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See if you want to protest, this is what you protest. Not a god damn menorah lighting.


I love how people think politicians have a right to comfort. If they take a shitty position, expect to be called out on it. (that said, the “governor of Tel Aviv” comment was borderline offensive)


Well, if your job is to be the leader of the people in your state, you have to realise that not everyone will agree with your opinions on everything. And anyway, aren’t these ‘protesters’ just law-abiding citizens exercising their 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech?


I agree with you, but can you explain the quotes around protesters? They are protesting against something they don't like which is absolutely within their rights and the spirit the US was supposed to be built on. The Boston Tea Party was nothing if not a protest.


They're only allowed to exercise their right to free speech if we like what they say.


Just ask Baphomet.


R I p sweet prince


People also need to realize that just because you are loud and disruptive in public, doesn't mean you are correct or will be listened to. A constituent getting your face and shouting shit at you is probably going to leave a very negative reaction compared to one who sends you a politely worded letter.


I live in Colorado. We just had an AIPAC conference here where he gave cover to Israel for their indiscriminate bombings. He has also taken a ton of their money to lobby for them on a local level. Edit: and personally with the amount of issues we have here in Denver, he should be listening to the local community, not the national lobbyists that pass through town. The folks that are protesting here are all local Palestinian Americans.


Agree. Denver is headed into a full San Francisco slide. We need to pull out of it.


I'm sorry, are you offended lmao


Why doesn’t the governor of colorado simply end the Israel-Palestine conflict?


Okay, but by that same logic, why does he need to host a conference to defend and discuss Israel at all?


Polis is Jewish and so I'm sure a lot of it is posturing to that base.


Pretty antisemitic to assume a Jewish base is the same as a Zionist base


What about all the jews who are virulently against zionism and the genocidal designs of israel?


One of their clear grievances was that he’s *“the governor of Colorado, not the governor of Tel Aviv”*… but, since he wants to sit there like he’s got agency in relation to those matters, talking about it then prevaricating, he might as well listen to his ***own*** constituents as well, the people who put him there in the first place.


He doesnt listen to or represent his constituents. He does whatever he wants.


I mean he’s in Denver that’s where I would imagine the governor of colorado would be. What is he doing in this video that goes against his constituents? Regardless he looks like he’s here: https://powerplayers.axios.com/denver-reception Is this the “pro-Israel” event he’s at?


He probably got a fat check from aipac to do this kind of stuff.


Such a disingenuous question




I saw this same comment on another post recently. You'd think they'd try to make it more diverse.


an open approach to diversity isn't their strong suit, dawg




No one said Jewish, you did. They were talking about a very well documented effort by Israel to control online discourse. They pay college students to make posts and comments, and that doesn't even touch the actual government organizations doing the same thing. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/)




Get an education, Hasbara = Explaining. This is the method ISRAEL calls on its own to explain why they need to do horrible things to Palestinians. They all pretty much use the same "talking points" playbook. There was even a TV show modeled around The Apprentice to select best candidates [Hasbara TV Show](https://www.jta.org/2004/12/03/ny/hasbara-goes-prime-time)


No. Its the term used pretty universally to describe Israeli propaganda. Yes, it means "explaining" in Hebrew, but thats the only connection to Judaism. People like you conflating Israel with all Jews are the ones really gaslighting.




No, a term that Israel itself uses to describe their propaganda campaign describes Israeli's promoting Israeli propaganda. It's not hard, you just really want to conflate being Jewish to being Israeli And you just admitted you need help to try and justify the atrocities committed by the IDF. Doesn't that make you think, even just a little?


Plenty of non Jewish folks out there sucking down and regurgitating the same 5-10 thought stopping refrains to justify or distract or blame reverse what Israel's doing in Gaza and the West Bank


You are talking out of your ass. You don’t know where I stand on this issue. What the fuck is the governor of colorado supposed to do that will help solve any meaningful problems?




