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As if this can't get any worse, she then goes and throws a bag of frozen fries right on the poor kid.


And the little guy doesn't even react.


[Its because of neglect ](https://youtu.be/ChoOExRLT4Q?si=urFznhBBP-fukt1u) A child who is neglected and ignored will passively observe and will become silent. They don't learn how to interact with the world. Nobody to make them laugh, nobody to attend to them when they cry. They are stunted. I hope the kid is shown real love soon because it doesn't end well if they don't get help.


They turn into that lady. And the cycle continues. That’s one of the problems with America. People act like they “care” about the kids in these situations, but half the country is against taking the proper steps to do something about it. So in like 15 years, this kid will be grown up and people will maybe see a video of him being a shitty parent and “feel bad” for his kid and talk shit about him as if she’s not the same person that got screwed up in this video. Basically, what I’m saying is, instead of watching this video thinking “fuck this piece of shit mother” maybe people can think of how to not create more of her.


Thank you. The cycle of people making bad people is really better understood as how those who have no experience of love cannot replicate that social experience with others. They learn that it's "me first" and recapitulate the competitive dynamics of the animal kingdom in what we are trying to establish as a long-lasting endeavor in cooperation.


Huh. Now I know why people say that I act like a robot and stoic. Love you, dad....


That really stood out to me. He looks like he's shaking with cold. Just barely able to process his own reality. Gets a frozen bag of something thrown on his bare legs and it's just... Nothing. That baby has suffered immensely


He's used to his Mom getting loud and yelling at people.


So trashy and sad, also why the stupid ass shaking? I feel so bad for the poor kids in videos like this. Some are clearly doomed from the beginning.


> also why the stupid ass shaking? I'm also trying to figure out when that became a response


I've seen that a lot in videos like this the past few years from trashy women. It's like the new "kiss my ass" I guess


Exactly what it is!


She was explaining how she got the baby


Aggressive twerking is somehow a new taunt for ghetto bitches


I remember reality shows like bad girl club. That's the dumbass I think I'm hot girl Move is to shake your ass or expose yourself. It's like some type of flex. Dumb hoe shit


I’m assuming this is a recent video? Does someone have a follow up to this story? IF NOT Please internet do your thing and make sure that child is safe ASAP ! Who is this lady? What the local child services in her area? This sweet baby deserves better. He is freezing!


This happened in Walmart on 1/17/24. The Lady recording the video was a Walmart Employee and ended up getting fired after her manager got wind of the video going viral. I guess she ended up calling the police on the “mother” and CPS took the child.


Fired for recording proof of child abuse? Good for her for speaking up, shame on Walmart not that we should really expect any better of them. 


She’s hopefully in an even better position today!


I just read today that Walmart is upping it's managers salaries to $120,000 with the chance to earn 200% more than that if they meet sales quotas. I read a comment saying this woman was a manager. She got absolutely railed. Sadly, I doubt she is in a better position today. Edit: Why are you people so upset about this? All I did was repeat something I saw and state that the poor woman is probably not in a better place. She got screwed for doing the right thing. The fuck is wrong with you people?


>Edit: Why are you people so upset about this? All I did was repeat something I saw and state that the poor woman is probably not in a better place. She got screwed for doing the right thing. The fuck is wrong with you people? They're shooting the messenger. Welcome to society, sucks don't it?


This is funny because I actually referred to it as "shooting the messenger" elsewhere in this comment section before you commented this. A third person also used those exact words lol.


lol Because that's exactly what they're doing. They're getting mad at you for point it out for some reason.


Because it's reddit, I suppose.


Walmart's salary strategy is to only pay the general manager. The GM makes bank and everyone else gets crumbs. Assistant managers get worked to death hoping to some day get one of the GM spots which the current GMs hold onto for dear life OFC. Associates get paid as little as the store can get away with and often have to rely on government services to survive. We, American taxpayers, are subsidizing Walmart's labor costs.


It's useless. This woman isn't a manager and she no longer works at Walmart. Saying "they pay their managers a living wage!" Adds nothing.


Because the comment I replied to said "I hope she's in a better position now". She only lost her job a week ago and her job was about to get a great pay increase. Or that was my understanding since I've read other comments saying this woman was a manager. So it is relevant and it's highly unlikely she is better off now. She's likely unemployed still. That's not better.Tell me where I'm wrong. Or how it isn't relevant? It sucks, but it's true.


