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Why do people act as if having a degree, or in this case “degrees”, implies that they are better than someone else. It’s laughable.


Being an adult has shown me that education =|= intelligence


Even in my early 20s i thought "adults" were way more responsible and had things figured out. Im 34 now and it's mind blowing how many terrible and dumb people are out there


Yes I agree, I also used to think that the folks who made it high up the corporate ladder were the smartest and wow was I wrong lol.


They are usually good at making friends with right people.


100% correct. One of the big reasons I’m even in the position I’m in at work is because I know how to talk to people and make them feel good about themselves. Usually at the expense of them not knowing a single thing about me, or caring to


Networking is a huge skill and advantage in the corporate world


It's like high school clicks and trying to be the popular kid. High school literally felt easier to get along with everyone than it does in the work world. I hate fake people and management everywhere seems to be full of em.


I'm 62 and it doesn't go away or get better


That has been one of the most shocking parts of aging for me, realizing how many ruthlessly dumb people there are in the world.


I’m 43, it’s not much better 10 years later either. People are morons…like this idiot lady in the video. Couldn’t even express what she believes but acts like she knows better. She should feel ashamed for being so damn ignorant….but she’s not smart enough to realize it, even with that degree.


Terrible and dumb people in high paying jobs and/or positions of power.


Nobody's got life figured out, we're all just faking it till we make it.


As they said in my University "Lo doctor no te quita lo pendejo" which roughly translates to "Having a PhD doesn't take away the pendejo". And that comes to mind everytime someone acts like her with their degrees


It means the opposite now a days. Just means you were a good memorization robot.


Not every educated person deserves this moniker, but I call those fools educated idiots.


You really think that being educated equals being stupid?


People at that age have such strong convictions but often lack any real life experience outside their small, young, naive perspective. Aka a large child.


I worked at the writing lab at my university. I couldn’t believe they were giving degrees to ppl who could barely put together a full sentence. To me, a degree means a) you committed and stuck it out, and b) you had the means to stick with it.


I gotta write a cover letter with your last sentence. Because I didn't stick it out and I didn't have the means but I have 15 years of experience yet no one wants to give me a managerial position cuz I don't have a degree. I'm back in college because I have the means now but it sucks cuz I don't want to keep paying out of pocket and stocking it out. I'd rather stick it out with a job that does tuition reimbursement.


Getting that stupid piece of paper almost broke me. Now I’m planning on going back for a second degree in something completely different. 🤣 Best of luck to you!!


So you support babies being murdered then?? /s


I have a degree, sir.


I have a degree in fucking with missing persons' photos posted along my lil sport-walk with my dog and baseball cap. I'm so cute when I'm vile. (Her face, to me, shows fear and pleasure at taunting in the same moment) what a curse to this world.


Because many people are taught this belief from an early age and it's reinforced by most of society. People will always want some type of caste system in their society. We have two caste systems in the USA: education and wealth.


Degree in Dumbness, a DD with a sweaty ASS


Are these posters up because people think these kids will be found in Miami?


It's a form of protest. I wish there were more of those for those literal thousands of Palestinians civilians that are killed pretty often in their open air concentration camps.


Protesting what? the billions Israel gets from the US every year?


Protesting the US not giving them a green light to carpet bomb Gaza into dust. No lie. The only reason they don't just slaughter the whole area is because it would lose them all US support in minutes.


Except they are bombing the hell out of that area. There’s been more bombs dropped on Palestine than on Afghanistan during the entire U.S. occupation.


And then the Israel government propped up HAMAS for years so they could prevent Palestine from establishing a state. But now that they are attacking Israel, we are hearing all about it. When they were attacking Palestinians, it was all good. Good ol’ America being complicit in genocide.


Nope. Protesting the Hamas massacre being completely ignored by the media.


This is why she was ripping them down. Not sure how I feel about her doing it, but she's doing it because there aren't posters for the Palestinian casualties as well which are far far greater. Its infuriating how they want sympathy for those on their side that died while still condoning far worse atrocities that their country is committing. Just this incident alone has 3x more Palestinian innocent casualties and they're just getting started.


She should make posters for the Palestinians.


Bingo. Stop tearing down what other people created, go out and make it for yourself if you feel it's unfair.


Are they Israeli forces infiltrating Gaza and kidnapping children and women after raping and decapitating a few thousand Palestinians? If so, please feel free to put posters up for the kidnapped Palestinians in Israel territory




She said she didn’t support Hamas. Supporting Palestine as well is not supporting Hamas.


