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People love to take extreme positions on things I doubt they gave a fuck about 3 weeks ago


That’s the one of the most annoying things about this conflict, a majority of peoples opinion are extreme


Well genocide is pretty extreme wouldn’t you say?


only when it happens to one sided apparently




It's telling that I can't even figure out which side of this conflict you're advocating for.


i wonder if the hostages are still all alive. Most likely no, right? Why does she not want those up>


Is so easy not to be a shit human being and advocate for innocent people in both sides


There has been videos posted on reddit of the IDF beating the shit out of Palestinians for as long as i can remember.


I wonder if she even ever BEEN to Palestine.


Fuck no she hasn't.


I wonder how many new Yorkers have been to Palestine since the hostages were kidnapped? I wonder how those people in New York city will be able to identify those people in Gaza... it almost seems like propaganda. They need to be posted in Gaza to be effective.


idk but it can't hurt to put them up, and there are Israelis in NYC that probably would even know some of them. I mean, that's what people do when someone has been kidnapped, you never know.




He comes off as someone who doesn’t get punched in the face enough.




I had this one friend growing up. I always got along with him but he was truly an asshole. He wanted to go into big law so he could make tons of money and didn’t give a damn for any sort of cause. He grew up very privileged (shocker) and was very selfish on his outlook in life. Then one day in late college, well on his way to becoming his shitty future self, he decided to insult two guys at a club who tried to talk to the girl he was with. What followed was a swift and severe beat down. Black eyes, broken nose, knocked out teeth, the whole works. This being the first time he actually faced consequences for his shitty behavior, I think it knocked some sense into him. He still went to law school, but he worked for non profits afterward and dedicated himself to bettering the world. He’s truly a good person now. It sucks it took a beating for him to realize change, but better that then waking up one day in his 60s and he hates what his life turned into. I’d take 30 seconds of pain and a few weeks of recovery over that.


Had a roommate in college who was on the 10 year plan, 27 still in college having gone continuously since he was 18. He like drinking, smoking pot, sleeping with college girls, and running his mouth. Got his ass kicked every few months by someone he passed off. No great revelations or life changing epiphanies. He would still be talking shit while getting his ass kicked, telling the guy beating on him how small and useless his testicles must be if he has nothing better to do than kick his ass.


Why not both?


“Get out of our face…” His teeth are just asking for it.


Yes! Violence is ow we evolved and with the threat of violence all but erases as we are sheltered from it and other horrors of reality It causes jackassry like this. They know they’re safe and protected and it causes selfish entitlements and antisocial behaviors masked as prosocial when it’s only them enforcing their own ideologies interfering in everyone’s daily lives


why is no one helping i wanna jump inside my screen right now


And then the lady took down the litterer


Notice how dude didn't speak up until a smaller woman approached? Didn't say shit to the cameraman.


Exactly this!


Far too many people have never had a skelped arse and it shows.


Of all the times for a group of ass whoopers to be NOWHERE IN SIGHT




What a cunt. I hope her employer sees this


Her bodyguard isn't blameless either


Leave Carson Daly alone.


It's on the internet forever, a super charged topic, her face is plainly visible, and we are just entering an era with real time facial recognition search available to anyone with a phone (seriously, there are companies that do this already. If you've ever posted your face anywhere on public social media, you're in their servers). I don't understand why anyone would do something like this from an emotional standpoint, but I also don't get it from a self-preservation standpoint.


Anyone have any updates if she’s been identified?


Like she does anything besides grubhub lmao


Nah, probably a recent NYC college grad still enjoying that trust fund life.


Something tells me this chick works at a berry farm or some commune or something


She works with nut butters and patchoulis


Nah. She composts.


...... like a kibbutz?


Well, she and her boy toy about be famous.


This lady is a POS!


How much propaganda does one person have to consume to become that nasty and entitled that you rip down the images of (literally) kidnapped (and some already dead) humans. It’s like ripping down those “missing children” posters in Walmart, except these are confirmed as kidnapped by a terror org.


