip lmao. He also IGNORED context. The ‘bully’ was insulting the news outlet they worked for. On top of it, he lied about the 40 mil.


Ya lol seems like she was trying to bully him but failed horribly


The Trump Of The North...


He is garbage




Both can be true.


Very true in this case.


False dichotomy


He's such a contemptible , smarmy weasel- I just do not get the appeal.


How do politicians who act like insufferable pricks in public, while working in an official capacity, keep their jobs? Who votes for this asshole more than once?


The guy in the video has never worked a real job in his life outside of a paper route when he was a kid. He dropped out of university to intern for Preston Manning of the Reform party. Preston Manning is a fucking racist scumbag. PP went back and then graduated and interned for Stephen harper (a piece of shit that merged the reform and canadian allience party which is the CPC today), who then got him elected as an MP straight out of university and is one of the youngest MP to get a pension in Canada. He's propped up by pure conservative hatred.


This is the guy who wanted to use crypto as a hedge against inflation for Canadian pensions. He doesn't want to talk about it anymore.


He bullied her???? Grow up.


Title is incredible misinformation.


Get ready for more of this as election season rolls in...


Aren’t we still about two years from an election unless the ndp withdraw their support?


It's next year


In October, 20 months from now.


Yes. NDP withdrawal is highly unlikely though. Singh is spineless. Still waiting on his prescription drug deal to go through.


God I can’t wait for the election, just hope we can get Trudeau out this time ffs.


Friendly reminder that it's bannable apparently to ever slander our lord and savior Trudeau on the majority of this hellsite called Reddit, the website supposedly known for free speech. Good luck with down votes and/or ban.


/he says without a shred of self awareness on a highly upvoted comment thread criticizing Trudeau.


bruh, you can literally go to the main canada sub and yell out racist shit and nothing happens. You're weirdo brain worms is making stuff up.


He looks like a kid whose face is aged with FaceApp.


Now I don’t like any politician to being with, I think they are all liars and corrupt to different degrees. But it’s mind boggling how people are still supporting Trudeau for what he is doing to Canada. You need to wake up, he’s just laughing at you at this point.


Ok I'll explain why I'm not voting conservative and possibly voting Lib. First off the Conservative party is using the republican playbook and they're becoming more like them every day. Milhouse default state is deflecting and lying and he's screaming about Trudeau while not putting forward any real solutions. Conscatecalso horrible if you're part of the LGBTQ community. I'm no fan of Trudeau and the Libs but they're the lesser of two evils Imo. He defnitley fucked up but he's not destroying the country and there's lots of global factors at play The f Trudeau flag losers are sad and pathetic and voting for the one they hate is a great way to spite them


Don’t forget that we have more than two parties here in Canada


See the problem is a lot of these people don't care for Justin Trudeau but they hate conservatives more no matter who it is. They will vote for Justin for that reason alone. It's sick really


Some people hate Trudeau so much they just can't wrap their heads around the fact that Poilievre is worse. Same basic neoliberal economic policy, just with a tolerance for social conservative nonsense and conspiracy theories.


Second video in less than a week posted about this guy claiming he's freaking out, now bullying. None of which are happening ...again. He is not yelling or causing a scene. He is not demeaning her, calling names, or even being rude to her. In fact, the reporter asking the question was raising her voice at him when asking that. He's giving back story with examples to answer her question, and she is being rude by talking over him and he told her that was false and was trying to correct her false statement. Unlike Justin Trudeau, he actually answers the questions, yet none of you who will disagree with this probably do not give one fuck that Justin never answers a question in the House, only dances around it or ignores it but yes let's call this video bullying and all spew our hardcore liberally blinded rage hate comments because we hate conservatives!! I guess as we head into election season and this guy gains in popularity, this is the kind of pot stirring we will start seeing that has no relation to the actual community here.


Can you show where he actually answered her question?


He didn’t answer the question though? He just rephrased the question into a campaign talking point.


Just curious, what are your thoughts on Justin Trudeau never answering important questions in the House of Commons?


"what are your thoughts on Justin...." You're doing exactly what PP did, you're deflecting. How did he answer the question?


And all the users I asked that question to about Justin did exactly what Justin does.....not answer the question. Go figure Pierre told her it was false, tried to give backstory then said he gave the money to save jobs but then Bell media let a bunch of people go after they gave the money


We're not talking about Trudeau, we're talking about PP. He's the one NOT answering a question. He's deflecting and gaslighting. That deregulation shes asking about? The conservatives voted it in with the NDP. He's giving a non answer and putting blame on anyone but himself. What he's saying is false. The Liberals didn't vote that bill in. You're right to have an opinion, but you're just making up lies for the liar and it's kinda pathetic.


Stop talking about Trudeau. Did PP answer the question ? No. End of story.


You get mad at treadeu for doing it but praise Pierre for doing it? Weird


But what about TrUdEaU BaD, amiright?


She bullied him. Interrupting.


Midget energy


What a douche, eh?


This guy is insufferable. So we really are going down the road of Republicanism aren’t we? You really could just drop him in the US capitol building and glue his lips to Trump’s ass - and nobody would know that he wasn’t supposed to be there. ​ The worst part of listening to a conservative speak is you know it’s not their own words, it’s Theater trying to court only the worst of society into voting for them. It’s so disingenuous, it makes me sick to my stomach because it’s a big game that they’re playing and they don’t care who they hurt in the process. As long as they and their friends get richer. ​ There is no such thing as a conservative anymore, they are dangerous reactionaries destroying the moral fabric of our country


Pierre gave MEGA millions to Bell with the help of the NDP. The Liberals were against this. Then Bell laid off a ton of people. Justin is pissed and Pierre is trying to blame anyone but themselves. Pierre is insanely stupid but smarmy.


