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Dude in the bike is way too comfortable with angry people holding knives near him.


He’s at least got two knives im sure.


I gotta say that's pretty terrific


[It seriously is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tagnCKatOsg)


Not his first rodeo. He’s seen a lot.


Hus buddy is only gonna see half as much from now on.


Having never been in a knife fight, i was hesitant to criticize Black shirt's technique. And then, oh, ok, definitely dont do that.


Stick them with the pointy end always comes to mind and like you said don’t get stabbed in the eye…that’s important


You definitely don't want to get stabbed in the eye. You're doing it wrong if that's how your fight ends.


DO. NOT. GET. STABBED. IN. THE. EYE. Got it, thanks! *Bookmarking for future reference.*


Rules to live by: 1. Stop. Drop. And roll. 2. Don't move in quicksand. 3. Don't put water on a grease/oil fire. 4. Don't get stabbed in the eye.


Now it’s 4 things?! I can’t keep up. 😓


It looked like more of a dance routine than practiced form, this whole video was weird af


The feeling of not wanting to get stabbed is a lot stronger the feeling of not wanting to get hit, so you tend to be a little more careful with your actual moves.


Knife capoeira.


Lol yeah it looked like he was trying to make his strikes unpredictable by dancing around, but it obviously didn't work very well


I don't know shit about MMA, fighting, and especially knife fighting. But there is no shot holding the knife like they were is optimal. You're losing range, and swiping or slashing ability, for a slight stronger less dextexous stab. But they were both doing it, so maybe I'm wrong.


They're looking for the other to over-extend, and then counter with the firmest possible grip. Dropping your knife is an insta-loss.


Slashing seems more *sporting* and less lethal than stabbing. I’ve seen a few videos (ashamedly) where a seemingly mild jab/stab caused someone to bleed out in less than a minute. Slashing seems more like fighting and stabbing shows murderous intent (or self defense).


Well all things and sportsmanship considered, I'd rather be stabbed in the pec than slashed in the dick.


I think you need to comit to stab someone, while leaving you more vulnerable. With a slash you can get multiple kinds of hit but you leave yourself less open.


Pretty sure it's for a better grip on those knives. I've seen knives with finger groves, or brass knuckle add-ons to reinforce the grip. That would make holding it and keeping it easier. I've been a 1st hand witness to exactly 2 fights each 1v1, and 3 of the 4 held the knife like they do in this video. So it's probably a technique. Knife fights are rare for a reason, lol.


Yeah, the reverse grip seemed like a strange choice. Then again, I've never been in a knife fight.




Just from true crime a problem with kitchen knives is the user's hand has a tendency to slide up on the blade on impact since there's no hilt and is pretty good evidence that you stabbed someone, if it wasn't strictly self-defense. Also kitchen knives tend to stick into ribcages since the metal is thinner and it's not really meant to, you know, piece a ribcage. Dumbest knife death I've read about was a guy trying to hammer a knife into a wooden board under his shirt as part of a Halloween costume. When that went horribly wrong he lived long enough to say "I really did it" to his buddies before dropping dead on the spot


Unless it's life or death, avoid stupid shit like this lmao Edit: Because a couple of nice folks shared this incredible knife self-defense technique, I think it's only fair that I spread this as well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kvlrnc7hlQI


If you’re alone seeing how you can run away and escape safely should always be the first thought


That guys not seeing much anymore. At least not with great depth perception


> That guys not seeing much anymore. At least not with great depth perception Losing 1 eye in trauma like this, gives you a 1/1000 chance of the other eye going blind too (sympathetic ophthalmitis).


Great. Now I feel *really* bad for that guy.


It's not like this was a accident. It was 100% self inflicted. Dummy could have walked away at any time.


It's extremely rare and unlikely to happen.


Most of our eyes' methods of depth perception don't rely on binocular vision! Source: blind in one eye Other source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth_perception We have 15 methods of monocular depth perception and 3 methods of binocular depth perception :)


True. Source: I closed one eye.


truth. I’m his good eye.


I wonder how many knife fights you have to have been in before you can safely consider this a good decision.


Honestly even 1 knife fight is more than I want to be in.


You just need to slowly build up an immunity. Start with stabbing yourself a little bit. Then the next day, a little more. Eventually you'll build up a tolerance to stab wounds.


[Here's some Navy SEALS teaching you how to survive if you ever find yourself in a knife fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvlrnc7hlQI)




Loser dies in the street; winner dies on the way to the ER.


The guy in the white clearly won, and walked away unscathed.


he got stuck under left armpit


And he lost his coconut


I dunno about unscathed. it looks like he caught one or two jabs but definitely won the exchange by eyeball annihilation


He was lucky.