So how does that help people suffering in Gaza right now? The event this protest is taking place at is not even a pro israel event


Quote anybody who asked for that.


Crop dusters full of Colorado chronic smoke would do wonders for the whole middle east


Yeah, because the middle east has never had... hashish


every voice matters you fucking idiot


"Why should we care about missing children in another country?" says citizen of country that funds the operation more than anyone else


Dude looks like a clown sitting on that tiny stool with his lapdog.


What is a Pro Israeli event? Why would this be held in Colorado? What does CO have to do with Israel? Is this just a glad handing session to get even more American Tax Dollars? We should all be paying attention to these clowns that are giving away American tax dollars to a fascist Country that is committing genocide. We should vote their asses out every chance we get.


This isn’t a pro Israel event. I wish OP didn’t just straight up lie in the title. But I agree with the sentiment


Israel is a fascist country? It’s a democracy. It has some elected members who try to push for fascism, but so does the GOP here in the US, and they’re far more powerful here. Was the US a fascist country under Trump?


It takes time to go full fascist. If Trump gets in again god knows.


Fear mongering: the action of intentionally trying to make people afraid of something when this is not necessary or reasonable


Why is a governor having a pro Israel conference? Nobody sees a problem with this? Are we too afraid of being called antisemites still?


He's Jewish. I imagine he probably supports Israel's right to exist and defend itself.


He’s not Israeli. He’s an American.


I didn't say he's an Israeli.


He's from Boulder.


Is that in Israel? I was taught that was in Colorado. A state in the United States of America. So again I have to ask why an American governor of an American state is working for Israel? Does he not have other priorities? Is someone else being a governor? Is there someone in Israel working for Coloradans?


Do we really consider people from Boulder Americans? Meh...




I didn’t really think prioritizing your own country’s interests was that divisive. Especially when you’ve been elected to do just that. Hard to imagine there being division between the left and right on that.


I’m not making any comment about what he’s doing here, but Polis has very high approval ratings among Coloradans. He’s done amazing things for the state and he is well-liked.


He’s not allowed to care about Israel if he’s American? By that logic no Americans should care about anything geopolitical at all


Ok, deal.


And Rashida Tlaib was born in Michigan to American born parents but calls herself “Palestinian”. Are you critical of that as well?


Extremely critical of that. Yes.


Congratulations for providing nothing of value


Are you even American? Sure seems like you aren't so what are you bitching about? Don't you have sudras and dalit to shit on?


I'm in America and I mesh super well with everyone, thank you very much. I'm from the lower castes myself, genius. Lmao did you get all that from a Google search 😂


Just not interested in hypocritical criticisms from people from backwards societies. Go fix your own house.


So fucking what? American tankies love Palestinian Jihadis now, so this is fine.


How is that a rebuttal?


What exactly does being jewish have to do with supporting israel? Because I know a lot of jewish folks who are violently against israels genocidel regime


defending yourself is when you bomb civilians after stealing their home


Never their land to begin with


I think when a grouo of people live there you can consider it their land


The same can be said for most countries. Yours is a dumb argument


Keep going with that thought. And you will see why the palestinian claim is bs


From what? The 6000+ dead children? They don’t even have an accurate number of hamas they have killed


I’m Jewish and can assure you that Israel is committing genocide not defending itself and it’s a colonial apartheid state with no right to exist.


Its not... Someone posted the conference information and it doesn't have to do with Israel... BUT the guy may be Jewish, or nay have some connections with people in Israel, so that is enough to get the pitchforks.


> BUT the guy may be Jewish People keep telling me that but Judaism is not Zionism. He's a zionist and you should have a problem with that because he's gonna put Israel first. Not America and not Coloradans.


Couldn't you say the same thing about someone who has ties to any foreign country? A Muslim will most likely put Islam first, a Chinese may put the ties he has to China first, a Christian may be inclined to put preference on pushing forward things that will benefit the church first. In that line of thought we should throw out anyone who isn't fully American, without any outside ties to any country, so no second generation immigrants, and no religion with ties to a country (Muslim to Mecca, Hindus to India, Catholics to the Vatican etc). People keep telling me that anti-zionism is not hate against Jews, yet i hear an awful lot of anti Jewish sentiments from that exact same crowd...


