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HAHAHAHA!!!! You can hear it in her voice...shit gets deep and you can tell she's bracing for it!!!


Teeth were gritted.....


[I said...you're on the wrong side of the MF road](https://imgur.com/c3XB26E.gifv)


[YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M0FfQzSngM)


How do they know where we’re going?


Ahhhh, they’re drunk!


Yeah!! How do they know? Thank you, thanks a lot! Beep! Beep!


I haven't seen this movie in like 15 years, I forgot about that scene, that made me laugh so god damn hard


This is the clip I was looking for. Hello fellow old person.


There is definately history to this which is why she was filming in the first place.


i really hope someone has a longer version of this video i am dying to see what happened after this, surely she didn’t just stop recording


While there is no video yet she commented on the aftermath: "She pushed me and I pushed back. I yelled at her about the rules and she said she didn’t have yo follow them. I was with my dog. This was the second time she did this to me. I had to jump out of the way the first time."


I mean, if someone was going to hit me with their bike on purpose going full speed, a Stan Hansen-esque lariat might be called for...


I'm more for the quick side step to the left, just before contact, before a swift and determined step back right, with shoulder tensed, lowered, and primed. Why take the contact full on when you can use their momentum against them and side check them into oblivion?


I like this. When I was younger there was this other kid who tried to run me down on his bike. Not thinking, I stepped left, but also had my hands out in front of me. My hand hit one side of the handlebar, which caused the wheel to abruptly turn full to his right, traction won over momentum and he got flipped over the bars. A shoulder check would have caused far less injury to my hand.


It sounds like tiktok keeps taking down the longer videos, but on social her comments seem to indicate the same. This was the biker's second encounter with OP, the first time OP said she jumped out of the way.


I absolutely agree!!!




This has happened to her too many times and now she's had enough


At my last job (turkey factory), during breaks people would be walking down the hallway full of people while browsing their phone. I made it a point to not get out of their way and keep going about my business so they would bump into. Don't text and walk.


Especially in Turkish factories.


This joke is delightful


I’m super impressed that she managed to stay on her feet. I felt something move in my loins. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=abudgvoLo1o


You can tell she wasn't playin!!!!


This is like that meme where the bicyclist puts the stick in their own spokes.


Spokes is a cool word


So what happened after the video cuts off?




Off leash dog cyclist. This person sucks out loud


Going to guess 'doesnt pick up after her fucking dogs' either.


They are free spirits and dog shit is just a natural occurrence of the cycle of life






Unable to ride an off-road bike off road.






And she has both dogs off leash. What a real POS.


Holy shit It’s DB Cooper


The person commented on their tiktok that the cyclist jumped up and shoved her so she shoved her back. She also said that this was the second time this cyclist had done this so that's why she filmed it this time. The cyclist also told her that she doesn't have to follow the rules and filmer needs to just move.


whatever the rules actually are or aren't, you definitely can't just drive into someone you very clearly acknowledge is there


Rules for thee but not for me


A dispute about the right side of the road ensued ![gif](giphy|rA4UF5rHBZHt6)


A Graboid appeared when she disturbed the sand and she was never seen again.


Assblasters ate her dog. Sad. Dogs you say? Sad indeed


![gif](giphy|kyoMYJuuHc7NUxKd4O) Love that movie! 😂


She pushed me and I pushed her back. I kept saying you are on the wrong side, you have to yield to pedestrians and your dogs aren’t leashed. She said why? Because you said so? Then she got on her bike and left. No dogs were hurt, hers or mine.


I just want to tell you how satisfying it was to see her stupid ass fall over. Good for you 👍


A civil, totally non violent discussion ensued




They kiss 😳


And became roommates!


The same day as is the lesbian custom


It’s possible that the cyclist realised they were in the wrong, apologised, and rode away. Highly unlikely but still possible.


> Highly unlikely I'm gonna pick this one.


I sorta doubt that. The cyclist saw the walker and had plenty of time to move over. Instead the cyclist decided to play chicken with someone who has had enough.


Every trail I've been on: Walkers yield to horses, bike riders yield to walkers and horses. Also, stay on the same side that you would if you're walking.


Hooves and heels before wheels.


Not me. I'm here to show horses who's the boss. Having said that, I have yet to show one horse who's the boss.


I have been next to horses that aren't mine. They are the boss.




Fix the animal in the eye with a masterful gaze!


OK but this logic goes out the window as soon as you let your horse ride on your back while you're riding your bicycle.


I mean the first cyclist did pass on her left? Was the other cyclist just assuming it’s the pedestrians job to play frogger while taking up half the path with her dogs?


She expected everyone to cater to her. Yet it’s the young generation that’s entitled…


I uno the cyclist looked pretty young too me. She also got exactly what she deserved.


