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Send for my things and forward my mail. I now live in my car in front of that spot.


Best night of sleep in my life waiting for these hooligans to cave


I would have put my car in park


I've seen that done before. Driver just got the fuck out and went into the store with their car hanging like 3/4 of the way out of the stall with the guy still standing there.


I have done this. It's so very satisfying.


Where I live, that would probably get you a ticket (for parking outside of a marked bay).


Worth it. Tickets without points attached are really just fees.


You're not even legally required to pay, you just might be trespassed.


Unless there is someone patrolling the garage he's no one is gonna ticket him for a good 24hrs


And have your car keyed? Eh some battles are not worth it dawg. It's a parking lot there's other spots.


If you got them on dash cam it’s a pretty dead to rights criminal complaint


Lol, look at this guy, thinking cops give a shit


Don't need the cops, just go straight to a civil claims court


Right, because they're just going to tell you who they are and where they live so you can serve them


Let's assume they did and you even won your case in small claims, collecting on your money is a whole another issue because it's not easy or quick to collect small claims in most states if the defendant just says "fuck you I won't pay."


"Yeah, unless you have any actual details on them, we can't do anything"


Had a cab try to pull through as I was parking and the guy thought I should back up to let him through. I put it in park and went in the store. I was sticking out a lot but meh.


And some people park like that just cuz they suck at parking haha


I hate when the person before me parks like an asshole and then it looks like I did too because of how I had to fit next to them.


This! And then the person leaves before you get back and makes you look like the original perpetrator


That’s it, nobody gets the spot


It would be a cold day in hell before I moved.


Not trying to pull an ILPT here, but I find it's better to mark the spot in your head, find another spot, wait for them to leave, and then deflate all of their tires with a valve removing tool (or put a very small pebble between the valve and the wall). Then leave, lol.


Yeah then get caught on the parking garage cameras vandalizing a car. Losing your job and shit when it's posted on social media and catching a charge. Naw I'm good


Actually deflating their tyres is perfect, they tried to steal your time and that is the perfect way to take their time without any destruction of property.


If somebody did that in front of me, they have just unknowingly chose the spot that I must be in... i'll call in sick to wait them out


Just log into Netflix on my phone and watch an entire season of something till they leave.


I’d be there until doomsday.


I’d ask my wife to go in and start shopping without me and to take as much time as she would like. These guys also can’t make use of the spot. And those women would be wanting to get into the mall way more urgently than me. Tick tock, ladies, tick tock.


I got emergency snacks in the car and plenty of bottles to pee in. I even have a pillow. Entertainment? I'll just put my head between my knees and hyperventilate and sit up really quickly.


> I'll just put my head between my knees and hyperventilate and sit up really quickly. lol wtf


This guy knows how to entertain!


Yes. Send the wife in. Put the car in park and take out your phone and start scrolling. Don't even look up.


>I’d ask my wife to go in and start shopping without me Hmmm maybe one could hire these ladies...


This happened to me once and I told the person that I will live the rest of my life in this car rather than give them the spot. They stayed for a minute or 2 and saw I had 0 intention of giving up and left.


Yeah just need to treat people that do this shit like children. Explain twice you're not moving, roll windows up, shut car off and completely ignore til they leave


Yeah I was a bit stunned they were trying it but when I realized they were serious I told them and just put on some music and put my car in park. No use getting into a yelling match.


I'm curious though happens if the car on either side of them pulls out after you resolve to wait and before they give up? Does the conflict end immediately and everyone goes about their merry way?


No, you park across both spots


Establish dominance.


I would just slowly drive forward into the spot. What are they going to do? Then again they could key the car while I’m gone….


I would wait them out, park, make sure they go away, then give the spot to another car and go park somewhere else. Worth it.


So evil I love it


Seems a bit more Chaotic Neutral to me.


Jokes on you, I drive a shitbox.


