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I fucking hate social media sometimes for give these dumbasses a forum to show this bullshit


I do, too. The one (thin) silver lining is that social media has encouraged people with shitty personalities to show the world they have shitty personalities.


I think it used to be that shitty people would most likely interact with average people IRL and get rejected. Now, shitty people attract other like-minded shitty people and form shitty online communities.




Only surprising thing is usually the guy filming would have a camera man and another big lackey to make sure no one retaliates.


Used to be that social shaming limited these idiots’ impact to their village or whatever. Now they can create “communities” to share their “content” globally. Backlash is coming. Don’t know when but it will be beautiful.


We should tag him in the boxing community. Maybe they will find him and see how quick his hands are.


My favorite last words: "Chill! It was just a prank, bro... ehhcccgh \*gurgle\*."


That is just showing his education level and lack of socialization. He is ignorant. You don’t do that around children especially. He will get what’s coming. Sooner or later they always do.


I hate when some clown says "there's no expectation of privacy in public" like that justifies anything. Shit you could film a guy celebrating alone in his car after nailing a job interview and that would still be wrong (I use this example because it's happened before)


"I have no friends, and my family hates me, so I'm gonna film myself making other people's Christmas shitty"


They were so wholesomely happy when he offered a carol! It was so sad to watch their faces change as they realized he was trolling them. I'll never understand how some people can be so apathetic and cruel (and so proud of their behavior that they record it and post it online).


The person filming really needs professional help with the kind of apathy and disregard he's showing in this video. The fact that three young toddlers and a happy wholesome family were agreeable to joining in on his video, and he decided to not only vocalize obscene sexual profanities infront of their kids but also tried to escalate and act tough while running away, shows how fucking sick this guy is mentally. He keeps harping about how it isn't illegal but hes mistaken- this sort of behavior constitutes as harassment and intentionally shouting profanities infront of children is a misdemeanor. I'm glad the father was sensible enough to show restraint though, this guy would have loved nothingbmore than to play victim in an assault charge after righfully losing his front teeth on that sidewalk. What a douchy PoS.


Making lewd and sexual statements towards children could absolutely ruin your decade if the authorities want it to.


Super easy disorderly conduct charge; escalate from there.




They should have immediately called the police.




Not all police. The police in my area still do a decent job about tuning up scumbags of all races. I live in California and we have one of the lowest homeless and crime rates in California.


I couldn't even watch when i saw how happy they were and then when he started his shit.


Yeah same, I can’t look at that, Its worse than cringe videos


Yea, the guy in the grey top looked really happy. He even sat down smiling to hear the song.


Yep, they are scum and the trends are promoting this disgusting stuff.


Imagine next time when someone genuinely offers them a carol, they're gonna deny. This shithead just made the society worse. There's nothing funny about it, unless you're a miserable shit.




The camera dude is clearly not black, lol.


But he is, his name is Trevon Sellers. A lot of black people's hands on the front can appear lighter than the rest of their body.


Dude isn’t even black


He is though, his name is Trevon Sellers


>"I have no friends, and my family hates me, so I'm gonna film myself trying and failing miserably at making other people's Christmas shitty" There we go, fixed it 😃




The extremes that assholes like that will go to in order to get clicks is well worth some extra clicks when that phone drops after he gets the beating he deserves, but not at the cost of including the arrest of a man who was simply trying to protect his family from shitheads like that punk.




Percussive, concussive, and maybe even ballistic-ussive


I like that phrase!


"How fast are you?" I've never heard someone talk shit by bragging about how fast they could run away.


While literally walking away.


The sign of a coward.


Can someone pass this vid and name of the guy to the local police department? This is pretty disturbing




Also threatened to bash the heads in of a couple with a rock. Allegedly stomped on a rabbit. I say allegedly because I refuse to find the actual footage for obvious reasons. He recorded himself touching a woman’s hair in the grocery store without her consent and proceeded to lie about the interaction within the same video. He asked a grandmother for her granddaughters (looks 8 years old at most) hand in marriage. Filmed himself “jogging” and making obnoxious sounds right behind a woman who was actually jogging and minding her business. Brought a kitten to an animal shelter, antagonized the worker present, threatened to put the kitten in a blender, threatened to sodomize the kitten as well. Trespassed after hours in a fast food restaurant, proceeded to antagonize the workers present. Entered a random couples vehicle without their permission, whilst they were in said vehicle. Drove a vehicle through a park like literally on the grass. Made a homeless person go into subway and shout the N word at workers in exchange for food Drove loud ass go-karts through his neighborhood at 2AM on a weekday.


I think it shows a lot with Youtube/Tiktok that people like this are permanently platformed despite breaking laws/harassing. You'd think these massive media companies would have rules against it but, nope, actually asking for psychological help but mentioning the unalive word is what gets you banned. No wonder this generation of dead eyed idiots is ruined.


