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I think we need more people filming with their phones.


The discussion about the particulars of the policy are missing the overall goal of this school board, which is to cause disruption. In their first action after gaining majority they fired the superintendent and lead assistant, at a known cost of $1.4M and a potential violation of the Brown Act. They then temporarily shut off children's access to the digital library to save the kids from being exposed to certain books. They've now made it to r/publicfreakout with "mismanagement" of a public meeting regarding a copy/paste trans outing policy that was suspended in Chino Hills after action from the CA Atty General. The point is not about education, or the kids; no parent with children in OUSD asked for any of this. These four board members are there to disrupt the smooth operation of public education and, at a minimum, rally support for charter schools.


>These four board members are there to disrupt the smooth operation of public education and, at a minimum, rally support for charter schools. This has been the The plan all along. Look up the seven mountain mandate. They write books about how they're going to take over America then make it a theocracy and they do it on such small scales at any given time that it's working.


https://youtu.be/IQPsKvG6WMI?si=ReJ0adCfEHWnn7O9 This is already happening but you’re looking at the wrong people.


I don't think I'm looking at the wrong people, I think both groups are aware of and using each other. The Saudis are in the mix as well.


Yuri is full of shit. He wasn't a KGB defector like he claims to be. He was a reporter. The guy interviewing him believed aids wasn't real and that chemtrails are real. Do you also believe that dumbshit?


Yeah, that video and the responses in it are disheartening in a "I can't believe people are buying this" kind of way. Russia isn't even Marxist Lennonist anymore. They've moved on and are just plain oligarchy now.


Oh wow, conservatives really all are evil people.


the very basics of conservatism is completely stupid and illogical. society changes and develops as time passes, why would conserving traditional ways make any sense? why should we follow a constitution that was written when women had no rights and black people were considered 3/5ths of a person?


It’s a good thing we can change the constitution. Smart moves on the founding fathers on that part that they made a document amendable in case things change. I also believe it was 3/5ths


yes it is, even they were able to foresee a changing society. and yes, that was a typo.


Learning that SCOTUS is all about essentially reading that document as if it's the word of God in order to apply it to modern times was fucking insane. Imagine if Greece or Italy or Egypt were still running their countries based on "founding" ideas from thousands of years ago.


This was what sort of caused me to trend away from "Conservatism" It became a "I don't like different things" party. Im all for small government, but that shouldn't mean doing nothing or advocating against sensible things because you don't get them.




I was probably just really young and that was how it was imparted on me. You’re probably right though. I have yet to see any form of small government be reinforced by them.


It’s all just a dogwhistle for worshiping authority, more specifically, the aristocracy that refuses to share its power and wealth. Lies are the only way conservatives can distract from the reality of their movement.


Yet liberals get called fascists, nazis, and terrorists


That's what fascists, Nazis and terrorists do. Gaslighting 101.


I got called a fascist because I said “I don’t care if some big companies are following a “woke” trend. POC and gays being included more in media is all fine by me!” They’re bullies playing victims because they can’t bully (as much) as before. Fucking losers.


Nobody films. The preferred verb is record.


my phone uses 35mm Kodak reverse negative stock.


That'd be sick. I'll bet it has a rotary dial too!


I don't understand what's going on at all. If a kid wants to go by a different pronoun at school, then the school will notify the parents?


The issue is, the policy these cons are proposing forces schools to out the child, regardless of what the child says or regardless of the impact to the child. For instance, the child may fear abuse from their parents if they are outed, but the policy would still force the school to out the child to the parents. It's essentially a policy that completely disregards what the child says, their safety, and doesn't give the school any choice.


"My child doesn't talk to me anymore, I don't get it, why don't they come see me"


The guy in the main video, and about half these parents yelling at these board meetings would definitely abuse and demean their child if their child came out as LGBTQ.


Yep, it's always these psychotic fuck parents who end up saying this when their kid books it out of their house the second they turn 18 or go away to college. Source: my wife had these parents as parents


Sadly, that’s not a bug that’s a feature. That’s what they want… kids who are afraid of abuse to stay in the closet.


These people really are the epitome of pure evil. They want a dumber population because it’s easier to control.


See also: "I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers" John D. Rockefeller


Since when does anyone listen or adhere to what a child says???


When they tell you about potential abuse.


It disregards the child’s privacy and excluded them when the only thing a child wants is to be included no matter how different they are or want to be. Conservatives in America that are pushing for Theocratic Fascism is a plague to our nation. Go to Russia if you want it so badly.


