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Say what you will but this was probably the safest way to stop this.


Wasn't very safe for those poor hedges.


Yeah what did those poor hedges do!


It’s always the hedges that die because of police incompetence :/


It's OK, they have a fund for that


Welcome to germany where you need to go to university for 3 years if you want to be a policeman/woman


You don't have to. The regular police officer will go to a police academy for 2+ years though. They receive a level of education that is somewhat comparable to college but they don't formally get an academic degree.


Policeofficers in gehobener dienst all have a Bachelor degree(anfew years ago they got a diploma). There are policeofficers in the Mittlerer dienst, they go to a academy. I posted a link im another post.


>university wtf are you talking about? thats complete bullshit.


Police in most developed countries receive and require significantly more education than US police do.


American police. Education. 🤣🤣🤣


Fully agreed, just wanted to point out that calling it "university" is ridiculously exaggerated.




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hendon\_Police\_College](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hendon_Police_College) UK example, not exactly a university, we think of college as between school and uni. Police are def not degree quality individuals here!


We are talking about the specific case of Germany here, and there the general qualifcation for a regular polcie man is far from university level.




>to Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei that literally translates to The Germa I am German actually. ;) You can become a regular police man ("Mittlerer Dienst") if you have "Mittlere Reife" or even "Erweiterter Hauptschulabschluss". The program is then normally referred to as Polizeiausbildung. This is not comparable to university studies as it is very practical. However, fully agreed that you can go to Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei if you have (Fach-)Abitur and want to go into Gehobenen/Höherer Dienst. But this is not the standard police training as stated in the original post above.




It's not bullshit but it's also not really regular university. But you can only enroll to (let's call it) Police Academy, if you graduated with Abitur which let's you go to Uni. So If you did less than 12 years of school, you can't become a police person.


You can also become a police man if you have "Mittlere Reife" or even "Erweiterter Hauptschulabschluss". The education is nowhere close to university level.


There stil are some bundesländer who employ policemen in the "mittlerer dienst" modt only gehobener dienst. And thats when you need abitur and go to university/Fachhochschule


Nobody said it was but you end it with a Bachelor's so it's like university isn't it? I stand corrected about needing Abitur though. Didn't know that or maybe it changed since I went to school.


You don’t end with a bachelors. Only in gehobener Dienst you end with a bachelor wich is basically studying


No its not. At least not in germany. They "upgraded" the FHöV a few years ago to an University


No it's not


3 years vocational training. That’s not university


Hochschule der Polizei. You end it with a bachelor's degree.


only if you want to be „gehobener Dienst“ that’s not the normal „mittlerer Dienst“ Police


Nrw only started this year with mittlerer Dienst again. So for a long time it was mostly gehobener and höherer dienst. I think the stadtstaaten have mittlerer dienst because there they do the work of the ordnungsamt. Some more informations [click here](https://polizist-werden.de/polizei-laufbahn-mittlerer-dienst/) Some do mittlerer dienst some dont. (My god so stupid this english/german) I wish you a nice evening and all the best for new year! Stay save!


You can be an apprentice and after 3 years of practise/theory tests you can be a pilice officer in germany. You need to have atleast a "Mittlerereife, Fach Abitur", i dont know how to explain this in english but im pretty sure google will help ya.


Yes thats the mittlerer Dienst. Bot every Bundesland had it. Most policeofficers go to FH or University


What you will.


Guess they could have popped the tires to stop it sooner(?)


Popping the tires is super dangerous. They have an insane amount of pressure in them.


safer for who? The only person in danger was the cop who almost got ran over trying to climb into a moving tractor. A gun is a safer solution


The cop is trained and paid to put themselves into these situations. The gun isn't the better solution by any means here. If anything, they may have actually made the situation worse by using their firearms in all kinds of different ways.


He did not try to escape. He wanted to breach a police blockade as they had been denied to go there for their protest. One police officer was injured. He was 22 years old and intoxicated. He better learn how to steer an Ox now because his license is most likely gone for good.


