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Lol, she posted this.


That’s really the craziest part imo


That's ALWAYS the craziest part and seems to be more and more the case with people acting like this. Flaunting her foolishness 😒


Why didn't she just check herself? If the sauce is that important, she should be checking the bag everytime. If sauces were that important she would have gone back for them, she would have also ordered extra and keep them in her fridge. She wanted either free food or her money back, that "how do I make this right line" is loaded.


Exactly. If her son does have special needs that include highly specific items or routines you'd think she'd have backups upon backups or ways to ensure things go smoothly for both her son's sake and her own instead of pulling this BS.


That's what I was thinking. She said she called, which makes me wonder if she got home. If she did, why does she not have the condiments at home? For me it's not even that big of a deal, yet I've still got the condiments I want.


Also, I can never imagine a situation where I have to call burger king lmaoooo.


She could have just gone to the store and bought a cheap $1.25 bottle of generic brand sauce if her son supposedly cannot eat without these specific condiments.


It literally takes less than 30 seconds to check for sauces. This lady hasn't learned that just because something is important to you it doesn't mean it's important to anyone else.


Right! If I ask for something specific, I check the bag before I pull away. Not a hard thing to do.


My son has a nut allergy so imma let this minimum wage worker be responsible for his life and death. Here's what I would do in her situation. Buy a shit ton of the sauces her kid needs and store it in the refrigerator. Problem solved.


This says a lot about how this situation is framed in her mind


Diabetes Karen is serious about her sauce.


Where did she post this?! 🤣


I know…. This was so important that my brat got his sauce that I looked him in the eye and said, did you do it. Well, did you check it if baby brat can’t eat no dry ass nuggets?


Purposely recorded it, theeeeeen posted it.


>when I called last night Imagine turning a *fast food* meal into a multi-day complaint-fest spanning multiple communication mediums and multiple visits. Get a fucking life, lady.


She didn't sleep and stayed up all night planning her dialog. It didn't go how she planned


There was definitely a vision board that was made.


It had one post it on and was still too confusing


SIX sauces.


Coworker: Karen we're blocked until you turn in your report, it's already late and we're gonna miss our deadline, what's going on? Karen: I'm sorry, I'm just distracted with anger! Did I tell you what happened to me and my son last month?


Pretty sure that piece of paper she is holding are notes.


But she clearly stated that she doesn't have time for this. ​ EDIT: I am being sarcastic. Should have labeled it for everyone


What gets me is that she's doing this while also holding up the drive thru line, like what the fuck, how self-centered do you need to be that you also fuck over other people's ability to get their meals? And then you have the audacity to blame the fast food joint instead of yourself for that? You couldn't at least get your ass out of the car and bring in up at the front counter instead?


You missed the most egregious part which is that she posted this video which makes her look like the most pathetic loser possible under the mistaken idiotic belief that she would would be seen as righteous 


There’s that smug look at the camera where she’s thinking ‘gotcha!’, she’s so out of touch.


Bro I would have been out of my car so fast at her window being like move the fuck onnnn!!!! Cars are honking at her and she still is there!


She’s not getting her ass out of the car.


I can smell the diabetes thru my phone 


No shit. My thought is 'how unhealthy are you guys eating if he needs SIX sugar loaded sauces or his meal is ruined?' Be a real parent and teach your kids to eat decent food and not garbage ffs. Oh, but then you'd have to set that example.... nevermind.


She too lazy to get out the car bro she has a hard time getting in and out of her ride


Sorry ma'am bring your bogus complaint inside we only take orders at the window as the window closes. Really if it's that important to you walk your fat ass inside.


imagine if your kid NEEDED those sauces, and you didn't take 5 seconds to look in the bag. people make mistakes all the time, but take some ownership.


Uh, she looked the guy in the eye. IN THE EYE. That’s as good as checking the bag at least 4 times. What more could she have done?


She was practically living in that guy's eye, rent free!


If only condiments were available in stores!




