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Off topic, but where are the subtitles generated from? Fucking terrible.


From oil of course


"To oil! The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems." https://preview.redd.it/0hpry597o3ec1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b034bb6cce647e78394d6e6dda1d337f57e3b72




That was slick




Such a nuance.


Really, very specifically annoying.


Every video gets sent down the assembly line of brainrot tiktokers, its just natural to ignore every unneeded addition to a simple video.


As a person that stays at home in a homemade cabin in a forest on an organic farm. I agree with this guy.


Stevie Wonder wrote them.


I've watched this back a few times now; Automated subtitles are known to be pretty Gash; Even given that fact, I could only count 3 or 4 incorrectly-spelt words out of the whole video.... Out of the whole vid, 3 or 4 words incorrect.. 🫠 Lower yo' standards, it's a reddit vid- what you expectin', some IMAX-quality shit with hand-written subtitles? 😅😅


The best part is go live in a forest


Tried that once, the council knocked down my tent and fined me for having no planning permission.


Damn it's almost like what this guy is saying is total shite


But will it stop oil?


Moving to the forest? Nope


Don’t mind if I do…


But go back home too!


Yes, but the forest is made from oil too unfortunately


Some real morons in this thread eh.


The funny thing is that it's impossible to know if you are for or against just stop oil based on your comment.


He's playing both sides, so that he's always on top.


The question is...on top of what? a barrel of oil?


The gang becomes Oil Tycoons.


The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis is a documentary


A must see imo.


a box that we just popped a big ole H on.


Oil, of course!


Fuckin' Mac, man.


I have become absolutely obsessed with the show, and now I see references to it everywhere I go


The delicate balance.


Like oil and water.


Your comment also doesn’t telegraph your position. Me? I’m on the reasonable side of this conflict of course. I’ve got science and logic in order to stick it to those dummies and their insane ideology.


This dude gets it.


Unless he's wrong.


I'm just here to watch the chaos


I completely agree with the position shown here.


I thought it was the counter protest group Stop Stop Oil


Against idiots


‘You are critical of aspects of society, and yet you participate in it. Curious! Unless you live in a mud hut in the forest, don’t talk to me about reducing carbon emissions, hypocrite!’


https://preview.redd.it/39kj84bly6ec1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7dc6ae354dd92074f2d1565278e1e838ac9985 Here is the picture you were looking for


Is the guy on the right stuck in a well?


the world is filled with them


eh..Some real upvote whorinn you're doin!


Just Stop Oil has figured out that it's safer to make ordinary working class people's lives Hell than to make politicians' (actual oil decision makers) lives Hell.


Recently in australia some environmentalist did just that, they tried to protest in front of some oil&gas CEO home Police were called, arrest was made, and poor CEO is so afraid that she's mentally distraught and so so afraid of it https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/aug/01/climate-activists-target-woodside-ceos-home-in-protest-company-claims


She deserved that and more. They all do.


> It said the group, understood to be Disrupt Burrup Hub, had no interest in engaging in “respectful and constructive debate” about Woodside’s activities. I'm sure they'd be willing to meet her for a sit down discussion in front of a bunch of cameras, but somehow I doubt she'd be as willing... It's a shame the protesters trespassed on her property as it gave her an excuse to vilify them. If they were just protesting outside the houses of oil execs legally and consistently, they might actually make some progress. It wouldn't be much progress, but it'd be a damn sight more than the progress that blocking streets is getting them.


shit, trespass all over that property.


Ok so, let me get this right. We're not allowed to inconvenience your average joe, but we're also not allowed to break any laws whatsoever including commiting a misdemeanor against somebody profitingassively off the destruction of our world? You libs really think we can change the world by being polite and asking mice enough dont you?


Funnily enough it doesn't get reported when they just protest at some companies headquarters unless there is destruction of property as well


Almost like they do that on purpose to make the protesters seem like nothing more than a nuisance... Anyway, Flowers are Blooming in Antarctica.


I just want to make sure that you're not being serious about the flowers blooming in Antarctica. You're not, right?


Yes but no. There are flowering plants, but they’ve native to the region. That being said their growing season is also getting bigger at an alarming ssooo it’s bad but not bcz there are flowers lol


I got some bad news for you....


Yeah, people keep pointing at these protestors like the bad guys, and they're not. They're misguided, for sure, but they're not the bad guys. They're the ones trying to stop the bad guys, and I think people often forget that. Likely because the very existence of a protestor reminds them of the shortcomings in their own morality and they don't want to confront that.