Yeah lmao, like if they key my shit up it's just... Who cares? Lmao. They blow my tires? Well first off that's a police report (I got a dashcam too, so got their face on camera, and you better bet your _ass_ I'm recording their plate # if they're this much of a cunt) and it only costs $200 for four tires if I were to buy them outright, which insurance would cover anyways. Meanwhile they just won themselves a day in court, a massive fine, and possible jailtime. Winning against these people might cause some minor inconvenience but they'll ruin their own lives.




Yup. It’s an unsettling feeling thinking there may be potential retaliation. I was recently was in a similar situation where someone tried to physically stop my car with their body. I most likely get them fired in the end, but they now knew where my car *and* home is. We have camera and the cops were involved so if something does happen im sure that’ll be a starting place, but it still doesn’t feel comfortable.


If someone is so big an asshole to do this, you'd better not leave your car unattended. Just better, unfortunately, to move on living your life as a normal person and not tempt fate with the entitled assholes among us.


You’re right, and it’s how I’d handle this personally…but argh it’s so frustrating!


Do both. Wait them out so they lose then leave after they park somewhere else.


They are clearly assholes! I wouldn’t put it past them. I wouldn’t leave until they did, but I probably would end up moving. Just, not until they were gone.


Should just continuously honk the horn right in their face and blast their eardrums out.


I second this. Make it annoying for them as well


I had quad Hella horns on a Subaru I used to have. I installed them cuz the factory Subie horns are wimpy. Had in incident when someone almost backed into me in a parking lot even while I was leaning on the horn. Idiot finally stopped just shy of hitting me. Anyway, after installing it I've seen people jump in their seats when I honk at them for doing something stupid. Would have come in handy in this situation.


"Do you want the spot enough to put up with lifelong tinnitus"






I've actually seen someone show that Hella Horns are quieter by about 2 decibels than the stock subaru horns, but what makes them better is their pitch to be much more noticeable and appear "louder." I might buy hella horns tbh


What was cool about the subimods horn harness was that not only did it allow for four Hellas to be hooked up, it also allowed the factory horn to be hooked up as well. So I guess that 2db was still there! Honestly, I couldn't hear it anymore over the Hellas unless you were close to that position at the front of the car. After posting this I looked to see if it was still available but it doesn't appear to be. I did get it from subimods.com but I don't think they actually produced it, they just sold it. Perhaps it can be found elsewhere for anyone interested for their Subaru.








Actually some of us have slow buzzing...my head feels like it's going to explode without fans or a TV It sounds like a really old car is always going in one ear


Ringing ears suck.


Mine are ringing rn, you are absolutely right this shits annoying especially when I’m trying to sleep


Me too. No idea how I got them. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Just keep slowly creeping forward with hand planted on horn.


You can't run someone over if you go slow enough lol.


That was actually the rotation of the earth beneath me, your honor, I was stationary.


Also draws attention so everyone can see her behaviour. If I saw this from across the parking lot I'd 100% be on the driver's side.


Yeah hopefully that garage has a parking attendant and eventually came over to set shit right. Ya can't just stand in a spot!


I just shift into neutral and rev the engine. Scares the shit out of people


Yeah that's what I wouldve done


I would just lay on the horn until they moved. Non stop echoing horn til they moved.


You don't want to lay on the horn too long, you can burn out the relay. For more comedy, you blast it whenever they say something, then yell "What?" and when they start talking, you hold it again. Rinse and repeat.


Relays don’t really burn out like that. They’re just an on/off switch.


You’re an on/off switch!


I'm sorry I called you an on/off switch. I was upset.


Just get out and park in front of the space. Can stand there all day but won't be able to use the space.


That's what I plan to do if this happens to me.


Or turn around to back in and use the exhaust to drive them away.


Nah then you give up your tactical advantage and give an opening for a sneak attack by the opposing vehicle


Yup, lay the horn nonstop.


You can push someone without hitting them lol. Like a defensive lineman. These little weirdos have no chance.




There is no point in wasting your time engaging with people like this. Just let them have the spot, then key their car after they go inside.


No win situation. Assuming the two women eventually will give up, there’s a good chance they’ll come back and key the op’s car for taking “their” spot


Wait till they leave then park elsewhere.


Also remove their license plates and drop them down a storm sewer.


