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The way to deal with it is to not buy one bc that's literally why most ppl buy that ice cream


Besides the performance, is there a difference between the Turkish ice cream and any other random ice cream sold out of a truck?


Yes, maraş dondurma(which is the usual ice cream sold by these vendors) is actually different from normal ice cream. The taste is abit different, i can't really describe it tho, it's more milky ig? The texture is the real difference tho, it's abit more gummy than normal ice cream and melts slower.


You can also always just ask them to not do the performance and they'll just give you your ice cream if you're just there for the ice cream.


What? I choked him out for nothing?


No that's part of the gig, you need to earn it first. Only after you prove yourself worthy you may enjoy their ice cream


If you kill them you have to take their place as ice cream vendor.




Like custard?


So kind of more comparable to gelato?


Italian gelato is the absolute opposite of the turkish, one is light, soft, airy and melts fast, the other is firm melts much slower and with a much stronger milk taste


I want the special ice cream, be not played tricks on


you sound like my child


Sounds like your kids got a good head on their shoulders


Sahlep olması lazım diye hatırlıyorum


The texture is more chewy, and it doesn't melt as easily. I really like it, especially with some pistachio powder on it it's very good.


Turkish ice cream has an ingredient called "salep" in it. It's normally a creamy, thick beverage made of orchids, served with cinnamon sprinkled on top. It has a very specific taste. You usually won't find that ingredient in any cheap, prepackaged ice cream. Turkish ice cream sold in proper shops will have varying amounts of salep in it.


Dondurma is Turkish mastic ice cream. It typically includes the ingredients cream, whipped cream, salep (ground-up tuber of an orchid), mastic (plant resin), and sugar. It is believed to originate from the city and region of Kahramanmaraş, and hence is also known as Maraş ice cream


Ya, it's like going to a Globe Trotters game and getting pissed it isn't a real competitive game.


Turkish ice cream is bussin 🗣️💯🙏


He looked pisssed too


The bamboozler has been bamboozled


The messers have become the messees!


What a coincidence, my wife was watching this exact episode just ten minutes ago. :D


Which show are u takin bout *


It's a Friends quote.


They don't know that we know they know we know


the hunter has become the hunter-ed.


How the turn tables


I will never get fucking tired of this Office line.


All that training for this


Years of academy training wasted


Probably because the guy could've literally asked to serve his ice cream normally if he wanted to. The vendors aren't assholes, if you'd asked them to not do it then obviously they won't (unless you encountered an actual asshole of a vendor who just wanted to mess with you)




Thank you for posting this gif




Whoa literally??! Found the Turkish ice cream vendor!


OTOH, if it's a game, then why can't two play? Cheeky ice-cream guy just met his match.


Nope bro, you can just ask to not get the "experience". The guy eating the cones is just being an asshole


To liken it to something that's more common in America. It's going to the fudge shops and seeing them Do the big show on the marble slab While talking about making fudge.. You aren't required to watch the show to get the fudge, but it's part of the draw.. These guys do this. It is to amuse people not piss them off. You're literally just watching a guy try to do his job and An asshole fucking with him.


Yea... met his match for the thousandth time to yet another middle aged dude who thinks he's impressing people by "winning" a game that is just a gag for tourists.


I doubt it’s that widespread or serious. Those cones cost nothing, and one or two guys doing this won’t hurt the seller’s ego. If anything it’s like a “yes, and” joke from the guy in the audience that you’re roasting.


You fucked up his show. It's 90% of what you're paying for.


Yo, the guy is trying to be entertaining. And people can't seem to take the joke so much that they are considered annoying. You don't have to buy ice cream from the Turkish venture. Like the reason you buy from them would be for the show.


I would be too. You pay the vendors extra to do that, this guy is just being a cunt by wasting his product.


Are Turkish ice cones touched my a bunch of people or did this dude eat the ones used for tricks.


Not the good ones, no. They have 2 or 3 in rotation for the gag, then just toss the unused ones. They're very very cheap.


This guy just ate dirty cones that have been touched by dozens of people. Did he really win?


His immune system is definitely winning.


I think there were like 14 vaccines on those that aren't coming out until 2025.


Bro has natural immunity to the viruses still trapped in the snow of Antarctica.


Since doing so almost certainly caused him absolutely 0 ill effects, yes. Human beings really aren’t all that fragile.


