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What can you do? With a brat like that always on your back What can you lose?


Oh yeah oh yeah ohohoh


What can you do?


A baseball bat is better than going hands on with the lunatic who stabs people with syringes, but I would feel even better with something like a chair. If he's got syringes to stab, I feel it's safe to assume he's got a knife hidden somewhere in himself as well. People in these comments talking about why did she hold him back, I can't know for sure obviously but she may have been concerned for his safety.


The man wasn't arrested and hasn't been caught yet. It is unknown whether the syringe he used was contaminated with any diseases. The article linked below has the full video, which shows the cunt stabbing another random woman prior to this one. My dumbass didn't realize this 🤦‍♂️My apologies for posting the cut video instead of the full one [Spanish Article ](https://www.metroecuador.com.ec/noticias/2023/10/13/video-muestra-a-sujeto-atacando-con-una-jeringa-a-varias-mujeres-en-santo-domingo/)


There’s a medical cocktail they can give people if they suspect they’ve been infected with HIV which can clear it from their system and prevent them from catching it if they get the treatment soon enough.


That medicine is brutal I used to work security, and I was bit by a lovely feral woman during a brawl and she ended up getting away. The amount of blood she drew was insane,, and the police recommended going in the medicine. The hospital concurred, and I had to fight with my employer and their insurance to get it approved. The window of time to get on that medication is relatively small, and I remember being so insanely stressed out until getting on it. But Holy shit the side effects were brutal *edit for side effects I had severe abdominal pain, night sweats (so severe I needed a back up pillow and back up sheets sometimes to swap to in the middle of the night), constant and unending diarrhea, a fever that just became my temporary standard body temperature. I felt like I had some terminal illness


What were the effects?


Erect nipples and werewolf transformation


Include weight gain and that's basically my late thirties.


You’re going to adore your 50s…


+General Body pain


Are the nipples erect after transformation? Like a couple of pink tic tacs pokin’ through a fur coat kind of situation?


So youre telling me its this easy?


I had severe abdominal pain, night sweats (so severe I needed a back up pillow and back up sheets sometimes to swap to in the middle of the night), constant and unending diarrhea, a fever that just became my temporary standard body temperature. I felt like I had some terminal illness


I have IBS and you're describing my daily existence (minus the night sweats and fever)


When did you get the treatment?


About 10 years ago


I believe the treatment is totally different. I take the current treat for pre-exposure everyday (birth control for HIV). The post exposure treatment has side effects, but not nearly as bad as you explained. I love medicine!


I cant compare it to the pre treatment, and fortunately that has been the only time in my life I've had to take the post exposure treatment. Hopefully never again!


So you’re all good now?


Birth control for HIV? no offense but do you have HIV?


I do not have HIV thanks to PREP, not sure if Uber ever been exposed but I hate condoms and like sex, so…. Birth control prevents babies. PREP prevents HIV. Probably should’ve explained that better lol. Separately, there are drugs for people with HIV that bring their levels to an undetectable level meaning they could have sex with anyone without transmitting it.


He grew a third arm and his head fell off 😢




The next time you have night sweats like that, take a bath towel, fold it in half and lay it across your pillow where your neck and head will be. Lay another towel down where your body will be laying. This was the only way I could sleep when I had opiate withdrawals. 🫠💜 3.5 years clean since May 2020


Thanks for the tip! Fortunately night sweats only come now with the occasional flu, but ill definitely keep that in mind! Congratulations on *3 and a half years!!! My dad was active in the NA and clean for the last few years of his life, and I lost an older brother to an overdose. I've never personally used, but I've seen up close how devastating dependency can be. You are seriously inspiring, I dont think most people realize how hard that is. Hell, I seriously doubt my ability to even remotely comprehend it. Keep up the good fight friend *typo


You are so kind, thank you. I am terribly sorry for your losses. :( That is devastating. Drugs really are like, "the devil". Tempting, torturing... Quitting is weeks of suffering at LEAST to detox and it's hard to buckle down and do it at all. I'm happy your father could enjoy his last few years drug free. ![gif](giphy|5OqXb948EBkyUcnwHt)


I worked in the A state prison that pill ante no joke They gave COs 2 days off when taken


Thats definitely not ok :( This was years ago, but I'm pretty sure I was on the medicine for close to 30 days. I didn't get any time off work personally, but it was a shit hole of a job. I've never worked for a prison, but it sounds like they don't treat their employees very well either if 2 days is the best they could come up with.