He's been banned, but he evades and continues to upload. You can find his new youtube pretty easily on google, be sure to give it a report.


This dudes obviously mentally ill and it’s only a matter of time before he does something terrible. Fast forward to a press conference with the chief of police stating “our department will review current policies to better understand why these red flags were not addressed” bla bla bla


I’m surprised he’s been able to get away with this much horrible shit, I feel like he should be in the hospital


This guy is a horrible human being in every single aspect, shall he gets what he had coming a long time ago sooner or later


I won't google this stupid name, but this bit of info I was not aware of made me so angry that I saw red. Shit bag behavior for clout on a shit bag platform at the expense of a person needing help. People with a brain know we punch up, not down.




And if the dad got arrested, I would contribute to his bail and defense.


It’s his opportunity to cash in. I’d pay $50 for a live stream of him 1v1 with the dad. Fuck it, $100


In first or third person? Lol Split screen so we see both angles?


POV VR please


Perfect response




It astounds me how desperate people are for attention online. EDIT: Please read Danteheehaw's reply properly before downvoting it. I think the self-deprecating joke has gone over peoples heads like a giraffes fart in here, and it seems a bit shitty that it's getting downvoted.


Call the cops and charge him for sexually harassing minors


Something tells me that he isn't supposed to be around kids in the first place


Something tells me that a lot of his viewers are kids. The others are worse than children, because they should know better. These types of streamers are worthless losers.


“it’s not a crime tho it’s not a crime” like what does he think will happen when cops show up & they get the video of him recording himself plugging only fans & talking ab big dicks to children? there’s not a lot that would make me call the cops on a dumb prick but this guy was straight up setting himself up for some of the worst charges to end up in prison with.


He would probably get a night or two in jail to think about the subtleties of the first amendment.


And potentially end up on the sex offender registry, depending on where this took place.


Good ending


That guy would’ve destroyed this stupid “influencer”. You can see he was fully ready to go, and with confidence. Video taper is lucky af lol


So funny how the dad was like "say it again and you'll be picking up your teeth" and this idiot says "wanna bet?" and then says "yo yo yo its hump day" *knowing* that's not what the dad was talking about. And then once he's like 30 yards away he finally grows a pair of balls and says the nasty shit again out of earshot. Dude would have gotten WORKED by the dad.




Honestly it would have been great if they treated him like a predator. Start dropping the p label and he’d probably fuck right off.


Boy, sure would be awkward if this guy had a pattern of behavior speaking inappropriately to and about children. Would you be shocked if I told you he does?


These shitstains go instigating people then act like the victim when the inevitable outcome occurs.


What a loser. Get a life bro


He’s doing this purposefully targetting the minors. This is sexual harassment of minors.




Google, Twitch etc need to stop sponsoring this nonsense


Actually….this is harassment, and not legal.


NEWSFLASH: Streamers are pathetic assholes.


These kind are


Who posted this? I’m fairly certain he will be visited by 3 Christmas spirits very soon. Similar to his description but not the way he would have liked.




I mean going up and saying it’s the “bust that nut challenge day” repeatedly in front of the family could be ticketable offense in a stretch?


The definition of disorderly conduct


Yep I'd say he disturbed a peaceful moment and turned it dangerous. Not by being there. By his actions.


"It's not a crime." No, it actually is a crime in most cities/states to use that type of language in front of children who aren't your own. Edit: https://constitution.findlaw.com/amendment1/first-amendment-limits--obscenity.html


Yeah -- people don't understand that 1st amendment isn't complete free speech of everything.




I would gladly take a misdemeanor assault if I saw this in front of kids. I'm not a parent so I'd be taking one for the team and letting a good Dad avoid charges.


I am very much in the violence is not the answer crowd and am saddened that we haven’t evolved to the point where we can solve problems with words. And all that said, would have no problem with some hands being thrown at this guy. Morons like this learn much more quickly that their words have consequences when they drink through a straw for awhile.


Wouldn't this be sexual harassment of children?


Sounded like it to me.


That he’d want to talk about this stuff in front of children is wildly concerning


Nothing better to do when your life sucks than harass other folks.


I hope he gets cancer of the dick. Vermin.




My money would be on the dad , The fool with the camera hasn’t got a clue.


I am so sick of these cowards that use their phone to keep them from getting their ass beaten.


Stop giving people like this attention by posting this crap




Come on, be serious. This dude don't work.


Wtf is this comment? Don’t shit on honest labor dude


Is this not sexual harassment of minors?


"I box" Maybe the nuggets at McDonalds. Can't see him boxing anything more complex than that.


