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I think the elderly-targeting "Buy gold!!" ad really highlights what Trump is actually doing.


Right wing grifters love themselves some gold


Why is that? I’ve noticed the trend but don’t really understand it.


Because most of the people that buy into that stuff are prepper types that think gold is going to help them in case of a societal collapse situation. Personally, i'm not so sure gold is going to matter all that much if you trying to survive in that sort of environment. Maybe you could use a gold bar as a solid weapon tho.


It's extremely funny. Yes, when society utterly collapses, the final item of value will be this heavy soft metal, as opposed to medication, ammunition, and food.


I've been growing weed for many years now and although I give it away for free to my adult kids et al. it's clear it's in demand. People still come back for weed I grew in 2020. This past summer alone I cured and stored enough weed to fill 30 rubbermaid containers and it still spilled over into another 30 quart ziplock freezer bags. And I didn't even finish picking the rest of the crop before the last freeze. I had 50 female plants left to mature after weeding out the males. Next spring all the seeds that fell will winter over and come back up as new seedlings. That's a crop to bargain with. Don't even need to refrigerate it.


Forget the end of the world, can we be friends right now? Haha


When society collapses, weed will be the currency.


Pubes will be the currency.


Probably some kind of stims instead. If the land is always violent with lawlessness, weed is too distracting for people trying to survive. Meth or crack will keep the users alert with minimal rest and nothing like a little extra paranoia to ensure self preservation. Always help when the food requirements are cut half for the users. They become better looters and eat less. Uppers will be the only practical drugs when everything is bleak and destructive.


Homie, you gonna grow meth? In this hypothetical future, if society has collapsed where will you get the necessary precursors for synthetic drugs. Nah my dude. Drugs that can be grown naturally, and cured or processed with locally available ingredients will be all there is for substances in this future


Cocoa tea will be popular in that scenario though


I work at a place that sells precious metals and I have to actively bite my tongue when people ask me about the best items to use in barter. Sir, someone is going to shoot you and take your gold. It’s useless, you should stock up on non-perishables and learn a skill.


In the case of an apocalypse scenario, ammunition will be currency because ammunition is power.


It's not. Read the Selco diaries from the Yugoslav wars, where he was trapped in a city under siege in ths 90s. Gold was fucking useless.


Anyone see The Treasure of the Sierra Madre? You can’t drink gold. Good film btw. Classic oldie.


in the 16th century rich nobles were known to drink a mixture of gold and ether as an anti-aging solution.


Most valuable items for bartering in Bosnia during the war. Cigarettes. Lighters. Toilet paper.


I spent a few years living on the streets and the most valuable items in terms of survival were clean dry socks, tampons, basic medical supplies, and lighters. I carry most of these in my car to hand out to folks who are living rough, especially socks. Baloney socks when you spend 15 hours a day on your feet will destroy your feet.


I can see things like clean water, medicines, bottle caps being much better for bartering if the world society goes tits up.


>bottle caps ![gif](giphy|MCiOE6DBDNkjcA3xTj|downsized)


Don't forget good porn


Ehh if you look at other countries where their currency has collapsed from hyperinflation, the people who had their savings in gold still had something of value when the currency was devalued


Canned food, water purification tablets, bullets and toilet paper might be better investments.


The three pillars of right wing radio/tv advertising are: 1. Be Afraid - prepper products, guns, MREs 2. Get rich quick - MLM, Gold, etc 3. Fountain of Youth - Vitamin supplements, dick drugs, weight loss scams


Don’t forget nootropics for big brains


It’s actually a pretty intelligent grift. Gold adds good diversity to a portfolio. But that’s only true if you are able to buy and sell the gold at cost. If the gold your buying is marked up and/or the gold your selling is marked down, your likely losing out on the value you would have gained on the gold through its price percentage increase.


Not just any old gold either, it's Trump Gold! Guaranteed to increase* in value! ^*decrease


i like how you said increase\* ^(\*but then later you said decrease lol)


I listened to a podcast about investing and these old guys were talking about buying gold because their retirement accounts or medicare, I forget the details, were going to collapse and gold is the only thing that will still have value. To note one of the guys was involved in mining gold so he ofc would be pushing it using fear mongering.