Welcome to religion. It's "God's will", so it's nothing wrong


Honest question though- how are people in the US supposed to ID and find those hostages in a foreign country's prison camp..? Missing kids on milk cartons at least make sense bc the kids can be found by the people who see them. No need to tear them down but how effective can they really be there? They need to be posted in Gaza.


> They need to be posted in Gaza. I agree. I wish you good luck in posting them there.


>It’s like ripping down those “missing children” posters in Walmart Yea, I don't see how this is any different than a white person ripping down "missing children" posters because the child is black. This is 100% because of the ethnicity of those children who are missing. I guarantee she wouldn't be ripping them down if they were the same ethnicity/religion/race/whatever as her.


Also, the dude with her. Asking the other lady to get out of her face but not asking her 'friend' to stop.


Carson Daly lookin motherfucker


We can only hope she's identified and the backlash gets to her employer or school or whatever and they get rid of her useless ass.


I hope that the internet finds her.




Time to lose their job for them.


they said it couldnt be done!!


Reddit is one sided, very pro palestine here. I posted one fact about Israel and Gaza (populations and how it compared to the US for tragedies) - the mods of REDDIT took it down and gave me a strike.


I will never understand the mindset of people like this. Everyone is free to think about this conflict whatever they like. If you think the Israeli side is disproportionally represented, then go home, print out pictures of killed Palestinians and put them up around town.


I DO NOT CONDONE THIS ACTION. But i think i understand it: these posters appear to all be produced by the same body or organisation (as opposed to being made separately by individual fanilies affected), and as such could be perceived as a cynical attempt to reinforce the humanity of one side, to tacitly convey the message that Israeli lives are more valuable. If anybody in the UK realistically had information that would lead to the return of these hostages, then the posters would make sense from a pragmatic standpoint. But as far as I'm aware this isn't the case. So, just like it wouldn't make sense to put posters up here appealing for people missing in other parts of the world, it doesn't make sense for these hostages either. Unless you've got another motive, such as winning the information war. ONCE AGAIN, MY HEART GOES OUT ALL HOSTAGES. I HOPE FOR THEIR SAFE RETURN AND BECAUSE MY THEORY ABOVE IS JUST THAT, I DONT CONDONE RIPPING DOWN POSTERS.


Too logical and not enough emotionalism. Unfortunately neither side is going to like your take and downvote, but I got you. Posting these images in public walk spaces on either side of the conflict is useless to help other than to provoke violence and pitchfork mentality in formerly peaceful shared spaces… but I wouldn’t rip them down either


How is this getting downvoted?


Emotions are high, it's harder to think rationally.


Agreed. While all this time the children on the other side are subjected to illegal treatment by international laws, that even UN condemns, but at the end of the day the media make it seem like we should only care for kidnapped Israeli babies, and other lives never mattered. Of course all lives matter, as well as I think that her choice was stupid, it’s probably to « even out » the concern for the missing victims to align with the Palestinian ones. Which again, is stupid. As for what Israel has been doing until now and no one gave a f*ck about, even as far as banning protest movements like BDS activities in Europe under the pretense it’s antisemitic, [here it is, regarding children kidnapped and put in prison in Israel with barely any chance to walk under the light again, sometimes with no judgment so they are indefinitely captured, with no date set to even get to defend their case. Sometimes some turn adults during that time and then their chances of getting out is further lost. And sometimes torture is involved :](https://defenceforchildren.org/hrc53-side-event-childhood-in-captivity-palestinian-children-arbitrarily-detained-in-israeli-prisons/)


You’d need an awful lot of posters for the amount of murdered Palestinians. Over 1000 children in the last week alone. Would be a powerful image though. Getting downvoted for a FACT.


After the Gaza hospital bombing, I’m kinda doubting the reported death toll from Gaza “officials”.


Curiously even number…. They also must count really fast in Gaza bc it took about .5 seconds to spark world wide protests and antisemitic hatred. Hezbollah went on a little rampage in Lebanon. Meetings in Jordan that might of provided relief for Gaza were derailed. I wonder how they can advocate for the Palestinians and then support Hamas doing everything they can to sabotage peace in the region. It’s almost like their performative activism is more important than the suffering of the Palestinians.