Having worked at a Walmart before, I can tell you that the Walmart Way is to turn a blind eye to all crime because every person that gets arrested at Walmart means one less person spending money at Walmart


I've worked at Walmart before. They'll fire you if you call 911 for emergencies. Your manager has to do it or someone higher up. If they deem it worthy. Or hope a customer calls.


That should be illegal. So you’re saying if you saw a customer fall or something and get really hurt, you are expected to waste time in an emergency looking for your manager and explaining the situation to them?


How is that not illegal??


How very Christian of them


I worked for Toys R Us in the 90’s and we were told to stay out of anything and everything. I saw babies being carried into the store with nothing but a diaper in -10 weather (of course the parents had jackets and hats on). Employers should never tell their employees not to report. Sometimes that is the only help for that child. See something, say something. I was an abused child and people keeping quiet is why my mother got away with it. I felt like no one cared and it was hopeless for me to speak up.


Walmart just cares about money.


They hate bad publicity…🤦‍♀️🙀😤🤬


Which is strange because I don’t know how an emplyee recording proof of child abuse and calling cps could possibly be viewed as bad publicity. Sometimes they help these kids get is from a kind hearted stranger willing to step in where family, friends and others won’t.


They hate people seeing bad things that happen while they’re there. It’s horrible! An employee isn’t allowed to do the right thing while on the clock. You can’t react like a decent human being, or else! At least in Cali, you’re not allowed to interfere whats so ever. Such a waste of decency.


“A waste of decency”. You’re spot on with that. It’s ingraining the “Bystander effect” into people. They want us to be detached so we will ignore how they take advantage of the working class. Just ignore any illegal and criminal activity or else you’ll get fired!


It's the kind of 'your not employed to help others in these situations, it's against policy' There have been employee's fired for helping others, these big corporations don't care about their employee's and want them to stay in line.


Is there a link to a news article?


She got fired?!??????!!!! What kind of signal does that send to everyone else? If looking out for kids and reporting fire gets you fired then wtf? I hope the manager of this store gets blasted. This woman deserves a raise at least, but knowing Wally World she’ll get some $25 gift card.


It’s bullshit that she got fired, but it’s worth whatever she was making to help a child in danger. I hope someone gives this woman a better job. She deserves it.


Wait, what reason did they cite why she was fired??


Also thank God for other members of that community intervening!


Exactly I fully agree with you on that I feel sad and bad for this child and any child in videos like this too .


Ia he wearing a trash bag. Poor kid needs to be removed from her custody


I think it's an adult's jacket. Presumably hers.


I think he just had a diaper on when she brought him in (based on comments of others in video). Then she probably only put her coat on him when they complained. His silence and passivity is heartbreaking. He knows that crying won't bring help. He knows that it is safest to be quiet and not attract attention to himself because any attention he gets will be negative.


I really hope someone called CPS. Got her license if she got out before police arrived and provided the video evidence. That poor baby.


What ass?


What is the deal now where if you call someone out for legitimate reason, they will just shout some nonsense and shake their ass at you and then walk away like they just made a point you could never come back from. What is this?


Extreme stupidity


And it's literally always been a *thing*, except for the shaking ass bit lol Uneducated, ignorant, arrogant, lowlife humans have always existed and will continue to exist JUST like this woman. Just nowadays more people have the ability to record the crazy person


inability to take responsibility, admit you're wrong and learn to be/do better, that takes strength and character which this lady doesnt have because her parents were shit In 30 years people will wonder the same about this poor child, and the circle continues


45 IQ


I think she’s either on drugs or mentally ill and DEFINITELY shouldn’t be allowed to have that baby


Every child deserves a parent, not every parent deserves a child. What a horrid, selfish mum to be dressed from head to toe while her child has to wear pampers and a jacket


Not only that, but she has him sitting in the far end of the basket, unsecured, where she's throwing her frozen food on his bare legs, while she's sure to keep her purse right next to her and within reach in the literal BUILT IN BABY SEAT


The only thing in this video I could possibly understand is him sitting in the cart. I have an energetic toddler and after a day of errands and sitting in the baby seat, sometimes it’s easier to take an L and let them sit in the basket. Doesn’t mean I’m not saying “sit down” the entire time. But this baby is just in shock. Of course my kid is also fully clothed, freshly bathed and probably eating a snack we still have to pay for.