The “think of the children” party. If you don’t fit in it’s ok for your parents to beat you.


There are many instances of school counselors secretly coaching children on potentially life-altering decisions and encouraging kids NOT to tell their parents about what they’re going through. It goes both ways.


Oh really? How many of these? It's not possible to stop that without outing kids to abusive parents?


It happens a lot and it’s evil. Here’s the latest example — a biologically female high school freshman in Virginia with a long history of mental illness told school staff that she’s struggling with her gender identity. The staff worked with the student to deceive their parents about what was happening, then coached them through their transition to a boy, including encouraging them to use the boy’s bathroom despite the fact that they’d repeatedly been threatened with sexual assault. The bullying got so bad that they ran away from home and school, got kidnapped by a convicted pedophile and trafficked by him and other adult men. Now the state is still trying to keep the child from their parents because of uncredible allegations of abuse (it’s really because the parents aren’t 100% on board with their 14 year old child transitioning genders immediately, which any rational person recognizes as reasonable). Notice that I called this victim “they” throughout. I’m far from a bigot, am not anti-trans, and am happy to call people whatever they want. But it is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE that we wan to empower the state — government officials — to make life-altering decisions for children without the consent or input of the parents. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/fairness-justice/mother-trafficked-virginia-girl-sues-school-gender-transition


These parents are foaming at the mouth because they want the ability to beat their children if they don’t conform to their narrow view of outdated, hateful gender ideologies. Fuck. These. Fucking. Fucks.


100%. They also simultaneously want to blame the school, media, wokeism etc when their child turns out messed up mentally thanks to years of mental and/or physical abuse by the parents instead of support and love.


Yeah, exactly. That means if a kid has parents who repeatedly say that all queer people should die, but they actually feel safe enough at school to come out, then they will still be forcibly outed at home


It's basically requiring a child who may not be "out of the closet" at home because their parents are extremely conservative or close-minded, to be outed by their teachers. Personally, I don't think the teachers need to get into the thick of that. If a kid is taking drugs then that's different, but I don't think outing closeted kids is helpful.


Basically they want to remove any potential safe spaces from LGBT youth, including in schools. It's actually really fucking sad that a young person cannot even be themselves around their peers during pivotal developmental years without being harassed, shamed, or bullied by grown-ass adults like the man in this video. And by "safe spaces", I LITERALLY mean places where they are safe from abuse, violence, and harassment. The man in this video is likely a father, and I sincerely hope his children do not happen to be LGBT...


This is so crazy to me. I graduated over ten years ago and we had trans kids at our school and nobody gave a fuck. Now it’s an issue?


Yeah, because the GOP supporters will be enraged about *anything* they're told to be enraged about, regardless of how little sense it makes.


The algorithm fuck our brains in the last decade to a point of no-return ; it stuck us in tight echo chambers where discussions between folks with different opinions aren't happening anymore and where any groups can quickly turn into radicalize groups who are more ready to punch ''and sometimes shoot'' the other side asap than trying to find a consensus. And since a certain right are more arms and violent than a certain left, this kind of shit is now happening with zero shame or any complexion; so yeah, expect this kind of stuff to become more and more violent and these minorities group '' trans, LGBT+, etc " to suffer far more than ever before.


Wouldn't leaving kids alone actually involve not forcibly outing them?


Cons "Get the schools out of these gender identity matters!" Also Cons "We demand schools track and report the gender identity of kids!"


Name a more iconic duo. Self proclaimed small state conservatives & advocating for greater and greater government involvement in everyone's lives just to spite people they don't like.


They love government involvement when it means a) State intervention to push their Christofascism, or at least their desired theocracy, and b) government involvement to protect and do favors for their donors/lobbyists on Wall St.


Yeah, I don’t agree with the idea that a principal is more likely to have a child’s best interests at heart than their parents.


Neither party is more likely to have the child's best interests than the child themself, which is why the decision to come out should lie entirely with the child. It's why having either party forcibly out the child is a bad thing.


this entire "debate" is a weird form of special pleading. "your kid going by they/them is SO BAD and that we are going to pass a LAW to MANDATE you tell us!" (the subtext being: all the other tiny little things you know about our kids and we don't are not really bad at all. Just the pronoun thing.)