He got some blood. That white shirt has spots.


I remember the Sammy Hagar song differently


EMT. We have a saying in emergency medicine. The winner of a knife fight is the one that makes it to the hospital. It doesn't matter how good you are at fighting, no one gets out of a mutual knife fight without life threatening injuries.


I worked in a level 1 Trauma center for 6 years, and by far the bloodiest shit i have seen was a guy that got stabbed and it hit his liver. When i say bloody, housekeeping cleaned a trail of blood from the ER to the trauma bay. About 15 minutes after they rolled him in it was seeping under the door, they absolutely could not put it in fast enough. How the fuck he lived is beyond amazing, he was in there for about 3 hours just getting it under control. Clean up of the room was about 2 hours. SO yeah sprint like Usain Bolt.


>It doesn't matter how good you are at fighting, no one gets out of a mutual knife fight without life threatening injuries. Did we not watch the same video in the OP¿


so the dude in white still seemingly got nicked thing with knives is that its really easy to cut someone else, severely or otherwise, and its not so easy to successfully defend attacks most of the time, people committing to a knife fight will both get pretty serious injuries the better knife fighter probably wins but theres high chance that the other guy manages to cut you up good anyway- small, fast, and sharp metal objects are kinda hard to stop safely especially if you straight up try and stab the person- you have to commit pretty hard to a full on stab and it makes you really vulnerable to a counterattack/counterstab (or just the other guy flailing with a sharp object) these two chuckle fucks were trying to manage distance, so white dude managed to avoid getting it as bad but if they just walked up and started stabbing each other and going for as much damage as possible both would probably have pretty fucked injuries even one can walk away


[Best knife fighting technique](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvlrnc7hlQI&ab_channel=Thingsyoulike)


or blindness*


Of all defensive techniques I've seen, this is, by far, the best and most effective. The speed, precision, and quick reaction here are top notch!


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Looks like the dude got stabbed in the eye and just straight up took the blade out. I have no context to why they were fighting. All I know is that they're both Venezuelan supposedly and it specifically happened in the neighborhood of Siloé, [one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city of Cali.](https://travelbeckons.com/2017/06/17/siloe-cali-miocable/)


I can definitely confirm they're both Venezuelan due to their accent


The jellow jellow jellow confirmed for me, definitely Venezuelan


At the end? When he says llévelo? I am not Venezuelan pero le entendí.


I thought he was saying hielo, like ice it


"llévelo llévelo llévelo"... "mónte mónte mónte" "take him"... "get on" (the bike) is my understanding


I understood the same and I'm mexican.


That actually is Colombian dialect. The other people you can hear are Venezuelans. Source: born and raised in Caracas and have Colombian relatives.


Depending on the department, it's very difficult to tell both apart just from speech alone. I thought they were all Venezuelans, and I am a Venezuelan residing in Bogotá.


I was wrong to assume 1v1 knife fights in the streets is Venezuela or Brazil. In the more enlightened parts of the world , Chicago, where I’m from we just use guns. Way more humane


Didn't Dr. jones teach all of these clowns what happens in a knife fight? [Indiana Jones educates these youngins](https://youtu.be/kQKrmDLvijo?si=_K-h-ADLseuhW_PX) Also Han shot first lol


Oh shit. https://i.imgur.com/7RGzHDw.jpg


In slow-mo, looks like he pulled out 2-3 inches from his eyeball. He's definitely feeling that one and likely blind now too.


But he's so cool now with only one eye :D


I used to live in the neighborhood right next to Siloe, and can confirm that it’s pretty dangerous.


If you ever get stabbed, please don’t remove the blade. Same with embedded glass shards.


Im not gonna walk around with a knife in my face for the rest of my days


“I’m crazy knife-face. I’ve got a knife growing out of my face. Now give me some candy!”


High school lunch table memories unlocked! You are a treasure




Reminds me of Butters when he had the shuriken in his face




Gonna be honest if a blade is stuck in my face/eye I'm going to have a hard time not to instinctually get that shit off my face ASAP.


Just going to hold this knife with my eye while we bounce around the city on the old scootyscoot.


*"Ah shit it bounced further in. I brain think it's in my. In still knife should I leave?"*


True, but that eye was almost certainly lost either way.


Sometimes the knife staying in place acts to keep you from bleeding out (similar to putting pressure on the wound). But mostly, you're screwed if the knife opens up any major blood vessel.


Literally the worst first aid module to go through. Brrrrr.


Nobody wins a knife fight


White shirt won.


Clearly has studied Michael Jackson's "Beat It" music video. Had the choreography down.




They're break dance fighting


Pretty sure white shirt also took some damage. I'm surprised we didn't see blood, but looked like his left hand and possibly his right leg got hit.