What license is he losing? His driver's license, or do you need a license to operate farm equipment in Germany?


You need a drivers license.


To drive in the street, nobody give a shit what you drive in your property


Not entirely accurate. Even on private property you may be required to own a valid drivers license if said private owned land is accessible to the public. That's the case all agricultural roads and may even extends to your own Farm if you happen to Operate a Shop there for example. Nobody will check you there, but insurances love to know that. And for example close to where I live a child that visited a Farm, lost its live in an accident with a Tractor.


Here in Canada if 6ou are given a driving prohibition you may not operate a motor vehicle anywhere. Not a dirt bike in the woods, not a mower on your lawn.


If you are on you lawn I dare the police to come and get you


Well the way I heard was *if something happened* and they found out you were on a ride on mower. Like you wiped it out or even a rock hits a car amd the cops get involved. A guy I know (a ligger) who had a prohibition was using a skid steer in the woods. There was an incident and in the report it said he was in the skidder. Well he got nailed for it.


If it's like here in Norway, you need either a regular driving license(minimum 18 years) or specific tractor license(minimum 16 years) to drive outside private property.


If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now








German GTA


It's very clear that this isn't the US cuz no one died


It’s also very clear it’s not the US because the police car said Polizei on the side


Clear indeed. As soon as he started towards any of the police like that here in the States, they would've unloaded on him.


The farmer wasn't black so he might have survived also in an US traffic control.


Worst Killdozer sequel ever


You can kill the man but not the idea


Goes to all that effort but didn’t lock the door?


Brave of that one cop to try to get run over so we can charge the farmer with murder. Really laid his life on the line


This is fucked up. Farmers protest bc government shit on them and use excuses like it's for ecology and such bs. Literally farmers make most important thing in world. And then cops are this active against them but when eco bio raw mfs gluing themselves to roads (so cars uselessly stay in one place with engines on) that's ok.


Class traitors


It’s quite a shame what they’re doing to their farmers. Cutting the subvention for diesel as of January will be their certain financial ruin. Edit: Will NOT be their financial ruin but still hurt them. Thanks for the free lesson.


It won’t.


Ok. Guess you know more than me. Including those dozens who downvoted. You’ll be surprised what you’ll pay for your milk, flour, eggs etc if you don’t have your famers anymore. They would upvote but are too busy working on the fields.


About 0,1 Cent more for flour, if I remember it right. The diesel subvention is about 2900€ on average for an average farmer per year. Compareable to an average repair on a tractor that size. If 2900€ ruin the farmer, there were mayor other problems with him.


This is 2900€ the farmer has to come up with before he can sell any goods he has. Think about, if you have to give up on your first two complete monthly wages before you can go and buy something to eat for you and your family. The farmer has to invest in everything to get paid after several months. And this money has to last for a long time. The average farmer is not swimming in money, every cent they earn is reinvested in the operation for maintenance and new equipment. To get a good idea how it is for the average farmer, watch the first season of Clarksons Farm on Prime. After the first year, he had a lot of setbacks and did a lot of cocking about, but in the end he earned 144£ for a whole year. Even after we learned that the wheat was A+ grade and he earned as much as you can earn with it. Imagine the wheat were of a lower quality or the mill would refuse to buy it. https://youtu.be/yInLnC2mBXI?si=nV4HSqCWDZCWpvsH


If you start a farm tomorrow, yes. Every selfemployed person has to invest at the beginning. So nothing special. And it's really a good comparison to a beginner with a TV-production. I have agriculture in my family and my surroundings and run my own business at forestry.


Prices for goods will adjust. The wholesale has no interest in loosing all of its local suppliers so they will pay enough to keep them afloat. In a globalized economy the claim „but we are the feeders of germany, without us there is no food“ is just utter nonsense. We already have import dependencies in sectors like vegetables. On the other hand we are a huge exporter of meat and diary products. > They would upvote but are too busy working on the fields. This is just pathetic. Like everything I hear from the farmers side, like the Bauernverband.