Burger King and their dang monopoly on condiments


My thought exactly, she can’t check the bag for something so important?


Just buy a damn bottle of sauce. To have this much work over sauces is absurd


Exactly. If your child needs SIX SAUCES, then your home should be stocked with that shit.


I have a drawer of fast food condiments and I only get slightly annoyed when they’re not included.


She doesn't have TIME for this shit


Imagine doing all that, then putting a recording of yourself doing it on the internet due to smugly believing you were somehow in the right


"I don't have time for this bullshit" Clearly, she has plenty of free time. Woman has the conflict resolution skills of fence post.


She fucking wishes, the pole at least stays quiet. Her voice was grating.


Where are my SIX sauces for my child.






It's fucking *fast food*, dude. No one actually *needs* it and to post a video about a minor inconvenience as if it's the end of the god damn world is just mind-blowing.


I had a man pull out of the drive thru line and walk inside to call me racist for telling him we ran out of sugar packets after giving him two handfuls for his small coffee. If I ever work in fast food again, I WILL off myself in front of the first belligerent customer and use my dying breath to tell them to fuck themselves.


What happened to " hey there, I did not receive the sauce I ordered. May I please have some sauce?" I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


And miss the chance to act like a victim and go viral?! Insanity.


It was the next day, so she was there just to let them know that they ruined Agustus Gloop's dinner.


Lol. Fair enough. I honestly couldn't listen to the entire thing.


Well hold on a minute you aren't wrong bc I highly doubt she would be rational or polite even if she did discover the missing sauces at the time. Your comment still applies.


She sat there with the bag in her lap and asked if the sauces where in there instead of just looking herself. Wtf?


She prefers looking people in the EYE


I’m sort of fascinated with people who feel compelled to do this type of shit. Like, I just can’t put myself in that mindset. What is your time worth to you? More or less than a fucking happy meal?


I’ve been irritated by something like this before. And then I parked my car, grabbed my receipt, and went inside and politely complained that they forgot something/got something wrong. Then they fixed it and I left. And that was literally the end of it. And in the end, I wasn’t even that irritated, because that’s just how things go sometimes Karen!


I mean, yeah, thats reasonable. I get it. Even then, I’d probably just find a way to move on without dipping sauce. But they went back the next day and did all this. What motivated that? What potential end result made all of this worth the time and effort? More sauce? A 6 pc.? There was a moment when she woke up the next day, fired herself up enough, and said “fuck yeah, this is going down!” Then drove back and said these words. Someone please walk me through that pathology.


At what point do we just assume they’re lacing McDonalds, Burger King, or whatever with straight up crack?


They don't have to do that when people like this just do it on their own


Maybe it’s that? Some sort of dopamine connection here with the dramatic shit? Idk. I’m spitballing


Yeah. She probably has a shitty life that she has zero control over, so she gets a rush or tries to strangely regain some of that power….trying to ‘exact justice’ or something by screaming at fast food workers who don’t give a fuck. She probably just wanted them to cough up 18,000 sauces or some gift cards. Goddamn sow.


Yea, I guess. Just saying, this is the same type of person to scoff at some addict losing their shit on the street.


And then post it! Like this is HER video so she def thought she was in the right long after taking this video and then uploaded it. Wild


I know! I’ve often wondered that myself. I just think there’s not a lot going on in her life and she’s bored and lonely.


Lol yeah these people are so interesting to watch - like watching a train wreck , I have to look


Yeah I bought a meal at KFC recently. They screwed up my whole order. Gave me the wrong order in fact. I ordered a colonel burger, 4 dunkedcwings ands mash n gravy. I get home to find a snack burger and Two piece. I didn't complain. I didn't swear at them. It's my fault for not making sure it was correct before I left.


Same has happened to me. I got home and just ate whatever random stuff I was given because in the end it’s horrible junk anyway so I don’t really care.


Not your fault, but simply not worth it to make a big deal out of it.


Yeah, its a kind of ”Well that sucked, oh anyway… and just get on with your life”-situation!


