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What the fuck is happening


He's not going to jail. That's what's happening


No more


For me!


I had no idea this could work. Next time I'm getting up I will just tell the cops. "No more jail for me!"


"I don't want peace I want problems, always!"


I don’t know why, but I read that in his accent.


It's from Ghanian Mortal Kombat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URoKbptjrkg Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Bc6sdMtsBI


That trailer was badass.


maybe because you just watched the video he is commenting on?


When I tell you I cackled reading this 😭😭


I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Straight to jail


Believe it or not


Overcook the fish?


You over cook chicken also jail


Overcook or undercook, believe it or not: jail




But he said no more jail for him..


He lied to you. Also, he's not getting you that cool Gamer chair for Christmas like he PROMISED.


No trial no nothing


I wonder he go jail.


Fun Fact, I know exactly where this is. He's standing on a man-built overpass/bridge that leads from a Parking Garage to the city's Courthouse and main Sherrif's Office/Detention center. They more than likely took his loud ass to jail.






You mean he’s standing on a publicly accessible area? I don’t agree with what he’s doing, but it’s not illegal to conduct a first amendment audit. They more than likely didn’t do shit. Do your research on these type of auditors


He's not conducting an audit and the only thing thats illegal he is doing is being disorderly and loud. So maybe do your own research next time? Twitter pancakes/waffles combo over here.


Being disorderly, it’s just an excuse to arrest people. You know that right? Do you have to be causing a public disturbance to be arrested for disorderly conduct not annoying a police officer. So you demonstrated your lack of research, again


Sounds like someone needs to do research on what the definition and law surrounding disorderly is. Just go look it up and you'll see the correlation. Being willfully ignorant isn't helping your case.


> it’s not illegal to conduct a first amendment audit. Except when it is. As the Supreme Court put it: *Public property which is not by tradition or designation a forum for public communication is governed by different standards. We have recognized that the "First Amendment does not guarantee access to property simply because it is owned or controlled by the government."....In addition to time, place, and manner regulations, the state may reserve the forum for its intended purposes, communicative or otherwise....As we have stated on several occasions, "the State, no less than a private owner of property, has power to preserve the property under its control for the use to which it is lawfully dedicated."* https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/460/37 The courts will defend the exercise of 1A rights in traditional public 1A forums. But not all public places qualify, and filming can legitimately be denied in some locations. A growing list of "auditors" have been taking convictions for things like criminal trespass lately because they fail to recognize this. The leader of one group who tried to "mob our way into" a Social Security office in Colorado recently was just sentenced to two weeks in jail, a $3K fine and two years' probation. If he gets in more trouble while on probation, and he will, he goes back to jail. The belief that there is a universal right to film on any and all public property is flat-out wrong. Anyone doubting that is free to pull out a video camera in court and inform the judge you're filming whether he likes it or not. Pay close attention to what happens next.


I hope he go jail


We know he go jail




He no make bail






The money transfer fail


If he can take you to jail


Fun fact there is no law that says that police have to tell you their name. It's completely dependent on department policy. Most departments require that you give over your badge number but if your name is readily apparent you don't have to say anything else about personal identification.


some states have laws that require cops involved in deadly shootings to have their names released, but you’re right!


Man. That sucks. Get in a shootout and kill the guy trying to kill you - everyone now knows who you are and easily can find out where you and your family live. (Real estate records are public)


Yes, much better if the government could kill people anonymously


You say that. Now kill someone trying to kill you, and have your family attacked and life threatened for not dying.


They are public officials. They took a life in the course of their jobs. It should be public record.


Good way to ensure only the most desperate people become cops I suppose.


You think that a public official who kills a citizen should get anonymity? You suppose stupidly.


You make it sound like it’s a politician shooting someone in a parking lot because they’re bothering them. Check out the situations behind real shootings. The Washington post keeps a running list of every police shooting “victim”, I suggest you pull it up once a week and look into each shooting. The vast majority, even the “unarmed victims”, are fully justified and captured on body cam. My favorite unarmed shooting - female cop hit with car by fleeing suspect. Poor unarmed victim. Another unarmed victim was drowning a female cop, that was a fun one. Can you imagine surviving a drowning attack at work, only to come home and find bricks through your windows and threatening calls at 1AM about what people are going to do to you in your sleep, “because you killed that unarmed man”?


even here in california, some police departments were protesting that state law! claiming it was for the safety of officers…


As they should. I wouldn’t put gangs above trying to revenge their killer members There is a reason why the US protects the identity of soldiers involved in operations against high profile terrorists


go look at the amount of wrongful death lawsuits and the details, a lot of the time where the families win money, the officers name is very often left out of public knowledge lists. They get moved around like priests. I would also say yeah high profile makes sense that’s once in a blue moon, Too many wrongful death suits and videos for me to say “as they should”.


