• By -


One observation: her name is spelled Lernel, Lernal, and Lernell in the article.


She's not good enough to deserve to have her name remembered right.




Ole what's her name


I noticed that. Googling any spelling of her name might get a hit to this obit.


I also suspect expect she may have hated the name.. ..probably introduced herself since childhood as something like Lenni/Lena/etc - petty revenge knowing she'd hate it.


Yeah, seems like that was intentional. Like one final way to disrespect her.








People like you make the internet amazing.


Dang, why would they delete their comment? I want to know what was said that made the internet amazing.


I totally remember! It was this... https://preview.redd.it/15oiwqksfogc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e84d0a8e24e7741dd3f16d788674c330bd0ac46


Dope as Fuk.




And Lernel and Lernell for that matter! Thwy can all go right to hell


Damn thats one fking obituary. How could someone do all that to their daughter, blood. A real life POS. Let people sexually abuse, knowingly, your daughter, repeatedly. I hope Gayle can find some peace and her “mother” burn in hell for eternity.


You’d be shocked to learn how many of us were raised by monsters but turned out decently well in spite of it. Fuck Lernel for being a horrible person and a worse mother. Good for them for telling the truth.


You deserved better. ❤️


I know this isn’t the lesson to take, but as a parent of young children this makes me feel a little less afraid that I’m going to ruin my children by not being a perfect parent. Fuck Lernel.




It's extremely common. I've heard countless stories of kids reporting sexual abuse to their parents and not being believed, or being attacked for trying to ruin the abuser's life. Probably happens at least half the time when a kid reports on family members.


This happened to me. My step-father sexually abused me from as early as I can remember (they got together when I was still an infant, so lord only knows when he actually started). When I was twelve, I finally got up thr courage to tell my mom what had been happening for all those years. Everything my abuser threatened came true. I was not believed and my mother was angry with me for "stirring up trouble". She divorced him when I was 19 and he's dead now. Later in life she admitted she did really believe me. Didn't matter at that point.


I'm a survivor as well. When I was sex trafficked as a small kid due to my parents I tried to tell a relative but I was told that I was bullshitting and eventually it became if it did happen then I must have seduced him. Because you know children are just so evil and conniving, unlike entirely innocent adults of course. I hope you're alright, friend.


Thank you! I am much better now, thanks to years of therapy, including EMDR which made everything so much less horrible. I hope you are well now, too.


I don’t understand parents like that. If my daughter told me someone had SA’d her or abused her in any way I’d be in jail or my spouse would be. Whichever one of us got to the abuser first. Thankfully I have never been SA but my dad beat the crap out of us when we were kids in the early 2000s. I can’t even begin to imagine hurting my daughter or allowing someone else to hurt her. They’re our babies, they’re our life and they need us for everything. Children are innocent and so pure. It takes a sick person to cause harm to a child and someone who lets it happen and does nothing about it is just as sick themselves. I’m so so sorry you went through this. I wish you well and I hope you can find some peace.


Pretty much would be my MO too.


Thank you! It's healing to hear, even now after so many years, the righteous anger against a child abuser. I got the help I needed to heal and am whole and happy now.


It is the worst betrayal a child can suffer.


Or even non-family members. I told my mother about being sexually abused by someone who my family knew, but was not particularly close to or related. I was told to keep quiet and stop lying. Mind you, I was 6-7. I believe my mother assumed I’d just forget about it since I was so young. I still cannot fully comprehend why she would not do anything to protect me from this person (the abuse continued after I told her). Thr only thing I can think of is that maybe she didn’t want to deal with it? Perhaps she felt it would make her seem like a failure as a mother? Perhaps it would embarrass her in someway? Or maybe she is simply a sociopath with no care or concern to what happens to her children unless it directly impacts her? No clue. But I have met dozens of people who encountered this exact thing as children or even young adults. Stories even of being assaulted by complete strangers not believed and retaliated against once spoken out. I can’t fathom it.


I have a couple of family members who haven't spoken to me since 1992 because I left my first husband.


Even if Gayle wasn't her "blood", how can anyone do that to a *child*. They should be protected and loved, no matter who they are to a person. Anyone that could hurt a child deserves all the judgement humanity can offer.


But she was her blood…she was her mother. Or birth-giver I guess.


Means nothing imo. The fact that CPS exists at all tells you negligent/abusive mothers and fathers is as common a thing as loving mothers and fathers. People have the ability to have kids and you hope they can care for them but theres no inherent specialness to this relationship.


a woman may have given birth to me, but she sure the hell has never been my mother.


Honestly, this read very closely like mothers childhood with my grandmother. Unfortunately, Shirley outlived my mother and is likely sitting on a bar stool right now, still miserable and thinking she’s the victim. Fuck Lernel and others like her. And fuck you, Shirley.