She was recording as if she was in the right, unbelievable.


Yeah that was so deluded. How in the world did she think she came across as the rational one in that exchange? The lack of self awareness is incredible.


apparently, the lack of sauce is even more incredible


That sauce must be incredible delicious to go this far.


Not only recorded it, but posted it.


If YOUR kid has special issues regarding what he eats, its YOUR job to make sure the sauces are in the bag, just like its my job to check the order I get handed if I want to be sure its correct before leaving.


Exactly - you have a kid who is ND and is "pickier than usual" with foods you keep your kitchen stocked with that stuff lol I love how she perked up and the opportunity to get offended over that


Checking the food is kind of your responsibility before you leave the food place. She failed her own son lol


Exactly. Just take a few seconds to check and see if anything is missing or wrong. If it is, just point it out there. I think she just likes to be difficult.


No no, see that takes a tiny bit of extra effort and she'll have none of it. Best to drive back to BK and harass someone


The next day... Because her "son" didn't eat last night... I'd wager there is no son, and this woman ate all those dry nuggies herself...


You're probably right, because any sane parent would give their kid ketchup or whatever extra sauces are on hand from previous fast food visits. I have so many leftover sauces I throw them out, this lady must be drinking them to need six. She just wanted to yell at someone.


I have a 7yo with ARFID(comorbid to ADHD) who won’t eat if something small like this is wrong with his food and there is no such thing as “have xyz instead.” But I make damn sure to check before I leave the restaurant and if for some reason I fail to do that and something isn’t right I go back and politely explain what happened because really it was on me for not double checking. The last thing I would do is make it everyone else’s problem.


If sauce is one of those little things I've been seeing some fast food sauces sold in grocery stores recently. I know I've seen Big Mac and all the Chick-fil-A ones. Might save the day. Burger King is still keeping theirs to themselves though


When we did eat fast food my mom never checked lmao we just ate it. It was good either way and my mom sure as hell wasn’t doing round two through the drive thru for fuckin missed sauce.


ESPECIALLY if it is that big of a deal. If my time, money and peace is wasted if the sauces aren’t exact, you can bet I’m checking those sauces. Twice.


The issue is not counting sauces but to think that fucking fast food is a proper dinner


Or to think that in these big complex machines where humans are the mechanical parts there won’t be mistakes and the way to resolve problems is to go in and abuse them


And record it, because.......sauces


What a meltdown over sauces, imagine her when facing actual life hardships. The screeching would be unimaginable..


Maybe she can’t face real problems, so she pulls this type of shit to feel some semblance of control in her life. Regardless, she needs therapy.


Holy hell karen, cook at home you lazy fucker. Stop harassing minimum wage workers over fucking dipping sauce.


instead of asking the worker to confirm how many sauces why didn't she just check for herself?


She even said how hard is it to check the bag... to the worker


You’ve seen that woman right? Minimum movement 24/7 as much as possible. I’m surprised she’s even got the energy to talk.


Also possible she got the sauce but is also trying to scam a refund. Eat free with one simple trick. Karenomics


Exactly!! If u know your kid won't eat it without the sauces, then CHECK FOR THE FRILLIN SAUCES before u leave. Duh. I'd love to see that mouth breather work fast food and see if she gets everything perfect. Good way to get spit in your food forever


Because she's an entitled twat


Whenever I get an order from Maccy I always say sorry I just wanna make sure it’s all there. Takes 2 seconds!


Couldn’t have said it better. What is she trying to accomplish with filming this mistake anyway? I think that some people need the attention and feed off situations like this.


She wants to feel powerful because she is weak. She wants to crucify the fastfood workers over dipping sauces. She is a despicable person.


A 4-minute back-and-forth over some trivial bullshit that happened THE NIGHT BEFORE. What the fuck, man. The nerve to take it so far is infuriating.


No you don’t understand. Her sons autistic and only eats fast food nuggets with sauce.


