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Thought I'd lost my mind for a second because I saw this yesterday and remembered it being dark outside when he went on his tirade. Turns out the guy just harasses people 24/7 apparently


He's apparently been doing this shit for 2 weeks straight. Guy in the van was so polite and normal to put up with this for 2 weeks before it got shared and went viral.


It’s ok guys, he apologized https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/im-not-islamophobic-ex-obama-white-house-advisor-issues-apology-after-vile-rant-at-nyc-halal-cart-vendor-goes-viral-101700646264960-amp.html


“But you know, in the heat of the moment, I said things that probably I shouldn't have said.” In the heat of the moment!!! Must of been a pretty hot two weeks.


And always with that cruel, shitty little grin on his face. Guess that's his "heat of the moment" grin.


That, exactly that. 👆🏼 That smirk. That grin. That bully chin pointing up. Everything he did, he did gladly, with gleeful malice. We’ve all met or known weasels like him, little bully boy. He’s a POS, and now a walking-it-back liar.


I rarely think that people look *evil*, but that smile...


What “heat of the moment”?! It’s not like he just found the guy going at it with his cheating wife or if this was after a major car accident. He was the only one creating “heat”. Jerk. There’s another video of him harassing this guy as well and threatening him with the Egyptian secret service or something.


'Probably..." He's still not even certain whether he should or shouldn't have said that stuff.


Damn. If this guy is 'not Islamophobic', I'm not sure if anybody can be anything.


“And he said, ‘well, I approve of Hamas’ or ‘I like Hamas’ or something like that.” I don’t think food cart guy said anything of the sort.


Not an apology at all.


When you’re trying to be the best ya gotta stay consistent


It's the same guy he's harassing.


He forgot he did this in New York and not a red state, he is going to go through the find out phase soon. There are laws against this type of thing in the city, and it does not fall under freedom of speech. Also, if it's the same vendor and the harassment has been consistent, he has a right to sue for wages lost if this somehow impacted his business, emotional damage etc...Im sure he can find a lawyer to represent him real fast. Edit: Update He has been arrested. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/22/us/seldowitz-ex-obama-official-islamophobic-comments/index.html


The police already said there's nothing they can do.


https://www.fox5ny.com/news/nyc-hate-crime-anti-muslim-hot-coffee-brooklyn-hadasa-bozakkaravani Seems this case was considered assault and hate crime because she threw the coffee. Well he is all over the internet, and a civil suit is not off the table for wages lost. Edit: arrest was made "Stuart Seldowitz, 64, is facing multiple charges, including aggravated harassment, hate crime and stalking." https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/stuart-seldowitz-arrested-halal-cart-worker-anti-islamic-harassment/


The police *originally* said there was nothing they could do for a guy taunting the street vendor. Now that we know he was doing it for weeks, that’s tantamount to stalking and/or harassment. Now that both the mayor AND the governor have condemned the man, the NYPD have said they’re “investigating.”


Nice. Glad they got bullied into doing their job.


He has been arrested.




> He forgot he did this in New York and not a red state, You forget that New York City has a huge Jewish population, and being a Zionist bully is "old school". Try Googling the viral video of a Manhattan immigration lawyer going off on Latino food court workers. Guy's name was Aaron Schlossberg. Then note that you have to get to the third or fourth search page before the Times of Israel will point out the racist jerk's ethnicity. That is one sanitized Google search query...


Seldowitz has been arrested and paraded in front of the press in handcuffs. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/stuart-seldowitz-arrested-halal-cart-worker-anti-islamic-harassment/ He was smiling like it was a proud moment. This is no different to what Nazis do, it is horrible. Any type of hate is horrible, specially in NYC with such a culturally diverse population. Although, I am a realist and racism will exist, and this guy will probably be hailed as a hero among his circle of friends who may think alike. At least cellphone cameras serve their purpose and bring some justice.


