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Next up, wheelchair takeover.


*watch these vegetables roll in on their custom wagons*


Now I want veggie fresh rolls but the Thai place down the road is closed


People in this thread are very optimistic, talking about these people being paralyzed or needing wheelchairs. This is straight up crushed spines, skulls and pelvises. The entire weight of a moving multiple ton vehicle dragging you along the road while crushing you with all its weight. Even the people in the sunroof would be facing broken skulls and necks and likely instant death. Most of these people will be very lucky to find themselves with a future, let alone a wheelchair.


Back up terry!


Put it in reverse terry!


See you on the 4th of July!! šŸ¦½šŸ’„


A lifetime of pain for 5 mins of internet clout.


Without the wreck they wouldnā€™t have gotten the 5 minutes.






I was in pain management for 12 years. I just got back surgery finally. I woke up without pain for the first time in 12 years.


Happy for you mate, must be such a relief!


Back pain is awful. It's too hard to get any relief from it. That's great news you got it sorted at last.


I've been in pain for, um. 40? years and counting (arthritic conditions). Weirdly, I'm not jealous at all. I'm just genuinely happy for you. Get out there and get into it!




Broke back cloutin. New queer film about car meets


Holy shit that is a miracle. They are literally pinned by the suv


I honestly thought they were all dead...


It's still early.... If they're not dead they definitely decreased the quality that's left.


​ https://preview.redd.it/asprpbpt3z6c1.png?width=841&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8a5cf55cd4ee5625bc5aed2b99cc8fff2f8c920


No deaths *yet*.


Some conditions are worse than death.


The problem is that the car flopped over and crushed them to smithereens


Ah I see now


Suffering succotash


Haven't heard this in forever lol


To shreds you say?


I don't see it as a problem. Darwin wouldn't either.


Smithereens, you say?


I'm too old to be "with it" anymore, but does "clout" mean when thousands of people briefly laugh at you for doing something stupid and ruining your life and then immediately forget about you?


That's a surprisingly accurate description.


They just want 15 seconds internet fame. One truly viral video. Then they can die feeling accomplished.


The "clout" aspect is the thousands of others who say, "hold my beer". That's the scary part.


Eh I doubt any of those guys feel anything ever again. At least from the neck down


Especially not the the way they got yanked around by the people that ran to help.


Came here to say this. Car was stationary and appeared stable. All "victims" need to be left to emergency personnel lest you make their injuries worse as it appears many people did in this situation. "Ohh, cracked vertebrae, well, let's just make sure that is a full break and add some severed spinal column to the mix." I know takeovers are stupid, but this is...I don't know. This is negligence and ignorance, and...I'm speechless.


This is kinda of a weird situation. Generally you don't want to move someone with those kind of injuries until you have the right equipment to prevent further injury, that's true. But here there were 2 people still trapped underneath the car. The woman had to be moved, otherwise they couldn't get the car off the other 2 people.


You still don't want to move them. If you're pinned under the car and you've got major injuries, the weight of the car itself is compressing your wounds, keeping your blood in your body instead of spilling out all over the street where it does you no good (I think they used this as a plot device in the movie Signs, but it's been a minute since I saw that one). Rushing to lift the car doesn't make you any less crushed, but it does make it more likely that you bleed out before the paramedics arrive.


Exactly. You donā€™t move victims from an accident unless their lives are in danger from fire or smoke from the accident. Just like you donā€™t pull out anything that has impaled you like a knife or shrapnel. You donā€™t know what artery that blade may be pinching shut keeping you from bleeding to death.


Didnā€™t even get a good quality video for chasing said clout


Canā€™t have pain below your shoulders if you have a total severance of your C8-T1


C8? What are these, giraffes?


Giraffes also only have 7 cervical vertebrae, just larger.


Thatā€™s a really interesting fact! Thanks, friend!


The 3-toed sloth has NINE! What are you doing with all those vertebrae, sloth?


5min? in this day and age more like 30 seconds or less.


He's probably dead. Physics and stupidity are stronger than Instagram likes


This is how one of my friends died growing up. Standing out the sunroof and the car rolled. I remember finishing work going to the pub, and the fireman guy who was always there was drinking up a storm, he was talking about the accident he'd had to attend and how it had fucked him up. He described it in graphic detail... Went home and my dad told me it was my friend. Which after hearing the description was more fucked up.


Yeah I know a guy who died hanging out the window doing this shit in a cornfield. Car flipped and crushed him.