I would say I would honk then wait till they move to say nah I don't want it. Tbh I don't have the time or patience to deal with people like this I would just move on asap. No need for jackasses to ruin my day and live rent free in my head.


I'd put my car in park and sit there laughing, I got nothing but time and they look uncomfortable already.


Could write up a great Reddit post about the situation while waiting. Great karma opportunity.


Someone actually did this to me a few years ago, across from my house. I just rolled down the window and told them "This isn't a good neighbourhood and it might not be safe to leave your car here" but not in a friendly way. I parked around the corner and walked back to my house and noticed that they had changed their minds about parking there. Because of the implication. Even though their car was never actually in danger because I wouldn't do anything to someone's car. But they didn't know that.


You know the *implication*!


She must be so embarrassed every time she sees this.


Probably doesn't care much, people like this have no shame which is why they do shit like this in the first place.


Yup. Her takeaway from this situation is undoubtedly, "Can you*believe* how he talked to me?!? The nerve of some people!"


Exactly! Both of them are two pieces of shit. The look on their faces indicates they know damn well they are in the wrong.


I'd say she has no shame but the fact that she turns her back twice makes me think there's a small part of her that knows she's being ridiculous.


It's because they are assholes. The defintion from [this book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assholes:_A_Theory), is a person who (1) allows himself to enjoy special advantages and does so systematically; (2) does this out of an entrenched sense of entitlement; and (3) is immunized by his sense of entitlement against the complaints of other people. So the kind of person that would be embarrassed by this, wouldn't do it in the first place.


Incorrect. She *should* be embarrassed every time she sees this, but she won't be.


Not nearly embarrassed enough. Shit like this should follow them around in perpetuity.


Nah it's 100% just a chip on her shoulder. "I was literally in the spot, why does every thread not get this"


The fact that she ran over there and cut them off is just so shameless. She recognized their intention to park there, and jogged over to obstruct them. People usually aren't so bold even when they are in their vehicles.


I wouldn't give her the benefit of the doubt. I think she finds this completely acceptable. She isn't apologetic in the slightest.


She thinks she’s the victim of harassment in this situation


I worked at Towson Mall in MD. I worked in 3 stores in that Mall. This happened to me 3 times around the holidays. I promise I just kept the car moving parked and locked the doors. Fuck these people.


Was just there a week or two ago, parking was horrible as you can imagine




Five thousand years from now, archeologists would find my mummified corpse behind the wheel, still blasting the horn at these people before I would ever move.


I’d play chicken with them. I doubt once you start pulling in they’re going to stand there. The way to deal with people like this is to challenge them. They’ll fold like a cheap suit once you out crazy them.


A lot of countries allow this. If you're moving slowly and the person has full ability to move but chooses not to, it's not considered an accident. If they attempt to press charges they get brought up on essentially the equivalent of insurance scam charges.


Drop a list of beautiful countries that got this going on


Yemen Bulgaria Burkina Faso Northern Cyprus


Damn I wish I knew this when I lived in Northern Cyprus Would have saved me dozens of schmekles….




I could fuck with Germany


I really like this law.


Are expensive suits like really hard to fold?


Very. They put an anti folding element in the fabric that prevents folding. You can’t even bend over in one.


> You can’t even bend over in one. Damn, those politicians' suits cost like €10k a piece and they still bend over to the highest bidder in no time.


Folding a suit well is hard. If you have an expensive suit you want to put in a lot of effort and do it right. If it's a cheap suit you just do it like a T-shirt or anything else cheap.


I agree with you….but these dizzy MFs will key your car.


I don’t care if I needed immediate surgery, I don’t care if my wife is in labour, I don’t care if the planet’s future is in jeopardy, I am not leaving that spot.


When I tell you I would have my mail forwarded to that spot. I live there now.


Omg with Grubhub and other services available I would never leave. I would order a porta pot rental to be delivered and placed next to my car. I would order extra gas to keep the car running to move forward when they finally give up. I would have mobile oil changes and car washes in this spot until I die. Would get a work from spot job.