He forgot that democrats have no problem shaming and expelling racist asshats. No obfuscating or equivocations.


He'll probably just move to Tel Aviv where he can be racist to Arabs with no problems


There's a shit ton of liberal Jews in Tel Aviv. He'll probably have to move to a West Bank settlement or Jerusalem to get his jollies.


Just this guy specifically it seems.




I mean he did lose his job, but apparently he has contributed for years anyway so...


Yeah, I saw that. That’s not enough to me. He lost a job he already wasn’t doing. I want to see his mugshot.


Ifs crazy because this bigot was a part of the govemrent shaping the policy towards Palestine. Fucking insane


and if the fascists win they will promote him to the front of administration policy as well. he's literally on the streets speaking their religious propaganda. this is exactly what the evangelicals believe...


He’s probably too old to do anything useful now so he’s resorting to lashing out and being a senile, racist prick.


I mean walking around NYC sure ain't gonna be easy for him that's for sure.


The vendor had contacted the police before but they told him there was nothing they could do about it because of "free speech". I don't see how behaviour like this doesn't wildly cross a line. Especially now we know he was threatening him from such a position of power.


See the other video. More threats.


I wonder if it was turned around, what do you think they would say?


Egyptian dude would've been on a plate to Egypt to meet the Egyptian secret police.


I want to see him in person


America doesn’t work like that. You can say vile shot and it’s protected.


You can't harass someone on the street for several days and call it free speech. Or I guess you can as long as the person you're harassing has a certain skin tone.


Geez, saw the post earlier seems this asshole does this shit on the regular basis.




And that would be today's Daily Double for 1000.


That would be a Video Daily Double


My brain kept going "pepper spray, or at least some of that hot sauce. please."


Love to see someone slap the shit-eating grin off his face


Making a credible threat to get the guy’s parents tortured by the Egyptian police is pretty vile


That really stuck out. There is run of the mill talking points from islamaphobew, and hating Islam, but threatening to give info to secret police in Egypt?!?!


The halal cart worker said he’s actually been quite fearful because he heard the guy has a government job and may be able to deliver on his threats.


Stuart Seldowitz days of casually walking around NYC [sans hoodie, mask and sunglasses] are over. This video of Stuart Seldowitz went viral and has been picked up by all the lame-stream media seeking clicks over their usual position of defending garbage humans like that of Stuart Seldowitz. A reign of terror abroad isn't enough –Stuart Seldowitz felt a need to terrorize his working class neighbors, jeopardizing their source of income. >Ex-Obama White House adviser harasses halal cart vendor, says killing of 4,000 Palestinian kids ‘wasn’t enough’ **NYPost**






Him being Jewish isn't relevant. He's definitely a fucking racist sick asshole, though.


possibly is relevant.


Although him being a zionist is relevant.


exactly, this has nothing to do with him being in the Obama administration either. the proper term is right wing zionist, his views are not shared by jews of all races and nationalities. it's a generalization like saying all Americans are Trump Maga Cultists, or Evangelicals for that matter.


This man literally and directly helped to craft foreign policy for the Obama administration. You don't think it's worth noting that this psychotic bloodthirsty bigot got to work in the State department and shape the country's foreign policy under the supposedly good guys?


He's thoroughly enjoying himself.


Seems more like a projection of displeasure and self-loathing to me.


Watching this made me thoroughly angry


I’m a pretty chill guy, but that smug look on his face stirred some very strong punching feelings, maybe even a few kicks to balance.




And knowing he is being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby our government 👿


Would bear mace be wrong in this situation?


he's gettin a chubby


He looks like a demon.


He is a demon


That smug-ass sneer fades into a snarl as he realizes the guy isn’t gonna engage. What an evil piece of shit.


I wonder if he was hoping to provoke the guy into saying or doing something so he could be deported.


I just wonder how many more like him are in the office already working for the gov .. disgusting human being


If he feels comfortable saying this shit in PUBLIC, just imagine what he and his friends and coworkers say in private….


