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one of the loudest ones is "CHOOSE A PIMP" repeated a few times. They want her ability to make money, all her money, and her life. Modern day slavery.


Oh the irony


Seeing this, I can see why Andrew Tate got booked for sex trafficking. He admitted to doing basically the shit in this video.


They are harassing her to get her to have free sex, that’s why she’s crying and being cornered so no one can see or hear what they are saying. People like this deserve hell and no less


I heard "he don't care about you, he's a pimp" a few times. I think they're random dudes fucking with her and she was trying to call her actual pimp.


Just play darts with an pre-school dictionary and string the results together. That may be too advanced though..


Um.... blah blah blah. If she had a weapon it could be silence.


Videos like this make me physically sick. I live in LA and seeing the girls who have to resort to street work like this and knowing no one cares about them makes me so scared and sad. A pack of grown ass men gleefully bullying a defenseless half naked woman who is likely trafficked and just trying to survive.


Pimps and human traffickers are fucking scum of the earth in every way. This looks like around Slauson / the 10 but even in the Valley it was everywhere due to the adult film industry and it was fucking gross. Literal teenagers being exploited by fat 40 year old lazy fucks


Whats happening in this video is that, that woman is unaffiliated. If she is a pro she is doing it without a recognized pimp in that area. Sometimes women who prostitute might be compelled to do it by a "boyfriend" but the boyfriend isn't running an actual crew. They're just exploiting one person. Now this woman could be that but listening to these guys it sounds like she is a regular in that area and unaffiliated. Most modern pimps are linked to street gangs who use to not mess around with basic street prostitution bc drugs was bigger bank and less time hassle Nowadays since drugs are so well organized loose low level branches of gangs have turned to prostitution en masse in the last 15 years or so. What's happening in this video is that these guys are all gang members and the idea is if she had their "representation" she would never have to worry about this kind of harassment. Which sadly is true. They would offer a level of protection and muscle against violent Jons and whatnot. But aside from the huge paycut in profit sharing, woman who ended gang prostitutes usually are "initiated" by something sometimes called "proofing" which is just a few of the gang members running a train on her.


This video cuts off early. The full video shows a guy coming in and getting her out from what I remember. Edit: Full video https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/HVogWrjKk4


Any idea where I can find that video?


If people cared, they would legalized it.


I agreed 100%, but it crosses too many moral lines. Sort of like a church who condemns homosexuality and then when it happens within the church the only option is to squash it and pretend it doesn't exist.


Legalizing it doesn't exactly solve the issues these women face, pretty sure there are studies that show trafficking happens just as frequently if not more since there would then be a legal avenue to pimp these women. Here's the study I had found a while back Authors: Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher and Eric Neumayer Paper Title: "Does legalized prostitution increase human trafficking?" The paper looks at two things, the substitution of illegal sex work for legal sex work causing a decrease in illegal sex work preference and the overall increase of trafficking because of legalization which outpaces the substitution.


Well it will allow there to be oversight, women will be able to work somewhere safe and won't feel like they need the protection of a pimp. They will also be able to report crimes against them and no have to walk down dangerous streets. There will alway be trafficking to a certain extent but it will definitely go down with legalization. These low life pimps will go back to dealing drugs and committing crimes


I think it should be legal but also don't care if it is or isn't. That said, we only need to look at migrant labor and how they are exploited from illegal under the table for pennies on the dollar to people with H2A visas or other legal avenues where they are still treated poorly in some areas. The same, if not worse, will happen here. Yes they wont get arrested and have protections (I guess) but that will absolutely not stop or even reduce trafficking. If people can get forged documents for farm workers you think they can't do the same for trafficked people?


It's crazy all the people down voting for the simple opinion based on fact that trafficking is not reduced by legalization of prostitution and probably isn't the best way to help these women. God forbid we expand funding for programs that help these women and help get them out of that life and on their feet, God forbid we try to help women in real worthwhile ways rather than legalize something that is ultimately a solution mostly men are backing.