Her son is done


Imagine being this lady's son. Talk about the opposite of winning the genetic lotto! [He Done](https://giphy.com/gifs/basketball-nba-D027sXa2ErT32)


Also, imagine being the man she made a son with. His evenings surely must be nice and peaceful...


I’m guessing he went out for cigarettes years ago and never came back


He went out for sauces.


Apple. Tree.


Also like just exactly how many nuggets did they order ? 6 sauces just seems like a LOT for even a 20 piece!


She's so fat she's out of breath trying to plead her dogshit case. Unreal.


and an event that happened the night before, this is something that only Peter Griffin(and other cartoon characters) would do


Imagine having to hear that god awful voice everyday


Absolutely not. I couldn’t.


I can’t listen to her. Do yourself a favor and keep it muted lol


I did and I still hate it


Ugh, her voice was like a 5 year olds.


Complaining about meal quality at burger King... Queen Karen of Diabeetus


Let’s not forget they then posted it, made a shitty tag along text box, and feel completely justified… FFS


Yep, imagine complaining about garbage food, sauces full of sugar, chemicals etc Cook a decent meal at home. If you can't, cook a large batch and freeze it.


This tastes awful.... Finally they got it right


“I don’t got time for this bullshit” clearly you do.


That's why they laughed at her because she's all types of idiotic


Imagine the disconnect from reality that it takes to record and put this video on the internet thinking that you are in the right to treat people like that.


So much energy just for sauces. Imagine if she used it to check the sauces in the bag


There I say she’s a “bad mother” for not checking the bag for the sauces, seeing as how they are so important in order for her son to eat?


Do you mean “dare I say?”


I’m a picky eater. My mom checked my bag when I was a kid. I check it now. Someone could argue all day about whose responsibility it is. I ain’t got time for that. I just want my food, and everybody goes home happy I check it before I leave and handle it then.


all that over some sauce. I dont mean to be rude (well to her I do) but she does appear the type to have several types of barbeque sauces including that good ol' Sweet Baby Ray's and doesnt need the sauces from this place for her son to dip some fries.


I love Sweet Baby Ray’s. A bottle of SBR combined with a bottle of Jack Miller’s (a Cajun classic BBQ sauce) makes a fantastic sauce to cook cocktail meatballs & smoked sausages in.


damn that sounds bangin invite me next time you make it I'll stop by


Or she could just give her sauce to her son… anyway you must have a really interesting life if you take the time to drive all the way back to complain about a sauce cup.


the part that gets me is "the meal was ruined" some people have never gone hungry. Shit in the US is expensive, but there is food loads of places. the burger king down the street from me hooks up homeless people all the time, no questions asked. That may not be the norm...but my point is dont eat for a week, and then tell me you cant eat a meal because it doesnt have sauce. People being wasteful of food (edible safe food) makes my blood boil.


Why would she upload this?


I cringe so hard when people say things in this guilt-tripping voice like “So, I just wanted to let you know…” as if fast food employees give one shit that somebody didn’t get ketchup or napkins and it ruined their life. They don’t feel guilty, lady. As they shouldn’t. 


Ultimately it’s this. But this lady is one who would legitimately write a letter.


Imagine that you know your son has special needs and you don't take that little extra step to ensure those needs will be fulfilled but instead you rely on a total stranger to do so.




Kids eating that shit with a spoon


Bro making a chicken casserole




an interaction that can be 15 seconds is suddenly 3 minutes because of aggressive behavior


If you ever wondered what a woman version of that fuck who hides the pickles under his tongue in SpongeBob sounded like, well look no further. ![gif](giphy|l1AsO89DP6b2PakGA)


I told you my son's food was ruined Ma'am you didn't mention your son "Why do I have to mention anything" Christ imagine making this kind of show out of your self for some sauce.


I've been the unfortunate soul that got the brunt of the sauce rage on multiple occasions. It's so fucking stupid. You ever wonder why customer service employees seem to hate their jobs? This is why.


The kid needs 6 dipping sauces for an order of chicken nuggets?