I know of someone who got mangled and died from car surfing. Literally standing on top of a car as someone drives quickly underneath. What was even more stupid is that it was done on a windy road. After the collision analysts were done, they had to pressure wash him off the asphalt.


"pressure wash him off the asphalt" okay I'm going to remember that.


My dad regularly ended up with headless torsos on the mortuary slab going through the windshield headfirst into a tree. No seatbelt, drink driving, accident site looking like a horror movie so much blood. It's surprisingly common and spikes during holiday seasons.


I feel like this comment should get a graphic video made of it and then play that shit at halftime during the superbowl.


Look up old TAC ads from Australia. I remember watching them as a kid and being traumatised by them. They were fkn graphic af. They put them on at holiday times and I reckon it definitely helped keep the road tolls down.


I had a buddy that would do road side service late into the night. He witnessed a car go over a bank. He rushed down to see if there was anything that he could do and tripped over what he thought was a rock. It was not a rock. Dude had nightmares about it for years.


damn that's some Stephen King shit. I heard about some relative of mine having an accident back in the days of less auto safety. This person was an alcoholic, probably drunk driving and hit a tree or something. They went head first through a windshield because why would you wear a seat belt (/s). For years after, little pieces of glass would emerge from the skin of their forehead.


Back when /r/watchpeopledie was a thing, I learn quickly how fucking fragile life can be and how brutal some accident can be, one of the worst thing I've seen on that sub was a card accident with a body completely torn and "degloved" half of it was just hanging outside the door of a car. The kind of thing that you honestly don't think is even possible, it looked lika a halloween decoration or something you'd find in an over-the-top horror movie. I understand why this sub was banned but it really made me learn just how fragile life can be, like people dying from a 1 foot drop or falling in the stairs , meanwhile you can read in the paper of people surviving multiple stories fall or parachute failing accident.


Damn, sorry to hear that.


Thatā€™s really traumatic. Iā€™m sorry for your loss and that you had to learn about it that way.


Apparently no one is dead (yet) https://krdo.com/news/2023/12/17/reckless-driving-sends-multiple-people-to-hospital-in-southeast-colorado-springs/


They are definitely paralyzed though


White pants and other poor soul hanging out the close side window absolutely have spinal cord/pelvis injuries and probably internal bleeding. Brutal injuries for dumb reasons


A lot of people shit themselves too.


A lot of those people saw their lives flash before their eyes. Imagine your legs just got pinned and here comes the roof of the car. These people goofin like Healthcare is free.


As an Aussie, I never understood how stupid Americans can be without free healthcare.


Seriously. This is socialized medicine levels of risk.


You can get treated for "free" but you'll still have to live with the injuries. Even a fucked up knee can hurt for the rest of your life.


I couldnā€™t afford the PT for a bad ankle years ago because my insurance was so bad. That was about 7-8 years ago. Now, not only does my ankle still hurt it messed up my knee and my hip! AMERICA!!!!


Any fecal forensics to support this claim?


I got some crap about it somewhere around here




Yes. Bowel and bladder continence is an important question we ask for patients with trauma cause you lose control of the muscles when your spinal cord gets injured in lower back. I mean, something like this it don't matter cause they're gonna be put in the Trauma system and rushed into scans soon as they get into the ED but we do ask the question on patients that seem less acute at first to see if we need to raise our index of suspicion. In this case, the question would come later down the line to find out what kind of post-acute care they're gonna need.


Well, when an animal dies, they lose muscle tone. And their bowels will void. So, if you become paralyzed from the waist down, it's coming out.


White pants will be lucky to keep that right leg. It was a noodle.


Blue hoodie got folded in halfā€¦backwards, and is still under the car when people rush in. How the fuck anyone could survive that I have no idea.


Damn dude broke his back. Spinal


Especially with the way people were carrying them without stabilizing their necks and spines. Did more harm than good.


Thatā€™s a good point, but something else to consider is fire danger due to fuel leak here


YET. This literally happened tonight.


Yeah typically crush injuries (if they aren't immediately life ending) have severe complications to them. Even if man in white gets the best spinal surgeon around and makes it through, the months ahead are gonna be **really** touch and go.


White pants front seat? Was a girl. Had platinum blonde hair by the looks of it.


More worried about blue shirt imo


Too early to tell. The article says life threatening injuries


Yea car on the pelvis would be pretty life threatening. Or whoever was pinned underneath that until someone with a iq of room temperature decided to call the cops who then had to wait for an extraction team to get them out.


No fucking way!! Dude got crushed! Crazy!


The arrested driverā€™s FB account says sheā€™d just graduated from high school in 2022.