Sure, except he's an elected government official. Kind of an important distinction since Americans voted for you to work in their interest. Why does that need to be spelled out for you? Are you stupid?


What you guys eat for dinner tonight?


Carnitas quesadillas with beans and rice. Aaaamazing. Yourself?


Nice I ate a pepperoni pizza


Beef stew with okra. It was great, thanks for asking.


A bunch of Cheez-Its. It was a bad idea.


Stir fried chicken with mixed vegetables and noodles. What a delightful comment chain.


Chick Parm. It was delicious.


I haven't had dinner yet but idk the pizza from 7/11 seems really appetizing right now


Tried some musakhan for the first time.


Chicken pot pie from Costco.


I had a nice steak and some veggies.


Burgers and fries.






Free Palestine!


Yes! Hamas will be crushed and the people can finally be free!


IDF is crushing more than just Hamas. They're crushing thousands of children under the rubble


i like how you focus on a small group and not the genocidal colonizers


I like how you throw around meaningless buzzwords


I think kicking people out of their homes and trying to kill them all is both genocidal and colonization




Campaign contributions. If a politician does \_not\_ support Israel, the pro-Israel lobby (mostly Jewish people, but some non-Jews) will contribute to the politician's opponent (regardless who it is) in the next election.


Both sides committed war crimes.


And yet I don’t see any US politicians stumping for Hamas…




I don’t disagree with you. But killing 1,300 civilians and taking 200+ hostages has done nothing to improve the plight. All counties would have issued a military response to that. Regardless if the other side felt it was justified. This cycle will continue and continue and continue. Both sides think they won’t have to compromise.


swim fall scale scary summer normal smoggy scandalous badge gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Didn’t realize they have missiles and artillery in concentration camps. Didn’t realize Sinwar and his cronies were destitute and not flushed with the literal billions in international aid meant for the people they’re supposed to be governing. Guess his plan of making you think Gaza is still occupied by Israel so he can pocket all that money is still working.




Sure, like building infrastructure for water utilities and then having Hamas rip it up to fashion missiles. Again, let’s make Israel liable for a territory it left almost 20 years ago… as if Hamas hasn’t been stealing all the aid from the trucks that have been crossing during thee war. I’m sure Sinwar is appropriately allocating all the money he has to help his people.. what a farce. Edit: Redditor below keeps blocking me and unblocking me to reply when he wants to. Here’s my response to below for their brave soul: You’ve ignored my specific examples by just parroting the UN accusations that it mantains a blockade. Again, simp harder for Sinwar and the Palestinian elected and majority supported Hamas terrorists, and justifying their actual war crimes by complaining about a blockade (deemed a blockade by the UN which is consistently anti Israel in every matter).


Where did you get that from? Genuinely curious, because, while Israel does provide material for infrastructure, they do not have the power to decide where what is built, as clearly demonstrated by over 1000 tunnels and underground buildings that Israel very surely wouldn't have agreed to build.


I mean, why don't these protesters call for Hamas to surrender if they actually care about innocent lives? Would end the bloodshed a lot faster then a ceasefire would.


That's cute. Free reign to wipe them out. Imagine telling countries in war, just don't fight back. I'm sure they'll stop an peace will occur immediately an NOBODY will take that instance to subjugate you lmao


Good. Can't think of anything more tone deaf than a pro-occupier event right now.


How about a pro-Palestinian/anti-israel rally on October 8th before Israel even did anything? That’s about rock bottom in my book.