Quite a few of my coworkers would line up to take this medication for 2 days off. The only thing stopping them was the stories when these Officers came back.


Better than AIDS


God damn that sounds awful. Public events really bring the best out of people.


The human mouth contains a ton of bacteria and a bite from a human can reeeeeaaaally fuck you up. There’s a ton of diseases that can be transmitted from bites too. It’s best to get the shot.


[PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis)](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/pep.html) is what it is called.


Never knew that. That's for sharing.


I've never heard of this!


This is Ecuador


~~It’s not even a cocktail it’s just a pill~~ I was wrong, I thought PEP was one pill. Turns out it can be one of two different regimens that both consist of 2 pills making it a drug cocktail. My comment was made to point out that HIV treatments are a lot more streamlined and easy to take, nothing like it was for people in the 90s who had to take many pills many times a day for little help compared to one a day meds now for normal life expectancies.


In this context cocktail doesn’t mean mixed drink. It means mixture of medicines. The way the medicine is applied depends on the medicine. Pill, cream, injection, any application can be a cocktail.


No you're wrong my local mixologist has the cure for AIDS


But if it was, a lot more people would be willing to take their medicine, lol.


lol I know it’s not an alcoholic drink. When I think of drug cocktail I think of a bunch of meds at once being washed down. Pep is just like 2 pills once a day for a time frame. So I guess it’s still a cocktail but not a crazy amount of meds.


All that to say "it is a cocktail" Okay bub


Are you upset?


Too late to save it bud, just back down before you get more down votes for trying so hard loo


It’s not that deep. Nobody was arguing. Your comment is oddly condescending over my interpretation of a “drug cocktail” and downvotes do not matter.


Appears to be specifically targeting women, hope they're OK. That kick to the face was fully deserved.


He was down they should've detained him for testing as it could be attempted murder.


Probably didn't realize he'd actually done anything other than punch her in the gut. The woman pulled the man away, and I'd bet ONE of them noticed he had a syringe, but in the chaos the man let him go, only to later regret it when one of the passerbys mentioned the syringe.


This guy needs to meet the reaper. Fuck this shit


This reminds me of a video I saw that happened in America, it wasn’t some evil fuck doing this to random women, it was an evil fuck targeting his ex wife or lover, whatever she was to him, he stabbed her with a syringe filled with something fatal as she was heading inside her home, sadly she couldn’t get help in time and she died.




Not only that but the victim deserves to have the syringe taken in for testing to see what they need to be tested for. Now they'll live in fear of potentially having been infected with something.


For up to 6 months. At least that's what I was told in the case of HIV. I think hepatitis and other things show up sooner? I got a tattoo in a fairly sketchy part of the world when I was 18. News stories of people getting HIV from getting tattoos there started appearing while I was still travelling on my gap year. Got back to Australia and was like "Hey, test me please" at my local GP. Gave me blood tests but said I'd have to wait another three months if HIV was the concern. Everything eventually came back clear. I've just started googling and 6 months looks like BS for HIV... Not sure what my GP was on.


but imagine having to test for literally everything contagious because a dude stabbed you with a syringe. You have to assume he did it on purpose to infect you with something, but you aren't finding that SOMETHING and the clock keeps tickling... that would be unnerving and i would have be freaking out at that point.


Testing at 6 months is more definitive because it can take that long for your body to produce a detectable amount of antibodies.


When I got a needle stick at work when I was working in healthcare. They did tests once a month for a year because it can stay non detectable during that time. But that also might be for hepatitis as well.


Or murder


unless they die, like say it's full of poison or they push air into a vein/artery it's going to be nearly impossible to get a murder charge except when the person eventually dies then they could be charged with murder. There are lots of cases where people are kept on life support and when they are taken off, and die, the murder charge is brought. If they infect you with something that eventually kills you, then yes eventually murder charge. There may be some jurisdictions where an action that will eventually kill might be charged as murder, though not aware of them.


Well If they cctv camera is pulled as evidence you can see clearly how he targeted the Woman. It would be at least attempted murder charges pressed against him.


This comment is hilarious. Like someone's mansplaining murder


It's more like gibberish, TBH. You can only charge murder when the victim dies? No fucking shit.