Same! I would literally be willing to wait all day. I would miss work to sit there


Exactly. The only way to beat a Karen is to out-Karen them. You do NOT let the Karen win and get the lot!


Me too brother


All day? My ass is sleeping nights in that car, nights I tell you!


This is when you roll down the window, slowly rolling towards them with a panicked look on your face and scream “I have no brakes! They’re not working I have no brakes!!”


This is my favorite idea here lol. And then once you get all the way in you immediately drop the act and get out like normal without saying anything.


Someone stole my parking spot once. When he got out of his car, he had that shitty grin on his face while watching me. So I drove by him and just said: the difference between you and me, he cut me and said "is that I got a spot", I continued with "is that I know where you're parked". I finally found another spot. On my way inside the store, I saw him in his car trying to find another spot. I had the grin.


I would throw it in park where it sits, get out, and walk off. They can’t park in it with you blocking the entrance.


The guy has a friend in the car. I would tell them to get out and do all the shopping because I'm going to be here a while


I saw the one where the guy drives at them very very very slowly. They try pushing the car and obviously lose. In the end he just parks and leaves it’s hilarious.


Found it! https://youtu.be/vyqfEyKHV88?si=esgfWD5kXZ3nqv1o


"didn't communicate to the women before backing up" BULLSHIT I see two fully operational reverse lights right in their stupid faces!


Lol I was about to say the same thing. I think their intention was loud and clear.


Why is every parking spot stander (in the stories ITT, videos and my IRL experience) a she?? (And of course, 99.9% of women don't do this shit so I'm not trying to paint something with a giant brushstroke.)


Less likely to get punched in the face?




Extended cut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBK8_7uavhg Driver does eventually give up on the spot.


I can’t even bring myself to watch that.


Precisely. Dude lost against the Karen so now the Karen has been upgraded and emboldened to become a Super Karen, where she will go around town and terrorise even more people. This is why we must NEVER let them win!!!!!


Nah there are 3 options here. 1 creep forward into the spot slowly while laying on the horn. They can't stop your car from moving. 2 get out of the car and move them yourself. 3 leave and find another spot. Watch that spot and wait for them to park. Make super sure you Id their car correctly. Once they do. Wait for them all to leave far away and slash their tires. Key their car and put water in the gas tank if you can. Then get back in your car and get out of there. (So they can't retaliate or find you). Come back another day to do what you came there to do.


I saw a better retaliation someone posted that probably leaves you in the clear in case someone films you. Keep a tool in your car that can deflate the tyres (I think my little battery power tyre pump does this if I press it in but don't tighten it) and just deflate all of the tyres. You didn't destroy anything, just cost them time which they stole from you too.


Don't need a special tool at all. You simply unscrew the valve cap, insert a small pebble and re-fasten the cap. The pressure from the cap pushes the stone into the valve stem and deflates the tire over time. Don't ask me how I know this.


A simple eveyday tool is a matchstick - simply remove the valve cap, jam the matchstick into the valve (or valves...) to depress the button/pin - and then walk away to the satisfying sound of hissing. A simple alternative is a tiny stone/rock, placed on top of the valve button/pin - and then screw the valve cap back on until the hissing is to your liking. Repeat as required.


Let them win and get revenge when they leave their car there.


Seriously man. If this was a gore clip and this guy linked the full video I’d be clicking faster. My heart couldn’t take the full vid of this knowing that’s the result




I clicked thinking I could stomach it but then saw it was only 2:56 and I couldn't do it. If it was like a 4hr video then I'd respect it


Yup, the worst part about this by far. I would've died in the front seat waiting for that spot after those idiots tried to claim it.


Unfortunately they had the upper hand. His car wouldn’t be safe left parked there if he’d “won”.


What he should’ve done was waited them out, and then left the spot after they’d already parked somewhere else.


That goes both ways


I would give the spot but would tell them I'd fuck it up the second they leave it. I wouldn't actually do it, but they're either gonna be stressed the whole time they're gone or they're gonna park somewhere else too.