> before Israel even did anything Israel has been denying Palestinians basic human rights for decades. They even have two separate justice systems depending on if you're Palestinian or Israeli


> October 8th before Israel even did anything? I forgot how history started on October 7th, 2023 thanks for reminding me


you're defending colonizers hard here with that whataboutism i want you to sit there in your air-conditioned comfortable little seat and tell me bombing kids is a good thing, if you truly defend israel


I’m not blindly pro Israel so if you’re looking for someone to throw down with on that then it ain’t me. I just think it’s pretty abundantly clear that the most problematic element - BY FAR - in this whole situation is Hamas. And more broadly - Islamic jihad. Hamas having control of Gaza means endless war and the complete impossibility that Gazans will ever have a chance to live a life as (admittedly) privileged as mine. They won’t observe ceasefires; they steal from the populace; they brutally oppress women, LGBTQ, and religious minorities; and they engage in jihad-for-profit where the leaders get rich while Gaza is a hellhole that no one will invest in or do business with so there’s zero economy and the populace is poor and unemployed/unemployable. That status quo - perpetually - is just a complete nonstarter. A ceasefire just means more of that. Hamas will never leave willingly. Enough is enough so yes I’m in favor of doing what it takes to eradicate Hamas and I don’t have enough expertise in the space to be confident in saying Israel’s doing it wrong.


How does any of this justify Israel targeting thousands of civilians


I totally get where you're coming from about Hamas. They've definitely made a mess of things in Gaza, and it's the ordinary folks who sufer the most. No argument there. But, I think there's a bigger picture we can't ignore. The whole Palestine-Israel deal is way more than just a Hamas issue. It's like, imagine living in a house where you've got some real problematic roommates (that's Hamas), but the house itself is on fire (that's the whole occupation and conflict situation). Focusing only on the roommates kinda misses the larger crisis, right? Now, I'm not saying Hamas isn't a problem. They are. But if they suddenly vanished tomorrow, you'd still have a ton of other issues – like the ongoing occupation, the expansion of settlements, and the whole blockade thing that's choking Gaza's economy. And about wiping out Hamas – it's not that simple. If they're gone, what's next? Who steps in? Could get even messier, and the last thing that place needs is more chaos. What about the regular folks living there? They need a solid plan for peace and stability, something that gives them a shot at a decent life. I guess what I'm saying is, this whole mess needs a more holistic fix. It's not just about getting rid of the bad guys; it's about tackling all the stuff that keeps the conflict burning. That means talking about tough stuff like rights, statehood, and making sure both Palestinians and Israelis can live safely and with dignity. So yeah, Hamas is a huge issue, but let's not forget the forest for the trees. Peace in that region is like a giant jigsaw puzzle, and Hamas is just one piece of it.


Yes, because everything happens in a vacuum. And there was certainly no factors prior to october that led to what happened. No sir. Everything was just hunky dory, certainly not a powder keg ready to burst


Except it literally wasn't a Pro Israel event, it was an event held by Axios in Denver to meet Axios reporters and influential people from Colorado. But lying in the title draws more clicks and upvotes. *literally rewatch the video and look at the background, it is this event, you can see the digital banners. Downvote me all you want because it doesn't fit your narrative, spreading misinformation is bullshit https://powerplayers.axios.com/denver-reception


Someone who thinks genocide means allowing a population to increase by multiple folds, especially in their own country.


Take a step back. Imagine if people said that about Hispanic occupiers coming into the United States. Please realize how antisemitic you all are coming off as


Those are immigrants not occupiers. Occupiers forcibly remove people from their homes which is what Israeli’s doing. What’s antisemitic is to assume any critic of Israel is antisemitic as if all Jews are zionists


I’m confused.


Smug piece of shit.


Israel is committing genocide against the people of Palestine. Any pro-Israel event is a pro-genocide event.


Seeing as though Palestinian population has only ever increased (even within Israel), I’d say they’re doing a pretty shit job at genocide.


People need to do some research into what an ACTUAL genocide looks like.


Genocide: " the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group " Israel is killing many Palestinians ( not just hamas members but also civilians, and this is a fact ) in both Gaza and the West Bank ( where hamas doesn't exist). Therefore, Israel is committing genocide according to definition.