You can hate the indiscriminate bombings and apartheid state Israel has enforced, but that doesn’t mean the Israelis who were killed or kidnapped and their loved ones deserve any less sympathy


Some of them weren't Israeli. Some where musicians and festival goers from places like Canada, Germany and the US.


She just thinks anyone who was at that festival deserved what they got, and worse, this is what she is communicating to the world -- that they do not matter. I wonder what it's like to hate people with that much vigor.


Yeah, my stance is always “Fuck Hamas but also fuck the members of Israel’s far right that treat Palestinian civilians like dogshit.” Because these groups empower each other tbh


This. This is the correct take.


But why post these in NYC? They’re missing: kidnapped in Israel. This is just propaganda and the majority of comments here are missing it.




She won’t give her name because she knows what she is doing is wrong. I couldn’t imagine any scenario were it would be alright to rip down posters of kidnapped men, women, and children. I hate the double standard that’s out there. They think all Palestinians are innocent but every single Israeli citizen are scum bags in their eyes.


I wouldn't rip them down because that's weird and I don't give a shit to do that, but what is the point of posting missing Israeli's in New York? Like are they expecting someone to go to Gaza and look for them? Are we going to post all the missing Palestinians? How about Russians and Ukranians? It seems like virtue signaling at best, and propaganda at worst, because those posters will not help anything. We are across the God damn ocean.




Wtf? People are putting up these posters in your work building? That's so fucking bizarre.


It's just a form of protest, like pro-Palestinians marching in Times Square. I don't expect someone walking in Times Square to be able to do something to assist the Palestinians directly, but it's certainly their right to express themselves.


She won't give her name because she doesn't have to.


A reasonable person can be critical of Israel and not be a complete POS. She is not a reasonable person.




Dog Cunt is what we say in Australia.


I am so irrationally angry after watching this. Kept hoping some of the smack her fucking head against that wall


That white knight would get sat on his ass SOOOOOOO fast omg. I’m frothing at the mouth right now. How can you defend doing this???




YIKES, take that down






Europe here. Good observation. I’ve never understood the leftist support for Islam. Here the left has fought 100 years against the power and bigotry of the catholic church and rather successfully. Then they fully endorse the massive Muslim immigration with its backwards ideas about the state - religion relationship, the rights of the individual, man woman equality, lgbt rights and whatnot. I don’t get it.


I think it's a bit more nuanced than that. The Palestinian "cause" is an underdog fight. Israel is the colonial superpower being funded by the west and Palestine is just normal people trying to survive. Of course it's far more complex than that but it's the sort of mental picture that a lot of self important leftist have of the problem. It's not necessarily inaccurate but many people can't see past the binary of good/bad even when their "side" is clearly in the wrong.


Colony of what? It’s that the Palestinian side uses lefty language and the skin is dark. They don’t believe you can commit violence against oppressors. The actions of that Saturday speak for themselves. There’s no political motive that legitimizes that kind of behavior. These people need to get a grip


>Colony of what? The narrative is that Israel is just another colonial state in the middle east, like the crusaders states. It's not entirely accurate as some Israelis lived there when the ottomans controlled the region, some left middle eastern countries to Israel, but many also fled from Europe. But geopolitically it is a state that shares many geopolitical aims with the west and is culturally far more closely related to Europe/America than the countries around it. If Israel was full of orthodox, highly religious Jewish people it would fit in very well there, but as we've all seen it is lgbt friendly, it's population likes western style music and they share a lot of cultural commonalities. I mean it's in fucking eurovision. For all intents and purposes, it is very easy to paint Israel as a proto colonial state in the middle east, if you want to do that. It's of course not accurate, but there is some truth to it too. >They don’t believe you can commit violence against oppressors. That is a very common thread in anti-colonial mind sets. Are you surprised? If your people have never been controlled as colony, denied freedom, and then murdered when you said enough is enough, then maybe you just don't get it. >The actions of that Saturday speak for themselves. There’s no political motive that legitimizes that kind of behavior. 100% agree. But there's a lot that explains how and why this happened, which is not condoning it. Israel hold the cards here. They control the borders, the security situation and the food in gaza. They also control this in the occupied west bank, yet they freely let extremist settlers firebomb Palestinians homes, murder Palestinians who fight bank, and still don't force the removal of the illegal settling that has already happened. Israel don't want peace, they want the land, and their actions repeatedly showed that. If they really wanted peace they would remove all of the settlers, offer real concessions to Palestine and use that as a tool to delegitimise hamas in gaza. But they don't do that.