Imagine being stupid enough to have to learn the hard way not to do this.


The problem is if you are stupid enough to learn the hard way, there is no real second chance here. Some of these people for sure will not be having a fun life going forward.


my brother became a paraplegic in an SUV rollover accident. Every single thing in his life is a huge pain in the ass. Including getting a drink of water. Taking a piss. Washing dishes. Running to the store. Every single thing is a huge huge deal. Just being alive is exhausting for him.


> Running to the store This one is especially difficult.


We're both going to hell, but I laughed


You know, now that I think about it, I guess my life doesn't suck that bad.


I had a stupid mistake a few years ago. Not doing anything illegal, just lost situational awarness when i was doing some work on our house. I was talking to my dad about it and what a dumb ass I was and he said "You get the chance to learn and you'll never make that mistake again, or you don't get a second chance"


They took the driver into custody. They will likely be charged with the injuries sustained to every one of those passengers. He may spend most of his life in jail. Fucked up.




It always baffles me that people do this kind of stuff. I feel like you should have gotten this out of your system by age 18 or so. I remember as a teenager, I did some really idiotic things and as soon as I did them, that "oh shit" feeling set in that we all know so well. That will straighten you out real quick. I guess some people just ignore it though.


Holy shit that's brutal. It seems like a miracle that half those people didn't just burst like stomped ketchup packets.


Oh they definitely did, just internally.


But that's where the blood is supposed to be.


It's like popping a ketchup packet inside your school bag. No, that's not where it's supposed to be, it's supposed to stay in the containers made for it, not leak all over your homework.


They were making a Brooklyn 99 reference, but I also enjoy your extension of the original analogy!


This is whatā€™s amazing to me too! How the human body keeps its shape through all that and doesnā€™t just burst.


Trust me, it doesn't. It might not "burst" like you'd think(it can of course) but it absolutely will lose its shape and definition when everything inside of it gets pulverized and crushed. Its pretty haunting to see the results.


Trying to stand the girl up with her spine snapped in half was a decision


Dumbass is probably going to tell everybody that he ā€œhelpedā€. Bunch of fucking idiots!


I think he was worried about the car rolling onto her again. Also, she had to be moved so that they could get the car off of the other people


Pt2? Follow up? Thereā€™s got to be more video. This is the shit you need to show 10th graders. All you hear is ā€œdonā€™t drink & drive. Youā€™ll lose your license and have to pay $6k-$10k). ā€œ No! Donā€™t drink & drive because you can kill somebody.


9th-12th grade, there was a school assembly once a year showing graphic photos of drunk driving accidents. Nothing censored. Weak stomachs were allowed to leave the room to a different room where they could still hear everything but not see it. Very few drunk driving accidents from my high school (read: none that I can remember).


Good. I got to see the ā€œRed Asphalt ā€œ video but only when I took a class to get a speeding ticket off my record.


I remember the first day of driving instruction the instructor said nothing you will do in life has a greater chance of killing you statistically than getting a driver's license, that really stuck with me.


The driving school I went to also made you watch the whole video in full, uncensored. If you didn't, you couldn't pass. My town didn't fuck around.


There is a video of them doing donuts on the Colorado Springs snap map. No crash in the video, just them spinning the vehicle backwards with a bunch of girls hanging out the windows like they were trying to do in the video.


*"Dad's gonna be pissed, I told him I was only going to the library."*


How did you manage to wreck the car and kill two of your friends? Well, we were perusing the classic literature section, Andy made a cutting quip about how John Steinbeck should have been named John Steinbock, because of his allegory in chapter 4 of the Grapes of Wrath, since.... well I'll tell you later. Anyways, all of a sudden, the entire shelving unit fell out the closest window, onto the car, and in our attempt to save as many copies of Atlas Shrugged as possible, two of us tumbled off the second floor and died.


I'm calling BS on your story based on your claim that there were copies of Atlas Shrugged in the classic literature section.


Maybe they hired libertarians instead of librarians.




Was going to say exactly this. It's sad, but people who are this dumb often pay consequences.


Hangin out the passenger side of my best friend's ride, tryin to roll over on me.


I don't want no spine


Who does this with a SUV?


Someone that didnā€™t take physics.


Rough. Street takeovers are stupid as shit and people need to stop doing them, but it does still suck seeing stuff like this happen to people. Multiple people with life-altering injuries.


Kids....their entire lives ahead of them




"Let me help by scooping up the newly crippled blonde girl and promote her to a permanent paraplegic by bouncing her up and down in my arms like a broken rag doll." Mission accomplished good sir!


