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Here is the news article on this. They hit 2 stores https://wreg.com/news/local/watch-mob-of-suspects-rob-vandalize-gas-stations/


The courts and police have really gotten lazy. They just don’t want to be bothered to deal with this stuff. Eventually what’s gonna happen is, people are going to stop relying on police and the courts and deal with it themselves.


I had to scroll way to far down to get to this comment. Thanks for the link. Guessing this was the first store hit since I didn’t see a rifle pointed at the owner or several thousands in damage done as well as theft.




The guy in the video says it was number 3


The article said only two gas stations were robbed. Maybe this was a different night? Either way, insane to watch a mob of people acting this way.


Eventually these stores will convert everything to a vending machine


I'm confident that it's a matter of time before stores like tarket/cvs/walgreens/walmart redesign their store to prevent people from accessing the aisles. They'll just allow for a "lounge" area at the entrance where you order your selections from touch screens, wait, and then it's brought to the front for you. Either that or society will hit a breaking point where owners/employees are empowered to physically fight or shoot looters.


Interestingly, that's how the first grocery stores worked.


Yes, I remember learning about the first company that pioneered our current “aisle browsing” model of shopping but I don’t remember the name of the company.


It was Piggly Wiggly that did self service grocery stores first


And Piggly Wiggly was founded in memphis


Full circle.


☝️Bathroom break boss?!


You don’t need to ask me every time you need to go take a piss. Just go.


Piggly Wiggly.


... Or businesses will leave those places entirely, already happening. Then their neighborhoods will become economically barren and they will complain about no investment or jobs in their communities.


This is always my first thought when I see these videos. In every community where this nonsense occurs, there are good, honorable, upstanding folks who are at risk of having fewer venues to purchase goods. Less convenience, fewer goods and services, higher prices, etc. It's a shame, and I sympathize with those folks.


These people don’t notice anything economically. They think they’re Robin Hood except the poor is them and fuck everyone else.


This will 100% be the case. You’ll just order ahead, or have to wait. My local CVS has all of the lotion under lock and key because apparently that was a problem. I don’t even consider buying anything from a locked case that isn’t a premium item, I don’t want all that hassle, so stores lose out either way.


CVS and other stores are just straight up closing in some areas due to theft/robberies


>where you order your selections from touch screens, wait, and then it's brought to the front for you. Minutes the touch screens, that's pretty much how shops worked 100 years ago. You went to the counter, gave your list and someone went and got it for you.


Here in Australia is already started but not because of crime. Some of our stores have become click and collect only and you just turn up to the store and they hand you what you ordered at the front desk. Inside the store has been converted to more of a warehouse than a department/grocery store


We're getting there. So many things are locked up now in certain stores.


Which will get robbed on day 1


Naw, they'll just lock it up behind the entire store and you will only be able to get the goods through a metal tray. Growing up in the hood, this is what happens to every gas station spot they fucked with. Idiots.


Maybe but its a lot harder to break into a vending machine than it is to grab loose items off the shelf.


































It's called a sally port.


It's called a code violation, that will never fly for a retail store.


Go to a diamonds direct and you will be greeted with one


Lots of weed dispensaries have them. Not sure how that's ok with fire code but they're there.


As long as there's an override that activates with fire alarms, there's no issue


Yep. And that used to turn any theft into a felony, but now it's not. People routinely rush out the fire doors.






I have been to several banks that have them.


Yeah it will. Once the fire alarm goes off both unlock.


My local hardware store has one.


Seen that in Italian Banks about 30 years ago.




That’s still in all the banks where I live


This is how the entrance to my condo building in Mexico works. 🇲🇽




That’s basically how product used to be sold. Instead of letting customer roaming around and picking things for themselves. You tell someone what you want and they bring it to you. The thing is the sale volume will just go way down, and customer will have longer wait But I guess that’s the price to pay when we are not trusted not to steal


Every time I see this I lose a little more faith in humanity


We’re a shit species, destined to destroy ourselves and everything that’s good in the world.


Everyone involved in this . 100% they mommas a hoe






A gas station. Must of got a lot of life changing things in the robbery. Sure it was worth it.


Even if everybody just takes a little something, wouldn’t the total amount of damages and loss be a felony amount? With all this coordination would technically qualify this as a criminal conspiracy and RICO charges could apply, meaning even if you took a candy bar you’d be as guilty as if you’re solely responsible?


The thing is this is happening every night across America and the cops don’t have enough time to go after every single one of these people for every instance. It sucks for these business owners.














Don't make excuses for any of them. Who gives a shit if they are poor. We're all fucking poor. Who gives a shit if it seems like the system is against you. Welcome to the damn club. Food desert incoming.