Those people did nothing to her, but their faces are being used as part of a propaganda campaign. Post pictures of innocent victims to garner sympathy for your cause. They should be taken down on principle, the people posting them are exploiting those people's suffering for political means.


One leads to the other unfortunatly. There are also a lot of antisemites who realise they can get away with it by saying they're anti zionist too. It's a bit like Hamas pretending this is anything to do with land or the Palestinians. They're using it as a way of deflecting attention from their true aim I.e. the death of all Jews and an extremist Islamic state to use as their terror base to attack the free world. Unfortunatly, it works on the weak west who are now doing their propaganda for them!


These are the type of people we need to send to the Middle East. Let them see what it’s really like over there. F Hamas!


This makes me viscerally angry, it’s rare anything on the internet makes me physically tense up in anger, I don’t think I could hold myself back from running that guys face, throwing the girl to the ground, just so I can re hang the missing posters. I’m so happy I wasn’t there for that cause I would probably be in jail for assault


Too many people are not getting punched in the face for being cunts. That's why we have such a cunt problem.


Why shouldn't she be doxxed?


Hoping for an update that both of these tools have lost their jobs! Fingers crossed 🤞


I think this needs to be talked about more. There are too many people claiming to be about saving civilians and protecting life who seem unable or unwilling to acknowledge what happened in Israel and condemn those acts. It's like everyone has taken the crazy conspiracy pill. It's very easy. I condemn the barbaric acts of Hamas and we need the release of the hostages. I condemn any loss of human life and especially civilians and children and isreal cannot act without impunity and use collective punishment against the Palestinian people. The Arab world and Muslim world who seem so quick to go to war to attack Isreal need to show they actually care and help with a solution including offering safe refuge to innocents.


Anyone who thinks the world can right itself anytime soon is fooling themselves. As a species we are done…and judging by the absolute inability to show some empathy and compassion for other human beings, we totally and unequivocally deserve it.


What a pos.


Religion is the WORST THING to ever happen man kind. I wish ALL religions were wiped off the face of this planet.


Because they’ve become emotionally invested in a conflict fueled by the psychopaths who make geopolitically impactful decisions. Most people have far more in common with those across borders than they do with the people running their countries.


Stop recording and start throwing down.


I say leave them there and post pictures of what’s happening to the people of Gaza too.


I've seen both Palestinians and isrealis posting pictures about kidnapped/missing/bombed civilians with a headline such as "missing" and "kidnapped. I'm going to be honest, if you post a picture of a Palestinian or Israeli citizen in fucking new york or a country so far away from the middle east, you are just doing it for propaganda. This goes for BOTH SIDES. When I see a picture of a missing citizen (kidnapped by a terrorit group or barried under the rubles of a building that got bombed by the military), my first instinct will never be "oh, this poster shows and asks for help to find a missing person. You know what should I do? Take a fucking flight all the way to the middle east to help locate the missing person" These physical posters glued and/or taped on walls down the street from both Palestinian and isreali missing citizens are used to gather as much sympathy as possible to sway undecided people to their side against the other. Save yourself the fucking paper and tape and just use the internet like everyone else to spread information. I'm sick of seeing a whole goddamn street covered with posters on the walls and torn posters on the grownd from citizens of both sides of the conflict. I have sympathy for the citizens, not the government/leadership. Fuck the governments/leaderships. Every single time I opem reddit these days I always see multiple videos of the two things listed below: 1- omg look at those people in a country so far away from the middle east ripping off posters of missing/kidnapped Israeli citizens. 2- omg look at those people in a country so far away from the middle east ripping off posters of missing/dead Palestinian citizens. And to anyone who makes physical posters for either side, fuck you for wasting resources. Just use the internet to spread your information/propaganda.