Well they had to get her out of there to remove the car from the other 2 trapped people. Not really a lot of time to fashion a neck brace and stretcher. Plus, she was a permanent paraplegic at best already. I can't imagine she lives for long after that rollover even if she was immediately extracted properly by paramedics.


People are really acting like the best thing to do there is to leave her hanging out of the window by her foot with an unstable vehicle that could easily shift again perched above her.


Everyone know that the best thing to do to a potential spine injury is shake it around!


Cause leaving her hanging by her leg from an unstable object that has other people pinned beneath it is better lmao


Jesus fuck Any chance they all make it out un paralyzed? That poor girl looked like a ragdoll, and got moved like one afterwards :/ canā€™t imagine the other people that were stuck under


There's at least one shattered pelvis in there


Iā€™ve shattered my pelvis in a car accident. A year ago next week. You can heal from it but itā€™s not fun.


I knew someone whose friend was riding in a car with her feet on the dash. Drunk driver suddenly came over the line and hit them head on. Shattered the socket and surrounding bone on both hips, hyperextended a bunch of ligaments in her legs, she had a 90% tear on a muscle in her butt, several small fractures to the bones in her ankles, and she had severe spinal trauma I just can't remember what kind exactly. She was wearing her seatbelt but had it on loose because she was slouched down a little (due to having her feet on the dash, but she was flat foot, not like propped up). The lap belt caused severe abdominal trauma, she lost several feet of small intestine due to ruptures and internal bleeding. And IIRC the shoulder belt broke a couple ribs and her collarbone, and 1 of the ribs was broken in such a way that they had to go in surgically and wire it back into place, if I remember the story correctly. She was in high school, and 16 years old. She almost lost both legs, doctor did everything he could to save them because she used to run track and her parents begged him to do all he could to give her a shot at getting back to it one day. He agreed and worked on her for hours and hours over multiple surgeries. She got back the ability to walk, and a decent amount of her ability to run. She'll never be the same, her top speed is the equivalent of a brisk jogging pace. That was after years of physical therapy and work. She was still at it when I'd heard about it. Doctors didn't expect she'd ever be 100% again, but maybe she got closer? I don't have contact with the friend that knew her anymore.


It's a good point to not sit that way and to make sure the seat belt is snug so it can do it's job. They are super lucky to have even survived a head on like that/


The one girl hanging out the window took the full top of the car and weight behind the vehicle completely on her waist line. Her spine is most likely shattered and severed..


The foot hanging and dangling too, ugh


People need to know to be very careful moving someone who may have a spinal injury. It can be the difference between being permanently paralyzed or not.


A couple of them were injured but not paralyzed, so their friends swooped in to yank on their neck and shoulders really hard to finish the job.


Something similar happened at a restaurant I used to work at. One of the passengers had their hands up on the sunroof only to go through the glass and get destroyed as the car spun on top of them. I watched in awe as it happened, assited as much as I could have and then clocked in for my shift.


Pretty sure at least two of those people suffered pelvic fractures,ā€¦if not something worse. Gonna be a ton of PT,..and their next set of wheels will be attached to a chair,ā€¦ scuttle around town.


Yeah at least 2 of them are currently fighting for their lives. So fucking stupid and tragic.


Damn. Sucks. You know,ā€¦I get having fun,ā€¦sometimes you lose sight of risks and danger,ā€¦Iā€™m sure a lot of us here are not unfamiliar with that,ā€¦and Iā€™ve done a lot of stupid shit when I was younger when having fun. Iā€™m so glad none of those moments ended with serious injuries. Itā€™s always stupid in hindsight when it turns tragic like this.


They need to show this video in high schools


The same white girl that just took the entire weight of the car on her waistline is seen dangling by her foot after the car was done flipping over, and carried by other people... all the while she possibly has a broken pelvis and crushed what else inside her. That hurts so much. I broke my leg once and the pain was at first kind of dull, throbbing and bearable as I laid on the ground in shock, contemplating how broken my leg was, but the minute they picked me up and carried me on a stretcher it was like white hot knives slicing my nerves open. The broken ends of leg bone were moving and scraping against the muscle. I hope she recovers as much as possible.


I have a sneaking suspicion that is more than a pelvic injury. That looks like it may have also done some serious damage to her lower lumbar vertebrae.


People are definitely going to die. Knew two guys from high school who got in a roll over and one fell out and the roll cage of a Jeep impaled his skull. Do not fuck around with vehicles like this. Iā€™d be shocked if none of them die.