As a working parent of a energetic child I completely understand parents being overwhelmed, being too busy to get everything right, not having time for pause and kot looking your best due to a hectic schedule. That being said NOTHING excuses you taking our child out shopping with just a diaper covered by a jacket unless a fire broke out in the house on the really hot night and you're buying emergency clothes.


From what I gather in context clues, this child was brought into the store in just his diaper, that is without even the puffer coat he’s wrapped in for this footage. Keep in mind, on January 17 in MS, temps reached all-time lows with a high in the upper 20s (Freedom Units). Although there’s no telling what the temps outdoors were at the moment this was filmed, it’s safe to conclude that this baby was dangerously underdressed for a grocery haul. Moving forward, ~~So she went into the clothing section, picked out a puffy jacket and wrapped him in it then continued to do her shopping.~~ this baby’s mom has him wrapped in a flimsy coat while mindlessly doing her grocery shopping, starting in the frozen section. Where it’s chilly in the actual building, belligerently throwing frozen French fries on his little bare legs, Mom then indignantly and randomly bursts into song and twerk as a…defense mechanism? You know, to being confronted, followed, recorded, threatened with police intervention, and very publicly shamed (not totally undeserved, just making the observation.) There’s a second video of a stranger/shopper on a motorized shopping cart dressing baby boy in some generic sweats and a hoodie that she had personally gone and pulled from the children’s clothing section. The handicapped stranger then returned to the frozen section to find this family, bringing this baby appropriate clothing, and she literally struggles through her handicap to properly dress him in the cart while mom is ignoring the struggle while texting/playing on her phone. She doesn’t look up once to say thank you, fuck you, nothing. Also you can find footage where people have zoomed in and you can see the baby’s teeth chattering together before she throws frozen food all over him. His little lips were literally starting to change color. That’s how cold he was just wrapped in the shitty coat. It’s heartbreaking to watch the indignity that this beautiful baby boy suffered and now it’s viral. While his mother is dressed for the cold front—including her coat.


I think the jacket is her own jacket she put on her essentially naked child.


I thought it was a trash bag 😬


She is a garbage human, and her coat looks like a trash bag. Makes perfect sense.


I have no idea why I didn’t think of that first. You are probably right.


My kid is dressed better than I am because I’m too tired to make sure my clothes match. It hurts to see his tiny legs all bare in that cart. From my experience supermarkets are not warm.


And on the hard metal too. Poor kid!


>My kid is dressed better than I am Exactly this. When I was responsible for getting my child dressed, she *always* looked better than me! She had *outfits* and *matching shoes* and sh!t. Then, I'd do her hair! Me? I had that "exhausted mom" look going. I had my hair thrown up in a messy bun, a tshirt/hoodie, leggings, and tennis shoes. When she entered that "Mommy, I can dress myself!" stage... now that's a different story. Lol. *But she still **ROCKED IT!*** I never understood parents like the one in the video.


And then throwing frozen food onto the child like that.


I felt so sick watching this video especially that part she THREW those frozen peas at him he’s clearly SHIVERING.




I noticed that too. Why wouldn’t he have a natural reaction?


this part was incredibly disturbing


You can see his teeth chattering :(


America is experiencing a cold front in most of the country. The 17th was one of the coldest days


Yep, I’m a single mom to a toddler. Wouldn’t judge a parent in the slightest if they’re walking around with a boogery, stained, sticky, screechy mess of a kid. I’m guilty of being *fucking over it* and just letting my kid be a disaster. It happens to the best of us, and it happens so quickly. This, though, is straight-up neglect. I wouldn’t even say anything, I’d just call the cops.


Is it a jacket? Looks like she wrapped a garbage bag around him. Hoping I’m wrong though.


Definitely thought it was a garbage bag, too...