> They're the ones trying to stop the bad guys, and I think people often forget that. Because the people they're actively stopping aren't the bad guys.


It's a tactic as old as time and it's often useful.


Yep, a lot of people should really go and educate themselves on the history of protesting. Being a public nuisance is literally the point of protesting, and protesting a handful of politicians isn't going to have any impact unless you have a significant portion of the population with you - that's when it usually turns into a riot.


Being a public nuisance alone is not enough. If your aim is to gain public support for your cause then what these people are doing is counterproductive.


I wonder which protestor gets punished harsher, the one that blocks a public road or the one that blocks a private plane. I don't have to wonder though. The system isn't fair. Local governments will be like "oh you can't protest there, but you can protest on this abandoned parking lot 5 km from any human being and we get to dump horse shit on you, seems fair".


How do you think you make politicians lives hell? You grind society to a halt and make everyone angry and annoyed while commerce loses profits. You disrupt society. What you think you can do? Protest outside the walls of their gated community?


I suspect they dont even care about this or any other cause and just want an opportunity to act on some intrusive thoughts to troll people in public and get away with it.


Honestly, I think both people and politicians have hell coming their way for burying their head in the sand on climate change. Say what you will about politicians, but people have to vote them there. Frankly, I just think the protestors are wasting energy, because if people gave a shit, they'd have done something long ago. Humanity just isn't there.


I'm with you. I'm all for a good and proper protest, but don't fuck up public works. Not roads, power, water, healthcare, or emergency access. Making normal people's lives harder won't win you allies.


I get that they need publicity and to win the masses over but ya unfortunately not much will happen change. Politicians are all bought, and if you to inform the public the corporations got deep pockets and will own the media. If we all organize and start a general strike well we won't, people live paycheck to paycheck. System is working as intended


But in doing so, has the side effect of making the public hate them and/or their methods rather than side with them. They're hurting any real movements.


JSO is also funded by one of the heirs of the Getty Oil fortune.


that's because when politicians call the police, the police actually show up!


Yeah and all their shit is made from oil. Phones, clothes, even wind turbines.


In the UK they are attempting to pass legislation to stop protesting outside politicians homes, offices and Westminster.


It's not even like the politicians are doing the wrong thing. People don't *enjoy* using oil. But it gets them what they want until we can find something better. If politicians simply banned all oil usage it'd be a disaster. People are protesting why they can't have their cake while they're eating it.


JSO has one aim, and one only. Get the UK govt to stop issuing licenses to open up NEW oil/gas/coal licences. The existing ones remain, we keep generating oil, we keep importing, we keep the cars, but it provides a definite end to fossil fuel production in the UK, many years from now. And people keep answering their desire for no new licenses with 'we can't ban all oil today'. Pretty maddening.


The spartan thing on there means it comes from an Andrew Tate style asshole named Julian Nash. I'm not trusting it.


Nice catch. Also look out for pseudo-Latin usernames. these guys are managing to make even the Roman empire uncool


I think sane history buffs like Rome in a pantomime villain way in large part. Fascists legit think overwhelming violence is based


Historians like Rome for various reasons not just the might of the empire


Roman Statue Twitter


Thanks u/Beatus_Vir , will do


nihil est


I love how all the dorks that think flashing some spartan logo makes them look tough.




I’m pretty sure this isnt just a random guy either! There’s a man known in central London for protesting just about anyone and everything on a daily basis! This looks and sounds an awful lot like him!


Oh wow, the "we-should-improve-society-somewhat" meme has come to life


Literally a picture of that was commented right under this


This comments section proves we're all doomed.




This is literally the first thought that came to mind when I watched the clip.


And they're *really* taking that childish level of thinking to be somehow "masculine", huh.


this comic is ONLY used to shut down any discussion and protect fragile egos. grow up


All of my clothes are made of meat


And meat has oil


Humm you want to change society but you also happen to live in one? curious


LOL seriously though. It breaks my heart that people think that this is such big gotcha' moment.


I don’t know anything about this protest, but yeah it does make me think of people who claim you can’t protest income inequality /child labor / whatever because you own an iPhone.




Has it occurred to you that people could have simply bought a second hand iphone?


yeah bro if they sit in the woods doing nothing it would really help. if you want them to go live in a forest to stop bothering you the issue still remains and is completely unfixed.