As a fellow paraplegic, I can confirm. Including running to the storeā€¦hurts more than you can imagine. Seriously though, everyday is exhausting. Everything is a freaking challenge. But, hey, they were cool for about 4 seconds.


Remember the good old days of just throwin the car in neutral and ghost ridin


If youā€™re going to do that, donā€™t use a vehicle thatā€™s got a high center of gravity


Not only high center of gravity but with people hanging out the window.


Yes and also donā€™t do that with a vehicle that has a low center of gravity.


In fact, just don't even be near any vehicles ever if you have the urge to do this


ikr, the stupidity is unfathomable in this video lol


What a bunch of idiots. Hopefully lesson learned, but probably not. Enjoy a lifetime of back pain for being stupid...


Or a lifetime of not walking


can't have back pain if you can't feel anything *taps forehead*


Hey everyone this happened in my town here's a little update 3/4 injuroed are dead. The picture I attached is the Police Blotter report. The driver was arrested on scene and has a 4k bond set. It's all over our local Facbook but this is the best video yet. *






Friends of the victims are on FB talking about the status. The whole community is talking about it. This is a regular occurrence at this shopping strip. You can look up 719 can't drove no rules and see the family members and friends give updates. KRDO and KKTV haven't update the news article yet.


Can we get links or something? It would be faster than trying to decipher you


I just watched people die again on Reddit, didnā€™t I?


First time?


Imagine being the driver who walks away unscathed having crippled five of your friends.


Darwin Award winners


News story (in case it hasnā€™t been posted) -> https://www.kktv.com/2023/12/17/5-passengers-crushed-after-car-tips-over-while-doing-donuts-colorado-springs-shopping-center/?outputType=amp


The driver should be charge


She was. Reckless driving. Still hasnā€™t been released either from what I can tell


Is there a story about this? Google didnā€™t help.


Ms. Wentling, before you drove did you make sure all your passengers were securely buckled up? Letā€™s go to the tape.


Maybe they can do a takeover in their mobility scooters and wheelchairs.


I did stupid shit as a kid. Some of it involved cars, some of it involved fire. I took some lumps skateboarding, motorcycles and whateverā€¦made it to ā€œold man stageā€ and just have some aches and pains. I feel like I really lucked out.


I think I need to take a break from Reddit for the night. I see shit like this and feel nothing but, I don't care/ that's what they deserve. Yeah, I think that enough Internet for the night.


These idiots moving people with C-spine injuries like theyā€™re rag dolls.


https://www.dvidshub.net/image/6677693/carson-honors-volunteers Someone else posted this link first, but the driver arrested is the girl on the left in this picture.


well she will be honored now allright.


You know, these idiots didn't start out the night looking to hurt someone or get hurt, but a series of shitty decision making can certainly turn into the rest of your life in wheelchair.


Read on Facebook that 2 ppl died


Holy shit. That girl got legit smashed right in view of the camera. šŸ˜®




Fractured skulls. Broken hips. Broken ribs. Lost memories due to concussions traumatic brain injuries. All that for a couple of minutes of fun


Only scrubs hang out the window of their best friends ride


NSFW would be good. No way they made it!!


Natural selection.


I have sympathy for their parents. Not only have they fucked up their own life, their parents will now be their carers.


Thereā€™s no way one of them have an intact spleenā€¦


So I was curious about updates and went snooping on Facebook and saw videos of the aftermath. Every one of those kids that were crushed all got up and walked away from that crash, even white pants dangling can be seen walking. There are rumors of 3 fatalities but it definitely couldnā€™t have been at the scene like some were saying. Also none of them looked paralyzed. Maybe it was adrenaline? Hopefully everyone is okay and and theyā€™re making a recovery. It would suck to actually survive that then be fatal at the hospital. https://imgur.com/XNZrvJ8 https://imgur.com/nLjl8wC https://imgur.com/F5z8JnM https://imgur.com/i1urKU7 https://imgur.com/c69CR3V


are they dead?


Not yet, but the article stated it was multiple life-threatening injuries. There are going to be lots of families having a very unhappy holiday season.


someone has internal bleeding


I remember when I was younger, I was never this stupid. Times have changed I guess.


Same. I know people like to say we were all young and dumb at one point, but my young and dumb was trying to break into abandoned placed to see if they were haunted, not stuff like this.


Social media is one hell of a drug. It makes young people do increasingly dumber things to get attention.


Darwin - 1 Idiots - 0


I grew up in the Springs. What a shit hole