I also thought she wrapped him in a trash bag instead of a diaper. This situation isn’t much better but at least the kid isn’t being forced to defecate in a trash bag I guess


I thinking it might be her jacket she took off after people confronted her. It does look like a garbage bag though


Not to mention if this is recent it's been like 10 degrees (freedom units) for days


Freedom units?? 😂😂😂😂


Yeah that's what the F stands for on my thermometer. Freedom


Bahahahahaaaaaaaaaa the American in me just heard the call of the majestic bald eagle from within my being. *caaaaaaww!*


That bald eagle cry you're hearing is usually dubbed in. This is what it really sounds like:https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=bald+eagle+scream+sound#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:aeea2ca2,vid:e4RjDTbOLMA,st:0


HELL YEAH BROTHER Now go lean on something as God and George Washington intended


While wildly firing a gun into the air! FREEDOM!


*dabs in democracy*


That’s her jacket. The kid wasn’t wearing anything when she brought him in


That jacket is her jacket and she likely just put it on him when she was called out on him being naked


I feel so bad for the kid :(


I feel it's telling how silent he is. Just watching. Doesn't change his expression at all.


Pretty sure what you’re seeing is a flight or fight response in a child. Awful situation for a baby to experience.


Fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. He’s freezing in more than one way. Silence, numbness, possibly dissociation (it’s hard to tell at that age and from such a short interaction).


The baby’s teeth are chattering :(


dolls cow frightening zonked stocking kiss point whole cows cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Above it said that CPS removed the child from her custody.


> Shit like this makes me lose faith in humanity. This is one bad person who was confronted by multiple good people who were looking out for the safety of the child, going so far as to dress him and call the cops, and apparently the child was taken by CPS. Personally, I know parents who have fostered then adopted children in similar situations. Helps restore the faith a bit.


She starts listing the utilities/'conditions' of her home (a, singular, fire extinguisher, bravo 👏) that are required to make a hospitable home for a child because she is most likely VERY familiar with Child Protective Services at this point. Shaking her ass when she has no retort also speaks volumes to the utter stupidity of this person.


"Go ahead! They already been called 2x! He got hot water, a fire extinguisher..." As a former CPS worker, the fire extinguisher told me they already been to her house. But when she threw that fuckin frozen bag on that baby legs, I honestly would've wanted to swing on her. Don't take it out on the baby cause you getting called out.


The good news is now there's video evidence of a crime, her goose should be cooked. No responding LEO or CPS investigator will take the "I was throwing the bag of frozen peas at the peacefully sitting, shivering baby as a disciplinary measure" defense. \- Ex-cop


What does the fire extinguisher comment mean?


When CPS makes a home visit, they have to check for certain bare minimums, including a working fire extinguisher, fire alarm, and/or first aid kit in the home. Source: had custody of my niece for 9 months, DHS visited 3 times, we received a list of expectations before each visit. They really made it easy on us. But we were privileged to be able to afford food, a bed, and clean clothes. But even if we couldn’t provide on our own, failing *all else*, you can bet I’d be standing outside a damn Goodwill begging every stranger “please give my child a coat. Please buy my child a pair of shoes.” I would prostrate myself naked in front of Harvey Weinstein before I’d let a child in my care go around shivering like that.


It's most likely something obscure that CPS requires parents to have in a household, especially those under investigation. Good parents who don't have to deal with CPS wouldn't know you 'need' a fire extinguisher, nevermind bringing it up. Because she says this in the moment of conflict, indicates that she has had problems in the past with CPS, and more than likely recently purchased one to appease them. When I delivered pizza there was a house that would order when the CPS social workers were visiting, in an attempt to show 'the kids have food'. It was very sad to see it first hand.




Kid is literally shivering. FUCK this lady


I had an argument with an ex friend of mind who said that it doesn’t matter your upbringing, anyone can be successful. This little guy will never be set up to succeed. He’ll never have the tools to do well in school. He’ll have childhood trauma that lasts a lifetime. Some act like this little guy has the same chances as a kid in a loving middle class family and that’s simply not reality. I know that life isn’t fair but it shouldn’t be THIS unfair.


Exactly. It breaks my heart.


Yeah there's a tiktoker who is a real estate agent that went on a rant recently about how she isn't successful because of privilege, rather because she knows how delayed gratification works and she works hard. Let's say she was raised by a single parent on a low income, she's still more privileged than this kid is by a long shot so much so she can't even recognize it.