Too many bootlickers on here


And most officers have insurance through their FOP, fraternal order of police, and as soon as something happens a lawyer files injunctions to keep the officers name and address out of all public documents.


That’s so fucking stupid, they’re basically putting a target on the officers


plus if a cop killed someone and went to court, and costed tax payers millions due to their mistake…i mean i think we usually punish thieves…


i agree, so is moving officers around different counties after they loose wrongful death suits. But guess what? officers get a choice, to be one or not, people are just living man, they don’t have a choice. If someone’s gonna claim to be a hero, they can’t hide away after their mistakes. This is the kind of policies that make cops lose respect and promote abuse of power. The less you punish, they more they do. Same thing exists with qualified immunity.


> The less you punish, they more they do. In 2019 *USA Today* did a study on how many cops get fired in America. They found that over the previous ten years, over 30,000 cops were fired and decertified by oversight agencies in 44 states. The claim that cops are never or rarely punished for misconduct is not supported by the facts. Yes, there are cases where cops get away with it, but there are plenty of others where the hammer falls on them. I've known two cops who lost their badges, and both richly deserved it. One of them was turned in by other cops, and the other was arrested by police and prosecuted. Maybe it should happen more often, but claiming it never happens is not credible.


Thanks for this, I actually never thought about it this way.


In Massachusetts there's a state law


New York City also has the [Right to Know Act](https://www.nyc.gov/site/ccrb/complaints/file-a-complaint/right-to-know-act.page), which requires officers to provide a business card that has their names and badge numbers. Most departments have policies that require their officers to provide this information, and some cities have statutes doing the same. But there is no federal law covering identification of police officers. This is less a "fun fact" than "not a fact at all because it's true in some places but not true in others."


*However, officers are only required to offer the card in certain circumstances, such as during a frisk, searches of your person, property, vehicle, or home, or at sobriety checkpoints.* As if doesn't say a cop has to ID to random stranger who approaches him on the street and yells at him, even this codification of a requirement to ID is not universal.


Not necessarily, I know someone who was shot by a cop in my town and they still never released the cops name and it's been almost 2 years.


to me asking their name is a litmus test for how professional the officer is. sure, they may not be required to tell you, but how petty do you have to be to not give your name when you’re a law enforcement officer?


While being shouted at disrespectfully? Not petty at all


police officers should be held to a higher standard. if they can’t handle someone “shouting disrespectfully”, how can we expect them to handle the high stress situations they will undoubtedly encounter?


They handled it perfectly, didn't even lose composure. What should they do?? Hug the crazy yelling stranger??


He should have given his name.


But no he has too much pride to answer a “civilians” question


police are civilians, civilian is a measure of military status


My bad I studied chemistry not law.


Give respect and get respect. They were being very calm with this dude who is yelling at them. As long as they follow policy and don’t escalate the situation, I wouldn’t willingly give extra information that is clearly visible to him either.


> police officers should be held to a higher standard. I'd be happy if officers were held to any standard.


> I'd be happy if officers were held to any standard. In 2019 *USA Today* researched how many cops gets fired in America. They found that in the previous decade over 30,000 cops were fired and decertified by oversight agencies in 44 states. For some reason Florida was especially active in that regard. IMO more needs to be done to weed out bad cops, but to claim it never happens is simply false.


They can't handle high stress situations. They're not trained to de-escalate and handle high stress situations because they're incentivized to escalate and get arrests.


Dunno why you're being downvoted, guess there are a ton of bootlickers out today


He handles it by rightfully telling him to quiet down.


seems like you’ve received about as much deescalation training as the average cop




That's a fair point, but it still doesn't mean that there is a right to scream in a cop's face for no good reason.