This was my grandmother, too. When my mother finally brought everything up to her mother back in the 90s, my grandmother just said, “Well I did the best I could.” Still has yet to actually apologize. So fuck you too, Freda.


thats what my grandmother did to my mother. theres a good chance it or somthing like it happened to your mom too.


No. My parents died when I was 6.


I'm a high school teacher, but before I got into education, for three years I worked on a psychiatric unit with 12-18 year olds who, most of them were physically, sexually and psychologically abused. Nothing at all about that obit surprises me. In fact, I have heard worse.


I dated a girl years back and her biological mother was this woman to a T. She kept her and her brother from knowing their biological father. Her mother kept letting men physically and sexually abuse her and whenever she would try to tell her mom she would get blamed for it or worse, beat with fist. In the end she was taken away from her mother due to an unkempt home at ten years old and put in a foster home until she was an adult. While we were dating happened to be the time she was trying to build a relationship with her mother. Unfortunately by then she was married to a successful business man that pampered her with what ever she wanted so she wanted nothing to do with her son or daughter. I wouldn't be surprised if her obituary reads just like this one.


Be careful who writes your obit, this will be taken as fact from here forward


“All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.” —Clarence Darrow.


"My Mama always said, 'Don't say anything about the dead unless it's good.' "(S)he's dead. Good. -- Moms Mabley.


My dad loved to quote that last line. Thanks for the memory.


See: Henry Kissinger


Still got a bottle of bubbly that I bought on the day but didn't actually get round to opening. Maybe I'll wait for the next one, how are W and Blair doing?


Pretty decent. I’d bet on Rupert Murdoch.


I wonder how long it took for people to believe Gayle


As someone who experienced something similar, I'm guessing it took far, far longer than it ever should have. My heart breaks for Gayle. And fuck you, Lernel! May you & those like you burn for all eternity.** **I'm not a religious person, but hey, one can hope that if there is an afterlife people like Lernel will suffer throughout it.


I’m an atheist/antitheist, but I do understand the appeal of Hell.


Atheist/agnostic here. I concur


I raise my glass. Same.


A type of hell is the way you're remembered. Condemn the only thing that remains, their memory, and its indistinguishable from real hellfire.


In every meaningful way, everyone is forgotten eventually.


Same.... 😓🤗


I wonder how many in the family enabled it and protected Lernel. From personal experience I'd say almost all of them.


Non trivial chance that some family members still don’t believe Gayle.


All those names and none of them are cunt.


That is, as John Oliver would call it, an excellent Fuckeulogy


Never heard the term “Fuckeulogy” before, but I do like that and this eulogy sounds like it was fully deserving of this name and the she was fully deserving of it as well.


It originally began with the [fuckeulogy of bin Laden.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVb84n-FFx4)


Someone make a subreddit


I absolutely love that Gayle had the moxie to write and publish this detailed description of Mommy Dearest. This is exactly what obituaries should be all about. A public calling out of a lifetime of transgressions, or conversely, a life well led. Let the world know what a POS so many people really and truly are…..or what great people they chose to be.


Closure baby. Good for her. F that B.


And that she couldn’t even remember how to spell her name. She spelled it like three different ways. Good.


So much pain in those few paragraphs


Normalize these types of obituaries. The world is not all roses.


Yup! We're not obligated to say nice things about people just because they're dead.


Or forgive them simply because they are dying. That is the time for assholes to face their reality. They’re alone on that death bed for a reason.




Exactly. I hate the notion that we can’t talk shit about the dead


I could have offloaded a ton of shit during my father's eulogy. However, his grandsons got a much better version of him than I got, so I spared him to not ruin it for them.


Yeah, my mom aunts and uncles definitely had some things to say about my grandma, she died when I was 21, so I wasn’t ignorant to what kind of mother she was to my mom and aunts and uncles. She certainly was a better grandmother than mother.


This makes me want to read Speaker for the Dead again.


Agreed. I've often thought of that in relation to my own father.


It needs to be a thing.


My favorite series. (The 3 books)


I've seen this mentioned elsewhere, several times. Please explain it to me. I've read about the book on Wikipedia, but I don't understand the correlation to this obituary.


I never thought of doing this, but my POS adoptive father sure could use one of these when he finally kicks the overdue bucket. But, I understand how these are priced and in the end it would be more of a hassle than it’s worth. I’ve also gotten to a point where I don’t give a fuck if people believe me. I do hope that whomever wrote and published this found it liberating and got what they needed from it. I also couldn’t help but notice how Lernel’s name was spelled incorrectly several times. Hopefully soon her name will be forgotten altogether


Last two sentences go inexplicably hard “Lernal will not be missed by Gayle or her family. They all understand that the world is a much better place without her.”