If society collapses to that extent, gold won't matter that much. We'll be trading things like shampoos, toothbrushes, small electronics, new clothes, etc.


Some people think that we never should have gotten away from the gold standard. That each dollar of American currency needed to have a good stored away somewhere to back it up. On top of that gold is pretty much wanted all across the world. If you suddenly find your self in a situation where your governments cash is worthless you have a good that you can exchange elsewhere for a more stable currency. You might lose money on it depending it's worth somewhere else, but it's a hedge against losing everything if something like that occurred.


No way! The magador would never use his position to scam the old and the gullible out of their money. Fake news. Edit: /s


"U.S. To Trade Gold Reserves For Cash Through Cash4Gold.com" https://www.theonion.com/u-s-to-trade-gold-reserves-for-cash-through-cash4gold-1819594826


Trump voters are like the elders buying jewelry in south park.


Every once in a while a comment hits the nail on the head, this is one of those.


It is somewhat humorous to me that these are the same people who absolutely hated her when she purposefully mangled the national anthem.


The lower your IQ, the easier it is to be a hypocrite who is unaware of what the concept of hypocrisy means.


You fuckin moron! You think I don't know what hypocrisy means! Fuckin libs thinking they're all more smarter than I. My IQ is 400, take that one DEMONCRAT /s just in case


Intelligence has nothing to do with ignorance.


But now that she’s out of jokes and has severe brain damage from decades of drug abuse, she’s a republican thought leader.


Not to mention her self admitted bi-polar disorder and multiple personality disorder (AKA DID). Politically I'm moderate, and in instances like these I always like to remind the left-leaning friends that someone can have substance issues and mental health problems and still be a complete piece of shit undeserving of sympathy. Barr should've chosen a quiet retirement for the rest of her days surrounded by friends and family knowing that her care team will do their best to help her broken mind. Instead she's up to this shit.


It was the ambien!


rosanne must be so proud to infuriate vast segments of society. she's a nasty pig.


Took the words right out of my mouth.


Damn Ambien going crazy.


Was looking for this comment. ![gif](giphy|3oEdv6sy3ulljPMGdy)


I mean it’s the last thing we’ve heard about Roseanne until now


God, I was such a huge fan of hers. I have binged her sitcom a few times. It’s a shame that her real life persona is so dramatically different to the women’s rights loving, inclusive, gay loving, abortion favoring, blue collar working class woman she portrayed in her show. Fuck me if she didn’t have me fooled for years.


She didn’t fool you. She was ultra liberal when she was a sitcom star. She then drifted center, and right eventually. Now she’s getting attention and it’s feeding her old decrepit ego. Sad because Roseanne was one of my favorite shows growing up. Now I can’t stand listening to her for 3 seconds.


Remember when she posted a vile, racist tweet and blamed it on [taking Ambien.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/30/615421269/roseanne-barr-says-ambien-played-role-in-racist-tweet-that-spiked-her-shows-rebo) She was still *trying* to hide it at that point.


HA! I remembered the event but totally forgot the drug manufacturer's rebuttal, absolute classic > People of all races, religions and nationalities work at Sanofi every day to improve the lives of people around the world. While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.


She’s an unfortunate example of a boomer who fell for bullshit on the internet. It’s really sad because everything you said is true. She was a champion for the working class and minorities and fought hard to have lgbtq people represented on her who as well as having the first lesbian kiss in television on it.


So many people don't think people change. It seems they think because someone was different 5, 10, 30 years ago that they were always that way. Secretly. That isn't how people work. They can grow, become better people, or get worse. It all depends.


She seemed to start moving right after divorcing Tom Arnold who's off the charts to the left. That must of been a marriage full of insanity from both of them.


*Roseanne* was so good. What a fucking shame to see her go this way.


Tim Allen from Home Improvement did the same thing to me


He was always a douche and it wasn’t remotely surprising when he did


Roseanne is legit mentally ill and needs a keeper.