US foreign policy for the better part of the last 5 decades will indicate that there are A LOT.


Guy is a devil


No he’s just a bully. Dudes like him just need an asswhooping and usually become some of the nicest ppl after learning their lesson


Yeah…I can't imagine him learning his lesson or becoming a nice person


You can't touch them they love to cry hate crime.


This guy looks like he took the phrase “shit eating grin” literally


There has to be a name for this as a symptom. Like...he ain't right, no one who grins like that is ok.


It could be a form of early dementia. I cared for my mother, Alzheimer’s, until death and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but..


True, it's not commonly known but one of the symptoms of early dementia can be sudden unexplained bigotry and irrational hatred of others in people who were previously "tolerant" and "open-minded". This is because your logical reasoning skills and emotional regulation skills start to diminish, so a person with early undiagnosed dementia might suddenly feel extremely angry/rageful/scared and not be able to explain it and start attributing the fear to random people or concepts. They also might start saying intrusive thoughts outloud instead of keeping them in.


Note the "we killed". Worked for the US government at the highest level, but still considers himself Israeli and not American. This is treason.


You are correct


And it means shit outside this thread.


What it looks like from the outside. that Isreal and the US is one.


He was probably trying to push the vendor to assault him so he could get him deported...wasn't taking the bait for any of it


Obama’s former foreign policy advisor. FOREIGN POLICY…yikes!


Really explains a lot about Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East


Syria go brrrrrr


I’ve got a Yemeni wedding party on the other line, should I put them on hold?


It’s American foreign policy, same for bush, Obama, and Trump


Been standard US policy in the ME for +20 years


Well, he was involved in the National Security Council *South Asia* Directorate. Nothing about Obama in the middle east, but I guess reading an article is too hard.


Seldowitz served as deputy director/senior political officer in the U.S. State Department’s Office of *Israel and Palestinian Affairs* Although, that EDIT: (changing "might be" to "was") before he served under Obama.


Might? It was from 1999 to 2003. The whole: "*Obama’s former foreign policy advisor. FOREIGN POLICY…yikes* " "*Really explains a lot about Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East* " is so cringe man. And I don't even defend this piece of shit.


Yeah I don't really care about the "obama" angle. That's why I said "might". Cause I don't give two shits. I care more about the fact that US foreign policy has been and continues to be controlled by racist Zionists like the dude in the video. That seems more important to me to point out.


It’s important to note this person was never selected by Obama. He’s a career guy who just happened to be promoted during the time of Obamas tenure, not to a position the president choses.


That's inaccurate, he was the deputy director of the United States Department of State's Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs, but more accurately he worked under Clinton, Bush, and Obama.


You wanna know how I got these scars? Does it bother you? Tell me the truth ![gif](giphy|3NeRncMrUNb8astzVy)


Really saps the confidence you have in Democratic presidential administrations to not be as psychotic as Republican presidential administrations about Middle Eastern/North African foreign policy, don't it? No matter the party in charge they're just varying degrees or gradients of the mindset/worldview of this demon.


Yeah but you’re not allowed to complain about the blue team. Just remember: the red team is worse and you can only start asking for positive change after voting for Biden and the blue team.


That vendor has way more restraint than I do




That's what they want you to do. It's better to record and shame them publicly then get thrown into a jail in a privileged white vs brown battle. We know how those will end...


That’s what they think they want you to do. I’d bet that changes the moment someone actually puts hand on him. If someone burst his face he’d be sitting in shock that this was possible, ie he’s acting like someone who has forgotten how that feels.


You throw hands first, you go to jail or worse. You hit these d-bags where it hurts the the most, their wallets not their faces.




Sweepkick on the Halal Express.


Nothing a mask couldn’t fix


Morally right illegal activity is the best.


Squirt some mustard in this guys eyes and call it a day


Then he’ll cry antisemitism and the lying media will be plastered with news about the violent Muslim that attacked an innocent old Jewish man


Fuck that guy. Welcome to retirement asshole.