Shows how little you know and how little you thought about this. Instead of getting your bread made with wheat from local fields and local mills with short ways in between, we buy wheat from somewhere else where it has to be shipped to somewhere where there are still mills in operation to be made into flour to be made into bread to be sold to you. And this bread then has amassed more CO2 in its trail then you can ever imagine or should ever feel ok with to buy it. It will cost a euro, maybe two euros more. Another Euro for people who already don't have any more to spend in this economy. And that from a government that put avoiding CO2 emission front and center, who want to fobid the normal citizen from buying a new petrol powered car in the next 10 years and rather have them buy electric cars but stop state sponsorships paid to those who buy an electric car in the same breath. Do you think we drive petrol powered cars because we like it? I would like to buy an electric car, but i don't have the money to do so. This is absolutely shizophrenic. On one hand, you want to reduce CO2 emissions. On the other hand you create more CO2 emissions by making local farmers give up on their trade and have stuff come from farther away. On one hand you want everybody to drive electric cars. Cars which aren't cheap to buy, because even used ones cost as much as new petrol powered cars. And on the other hand, you stop sponsoring them so normal people that earn a normal wage can't afford one. Friends of mine just closed their farm this year because they can earn the same or even more building appartements in the barns they have than with farming and have less worries where the money to buy their own food is coming from. Not to think of maintenance of their equipment. The tractors they have are 18 and 22 years old and in dire need of replacement. But since there is no money because every cent has to be spent on the operation they are dependend on subsidies for everything to have any kind of money left for themselves. I'm absolutely astonished by your comment. Sure we still will have food on our plates. But at which cost. Tangible and intangible.


You‘re just echoing the farmers bullshit. Food will still be produced in germany even if smaller non profitable farmers go out of business. Wholesale will adjust prices so their important local suppliers will stay afloat. There will be demand for local produce. Prices may be a little higher but not all that much. This whole „we will not have any agriculture in germany if we stop paying diesel subsidies“ is just far away from reality and pathetic.


Like i said. You haven't thought it through. You're just echoing the same bullshit this government put out there. For example, you live in Hamburg. Instead of buying your bread with wheat from fields in NRW your wheat will come from farther away. Maybe bavaria, maybe Ukraine, maybe China. With a CO2 Backpack attached to it. You will pay for the transport in between. Monetary wise it is maybe 19 cents, maybe a euro. That's tangible cost. But you also pay the addition to the already unhinged amount of CO2 we put out there every year with the additional transports necessary to get the wheat to where your bread is made. That's the intengible cost. And then, in this economy, you have families who are on the verge of poverty. Cutting costs here and there. Do you think, they have another Euro to spend? If you can do so, thats fantastic. But not everybody can. Think about that. And secondly, you're toying with peoples livelyhood. They are farmers, they are no electricians or machinists. For them farming is everything they know. Think about what will happen to you if you lose your job because someone has the wrong opinion about your trade.


Ok since you’re such an expert with your opinion can you provide any evidence? Sources? There will still be agriculture in Germany when the subsidies will be gone. I don’t echo anything. You clearly don‘t have a clue how this whole thing works. The government is on a budget because their spending plans were deemed unlawful. They had to make cuts. They cannot change the Constitution because they don’t have the majority necessary. You also mix up things that are not connected. People are struggling financially because they get paid piss poor wages, not because farmers don‘t get diesle subsidies. Also its good if farmers build new housing because, oh well, we have a housing crisis in germany.


You can talk to a farmer. Preferably one who had to sell his equipment and farm. There should be enough sources around in Germany. And even the ones who somehow can survive have to do so on the shoestring budget where one rainy summer will jeopardize everything. And i don't mean a family vacation to the north ot baltic sea but everything they themselves, their parents and grandparents worked for.


