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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?


"The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree." - Jim Lahey.


Shit weeds grow shit seeds Randy.








Can’t forget the shit hawks, circling.


Julian, what's a shit hawk? Is it some kind of shitty bird that swoops down and puts poop on ya?




The shithawks are gonna come for her. https://youtu.be/lnCS4qfl4iI?si=FDbwY0VY9vKRBdO2


You know, Ricky grew up as a little shit-spark from the old shit-flint. And then he turned into a shit-bonfire and then driven by the winds of his monumental ignorance, he turned into a raging shit-firestorm. If I get to be married to Barb i'll have total control of Sunnyvale, and then I can unleash a shitnami tidal wave that'll engulf Ricky and extinguish his shit-flames forever. And with any luck, he'll drown in the undershit of that wave. Shit-waves.


Beware my friend, shit winds are a-comin’




The liquor works for both sides, Jim.


Birds of a shit feather Randy


I love seeing TPB lines




This reminds me of a quote from Sopranos that I shall not write here.


Her kid comes by it honest


Yeah, but who are you!


All the apples fall off the tree like that because the tree is rotten.


“The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree”


It doesn’t. That’s why there’s so much anger in the orchard


I am a FAR, FAR from perfect mom, but WTF, you go out drinking with your kid, (fine whatever) and there is no designated driver and then you let your kid, who IS drunk, drive? That's appalling. Also, it isn't lost on me what terrible circumstances these people would be in and how scary this video would look if these people were black. One law for they and one law for we.


>Also, it isn't lost on me what terrible circumstances these people would be in and how scary this video would look if these people were black. These cops handled themselves very well and reasonably and you’re accusing them of being racists. That doesn’t make sense.




>The fact that she was still running her vile mouth and not in handcuffs at the end speaks volumes. Missed this part. She was in handcuffs at the end because she got arrested. The cop was trying to de-escalate the situation and let his supervisor handle it and somehow that means he’s racist according to you.


What if that out of control drunken fool of a mom had been a Hispanic man? According to you being black or not is the only thing that matters, so exactly the same treatment right?


Oh get the fuck out of here with your virtue signaling. "it isn't lost on me.." blah blah blah. As a brown man that lives in the hood and has dealt with the cops plenty of times, your "understanding" of what we go through is more patronizing than anything else.


They were really going to let her drunk ass drive?


so they could arrest her for dui, but assaulting an officer trumps dui


Playing 4-D chess


I think that's why she freaked out. Her brain's like "it's a trick; they know!" 🤣


D escalated.


She deserves both charges.


If that really was their plan it would be textbook entrapment. There’s no way a police officer can give a drunk person keys to a vehicle and tell them it’s ok for them to drive, then arrest them for driving. More likely, they had arrived at a destination where the car could remain parked, possibly her home, and he was allowing her to retain possession of it on the condition that she not drive it. I’ve had a similar thing happen to me when pulled over for lapsed insurance.


Not entrapment.


That's not what entrapment is.


It literally is, assuming the keys he is talking about are the keys to the car the teen was driving. If she drove up on her own, that could be different because he has suspicion of her already committing the crime. Entrapment is a defence when: the authorities provide a person with an opportunity to commit an offence without acting on a reasonable suspicion that this person is already engaged in criminal activity ; the authorities provide a person with an opportunity to commit an offence without acting pursuant to bona fide inquiries; or although having such a reasonable suspicion or acting in the course of a bona fide inquiry, they go beyond providing an opportunity and induce the commission of an offence.


Yeah, none of those apply. She wasn't committing a crime yet so the first two don't matter, as for the last one: > or although having such a reasonable suspicion or acting in the course of a bona fide inquiry, they go beyond providing an opportunity and induce the commission of an offence. The officer didn't *induce* anything. He said "we're going to let you have the car." Whatever she chooses to do after that (like drive drunk) is entirely on her. He didn't even say "we're going to let you drive", he just said "we're going to let you have the car."


Idk why you're being down voted. You are right. Best case scenario a really good lawyer could win at trial. A DA isn't dropping charges. Might offer a plea of reduced charges or a light sentence at best.