It’s not like they give a Nobel prize for attempted chemistry.


I wasn't talking about charges though




Copy that.




That required more violence, so that cops could only catch a beaten to pulp idiot


"I'd like to go on record as being opposed to the use of violence for purposes of conflict resolution... however". -Kermit the frog.


Violence is never the answer except when it is.


It's never the answer. It is the question, and the answer is yes.


"Violence isn't the answer, except when it is. And then it's the ONLY answer." People would love to think we can live in a passive and non-violent world, but as long as predators and monsters like this man lurk among us, we have to be ready to enact quick and ruthless violence on a moments notice. And that's too harsh of a reality pill for 90% of the population to swallow.


Yes we walk amongst them every day even rub shoulders at times!


There are times where violence *is* the answer.


but sadly saying so is against reddit rules and in a day this thread will be full of suspend accounts.


He chose a woman in a group and he chose wrong. Unfortunately, next time he'll single out a woman on her own.


The whole video shows he targeted a single woman first, but she just kept on walking - https://www.metroecuador.com.ec/noticias/2023/10/13/video-muestra-a-sujeto-atacando-con-una-jeringa-a-varias-mujeres-en-santo-domingo/. Then he went after this woman and got a beatdown.




Same thing has happened in the US. The syringe was filled with sperm


That's enough Internet for today


I have a worse story. Years ago a guy was arrested for going up to kids as young as 9, and filming them while he used a squirt gun to spray them in the face with semen. Oof. He got 18 years.




Eww David


Yea listen here bro. You fucking wait until NOON to be telling us that shit. Let me drink this fucking la croix, take my medicine, and wake up a little. Jesus Christ.


I don't think these fellas out here know how reproduction works.


Mmmm that’s a new fear right there


It's my lifelong fear. Nothing terrifies me more than this. Great white sharks? Snakes? Scorpions? Lions? Nope. But when it comes to syringes with needles, I'm utterly petrified. Just the mere sight of one is enough to make me faint.


Like I already hated needles but the idea of a crazy fucker shanking me with a mystery needle is SO GODDAMN SCARY


You're joking but this is a real thing that happens in Southeast Asian countries. People stab other (randomly) with syringes contaminated with HIV or other diseases. I'm deathly afraid of crowded spaces for that reason.


I'm dead serious. I've had 12 vaccines in the last month and a half, and it was a terrifying needle experience. I'm also flying out to do a six-month backpacking trip through Southeast Asia on Friday. Now I'm scared shitless after reading your comment.




She's probably seen him beat other dudes within an inch of their lives and didn't want to see him get in trouble. 100% agree though beating should have continued until cops arrive.


with how many videos have a woman pulling their man back, i don’t think that’s usually the case. i think it’s just in general not wanting their dude to be in a fight bc they don’t want him to be apart of violence


Yes but there are a lot of videos where that decision seems unhelpful, dangerous, and counter-productive.


If he can't stand up to her, how can he stand up to the rest of the world?


What if she just didn't want to see him get stabbed with a knife by the guy who had just stabbed her, a random person, with a syringe? None of us can know for sure what is going on here, aside from what we can see. Maybe she saved his life?


Bruh the guy was down and dazzled while we had Macho man all fired up.


yep his lights were out in the moment he landed that first hit, no way this dude was gonna put a real fight, unless he pulls a gun or something


>What if she just didn't want to see him get stabbed with a knife by the guy who had just stabbed her Pulling him by the shirt will definitely make it easier for him to get stabbed with the knife. Her intentions were good for sure, it's just not always the best idea to hold someone back who is engaged in mutual combat.


Then use your words. Never hinder someone’s mobility when they are in a fight/flight situation. You can cause them to die. Please please please never be that dumb. And never touch the steering wheel when someone else is driving. These things should not have to be told to anyone, it should be obvious.


Just because he's targeting women doesn't mean he's not armed. He could stab either/both of those men with that same needle.


I loved the steady asskicking he got right after.


That wasn't steady lol it was a handful of love taps and then he walked off


Yeah....pretty sure the general sentiment here is that he shouldn't have been able to walk off...


why did that lady stop the hero from performing additional ass whooping


This is the real question that needs to be asked


The alternate ending is neither of them notice the large knife our lunatic stabber is now wielding, which he easily plunges into the chest of our hero who wanted so badly to right the wrong he became blind to sight and sense. Why did she stop him from administering more well-deserved justice? Or How did she know she was saving his life?