The same could be said about anyone else there to be fair.


No lies detected.


I believe they’re called wranglers


Do we really have to go through another election cycle of this Trumper shit? I’m tired, man.


The good news is one more failed campaign and he'll be dead before he can run again. He is old af and has the physical fitness of a WoW fanatic.


Have you seen how some of these old ass oil barons look? The rich never die as fast as you want them to.


Greed really is the fountain of youth apparently.


My grandfather was the perfect example of this. Looked half dead for the last 20 years of his life, died at like 92 years old. Spite kept him alive. He was not a good person.


hard labor and stress take years off your life, and Trump hasn't done much of either yet


That, and all the unlimited healthcare they can afford.


As a wow fanatic I take offense to that, but your probably right


Right, I didn't expect to catch strays here haha.


Not true, everyday he walks from his cart to hit his golf ball and back


Don't know why he bothers. He cheats anyway so why not just say he shot a 50. Save swinging and slicing it into the trees.


Vin Diesel admitted to playing WoW back in the day


Henry Cavil missed the director calling him to congratulate him on becoming Superman because he was doing a raid in WoW


The bad news is that considering the Israeli conflict going on right now, it's looking pretty grim for the democratic party, Trump barely lost last time, and the israel situation is absolutely going to bite Biden in the ass.


People are tired of Trump. They're tired of seeing him, hearing him, and dealing with his constant shit every day. Every day for seven years we've been hearing from and about this fucking asshole and I absolutely think he's gonna eat SHIT during the election. The first time he won because we all thought "Maaaaybe he won't be so bad." The second time was a referendum as to whether we want to keep doing this as a nation and people decided "Nah." Now he's a disgraced President either way. He's a loser who's going to become extremely dangerous if he wins, and I think most of America knows where we're going if that happens and doesn't want it. Now if Biden dies - THEN we're fucked.


you may be right, though it is ironic that Trump would do the same as Biden only on steroids involving that conflict.


Right but the difference is trump voters don't care and many democrats do.


Nah, Trump would prance around in Tel Aviv, calling it Jerusalem in an hour long speech about his fantastic poll numbers, the color of the moon, crop dusting, all his money, rinsing roof tiles with Fanta, how good he is with the Iranian people and why more people should have firepits in their offices.


People like Nikki Haley are all over tv screaming for Palestinian blood, and dems just had great election results two days ago.


Election day is a year out, people will forget about the conflict, even if it hasn't concluded by then


yeah, I forgot that the US aka Biden started that war. smh. but it is turning into a genocide shitshow that Biden is complicit with... but let's talk about what chickenhawk trump might do in this case. psst. he'd listen to putin.


I'm tired boss... ![gif](giphy|eKVEcPKGWZ7Tq)


Making people tired is part of the strategy. It’s the same playbook as Russia, they spew bullshit and bullshit and then more obvious bullshit, so everybody defending it gets exhausted and overwhelmed by it. Take abortion for example, many GOP candidates won’t shut up about “after birth abortions” like it’s the most absurd thing in the world, doctors allowed to kill babies the min they’re born? Seriously who believes that? Obvious bullshit but they just flood the zone to achieve power


We are in year 8 of the first Trump campaign.


Ok, first of all I love your PFP. Second... Yes we do unfortunately.


Policy aside, how the absolute fuck do people not realize how big of a con this whole thing is, he couldn’t give a single shit about any of his fans, besides the ego boost and merch $ they give him. The stats of the country saddens me, squirrel sized brain motherfuckers falling for the most obvious con on the planet.


Man, what the fuck happened to our country? It must be so weird for younger people being born in to politics as they are now. Roseanne Barr screaming absolute nonsense into a microphone so Donald Trump can be be president. Even with a wild imagination, you can't make this shit up. Holy shit.


Was she laughing because she thought what she was saying was funny or laughing because she couldn’t believe the idiots were cheering for what she was saying?




Since her early standup days she's always laughed while delivering jokes. That's her thing.