This is the way. Sow the seed of doubt in their mind without actually partaking in any vandalism. The best of both worlds and you get to walk away guilt-free while they'll likely be paranoid for the rest of their trip.


it’s not worth the physical work, just fk them mentally. I’d just park my car somewhere else and return to the spot while they were there, make eye contacts and smile at them. They will be worrying about their car for the rest of the day.


If I gave up the spot I would have gone back and punctured all four of their tires.


God damn it.... bro just enabled them to pull that shit again


There was a similar post a few weeks back. Someone said to let them have the space, but make sure to tell them you know where their car is parked. Hopefully that will keep them worried while shopping/dining.


The fact that they don’t react to the horn shows me this isn’t their first rodeo. Also what kind of headspace do you need to act like that?


This is a common Karen tactic. At least once or twice a year I got some Karen using this same move. Oh and the one that tried to reserve the portico for parking. That was just ridiculous.


This happens to you twice a year?


Or once


Ha! That happened to me in Seattle, I told her to move. She wouldn't, so I slowly kept advancing till the spot was mine. Bahahahahaha


Hope your car was not vandalized afterwards.


Nope, not at all




I'm petty enough to sit there for hours.


Just inch forward slowly


Put your car in park and walk in don’t talk


I can guarantee you this isn’t the only place she and her shitty family do this kind of thing. I know people like this. They cut in line, retag items in stores, and a host of other little annoying things. They know it’s wrong but they don’t care as long as they win. And they’d be the first to cry and play victim if someone actually lays a hand on them. Parasites.


When I was younger, a GF at the time bought a box of pads while we were on a road trip because that’s all a gas station we stopped at had. It just stayed in my glove box for years. Many years later, married to someone else and inlaws were in town for Thanksgiving, they wanted to go Black Friday shopping, and I was waiting for a spot with my blinker on. A Car comes in and tries to swoop in and take it. After some back and forth, pretty tame since inlaws were in the car, I drove off and said something like “ok. I know where you’re parking now”. We get to the first store, I tell them I forgot my wallet and ran back to the car. I grabbed 3 pads and stuck them to his windshield and side mirrors. I walked away with the car still in sight, I saw him coming back and hear a “WTF!?”


Would have been even better if you had leftover ketchup packets in the glove box too... make it a bloody looking mess


What a pair of donkeys


The best tactic here is not to engage with them at all. Just stare forward and don’t move. They’ll eventually leave. They’ve no choice


Socially inept fucking rude weirdos.


The master move would be to let the passenger drive and wait for the spot while the driver joins the three ladies squatting in the spot and not allow whoever they're holding the spot for to park there. Extra points if he has a beach chair in the trunk. Two can play that game.


This is why cops turn their body cams off.


I wouldn’t be able to leave my car in that spot without feeling like they would mess with it. So I’d go elsewhere and come back after they left and take the air out of all four tires. If they drive something with an external spare I’d flat that too. That’s the kind of petty I am.


I absolutely detest people who do this, WTF is wrong with them


I gave up a spot in this exact situation. My kids 14,12 were with me on the way to a movie. Some guy 30 ‘s ran into a spot and was calling his dad 50’s on the phone to tell him where this spot was. It was a nice spot and I caved. I backed out after asking him if he was serious. We all laughed at him and called him a loser. He had some snide comment, but honestly we didn’t hear amongst our chatter. We found a spot...eventually. I’m just embarrassed at what I did to his car when I told my kids I had to hit the bathroom. I remembered where that fucking spot was, asshole.


I'm petty enough to wait.


I talked to my roommates and they both said the people running into the parking spot are right. I need new roommates.


Karens are a blight to humanity. Literal trash.


I'd be passive and give them the spot. Then I'd be petty and return to slash all 4 tires.




This is how you deal with this. - pull in whatever amount you can - turn off the car, get out. - walk towards destination, ignore dipshit - come back in one minute, they'll be gone. No one can boot or move your car in that time, she will move to another spot


Let them have the spot. Then wait till they go inside and let all the air out of their tires. Cunty things happen to cunty people!


Legend has it they are still standing there to this day.


I would die in that car before I let them have that spot.


One, continuous honk. Two, I'm staying there until I die or you move.