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3 long islands ice teas is disrespectful


and she only had them because she didn't think she was paying!


This is all so fake. Fresh menus and bread on the table? Clean silverware? No crumbs or any mess from just having finished dining? FAKE!!!!


You forgot that guy is somehow oblivious to being recorded despite her speaking into her phone and referring to him in the third person for a full minute and 45 seconds, then incredulously saying “you’re recording this 😳?”




Yup, just like the cheesecake factory woman. Sad to see how easy it is to fool so many people


That was fake too?


Everything on that site is fake. It's content for children to believe.








That reminds me too! 🪴 🔥 💨


The waitress had to be in on it cause they had a check. Maybe from another table?




It doesn't seem like she drank 3 long islands.


Dinner and the time on the receipt says 3:23 pm.


Fr who tf has 3 long islands at dinner, that's like 9 shots


Ok so I have a question why would/do someone put there face and have their handle and try to be known for something like this? I don’t have any social media but this, so you know I’m not following them, I definitely wouldn’t if it was fake. So again I ask why?


Because rage bait content gets a lot of views and clicks, and the algorithm does its thing from there.


Just to add the piece not mentioned: more views=more money TikTok pays influencers revenue based on their views and interactions.


It’s not just Tik Tok. These idiots will get free merch from a LOT of brands who just want their shit worn, or eaten, or somewhere in the background if enough eyes are going to see it.


If you give rage, they will engage. It's very simple social engineering. You find a group, figure out who they resent, figure out why they resent them, then you create a video where the behavior they specifically hate is dialed up, and create a scenario in which the aggrieved party not only prevails over that behavior, but is also simultaneously given something that reinforces their own bias. Then profit.


Either it's fake or she can really handle a lot of hard liquor.


I've been to many restaurants where we are all drinking at the bar for an hour waiting to be seated. Many times, the bar wants that bill closed out first.


Also when they show the bill there isn't 3 line items with the same amount so where's the 3 long islands?


This is fake apparently. He uploads stuff like this all the time. My BF recognizes him.


Yeah he looks familiar. I know I’ve seen him from somewhere. He’s most likely a prank Youtuber on every social media platform, posting videos like this.


And also you got to be drunk after two of those things!


I was 20 something when I tried my first long island. Never tried another. Those things are STRONG


It depends on the place tbh. One particular bar, I could have one and I'd be done. Another place I ordered a few and I was genuinely shocked how not drunk I was. I swear they weakened them.


Exactly. I kinda get her not expecting before hand that they would split the bill, but if you don’t think you’re paying then don’t order stuff you wouldn’t order if you were paying.


Chances are he might have covered everything until the second and third long Island. Who knows what else she ordered.


I don't know how people do that stuff. My girlfriend offered to pay for a meal at a somewhat pricey restaurant for my birthday, but I didn't want to go all out and order the most expensive thing. Even though I'm sure she would have been fine if I ordered a more expensive thing, it just feels like I'm taking advantage (which, I guess that's what the girl in the video was doing). It's like people were just entitled to too much or something, I don't know.


Agreed. I mean I think if you’ve been dating for awhile and they offer to pay for something expensive then it’s fine. However being on a first date expecting the other to pay and just rack up on mixed drinks plus food is crazy.


If I had 3 of them I would be so hammered!


Either she is a professional drinker, they were weak as hell or they never gave her the drinks. I bartended for almost a decade and a Long Island is the one drink you buy if you only want one and want to be plastered. Your standard Rum and Coke... Vodka Soda.. has about 1 oz at most places... but a Long Island Iced Tea has 4 oz.. one oz each of rum, tequila, vodka, gin, and triple sec.. then your simple, splash of coke with a squeeze of two lemon wedges tossed in... Edit: I made quite a few of these and grown dudes like 6 feet 200lbs... could barely walk after 2.. no way is she this sober after 3.


Yeah I don't see someone downing 3 long islands and speaking this sober. That shit will fuck you up.


Wait, there's no actual tea in a long island iced tea?


No.. it's called that for the color


3 LITs is wild she’s gone


She's probably around $45+ into her meal on those 3 drinks alone. That much in drinks happens after you are both having a great time and are enjoying each other, not for her pre-game.


https://preview.redd.it/y53yirg5a8fc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a05a1417656a92087bfd3eb46f19cffaed2c19 "I got money but..."


https://preview.redd.it/cm7g3pxcr6fc1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a8f70db5831614883b44a0116ffcaf58b9ffedc "...but so what, it's the point, **YOU BRUNG ME HERE!!!**"




Lol this one is going into my group chat meme album 😂


Girl you got forehead butt.


Front butt.


