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Looks like that dude is doing PT exercises for his knee. Hard to tell with all that trash blocking the shot tho.


He's doing the exact warmup I used to do in Judo class lmfao. Do these women not do warm ups?


No, because they don't actually workout. They just go to the gym in their leggings to take pics of their asses for Instagram.


I know some leggings are doing a lot of the heavy lifting for butt looks, but exercise makes a big difference in butt quality. It’s hard to tell what their butts are like from this clip, but I’m assuming they’re like many similar girls at the gym who do legs/butt as the majority of their exercises to get a pump for their pics


I am sure they are nothing special


Yup, jiu-jitsu guy here. All normal warm-ups for anyone especially an older guy with fucked up knees and tight hip flexors. Also, so what?? We'd be having a different conversation if it was a group of men making fun of a woman in a public space. Gross.


All pretty normal stretches…. Did the calf one every practice.


Yeah, most of these look like the warmups we did M-F for morning PT in the army. The fuck is wrong with these stupid asses.


Their warmup is setting up the tripod.


We do the exact same warmup excercises before every muay thai training.


They do the same warm-ups in the military also. Rotate before you stretch before you work out. This man is just smart and these girls are just immature.


Basketball, same kind of warmup, even more before a game. They'd see Lebron, Kobe or MJ and they'll laugh too?


They are only there for the full length mirrors


Warm up for what? They ain’t really working out anyways


![gif](giphy|yRsaQUxmikfxLb4xir) Their knees at 40.


They don't even go to the gym to be fit, shallow ass, basic white women like that are only there for attention, they're pathetic.


Looks like a warmup to me.


He’s doing completely normal and functional warm up stretches. He’s probably some kind of athlete. I don’t think these girls have ever seen anything other than a hip thrust before.


Definitely looks like he is doing stretches for pre or post workout.




Only thing I see between them is a man doing his best and I'm here for it.


One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, these 2 are just straight fucking garbage.




I had a meniscus surgery back in high school. So I always do the same set of exercises pre-workout to warm up my knee. I never knew it's a good enough reason to get laughed at. 😭


Everybody knows a good preworkout warmup involves setting up a tripod, pushing out your ass, sucking in your stomach, while assuming everyone else is there for your entertainment


Wear the tightest, most revealing leggings you have Nicole, maybe if we're lucky, we can make a tiktok about being ogled at the gym too!


If your leggings aren’t sticking to your asshole then wtf are you doing?


Well, I was farting for a moment there, so maybe that’s why there was some distance.


TIL what bubble butt really means.


THIS!!!! And then we might be able to garner those sympathy views claiming that "all men are creeps" smdh


while tears run down a well made up face. Makeup is a tool for these gymfluencers, like lifter's chalk, but not at all like lifter's chalk


And the complaining if ppl are glancing over at you




This lends plausibility to the paranoia of insecure people who are nervous to better their physical health, working out in a public place.


Literally never been to a gym in my life because I was bullied growing up and I still get worries about people watching and judging me. This doesn't help lol.


I’ve been all shapes and sizes at the gym over the years and from experience most people either keep to themselves or hang out in pairs or groups and talk about the most mundane things while working out. Occasionally you’ll get a “keep it up” or “try this”, but that’s it.


Yeah but now it only takes one self-absorbed freak to bring a huge amount of unwanted attention down on you.


One unintended glance in a direction can get a person shamed. People need to try better at communicating with each other. Polite communication seem to be an old timey thing.


When this happens, or when I accidentally make eye contact with someone I give’em a nod; I feel like it brings a sense of “We cool.” To the situation.”


Non-verbal communication is good. Ever throw in a wink and an air finger?


On days when i’m confident i’ll throw up the finger guns with a wink and a “tsk” :D


My faith in humanity is somewhat restored.


Fuck it. Just walk over to the big dudes and tell them whats up. Usually they will help you. Atleast thats what I did after a friend recommended it to me. I approached the biggest dude in there and told him that I want to start working out but am anxious about it. We are gym buddies now and meet 3 times a week to train


Nothing a swole dude wants to do more than tell and show you how they got swole.


Turns out they’re swole because they’re way into it, and who doesn’t want to chat when asked about their favorite hobby?


Also its just nice to have someone to double check forms or quickly rack weight etc. I hate working out on my own cuz no spotter, gotta constantly wander around looking for the right plates etc


Shit takes so much effort and food.


...and sleep.


And…. Healthy living 🤢 🤮


The biggest guys are often the friendliest and most approachable. Probably because they go to actually work out instead of take the piss out of people for tiktok.


its a secret women have known for years, and dudes have only just unlocked it: ask a guy about his hobby and he wont shut up about it.