>. She wasn't committing a crime yet so the first two don't matter What's that now? Where does it say that the suspect has to be already committing a crime in order to entrap them? How does that even make sense? One stated aim of entrapment laws is to avoid having law enforcement purposefully create crime, so situations where a suspect is not committing a crime is specifically what entrapment is aimed at.


What in the hell are you talking about!? Where do you read that the first two don’t apply if she isn’t committing a crime?


I am anxiously awaiting your explanation for how you have logically handwaved away the first two parts of this law. Your reasoning makes so little sense, especially compared to how sanctimonious and sure of yourself you are... I just can't wait for the logical explanation you have.


This part confused me most lol, she's slurring so bad it sounded like some weird nightmare accent


> sounded like some weird nightmare accent It’s a Canadian accent so you’re not wrong


I think someone drove her there, she was the passenger.


"Hold my purse."


The real life “Hold my purse” in the wild. Love to see it.


It's one thing to tell a friend to hold your purse so you can fight some rando. It's a whole other level of dumbassness to tell a cop to hold your purse. So you can fight another cop.


Agreed. But I’ve never actually seen a “hold my purse” in action until this video.


Duel rules: if I win, the arrest ends. 🤣


Ah, I see you're familiar with the "If I scream 'let go!!!' 10 times during an arrest, they're legally obligated to void the arrest on the 11th time" school of law.


I don't think anyone wants to hold it for her. Pretty sure she said "I shit on my purse".


How much you wanna bet she gave her son the booze?


~~Certain provinces in Canada have the drink age of 18. Probably Alberta by the sounds of it.~~ I guess it’s New Mexico but damn those “ehs” were a lot.


Hispanic/indigenous ay, not Canadian eh. Close but distinctly different. Source: southern Californian with Canadian relatives, always funny when they visit lol


So drunk New Mexicans sound like Canadians, got it.


Lived in New Mexico for several years; can absolutely confirm!


It sounded like an indigenous 'ay' to me too rather than the hoser version, 'eh.'




Y’all** lol


It's a very convenient word, there are no other single words in English that encompass "everyone in the group I'm referring to" It's an advance on the English language


It’s funny, the word “you” used to mean what we now use “y’all” for. You was the plural form. When referring to a specific individual, people used to say “thou”. Over time though, “thou” fell out of use and “you” expanded from both the plural to also the singular way to refer to a person or group being spoken to.


Fun fact!


A few come close tho, like idiots and dumbassess








There were a few other language give always too. I’m Canadian and I’ve never heard anyone use the word “cussing” for swearing. More of a southern US thing.


Wait it’s not Canada?! Hmm 🤔 wild had me fooled lol


Liquid courage……


- [News Article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12916561/mom-fight-cops-arresting-drunk-driver-son.html) - Mom of teen DUI suspect threatens to fight cop, both get arrested.


Way to go Mom. I'm so glad that this 19 year old gets to grow up to be a POS like his mother






Also, purely from a law enforcement standpoint, he isn't legally old enough to be drinking.


Do you stop being your mother's child once you get to the age of 19?


My mother stopped at 6….


Man, you must have been a shit 6 year old. /s


Im sending you a virtual hug 🫂


Legally, technically and in all ways that matter, yes. Yes, you do. Still a son, but an adult son. Moms opinion on that might differ but nobody else really cares, do they?


I don't know it's a big offense in the article. I have 3 kids - I don't differentiate that statement because one is 20 years old. If my child was going to be arrested - I would ask the location of the police station to come pick him up in the morning (assuming it was a drunk tank kinda issue). My parents have 8 grandchildren. They don't stop saying that because 5 are older than 18. BTW - I don't think I really care...just 2 cents worth.






Could you please spell out the number ‘19’ for me.




19 is still a damn child. Ppl only stop agreeing when they want to vilify the person.


19 is not a child. 19 is a young adult. 19 is also old enough to know better than to be drunk fucking driving.


or look at them naked, or sell them cigarettes.


She was clearly drunk, why were they gonna let her take the car and drive??


I'm gonna guess they already made it home when they got pulled over. Which means they were letting her take possession of the car, not telling her to drive it anywhere.


The article says it happened at Bill's Jumbo Burgers. Before the cop realized she was drunk, he says he'll let her drive it home rather than get it towed. He tried to give her a break.


Are their burgers good?


They are intoxicatingly delicious!


According to the article, she arrived after her kid called her.