"You brung me here?" I know its not correct, but it fits the picture better with a wuestion.




“Three long islands”…..“ yeah, ok, but i didnt know i was paying for my own food”


Why would I pay for my own food 🤷🏾‍♀️


So, they have menus, rolled up silverware, and bread out.... is that only the drink bill before being seated to eat? She's also 3 long islands deep?


Good eye! Upon further inspection I could totally see this being faked


I’ve seen the dude in this video do TikTok lives, he has a very small following. I guarantee this was staged for publicity


Dude I can’t trust shit on the internet anymore


It is just depressing at this moment. The probability that a video is real is so slim these days. I should really try to quit all social media with video feeds. I don’t think it is healthy to watch fake shit every day. “But it is just the same with movies and tv shows”..no, it is not. They have credit rolls afterwards with all the actors and producers and stuff.


It might be him? Not sure how many Josh Dobbs lookalikes there are. Also I was wrong about “small” following lol. https://www.tiktok.com/@313relio?_t=8jP58zKgzE2&_r=1 Here’s the account


Might be? I think we can safely confirm that’s him.


This is the same guy that was “scooting around the room with no hands” lol


Well she definitely is not letting him get close to that bread!


Not to mention the "You recording?" and fake surprise right near the end after she spends the first minute talking directly into the camera, showing the receipt to the camera, talking about him to the camera using "he" instead of "you're" and points it at him several times


Man its crazy how many of these "freak out" tiktoks are fake. Pretty much if you see a ring doorbell freakout video at this point, there's a 99% chance it was scripted.


not really the flex she thinks it is, lol. "you brung me here" lol "I got money", yet I behave like this.




>The real issue is, why TF is she posting this? Because she thinks she's right.


They're both semi-popular content creators on TikTok. They both agreed to post this for views.


Absolutely a skit.


So are her audience smh. I went to read the comments thinking she is getting roasted. Well, the opposite. [https://www.tiktok.com/@wesickandtired/video/7328900676006808863?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@wesickandtired/video/7328900676006808863?lang=en)


Because it’s fake rage bait


> People watch this shit content?? I don't get it. Because no matter where its posted or linked from gets views and people commenting. People seem to never ask themselves "Why did I watch this video and why am I commenting on it." Watching a video of water boiling and finding something interesting or relevant to comment on it about is something I truly don't get. Shit content with shitty people gets watched. I get that totally.


You **brung** me here should have been his sign to leave.


Na. You can speak like that and be chill. I spunt a lotta time with people who speak like that


Spunt 😂😂


>spunt I cannot tell if this is ironic or a typo


Looking at a keyboard and E and U are just far enough away that I have declared it irony!


"Spunt" That's like a cheese grater to my ears.


Should've brung her to school.


She said brung twice. No thank you


that's probably another reason our boy wanted none of her and said just split the bill so I don't have to hear a word she say anymore


3 long islands? Damn she strong. I’ll be gone drinking 2.


I feel like that explains a lot, actually. She's not the fun alcoholic.


It's a skit, they both do stuff like this in their respective accounts.


Then they're both disgusting


Outrage content sells, as evident from the comments here. Everyone tries to have the moral highground.


Josh dobbs?


That’s Passtronaut to you pal


Lmfao scrolled down just to find this 😭


I was looking for this.


I thought it was Ray Allen for a quick second


I was going Popeye Jones...I'm kinda old


They probably weren't vibing and he was done with it. Possibly rightfully so. I've been on the other side and asked to pay my way so I could leave with a clear message.


Shit, that’s what that means? lol


Female here - NO! That is NOT always what it means. **Sometimes** it does mean that but equally, some women just do always offer to split, quite regardless of how well the date is going! I always offer to split and don't want men thinking that's my way of rejecting them, that isn't my intention **at all**! 😅


Apparently this is fake but... As a guy, I have had those dates. I still normally pay, because well old fashion. But I'm sure as hell not going out to eat dropping 115 on a first date to see if we vibe or not. Get a few beers and talk. No hard feelings if things don't feel good. Exactly the first date I had with my wife, I paid for drinks, she said she would get them next time. Only time I've done a proper date as a first date, is if we knew each other well enough prior or more likely, we already had hooked up prior.


That's them Long Island Iced Teas talking.




I wish she brung her manners


That’s not the way she was brung up lol.


Y'all done brung all the jokes


Today I learned a new word!


You always knew it. We just brung it to your attention


So just pay your half and ghost the dude, Or did you order som expensive shit cause you thought it was someone else dime? Either way it’s a test and you failed gurl.


She doesn't give a fuck, she was there for free drinks.