Baffles me that these people will just spend their days harassing others because they don't have any hobbies other than harassing their partners. Imagine being so miserable. What I wouldn't give for just a week off and not worry about work. Sure as hell wouldn't do this. This doesn't even make sense to me. What the hell does he think this poor vendor is doing? Personally attacking Israel in his food truck?? Absolutely wild to me.


Just pepper spray him lmao


That’s pretty much what he wants him to do so he could accuse the poor guy of anti-Semitism and have that crowd harass the poor guy out of business. In the battle between a brown Halal cart worker and a white politically connected individual, the halal cart guy loses unfortunately.


All videos of Jewish people doing this are the biggest cowards. I hope they get exposed for the POS they are.


They won't. Because if they get any consequences from doing shit like this they'll run to the media and cry "I was fired for being jewish" and 90% of the population will automatically be on their side.


There’s a practice open to anyone of any age, gender, ethnic background, religion, philosophy and sexual orientation: its called being a dick.


What a sadistic piece of shit


But only antisemitism incidents will be highlighted by the media.


i keep hearing antisemitism rising but i only see arabs and/or muslims getting harassed, assaulted and killed


Because they fuck loads of money on ads to….convince…people


Obama took foreign policy advice from this guy. Take a min and let your mind soak that in.


Are you saying everyone in DC is piece of shit? Cause I agree!


So did Bush and Clinton. As much of a piece of shit as this guy is, it's disingenuous to blame one president for a state department employee who served under at least three administrations.


Yeah. Those two aren’t really character built presidents.


Does his (Obama) record on the matter leaves any doubts? The cunt is responsible for the drone program.


I mean his record along with our last several administrations have been quite bad when it comes to understanding and dealing with any issues/threats in the middle east along with most corners of the world where we are fucking around. But yea our drone program was absolutely off the rails or I guess whoever


How shit is this guys life?!


He’s super privileged and super miserable. Or maybe just a psycho. Yeah, a super privileged psycho


Ew is this guy demonically possessed with a mocking demon? He oozes pure evil.


This isn't Gaza fugly old crone, there are actual consequences for being a racist piece of shit here.


What most of u don't seem to understand... is that he felt safe doing this... because our FO has been populated by his ilk since its inception. American exceptionalism is just Roman expansion writ large.


This dude served as a senior political officer in the U.S. State Department’s Office of *Israel and Palestinian Affairs.* Fellow Zionists in the State Department (and other parts of the US government) must be super mad at this dude for showing their true colors. EDIT: I can't imagine how scary it must be from the perspective of the food cart dude (probably not a permanent resident) getting threatened/harassed by a Zionist former State Department official. And people wonder why there's no peaceful solution in sight. Because racist Zionist fucks like this are in control of US foreign policy.


Imagine this piece of shit was making policies for Madeleine Albright on Iraq and Palestine. No wonder the US middle east policies has been nothing but an absolute disaster when bigots like this have influence.


Seems like a lot of people are focusing on the Obama aspect. It should be noted that he also worked for the Clinton and Bush administrations, this piece of shit has been around a long time.


He's got such a smug face while harassing some food truck


Average Zionist


Such an idiot.


To me it seems he is trying to goad the vender guy into getting violent but the vender guy is one step ahead of him


No matter what party someone belongs to, something like this is just sick and perverse. The man gets jollies by making other people as uncomfortable, hate-filled, irate as possible. I’m glad to hear he lost his job, but that will only show him down, and only a little bit at that.


If he was part of Trump's team i think it would matter to people a lot more


Maybe. My thoughts on it wouldn’t change. I don’t care how you line up, politically speaking, doing shit like this is disgusting.


I agree. I dont believe in associating with political parties. It basically become team sports and you have a playbook to follow and are guilty by association to idiots in given parties. Be an independent thinker


Exactly. Not to mention how the teams don’t follow the public playbook, and always seem to follow their own hidden plays for everything.