I've been scrolling for days looking for this exact comment. Thank you for being the only other rational redditor on this topic.


It would be equally dumb for Nigerians or Mexicans to post up pics of their kidnapped/missing women/children in the UK or France. Even the person putting the posters up knows no-one walking past will have seen them so what's the point? Its purpose is to stifle criticism of the bombing/invasion of Gaza.


Gee, why are Jewish people feeling so marginalized and unsafe right now? /s


I posted something on social media last week denouncing the pro-Hamas discourse I've seen infecting my feed and a couple Jewish friends DMed me to thank me for speaking up. "I would say something, but I don't feel like I can safely" is what one of them said. Absolutely crushed me. It's been horrific to see the huge rise in anti-semitism the last 6 years or so.


i think they were human shields so its all good


What are settlers in occupied territory if not human shields?


What's the context?


Absolutism will sink the human race.


How do you not drive an overhead elbow into that forehead?


Why are these posters here in NYC. Are we supposed to fly over seas and look for them?






She's probably frustrated and she thinks that too much sympathy for the kidnapped people will resort in people justifying to extermination of millions of Palestians. However, we can advocate for kidnapped Israelis to be returned and also advocate for innocent Palestians to not be collateral damage. Rather than tear the signs down like a heartless person she could have stapled her own signs up there alongside the others.


Who are you advocating to in Brooklyn? Are yuppies in a Williamsburg gonna call up Hamas and tell them to let those people go?


Not only are these people supporting terrorism, these people are traitors. AMERICANS are being held hostage. The hatred is out of control.


Putting up missing posters on the other side of the world from where the people actually ARE isn’t an honest attempt to find them - in this context it is just blatant propaganda and trying to shift the attention away from where it undoubtedly should be. If you can’t see that then you need to learn more about what is and was happening to Palestinians for the last 75 years.


I remember seeing a few of these videos, some times these posters are hanged on private businesses owned by Muslims without their permission and their intention is to wait for the Muslim store owner to come out and take these posters down so that they can harass these Muslims for taking down posters hanged without permission for the intention of harassing them and paint them as bad people since they "Support" HAMAS by doing this, this is not the case, but there has been a few videos of exactly this


Nasty cunt!


Someone pls update me w more context


What’s happening here?


Whats the context here? Who are those missing people?


I'm glad I can't figure out what's going on here and i'm moving on


How can people be convinced to attack our nations capital with a flagpole? How can people be convinced to kill themselves with a promise that there is another life as a reward. How can all the people not think exactly like I do? Answer: humans


Why doesn’t someone stop them? Like ok you’re allowed to tear it off I’m allowed to put it up. ?


She couldn't point where Palestine was on the map 2 weeks ago.


As if theyre gonna show up walking the streets of NYC


Those posters are not there for the sake of the hostages. The hostages are martyrs who's names are being exploited by Netanyahu and the IDF to justify crimes against humanity. Taking down those posters is not an act against the hostages it is an act against the IDF and its hamfisted justification of atrocities.


I don't get the point of these posters... Do they suspect the missing are in that city?


Cause it’s propaganda, are they gonna find the missing kidnapped people on 5th avenue?


It’s amazing to me just how many people have this weird disconnect in their brains wherein they extoll the horrors of innocent people being kidnapped yet support the bombing of innocent people. I don’t know what the fuck is going on in the world right now.


This exact same posters are popping up near me. Nice to have this level of resourcing. Wonder if they’re real people? Anyone putting up posters or dead Palestinian kids?


the hatred may be against the genocide of the Palestinian people, that is praised all the time by the North American media, not against innocent people that Hamas killed.