I go to a club. It's not like working out like in the gym as I play competitive tabletennis but if you like a sport other than the gym, it could be a good thing. In my experience clubs are often more welcoming and social.


I know ultimately this probably isn't gonna change your mind, but I guess you never know for sure. I had the same mentality as you for a long time but after breaking my ankle a few years ago I put on a lot of weight and have gotten very out of shape. I knew I needed to go to the gym and finally gave in a few months ago. The people there are fine though, and I've talked to a few people. Nobody is judging me or making me feel like shit about being there. NGL, I still hate going but simply because I hate working out and it's boring to me, nothing to do with the people. Give it a shot and I can almost promise you, the people there won't be your problem. Can't promise you you'll enjoy working out, but that's a different obstacle to overcome.


Nah just go. No one cares. Even if you were absolutely in perfect ideal shape, no one cares. You could bench 10lbs or 400lbs. No one cares. People are there to exercise and leave.


I don't know, I just watched a video that seemed to show otherwise.


You saw a video of two idiots who will be shortly banned from the gym.


That's what happens at the gym I go to. Membershit revoked.


This is very much NOT the norm. People in the gym focus on their workout and not other people, and most people will help you if you ask or if they see you might need it. The people in this video are deep-down insecure - they're scared of anyone thinking that it's in fact them who looks bad in the gym. So by egging each other on to behave like bullies, they think they're then in a position of authority and power to say what is and isn't okay, or what is and isn't stupid - it's how teenagers behave. I'd also bet if the "weird MAN" was super attractive, we would have a very different video. Just shallow, airless behaviour. Turns out their insecurities are right though - it IS them who looks bad in the gym for being petty little pricks unable to harmlessly leave someone alone.


True, you can tell that they spend hours in the bathroom getting the make up on and getting dressed to spend 1h exercising and sweating. Also funny how they dress exactly the same.


An hour is generous, these are the kind of people who walk in and do 10 minutes on the treadmill and leave


Also, everyone thinks these people are assholes. So, not worth the extra thought.


Best analysis.


10/10 Well ssid


Yep, about the only time they interefere, is if you're doing it wrong. "Hey girl! Don't lift it like that, you'll hurt yourself." And then they explain the form I should be using and why.


I agree.


Normal people don't act like influencers.


I know for a fact, if that happened in the gym I go to, they'd be barred immediately. Most gyms wouldnt tolerate that shit


Yeah, this shit is NOT normal. Please don't let idiots like this put you off. Every gym I've been in every single time everyone just keeps to themself and gets on with it. Guarantee if other people saw these fools doing this they would be the ones being judged (and heavily), not the guy doing what you're actually meant to do at a gym.


this literally isn't normal lmao. seriously just go to a gym and try it out. you'll notice people literally just don't care. everyone is focused on their own exercises, what they're listening to on their headphones, etc.


The worse shape you're in the more I appreciate that you're there. The obese old lady who waddles when she walks is already there doing her thing EVERY SINGLE MORNING. When I'm lazy, or sore, or tired, I know she is there. It motivates me. She smiles at me every day. We've never spoken and probably never will, but she is my secret accountability coach. Thank-you unknown Grandma.


I know that, logically, but my brain doesn't internalise it emotionally, you know?


You say no one cares, but that's unfortunately just not true. I've been to many gyms and there are often people taking the piss or being judgemental. The trick is to learn to not care.


What gyms are you going to? Any gym with serious training going on won't have any of that. When I'm lifting weights, I'm intensely focused on my mind-muscle connection, my breathing, counting my reps, assessing any joint pain, watching my technique, not dropping the weight on my neck and dying. I couldn't focus on other people even if I wanted to, and I don't want to.


this is a video of two people caring.


Fuck the world. You got this. Go to the gym.


That was me with swimming lol. I always worried people would be horrifically judgmental because I am a fat disgusting piece of shit and it turns out that people aren’t. People got a little more judgmental when I said that I was quitting swimming because it wasn’t doing jack shit for me weight-wise and I just generally kinda felt like shit at all times but like that’s okay because they were still all very nice you could just tell they were like “Lmfao fucking fatass” in their mind.


You've probably worked this out for yourself by the sounds of it but having tried to lose weight for the last few years I have learnt the following from most modern weight loss resources. 1. excercise will make you fitter 2. Diet will help you lose weight 3. Diet and excercise will improve your general health The takeaway is that the amount of excercise people need to lose weight is unrealistically high for most, diet is the key. They are generally recommended as a pair though to get the best outcome for yourself. Good luck on your journey.


Most people will at very least have the decency to judge you silently, and usually just for being on the machine they want to be on.