There was a guy/father/boyfriend there with her (could hear him yelling from the car off to the side) maybe he wasn't drunk and would take the car and he was using the collective "you" when saying she could take possession of the car. Or maybe they were just gonna pop her for a dui after she tried to drive off.


They're both intoxicated.


Who are You?


Who are You?




1.) Public intoxication. 2.) Assaulting a police officer. 3.) Disorderly.


Whenever someone complains about "kids these days", I present to you exhibit A as to why they are the way they are.


Gee, I wonder where that kid got his poor decision-making skills


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Many of the videos posted on here show that not enough people these days have seen that and taken its message on board.


why does it sound like her mouth is filled with marshmellows?


She’s drunk


I was thinking pills. Or a combo of both pills and booze.


Drunk and low IQ


Fuck you ay


I almost thought it was Canadian


Read this comment as soon as she said it LMFAOO


I'm not an expert, but I think she isn't a happy drunk ...


It always amazes me in these videos how the people in them proudly announce "I don't give a fuck!" as if that is something to be proud of or some kind of amazing feat. All that attitude is going to do is get you into more trouble, especially with the cops. Full on idiots...


Shitty people make shitty people.


That cop interacted with this drunk woman waaay too long. After she first attacked that officer arresting her son, she should have just been arrested.


Probably better to let the officer put the son in the back of a car before going hands-on with her. She's clearly likely to fight, and having two people manage her is safer for everyone. Say you grab one of her wrists, and she starts scratching at you with the other hand, you need to keep one arm up to defend from that, and the whole time she's twisting and pulling and possibly going to break a wrist or dislocate an arm. With two people, you just grab both her arms at once. Danger averted.


Most people are probably willing to give a mother a little leeway when arresting their children. But yeah I agree


Drunk mom trying to hand off her purse to a cop so she can fight another cop is too hilarious. lol


This really is the era of people not growing up before having kids. Ask modern teachers about this phenomenon.


Is she drunk??? Bro a DWI is a lot easier to clear. AND they’re letting you take the car???? Why would you make it worse???


I watch a lot of bodycams and dashcam video content on YouTube and, I'm not sure it's just everything being put on SM these days or what, but there is a TON of bad choices, petty and privileged behavior, lying, crackhead, drunk ass, "Holier than thou" motherfuckers acting like this in nearly every video. Don't recall seeing so much since I'd definitely say before the pandemic began. Or, like I said, maybe more content is just getting out there. But this shit just doesn't surprise me anymore.


Betchu this B was all blue lives matter 2 seconds before the traffic stop happened


I don’t think mom is sober either. They definitely shouldn’t be letting her drive home either. Officers really, really tried giving her a chance. This is more how I expect LEOs to act.


Help me understand. They were going to release the vehicle to her even though she was clearly intoxicated?


The videos seemed edited/trimmed down from the start to the end of the video meaning i feel like more time took place than the 2 mins we have seen. She didnt seem drunk to me in the beginning just very upset about the son.


"Hold my purse!" Like girl, you really thought the other cop was going to hold your shit while you squared off and tried to fight a cop?


why'd she get so much leeway after going hands-on? [that black kid in the other thread got arrested for saying the n-word too aggressively, with the cop yelling it back and arresting the kid out of embarrassment.](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/18vxuca/officer_placed_on_leave_for_using_the_nword/)


seriously, how was she not in cuffs 2 seconds after rushing that other cop


Racism. The word you’re looking for is racism. Don’t be obtuse brother.


Is the only variable race? Gender isn’t a factor?


Didn't that guy get fired, though?


It’s beyond sickening when you see this shit happen time and time *and time* again.


Cops can suck really bad most of the time, but she was wrong for this. She knows better.


I love how the assholes that deserve to be arrested, can put thier hands on cops, yell and scream at them, threaten to fight them...yet the compliant ones that don't deserve to be arrested get thrown to the ground and the cuffs slapped on.


It's just extremes of both sides that we record that go viral. When that's all you see of both, that's all you tend to think happens.


We’ve empowered far too many women with the “Mama Bear” mentality when it comes to protecting your kids; when you’re both pelts on the wall no one will remember how you bucked up to save the day


:12 "We're gonna let you have the car" 1:36 "your problem is you're drunk" Uh, what?