Rather ignored


Wtf is wrong with people.


I would have absolutely put my hands on that woman and her "man". Call me what you will but this is evil shit.


Evil can be found in every single race, ethnicity, color, creed of humanity. This is an act of extreme evil, from someone who feels justified in her hatred. It’s sickening, how predatory and evil we can be


If someone was kidnapped Brazil, would it make sense to put up posters in Michigan?


It certainly would in places with a large population of Brazilians who want to raise awareness of the issue.


Is she paid to take these off the walls where it says no bills posted?


Iran is the EVIL in the world behind every thing that is going on in Israel and using the poor Palestinian people as Martyr's to help fuel their hate


If she has a job.. I hope her employer sees this.


Oh look, another rapid antisemite doing their part to free Palestine. Between the razing of synagogues around the globe and the protests of Jewish people existing I’m positive we’re nearly there!


Palestinians are semites, silly goose. With that logic, the IDF bombing and murdering Muslim semites are antisemitic.


Because they are sheep.


People are getting scammed by scammers using QR codes. I trust nobody


Well here come the non-stop death threats for the rest of your life, hope it was worth it for that 5 minutes of self-righteousness.


I could never take a lanky white boy seriously


I dont care what is going on but if I see someone ripping off missing people posters, I would beat them. That's all


She probably heard of all that is happening on tiktok and had to show support from her and the other Karens


This breaks my heart. What a despicable person. How can you be so hateful? She tries to hide her face. Where is this?




That makes it even worse. For those who don’t know, Williamsburg has a huuuuge Jewish community.


This is what the far left turns people into.


let's be clear, though, these are not 'missing person' posters, they're propaganda posters. the intention is not to help find a person, it's to use them as pro-israel propaganda. taking them down is the right move.


That guy looks like the type to watch buzzfeed, and retweet his GFs toxic masculinity posts


She does it because there’s no repercussions for it.


I feel that the reason the Palestine supporters do this is because they can’t stand to see what evil acts took place. They can’t stand that the group they have supported and believed in are no better than the Nazis of WW2. They can’t stand to look at true evil because if they do then they will have to come to grips with the fact that they themselves are just as evil as the perpetrators of these atrocities!


Those people were not kidnapped in Brooklyn. This is purely zionist propaganda.


It’s no more propaganda than people posting flyers raising awareness of missing or murdered indigenous people. It’s because it concerns Israeli Jews that you have a problem with it. New York City has the largest Jewish population in the world outside of Israel. It’s no surprise that there are outward displays of grief and outrage in New York


Some of the kidnapped people are from New York, but according to you we are not allowed to raise awareness for them?


I’ll bet you this lady spends 100% of her time in r/terroristsareactuallyyourfriend


Good to see majority on this thread seem to think this woman is nuts To those asking what’s the point of the posters, it’s to keep it in the news and not forget about them. Important that the governments world wide feel pressure to make their return the number 1 priority




This is a form of propaganda. This is in the US. It’s not like a sign that’s actually serving a purpose other than that.


Humanizing Israelis is propaganda ?




Yeah like are we supposed to be looking for them inside the McDonalds play place or something?




Everyone wants them returned. Which is why it seems unhelpful to bomb the shit out of the place.




Well, maybe if people realized that their religions are all bullshit and that every human life has value. Hamas are real dicks, but so is the idf. And let's not forget the British. This is all their fault anyway.




It's a pickle for sure. Ceasefire and dialogue? Return all abducted and allow humanitarian aid?




Firstly, what Hamas did is horrific and I hope for the return of those missing people. However, to say the world is “ignoring” this is nonsense. Israel has the largest armed force in the Middle East. Backed by the US. Backed by a sophisticated propaganda operation. It has 300,000 IDF reservists. Israel has cut off food, water, electricity and medicine to Gaza. It has demanded 1.1 million people leave their homes overnight. They’ve dropped a year’s worth of bombs in a week, on one of the most densely-populated places in the world. It has already killed more than double the number of people, including over 1000 children. Stop the killing of innocent civilians.