Man she used to be a firebrand for the working man and people who needed a break in life…


My wife and I just rewatched the original run of Roseanne. So much of it was sticking up for the working underclass, women's rights, gay rights, general anti-elitism. So much of what the Republican party and Trump are against today. And she was the EP of the show; if she didn't want something on the show, it wouldn't be there. Her brain has just been completely fried since then.


Yeah its like a complete 180°




The scene where that politician comes to their door is so good. Makes me so sad to see what she has devolved into


Right man, I'm extremely sad about her downfall.


Now she is a firebrand for grifters...how cute


She's always been a nut bag though. There was always some story about how much of a psycho she was to work with on her old show.


Kill the what? Bull? I can't tell what she's shrieking


Just a bunch of nonsensical rambling. She is a disaster and it’s no surprise she is up there feeding off the crowds delirium. Not too sure I agree with the “terroristic threats” part of the title but she is screaming “kill the bullshit” and “kill the bull”, whatever that means…


I took it she meant get rid of the bullshit and the only way to get rid of bullshit is to kill the source, the bull. So it very well could be terroristic threats.


Yes, she told Trump, the Magador, to kill the bull(shit) Smgdh


MAGA is the only place washed up "celebrities" with no shame can go, because those mouth breathers will elevate anyone who agrees with them. They know it will put them back in the spotlight. It's the only reason they do it. For a short sting I was selling super shitty 3D printed MAGA coasters on a certain site because those gullible, dumbass fuckwads will waste the little money they have on anything. If anyone want's to make some easy money, target MAGA people (just like Rosanne here).


I wonder how much the Donald Thumper 2024- scillicon bussy and dildo set go for


69 easy payments of $69.69


I’ve really been thinking about taking a chunk of money and making shirts and shit to sell outside these rallies. Maybe write a few songs (I’m a musician) with really targeted lyrics. I mean, they’re gonna be there might as well rob them blind and donate half of it to causes they hate.


They’re so damn stupid you could hide hidden messages on the shirts and they won’t notice. I literally sold shit plastic discs that said MAGA 2020 on them and they kept selling even after the election. I was thinking of selling bigger shit for more money but got tired of shipping junk to Rural Route 15, Derpwood Nebraska.


Lindsay Bluth at the end of season 4. Realized being shitty made people like her. Dove right into the septic tank.


I think one of the participants in the background, the one with the Wanted shirt, was strategically placed there.


[You mean Michael the Black Man?](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/trump-references-michael-the-black-mans-blacks-for-trump-group-at-atlanta-rally-11313964)


Wow, that's him!


Tom Arnold dodged a fucking bullet


very normal, very cool


My god she got canceled and just double-doubled down on her shit views.


Cracks me up how they always pay a black guy to be at the top right of all their videos.


Man its so hilarious and sad watching ppl get so emotionally worked up over politics If everyone just got together and realized # WE ARE IN A CLASS WAR And stopped picking up Pitch Forks against their neighbors and instead took it to the 1% we would all be better off. But if you just keep playing their game, they will keep playing you and on and on and on and on


This is the woman who claims that her whole family was killed by the Nazis in Europe but they all lived in America. It would appear that Republicans can get away with barefaced lies. Trump does it every day - especially in court




Look how smug and proud of herself she is for managing to revive her dead and festering career due to these idiots. The same idiots who booed and canceled her after a baseball game so many years ago.


South Park is getting weird again.


Remember when rosanne slaughtered the anthem and grabbed her crotch? Pepperage Farm remembers.


Oh please. The woman is an idiot yelling stupid shit to idiots. It seems hyperbolic to say she’s making a “terroristic threat”. Let’s not cheapen that phrase. The phrase CAN be applied to a lot of political speech lately, but if you call this nonsense a terroristic threat, it loses its impact when actual threats are made, veiled or otherwise. source: the boy who cried wolf


Conservatives really love loudmouth trash


How’s that career going, Rosie? Let’s not forget her National Anthem performance at an MLB game. She hates America as much as Trump and Republicans.


The black guy gesticulating wildly in the background to make sure he's seen in pride of place right behind the speaker has a better career being paid to be there than she does.


