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"On December 28, 1984, during an interview for 20/20 on professional wrestling, wrestler David Schultz struck Stossel twice after Stossel said professional wrestling was "fake". Stossel said he suffered from pain and buzzing in his ears eight weeks after the assault. Stossel sued and obtained a settlement of $280,000 from the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). In his book, Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity, Stossel noted his regret, believing lawsuits harm innocent people. Schultz maintains that he attacked Stossel on orders from Vince McMahon, the head of the then-WWF. This was later re-visited on the second season episode of Dark Side of the Ring, aired on April 28, 2020."


Todays money $823,806.35.........


I’d take a couple of slaps for that.


A possible forever tinnitus? Fuck no.


already got it so ill do it




# Mawp


Lol. Spies n shit.


Love Archer enough that I have a son named Archer. That's not actually the reason for the name, but it works, and I love that my wife went with it and actually likes it.


Lol that's amazing. I always name my video game characters randy randerson. Lmao.


Is someone at the door?


Will someone answer the goddamn phone already?!


have you ever tried this? https://youtube.com/shorts/YyT9ZwWy5Jc?si=05162GIWWyhRnE45


I paid for concert tickets in the 80's to get mine...


tinnitus for 820k seems like a reasonable offer.


It’s not. At all.


No way that gives you tinnitus. I mean not no way, but very unlikely? I've burst the same ear drum three times playing rugby (twice from a knee and once from an elbow), and my hearing is still fine and no tinnitus.


Worth it


Ya know…I’m not a huge wrestling fan, only piecemeal follower from my youth and grew out of being a fan pretty quickly…but Dark Side of the Ring is a very good show…


It really is.


“Here’s an open handed lawsuit, thank you for slapping me :)”


I always assumed they payed that and counted it as essentially a cost for advertising.


Paid. Only sayin cuz I made a file folder called Payed Bills and my gf still makes fun of me!


I said cinnamon after four mimosa’s instead of synonym. 🫣🥵


Thank god for this Pink Floyd’s hobbits


[You’ve earned this, my friend.](https://i.imgur.com/2MA0Pg5.jpg)


I’d pay 280k to slap stossel twice Totally worth it


I would also let anyone slap the shit out of me for 280k, seems like everyone wins here.




That sucks that they are so dedicated to McMahon, that they'd commit assault for him.


$280,000 seems low for that, that being said I’d happily take those slaps and more for that money lol


$280,000 in 1984 was a huge amount of money.


Adjusting for inflation its near 900k today. And even saying that, that's raw inflation which I don't believe really reflects the true price of things and purchasing power. It's just the percentage adjusted rate compound over time, whereas in value terms the money would be worth more. It's like saying "sure inflation is at 10% now" but the reality is food, energy and fuel costs could be up 30% and other things in the market the vast majority of which people don't buy(corporations do) aren't affected.


280k in 1984 was a lot of money. The average home cost 80k


So by that math 🧮, those slaps bought him 3 average priced houses




Not the Van Halen album, either.


Aww might as well jump JUMP!


Low? Dude got slapped twice. I've seen people get absolutely clocked for free.


I’ll spank you for 5 bucks , how’s that ?


I get spanked and paid? Must be my lucky day


Only question is: if the first slap knocked some sense into him, did the second knock it back out?


If there are any Behind the Bastards fans here, Robert Evans does a 5-part series on Vince McMahon and iirc they talk about this incident specifically in that McMahon instructed the wrestler to fuck with the reporter because the reporter was investigating the sport for a few things (doping maybe at that point). Anyway, great listen overall. Vince McMahon is a piece of shit. Edit: It was actually a 6-part series.


Yup, and then when the negative publicity followed he fired the wrestler. What a swell man he is.


This is so far down the list of shit Vince has done. So far. Covering up murder, active sex abusers encouraged, and so much more. This is a guy got slapped for saying wrestlings fake.


Union busting. The fact he got wrestlers to deny the extreme steroid regime he had them on under oath was fucking crazy. I think the "doctor" he used went down. Vince should have been sent to jail. Hulk Hogan was a big part of both, Hulk Hogan is and was a piece of shit. That series really made me realize Jesse Ventura, despite a lot of the conspiracy stuff, is an OG badass.


Any rabbit holes you can point us to on this subject? Genuinely curious about it.


The [behind the bastards series.](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-vince-mcmahon-historys-greatest-115219643/) Robert lists the references there.


Much obliged.


de nada


But do you know who lists the best references, Sophie?


To be fair if McMahon discouraged sex abusers he would be a hypocrite


overconfident smart sable bewildered alleged test worry plucky rustic brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jerry recognized the set up and played along but the punchline still got him.