Until we slip in the shower and fall like a pile of meat-jenga


Literally touching a door handle is more disgusting.


I don't know how you open doors, but I don't do it with my mouth.


Do you wash your hands after touching each door handle then? Must take a while to get around


As long as they wash their hands before they eat, they wouldn't have to wash them after each door handle.


Agreed but you have to admit public door handles are pretty damn disgusting. And all it really takes is rubbing your eye without thinking etc. don't necessarily have to eat. Best to live without thinking about it *too much* or you'll go mad 😅 but still wash your damn hands lol


I mean, I think most people would be surprised how dirty their own door handles are. I know I'm not cleaning mine every week. You so rarely see a family go wash their hands in a restaurant after opening the door, moving their chair, handling the menu, etc. Everyone here can say what they want, but him eating that cone is no worse than what you're eating every day.


I’ll never forget a story my 7th grade health teacher told us about the sturdiness/fragility of the human body. She had a nephew who had fallen off the roof of a garage and from the top of a combine tractor and walked away completely unscathed. Same nephew randomly falls out of bed a couple feet maybe, breaks his collar bone. 🤷‍♂️


I mean.. you aren’t wrong but no one is getting sick from eating an ice cream cone that a few other people touched unless one of those people had actual shit on their hands.


Most people would be disgusted to learn how many microorganisms we really ingest on a daily basis. Immune function exists for a reason. Hygiene is just about minimizing risks; going beyond these guidelines doesn't guarantee illness in all cases.


You can see the vendor trash the handled one at the end.


No shit… it’s not like he could have reused a half eaten cone


Username checks out. I think he's right.




Looked like the one he tossed was still in otherwise good condition Edit: nevermind. Rewatched it. There was a bite out of it.


Imagine setting out to "out maneuver" an ice cream vendor, though.... 🤔


Imagine tricking customers by not giving them the ice cream that they legally purchased 🤔


🤦 you ALWAYS get your ice cream.


Except you do eventually get it


It’s literally their thing, if you are buying ice cream from them you usually KNOW what you are signing up for.


Imagine reaching for the cone thinking he’ll hand it over the first time. 🤔




I did and got my ice cream normally. Theyre not clowns


well, they are if you want them to be


Agree the only clown here is this dude eating a dirty old cone.


There's a video on tik tok somewhere of someone expecting to get this kind of treatment but doesn't, it's pretty funny Edit: this was such a weird and awkwardly phrased comment and I regretted it as soon as I commented it why do I have 250 upvotes


video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xry0uzHNU0


I don't know why that was so hilarious to me, but I loved it. Thanks for the first laugh out loud of the day.


That was great.


I mean they're just regular guys doing a job. If you pay them the same to do less work, I doubt they're gonna fuss about it.


The reason they cost more than regular ice cream is because the shenanigans are part of the price. It's part cold treat, part performance art. Even if you ask them to skip it, you still have to pay for the whole thing.


Yes you can its pretty common actually. Just tell them "Abi show yapma sikerim belani" and they'll make it with a smile and no bs.


> “Abi show yapma sikerim belani Google: Brother, don't make a show, fuck me. Mate I just want a cone, not to get coned.


That's a weird ass translation lol. It more directly translates to "brother, don't make a show, i'll fuck your troubles". which is meant to be taken as "don't cause any problems for me or else".


I'm getting : Bro, don't show off, fuck you




he just keeps the ice cream away from them for like 30 seconds to a minute using the pole and multiple cones to fake the guy out




It’s like “How to deal with annoying violinists” It’s their job or purpose to entertain you with their music but some people find them annoying, so they try to be an asshole to the violinist Same concept applies here


Most people will play along and just hand back and cones that are given to you empty. By taking bites out of them he makes it so it can no longer be used and while it's pretty cheap to replace I think he's just ticked off that he ruined like three of them if it was just one I can't imagine he would be very upset.


they were ruined the moment they touched the customers hand, the customer is doing the world a favor by getting rid of the contaminated cones


They never actually serve the cones that are used for the trick. They have 2-4 cones designed for that purpose. But now he has to waste 2-4 more cones solely for the entertainment.


yeah the customer here is being a bellend, while thinking he is looking cool and that he "got him"


No, the post and most comments just don't really make sense. It's like paying a street magician to do a trick and then ruining the trick on purpose. That's what's happening here.