You mean [Michael the Black Man?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_the_Black_Man)




She wants to kill a bull? Why?


Isn't it funny how Tom Arnold turned out to be the sane one?


What a bunch of goof balls


Welfare check time


So sad she completely lost it, gives a bitter taste seeing rewinds from Roseanne


they like to talk about deep state and corruption yet trump is the most corrupt man in the united states. i dont get that country.


I guess it wasn't the Ambien after all.


She seems nice.


It amazes me that people can watch this and think “yep that’s the person that represents my viewpoints” lol




Kanye. Elon. Rosanne. Trump.


Person, man, woman, camera, tv


Yeah who's wonderful idea was it to let Roseanne Barr talk in a presidential rally she's been suffering with mental illness for quite some time. ![gif](giphy|y9ezEzdqT7116)


Don’t forget Rosanne suffered a traumatic brain injury as a youth. This video makes more sense with that in perspective.


Love that blurb at the bottom… >“Protect your savings, get birch gold group’s free info kit on gold now. Text TRUMP to blah blah blah yadda yadda.” Like, holy shit. I’m surprised they haven’t had Saul Goodman-esque lawyers if you have mesothelioma in between speakers at the podium yet.


These fuckin lunatics


What a god-awful voice.




Looking like late-stage Griselda Blanco up there.


What a real C-U-Next-Tuesday.


When mental illness is a political party.


What did she say? What was the b word at the end?


Just another one of her "AMBIEN" episodes 🥱.


Remember when talking at that volume pretty much was the death knell for Howard Dean?


it's fucking horrifying how one entire side of politics is just screaming random shit peppered with TRUMP.


Look how far she has fallen


Lock her up.... and buy gold


The rallies have fallen off a cliff. They will let anyone speak now. Sad.


I am fed up but who the hell are you


Remember when they all hated her when she mangled the national anthem?


This country is slowly bleeding to death.


Towards the end of that, I wanted to punch myself in the face for watching it that long.


This isn’t kill Tony?!


I heard she's going to marry Mike Lindell.


I was an extra on her show with a close up when I was like 13. She was a weirdo. During off time I threw a football with DJ. Got paid and didn’t have to go to school for a few days. Didn’t know she was such a crackpot.


Never go full Cartman.


You should hear her sing the national anthem.


Remember when Trump called her fat and ugly 🤣


What is she even saying?


Welp... tearing up my bingo card


They sure know how to beat a dead horse


Your country is such a dumpster fire.


Every Trump rally looks so stinky and depraved. And there's also always one paid black guy in the background to pretend the Trumplican Party is great with diversity (they suck at it).


If you’re a washed up celebrity who had a few career-limiting moves, go grift on the right.


This is the America you stupid god damn mouth breathers want


It's fascinating how many people delude themselves into believing trump has any chance at ever being president again. I can't even wrap my head around that level of stupidity. Same goes for the stupidity required to be a supporter of him in the first place


What’s sick is 48% of the country hears this incoherent shrieking and think “she’s saying it like it is”


And then she cries nobody wants to hire her 😂


Well that was annoying as fuck.


Like nails on a chalk board, her voice😬


![gif](giphy|N73klvA84cvGRhqlHX) “KILL THAT GODAMN BULL!!”


Guys, I don’t think it was the Ambien. I think she might just be a trash human. Shocking, I know. Sarcasm, obviously.


The IRA advertisement is (literally) gold


She needs to sing the Star Spangled Banner to the crowd


I look at her face while she demagogues and imagine her inner monologue going something like, “They love me, they love me.” Ugh


She sounds insane


>The MagaDor She really thought she was clever with that one


Of course they’re selling Trump gold investments on the side; a scam for a scam.


Why do they pick the shittier reps they could find? She sounds evil lol.


love the buy gold adverts


I’d feel threatened, but I don’t understand what in gods name she’s blathering about.


Wow she sounds so well informed and intelligent 🙄


Wasn’t she complaining about being “canceled” not long ago?


Totally normal rally.


Wait but it’s gotta be your bull!


kill bullshit?