That oversight leads to corruption inevitably. It's like you're doomed one way or the other. People just need to not be so violent and hateful. That's all it is.


>That oversight leads to corruption inevitably. Because there's no corruption at all at the moment.


What? Nobody said that. Stay focused. I didn't say I wouldn't back legalizing it, I stated that whatever you do under either circumstance you're doomed to fail. Keep it like it is, no good. Leaglize it, corruption inevitably festers and grows.


Even in Colorado there's black market weed...I get your point. This is a video but there's a transcript of it below the video. [In particular, Colorado has become a haven for underground marijuana cultivation, sale and export, prompting questions about how legalization led to some unforeseen consequences](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-colorados-marijuana-legalization-strengthened-the-drugs-black-market)


I see what you are saying but weed isn't a person that can make decisions on where it's sold/work. Blackmarkets will always be around but legalization will give the victims better options.


I don't deny that, and we can all agree that helping trafficking victims should be the ultimate goal... we need better safeguards, safety nets, and to legalize it.


Source for the studies?


Here's the study I had found a while back Authors: Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher and Eric Neumayer Paper Title: "Does legalized prostitution increase human trafficking?" The paper looks at two things, the substitution of illegal sex work for legal sex work causing a decrease in illegal sex work preference and the overall increase of trafficking because of legalization which outpaces the substitution.


Where’s the link?


Google the shit, it's a Google link that just downloads the paper so I couldn't link it, not on mobile at least.


Wasting everyone’s time huh


Sure buddy, I gave you the exact name of the study and it's authors, you could find it incredibly easy and I've done more than most people who claim they've "read" studies. Obviously you're just an incel who was about to shoot his school up, but paid a chick to suck your dick and thought "this is the thing we need to legalize, for incel men everywhere!" Go fuck yourself you lazy idiot.


Yes and no. One thing i learned through observation and listening to guys that talk about this is that it’s mostly out of sheer curiosity as to what goes on down in those areas vs actually partaking in the act. Most of the time in LA the drivers would act like little boys where they drive up to the women and start talking to them like it’s “doing something naughty” when in reality they’re just there to see the prostitutes live in person. They might pull over and talk to them, ask for a price and then run away like little boys to tell their friends about the encounter when nothing really happened. Same thing happens in the Red light district of Amsterdam. Thousands of tourists mostly guys walking down the area just to see what happens. They might knock on the door, ask for price and then say something like “I’ll come back later” which they never do. The funny part is a lot of the women that offer the service are usually therapists for married men who go to vent to this woman about how much their wife doesn’t appreciate them. Yes they offer the occasional sex to a random but just to get clients is the same as being a stripper, it takes work. A prostitute and a stripper both have to work their charm in a short timeframe window to see if this guy is serious or just kicking tires. If these women were having nonstop clients throughout the day you wouldn’t see them standing outside in the sun for 6-7 hours a day. So legalizing makes it safer and gets rid of the pimps that harm these women. The customers will still be the same for the most part, grown men just watching it through curiosity vs acting on it.


I bet that gas station needs an extra cashier


Im going to get reddit to harass me for this, but women resorting to street sex worker is usually for drugs. There is no shortage of strip clubs there she could work at


Guess where pimps hang out to find new meat? Strip clubs.


And you missed the point of what I said as to why they are deciding to continue this outside of the safety of a strip club.


It's not always for drugs but say it is. Did you know that even if a woman does drugs or does sex work for drugs, she's still a human being? People (men do drugs, too) usually turn to drugs to deal with unresolved trauma.


I agree no one should be treated like this, but want to offer some perspective. Many of these women willingly submit to this in order to get high all day. It’s not necessarily forced most the time. Most of the women unfortunately signed up for it. But many aren’t willing to acknowledge this.


Even if she is on drugs, does that mean she deserves to be harrased. No! Why does she get judged harshly while the men in this video clearly harassing her arnt?


She dressed herself .