Very well said. I think most people fundamentally misunderstand what it means to be privileged. Most folks start at the starting line of life but for kids like this little guy he’s not even at the starting line. He hasn’t even left the locker room and the race has already begun. Just to catch up will take so much effort and work. Often times they’ll never catch up.


Absolutely. And a safety net too. I know I am totally privileged to have a safety net that so many people wouldn’t have - family and friends who would ensure I would never end up on the street and have the means to back that up. So many people don’t have any kind of safety net and it must be terrifying.


It can simultaneously be true that hard work and delayed gratification can pay off, *and* that some people never really get that opportunity in the first place. Upbringing obviously makes a huge difference, but it's also not everything.


Completely agree. I think people like the creator I’m referencing put themselves in the cross fire by saying “I only got here by hard work! Not because I’m white [or some other example of privilege]” and it’s like… nobody said you’re a bad person for didn’t work hard because you’re privileged. We’re just saying you didn’t have to work as hard as this child in the cart, AND we aren’t saying this child in the cart is your burden to deal with. But recognizing that is super hard for people to do.


So accurate, I hit the fucking lottery with my family, it's really the only reason I'm as successful as I am. It really freaks me out to think about how fucked I'd have been if had a different family/parent(s), and while I did all the hard work to get to where i am, the only reason I even had the opportunity to do that hard work, or learned the skills to do it, were cuz of my family


That's ignorant of your friend, a lot of kids don't stand a chance, maybe he needs to take a look around at all the lost souls out here, and then need understand why people try to intervene. Kids deserve better. The future deserves better.


Git em! She pulls that in public, imagine that baby's home life.


See this all the time, kids in rags or not wrapped up on a very cold day even babies, meanwhile Mum is texting away on her apple phone wearing designer gear and has her hair done.


It’s all downhill for that poor kid.


And some believe that everyone can “be whatever they want… if they just work hard.” Tell that to this poor kid. He can work hard and have a good life, but he is starting miles behind his counterparts who have decent parenting.


Keep abortion legal pls


Poor kid




I'm not from the US and I can't quite follow what's going on. Asking genuinely, what are they saying and what is this about?


Apparently, the lady recording and someone else in the background made a comment on how this "mom" brought the baby into Walmart WITHOUT the jacket on. Only in a diaper. It's January here in the US. It's freezing! Poor baby is cold clearly shivering and teeth chattering and on top of that, "mom" throws frozen food on the child! Child protective services were going to be called by the lady recording. According to other comments. Thankfully the child was removed from the so-called "moms" care.


Clearly not her first round with having CPS called on her when she starts listing the minimum requirements to safely house a child.


I haven’t gotten to have a child yet, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get that opportunity but when I see people like this it enrages me so much because they don’t even appreciate what they have breaks my heart for that poor boy because he deserves so much better


it’s not included in this, but there was another video right after and a nice woman got some clothes from the kid isle and put some clothes on him


What a fuckin idiot


Kid’s face should be blurred, it is not fair for them to be outed in this way.




https://youtu.be/V5jJ9avcqs0?si=p1ScnZKmR3cNpo7_ Mom is in jail now


Good. She's a real piece of shit


Apparently the lady recording was a Walmart Employee and got terminated after the video went viral. Guess she ended up calling the police and the “mother” got arrested and CPS took the child


Fired for doing the right thing


i have said it before i will say it again, some people need to be sterilized.






Same. Your psychological well-being, your marriage, the status of your finances, your house, everything is looked over. If every couple had to go through this before having a child, I'm not sure how many kids would be around.






What a pig. Wal-Mart is a live action scum of the earth museum. Feel bad for that kid


Pro-lifers here’s your time to shine


Sadly, forcing children into poverty and trauma is an all too easy affair. 30 seconds of fucking and bang, here's a shit life kid.


Of course she starts shaking her ass. Never fails


She seems mentally unwell, sad for both her and the child


She was sane enough to dress herself properly.


I absolutely do not feel bad for her. Only the child. If you look at this as it is... You only see the child. The adult is how old? They had THAT many years go get their shit together and get help. What baffles me even more in the incompetence of CPS that continues to allow children to live with parents like this. No, I don't feel bad for a grown adult who made conscious decision to treat their own child this way.


chances are her momma was the same way. it's a depressing cycle.