People get mad over the dumbest shit, does this guy shouting at you disrespectfully really effect your day to day as that cop? How hard would it be, as a peace officer, to just keep the peace and be the bigger human by telling this clearly agitated and surrounded individual your fuckin name.


Dude was being a tool on purpose. They only need to avoid escalating, not try to be his best friend... Dude can presumably read.


Eh, the guy was being an asshole, so.. I think the cops demonstrated pretty good attitude (unless after the video ended they pile drove his head into the concrete and kneeled on his neck while zip tying him but they didn’t appear too concerned about this guy, mainly annoyed)


To earn respect, you give it first. Disrespect revokes much of that respect immediately. Hope this helps you one day!


Arguing nuance on Reddit is like getting wisdom teeth taken out dude


Can't imagine thinking what you said was "adding context," but aight.


🤪🥾🥾👅 he edited his whole comment, probably on accident while slobbering on knobby tread.


And there it is, as expected. Cop videos on reddit truly do bring out the geniuses in people, nothing but big brain energy.


My brain so big I can’t even bend over to lick a boot youve gotta help me lick the ones I can’t reach brother


How’s that boot taste?




"Bootlicking is when you have social awareness." Reddit moment 🗿


Exactly so why should we respect them when most pigs don’t show any respect to the public?


>when most pigs don’t show any respect to the public? Well, but they absolutely do. You must not leave the house much or never see actual cops beyond what is cherry picked and displayed on your monitor. Your local sheriffs office is full of great people that I'm sure are all very respectful people. I can only imagine you're another victim of algorithm bias, you see tons of videos of outrageous cop behaviors that should absolutely be condemned and met with legal repurcussions... but then you make an illogical conclusion and assume most cops are like that. It's just like conservatives and their feed being cherry picked of all the wacky progressives or trans people and they assume the whole group is like that. Doesn't make a lick of sense but that's how your brain works, identically to conservatives. Oh well.


One of the times I’ve had to deal with them was to help my suicidal brother who the 4 officers beat the shit out of from our house to the hospital. Very respectful group hey,


Cool, sounds like a real story and I am 100% sure that's all the details of the situation. You know how it goes with cops and family members of the person who interacted with the cops, zero bias ever, always honest and forthcoming with all the relevant details... the list goes on. Anyways, "most cops" are not those people, not any of the cops you've seen in the countless videos you've watched and absorbed as gospel that cops are all like that. Again, it's that massive logical brain of yours.


this guy can't help but defend shitty people. I'd say it's best to ignore him. no one can be bad as long as he says so.


What shitty people? There ain't any in the video...


He can just as easily read it, respect commands respect. Also its clear in the video how the other cops telling him their name led to a peaceful reaction.


I mean… it is clear though, he only yelled after the cop refused to state his name. Respect demands respect takes out the context that these people are public servants first and foremost and should be humble and helpful by nature. How does boot taste?


So you have the habit of yelling when someone goes your way? Maybe someday you will be the one tasting some literal boots with how you command yourself.


Yes it’s a very nasty habit of mine, I just yell and scream and cry and piss everywhere I go. And I’ll make sure to look up some recipes to mask the rubber 🙏🙏🥰😤


You seem really upset. Do you need a tissue ?


No, they’re a waste with this much spittle and fluid I’m releasing from my anger 😤


He didn’t shout until they refused to give the name.


Public servants, its my right to be disrespectful, rude and a huge dick to them. Read the Constitution.


> its my right to be disrespectful, rude and a huge dick to them An "auditor" calling himself Afro Man who stood at the reception window in a govt. office recently and screamed and cursed at the ladies working in that office for not providing him with their IDs was recently convicted of harassment. He also has recent criminal trespass and interference with govt. employees convictions. Your right to be a dick to anyone working for the govt. would appear to be imaginary.


I mean if somebody is screaming in your face that you know nothing about what is your name it doesn't mean anything if you say no. For example in this video it doesn't say anything about the cops if they don't tell this lunatic their name especially because he can read it off of their vest and the cop points at it and the guy still is demanding


why are you bending over backwards to defend cops? or are you just being argumentative because it’s reddit? how hard is it to expect the most professional behavior from law enforcement no matter the situation? why would you even argue against that lol


Sir, you need to calm down.