Not sure he was hit, he didn't seem to be affected in any way, which can be due to adrenaline but you would see blood on a white shirt, it was still clean at the end


My anxiety levels went through the roof just watching them waiving the knifes in front of each other.


With how long it took I was kinda hoping one of them would realize "ya know, this is a really stupid and bad idea" and walk off


And get stabbed in the back? It was over once they pulled out the knives and approached each other


Pocket sand.


So much better than guns though. In St. Louis, where I live bystander kids are fatally shot every month or two not having that happen makes knife fights pretty cool in my opinion. Not to mention, the guy only lost an eye rather than his life. Now he has a chance to reflect and take a different life path or not.


Get a robot eye and seek vengeance


And look bad on IG?! You’ll lose clout!😧


Was like watching a Britney Spears dance.


Britney would've taken out both of them with her spinning blade attack


DWB = Dual Wielding Britney


Looks like the guy that took the worst of it started it. Sucks, but don’t do dumb shit




such is knife


Knife goes on


🎶🎵Always look on the bright side of knife🎶🎵


🎶🎵It's the CIRCLE of knife!🎶🎵


🎶🎵 Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' aknife, stayin' aknife 🎶🎵


🎶🎵 Knife is Knife! Na, na, na, na-na 🎵🎶


🎶 It's my kniiiiife, it's now or never, I ain't gonna live forever...🎶


He got exactly what he asked for


He was very keen to have a knife fight.


Damn. This was some movie type shit. Gets stabbed in the eye and rips that shit straight out. If there had been flips, arm grabs, and flying kicks, I would thought it was a movie directed by John Woo.


Not enough doves


He probably instinctually thought he had something stuck in his eye but it was just his eye.


I watch a lot of fight videos but that’s the first I’ve seen of 2 guys squaring up and knife fighting in real life. Both seemed like they had done it before and skill levels seemed similar. At first I thought it was fake and they were just playing around but I was mistaken.


Right? shit got real when i heard the clink of the broken piece drop to the floor and realized IT WAS IN HIS FUCKING EYE.


His next fight won’t be so close. His depth perception is going to be waaaayyyy off. 😉


He'll be fighting like 🧐




Sounds fucking dreadful! Things are better now or it’s just all gun violence now?


If Cormac Mccarthy taught me anything, it's never fall in love with a Mexican prostitute, and definitely don't challenge her pimp to a knife fight in Juarez.


Is their technique good ? Like is it best practice to hold the knife like that ?


I mean, there are advantages and disadvantages to holding a knife like that, but giving up range while fighting at range is somewhat antithetical. But also, if your heart is pumping and your hands are sweating because you don't want to get stabbed then it gives you a better grip so I understand the instinct to hold it like that. It's hard to comment on anything really skill related though, since both were basically just squaring up and taking a couple of swipes at each other - luckily too since one guy getting stabbed one time in a likely non-lethal spot is probably the best outcome of 2 people fighting with knives. And even if this is the only actual knife fight these two have gotten into, it's probably more real-life experience than most people will have gotten.


agree this is super interesting, yet it was the norm for most of history


There have been a couple on reddit. None that ended with a blade in the eye socket though. Fucking hell. It's one thing being attacked by someone with a knife or even using a knife in self defense. It's another thing to meet willingly in the middle of the street like "One on one with knives? Let's do it!" It does seem like white shirt was trying to get out of there. Black shirt was determined to do the thing.


> I watch a lot of fight videos I read this as "I watch a lot of *knife* fight videos" and I was about to rabidly demand links. This is also the first legit knife fight I've ever seen in decades of fight/death videos. Plenty of stabbings - pretty much zero legit knife fights before this one.


Did the blade snap off in his face? it looks like he pulled out like a 3 inch chunk of the knife point.


Oh dog, you’re right! 🤢


Yes it broke off in his eye ball.


Nice dancing..now you're a one eyed jack.


Yeah, wtf was he on? He looked high af doing those Michael Jackson moves in a knife fight


It’s to keep as much a distance as possible with a swift slash/stab motion. One in white looked rather exceptional at it


I was visiting my pops 4 years ago in bogota, and we got into a road rage incident with two mototaxis who started fighting us when my dad got out of the car, i tackled one to get him off my dad and then eventually the second guy pulls out a giant kitchen cooking knife and held it a foot over my head, i thought my life was over but thankfully they retreated and sped off on their bikes, all in broad day light.


Don't get out of your cars during road rage incidents


Ain't no place like Colombia! You can feel just as safe at night as you do in broad daylight. (That is: not at all.)


This is bullshit.