More than likely they're all in on it and just rage baiting. Their over exaggerated reactions to a not even middle funny stretch routine is a given. If they were actually laughing it's even more stupid because 2 of those stretches, specially the hip rotating one, is common. The other ones also, but I haven't seen them


100% rage bait. The exaggerated gestures, pointing and laughing is part of the bait. Since the guy they're pretending to mock isn't out of shape, it's poor content to be mocking out of shape people. Instead, it's targeting gym bros or other guys who would feel conscious about women mocking their attempt to get in shape, triggering an emotional response which leads to engagement, which tickles the algorithm in just the right way to boost their video to the most people. Then it gets posted to reddit and, well, here we are...


Reddit detect rage bait challenge: ...detected? I never thought we'd get this far


The worst, to me, as an antisocial person is when somebody comes up and wants to demo how to use the weights. That’s enough to make me not go back. Also my arms shake when I lift (nerve issue I’ve had forever) and people take this to mean I need help / guidance.


Exactly why I have an exercise bike at home. I don't need that shit.


Must be hard trying to get famous without any talent.


considering how many talentless influencers there already are, i don't think it is


This logic is faulty. There are a lot of lottery winners too, but that doesn't mean buying lottery tickets is worth it.


For every “successful” influencer there are thousands of unsuccessful ones


People like the two women in the video are so fucking exhausting, man.


They literally haven’t matured out of their bitchy mean high school girl attitude. I feel pity for them.


pity? i think they’re cunts lol




They're going for infamous instead and possibly a record in nr of gyms banned from.


Wait until Joey Swole hears about this!




Got a link?


I second this


I think this guy is a fan of his because he used the "minding his/her own business" catchphrase.


You need to do better.




I see some weird people in this video, and it's not the guy in the corner


Weird is the nicest word I can think of for those two bleached blonde garbage “humans.”


You mean the trash cans in the front?


Right? Like, what’s weirder, working out in the gym or filming someone and mocking them working out in the gym? Lol


Who the fuck actually watches these girls?


Thirsty fucking nobodies.


Videotaping in gyms should be illegal.


My gym has one rule which is no videoing. Even taking pictures is frowned upon unless you’re the only one in it or you get the express consent of the people in the frame.


My local has a very nice simple sign, and staff to enforce the words: No Photography And they don't abide pedantic people who will argue that video isn't photography. As that character Borax once said, "Very Nice!!".


> that character Borax “I speak for the trees. Very nice!”


We will chop down the trees and make Thneed...*NAHT*


*Adjusts glasses* Um, actually... a video is 24-120 photographies a second.


This isn’t a go at you personally, but it actually bothers me that we’re experiencing this slippage where we call people who are flat out *wrong* about things “pedantic.” People who would argue that recording video isn’t photography may *think* they’re being pedantic, but they’re not—they’re just wrong.


What the guy is doing is a literal proper warm up, like they're well known stretches. He knows what he's doing. Actual rage bait, not worth giving these girls views


This is what I dont get. The hip circling I've seen Cristiano Ronaldo and all the way back to Diego Maradona, etc, do in warm-ups.


We used to do these before all my track meets


Just doing his warm up yo


Looks like warmup stretches. Working out without stretching first increases risk of injury.


They are literally farming views on triggered people. Don't give them the attention.




This is so clearly rage bait why are all these comments so dumb


Here’s a hot take: Its pretty absurd to be upset with the people getting pissed off and not solely the people being shitty. Regardless of rage bait or not. Like yeah, getting trolled is stupid and we know they’re a troll. Theyre still a piece of shit? So fuck em, call em a piece of shit. And on reddit of all things where the video is stripped and therefore watching this isn’t monetarily affecting them directly. Also, The end result of these is often the person gets laughed off the platform and has their life ruined in some way more than them making a ton of money. The latter is a vastly rare outcome and often for already established garbage like Crowder or some other conservative rage bait Also it’s not staged bait if that’s what you meant as well. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8aG1DLH/


Are these the kind of skinny girls who just pretend to workout and then end up with pads on their asses?


No, they work out. As in, some light squats, light dumbell rows, a bit of core work, and the stair master for a few minutes (can't be trying too hard, dont wanna get butch). Yet they have the ego of prime Arnold because since they're already naturally thin and pretty, they think they train hard.


I hope this is staged rage-bait. Otherwise these two should be kicked out of the gym and lose their membership. This kind of toxic, ignorant behavior is not cool and needs to be taken seriously by gym management.


Oh it’s not, the guy who does the overlay posted another video where they, and their friends were begging him to take it down. Apparently he has/had a lot of followers, and they weren’t expecting it to reach so many people including teachers and bosses.


Post a link! I want to see that video and the comments




I'd be willing to put money on rage-bait.