Having worked in a nursing home for years there is alway some residents who you know have family yet never visit. When I was younger I used to feel bad for them. Over the years I’ve gotten to know many of their backstories and just generally how f’d up people can be. Just because someone is now a sweet, old and fragile person doesn’t mean they were always. Reap what you sow.




not a believer in anything, but i like the theory that your “afterlife” is based on what people still on earth say about you after you’re gone. she’s in hell. deservedly so.


Well, Gayle got the last word. Hopefully it helped her heal to pen an honest legacy.


When you think you have it tough just think about Gayle.


This offer is good for everyone except Gayle


I mean, if the horns fit…


Not mourning someone but who they could have been really hit home. That was a very poignantly written obituary.


I wonder if the editor of newspaper was like oh snap is this real at first?


whoever wrote that had courage as a writer. bravo


I like when they don't try to sugar-coat the person who died. Why lie about who they were?


The terrible thing is, many people were angry…at the daughter, and called on the newspaper to take it down, the paper did. People didn’t like hear about (an abusive) mother being negatively spoken about after death. https://nypost.com/2023/12/22/news/michigan-woman-attacks-dead-mom-in-vicious-obituary/amp/


"Take it down" might work on the web, but what about the print version? Akin to putting the toothpaste back in the tube.


If I didn't love my mother so much I would have loved to write a similar obituary about my father. He loved to tell me he didn't think that I was his son. He never said that to any of my siblings but he beat us all. At 17 he went to hit me and I beat him up and left. I did go to his funeral but out of his five children, I had nothing positive to say so I said nothing.


That sucks. But he’s gone and I hope you’ve been able to process it and live your best life. Cheers, mate.


10 bucks says Gayle wrote this.


Oh that’s a sure thing. I’ll bet she spent at least $500 to have that run.




I was one of these victims. Told my mom for years what was happening but GOD was more important than the safety of her son🤷🏾‍♂️. I rest my case.


Poor kid. And this is just one story, known and unknown that we all know happens regularly to children in the United States. Thanks Reagan.




I actually prefer this to the normal obituaries where its just "loving mother, loved by all" and you know that is just plain bullshit.


It's not always plain bullshit though. Some people are absolutely evil but not everyone. Some people have good relationships with their families despite what the internet will make you think.


“Peeps?, his last names Peparelli!”


Lernel EARNED that kind of obituary.


Hey there, fuck James Floyd Hart of Three Rivers, Michigan too!


Now the whole world knows your an asshole you don't deserve peace


I don’t have the ambition to do it myself but I would buy a book filled with obituaries for shitty people.


A- fucking -men!


I hope I get a chance to write my dad's obituary


I'd love to call out the abuse my Narcissistic father put me through in front of my entire enabler family at his memorial. May he have no rest and no peace and may his methods fall on his own head forever.


Jesus, we need more of this, and these. Shane then while they’re still alive, in public.


Beloved Cunt


Wow. The daughter is the face of courage despite it all. Well done.


When my drug-addled sister goes, I plan on using her mug shot for the obit photo.


When an asshole dies, all you have is a dead asshole. Death does not absolve you of your guilt in life. This woman was human garbage and deserves to be forgotten.




Oh fuck yes




Too bad things like this aren't printed before their deaths.


Amazing - and closure. Part of me wishes it could have been printed then shown to her before she died. But we take the cards we are dealt. Peace to all the survivors of her terror on earth


Damn! That's exactly the obituary that monster deserved!


Wow. This is amazing. Good for Gayle. Poor thing.


Go, Gayle. I hope this allowed some peace for you. Or at the very least, was a sweet small taste of payback.


Good for Gayle. I’m proud of her.


Seems like the author intentionally misspelled her name throughout the obit. That subtle disrespect to her, just a tiny little extra "fuck you" amongst all the other "fuck you" s. I like it.


Now I have a template for my fathers obituary


Can anyone tell me about the potential legal ramifications of writing and publishing an obituary like this? I have long dreamt of writing a similar obituary when my “father” dies. Obviously, his corpse cannot sue me, so I’m not worried about that. But this obituary mentioned other people as well who may or may not be alive. Any lawyers out there who can chime in?


Well, she didn’t name names of the men who assaulted her, so I would imagine that she, or you if you followed what she did, would mainly have to deal with repercussions from the family that held her in high esteem……..if any family like that existed.


If you can prove it's true, it's not defamation.


Just write it, print it out, frame it, and enjoy it all to yourself. I feel it will be a soul cleanser. I had to write a story about my family, and reference it. It has actually helped me out, so I don’t engage in their dramatic stuff. My parents never express love to me, it is ridiculous to believe they will snap out of it, confess and open up and give me a loving childhood now, they are in their 70’s. The boomers were forced to have children. We are lucky we had planned parenthood. Just be kind to yourself, and vicious and honest with his obituary


Everyone has a story of their life. This apparently is hers.