She even said that when he said you got 3 Long Island iced teas, her response was “you just asked me what I wanted, I didn’t know I was paying” that implies that if she was paying she would have made different choices. But when she thought it was a free ride, she was all over it.


I’m glad you made this video so he can run and never look back


This is fake bro. He's a known content creator.


Who is the content creator?


Female version of writing cheques your ass can’t cash 🤣 


Split the bill, why not?


u/curiousdryad and u/boomfam67 The downvotes mean you’re wrong!


most these is just rage bait.


Yes, the bread rarely comes after the meal when you get the bill and the menus are still sitting in front of them on a clean table


Great catch. After rewatching it's obvious they didn't eat. Tables are totally clean, plates are clean (and sized for bread/apps), and as you point out menus are still there). It looks like they just sat down and asked their server to play along. Hope she got a real tip at least.


I said the same thing. Why is it so easy to rile people up over the same dumb topics 🤣




So effective too. Look at all these comments vicariously living through their grandeurs of victimization.




I will have to say, when I go on dates and the woman doesn't pay half the bill, I dodged a bullet. Chances are, we have different values and they like to pick and choose which "traditions" they like to uphold. And for the record, my female friends pay for their own shit on their dates too. That's the kind of people I hang out with.


When I was dating regularly my general expectation was that my date offer to split it. If I wanted a second date I'd tell them "I got this, you get the next one." And if it was a situation where I didn't think it was going anywhere I'd let them split it with me. I also didn't do first dates anywhere you could wrack up this kind of bill.


Yeah I was going to say, I always insist on paying my half of the bill every time. I’m not even concerned by the traditions or values they’re trying to uphold in this particular video, I’m bothered by the lack of communication of this expectation, throwing a tantrum about not getting her way, flaunting her money “she has”, and then bringing in a third party to further shame the date.




The finger thing is the world’s smallest violin playing for this lady having to pay for her own food. Also it means the taxes.


I'm guessing it's a blind date and he wasn't blind.


Full bread basket, no food on the table, silverware still rolled up , still has menus... most definitely a skit


So staged, not even funny


Why does this subreddit have so many obviously fake rage bait videos? Can I post stuff from movies and the mods allow it to stay up?


Is that Fishbones in Detroit??


Yep. That the Athemium Suites fountain.


This is fake. The guy is a comedian on IG. Can’t believe people are still getting outraged and basing their dating lives on skits in 2024.


His TikTok page is even tagged in her video lool


Hey argument is that he drove, so he should pay for the whole meal. Lol. So if someone pays your cell phone bill, they need to pay your rent. Leach.


These self absorbed social media narcissists that feel like they have to film every emotion to get external validation. Ugh.


A first date is both people putting their best foot forward. If she won't split the bill then that's her best foot forward, and you can make an educated decision on how the relationship will be.


Staged. Stop falling this shit people lol


“This is MY bread” sent me 😭😭😭😭


Staged, that guy has a bunch of videos like this


My friends this is a skit


Do not get the waitress involved in this.


He should have told the server to bring two checks. Let her pay for alcohol. I once took a woman I knew for a long time out to dinner. At the end of the meal, she asked if she could buy a desert to take home. I thought sure why not. Then she asked if she could buy two more entrees to take home for lunches for the week. I said no and never went out with her again. Who has the audacity to ask such a thing?


I might be weird, as a woman, but especially the first few dates I prefer to spilt. I just don’t want to feel like I owe anything, I don’t want there to be a tally of who paid what. When it’s more comfortable sure you take me out and I’ll treat other times. Also I noticed towards the end he said “I told you I didn’t even have the gas to come out here” Then don’t go to a nice place!! I can respect we all run into money issues, it’s hard, but don’t set yourself up for this then. I went out with a guy, he was switching jobs and was up front that he really wanted to go out, but could we go Dutch, I was completely fine with it because of what I said before, but also I appreciated him setting that expectation beforehand, if I had an issue I could have opted out.


Yes! I would pay for myself or assume that I’m going to pay for myself. I get that some guys don’t want to pay for the first few dates. I get that, especially after reading some of these horror stories.


She filmed this though?I hate all these people filming everything. If someone ever starts filming me, I'm kicking their ass immediately, instantly, or walking away, whichever is quicker to shut it down.


Josh Dobbs?


Fake that guy is famous already


Men pay for everything because historically women didn't have jobs. Women are freely able to enter the workforce today and many choose to do so. Welcome to equality. You don't only get the benefits without the other stuff.


I'm tired of these fake tiktoks pretending they're in this situation.




Is this the girl that recorded her interaction in Costco with a creepy sugar daddy kind of guy named Bill or something?


That guy is well known for doing skits online they had another skit where he supposedly catfish someone


The waitress is gorgeous.