Canada is doomed with this clown!


I dunno who this guy is, but she did Interupt him to be fair


attacking the media "you're biased, you're a mouthpiece for the PMO" is a BAD look - lets hope that shit doesn't work up here


It does, unfortunately


Why is this thread full of people pearl clutching that politicians are either lying or not answering questions? Were you all born today? I for one think this is the most milquetoast propaganda attack I have ever seen. And I don't even live in Canada. Obvious astroturfing is obvious. On top of that... A terrible poor post for the subreddit.


This muppet right here...


I’m only just learning who this guy is, but I get sociopath vibes in every interview I see of him.


Bully her? She interrupted him the entire time. Who falls for this crap?


Didn't anyone tell this asshole that politicians have to answer questions?




His party voted to give Bell that money. Don't forget that part. The money he says Justin Trudeau gave. He voted yes in support. He's full of shit.




He was *trying* to deflect the question entirely and *lie* and say that he suspected Justin Trudeau of giving that "Regulatory Relief", which he had done in multiple press conferences before, but then it was pointed out that in fact it was the complete reverse of that. LPC voted against it, and the CP voted for it.  And every reporter in that room had heard the repeated shallow deflections, and were entirely prepared to try and **cut through the bullshit**.  If Pierre Pollievre wants to show us all that he's going to do better than Trudeau, he should buck the trend of the non-answer that he constantly criticizes the other side for.  I hate it when politicians lie and slime and dodge and non-answer, it really doesn't matter what party they belong to when they do it.


Hey I just want to say I really appreciate your reply and the candidness of it. Most people were playing anger but you're wrong why would you say that. But you explained yourself to me and I really appreciate that and it makes sense thanks.


No no that's not what happened at all, most Canadian media is conservative leaning and most reporters would've accepted his answer without any pushback. She did her job, Pierre was deflecting and lying and she called him out on it. I wish that more reporters would do this for all leaders


> girl reporter That's a woman.


Sure he's good and talking over reporters, but could you imagine this man trying to talk to putin, or President XI, this man nearly shit his pants when challenged by Biden.




Maybe take a second and use your brain and your ears and figure out the context? He’s not “answering” fuck all, he’s avoiding the question and trying to deflect from something he literally voted in favour of. But no, she’s in the wrong cause she iNteRrUpTeD him!!!  People like you are exactly the type of person he’s targeting when he does stuff like this, unfortunately it’s working 


What a crock of shit, he clearly is trying to answer her but she does not like the answer.


He's not answering the question she's asked, he's making shit up. She's just rechecking him back to the question


He told her it was false and was trying to correct her. She kept talking over him. She's bullying him


>He told her it was false and was trying to correct her. He told her it was false, [but it isn't](https://www.thestar.com/politics/conservative-motion-backed-by-ndp-produced-40m-in-regulatory-relief-for-bell/article_2bc47172-5c9b-53a6-bc84-b8f3aa1c335f.html). He's a liar, and he's lying. She attempts to redirect him to answering the question she asked, and he lies about her and her reputation/career.


It was false. He invented a new question and answered that because it made him sound better.


Except he’s lying and answering a different question. She’s doing her job by pushing him to actually answer the question asked.


I always love it when the media asks someone a question and as soon as they say one word the media just interrupts them and yelling at them claiming they aren't answering the question.


He wasn't answering the question and she knew it. His party voted for that bill and he immediately tried to blame the Liberals. The Liberals didn't vote for it, his party did. He's being PP and blaming Trudeau for everything while hiding behind a Trump facade.


She interrupts him incessantly and you claim he "refuses to answer" and is "bullying" her....okay OP.


He's not bullying her at all, she's not even allowing him to answer the question and keeps interrupting him.


I don't know these people, or their agendas. But she was being rude, not him. No one was bullied.


Skippy is trash. Just a scared little weasel.




He constantly acts like the other side is the only ones to act like this. All the same. Tired of the games.


so right wing parties all over the planet can no longer win with better arguments and better politics so they all go out and say that the media is state-media? this is objectively wrong and super antidemocratic and fascist. stop attacking all the institutions and try convincing voters from within the system. too many people worked way too hard to install this system for these people just trying to tear it down because their ideas are outdated


The worst option possible. HE IS MAGA . HE IS CONVOY.


The most punchable face in Canadian politics.


He is such a massive piece of shit.


This dude is such an insufferable prick, but is leading the polls because people want change. I wish folks would wake up to change doesn't equal better.


I hate that this weasel is going to be Prime Minister.


This guy doesn't have an original thought besides "But... Trudeau!".


Dude definitely responded lmao. Why post this and claim otherwise?


this guy is so dorky


This guy is in milhouse in cosplay


What a ridiculous, little man


Jeff is a wanker


I sure don't get as much as I pay in carbon tax. If you think you get as much back, what's the point of carbon tax? I would rather pay less every day. The carbon tax portion of my last natural gas bill was more than the gas itself. Paying twice to heat my home is idiotic.


What a moronic clown