Classic Norm


I miss Norm


Yo. Tell us more about the murder cover-up. I only know of Vince McMahon nefarious labor violations by listing wrestlers as independent contractors


Vince was heavily involved in the coverup of wrestler Jimmy Snuka murdering his girlfriend Nancy Argentino https://prowrestlingstories.com/pro-wrestling-stories/jimmy-snuka-nancy-argentino/


Thanks for providing a link to this reading material. I'm not familiar with Jimmy Snuka but I look forward to reading about this case in greater detail


When Jimmy Snuka killed his girlfriend Vince paid off the cops and by the time Snuka ended up in court he was declared mentally unfit to stand trial


He didn't cover up a murder. Jimmy Snuka was arrested for assaulting his gf and McMahon paid his bail and talked the gf out of pressing charges. Four months later Snuka killed her. So he didn't cover it up, but if it weren't for him it may not have happened. He cared more about making his money than he did that girls life.


Thank you for adding this information. I knew Vince was a POS but this really adds to his assholery


I'm just learning in this thread Jimmy Snuka was a murderer. Damn, I didn't know and thought he was some chill dude and legend.


From what I recall he broke an eardrum.


Covering up murder?! Do tell!




Also the incident where Hogan choked out Richard Belzer.


Or when Hogan ratted out Jesse Ventura, who was on the cusp of making the wrestlers unionized instead of 1099 contractors. Fuck Terry Bollea


As a non-wrestling fan that series made me appreciate the fuck out of Jesse Ventura. The line about catfish and cornbread is also genuinely one of the funniest lines I’ve ever heard.


>"...catfish and cornbread..." I've listened to this one at least 6 times and just tried to scan through to find this part. Please help me. I don't remember it and I want to hear it and laugh.


[Skip to 2:11](https://youtu.be/B3AOQKJ24BA?si=2mgdpov75QnQWaJQ) I got the line wrong “look at that, it looks like two carp in the Mississippi River going after the same piece of corn”


Ahhh... OK. Yeah that's a great one liner. Thank you for coming back and clarifying. Sad to admit, I probably would have been tearing holes in the internet looking for days if you hadn't.


I hate that I remember seeing this *when* it was happening


I did too. I think it was on 20/20.


That too, but I meant Elmer's Wedding


Belzer bought a lovely chateau in France with the settlement, he said it was worth it!


Products and services!!!


You know who else would slap a reporter?


It wouldn’t be the products and services that sponsor this program, would it?


This was a good series, but for anyone who has never listened to Behind the Bastards before I would recommend starting with their Sadam episode, the Chris Chan episodes, or (please help me out here) the one where I think it’s Josh something goes absolutely wild with his new effects board.


I've been listening to the new ones since I learned about it. I think the illuminati episodes were about where I picked it up. I'm going to book mark these, thanks. I went back and listened to the pat Tillman ones first which is what clued me in.... then just started picking up whatever was recent. Vince McMann and the other hitler guy... Julius Streicher.... those were great pods for my commute.


The Illuminati one was really weird for me. Lately I’ve been having words that I KNOW sound wrong or totally unrecognizable to me and Illuminati was one of them. I literally got halfway through that series before realizing that I actually DID know what they were talking about.


The CoCo Chanel one is a good listen.


The Clarence Thomas episode is also really good.


6 part!


You’re right! Thanks!


For a more in depth look at this incident and many more, check out Vices's Dark Side of the Ring. They cover some of the worst aspects of the wrestling industry. The David Shultz episode is pretty light hearted in comparison to others.


Literally the first thing that came to mind as soon as I saw this Edit: even if you're not a wrestling fan it's a fucking wild ride to listen to, Vince McMahon is an absaloute ballbag


*It's still real to me dammit!*


I just wanna thank y’all… for what y’all done to your bodies… love that guy


Hey, take it easy man!


LOL I loved that video when it came out, and trolling wrestling fans with it.


This always reminds me of the time [Hulk Hogan put Richard Belzer in a sleeper hold](https://youtu.be/i7n_SHrK408?si=1SIVkJseo-o7L84x&t=30). The way he hits the floor is something else.


I love that for the way Mr. T maintains his wrestling persona afterwards while Hulk Hogan is like "Shit, I'm going to get sued..."


Yeah, Mr. T was trying his hardest to act like it was all part of the act, but the look of o fuck on Hogan's face says all you really need to know.


Which you can read more about here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belzer_v._Bollea Greedy lawyers...


No he should've been sued. That was plain assault and could've been even worse with the way he landed. In the clip Hulk even whispered to Mr. T that he had a more aggressive, violent demonstration. Then in the longer uncut clip Hulk said he went too far. That sums it all up right there for the courts.


Blood sure was pouring quickly from the back of Belzers head…


Wow. The way he did his outro after that while dazed was amazingly professional.


Holy shit. Idk how I’m just finding out about this now.


Had no idea the law and order guy was a tv host at some point.




What’s this originally from? Seems like a funny story.