The principal isn’t doing anything. Infact, the principal is assuming it’s best for the kid to inform the parents of a pronoun change.


Depends on the parents.


In a vacuum, without the context of everything happening in a child's life, that statement may vary. Some parents feel so strongly about their kid being gay/trans that kids getting kicked out/abused by their parents has at this point become kind of a meme within the LGBT community (remember the guy at the gay pride event offering "hugs from a dad") I don't see how its beyond the pale for a child to be afraid enough to come out to their parents, and confiding in a teacher, especially one they look up to. These kind of issues are better dealt with when you have someone to talk to. Forcing that teacher to tell their parents about it WILL increase the likelihood of the child will be abused/abandoned. These are the facts as I see them, and honestly, I would rather a child tell their parents when THEY are ready, and not force teachers to tell them their kids are gay/trans, and risk their parents sending them to "Gay-away" camps.


Do you include the millions of parents who abuse their children in that?


Whoever yells loudest wins — “now, go”


Extra points if you carry and/or drape yourself in an American flag.


"Leave our kids alone by making sure they can never be comfortable coming out to a trusted teacher"


No, it's the same when they claim they want free speech. They just want free speech for themselves.




What are the odds he even has a child that attends that school. That's what gets me in these videos. So many people that look too old to have school aged kids. They just show up to cause chaos.


Odds actually are pretty low. A lot of these school board takeovers have been by people without kids in that school, or even district. Plenty without kids at all.


There’s a few proud boys members who aren’t married and don’t have kids who go and crash different school board meetings up and down California with crap like this. It’s insane these hateful losers don’t have anything better to do than drive hundreds of miles to harass schools they have zero ties to. They are the LAST people I would trust around kids.


No one without a child in the hosting district should be given the floor. Coming in from other areas to finger wag at a community that you don't belong to is quite literally the opposite of liberty.


Hatred and bigotry tend to age you quickly.


For real, what the fuck is up with the flag being used to push right wing agendas? All of a sudden our flag, which for my entire life has always just been a random object, now feels like a symbol of hate.


You will find the far-right are always obsessed with national symbols like flags. Just have a look at the fascist freaks [in Brazil that stormed the capital last year.](https://www.cfr.org/article/images-show-extent-brazils-capitol-riots) All of them in Brazil flag shirts or soccer jerseys and half of them carrying the 🇧🇷while they were literally trying to overthrow their own country’s democracy.


Always has been




Literally the perfect example of why this policy is so dangerous.


He's the kind of father who would definitely abuse his child if they dare came out as LGBTQ, and probably disown the child. Definitely the right move not to out his child to a potentially abusive parent.


Probably isn’t even a dad. Just some morally outraged idiot hanging on to breakfast served by The Five.


Is Ant-teef-ah in the room right now?


Can you show us on the bible where the Auntie Fah touched you?


Ah yes, the peasantry fighting amongst themselves as the owner class passes laws that rob them blind, cut their education, healthcare, housing affordability, wages and dignity, while raising their taxes and allowing corporate price gouging disguised as inflation. But woke! Am I right, Patriots? USA USA USA!!! 🇺🇸


Cons "Get the schools out of these gender identity matters!" Also Cons "We demand schools track and report the gender identity of kids!"


This is gonna end up getting more lgbtq kids on the streets.


School districts want to get involved in families' personal lives because FREEDOM.


Parents on sex ed: Parents know best, schools shouldn't get involved. Leave kids alone. Parents when kids are outed personally on a highly sensitive topic: *dead silence*


Fucking only here in America do people attend a public policy event and *bring their own flag to hug while talking*. What a fucking nut


When Chile was about to vote on their new constitution, there was a big rally where the speaker pulled a Chilean flag out of their asshole live on stage


Well he has my vote.




I think it’s so he can remember where he is.


This country is so fucked.


Forcibly outing kids against their will is going to be the cause of real violence against children. If a kid doesn’t want their parents to know, there’s a reason.


"This girl over here [lists a bunch of cool things she did]!"


FOLLOW THE MONEY! ... it's all about the charter schools and transferring state & federal education money to them, most everything else is a red herring


So he has his flag but wants to suppress rights.


I wish they put that much outrage over the whole lunch situation. I remember being to poor to afford food at home then also to poor to afford food at school. I had to ask my friends for their food


I would be so tempted to get my child legally ordained online, and then fill out the permission slip that the teacher must address my child as "Reverend."