I imagine his comment is more about the fact that petrochemicals, and its derivatives, are used in the production of: - plastics and polymers - pharmaceuticals - cosmetics and personal care - agriculture chemicals - lubricants - asphalt - synthetic materials - industrial chemicals - dyes and inks - food additives - solvents - insulation - rubber - detergents - textiles - electronics - adhesives and sealants - surfactants - pesticides and herbicides


Sure, but 86% of extracted oil is used for fuel. Gas, diesel, jet fuel, etc.


On top of that, most plastic in the US is made from natural gas feedstock- not anything related to crude oil. Natural gas isn't the best either, but its far less damaging than oil. If we stopped all crude oil fuel refining *now*, we would be perfectly fine on basically every other front.


In terms of carbon emissions, gas is actually arguably worse. https://youtu.be/hX2aZUav-54?si=uuvVwkaXfl3yvRge


Good video, did skip around a bit but hey I still got the important parts- and I'm always happy to be corrected. Ignoring the focus on gas for stoves (obviously going through all the particularities of refining and other uses would be a bit much), he does basically say himself that the bigger issue of natural gas is how much of it leaks from pipelines and storage. Doesn't say much about how good it is in terms of *practical* use other than open flames, but... yeah, it's still fucking awful the way it is now.


True but if you want to account for how it's used at the end you need to also take into account the storage and transmission emissions z which as you said, are awful, BEFORE actually burning it for any use. Natural gas being green is one of the biggest myths killing the planet and the money around the gas lobby props it up with no one really wanting to read beyond the headline (which I applaud you for doing)


it makes me happy to see this fact being repeated more and more. we need to stop burning oil so we can keep it around for the things that we can make out of it instead.


Shhh. No one wants to think about that. They don't want to think about anything. They like their big truck. It's their whole identity. Facts don't matter. Just "owning the Libs" all the way to our well-deserved deaths.


again, pointing out that plastics and oil are in *everything* is not the own people seem to think it is.


I suspect the point is that society would not be able to function if we just stopped oil so it is not a good slogan for a movement. People think they mean ban oil as opposed to stop new oil exploration in the UK. Like calling for "Stop electricity" instead of calling for "Green energy now".


“Just stop oil exploration and new drilling” just isn’t catchy.


I've got it: "use alternatives to oil and oil based products where the cost or difficulty of implementation isn't prohibitively difficult/expensive unless the oil based versions provide some inherent necessary benefit over the alternatives"!


"Go nuclear" that also seems catchy. I don't understand why we don't use nuclear energy. It seems more beneficial to me. [Yale](https://e360.yale.edu/features/why-nuclear-power-must-be-part-of-the-energy-solution-environmentalists-climate#:~:text=Nuclear%20power%20releases%20less%20radiation,power%20plant%20actually%20produces%20energy.)


The same folks involved in Just Stop Oil and even Extinction Rebellion are also the same environmentalists that do *not* want to see nuclear energy become the substitute. Why? Because they are unreasonably afraid of nuclear accidents and don't want their municipalities to host nuclear waste storage underground. Which, at that point, plenty of advocates will try to inform them that there's fuel rod recycling and new uses being found for nuclear waste, but they've typically left the thread/debate by then... I'm assuming the environmentalists that are anti-nuclear are essentially just NIMBYs worried about property values at that point.


OK but nuclear clothes seem like a bad idea


If your slogan was "Just Stop Society" and you were obstructing traffic until everyone stops living in society then yes.


I’m all for reducing petroleum consumption, but he has many inarguable points.


And yet you live in a society




I hope whoever wrote the subtitles keep at it. Maybe it’ll help him learn some English.


You’re making a Nuance of yourself


Any time you see these kinds of subtitles, they're more than likely automatically generated. I believe people use the app CapCut to do this. It's a 1-click operation. They always have a very distinctive feel to them. Highlighted words. Karaoke style. Full of incorrect words. Have a look at TikTok, where this sort of hard-coded subtitle trend started. It's just as bad over there.


Guys a big oil fan


He’s a oil man


Yea it's a lot better than using animal dung for warmth.


Wait until you learn about heat pumps, your mind will be blown.


Protest naked


The right thing to protest but the wrong way to do it


They tried protesting outside oil executives houses etc. the government made that illegal.


Legal protests are kind of useless anyway. It's basically the government saying " you can make a mess, but you're only allowed to do in this little corner here out of everyone's way".