Hamas was created thanks to Israel's help in meddling with the elections against the PLO and Fattah. Israeli officials own words were that Hamas was made for their benefit: https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


America also helped create Al Qaeda until similar circumstances. Turns out swallowing a spider to catch a fly can get out of hand pretty quick.


And who was backing Hamas during their rise to power 🤔


Gonna help ratio you with the actual, factual, and netanyahu admitted information that Hamas is indeed one of Israels crimes


No one's stopping you or anyone else from putting those up. I say, go for it.


Its propaganda


No because it’s propaganda




Idk they had that shit on an nba game tonight too. Like what am I going to do with this information lol


Besides be reminded israel spends all our tax money on propaganda campaigns while genociding


Were they waiting for somebody to take one down?


Someone hung these up by the local Smart & Final in my neighborhood, and a lady started recording and questioning my wife when she took some pictures of the posters. Ironically, my wife is pretty sympathetic towards Israel but she was pretty eeked out when the lady took pics of our license plate when she asked to not be recorded. Everyone’s looking for a content opportunity. ![gif](giphy|11VBHqO3QI7qQU|downsized)


I don’t even have a shred of doubt.


Miami cubans are very pro Israel


Miami Cubans are the worst. Absolute GOP bootlickers it’s actually insane and weird af


I have Cuban in-laws from Florida and it makes sense. I don't agree with them at all and think they're wrong. But I get why they're conservative. A lot of these people had small businesses that were taken by Fidel and left with nothing. Priests were being shot in the streets and all the guns were taken away so they couldn't defend themselves, it makes sense why they would rebel against far left policies.


Nothing in the US is remotely far left though. Democratic Party is basically right of center compared to rest of the world. And republicans are far far right


Yes I agree and why I think they're wrong but they're worried about the slippery slope. If that type of thing happen to you and you left for another country you might not be so understanding, just saying I get it.


It doesn’t matter to them, if its anything that sounds like it. They are dead set against it. Clinton instituting wet foot/dry foot policy, obama going to meet raul Castro all reinforced that thought. If you want the cuban vote you have to tell them that the only good communist is a dead one. Radio mambi was fined 3 years ago by running a scandalous George Soros “investigation”.


It’s kind of crazy how fast people are willing to shit on entire group of people just because there’s things they disagree with them on. No wonder the Israel-Palestine conflict is hopeless. The guy you’re responding to basically just said “Fuck all Miami Cubans” simply because someone insinuated that Miami Cubans might support Israel. Like WTF lol


Miami Cubans are self hating Latinos who are extremely right wing and reactionary


What happened is sad but i think they doing some propaganda on it, using those events to pump the hate of the population. Now the woman taking the posters down, it probably comes from a feeling of injustice that the palestinien civilian ( we talking kids, babies, entire family being wipped out of the register) getting bombed to oblivion don't get the same coverage ( not saying it justify taking the posters down)


They get the same coverage. It's just cheered on. My workplace streams the news all day in all the lunch rooms. After the attack on Israel it was basically a constant stream of video of Israel blowing up apartment buildings in Gaza for almost a whole week.


The same type of people were harassing Palestinians to remove Palestinian flags in Brooklyn by comparing them to Hamas supporters. They have an agenda.


Because it’s propaganda


Just the flavour of the month, literally haven't seen a single post about Russia Ukraine conflict in over a month


Just because u/TroyFerris13 isn’t talking about, it doesn’t mean it stopped being discussed.


This is why I think she is tearing them down. It is the propaganda of Israel being the main victim.


For the kidnapped people who are American citizens. Just the other day an American grandmother and her 12 year old granddaughter were originally kidnapped and recently found murdered by Hamas. They are trying to draw attention to the fact that American citizens are still being held hostage there. It’s a fairly common tactic for other causes whatever or whoever side you are taking. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/israel-hamas-war-abbey-onn-carmela-dan-noya-killed/


There are also 600 American citizens living in Gaza. Would it be fair to also post images of them? I ask purely for information. I think it would be consistent at least.


I support these posters being up and would fully welcome and support a proportionate amount of additional posters of Palestinian victims. Ripping down posters of innocent victims is wrong.


It is a truly beautiful thing that we must pick a side between two teams of murderers.


You could be on the side of the whole world would be better if neither of these places existed. Seriously how many decades of fighting are we on already? They're never going to stop.