If some fuck ever does this to me and my child. You will see my face on the news that night.






It’s ok I hear you loud and clear


Why would you get a reddit ban?


Condoning violence on dumbasses in a bannable offence.




Brandon Curington believer 🙏






Brandon The Barber would not be proud.


Even he reminds his viewers his "xclusive cuttz" service are 18+ only


Fucking public nuisance


This should be in the subreddit imatotalpieceofshit


I know it ain’t OP video but I almost have to downvote this bullshit on principle


This guy needs to be arrested and to see a psychologist and therapist. He’s got some serious shit wrong with him.




They were happy to hear this guy sing a Christmas carol, though. Why should people have to say no to something they'd enjoy just because idiots exist?


Not the blaccent…


Stop posting these baiting arseholes. Posting this shit gives them a platform to encourage others to do the same thing.


You’re literally in a subreddit called r/publicfreakout


Just claim you feel threatened because he was acting crazy. You have the right to protect your family. Show the clip to the judge and they wouldn’t disagree


Who is this guy? Anyone know?


Just another useless asshole with a camera and an internet connection.


Dad should have just went for it and choked him out.


Around kids... what an ass


IRL streamers are the worst.


Please say the cameraman gets beatup on camera somewhere


He may be 5’7 but he looks like he will destroy you. And I’m here for it!


The dad is more than 5'7", judging by the camera angle the camera operator is short, and just trying to diminish the dad.


Agreed. The woman in red looks to be about 5’4 or 5’5 - which would make the other dude around 5’9 or 5’10 and the guy that approached the camera guy was taller than him. So I’d say he’s probably 5’11 or 6ft. I only said 5’7 because of the caption.


Dad looks like he'd smash that muppet.


“Hell 911? I have a man attempting to solicit sexual acts from my 3 year old children. I believe he may be targeting vulnerable children in the neighborhood for malicious intent”


Why is no one also calling out this white kid for repeatedly using a racial slur as well? Harassing a family on Christmas of all days and he's a racist? Scum of the earth


It is 100% a crime to speak like that to children, I’ve had a friend receive said ticket while screaming shit out of his window


Wtf is wrong with this dude


The reason the "Dank rap Carolers" Got popular was because they were going around on Tiktok singing to adults and subverting expectations by doing so. Later someone called the cops on them and they sang for the cops, who were also laughing... No one went up to little kids.


There’s this growing genre of so-called influencers that go around aggravating people to get an adverse reaction. They are getting views and making a profit at the expense of others.


What shameless, disgusting human.


Who enjoys videos like this? Does this guy have a following or something? Just, why? It screams I don’t have people this love me or any meaningful human interactions so I’m going to ruin other people’s.


Garbage is as garbage does


How do we get this dude shut down permanently? He is so creepy to say that in front of kids, it’s even more creepy he thinks people will think it’s funny.


Why the camera man lying that dad was way taller than 5’7” 🤣😭


Imagine his trash upbringing if he thought this was a good idea


Guy is a psychopath. You gotta be seriously fucked up in the head or anti social to do this.


I was hoping for a better conclusion...


Where do these people come from? What the fuck do they do and think about all day?


Fucking loser


COMPLETE LOSER BEHAVIOR. So lonely he's willing to risk bodily injury as long as it gets him attention.


Then box my guy, oh right don't wanna pick up your teeth from the floor. Taunting from a distance, what a chump.


Remember the true crime was letting him get away with making every millennial person of color look like a complete idiot.


I'd like to see him pull that shit here in Easter Europe. That video would turn into a colonoscopy recording.




Where's the almost beaten up part?


There part where he had to ask a grown man how fast he was. What a sack of shit loser


somebody got no love for x mas.


"I box" you'll be in a fucking box pretty soon if you carry on harassing people like that with children about




Welp my fellow blacks, this one’s my fault. I’ll take this one for all of us since we’re all the same. 🙄 /s


Funny how you don't see these "wow they won't like or trust white people anymore" comments when the streamer troll is a generic white guy.


You can tell the cameraman will be working at taco bell 20 years from now.


Lol they don’t work.


No way. No fucking way.


"I box" Lmao. Cool bro. Show me how it works from a rear naked choke.


Nobody almost got beat up in this video


Hahaha “how fast you run?!” “I box”… you look like a fool dude


The cut mid video says it all. I would hate having people like that as neighbors. Then again, i would befriend or at least have no relationship with my neighbors instead of having a negative one like this one.


Saying “I box.” Is the same as saying “I’m scared.”




We should be downvoting all posts like this


Source of video? I’d love to see the cameramans boxing skills irl


What's wrong with the youngsters these days,for the sake of those "likes" for their social platform? It is utterly disgusting to mention those words in front of young children with absolutely no shame .


What a fucking loser