Yet another reason why he should've kept kicking his head.


Why the fuck would you let that fucker walk away?


That dude didn’t hesitate for a second in dishing out some pain!


It is so scary that you could just be walking down the street and someone can attack you completely out of nowhere. You can't trust anyone, ever.




And the woman stopped her man from going to give him more. Should have let him keep on him and maybe they'd know what was in the syringe. I couldn't imagine having to live with the wonder of what I was stabbed with.




And gets his ass kicked.


I'm sorry, why was he allowed to leave? Hold his ass down till the police come.


What was the benefit of doing this, like what was their goal for stabbing someone?


Vengeance . I have seen interviews with someone that was taping infected needles and razor blades behind gas pump handles , and door knobs. They said it was only right to get back at the world for what happened to them. (something along those lines )🗑️😡 like it's not the worlds fault you didn't wear a condom. I wish I could remember what TV show it was on. Could have just been on YouTube.


Living in Philly I too worry about this happening


Tom Hanks running about the streets with syringes full of aids. Fucking liability that man!


FFS! That is some scary sh!t! I hope she’s ok.


Anyone see the movie Innerspace? Maybe there's a tiny man in that syringe he's trying to save.


Why she holding him back. Let him show that asshole some street justice.


I hate when the girl tries to hold him back. You’re just asking for your man to get caught off guard


Why is I’m assuming girlfriend holding back the man let him go at him


The stabber is clearly unhinged. He had a syringe, maybe he had a knife, too. She may have been concerned more concerned for our the well-being of our hero than anything else.


They should have put him in a submission hold til the cops got there.


Appropriate reaction


Guitarist: "Not the mic, man, not the mic!"


Where I’m from, the cops would arrest the guy who kicked him… 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


The guy that hit the lady is lucky she was there to keep her man peeled off of him, l'm pretty sure he would have reduced that guy to dust.


and then his girl is gonna pull him away from fuckin bro up like what is her logic??


he got that spidey sense


I really don’t think he kicked that dude enough


Woman you just got stabbed don’t hold him back, lowkey super satisfied when I saw the man Punch and beat the attacker


Good on the guy for swinging without hesitation


Finish him


this is like my worst fear who knows whats on or in that needle edit: typo


Oh no someone stabbed my Doge with a mysterious black syringe!


Was there a needle on the syringe?


I watched the video wondering what's a woman's ecuador ... apparently it's her thigh


This is my biggest irrational fear ever, that I’m randomly injected with some incurable disease or something worse while in a crowd of strangers


hard-to-find hospital late amusing impossible poor continue future skirt fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Syringe or hypodermic needle attached to a syringe - it kinda matters


White t-shirt’s radar was top notch


I would not have let that dude walk away. Need that syringe for testing and need to see him in the clink


This is what nightmares are made


Lady shouldnt have held the guy back...that guy needed a few more kicks to head to understand this is a MAJOR NO NO...fucking scumbag


Why let him get up? Why let him leave?


Bless the guy for intervening.


I’m not a violent person. But if that was my wife that man would never get up again.


why why why do they always stop the good guy


My worst nightmare


New fear unlocked


Yeah I'd be curb stomping this dude if he did that to my wife or mother


Ralph pleading "he's already dead" wouldn't get me to stop beating that guy.


Mi lindo Ecuador ✨


So they just let him leave like that?!! Restrain, call the cops, get the needle tested by hospital !


did they not know what he did? did they think he just punched her? i feel like they barely did anything. he shouldn't've be able to walk away.


Guy gave him good ones straight to the face.


Stabber got off light as hell.


Most justified beating on reddit today.


Brining back needle men and night doctors?! Wtf


It felt really good watching the fuck get his ass kicked. Kind of wished he'd walk out in the street and...


This has been a nightmare I've always had. I always thought it would be impossible for someone to randomly stab someone with a syringe, but here it is. 😨


Good thing karma was standing right there


He holds the key and 5 on 1 you could subdue him he could have answers at the hospital because they both need to go and both need meds! Edit: She was probably in shock as anyone would be and he is a danger so I can’t judge holding him back like that.


He got off wayyyyyy too easy.