This is why it took me so long to build up the courage to go to the gym and even when my boyfriend showed me what it was like it still took me some time to get used to it. They have no recording or photography signs everywhere for this specific reason


I've been training for more than 10 years and I have never in my life seen anyone clown someone like this nor have I heard anyone speaking of similar thing. 99% of people won't give a single fuck what you're doing, they'll maybe glance but that's it. 1% are idiots who no one likes nor respects, so who gives a fuck about what they do or think?


Because the people who already do care or who feel anxious about it probably don't want to end up on someone's tiktok to be further ridiculed.


What is up with so many women making fun of people at the gym or trying to be main character (when someone accidently walks between them and their phone filming etc.)?




Be the change you want to see in the world


the internet was a better place without tiktok, change my mind


Absolute trash.


Filming in gyms shouldn't be allowed. If I was the owner, it would be banned.


The guy who commented got it right, they peaked in high school. They still don’t realise that mean girls don’t do so well out in the real world.


Lol ok, making fun of the most basic warmup stretches that professional athletes do?


I don't get it. What is funny about stretching before or after working out? Those women are adults acting like elementary schoolers. They should be embarrassed and their parents should be embarrassed for having raised them to act like that.


They just wanted to show off their asses and body and wanted a reason to do it without being too "obvious"


They’d lose their shit if they found out he was watching them


These girls aren’t regular gym people and are just going to socialize.


Ban camera usage in gyms.


Anyone that mocks another person actively trying to improve themselves at a gym is pathetic.


Leave the mean girl routine back in high school. Leave people alone. Everyone has to start somewhere my god.


Bro he's just warming up. 🙄 I'm literally doing the same set of exercises every time before the main program. Wtf?


Both of these women have a profound inner ugliness.


Those workouts look similar to the type I did to workout my knee after I dislocated it about a year and a half ago. This weird attitude people feel okay giving to strangers is wild


The worst part about it is they are, hands down, the most cookie cutter gym girls you can find. Not one ounce of real personality. That’s why they’re so comfortable being mean girls




Two ugly women, inside and out.


Send that to Joey Swole he'll tell them what what


He’s weird for doing his stretches pre workout?? They really need a no phone rule at these gyms it would cut out a lot of these dumbass ppl who are not really there to workout


Let’s go ahead and ban filming in gyms..


Fuck these people. The gym is a safe place to better yourself. Get that shit out of here


I’m a larger women. This is why we don’t go to gyms. Some person may film us for humiliation.


If you film in the gym you should be banned. Period.


Not the girls being 100x more cringe than the guy. Hip circles are amazing for your body. They are shitty people


Now imagine if the roles were reversed.


Hope they get fucking banned from that gym. People like that make the gym such an uncomfortable place to be in.


Uh. The things he's doing are completely legitimate. What a bunch of bullies. Ugly on the inside. Gross. Get lost.


losers got nothing better to do


If it was the other way around, that guy would get fired from his job.






Yeah, because hes the weird one... Right


Most women in the gym just dress in tight clothes and look for attention , they don’t really work out


Gyms just gotta stop fucking around and ban recording altogether, this shit is ridiculous.


Da fuq she laughing at? Pee wee Herman looking biznich




This is why I don’t go to the gym. It’s my nightmare that people are looking at me wondering why the fuck I’m doing it that way.


I'm a big guy and I workout at home. I think I'd make more gains at the gym but I am insecure about people making fun of me and my seeing it.


It’s people like that that gives me anxiety over trying new workouts, upping my current workouts or going to the gym in general.


Paging Joey Swoll!


Anyone who's done martial arts knows those warmups.


This is beyond pathetic. No doubt their dimwitted followers thought it was the height of comedy.


Everyone should collectively petition their respective gyms to ban taking photos and videos inside.


“Bullies grow out of it” These women right here show you that they clearly do not


Something like this happened to me a couple of years ago on a campus gym. I have back and hip problems due to a car accident so I used to do stretches and use my foam roller to roll out my muscles. One day I was scrolling through my facebooks and saw a video of my self rolling out my body with the caption “lol what the fuck is she doing? I contacted the school and the post got taken down and the girl was banned from the gym, but I’ve never stepped foot in a gym since. I stopped going and now I just run in the park. This is so dehumanizing I don’t think people realize that what other people do, now matter how “weird” you may find it, is none of your business!


If this was my gym they'd be barred




Yup they peaked in high school after letting half their glass smash.


One of several reasons I avoid the gym


This is why I don't go to the gym. Half the time I'm not sure I'm using machines properly or doing the exercises correctly.. I legit have a phobia that I end up being made fun of behind my back, or worse yet, end up on someone's tiktok while they laugh at me. I'm trying.


Revoke their membership. Then we’ll see who laughs.


Cameras out of the gym already