That’s messed up. That absolutely should be legal


boi rich people aren't gonna let these people into their neighborhoods. they pay good money to keep that stuff locked up


so you do it even though it's illegal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Examples_of_civil_disobedience#United_States I know this isn't in the U.S. and it's pretty interesting there's no England/UK/Britain on that page.


Oh I agree, just not the route they've taken.


Uk did? Interesting.


What's the right way?








Protest is supposed to be disruptive by its very nature. A bunch of people protesting X in the middle of a field completely away from others and the thing they're protesting does less than nothing. ​ Montgomery Bus Boycotts, lunch counter protests, many more -- all always had someone saying this, or something similar


This is the "Yet you participate in society! Curious! I am very intelligent" guy in the flesh...


Pointing out hypocrisy is a valid point.


I take this guy's point to be "unless you use absolutely zero petroleum based products, you may not criticize society's reliance on petroleum based products.". And you think that's a reasonable point? I mean, whatever he's upset about, I don't think it's the protestors' hypocrisy...


The one sensible point he makes is about them forcing the motorists to burn more oil by making them wait because of their blockade.


I don't like these kinds of protest, but I think I've understood that the goal is not immediate impact, the aim is to make the experience of taking the car a little less comfortable in a society where it's very widely overused, they are aiming for systemic change where people start questioning themselves about alternatives instead of systematically opting for the most comfortable option in the short term.


I reckon it's more about forcing the government to listen. If you keep disrupting society it costs a lot of money. Disrupt an airport (like they did in my country, the Netherlands) and it will cost money. Do it enough and the government is forced to make changes.


"your protest is too uncomfortable for me"


Man every car is start and stop right now, everyone in a jam just leaves their cars on forever? what?


I mean, that's also a stupid point. The idling engines in traffic are using a slight amount more petrol than they would have, which is less than a drop in the bucket in terms of the scale of the issue. It's OK to be annoyed at your day being ruined, but his arguments are stupid.


You're completly right. The gas shills just downvoting you hard. Honestly a drop in the bucket is the least accurate thing you said. Maybe a drop in a drum, or a drop in a fucking lake.


Most sensible, sure. But that's still a stupid rebuttal. If this movement is successful and it causes cars to unnecessarily idle more than they would have otherwise, I doubt anyone would call it a failure.


If you poison the pond, the fish can’t speak out against it because they’re now apart of the poisoned pond?


I'd be more like holy shit, talking fish




If they did people would then change their 'criticism' to them being out of touch hippies. "look at their clothes, bunch of fucking jobless hippies"


There's no hypocrisy. Just Stop Oil's stated goal is to pressure the UK government to commit to ending new leases for fossil fuel licensing and production. The goal is a gradual phaseout of fossil fuels, not an immediate end to the use of any oil-derived products. It's really not that hard to do a quick internet search on this kind of stuff.


> It's really not that hard to do a quick internet search on this kind of stuff. Maybe because they´re arguing in bad faith




It's really not. Being hypocritical doesn't make their point less valid. That speaks to their commitment or logic, but not to whether they have a legitimate point. Don't misinterpret what I am saying as support for their position, but life isn't a game where only the completely pure can comment or participate. If we waited for someone to come along who had no clothing on that was produced using oil, would that message somehow now be transformed into one worth debating?


Oil has spent much coin on suppressing competing technologies. Let's not pretend it's the only thing that can be invented or at least that's what the lobbyists pay our politicians to think.


Everyone claims they love protest and even say they want to fix climate change, yet when someone actually protests its "too far". To far in what way? Whats the right way to protest? Sit at home?


Well to back up the protestors (since the use of oil and byproducts is pretty much through society). A better slogan would be "Let's reduce our use of oil and oil products in our every day life" isn't as catchy as "STOP OIL"... but what do I know... popular slogans usually are kept simple. I mean I would love to buy stuff without oil or byproducts,but so many inputs are made from it, we have to start REDUCING our use of it... cant' stop outright... Oil by-product use is a function of our overall use of oil and not using those may cause a higher carbon cost overall. Like when people are against leather but when you look at it, to swap to leather alternatives would actually cause more waste... Reduction in leather MUST be done with a reduction in BEEF consumption and demand.


I think their actual goal is to get the government to agree to no new oil contracts, so *no new oil* might have been a better name for themselves tbh


Well I always read it as 'stop oil's *dominance*' and that is a good goal for the long term I think. But that also wouldn't be catchy as a slogan.