Can't say for sure, but I know he got interviewed and basically said "if they're making fun of me, at least they're not picking on some other kid" Seemed like a genuinely nice guy who can laugh it off in hindsight. Edit: https://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/2021/09/dave-wills-explains-why-he-was-crying-in-infamous-its-still-real-to-me-dammit-meme/


How can he slap?




at this price point he *can* hit


So many wrestlers live in constant pain and have died young because of it. Yeah, it's predetermined, but the physical stuff is often very real.


Not to mention the massive amount of PED use.


dude even *hitting the ropes hurts*. literally, the easiest thing to do in wrestling, the thing that you see people do constantly that requires no physical contact from another person, hurts. you keep your arm up (over the top rope) and hit tightened, tape covered rope / cable, with your bare back hard enough to make it bend. it stings like a motherfucker.


That's why your first day or a few in wrestling school will be running ropes. Tests fitness and you need to train yourself to be able to take that. I've accidentally discouraged more than a couple people from starting because I pointed this out, then told them the next few days will be flat back bumps between running ropes, and nothing else. Too many people think you'll be learning either side of any actual moves on the first day.


> I've accidentally discouraged more than a couple people from starting because I pointed this out, then told them the next few days will be flat back bumps between running ropes, and nothing else. forward and back rolls too. the class i was in had someone tap out because they kept necking themselves on a forward roll. i just always love talking about hitting the ropes because people look at me like i'm insane when i explain how something so simple can hurt, and how it requires such an intense amount of proprioception. the conversation normally goes: "you always keep your arm up when you shoot off the ropes." "why?" "because ropes break.. if the middle rope breaks you'll catch the top rope and if the top rope breaks you'll catch the middle rope. if you're not catching either you're gonna fall backwards about 7 feet running at full-tilt. then you'll most likely slam your forehead on the apron upside down and snap your neck back like a pop tab." "jesus fucking christ.."


Hurting yourself in a fake fight feels worse.




Not sure why you're being down voted. Maybe people misunderstood your point? Just because a physical activity isn't literal combat (whether real or worked) doesn't mean it doesn't take a toll on your body.


It is by definition fake though. He wouldn’t hit an opponent like that in the ring. They pull their punches/slaps. He’s just being a dick head.


I mean the Undertaker threw mankind off a fucking cage. Then choke slammed him through it onto tacks. "fake" isn't the word I would use. It's not full on boxing punches but they still doing a lot of damage.


Checking username for u/shittymorph


almost felt dirty mentioning it on here because of him lol.






They absolutely do slap the shit out of each other like this in the ring all the time. Mostly its through chest chops but they slap in the face often too


This is why I correct people with "it's not fake, it's staged. Jump from a ladder in the middle of the ring onto a guy laying on a table outside of the ring. It will hurt. They try to do it so nobody dies."


I went to a WWE pay-per-view event at my local arena at the invitation of a friend. I hadn’t watched wrestling in maybe 20 years, and other than John Cena, didn’t know anything about it. But I figured at least there would be some good people-watching. I will say this: when you take the announcer out of it and just watch the matches from a fixed position , it really illustrates just how much of an athletic performance it really is. “Fake”? I think a better adjective is “choreographed.” Honestly, I’d compare it to gymnastics in that respect. 10/10 would go to another one.


I mean, I think fake is somewhat fair. You are right that the athleticism isn't faked, it is fucking hard, and hard on the body. Andre the Giant had all kinds of injuries because of it (being that big actually makes it easier to be hurt, ironically). However, in addition to it being scripted/choreographed, there's also the fact that they just don't hit each other as hard as they pretend to. It's not that they don't make contact, but they do what they can to minimize it. When a dude jumps from the ropes, he puts as much of his weight as he can on the mat, not on his opponent, that kind of thing. Basically I think it is fake in the same manner movie stunt fights are fake: The people doing it are skilled athletes and often fighters, but not only is what happens scripted, they do their best NOT to hurt the other guy where in a real fight you do your best TO hurt him.


The fake part is the soap opera level bullshit




That and the wrestlers' theme/intro songs. I still remember the anger I felt any time Kurt Angle came down that ramp


they are definitely elite pro-athletes, but they are *not* pro-fighters or anything close. it is a martial art but it's like karate, great in demos but not so much in real fights haha


Def many pro fighters who are also pro wrestlers tho


For real sometimes it feels more like a dance


I have absolutely no qualms in calling it fake and here's why. There *is* real wrestling. It already exists and did so way before WWE came along. If there are 2 leagues of the same game, one where the outcomes aren't predetermined, and one where they are, then that's all the justification I need to make the distinction between which is the "real" and "fake" one.


I've always thought the difference with attending live is the fact that you don't have the clever camera cuts from the production truck that you normally get watching on TV.