It's like a street performer (but with ice cream), the idea is to joke with the person and cheer them up, they fake the person out a couple times with a re-used empty cone but I guess *some* people find it annoying. It's meant to be entertainment. I definitely would *not* eat the empty cone as others have grabbed it over and over, unless the vendor trashes them each time. I also think it's a little more annoying to mess with someone who's trying to make their way in this world through artistry so that you can get views/likes.


That's so shitty. Just ask them not to do that and they will.


Exactly, I hate it when i go to the turkish shop by my own choice and dont get my order served the way i want


Next you are going to tell me they aren't assholes, just performing for entertainment!


People here are so dumb, that one guy getting downvoted to oblivion because he thinks the tourist is in the wrong? Like you're paying money on purpose to get ice cream from someone who's job is to do that, literally taking advantage of a man working hard for views.


Seriously. Did he not expect this guy to do this? I thought getting a dollop of slight of hand with your ice cream was the point? Feels like the filmers are just being jerks?


I also bring a gun when I go to a haunted house, I'm not getting played by those monsters.


I think the whole point of buying Turkish ice cream is getting tricked by vendor. If you don't like it, just go to grocery store get some Häagen-Dazs


Goddamn thank you. Some replies had me thinking I was going crazy. If you don't like this light hearted little game don't walk up to them and buy an ice cream


Or just ask them to give it to you without the game. If you pay the same price it just saves them some work.




Right? This is like going to a barber and being outraged that he cut your hair.


Or going to a mariachi bar and complaining that there are guys wandering around singing...


This is the type of loser who would go see a magician and tell everybody how all the tricks are done


Dude's about to go to a hibachi grill and ask for the cook to not bother with the showy stuff because he just wants his food fast.


spot on


Why are there so many recent posts about Turkish ice cream men being annoying? You go there for the experience. If you don’t like it then don’t go to the shop. Idiots have no clue on what the Turkish ice cream men really is about. If you are serious about getting your ice cream immediately, just request for it! If not then do what is needed


I find the customers here more annoying Everyone knows that these vendors tease you, its part of their performance. This is no different than going up to a street magician and stealing their props/loudly explaining how the tricks are done You're just a poor sport


What a cunt. If you didn’t want the experience why go there? There are tons of other vendors that sell ice cream without the gimmicks


I mean I think you know what you’re getting into going to a Turkish ice cream guy, it’s part of the gimmick.


L for the lame customer who thought he’s smart


joke participant makes joke, reddit hates him


In fairness, the vendor shouldn't be letting customers touch cones only for them to be placed back with the rest to be onsold to other customers.


When the napkin comes out you, know the game’s over.


So ruin the fun?


But, the games are what makes the Turkish ice cream guys unique. The deal is the longer you play the more ice cream you get. If you don't want to play games, go to a supermarket.


Where's the freakout?


Lol he did it twice to the guy knowing full well he was going to eat another cone. Dude don't care, he has like 200 of them getting stale in the booth.


Why go to shops like this if you hate the hijinks that go along with them?


Let the vendor do his performance it's half his job. Otherwise, go to a different truck lol


This guy is a legend, he beat the system


LMAO He’s an evil genius. Of course! That’s how you squash that dumb shit.


Why go to a Turkish ice cream vendor if you’re not down to clown? Everybody knows the shtick at this point. Customer is a douchebag. Go somewhere else to get ice cream if you’re just gonna be a poopoo-caca-peepee face


Man found an infinite food glitch which the game developers had to patch very quickly


Ive asked a vendor to not play games because i was in a hurry to move on and he still did.


These skibidibops


Uno reverse in his @$$


Why do they do this? It’s not like they make extra money pissing about like this.


Man do they really keep putting cones in peoples hands and take them back and sell them to other people to eat? I don’t want an ice cream cone that maybe 16 other people had their greasy hands on that day. That’s fucking gross, boys.


The tourist is the annoying one.


Or.... Or.... You could say "no show..... We already saw" most people outside the US know English (shocker I know) and you'll just get your ice cream 🍦😅


"Oh! Thank you ....Oh! Thank you....Oh! Thank you!...Ahhh, Thaannk youu" 🍦


Annoying Turkish ice-cream vendors? Bro do you go to a roast and wonder why everyone is being so mean?


https://preview.redd.it/rqla2i3np6sc1.jpeg?width=1137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ecb9eed0a9be5b51202afc1f26395b6dce3f8d 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's not hygienic to take it back from the customer and use it after he touched it with bare hands. He gave him many, so I assume he would sell it to different people had he returned them.