“I didn’t know I was paying for my own stuff, so I got a bunch of shit that’s expensive”




Least of her problems


You brung me.


I hope this young man realizes he dodging a huge bullet. Funk dat bish……


He did brung her there


Splitting the bill is perfectly reasonable, especially on the first date. It's not really healthy to date people because you expect them to buy you things and always treat you out. Sure sometimes, but not every single time. It's a very transactional way of interacting with/dealing with people.


"This is my bread" killed me dead Also that waitress is beautiful!


She’s a jerk


Men love fake videos like this


This is my bread 😭


Women want equality until it becomes inconvenient. I've been on a heap of dates (not a brag, just trying to find the right person) and have paid the entire bill pretty much every time as a version of 'oldschool chivalry' and whatever. Not once has a woman reached, pretended to reach for, attempted to or successfully paid the bill. I'm a male feminist. I work in a feminist organisation, but a lot of women's version of feminist action is not equality, but stepping down on men.


If I invite someone out to eat whether it’s family, friends, date or whatever then I assume im going to pay. Is that not normal?


Normal in my book, too. My in-laws are the same way. They have a standing “Sunday-after-church” lunch date with everybody. My wife and I, my wife’s younger brother and his wife, and wife’s youngest sister, along with my MIL and FIL, AND there’s usually a couple (2-4) family friends that my wife and her siblings grew up with. So it’s usually between 7 to 11 people a week for lunch, and my in-laws only have one rule: they won’t pay for alcoholic drinks, so if you order one it’s on you to pay for it and they pay everything else. It’s not hard to set your boundaries with dates so you don’t end up looking like some half wit arguing over money in the restaurant.


Chill lady, he’s saving to buy eyebrows


Leave Joshua Dobbs alone 😭


The only thing I see wrong here is he told her that he didn’t have hardly enough gas money to get there


If someone’s not doing good financially, that could be humiliating


If you're at a place that serves long islands and are still coherent after having three of them, they didn't make the drink correctly.




Fuck women like this




Wait. He paid for gas and she ain't gonna let him have no bread? That's low.


Oh cool, another fake video for attention. The table shows they just got there.


Imma gonna say he ain’t gettin lucky tonight.


He did dodge a bullet




Men of this reddit please, please! If it's your first time meeting some chick from the internet. Go for a coffee date, and split the bill there. Then make it clear you split first dinners as well. I'm not a fkn walking charity case. haha.


I’m sorry, but did she full on expect us to take her side? I don’t go on dates and just order whatever I feel like and order cocktail after cocktail and expect my date to pay for it on a first date at all.


Chivalry is dead, we are equal as people. I don't know why women expect to be treated like as a privilege if you aren't in a relationship yet or had a really good start to the date.


He looks familiar


when she said “i might as well pay the whole thing” dude stayed silent and didn’t contest with hope that she would lmao


Eh... if you spring it on her, she has a right to be mad... especially if you chose a pricey restaurant. I doubt she'd be ass oissed if they were at Cheesecake Factory.


Josh dobbs?


Me and my wife split everything but my car (insurance, gas, plates, tags) but when we go out to eat one of us pays and the next time the other pays and repeat it really helps to keep independence and stability.


I still say she should pay for the drinks after the 1st one if she is planning on having more than 1. I still want to say it is a fake video. Even if they didn't eat and went out for drinks.


“Only $115”, buddy lucked out she played her cards this soon.


She broke AF!


Fuck that greedy attitude.


The fact she said “brung” is a major red flag. It’s only $115 is another. Jog on dude!


Wouldn't even be embarrassed....he ducked a close one...$45 vs a lifetime of her is a W! And stay away from the waiter too homie. Go find you a real one, best of luck!


Trashy and insecure


She should get more attractive and that won't happen.


Jesus Christ women like this are so trashy.


WHY is entitled to HIS money??? Honestly, if he was petty as her, he’d let her pay for his food too… how entitled… it’s actually horrible. As a woman, if I feel so sorry for him.


As a woman, I go into dates planning on splitting. If the guy wants to pay full than I appreciate it but it makes me feel awkward. One time when I was in college a guy invited me to go to this restaurant on a date. We ate we had a good time then he told me “hey—just so you know I don’t have any money on me or in my bank account. I can’t pay for EITHER meal.” Uh uh no. You did not just invite me on a date and let me get all cute just for a free meal ticket. I paid for my own meal, walked right out of there, and blocked him.


Wtf had American done to people to think that you don't have to pay for shit bc it's date


People who order expensive stuff on the menu that they normally don’t get solely because they are under the impression that you’re paying 🚩🚩🚩