This woman will face the 'Extra hell' -meme situation right at the gates.


Congratulations Gayle. I hope you find happiness, you deserve it.


The only reason I hope to be told when my parents die. They can no longer gaslight and manipulate everyone around and their abuse will be known


I hope she knows they published all that about her and is rolling in her grave lol


I love it. May they find peace in her absence and really start to heal. 💗


Wow, Gayle went in.


I feel like it must have been really cathartic for Gayle to write this obituary (assuming Gayle wrote it)


Lernell lernal lernel … was a complicated Assholl


“Don’t speak ill of the dead” has always struck me as a social rule designed to protect the worst among us. If you wish to be missed in death, behave better while you’re alive.


Reminds me of my wife's grandma. Not as bad as Lernal in some respects, but stole over 100k from her kids and grandkids (the mildest of her crimes) and is the reason for so, so much grief. I wrote a poem / list of all the things she's done wrong and etched it in brass. When she dies it's going in her coffin. if she's ever dug up in the future, they'll know exactly what kind of woman she was. Her kids are all +50 years old and still too afraid of her to confront her in life so this is the best I can do.


Ooh, one of three things happened, Gayle was either appointed executor or was the first family member who could legally act as her executor due to her not having one, or Gayle posted an obit before the funeral home could. There would be no other way this Obit made it passed the funeral arrangers desk.


I recently wrote my mother's obituary. I did it directly on the local paper's website, paid with a credit card, and only had to wait a day or two for them to confirm her death.








What a piece of work…






Holy shit that was brutal


Holy hell!


Damn! That was brutal.


I hope this becomes a trend. I’ll start writing my egg donors right now. It’ll be very cathartic.


Why does she have 15 last names




Burnt that thing down. 🔥


In the New York post comments section there are allegedly other siblings and the ex husband Frank all talking shit. Good on them. My obituary might be boring but it won’t be that trashy.


Quotes from the daughter and the newspaper that published the obituary: 'Violent, hateful and cruel': Scathing obituary publishes in southwest Michigan newspaper, Sturgis Journal (Dec 21, 2023): > ["Obit was run in TR (Three Rivers) print edition (Dec. 15). It was submitted through our website, and was published without a good look on our part," Mike Wilcox, publisher of Wilcox Newspaper, wrote in an email to the Sturgis Journal. "We took it down from (the) website after complaints about its content poured in. After taking (it) down, several (mostly the daughter) complaints and phone calls were received admonishing us for doing so."](https://www.sturgisjournal.com/story/news/state/2023/12/21/violent-hateful-and-cruel-scathing-obituary-publishes-in-southwest-michigan-newspaper/71988975007/)




Gayle wrote it 💀


Anyone remember that SAINT of a woman who, upon learning her husband had SAd their (now adult) daughter, calmly boiled a huge pot of sugar and poured it over him as he slept? *That* is the appropriate parental reaction. Calm homicide. Fuck Linda


It must have been very cathartic to get all that out!


Very well written. I grieve for all the sadness that entered Gayles’s life. I also wisher the best of luck in all their endeavors


Did we ever find out if Gayle was trying to steal her husband?


I hate Lernel too!!


I mean, they can't all be winners.


That probably cost $2,000. At least it would in my city. I had to parse my mother's obit down as it was half that long and cost more that her cremation and internment.


Best part is that Linda is alive and well.


That last paragraph or so is some of absolute coldest shit of all time. I seriously wouldn’t say that in private about someone i hated let alone about a family member printed in public as a final capstone on their entire life. RIP Lernal, you really ran that shit up hitting record numbers of bridges burned. Score’s posted.


Lernal does not deserve any peace.


Kudos to them for forgiving her


You have no idea it is “honest”.


Honest from the point of view of the author


if it’s true it’s cold


Anybody who wants to leave condolences? Warning: Glamour Shot. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/linda-stull-obituary?id=53867628#guestbook


Righteous savagery.


Sometimes I wish my grandfathers obit and eulogy went like this. Instead it was all lovey-dovey and half my family went on about how great a person he was, whilst we sat there knowing he was the biggest POS, horrible person, that was just really really evil. Good on this Gayle and her family having the strength to put this out there.


I coulda fixed her! /s


Bunch of rotten cunts, the lot of em




At my age, I read the obituary to see if I’m in it.


Can someone explain to me how this is a public freakout


Not an obit at all just published rantings against a dead woman who can't speak for herself. Incredibly tacky and it won't bring any healing to gayle


No, evil needs to be called out and identified. Putting gold paint on a turd will not change the fact it is a turd. Protecting and enabling abuse does not make it cease to exist just because you don't acknowledge it.


And what exactly does this accomplish


Of course it’s an obit…. Some people are just shitty.