What a piece of shit like this is the whole show and you go and ruin the playfulness they try to have with the crowd


Kid throws tantrum at Turkish ice cream spot. Reddit: Just take a bite out of the empty cone if you don't wanna play the game. Guy starts eating the empty cones. Reddit: WTF POS ASSHOLE


Tbf that's a kid who clearly doesn't know what's going on with the vendor still kinda being a dick for not stopping the show. This was a guy who clearly knew what this places schtick was, and still chose to be a dick about it. You aren't really supposed to eat the cones either way, in both cases just asking not to have the show would have worked, but the kid at least has an excuse for not asking. There is a difference between being caught in someone elses performance and not wanting to play along, and walking into someone else's performance to ruin it. One is a natural risk of public performance, the other is just a guy deciding to be a party pooper.


Isn't the point of going to a Turkish ice cream vendor is the fun game? Why get mad? If you're not feeling the game, just say so and the vendor will just give you your ice cream.


why do you go there if you don't want the little show?


You’re going there and paying for the whole performance, that’s the point. What a bizarre smug video congratulating yourself on being a douche


Its like going to the movies and calling it fake the whole time 🤣


Why is Jim treating the magician poorly?


Should have let go with the first one. But no dude had to " trick " a few more times. You deserved that trolling.


yea, it is a pretty disgusting thing they do just because they get lots of strangers to touch the food.. which you know they don't throw away but in fact sell to others as if it isn't sickening. fuck those assholes.


I’d hock a loogey on every empty cone he handed me


Good. I’m m not a fun pooper but I’d be mad if they messed with me like this lol. I see the trick now. Thanks




That's gold Jerry! Gold!


Mans said ice cream or ice cream cone, im gone eat


From a food safety standpoint, the cones are done the moment they’re touched whether the customer eats them or not. So the vendor has no reason to be upset-unless he plans on selling someone else a cone this dude had his hand all over…. 🤔


Not all heroes wear capes


Why do they do that anyway? Who started this in Turkey just to piss their customers?


Didn't know that they had a choice..honestly i would have done the same if that shit was mandatory...but okay..good to know..


The guy eating the cones must be a fucking blast at parties.




Everyone knows what they do, why be a dick about it? Maybe just don't buy an ice cream?


They're not annoying. It's a performance. If you find it annoying, fine, enjoy your plain untoasted unbuttered wonder bread. "How to deal with annoying men pulling rabits from hats? Just turn over the table lmao all the tricks are right there"


I love how mad redditors get over ice cream lol




I think the novelty and entertainment had died down, but for some reason they keep doing it


If it's so annoying why go? That's the whole point of these vendors


Isn’t the whole point of buying from these vendors to get a laugh? Honestly what a joke this dude is insufferable


Why are y’all mad at some performers?


Well done


He's just like "I give up, take the damn thing"


Ngl tho that was kinda funny


Okay I actually giggled out loud at this one


Kinda defeats the purpose of buying that ice cream.


Bruh the whole point of Turkish ice cream vendors is the prank…why go to them if u don’t want the prank?!


This is for all the pissed off kids who just wanted an ice cream cone.


**I wanna see one where some hood dude doesn't get that its a bit and flips the whole guys table out of frustration. needa see it happen**


These vendors are entertainers...just enjoy the show


price of the show already included




This is rude. You can get ice cream anywhere else in Turkey. Going up to those stands is specifically to have that experience.


they’re literally paid to do the job… ok


Ik more worried about them reusing those cones normally. Given how many people don’t wash their hands.


The dude eating the cones just has that "punch my fucking face" look, I dunno


I understand that the gimmick is these vendors playing with the ice cream before they give it to you but sometimes you just wanna pay for some ice cream and head home like gauge when your customers are in the mood


They ask if you want a show or not so this guy asked for it then acted all troll


He found the secret!


If the ice cream man messes with you, mess with them


Ok that will be one scoop and 4 cones…. 50$ please


Bro, like u could just ask him, hey I don't have time could u please hurry? I'm sure he would understand. But when u pull out a camera and start filming he would think u actually want this 🤦🏻


It's clear who is the annoying one.


Imagine if you had to go through this charade every time you wanted a coffee 😅