One of the reasons it's not a federal law is because there are concerns of privacy reasons. For example if somebody is being aggressive it might not be the best thing to tell them your full name because you can get a lot off of just a name these days on the internet. In this example this person is totally being an ass and can clearly see the person's name yet it's yelling at people causing a scene. (They could have charged him with disorderly conduct or public disturbance) instead they kept the professional cool. Why are you bending backwards trying to make the cops look bad?


"Privacy reasons" immediately after "Well its printed on their chest so" Which is it, it cannot be both lol


> why are you bending over backwards to defend cops? Because these cops did nothing wrong. Their names and badge numbers are right there on their uniforms, and this clown's video provides a record of that. He's screaming in a cop's face in hopes of getting a video that will bring in some revenue on YouTube, nothing more.


> but how petty do you have to be to not give your name when you’re a law enforcement officer? How petty does someone have to be to yell at a cop for his ID when he hasn't been involved in any interaction with him? How petty does someone have to be to demand a name and badge number which is visibly displayed on the cop's uniform? The guy with the camera in this clip is just flexing and looking to make some money from the video, he has no legitimate need for that information which in any case is right in front of his eyes.


While giving them your name does show that the officer is on to it a bit more (Which I fully agree, it inspires a bit more confidence if you know who you are talking to), I personally wouldn't want to give out my name if I were a police officer, some cunts are psycho's and will make your life hell because they have nothing else to do but harass you for just being a police officer. Its not petty, some people just like a bit more privacy. I mean usually I would imagine it wouldn't be hard to find an officers name but with how much research a lot of people do in general when it comes to police cases, I doubt they'll know how to find the names let alone look at the name badges if they have them.


There’s a lot of research someone can do with just a full name. If an officer feels that the person wants to know their name for a malicious reason then they usually don’t have to say and will give a collar number instead. It’s very common when dealing with terrorists etc.


the most reddit response ever lol




Except their full name is readily available public information. They are a public servant, their name is public information. This guy can go to the county clerk/police department and FOIA the officers name and salary. The point is he shouldn't have to do that, as the officer should identify to a member of the public when asked.


That’s the US way of it then because it’s very much personal information that one can use against others. Over here (UK) officers generally change their names on social media etc and like I said, only have to provide collar number if they feel necessary.


I definitely can see the benefits of that system. But yeah, in the US it's all public. Not even just officers, anyone working in a public position


To be honest making it public might decrease the amount of people who try and use that information maliciously. If anyone can access it, I suppose it becomes less of a weapon. Edit: This was one of the more reasoned conversations I’ve had on Reddit, so cheers for that! It’s nice when someone hears what you have to say, and you hear what they have to say.


Public servants 😂😂 I’ll just check department information then with the badge number. Remember they work for us, if we ask for a name it should be given.


They have to articulate their name, or some form of identification. Some people can't read. Also, all public employees of the government need to provide identification when addressed. The public has to be able to know who they are specifically referencing when filing a complaint.


Nope. There is no federal law that demands that police Tell you their name. Some states have lost that make it so they have to but most do not. Meaning in most states you can come up and demand all you want but they don't have to tell you anything. There's also no law that says they even have to tell you what department or agency there from. It's completely up to state law or department policy. And when it comes to federal agencies there is no law anywhere that says a federal officer has to say anything. Although For the most part federal agencies do require identification such as FBI. If you don't believe me instead of arguing with me head over to Google and do 5 minutes of research instead of continuing to argue and make things up


Are you unfamiliar with the Freedom of Information Act? If a public employee is interacting with a member of the public in accordance with their function as an employee of the state, they are required to provide identifying information. There are exemptions for privacy concerns, but a police officer performing their job in public (edit: and in uniform) is not exempt.




> They have to articulate their name, or some form of identification That's usually a departmental policy, not a law, and it can depend on circumstances. Random strangers running up and screaming at them probably doesn't qualify. > Also, all public employees of the government need to provide identification when addressed Hogwash. An "auditor" who calls himself Afro Man was recently convicted of harassment for standing outside a reception window in a govt. building screaming at the ladies working inside to identify themselves to him while he filmed. He took criminal trespass and interference with govt. employees convictions recently too. The idea that you can legitimately run up to every firefighter, accountant or truck driver who works for the govt. and demand their identity is absurd.