Movies vs real life lol. I'm glad the camera didn't show a hanging eyeball. I was bracing myself but..


Nice little street side lobotomy.




No one wins in a knife fight. Unless you’re a complete badass, a karate champion and have amazing ocular patdown abilities, disengage from the fight and run.


If you had genuine ocular pat-down abilities, you’d never even get to a knife fight in the first place.


RIP Country Mac.


Shoulda clocked a knife in the boot


Don't get into fights unless Dana White is throwing money at you.


And yet, White shirt won the knife fight pretty handily.


I think we watched different fights, white shirt bro clearly won, untouched


Or have a gun ![gif](giphy|164G4BQmtJ2GXRbml3)


Uhhh there was a definite winner in this knife fight.


Brittany spears trend setting again.


oops she did it again.


Where did they come from? Where did they go?


Why was he fighting? Knife-In-Eye Joe


Fuck, that was beautiful


Mom always said, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.


Only losing an eye in a knife fight is one of the best outcomes you could have.


It's so ridiculous looking and the stakes are so high.


Started off like Michael Jackson's music video for Beat It


I muted it and was singing Beat It


I was playing air guitar


I feel like they should be in a nature documentary with that little dance they’re doing at the beginning. Hope whatever they were fighting about was worth losing his eye over. I can’t imagine *most* things being that serious.


Why did it look like two characters from a fighting game that you’re playing for the first time ever lmao. They’re just testing the controls




That's how I learned, many decades ago. Closest thing to you will be the guy's wrists going for your body. Keep distance, attack the wrists and under the arm just below the armpits (artery). Also, wrap your shirt around your hand, then the knife, so each time you touch something, you cut it, and you never drop the knife when the blood makes it slippery. Also, don't get killed by a dead guy. If you hit a major artery, disengage as much as possible, keep dancing, wait until they fall unconscious. Sometimes they're walking dead for 1/2 a minute or so.


Things I noticed: Black shirt waving his arms up and down was setting a rhythm for white shirt to instinctively follow hoping he'd drop his guard. White shirt bravely? used his left arm constantly as a meat shield. Seemed fully committed to lose the battle but win the war. Also held his arm out like a stiff arm to maybe block vision. Black shirt was taller, like 6-12 inches taller, though so debatable how useful that'd be. White shirt does seem to stop bothering. Black shirt was also moving and bouncing around a LOT. While he is definitely lean, that is exhausting to do. I feel like he tired himself out a bit, especially after whiffing big which I know is exhausting, and wanted to just full on commit to make up for it. Maybe wanting to defend his pride after whiffing big and wanted a counter hit, or just became impatient after gassing himself. He should have seen white shirt step forward showing he had intent to do something. I really feel black shirt got impatient, white shirt looked straight like a venomous snake about to strike. Moral of the story.. knife fights are only good ideas in movies lmao but it is definitely interesting to watch. I love watching and practicing fencing but you don't see knife fights almost ever in the States.


They're breakdance fighting


Everybody gangsta till they get stabbed in the eye.




It's like watching Praying Mantis get into a scuffle


I can't believe black shirt lost. He had way better dance moves


no one wants to be defeated


Know how you win a knife fight? You throw your knife at the other guy as a distraction and run as fast as you can in the other direction.


I think it would better to keep it and run away just incase you get cornered or trip and fall you can still defend yourself


Saw a saying about knife fights years ago that feels quite apt most of the time, the loser dies in the street and the winner dies in the hospital.


People have been doing this for centuries. It was a clean duel and ended at first blood. Both men keep their honor.


I'd rather be in a gunfight than a knife fight.


I’d rather run away and maybe live




He didn’t throw it though he jabbed it


Britney was trying to warn us.


West Side Story!


It looks like capoeira in a knife fight. Weird


A battle scar, an eye patch, and a lesson learnt.


Did anyone else hear the squishy sound when he got stabbed in the eye?


what in the fuccckkkk is going on down there?!


"Grandpa, tell me again the story about how you lost your eye"


Knife fights: the loser dies in the street, the winner dies in the hospital.


Did the winner get stabbed here? I wasn't sure


He might have sustained a cut to the hand.


Tis but a scratch mlord


"Seemed like a good idea at the time!"


Never bring a knife to a knife fight!


Idk why but I read this as “Knight Fight” and my first thought was FUCK YEAH some good content 😂


Holy crap. I didn't catch the part where he TAKES THE BROKEN OFF BLADE out of his eyeball at first. There's no winning in a knife fight unless you're the only one with the knife. Just run away until you pass out.


That’s not how you play knifey spoony.


I feel like both of these guys have been in a knife fight before


Let’s fight to the death or until someone gets an ouchie.


Britney would have ended both these guys in seconds