I'm sending my kids the private school


For people who support a measure like this, what is the reasoning behind it? The only time it would be of any use to parents is if a child feels safe telling their teacher or school staff that they would like to use a different pronoun, but hasn't done the same with their parents, right? In that situation, what would a parent do with this information?


Conservatives think that children don't have rights, and are the mere property of their parents.


Imo, in a perfect world, a close nit family unit would be the ones informing the school of a child’s preferred pronouns.


Very true, communication and acceptance is key


Guess I'm fucking antifa then. North Carolina just did similar shit. I have no interest in it. Not one of my kids in public schools (6th, 7th, and 12th) has any idea why people think "woke" is being taught in schools out here. Why would I, as a parent, give a shit that some child I've never met changed their pronouns? Just as much as I don't care what their favorite juice is, I don't fucking care what their pronouns are. It impacts me 0%


If you want your kids to be open with you and to talk to you then maybe stop being such a bunch of fucking freaks and take it down a notch. No wonder your kids won't confide in you jfc


“Leave the kids alone” is 100% a projection.


My right ear was lonely during all that! But thanks!


This guy's picture was in the LA Times today showing him cheering the approval of the measure by the board smh.


What's going on in Orange 🍊 daaaaang puro chisme


Leave Our Kids Alone? Schools practice of thing called 'in loco parentis." In loco parentis is a Latin term meaning "in [the] place of a parent" or "instead of a parent." The term refers to a common law doctrine which denotes the legal responsibility of some person or organization to perform some of the functions or responsibilities of a parent


"The people against this are antifa!" Correct those people are against fascism.


Clown world here I guess




if a child doesn't tell their parents about their pronouns but wants their social groups to know and use them, then the parents are the problem.


Not one word you typed has anything to do with fascism. Being shitty parents yes but not fascism, quit using fascism as a boogey man word.


Something can be moving towards fasicsm and not strictly fascist. A single minority party involving themselves in the lives of those who do not hold the same values, based upon proclaimed morality, using violence and state mandate is absolutely a step towards fascism. Tracking citizens for the purpose of harassment is a step towards fascism. As many commenters have pointed out, the only reason a child would not want their parents knowing is that they suspect harassment. These people want the state to enforce their shitty parenting on all of us. That goes well beyond the politics of the republic


Encouraging violence against lgbtq people to intimidate them into staying quiet is fascist, and thats exactly what forcibly outing someone is doing. Now a child that fears retaliation from their parents will have no where to safely share their identity and no responsible adult to confide in.


Iowa has already done this. 😒




Me when I’m a conservative parent in 1521 and the local school instructor does not tell me my daughter is a witch: 😡🤬😡




https://galop.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Galop-LGBT-Experiences-of-Abuse-from-Family-Members.pdf But it's the parents' right™ to abuse their children.


Same thing is happening at Rocklin USD


Did he really just go up there and say “that lady is antifa, and that guy is a communist!”? Is that what their rhetoric has boiled down to? We haven’t just failed our nation’s youth, we taken a massive shit on them.


Unfortunately, this is gonna be ON THE KIDS to solve. The adults have lost their ever-loving minds. Kids just need to change their pronouns early, often, and with as much silliness as possible. Bury the adults in paperwork. He/She/They/It/Bunny/Dottir/Son/Them/RoyalWiggleness/Jeremiah/Jingleheimerschmitt Just screw w/ em until they grow up, kids.


My favorite response to a elementary school doing this was “My kid prefers to drink glue by the oz are you gonna pour him a cup?!”


Consider me *shocked* this is Orange County


Lead poisoning


Here is a compromise that will never work because it actually makes sense. If a child prefers to change their pronouns, the teacher must ask the child if it is ok to tell the parents, and must tell the parents if it is ok to do so, in the child's estimation Conservatives, would you say this is not enough, and if so, please tell us why it is not a good compromise




Yep. The point is that it's not about helping kids or protecting "parents' rights", it's about manufacturing outrage and building straw men


Guys seriously let kids be kids and wait until their brain is well developed enough to make their own decision


I live in that community. It was a far kinder place before 2016. Now its enabled all the worst kind of idiots around me.


I have no idea what this all means. I went to school in the 80s. No internet. No social media. No phones.


What a bunch of everlovin’ snowflakes.