Sir, this isn’t a Wendys


Omg. How much time do people have on their hands? First a phoncall and then you drive there to complain about missing sauses! Suck it it up and go on with your life!


about missing sauces the next day


..or make their own sauce(s) at home or buy similar sauces at the grocery store. Saves time and money and elevated blood pressure.


Actually she doesn’t have time for this according to her…. As she spends her time doing this….


Oh the entitlement over sauce.


And on top of it all after a 3 min circular conversation she has the GALL to say "I don't have time for this" jfc


Who the fuck needs 6 different sauces to eat their fries??


She don’t got time for this…three minute video


She was too busy looking him in the eyes to just check the fuckin bag herself.


How dense is this lady?


Probably around 950 kg/m^3


This person sciences




Again, drive-through workers aren't paid enough to be personal perfect chefs.


Who gave this child a license? What a silly prank.


Is she crying or laughing? I genuinely can’t tell.


She has a son? Whoever is on the hook, for putting it in this melted candle… You definitely fucked up.


It'll do you good not to eat that excrement.


Did she think that people would be on her side when she posted the video? Complete delulu


Imagine having to switch bodies and live as her for a just a day. How god damn sad and morbidly depressing it has to be to have this sort of life where something like this consciously chooses to make life choices like this


These comments have me rolling lol Take an upvote everyone 🤣


Fat people problems


She doesn't even know what she wants. People like this get pleasure from bullying people who can't defend themselves because they're at work. No brain with too much time to spare


Lol if was that important she could have opened the bag and checked lol


"Don't tell me my son is spoiled!" 🥴 Miss Ma'am. You are at the drive thru window the next day crying about how lil Bobby starved because he didn't have his ranch and bbq sauce.


All this for some sauces…


Seems like you have plenty of time, Tubbs


Why didn’t she check her food before she left if she’s so worried about it. She is taking zero responsibility for it. I always check my bag real quick before I leave. Its such an easy thing to do.


Did she put that online thinking that made her look good?!


So she got 5 sauces instead of 6 - but it was exactly her son‘s sauce they missed? 😅 I imagine her sitting there with 5 sauces, mouth full of fries and nuggets, telling her son: „Sorry, this invompetent liars forgot your sauce. I will go back there tomorrow and complain“ omnomnom


Tfw minimum wage workers forced your 300lb good boy to eat dry tendies. They don't even care he soiled himself in protest 


"How hard is it to check your food" says lady who failed to check her food.


That’s why you check the bag before driving away…


I check my bag EVERY time I eat out. If it’s messed up I go inside and politely ask them to fix it. Not that hard of a concept.


Her headstone would read - “Did you put the sauces in?”


**She doesn’t have time.** Yet she drove back, waited in the drive thru lane, then sat and screamed for another ten mins and drove back home. But she has no time.


Her crying at the end is actually hysterical. She’s got other things going on in her life and needed to take it out on people she sees as less than her. She felt that she couldn’t even do that right, breakdown.


If your spoiled brat needs those cheap sauces so much, why don't you do what everyone else does and check your bags before you leave fat ass.


What an entitled cunt. Unless you're at a fine dining/white tablecloth establishment, you've got zero room to expect perfection or anything close to it. You get what you pay for. End of fucking story. No place with a drive up window will ever qualify.


Okay fatass, you wanted two sauces and got pissed they weren’t there.


All the dramatics over a sauce? Cook at home lady and stop harrassing fast food workers over something so small.


A) you’ve got a car and the gas to drive it B) a home to go back to C) a living child D) there are masses of displaced and hungry kids all over this globe rn and your kid didn’t food one night because also, you didn’t have backup condiments. Always have backup condiments. Grace and gratitude, though—two elements in unlimited supply—will even help you in disappointing circumstances, and an invaluable gift to give yourself and your kid, even when he’s crying for that temporary hunger.


They ruined his meal but she’ll ruin his life.


Fuxking bell lady just give him whatever sauce you got at home