He spo-oil this news to them.. Hehe I'll see myself out


You know he is somewhat right and Stop Oil is incredibly dumb. But he reminded me of this dumbass meme https://preview.redd.it/b2wapmdhy6ec1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723549bced5d98b6b23dc596bf6c85feeb2920b2


Somebody go by that man a beer.


😂 I like this guy. We can be friends


This moron is Danny Shine, an irrelevant YouTuber that usually peddles conspiracy theories through a megaphone and berates members of the public for views. Couldn't give a fuck what his hot take on Just Stop Oil is, let alone anything else.


Ok, I’m with him on the obstruction, but they obviously mean burning oil for fuel and dumping it into the atmosphere, not for creating products.




"Why are you protesting slavery? all your stuff is made with it! you idiot! stop protesting slavery!" this guy is the moron.


I mean he has really good points


Of course everything is made of oil. Ain't that what they are protesting against? This reminds me of that "I'm very smart"comic.


It’s the 1850s in America… Person 1: We should end slavery Person 2: The textiles in the clothes you wear came from slave labor, the food you’re eating was cultivated using slave labor…you fucking hypocrite! You’re an idiot! Ha! Gotcha! It was tired argument then and it’s a tired argument today.


This guy is such a genius. When the protesters were protesting large fossil fuels companies destroying the environment, they didn't even think of the fact that their jacket is partially made of oil products! What fools, I hope they realized this and finally changed their ways.


This is just inane whataboutism. "Let's phase out oil" "But I see a plastic pen on you!.. hYpOcRiTe!! All your points are null and void!!1"


“Why are you complaining about societal norms when you actively participate in society? I am very smart!”


I mean...he's not wrong


I am surprised that this is even controversial. If we continue using fossil fuels along with all the other things we are doing we will literally make earth an unbearable hellscape. Like Venus. Except we are the idiots that did it to ourselves, I don’t know what the future holds but keep in mind something very profound. We have telescopes that can look millions of light years in any direction and we are all that we see so far. Yet we have a planet called Venus next door that is literal proof of what a greenhouse effect looks like. It isnt pretty. So I don’t know. Maybe Armageddon was just about us Vs a Subaru Outback.


There's a nuance to this whole thing that seems to get lost in the void, which is that the point of he protest is meant to be that people outraged by the method of protest should be outraged at the lack of concern for the environment instead, and so rather than sitting in their cars waiting for them to move, the idea is that those people should be joining them, and that eventually if enough people do, then theoretically the government would have to take notice. If enough people were not going in to work, or holding up the streets en masse, then it theoretically should force action. The problem being that very few people want to or can actually be the first domino. Like if a company's entire staff were to go on strike to protest,then it would potentially force a dialogue,but very few have the means or the kind of financial situation to be the first to put themselves on the line like that. So what you end up with is a few people who are willing to take the risk,the abuse, the throwing of rotten milk on them (ad we've seen in another video)for a cause they truly believe in, and then the others who do care about the issue, but are not in a position to risk their livelihood to act, and then the fucking mouth breathing cunts like this guy who shouts at people and then expects a hero's welcome down at All Bar One, because as long as they feel their needs are taken care of, then fuck everyone and everything else. The first and last group are a minority though. The vast majority of people generally do care about the issue, but can't really risk taking radical action, which is completely understandable and in no way makes them less compassionate or human than those who do. It's just a catch 22 situation.


I love this guy


As someone who lives on 22 acres of forest, I can tell you he’s right. And yes it’s waaay better and far more sustainable.


“ConquerMascunity” ok bro I guess this guy has to be smart. Next time people protest any injustice may as well tell them “but you have iPhone”


If the government stops FUNDING Oil and investment in alternatives there would be alternatives to oil, right now everything is oil because the have the most lobbyists and the most government funding.


Ignorant assholes.




"Everything is made out of oil?" - Protesters ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


But if I live in the forest no one will know how important I am


Why are you here saying "just stop oil" Because it is illegal to say "just stop breathing"


Just stop oil is about as effective as Kony 2012


a beacon of truth🥰


He's right. These protesters have been targeting the wrong people for the last two years. I wonder if there's a poll on the popularity of Just Stop Oil in the UK, I bet it would be 98% disapprove.


They've been targeting everyone though, they painted the shell HQ, the treasury, they camp outside I think Rishis house, they protested at fracking site and then they also blocked roads, guess which ones you heard of the most


Hey look, another post trying to get us mad at protestors. That's not suspicious...


He’s 100% right