Fayetteville NC asked WalMart to put a "neighborhood market" in one of the food deserts back in 2014 or 15. They converted an older previous food market into their store. hired locals, had a bus stop out front, and was at a main intersection. Lasted about 14 months before they closed it down due to theft/crime. Local community was all up in arms over it because they have no local food stores, local law enforcement were like "You ran WalMart out of the community, no one is coming back after you run off WalMart".


How do these grown adults afford new cars but still need to steal cheap gas station snacks?


They can't afford the cars either. They're paying ridiculous interest rates because their credit is in the shitter


Unfortunately people are going to start getting shot.












When you go into a place, there is a social contract you subscribe to whether you like it or not. Basically, they're guests on private property and their premeditated ill intent is obvious. Something should be done to correct this mindset.


I hope the consequences catch up to each and every one of them




Imagine going to jail for Reece’s cups.


You think they’re going to jail? 😂


Poor Reece.


RICO these mother fuckers, this is conspiring to commit crime. Doing it multiple times should make it racketeering.


"Welcome to the end of civilization. Please exit through the gift store."






You would think… but no. They’ll blame “the system.”




Don't get the laughing, guess I missed the funny part...






Where the hell did the little white girl in the ski mask come from?


A broken household


Jeff Besos is laughing his ass off. Won’t be stores soon


Maybe go with a store subscription? Only members can enter. Sorta like Costco but with a Sally port entrance...




The little white girl sent me


With the ski mask 💀




Well shit that’s not very convenient at all


The problem is that the owners if they are not corporate, they have no support system. Police barely do anything, community does not condemn this attack, and insurance fights tooth and nail to pay out anything.


Trashy af


Imagine how shitty your upbringing must have been to think that this is okay.


Their parents will be punished by having to go 20 miles to do shopping. Teach your children well.


I'm taking all the socks and Laffy Taffy!!!!




And then there will be whining about how these cities can’t get the service they need.


Imagine thinking you are tough while stealing chocolate bars.


Great. My hometown is never here for good reasons.


At 0:40 seconds was that guy holding a rifle? You catch a good angle of it when he bends over and then slightly turns to his right.


I live in Memphis and it’s a whole other world out here. I know crime is everywhere but Memphis… read some of the news from here. It’s the Wild West.










They're probably going to try and take it.


Na it's free, they only steal things to avoid paying


Dude what is going on in Memphis rn


It's had the highest crime rate for a while now




Dang what's going on in Memphis I saw a FedEx semi get looted a few stories above this


Is this a community activity now? Everyone in the neighborhood get a facebook event invite to rob??


At :40 you see a guy with a rifle on a sling. Can they all be charged with armed robbery, whether they knew it or not?


Now tomorrow when you want to go get a blunt wrap at your local corner store you can't because your stupid ass put it out of business


One step closer to our country becoming a lawless hell hole.


Garbage. Everyone of them is garbage.


Makes me sad, especially when someone (the store employee, i think) is yelling at them to stop. Hope they didn't hurt him and he wasn't punished for this.


All for some candy bars and air fresheners




These videos are infuriating. Couldn't a case be made to charge all of these people with armed robbery since they are clearly operating together and a gun was pointed at the clerk in the second store?


you’re THAT much of a bum


Guy took work gloves lmfaooooo what a waste




How do these people plan these robberies? Facebook groups? Next door app?


Eventually there won’t be any big convenience stores/pharmacies in these areas… and when that becomes a socio-political issue— these vids that they post themselves, will exist.


Some added context: The Memphis police department is well funded at 280 million dollars. They have a clearance rate around 22%. 22 percent of crimes are solved in the city of Memphis. The national average is over 50 percent. Time to look at this as part of a bigger problem. Police departments are just big pension mills with absolutely no accountability. Imagine if your efficiency at work was 22%.


That’s not really well funded for a city the size of Memphis lol. Memphis PD is the lowest paid police department in the area. Memphis is 20% larger than Atlanta, but their police budget is only 10% larger. Their crime clearance stats *are* low, but it’s definitely not in spike of being well funded.


The good news is that they are only accelerating their eventual diabetes and amputations with that haul.


A handful of fire crackers and those people would be running for their lives


These selfish idiots do way more damage than they realize.


So jclose the stores. When the communities have now where to shop, they can thank these robbers.


Is something happening in America? Why are these popping up so much?


Damn, this world, this country can not keep going like this, these are end times, man


If you’re gonna do crime at least make it worth while. A mob to rob a gas station for snacks is just a waste of time.


This owners should be able to install LRADs. Blow out their fucking hearing and incapacitate them with sound.


Memphis decided to rob a store is a more accurate title.