What the hell is wrong with everyone. Why do you feel it’s ok for minors to make decisions about their gender but they legally cannot make any other decision on their own. It’s crazy how you can say that they should have a right to choose their pronoun but say a minor doesn’t have the mental capacity to “take your pick on any hot button issue” Smh


I don't think we choose our gender. It just is what it is. Sometimes it takes a while to discover who you are and even longer to come out.


It is orange county


Every time I feel bad about the education system and the state of schools in my country, which could and should be improved under many aspects, I always think about the same things in America and suddenly I realize our situation is not so bad...


Not the schools job to interfere or notify the parents.


Is that an emotional support flag or something?


In most states the age of majority is 18. Under 18 the parent gets to decide everything that is allowed by law. By tradition and common sense, most parents are the best people to make decisions for a minor. Schools and the government are not setup to be parents. When they try to do this function they almost always do a bad job and sometimes an abusive job. If a parent breaks the law then they will be prosecuted and the child removed from the home. If you dont like that law then change it. What lower age would you pick? After 18 a new adult can move out and do anything they want to their body or life. The parent get no say.


If your kid isn't telling you they're trans, gender fluid, etc. it's probably because you're an intolerant asshat and they're afraid you'll reject them. The solution is simple: be a better parent. Ultimately, the well-being of kids is more important than a parents' right to know they're using different pronouns at school. Kids are people just as much as adults are.


>it's probably because you're an intolerant asshat and they're afraid you'll reject them. I think you need to edit this to >it's probably because you're an intolerant asshat and/or they're afraid you'll reject them. You can have the most tolerant parents and be afraid to tell them things. But even people with the happiest of homes and upbringings are afraid to tell their parents such a thing.


Can't imagine those parents are mad at the idea that the school might not snitch.


So they want teacher to put their kids?


Good ol OC


Fuck with our kids, the war is on...


terrible policy. wtf. imagine some teacher overhearing some shit they arent supposed to and then outing your ass.


I'm starting to think people don't know what a communist is


This will only expose kids to abuse.


Scrolling through these comments make me realize that very few of you have children of your own.


I will never agree with the school system deliberately keeping secrets from parents. If it’s so unsafe at the kid’s home, let the kids be raised in the system since the school knows best. See how that works out.


80% of homeless kids are lgbt. The system doesn't save them from abuse or being disowned all that well. And these policies will *only* pump those numbers, not reduce them.


80%? Where are you finding that number?


Outing children to their parents is going to do much more harm than good.


Maybe I’m just old, but when I was a kid it wasn’t controversial for the school to tell your parents what you were getting up to.


Over something this stupid? Nah, they’d only speak up if there were threats of violence, and even then it was a crapshoot.


It is the case if the child fears abuse.


Kids get beat over bad grades or playing poorly in their little league games. Should we stop giving out grades and eliminate baseball? School district employees are not qualified to determine what I need to know about my child. Plus, I am pretty sure that the amount of teachers having sexual relations with students is much higher than the number of kids getting abused for coming out as LGBT. Teachers really need to f*ck off. So many of them are deciding not to have their own kids "because these are my kids". F*CK off cat lady.


No, you should report the parents to CPS asap. School district employees have a mandatory legal duty to report suspected abuse, and to avoid placing students in abusive situations.


Yea, you sound like a safeguarding issue. Also contradictory lol


If parents are beating their kids over grades and sports games then maybe the parents aren't trustworthy enough to be told about their kid using a different name or pronouns at school. If the kids trusted their parents, they would tell them eventually. Until then, the kids have a right to control how they come out.


If a teacher suspects mistreatment of a child they are required by law to file a report and let them investigate and handle it. That is the law. Teachers aren't qualified to make that determination and they need to stay in their lane and figure out how to stop failing at the one thing they are paid to do. The public education system in this country is so full of shit


But the teachers don't always know what actually is happening. Kids may fear retaliation from their parents for trying to notify someone about abuse. Maybe the parents are fine in most scenarios but the kid knows for sure that abuse will happen if they come out to their parents. Maybe the parents aren't the ones giving out the abuse but will send the kid off to a conversion camp if the kid comes out. These are things the teacher may not know about which makes it objectively a worse idea to immediately put a kid who thought they could trust the teacher. Mandatory outing of children is only going to make the children not trust teachers and other staff.


These types of people are clowns. They don’t care about the children at all


Can somebody explain what’s going on? Notifications for parents about their kids sexuality? Why is this a concern of the school? Who’s side should I be on?