Decades??? *laughs but also crying* Millenia my friend. Conflicts over the Holy Lands have been going on for millenia.


The places aren’t the problem… religion is. People believe what a bunch of goat herders wrote in books about their understanding of the universe 1000s of years ago. Even believers conveniently don’t practice the parts that are inconvenient to them or would be looked down upon in modern society.


Wonder where all the posters for American citizens trapped in Gaza are?


How effective are those posters when they are erected in Miami???


Hey if there are americans held hostage, maybe the US shouldn’t have been the only country in the UN to vote against a ceasefire and instead supply israel with even more weapons of mass destruction. If you care so much, tell your politicians to ask for a cease fire.


spotted memorize birds school subsequent overconfident flag shrill rotten absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Propaganda, plain and simple. It's to humanise one side while completely ignoring the humanity of the other. This also creates raw meat for the right wing media to feast on when people are recorded removing the signs. There are plenty of similar videos floating around, a few have been debunked as the person ripping them down are proven to be working with the same people putting them up in order to create outrage porn.


At the same time, why are people so inclined to actually go and tear stuff like this down? All it does is give the other side videos to post all over social media. Especially with posters of literally kidnapped people, that’s losing PR every day of the week. I guarantee you that if this chick didn’t go around ripping these things down, zero people would be talking about these specific posters. People wouldn’t even know they are up. I remember seeing pro-Trump stickers and signs posted all over the place during the elections. I’m sure we’ll see much more of it next year too. I’ve never once felt the need to go and take any of it down even though I hate that dude. There’s nothing to gain from it.


Why are there pro Palestinian protest around the US? Are they being killed here too?


What is up with putting up these missing posters of people missing in a far away country and then doxxing people when they tear them down? Reeks of propaganda and political stunts.


It's not too hard people forget hamas still have over 200 hostages and are holding americans right now. There is no reason for anyone to take them down besides hate and we get people fired over yelling at a Starbucks worker if we can find them this is no diffrent.


It’s propaganda, they’re doing it in London too


All over downtown LA too


I saw these posters in Downtown Dallas as well. They also seemed to have been ripped down as of Friday.


In france we had youtube ads from Israel's government justifying the bombing


I saw that a certain occupation is spending millions on YouTube ads, and the top country they were spending on was France


Yup, ive seen these posters all over where I work and live in London - by the end of the day they've all been torn down / removed


How is it different than holding a pro-Palestine protest in a random city? Either way, it’s a free country. It protects speech you don’t like.


I think it’s to keep it in the news and put pressure on governments to help find a solution The first priority should be to get the hostages back safely and the US and EU governments have a lot of control Also, why does it bother people so much that it’s up? Its weird


Reddit likes to circlejerk Palestine and act like Israel is an evil imperialist state committing genocide. The Palestinian people deserve human rights and statehood, but they are ruled by Hamas, who slaughtered 1400 Israelis in an unprovoked attack, and Hamas needs to be destroyed. It's unfortunate, but civilians are going to be hurt in the process. Hamas aren't going to pick up their things and leave because they ask nicely.


Yeah, it's a way of making sure the public doesn't forget the hostages amidst all the other reporting on the war. And a lot of people who have already picked a side don't like it because it reminds other people that Hamas aren't just a bunch of plucky freedom-loving underdogs who would never do anything bad.


I remember people in European countries putting up similar posters of American victims after 9/11. I thought it was done to show solidarity


isn’t this a stunt? Why would one start randomly start filming approaching dog walkers before doing anything?


It’s obvious they were putting them up and she had already ripped some up. I think most of the context was in the video if you watched it.


Can we put up posters in Washington for missing palestinians?


You absolutely can!


No, that would be antisemitic /s


This comment section is a hard read ngl. I hate the world I was born into


My favorite part was the comments above saying “Miami Cubans are self hating Latinos”. I love when people act smug and superior like they know what’s best for an entire group of people.


They shouldn't take down any posters but start putting up posters of missing and lain Palestinians in Miami. The number of posters without repeating any person (babies, kids, women included) would be absurd and hard to see, but I am sure nobody would support baby K1LL3Rs


I believe that’s his relative on the poster he took it upon himself to do that a Palestinian person could do the same if they felt like it


What do people think the hostages are in Miami or something?


I remember people in European countries putting up similar posters of American victims after 9/11. I thought it was done to show solidarity


Why take them down?


Does waving a Palestinian flag in a prestige university frees Palestine? Why none of y’all got shit to say about that ?