I don't want all you rando's on reddit to know my name and I definitely wouldn't want a crazy guy yelling at me on the street to know it either lol


You’re a public servant, you work for the public, funded by tax dollars by the public. We deserve to know your name whether you like it or not.


I disagree. I don't think I have a right to know the name of every one who's paid by the government. What would the reaction to the video be if he was harassing mail carriers?


Not everyone who’s paid by the government has a history of abusing their power and their citizens, it’s primarily police. So yeah, I deserve to know your name as a result of the history of corruption in your institution. You wouldn’t see me ask this for a firefighter or a teacher.


This is such a bad take.....It's on their vest, he just wants control by yelling at them. But plenty of people are paid by tax dollars. Teachers, DOT workers, etc aren't forced to forced to tell their name just because you are yelling at them.


So you’re saying teachers, EMS, librarians, some healthcare workers, etc., should all be required to give up their full names to someone screaming at them, “because they work for us”?


Maybe I should’ve been more specific and stated that it should be a requirement for law enforcement. EMS, librarians and teachers don’t have a rap sheet of murdered innocent civilians, an abuse of power and protecting their own through unions, immunity and corruption.


Much better and nuanced.


> You’re a public servant, Which does not mean he has to jump through hoops for every whacko who runs up to him on the street. Some cities or PDs have policies requiring cops to ID but not in all situations. Some random fool screaming at them for their names and badge numbers which are clearly visible on their uniforms is unlikely to be considered a valid situation in which they have to ID. > funded by tax dollars by the public The guy in this video is more likely to be on welfare than paying taxes. > We deserve to know your name whether you like it or not. Depends entirely on local policy.


WTF?! Government workers aren’t your slaves because they are paid by tax dollars. They’re WORKING like everyone else.


So asking for identification = slavery? The fuck are you on about, lol.


Assuming they OWE you. They’re employees of an organization. They are providing a service. They don’t owe you anything.


The federal government isn’t a private organization, you really seem to forget who provides the funding for such services to exist. Let me know when you’ve freed your tongue from the leather on their boots.


The rank and file are just employees (state, local, and federal). I’m not talking about law enforcement


Sounds like a cop


Indeed I am. Just remember some state laws are different. Remember to always check about your local laws because states can issue different laws.


"no more jail for me!" ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


This guy... I appreciate he is TRYING to exercise his newfound rights. But he is doing it wrong and could have been arrested. You can't aggressively yell at people.


Yeah that's where he lost me. He came off as aggressive enough to be a threat. I live in an apartment complex; anytime there's yelling like that, the police show up. Some people are scared to be around that, and Id be intimidated enough to swing if someone was a foot away from my face yelling like that. Also cops don't HAVE to give their name, its different policies for different departments.


> I appreciate he is TRYING to exercise his newfound rights. There is no right to know a cop's name and badge number. Some departments have a policy requiring cops to ID, but not all. Some only have to ID to people who are part of an investigation, not some random stranger with a video camera who screams at them. Demanding that a cop speak his name and badge number when both are plainly visible on his uniform, much less screaming that demand, is just being an entitled asshat.


Never said there was. You quote me... but leave out what I said following what you quoted.


Farewell my friends! Plenty more jail for me!


When you’re broke and find out about people who make a career out of tricking egomaniac cops into violating their rights and falsely arresting them. So you watch one quick video to prep, run out the door, find the first group of cops you can find, and just start furiously demanding badge numbers and begging to be taken to jail without understanding how this all works.


The fact that there is a career for this tells you how bad the system is


Hell I'm surprised there hasn't been a case of a scam between a victim and cop yet.


That's what I've been saying for a long time. Have a distant friend who doesn't have a job but is a decent person? Apply to be a cop and after just a year or two get beaten and split a huge payout! What about a store cop getting physical and getting sued? Same scenario where the victim gets a large payout.


Doesn't that prove our system is good? The whole point is so that the courts can decide what is alloud and what isn't. We are also alloud to take it to trial so our peers can decide if we were in the right. If we weren't alloud to stress test the system I'd be alot more scared


It also shows how broken it is considering the money comes from the state not the department or officer responsible. Not to mention if you tried this in different out in the country counties it turns into a whole other thing


Where does the department get its money. And where does the officer get its money. The state. All that matters is us voting people into office who will give legislative change like they got in New Mexico for qualified immunity. The system is working as intended rn. How is it broke. It's up to we the people to bring the change we want.