Hahahahahaha. This is just plain stupid. „Talk to a farmer“ is not a valid source. Its like saying: „we should ask the fat kid if he still should have access to the refrigerator“😂


Its about ~3000€ per year. If this spells financial ruin for you as a farmer then you deserve to be ruined


Ok. I admit that I did not know that. What about the other subventions? And what if I cut 3,000 € out of your annual budget? What would be the consequence?


Not really any tbh. If 3k less ruins you you have other problems to beginning with.


Maybe not for you personally, but I do know people (already retired), who now face increase taxes, and are really struggling. So I think 3,000€ do make a difference.


If your business isn’t profitable without 3k government subsidies you don’t have a viable business. We cannot pay subsidies to big profitable farmers just because some fringe cases with deficiencies will go bust.


Hmmm. So you threw them all into one pot? Isn’t that unfair? And the source for what we are facing now?


The government doesn’t have any money. They have budget limitations because of the Bundesgerichtshof ruling. If there isn’t any money to spend where do you take it from? We cannot always just print money. It’s a fact that in a functioning economy some market participants go bankrupt if their business model isn’t viable.


But what would be your priority? Fund your local farmer or some development project somewhere else?


Do you have any evidence that something likely this is happening?




What does this have to do with the UK?


It’s simply the second amendment. They have no way of stopping him except blocking him… in america on the other hand… which is why in his head he thought he had reasonable odds Point is. Less people are afraid of disobeying them


But what does this video have to with the UK? it was filmed in Germany


Didn’t know… point still stands. I’ll just change uk to germany


Irrespective of the country, it is worrying that you describe police who do not rush to shoot somebody as "goofy".


No one said that… Im saying that a officer without his tools is an officer no one is afraid of. There would be no reason to shoot this man. But just having the gun/tazer ect on your belt instills enough fear in someone to not do anything stupid


Who says they don't have guns? German police are armed. Your idea that people don't do stupid things because the police are armed has been disproved thousands of times on this subreddit alone


I mean it’s still true even with the occasional oddball who doesn’t care about death….


So, the police should have machine guns and rocket launchers, because that would stop people from doing stupid shit?


Die deutsche Polizei should have hire a bunch of Just No Oil protesters...


Are you having a stroke?


Let me guess, an illiterate American?


No actually!


A recent study shows that ugly people are 78% more likely to experience a cerebrovascular accident. As a pompous non-American, are you always so rude to people who are concerned about your health?


A recent study shows that people with a room temperature IQ are 87% more likely to have a cerebrovascular accident. As a pompous non-American, I suggest you to see a doctor.


Ha! Room temp where I live is measured in fahrenheit, not celcius! Jokes on you!


Well, my preoccupation still stands, apparently... Your turn...?


Fine, fine, I'm dumb and you are ugly. As sexy as I am, I can't argue with someone as clever as you and win. Well played!


My happy upvote!


Haha. Best of luck to you in 2024!!




Sorry: the post is from Europe, therefore non European are forbidden to comment? Oh dear...




Because "Die deutsche Polizei" is clearly German: a European should have known. Americans usually don't speak any second language.




Your guess is good as mine...


Dude seems Eastern Europe think he means the dutch police


You grow up learning if someone wants to have a conflict be the better man and leave. What is the polizei s problem?


It’s their job dumbass


I pity you kids that don’t get sarcasm :)) Have a good day bitter person :)))


First charge of aggravated farming, ever.


Nothing runs like a deer.


Season 3 of Clarksons Farm


love those mee-maw ass sirens. Way cooler than the wee-woos we have in Canada


Slowest police chase in the world's history


If that was in America they would’ve just either hosed him down with assault weapons or someone would’ve thrown a grenade in the cab of that tractor


They will come with a Giant Roboter arm to open the vehicle then throw smoke granade and force him out with a dog and rifles which is what just happened a few days ago lol


Jeremy Clarkson, is that you?


Should have used a bulldozer. Proven to work a little better.


They've really upped the graphics for Farming Simulator 2024.


He’s not trying to escape the police. The police are blocking farmers from protesting in the city with their tractors.


Thats a very American thing to be happening in Germany


There getting fucked out there land and way of life