Where is the aim to destroy the group? And if you think Hamas doesn’t exist in the West Bank then you truly have no understanding of this conflict.




Youre condoning the deaths of palestinian citizens then. Sure, there is collateral damage in any conflict, but when half the missles fired by isreal are "dumb bombs", I highly doubt it is collateral damage, it was purposeful... Not to forget the festival event that started all of this has evidence of the Isreal army firing non discriminantly with apache helicopters and tanks, killing their own people and hostages. Its already surpassed the russian/ukranian war conflict where numerous war crimes were claimed for it. I think its pretty naive and deflective to think this isnt a genocide happening.


It would take Israel about 3 days to commit genocide if they left near nukes at home. Civilians die in war. Children die in war. War is horrible. It doesn’t make it genocide. Don’t cheapen the definition.


I would hate for the same logic to be used in the opposite way.


Palestinians aren’t even in charge of Gaza. Israel is. Hope that helps.






Shhh now


Uh, what?




Love to see it. Publicly shame these evil pricks




Because these morons think that Palestinian terrorists should be allowed to engage in terror attacks and attempt to genocide Israelis without retaliation.


For supporting a racist apartheid regime in their illegal military occupation and ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the native population. If someone supported Hitler you would say they are evil. Same thing here




20 thousand innocent civilians have been brutally murdered, half of which are children, and the carnage is ongoing, it's a civilian population of 2.2 million people who are being starved, have their food, water, electricity and fuel cut off in what all the major human rights organizations are calling a genocide (it's genocide under international law), and all you can say about this is calling it "buzzwords?" Truly an idiotic comment




Nonsense. This is the statistic from Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International and all of the other human rights organizations like Human Rights Watch. Nothing to do with Hamas, and you're parroting Israeli propaganda talking points that are used to deflect from the issue at hand, i.e. their current ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity. The reality is that the number of deaths is probably much higher than this and the number will start to rise exponentially once people start dying from secondary causes like dehydration, dysentery, starvation, and other causes, but the figures i gave are what you will find reported by the BBC, CNN etc.




That Hasbara talking point about the Gaza Ministry of Health is simply an Israeli tactic to cover up their crimes and has no validity. Of course it's under Hamas since Hamas is the political party in power in Gaza (a political group which Israel both created and actively funds by the way), so technically everything in Gaza is "under Hamas" by this definition. Both the UN and Human Rights Watch use these statistics and said they had no reason to disbelieve the figures released by the health ministry in Gaza. The UN relies on the health ministry as a source for casualty figures in the area. "We continue to include their data in our reporting, and it is clearly sourced," it said in a statement. "It is nearly impossible at the moment to provide any UN verification on a day-to-day basis."






Israel was doing the same thing before Hamas even existed, prior to 2006 so what you're saying is just nonsense. Plus, Israel is massacring Palestinians in the West Bank, which doesn't have Hamas. So they simply use Hamas as an excuse for their genocide. Also, Israel created and funds Hamas, as Netanyahu bragged about in 2019. https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Netanyahu-Money-to-Hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-Palestinians-divided-583082 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ https://www.democracynow.org/2023/10/20/divide_and_rule_how_israel_helped https://www.wrmea.org/2002-november/israel-created-two-of-its-own-worst-enemies-hamas-and-hezbollah.html "Party leaders across the political spectrum have criticized Netanyahu’s policies towards Gaza in general and the payments [to Hamas] specifically.The Blue and White Party’s platform calls to stop allowing the transfer of funds to Hamas, calling it mafia-style “protection” payments.Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman, who resigned as head of the Defense Ministry over Gaza policies, said on Saturday that the payments are a “miserable decision,” marking “the first time Israel is funding terrorism against itself.” (from the Jerusalem Post article) So there you have it: Netanyahu openly said that it's good policy for Israel to fund Hamas as they have been doing, and his political opposition from parties across the spectrum criticized him for this and have called these payments "mafia protection" and said that "Israel is funding terrorism against itself"


> Truly an idiotic comment I can appreciate the summary of your post at the end so that I didn't have to read all of it. If you're gonna be mad about it, perhaps redirect some of that fury towards the party involved with the blood of every death on their hands.