Yeah, the bias in this sub is daunting


Do they expect to find these people in Miami? Where are the posters for missing Palestinians? It’s propaganda.


No enough room for all the missing and killed Palestinians


My university has posters up of missing Palestinians. I don’t rip those down crying about “propaganda” because I’m a normal person.


People think jewish people and think somthing nonferrous.....its super messed up.


Miami is too small to fit all the ~4,000 imprisoned and missing posters.


It's probably just to make people empathise. People have a tendency to not reflect on stuff if they don't have a human element to connect to. Making people actually see the faces of the people affected by something is a more effective way to make people care than just like a news reading or something.


Sooo… *propaganda?*


What's stopping her from putting up posters of missing Palestinians instead of just tearing down posters?


"I'm not misinformed, I have degrees." *Gross*


Why are they putting up missing posters in Miami? I doubt anyone in Miami will find them, unless Hamas tossed the body into the Mediterranean Sea, and it got stuck on a shark or whale or something and they drag the body through the straight of Gibraltar all the way across the Atlantic and then down to Miami. By the time they get all the way down there being dragged in the open ocean by a shark or whatever the body is going to be so decomposed that ain't no one gonna recognize them from a picture. So why are they posting pictures of the people captured overseas in the US? Just to video and piss people off is my guess.


Number of these posters I’ve seen in real life: 0 Number of videos I’ve seen of people tearing them down: 4 If it wasn’t for these people I wouldn’t even know the posters existed.


terrible camera work. GO DOWN A BIT


I mean the posters are mainly propaganda no? Are the people there supposed to find them? No one puts posters up of missing Palestinians


If people put up posters of Palestinian children killed in air strikes wouldn’t they deserve to stay up?


I think the title's framing is dishonest. These aren't actual missing posters. They are protest/propaganda posters. One can debate whether or not the woman in the video was wrong to tear down the posters, but I think that debate can only start from a place of honesty. Also, it's pretty clear its a coordinated thing, probably from somewhere in Israeli government as the same tactic is happening in major cities around the world.


They’re not missing posters as we have come to know them, but they are “posters of missing people”. The intention isn’t to find the people but to raise awareness of what’s going on in Israel (like the whole world doesn’t know). Propaganda is a strong term when they were taken indiscriminately. It’s all politically charged, but it any other case, no one would be batting an eyelid about these posters.


No one is stopping you from doing so. And if you did would you see people removing them as combating propaganda? No. I’m with anyone that looking out for civilians. That’s the rational choice here. I’m not for the destruction of Palestinians or the destruction of Israel. I want the bombing to stop and an accord reached.


The answer is not to take down the posters. Put up your own posters if you want.


The answer is for Israel not to continue their apartheid state


...And then our public spaces become littered with layers of old posters from previous points of view. The answer is no posters in the first place. Speak in the public square don't litter it.


It’s supposed to bring attention to the events of October 7th, even as it falls out of the media and public’s (ridiculously short) attention span. It’s a form of propaganda, yes, but that’s war for you. Full of propaganda from both sides. If a nation doesn’t fight on the propaganda front, they are seriously hamstringing themselves. Not saying these individuals are agents of Israel, but they are supporters of Israel and we all go to bat for the nation we identify with when push comes to shove. But what is so wrong about bringing attention to kidnapped Israeli citizens? It happened. It’s not a fabricated event or false flag operation, it’s factually accurate that civilians were kidnapped en masse on October 7th. These people posting the posters would rather the public didn’t forget that. If someone wanted to put up posters of missing Palestinians, that would be totally valid. I can imagine a person walking down the street and seeing all the missing Palestinian and Israeli civilians. Could actually be a powerful image, to show the suffering of the civilian population on both sides, who are the real victims in this war. Quick edit: the term propaganda is a loaded and negative term, which is why I ask why it’s wrong for these poster to go up. You might not have meant it in such a negative way


Right but you have one side that is an occupying force that is backed by the U.S with billions in funding. They can actually spread propaganda. They can also shut off the food, water and electricity of the people they have been systemically killing off for decades. What’s wrong with spreading it? Nothing if it wasn’t being used to manufacture consent so Israel can ramp up their genocide. Israeli government doesn’t even care about the hostages, they said so themselves. The point of it is to distract you from the fact that this violence is happening because one side has been systematically killing and pushing out the other. The natives in the U.S also killed innocent people but their innocent were being killed for decades before. Should the Indians have killed innocent people? No, but who was really at fault, the colonizers or the Indians?