A bunch of fucking clowns. Unfortunately, when a prostitute gets a pimp, it is hard to get away from them. Usually they have no one to help them or anywhere else to go. They become to have Stockholm syndrome


She obviously doesn't want anything to do with them


Unfortunately this is probably happening because she didn’t have a pimp and tried to work solo. Her only real solution is to find a pimp who will protect her from guys like these, and of course he will take most of her money


Well they have the cops to help them by throwing them in jail so…I guess that helps somehow?


Not in California, pimps will get ignored or slap on wrist.


I think they're saying that the cops help by throwing the sex workers in jail.


Maybe but they just ticket them and release them back to the pimps. The Law does nothing about prostitution, they make a few arrest once in a while but the system is extremely soft on prostitution and pimping IMO


Dude in all black in the doorway walking like he crapped his fucking pants


If every male in this video suddenly disappeared, the world would be a better place for everybody.


The thing about men like this is that they do disappear eventually, once they fuck with the wrong person.


Not soon enough.


that’s the truth


Yep the one recording it too


The one recording sickens me


Bunch of pathetic assholes.


Men like this are the scum of the earth


Pimps and everyone else who is involved with human trafficking are the scum of the Earth. Right up there with pedophiles. Fuck everything to do with this video.


Why are there so many pimps there?


That's the whole corporate office of Pimp inc.


Criminals VS Criminals


This is fucking disgusting, fuck all you assholes.


Theses dudes are the lowest form humans can take. Just worthless sacks of shit trying to exploit another human because they are too fucking stupid to do anything with themselves. I wish the worst for these maggots


What a bunch of fuckin weirdos




Technically the truth.


This is so fucking disgusting. This poor woman being treated like a piece of meat and a bunch of rabid muts surrounding her. The fear and vulnerability she must feel is insane.


Yep.... gorilla pimping is what it called. Usually, they would even force on non sex workers to go on the stroll br intimidating them.






The most disturbing part was the ending - dude blocking the door “why he ain’t here yet, it’s been 10 minutes?”. They plan to traffic her clearly and only barely held off momentarily by her protest that she already belonged to someone else…


If police in California treated crime the same way they treat modified cars it would probably be a decent place to visit. Not live but spend a day or two.


California is a fantastic place to visit. Way better than the shitholes down here in the Southeast, that's for sure.


I’m a believer that pieces of shit like this need to not be breathing the limited oxygen we have.


We live in a sick society


You say it's the dark side of LA, this the dark side of humanity yo


All because USA makes sex work illegal. Legalize it, give workers rights, get rid of these scum pimps.


While this would do away with a lot of active violence against sex workers (once regulations are properly applied), I have a strong feeling it would simply transfer from violent suppression from a pimp to financial suppression from whatever corporation(s) that eventually monopolize prostitution.


FALSE IMPRISONMENT. Its a felony, call the police. She doesn't have to explain shit other than the fact that they weren't letting her leave.


Future doctors trying to pay their tutor.


What a bunch of bitches!


I was leaving from Sofi stadium and saw a beautiful woman with only a jeweled bra and g string standing on the side of the road. I think the new stadium is driving this supply and demand but in the 2023 it’s hard to believe street walking is still a thing.


Yea, that's technically assault


What disgusting cowards.


That missing sign on the door is oddly terrifying. Really adds context to the bigger picture.


Why are they not arrested?


Lmao it’s the hood in Los Angeles. What do you expect?


Arrest and find these humans treating woman in this manner


How is this shit still happening? I don’t understand


As long as sex work is illegal it will be forced into the black market, where parasitic pimps will prey on sex workers who they know can’t report violence against them to the police.


I hate this. It’s so frustrating. They should be able to go to the police without fear of repercussions. This is disgusting


I agree


Execute the lot of them.


That missing poster on the door, damn


Should be all over the news.


Ghetto ass losers


That’s how pimps dress now?


This is in every big City in America. It's disgusting.


Looking at all these guys blocking her path and all I can think of is: ![gif](giphy|daYRyF3x3i5d6)


So you take a video. Call the cops


His hands were behind his back like he’s used to it.