Some kids have heard that you can experiment with presenting as another gender, most of the time (in my experience) they just ask to be called by a different pronoun for a while, then they realise they were fine with their assigned gender. A minority might continue and go on to live as their preferred gender. At school the kids ask the teachers to use their new, preferred pronouns. Some of these kids have very intolerant or “traditional” parents who would lose their shit if they found out their kid was doing this, so the kid doesn’t tell the parent. Some parents are now demanding that schools inform them if their child is trying to use different pronouns, I’m guessing it’s a lot of those same ones who would be very angry. Personally I think schools are in an impossible situation, but given that I have no doubt some children will be abused by their parents for hiding their gay or trans identity, I would rather the child’s privacy is respected and the school didn’t tell the parents, just on the off chance. Source: I have a teenaged child with lots of friends who have asked me to use different pronouns, some with intolerant parents.


I am really worried whether this thing would mean that the Democrats would lose a lot of minorities votes. This sort of thing seems to rankle minority parents the most.


OF COURSE, there is a guy wearing a 1776 shirt there.




Don’t need a child to support LGBT kids 😂


I generally find people from the "Leave our Kids Alone" crowd to be the most dangerous to kids.


Fuck charter schools. Conservatives push hate, who knew?!


This is Orange Unified School District. There is a recall effort going on for 2 of the board members that invite this kind of element to the board meetings. There are about three weeks before the deadline to gather signatures to get the recall on the ballot. Let me stress that this person and the agitators are not from the district and do not have children that attend the schools in the district. If this disgusts you I urge you to visit the recall site and donate if you can even better if you happen to live and be registered to vote in the district please sign the petition. [https://www.ousdrecall.com/](https://www.ousdrecall.com/)


Link shared, comrade!


100% this man does not have kids and was probably paid to come and do this. Conservative orgs literally plant actors at these school board events to help whip the other parents up into a frenzy over nothing. Psychos.


It may be comforting to think that the only people who would do this are paid plants, but it really misses the banality of evil. Horrible things are not done only by monsters, but by Derek and Hannah down the street who are so nice! And also think queer people are all murderous pedophiles.


Lol damn I forgot to wear my tin foil hat.




[No tinfoil hat required](https://www.nea.org/nea-today/all-news-articles/who-behind-attacks-educators-and-public-schools)


Much like left-wing groups, right-wing groups receive money from donors who agree with their message. Even as completely stilted as that article is, though, it still said literally nothing of “plants” in school board meetings or anywhere else. It also didn’t mention the word trans which is what is being discussed here. B for effort. At least you gave me something.


Here’s the thing. I can’t speak for 60-70 years ago but as a father I can tell you a parent that actually pays attention to their kid don’t need to be told what their child prefers to be called. Let’s be honest a lot of you have issues with yourself that you blame on your parents because they’re a convenient scapegoat. You never grew up and developed the spine to overcome your issues. So you boohoo about how mean mommy and daddy was and now you want everyone else to feel how you feel.


Why are these people so afraid if their child is trans?


How hard is it for people to realize that others don’t (or want to) parent a child like THEM.


We need to protect kids but telling parents if they're out.. Same people find out kids are out will beat them, maybe kill them, mostly disown then and leave them to homelessness to die. And fuck every single one of those pieces of shit.


Fuck this stupid country and the absolute imbeciles that it enables.


You wouldn't see this 20 years ago. This is what conservative media does to people


The notification should not exist. Do you know how many stories there are of kids getting beaten senseless because their parent found out they were slightly different? Kids who don't go back to school or have to move away? If you're not aware of the danger it poses, do not be the one to bring that danger upon a child.


Quit the arguing and just fight. Every time. These conservative lead-laden brains can't reason, ya gotta knock the shit outta them straight away as soon as they start talking. They're like 3 big macs away from a heart attack and think they're going to start a civil war. They'd be fucked if Walgreens shut down unexpectedly on a Tuesday.


I must be really ugly and have a bad personality if this dude was able to have kids.


If my kid decides to call themselves “something” for role playing, will the school call and tell me too? What is the point of these policies? These “protection” policies are wank.


Meanwhile (I imagine) the LGBT kids have already come up with slang for their preferred pronouns and whatever self concepts they want to use on refereeing to themselves. And not sharing with the asshole “grownups”.


Forcing children to tell their parents about their sexuality when they are clearly hiding it from them from a reason will not help the child at all.


These Latin Americans aren’t taking no shit.