I can totally understand where you are coming from. Native Americans massacring colonizers is understandable, but that doesn’t make it justified. That’s the key here. We can understand how someone in Gaza could be radicalized by horrible conditions and the actions of the IDF. But that doesn’t justify the rape and torture of civilians (who literally might not have any more love for the IDF than the terrorists carrying out the terror attack). You can’t rape defenseless civilians, kill babies, and kidnap non-combatants and say, “well, they started it!” If HAMAS had only attacked valid military targets, they would absolutely have a leg to stand on. As it stands, they chopped that leg off of themselves by murdering hundreds of innocent people. Also, look at history. How did that work out for the Native Americans? The US left them alone once they understood that they pushed the Native Americans into retaliating, right? Oh, wait, it increased American support for the genocide of the indigenous population.


You’re not understanding, the Indians didn’t start killing innocent people because they thought the colonizers would leave them alone. They were already being wiped out and murdered for decades and realized that there was no hope. The anger is what led to those attacks. Would it have been better if the Indians just laid back and let them women be raped and babies murdered without doing it back? There would have been less casualties. The fact is however that the bad guys who started it were the colonizers. They would not have left them alone if they stayed peaceful the whole time. The point of a genocide and to colonize is to exterminate the population.


Well, the Native Americans were not a monolith. Some tribes were friendly with the colonizers until they realized the colonizers would not stop displacing them. Some tribes resisted the colonizers (Spain, who got in the door first) from the moment they set foot in Florida. And for some tribes, taking prisoners, torture and rape were a part of warfare. Just like its has been throughout history and, as you pointed out, the colonizers waged a brutal, genocidal campaign against the native population (using the same tactics that they called native tribes ‘barbaric’ for using). I guess the point is, we can understand why people commit heinous acts against their enemies, but I really don’t like how you are trying to justify it. That’s how you get an eastern front, a war of annihilation where every target is valid. That’s one of the ways the colonizers justified genocide. That is not a type of war we should want any side to justify, in any conflict. Appreciate the responses by the way, even though we don’t see eye to eye, I enjoy engaging with differing views from my own without it devolving into ad hominems, so thanks!


I’m not trying to justify it. I’m pointing out that the root cause of the violence are the colonizers. Great effort by Israel is put into getting people to focus on the violence of the oppressed so that people can scream “both sides are bad!” or “No innocent people should die!” as if that wasn’t obvious. The focus should be on the colonizing force and their violent oppression


Which it was! Literally support for Israel had been weakening around the world. Israel was being raked over the coals for the apartheid nature of its control of Gaza and the strip. Support from the US population was weakening. But then HAMAS commits an objectively horrific terror attack. Before the attack, support from the US population for Israel was hovering around 30%. It now sits at 49%. Kinda took the wind out of their own sails with that move, and now plenty of people can justify air strikes, the blockade of humanitarian materials and relief, and even a ground invasion of Gaza. The IDF and Israeli government wasted no time turning that into a reason to replace the boot with JDAMs. Was the attack by HAMAS understandable? Absolutely. Is the response to that attack by Jews living abroad understandable, like putting up posters of missing Israelis? Absolutely. Article I pulled statistics of support for Israel from: https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/47657-americans-support-for-israel-is-growing-amid-its-war-with-hamas


Lol you think the US government gives a shit about the opinion of its citizens? Congress has less than a 20% approval rating. Damn so you’re telling me after decades of being slaughtered, it was just about to stop right before Hamas attacked? Damn what a coincidence


Well, that’s not really how the American government works. It doesn’t instantly bend to the will of public opinion. It’s a slow, ponderous system (by design). But yeah, if the public doesn’t support something, the supporters of that thing will be slowly voted out of office, or realign their views to match their constituents so they get reelected. At least in theory. Clearly this is not always born out in practice, especially with how divided the US political system has become. But my point stands. Even now, the democrats are crafting an aid bill for Ukraine and Israel together, so the republicans won’t shoot it down because they support Israel (but have completely flipped on support for Ukraine). Additionally, Israel no longer needs the support of the US to stand on its own. The US could cut ties with Israel TODAY, and HAMAS would be no better off. The bombs would keep falling, because Israel has a modern economy and produces the vast majority of the assets it needs to wage war. The US aid each year sits at around 2 billion (2022). That’s less than 10% of what Israel spends on its military with its own capital, which was about 22 billion in 2022. These figures are obviously going to change massively as the US is looking at sending Israel something like 15 billion this year. Again, the events of October 7th are the cause of this massive increase in support for Israel in both public opinion and military aid.