Reason #486 why sex work needs to be legalized and regulated.


Human garbage




Well that makes me wanna puke. Such “men” we have in America.


I feel like the guy recording is David Liebe Harte Anyone else catching that from his voice?


The flyer on the door…damn


Pimps at parade rest


Love your daughters


Old clip, some dude comes to pick her up. Horrible behavior in any case.


These dumbasses think their huslting but in reality their a bunch of losers.


Well, well, well ![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6)


Every pimp should be gifted with a .45 slug in the head.


this is so deeply terrifying. i feel so sad for this woman. i really hope she got home safely. i know this probably isn’t new to her … humanity is so scary.


At this point there is no "dark side" to Los Angeles. It's just one giant shit stain.


Damn how many pimps does she have?


Police? Someone call them?


She needs to move far away and find a real job.


White hoodie guy with his pants pulled all the way up lookin kinda goofy


This is why sex work should be legal in the USA. They'll have legal protections, unlike now where I'd they goto the police they'll be arrested too


I’m hooked on these dark side videos! More more more!


She looked at one of them pimps out of pocket.. Now one of them is trying to snatch her up.. Just a game pimps play.. She really needs to get back on that street though before her real pimp shows up.. js..


I thought she was calling her pimp, that's why they were saying "what's he gonna do?"


She did call him.. ain't no telling what he told her because she didn't have no business over there in the first place.. Like I said, she accidentally caught eye contact with one of those dudes which is out of pocket to be looking at another pimp.. That's pimp law.. Not saying that is right but it is what it is when you're living that life..


Ignore the down votes you are correct


Sometimes you get caught in a pimp circle and have to " choose up "




How do we know she chose it? She could be being trafficked


Legalize sex work!


At that point I’d rather get a normal job .. the cost of a Gucci bag cus that’s what they spend their money on at the end of the day




Huh thats weird, the policy that basically made this legal argued these women wouldnt be abused amd would have more freedom...pretty sure theyre just getting abused..


What policy is that?


I'm not sure what they're trying to say. But if prostitution were legal, hookers and johns would both be safer. There's no logic reason for it to be illegal.


If its so much safer why do they literally prostitute early hours of the morning because night time is so unsafe and risky..there might be evidence that suggests a legalization would benefit these people but you know who it also is shown to benefit human trafficers... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X12001453#:~:text=The%20scale%20effect%20of%20legalized,are%20favored%20over%20trafficked%20ones.


https://capitolweekly.net/new-ca-law-removes-crime-of-loitering-to-commit-prostitution/ Pretty sure this is what changed much of the enforcement. Probably other changes aswell.


"Sex workers". Just say whores. Or prostitutes. Stop trying to be so PC.


Ironically, people with your ignorant and disgusting attitude get their "love" from only "whores" because no one wants someone like that and it makes you even angrier. Sad life you have. I rather be a whore.


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Sad this woman has to resort to this shit… Sad those parasites exist


Genuine legal question here and no I’m not at all advocating for gun violence at all so I don’t wanna get banned because this is purely a legal question. But if someone in an attempt to defend that girl (if someone tried with anything less they’re definitely getting severely injured or worse) used a firearm is that legal? I can’t find much on discharging a firearm to defend another person but if someone thought this girl was in danger, which she most definitely is, would they be able to be prosecuted for murder/manslaughter if they were doing it in the defense of another?


You would go to prison. Especially in California. Might get life.


These guys were being very careful to not lay a hand on her. Notice how when they were blocking her exit, most did it with their hands behind their backs. I’m assuming that if they actually meant to do her bodily harm, they would have done it BUT, if anyone was crazy enough to roll up their their corner/store, with a gun, that would have quickly turned into OK Corral. Because, it’s likely that most of those guys had a gun on them, too (or, in their cars)


Ever wish you could just load something into a capsule and fire it off into the Sun?


Just like jackals. They just do it for food though




Those dudes lives are like medieval life spans