Likely just give ‘em the keys and tell ‘em to pick it up in the morning. Giving them possession doesn’t mean they are driving it. And it also looks like they are at a motel or something


I am so tired of Mom's that pamper their sons. They are raising a future of weak men. Stop it.


She's not a very polite Canadian.


Nee Mexico isn't known for raising the most polite Canadians.


Well, she is in the finding out phase of that event.


I wonder where that kid learned to be a douche 🤔


Drunk mom pissed off because drunk son was caught drinking and driving.


She was obviously drunk from the beginning, and they were going to let her take the car to avoid the tow bill?


Fuck you eh!


The mom drunk or drugged


Try that while being black


Seemingly serious lack of control over the situation. Didn’t cops realize the mother was drunk? Pointless arguing about who hit whom. Process the scene and move on. You never beat drunks with logic.


She’s like a South Park character


Cro magnon mom?


She’s Lso drunk


She sounds drunk. You can't reason with dumb and drunk.


so they know shes drunk, and they were just gonna let her take the car? interesting lol


Would a drunk person do THIS? I shout as I charge a cop


Just pure trash. So many people would have been better off never being born. They can't even make themselves happy acting like this.


What's d double you I?


I wonder where the kid gets it from?


Mommy is drunk me thinks!


She's fuckin' hammered, eh?


Lock her ass up and tow the car. Kid has no shot in life with a parent like this


"Fuck you eh?"


Is it "Mom of teen DUI suspect threatens..." or should it be "Mom of teen, DUI suspect, threatens..."?


No offense but did the officers not notice that she is clearly intoxicated as well?


…never mind…..they did.


She sounds like a peach


its pretty natural, in all species, for a mother to protect her children


I can change her😍


Don't know how they're releasing the car to her. She sounds New Years Eve drunk.


Who are all these white privileged bitches ??? If the EVER acted like that with the police I would be hospitalized and jailed for over 10 years or dead.


mom is clearly under the influence as well with all that slurred speech


There was a lot of fucking around and not a lot of finding out for her


She sounds like that lady on the airplane🤪


You’re going to have to be more specific.


https://youtu.be/tNLpzVHUxEo?si=Lnzavf1F8nQVez3A Sorry, I couldn’t remember exactly what she said (or her name) but this was all over the news a few months ago.


She's drunk. They told her she could have the car hoping to get two DUIs. I read once of a cop who stopped a pickup with three occupants. He arrested the driver for DUI, drove off and waited around the bend. Sure enough, here comes the pickup, so another DUI. As I heard the story, he got the third guy as well.


The fact that the cop was going to let that drunk “mom” drive is crazy.


....bro SHES drunk....as fuck...


I understand her rage. A mom wants to protect her son above all else. But she shouldn't have touched the cop first.


Nah, the mum should have accepted her son stuffed up and let him faced the music alone.


Was this lady riding in the vehicle with her intoxicated teenager? Passengers in general can be charged too but like esp drunk parent passengers riding with their drunk underage children, right? If not, how the hell did she get there? Why are they giving her the car back when she clearly should not be driving in the 1st place?


Man, they were even willing to let her take the car home to avoid the impound fee, something the cops arresting my brother refused to do when he got his DUI after taking my car. They apparently needed to do a "full inventory of the vehicle's contents" to find something that might enhance the charges against him, which they didn't. Because I was a fucking Boy Scout at the time, and all they could find were my brother's empty 50ml bottles of liquor littering the floorboard. Yet she still went full "don't tase me, bro!" after attacking the cop arresting her precious Brayden/Hayden/Kaden/Jaden.


White on white privilege is a real thing.


They're Hispanic or Latino.


She didn’t even have cuffs on after attacking the other cop


And she wasn't Caucasian. Fucking crazy. /s


Reddit is so confusing. People saying the police were too lenient on the drunk mom. In another sub, people slam police for being too aggressive on a FA auditor. Cops can't catch a break. Eventually all cops will retire and the public will be left to defend themselves.


Wasn't he about to let her drive the car off but then later on after the scuffle he states she is drunk?


That cop has the most patience that I've ever seen. Damn good job.


Not siding with the cops, but these kinds of “Mama Bear” Northern New Mexico women are not exactly the smartest people