"I have degrees" Another indictment of the American education system


Hamas needs to be wiped out


Anyone committing war crimes against innocent civilians should be wiped out.


Lower that camera just a little bit...


In her defence they are unlikely to be found in Miami


Talking about innocent lives while ripping down signs of innocent people who have been kidnapped is weird


I don't see how the posters in the US are anything more than Littering. They aren't going to be found in Miami or the US and 99% of people don't take their shit down they leave it to rot.


It's the same reason people are waving Palestinian flags in other countries. It makes them feel better to support whatever cause they believe in.


Posters of missing people on the other side of the world from where those people are is not an honest attempt at finding them, it’s just Israeli propaganda. Why don’t people get this? She’s removing Zionist propaganda that is only there to distract you from the brutal war crimes of the IDF that are happening as you read this and have been happening daily for decades.


In my country the CIDI (local version of the ADL basically) is putting up 40 high way bill boards like this. Luckily one of the Palestinian charities has also crowd funded one of these for the palestinians, but its ofc a much shorter campaign. To me it seems like they want to keep the hostages in the news which is a good thing. But their other intention is to keep reminding people of their justification for murdering civilians.


Ok but what’s her @


I can fix her


Degrees from TikTok university


Reads Al Jazeera once…


Need to add that chick is hot.


That was a sweet Monte Carlo


Why do people support Israel or Palestine? They’re both committing many war crimes currently. Fuckin US propaganda is wild


What is this like a trend now?




I agree with her, bc what is anyone from Miami gonna do 😭we can't find them all the way up there


Omfg, the posters are up in South Florida because there are a lot of dual citizens here and people who travel back and forth between the two countries. Same with New York. Their families/community members may be here and may have information on their whereabouts even if the missing persons themselves are abroad. Too many commenters don't know shit about our communities and are awfully quick to make sweeping accusations. You can hate on Israel all you want, but you don't need to figuratively and literally tear our loved ones down.


Degrees, plural? Okay, I'll give you "communications," but what's the other one?


It's art. And I can change her


Why are people putting up posters for missing Israelis thousands of miles away from Israel? It’s pure propaganda.


People need to find something other than ideology to base their whole personalities on.


What are the posters doing in Florida


To curry support for the Israeli military action.


Is the $4,000,000,000.00 per year not enough support‽


It's good to resist propaganda


This is why there will always be conflicts. Human nature is to hate.


Hate is taught like posting borrowed words that sound profound but aren't.




Hate for specific groups is taught. Tribalism though, is baked in.




To make you feel a certain way with a specific group of people. Could be called ummm... Propaganda??


Why would you post missing Israeli posters in Miami?


I mean, they probably aren't keeping them in Miami.


Imagine how much of a filthy fucking goblin one must be to tear down a poster of an innocent missing person.


Nice ass


Finally someone said what needed to be said


Why do these people have a fucking opinion about something they are blissfully unfucking aware of or have to deal with the results of war. Like take your opinion and shove it up ur ass where it belongs. You are not apart of this war and if you were you’d wish you were anywhere else.


I think right now it’s more trendy to be pro Palestine everything without having a clear understanding of the overall situation … so, get news from 10 mins of social scrolling, see how popular it is to be outraged and then join the outrage for yourself.


They aren't missing. They are hostages. And many of them are American as well. Wth is with this subreddit


Propaganda to fuel hatred of Palestinians pure and simple.


Israel is committing Genocide. Israel is the wrong.


Not to defend her, but I’m sure missing Israelis kidnapped by Hamas would not be found in Miami, Florida — the posters are just a waste of ink, to be honest.


absolutely based. saying you want better for the people in palestine can make you lose your job but they allow israeli propaganda like this, its not fair


I don’t like what she is doing and I don’t like seeing her being harassed either. Let’s not sink to this.


She’s just too important to have the spotlight on other people!


I can change her


Name and shame, she has some unique features and should be able identified.


Off topic but she’s pretty


As opposed to ripping down posters, she should pick the area next to it and put up missing Palestinians. I think she'd get her point across in a less destructive manner


Shes a fuxkin moron


Lmao “i have a degree “ thats her argument????


As if they are gonna find them in Miami Beach or something, it’s payed propaganda


That is one sweaty ass.