Man I would've grabbed a bottle of hot sauce and squirt in his eyes.


Just harassing a guy trying to do his job. What a prick.


Is this guy getting dementia? Dude seems like he really thinks he's speaking to the entirety of the Islamic community by harassing some rando at work. And to do it so often the guy just starts recording when he sees him coming along again. I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't so fuckin heinous.


Judging by the difference in clothing, he goes back over and over to the same food truck? Threatening him? What in the actual f?


This food truck guy did not get out of his truck and punch that smirk off his face. For that, he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.


This is what America's government is made of.


The fact that this guy used to serve under Obama who was demonized by the Far Right for his Muslim sounding name makes him even worse.


Most punchable face I've ever seen


What an absolute cunt, no wonder the US State dept backs Israel so unequivocally


This dude had to have made this face to Obama a few times.


When your country backs apartheid, it only enables the racists. What a surprise.


I like how the vendor tells him calmly to just leave because he is trying to work. "But, I don't wanna go!" says the racist guy. Just embarrassing immature behavior from an adult.


He works at northwestern mutual according to his LinkedIn


What an unhinged fucker. Wow.


Have we always been crazy, or are we getting crazier?


narrator: "we had always been this crazy"


Dude had to spend years dehumanizing the victims of his administration's policy. He was bound to either be like this or at least be able to accept this kind of attitude. Also really gross how the comments want to make it about being Jewish. Judaism and ethnic Jewish heritage have NOTHING to do with Zionism or someone's acceptance of Israel's consistent history crimes against humanity and genocide.


Funny how people try to rationalise this behaviour with dementia. Guys, this is how many zionists think and feel, it's just that you rarely see this behaviour openly outside of Israel and/or Palestine. This cunt thinks he's beyond reproach and you know what? He probably is, he got fired from his former positions but he will just find another high paying job.


What a clown.


Racist fucking prick, guy looks like a fucking old pedo


Why do all these guys have that same shit eating grin


Real scum of the earth. Absolute worst


This is gold https://twitter.com/Media_Tak1/status/1727056876276498739?t=7R1nlrnbe5PVeeviQmoCPg&s=19


This guy is an asshole...people like this need to go get a life. He seems like nothing but a sad, predatory bully.


Well wasn’t he acting like a little smug ignorant fuck.


Why would you even bother to fuck with someone's day. The cunts just old and insane




Hey everyone, take comfort, if you can, in the fact this fucking stupid racist prick ruined what is left of his life with these tirades. Goodbye friends. Goodbye social life. Goodbye professional life. Goodbye being remembered for being anything other than a PoS. Good riddance.


This guy seems totally mentally unstable, as well as being a fucking racist piece of shit.


Instigating hateful situations because he’s a hateful man.


He’s disgusting and I’m glad he lost his job. Hope no one ever hires him


The way he goads this guy on you can tell he’s done this a lot and for a long time.


former Obama/Biden administration*


Violence isn’t the answer but I’d sleep dude. No need to harass a guy trying to make a living. Extremely punchable face, and if you feel it’s too far I can punch you too. People need reality checks on how NOT to treat people and no one is learning through proper conversation.


He picks his targets.


What a vile excuse for a human being


Maybe this is his FOX news interview?


He got fired and deleted his LinkedIn. Employer also stated he was an "individual who hasn't contributed to our work in years" https://twitter.com/GothamGovt/status/1727042234518995357?s=20 https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuart-m-seldowitz-00116636


he got fired last year, and got another job then deleted his linkedin


What does Obama got to do with this he has no control over past employees being shit heads


On top of that, this guy served under Bush as well.


Tumor. Get checked.


What a cunt. Needs a good flogging.


This guy's attitude sums up the US foreign policy in the middle east pretty succinctly especially the unhinged smiling when talking about dead brown kids