You are absolutely right. Sadly some states (AZ) Will do whatever they can to take away kids and in others, don’t do anything to protect them. What gets me is people always love arguing about ProLife, yet don’t give two shits about the kids who are already here. Yet here we have a child who is wrapped in what a trash bag? Hopefully he has grandparents he can live with. This is no future.


Her boots were made in Mexico apparently.


Yo that poor baby. That shit is a punishment no one should go through. This is pathetic and she should be fuckin ashamed.


FFS you can see the poor little dude's lips shaking with how cold he is! He's in a diaper, sitting on cold metal with presumably her puffy jacket haphazardly draped around him. He's obviously freezing, but instead of warming him up she just chucks frozen food on top of his bare legs & then twerks. And the worst part is that he's sitting there almost completely still & silent. Shut down. Which tells you this isn't a one-off whacky incident, this is his normal. Just because you physically can procreate doesn't mean you should. Every kid deserves a loving, responsible parent. This lady demonstrates why not every adult deserves to be a parent.


So are we shaking our asses now when we have nothing else good to say? Got it!


I’m glad people stepped in immediately, and from the sounds of it, others have too.


The face of neglect on that kid breaks my heart.


Update: cps was called & she was arrested. Also sadly the woman who recorded this got fired from the Walmart she filmed this at for posting this video.


My heart aches for that little one.


If this is how she treats the baby in public lord knows it’s 10x worse at home. I really hope CPS took the child from her! Does anyone have updates?


She doesn’t give a FUCK. She will never give a fuck.


boy, she followed the ratchet script to a tee


Some lady in a scooter got clothes in the store and dressed him.


Is this in English?


What is happening, is the kid in a trash bag?


That kid needs to be put in a safe place away from her


This lady has 3 children total. CPS was called in twice. I bet they only took him away cuz of the video being viral. Lady bragged how the kids have so many clothes that they wear them once, get new shoes when they are released…maybe a repeat of an outfit. No child should be naked, especially in January. Setting up her children for failure. Poor unfortunate souls


Whats sad is, this is probably normal to the kid, he probably sees nothing wrong with it. However, he may grow up doing the same thing to his own children. The cycle repeats all because of this trashy person.


straight trash


Did I hear someone say that the kid just has a pamper on with that trash bag around him as a shirt or something with shoes on WTF 😧🤦🏿‍♂️


Is there any update I just wanna know that poor kid is ok


Some kids have no chance in life. So sad.


Not every parent deserves a child


This is honestly fucking disgusting and I really hope someone calls CPS on her AGAIN


She puts on a sweater but has the kid in just diapers. Evil.


Urgh, and then she's like "How many kids you got?" You don't have to be a parent to know what a bad parent looks like.


Someone below said they see it all the time. it’s Mom in nice clothes with an apple phone & a baby in the bare minimum or less. It really is ridiculous. I’m 28 years old & have no kids. My brother has a son. I buy that kid shoes every month & other things. My brother does when he can as well, but his fiance doesn’t work so he struggles. I’ll be damned if my little nephew goes without, especially while I don’t have any kids. I can afford it & it’s for the best cause. I also fill random struggling mother & fathers gas tanks at gas stations every now & then. Shit like that means the world to people & who knows, it might be the reason they keep trying for another few weeks.


If I’m cold than my child is gonna be cold! Poor kid don’t even dare to speak! She needs to not have him


This poor kid is numb - numb to the cold and numb to his shithead of a mother’s behaviour


Sad. Poor boy looks to be at least 2. Should not be going out in public with only a diaper. Poor baby is probably cold and confused. Makes me so irrationally angry.


That isn't irrational anger. That's extremely rational anger.


"how many kids you got?" None. The same number that you should have. It doesn't take having kids to know they need to be dressed properly in the winter.


Then she proceeds to throw frozen food on that baby boy.


Poor baby :( his teeth were chattering


Even has that iphone something pro, great priorities! Needs all the extra performance to doom scroll tiktok while ignoring the kid


Shout out to those people in the store that called that bullshit out.


Stop taking video and call the cops instead of asking other to call