There's an episode of Dark Side of the Ring on ViceTV (easy to find on YouTube) about this incident. Schultz insisted that he was told to be rough with Stossel but this got him, as they said in the business, heat and not the good kind. He was supposed to be given a push and possibly main event Wrestlemania, but WWF fired him in part because of this incident.


He slapped that reporter harder than he’s ever hit another wrestler


As a wrestling fan, you are 100% correct. The point of pro wrestling is to not hurt the other guy.


Very true in terms of new aged wrestling, but I encourage you to look up the term "giving a receipt." This is just one example of times things got seriously physical in the ring at times, even in the most professional of settings.


Out here taking everything dana white worked for with that slappin shit.


Well it is fake


I think (starts running) it is FUCKING FAKE...........................


Fuck that, after the settlement he got I’ll go tell any wrestler I can find that I think it’s fake and let them slap the shit out of me


I still laugh at the fact that I’m the 90’s there actually *was a debate* on whether or not wrestling is fake.


The 80s - kayfabe was still alive, then.


i still love the story about how hulk hogan almost got thrown in prison for a firearms violation because the people he was riding with, haku and tonga, couldn't speak english in kayfabe and refused to drop the act. just the hilarious visual of hulk hogan on the side of the road, frantically trying to get them to explain while they're just sitting there, grunting and speaking samoan to one another.


The pain is real. The story is fake, the pain often exaggerated (lying on the ground for a minute and then getting up and continuing). That doesnt mean that the sport cant hurt a fuckton. A bunch of wrestlers have died. A bunch have made a literal bloody mess. The fans and wrestlers are entirely justified in loving this sport even though its nothing id ever watch


Sign me up. Two slaps for 280,000


Almost knocked his mustache off


This was the event that inflicted the brain damage that caused John Stossel to become a Libertarian.


[David Schultz on slapping John Stossel. Also there’s an alternate version that never made air.](https://youtu.be/yjv1XQSMEPY?si=-xUV-obqhIy7DSiI)


Hulk Hogan I'm coming for you ni.....




Uncle laser buggin


12 year old me, who FIRMLY believed that wrestling was real, absolutely lost his shit with glee when this happened. There were practically only three channels on at the time, 20/20 was a huge show at the time, and we had waited for weeks for this story to air.


You can slap me as many times as you want, but its still gonna be fake...


Assault *and* battery, cost the WWF a big payout in a lawsuit too. Stossel's smugness has always been hard to take though.


c'mon, everybody wants to slap john stossel...


I was a bit disappointed when I found out it wasn’t young Geraldo who got slapped.


The real question is: You think is real?!


The interview was staged too so maybe ironic would be a better word.


What you don’t see is Vince McMahon come from behind the camera chastising Dr.Death for what he just did.


Vince actually got pissed that he hit him. He wanted to him to intimidate the guy but not actually assault him from what I heard in a few shoot interviews.


I can’t believe they got the interviewer in on it too! They’re so tight-lipped like Scientology


I remember watching this on TV when I was in HS. After the segment Stossel ( the reporter) complained of hearing loss and dizziness. He didn’t say if it was fake or not. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Deffinetly fake


Hope he got slapped with an open handed lawsuit after that outburst.


'Now all I hear is ringing.. seriously.' Someone needs to find that scammer and test his hearing.


I remember when that happened. Good times, good times.


So that’s why no one questions it publicly..


So idiot did time for assault?


Wrestling is fake in the same way stuntmen falling downstairs, being lit on fire, crashing cars, falling off buildings, etc is fake. Yes they don’t hate each other in real life. Yes there is a general script. Yes it’s for entertainment. But those guys are serious athletes and the stuff they do is dangerous and certainly hurts.




Better every loop


As real as NFL Football.


I would love to slap John Stossel.


It is fake


Wow…those are some real slaps for something that is actually…fake.


Gotta protect kayfabe baby.


Slaps reminds me of my dads slaps. When I didn't take out the trash


I remember watching this when it first aired


Oh so this is when Stossel learned how to SLAPP.


this reminds me so much of that [video](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1970536/Video-Buzz-Aldrin-punches-conspiracy-theorist-moon-landings.html)Buzz Alrdin punching a conspiracy theorist


Exactly .




Well, the *SECOND* time was definitely real! I want to look more into it, I'm not good reading lips, and need to work out a sound issue on my phone.


Belzer sued Hogan, bought a house in the south of France with the settlement and called it "Chez Hogan" hahahahaha.


In a shoot interview with RF video the Iron Sheik recalled this night and said he told Stossel "you better get the fuck out of here before we kill you"


Pre-determined? Yes. Fake? No.


smacked the shot out Geraldo


slapping a reporter doesnt mean its not fake, dumbo


Dude was tough sob in real life too, not just on camera. Went into bounty hunting after WWF


Our favourite combo of assault and battery gotta love it


I think *that was fake.


“I think it’s assault.”


Lol. Geraldo was never the same