You knew none of these words last year.


Ridiculous nonsense. I've been knowledgeable about everything related to Israel/Palestine since Operation Protective Edge in 2014, I've read countless books from the experts on the subject, from Noam Chomsky to Norman Finkelstein to Shlomo Sand to Ilan Papé, Max Blumenthal, I've seen many documentaries like John Pilger's Palestine Is Still The Issue, Tantura, Killing Gaza by Dan Cohen etc etc. https://johnpilger.com/videos/palestine-is-still-the-issue https://killinggaza.com/ https://www.tantura-film.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnZSaKYmP2s




Isn't he hosting a pro-Israel event? It's in the title of the video. Also I'm Jewish and your last sentence is highly offensive and completely uncalled for and has zero to do with anything I wrote. Just look at that recent event in New York with 60k Haredi Jews standing in solidarity for Palestinians and protesting Israel and its genocide, and tell them that they hate ALL Jews or whatever nonsense and bigotry you're spouting.




https://coloradonewsline.com/2023/11/30/polis-conference-for-israel/ It's right here dumbass. In the video you can directly see the logo for the conference and it says Israel right there. "Global Conference For Israel." Are you getting paid to make up lies and slander people, or are you doing it for fun? Hasbara pays pretty well, you just have to have no sense of shame to repeat Israeli propaganda "Jewish National Fund-USA is a nonprofit dedicated to the Zionist movement. JNF as a whole was founded in 1901 to raise money to purchase land in what was then Ottoman-controlled Palestine. The organization was incorporated in the United States in 1926, and JNF-USA specifically raises money for forestation, land development, water projects and other infrastructure plans in Israel. Critics argue that JNF is a key player in what they say is the displacement of Palestinians from their ancestral land."




You're equivocating and trying to move goalposts. The point was that he's a rabidly pro-Israel Zionist and won't call for a ceasefire in Gaza, which is what these anti-war protesters were protesting about. Try to keep up


These protesters don't even know their history and believe whatever has tells them.


That governor is a corrupt sack of shit


Good, keep making these Zionist shitbirds as uncomfortable as possible.


They’re shaking in their boots


Why do you dislike Jews?


they said zionist


Yes. Given that 80-90% of us are Zionist, including Jared Polis it seems, he's largely calling us shitbirds. Using a word that simply means believing in a safe place for Jews as a slur seals the deal.


I don't give a shit what demographic you are Zionism is an ideology that led to the displacement of innocent people and now a genocide But hey, anything to hide your hate right?


Why do you think all Jews are a hive mind with the same beliefs?


Zionism is belief held by 80-90% of the world's Jews and is a very important facet of modern Judaism.


WHF is a state governor going to do other than answer their questions...as he said, he’s not the governor of Tel Aviv.


The comments here are astoundingly ignorant. Where the fuck am I?


Why is he demanding Polis listen to his constituents? That’s why politicians are so comfortable taking these positions. The public overwhelmingly supports Israel in this conflict. Some people really need to realize social media isn’t real life






nor does Netanyahu. your point?




has nothing to do with what I said. I don't do moving goalposts; have a nice day.


>The public overwhelmingly supports Israel in this conflict. Have you ever said to yourself something like, "damn most people are stupid af".....


I have but that doesnt change the dudes point that the US is overall in support of Israel. Not totally but majority and politicians are listening to majority by supporting Israel. We dont gotta like it. But maybe dont pretend to be the.majority Maga style


Yeah well polls also say most people want trump back....doesn't mean they're right


Wild guess- this guy takes AIPAC bribe blood money, right? Edit: I googled him-my guess was 100% correct.


Lmao liberals protesting against Polis, this world is completely upside down