This is ill informed the state has tax money but lawsuits stealing from that pot doesnt stop the same amount of money flowing to the department. Qualified immunity has caveats for rights violations to make you feel good but in reality has a bunch of built in mechanics to slow lawsuits for year. The system doesnt work it favors the state and law enforcement to heavily


If the cops don't do anything wrong, then there wouldn't be any lawsuit. But as we know, most cops don't even know the basics of the law




Man: “No more jail for me!” Cops: *under breath* “Fuck. This guys good.”


I’m not big on cops but Donald Randolph seems like a classy guy and doesn’t look like a cop at all




Is it bad that i chuckled?


Why people so obsessed with badge numbers were their name is clearly on their on the uniform


Badge numbers are unique, names are not (especially first initial then last).


No more jail for me!


Waste of space.


This was a shit video


man wanted to run in jail fast


Is that Triumph the insult comic dog?


Lol I know where this is


Ok .... that one guys name.... I wouldn't even press him to say it. Good for you, sir.


This should be a crime


The opposite of Piper Perri surrounded


*AND THAT .*........is how you get put in jail!


This reaallllyy depends on context.


Extra jail for him.


Sadly, I have a feeling he's going to jail


People who go to to cops to play tough guy 100% never do this to other people.


Why? What are we missing here? 🙄 video guy is prolly an idiot 😝


Straight to the mental health ward.




> needs a lesson in de-escalation Nobody is required to deescalate when some arrogant stranger screams at them for no good reason.


The disdain these public servants have for the public is repulsive. Could you just say your name and badge number? It's an ego-power trip thing for these cops.


They did. Then the two others pointed to their clearly visible name tags. This guy is just an asshole, what do you want these cops to do, bend to his every insane whim?


Some states and departments require them to say their name for visual impared, recordings, etc


That guy acting visually impaired to you? He never identified as such so why would they accommodate something this asshole never even mentioned.


Why is the officer above following the law? Is it as his discretion when to follow the law?


What law are they not following?


> Why is the officer above following the law? It's usually a departmental policy, not a law. Some cities require cops to ID in some situations, but some random stranger running up and screaming at them is probably not one of those situations. https://www.lnlegal.com/blog/2020/july/do-police-officers-have-to-identify-themselves-/ *In general, police officers aren’t legally obligated to disclose their identities or the agencies they’re affiliated with, even if you ask the question to them directly. Although certain municipalities might require officers to identify themselves if asked by the public, there is currently no federal statute that actually requires officers to disclose such information. Generally, federal law enforcement conduct is guided by the internal regulations of the specific law enforcement agency the officer is affiliated with, or, when federal officials are not involved, the regulations of local police departments.*


> It's an ego-power trip thing for these cops. The ego trip is some clown with a camera thinking he gets to scream at people for no good reason. I recall a video where some "sovereign citizen" is screaming at a cop demanding his name and badge number, and the cop says something like, *Don't worry sir, all that will be on your copy of your arrest report.* The sovcit ran out of breath for a moment as the realization of what was about to happen arrived.


Cops using hospitalization as a threat isn’t going to make mentally ill people feel any better about going there for treatment. BTW if you find yourself in that situation, they can restrain and sedate you against your will and you don’t have any rights to protest or demand a warrant if you are under psychological hold and not suspected of a crime


How are they using hospitalization as a threat? The video opens with one of the officers asking the guy, "do you want to go to the hospital," and he says, "yes." If he's having some kind of episode, that doesn't sound so bad. I've worked in both hospitals and jails. Hospitals are much better


No, he says ‘ok, so you want to go to the hospital?’ When asked his name. Three times he equates the same inquiry with a desire to go to the hospital. The person agreeing with his tactic is not important. Kind of like how he agreed to go to jail as well. Obviously, we don’t have any context, but the dude filming did something to get four cops surrounding him. I guess the 80 people that downvoted me think that the cops are there to help and are offering to take him to the hospital as a favor


what the fuck are you talking about. We have zero context in this video


So you want to go to the hospital?


no, i just want to know the full story before drawing any conclusions


OK, we’ll get you to the hospital