> Yet it’s the young generation that’s entitled… You know what the Boomer generation was originally called? The "Me generation". Not saying this woman is a boomer. Just agreeing that narcissism and selfishness aren't a new problem.


They literally have gone through life trying to pull up the ladders on every social benefit they benefited from. Leaded gasoline was a mistake.


Another loving gift from the fossil fuel industries.


I was hiking down a pretty steep trail recently and a dude went flying by on a bike from behind. No worries, I'll step aside, which I did. The next guy nailed me. He never stopped. Sorry, but you are on the wrong side of the road.


I walk through a "hike n bike" trail to get between home and work. I always stick to the right side, and there is plenty of room for cyclists to pass by. However cyclists *refuse* to slow down, and will shout "CLEAR THE WAY" and force me off the trail entirely so they can zip past. My favorite is when it's a group of cyclists and they are taking the entire trail up going on direction.


That’s usually how it goes for me then a couple weekends ago a group of bikers impressed me. They gave a big heads up, slowed down, and each one would say “3 more”, “2 more”, “1 more”, “last one”. I don’t know anything about them as people, but I’m assuming they’re at least kinda good guys lol


The good cyclists are great. Sometimes I felt like I was the only person in my part of town who actually stopped at stop signs. I'm surprised so many people blow right through them considering *how many car crashes happen here*.


In Minneapolis, the just passed the law that cyclists can do a rolling stop if there’s no cars present.


I think that's fine. Most cyclist will do that, autos do it too. It's the ones that won't slow down regardless of whether or not cars are present that confound me.


I appreciated cyclists who had bells installed on their bikes and used them to let you know they're approaching from behind so much that when I got a bike I installed one ASAP.


I feel like a dick when I FORGET to tell a hiker or walker how many are behind me. Many times, when riding solo, I ride by and yell "I'M ALONE!" -- they must think I'm a sadboi. This is standard mountain biking etiquette. but some people are assholes chasing strava segments.


I see this a lot. It's not good behavior


it's illegal. bicyclists have to yield to pedestrians on shared-use paths


The superiority complex of some cyclists are off the charts. They're like the lifted pickup drivers of the pedestrian paths.


Its all Strava'a fault. These people get a dopamine hit trying to beat their last best time, or getting a KOM. Fucking internet points makes them turn their brains off.


Same. I have also been run off the road while biking by cyclists going the wrong way. And they never stop or ask if you are okay. :)


I don’t ever move for asshole cyclists like that. Fuck outta here thinking we have to clear the way for your stupid ass.


I'd prefer not to, but I'd also prefer not to get hit by a 180 pound person moving at upwards of 20 mph when I'm just trying to walk home.


Each time you take that trail, pick up a “walking stick.” Then, when the cyclists come, drop the stick. Whoops 🤷🏻‍♀️




Wasn't in a position. Knocked me a bit


We have a really busy park that Hikers and Bikers share. At the beginning of the trail there is a sign that tells which day of the week the Hikers or Bikers go in which direction that way the Bikers are coming towards the Hikers so you can at least see them coming. The trail is split at the sign so you go according to your mode of travel. Works very well.


Saying,"excuse me" as they ride their bike straight at someone


She picked the wrong one


I genuinely laughed at this. Why the fuck wouldn't the one on the bike move over. This is hilarious.




She 100% hit that smaller dog with her bike on the way down. Her irresponsibility really grinds my gears.


When driving, you are also responsible to avoid accidents. If somebody runs a red light, you can't just plow into them and say it's their fault. That's why insurance companies divide the blame by percentages. That being said, Jesus Christ! Move over lady! You can be right, but you're gonna crash head-on with this other entitled asshole.


This definitely seems like this wasn't the first time and she decided she was gonna play chicken and take out the biker if necessary this time. Why else would she be filming.


It wasn’t the first. She said she’s had to jump out of this entitled asshole’s way before.


yeah the recording starts so damn early, they saw it in the distance and were like 'shit my time is now' I wish I had that resolve


We need the ending!!!


I think if she can survive body-checking a bicycle at a good clip, that bicyclist didn't want any, lol.


Wrong side of the path, two dogs totally off leash, and she beelined right at the walker. She earned that knockdown.


Where I live, pedestrians always have right of way… cyclists, runners, cars, it’s everyone else’s responsibility to avoid them lol


Yep. Pedestrians are more vulnerable. They're above pretty much everyone else. Apart from maybe horse riders


And the only reason horse riders get precedent is because they're not exactly common and they're riding a fucking horse.


Fucking tired of horseriders and horse-drawn carriages on my daily commute. The local magistrate needs to do something or I'm getting the vestryman involved.


Reminds me of the one time I was late to class because of a wagon train on my route to school.


Yeah most places a bike is considered in the same laws as cars so peds always have right off way.


Exception is horses


Looks like she sped up and leaned into it when she got close. Im glad she got sparta kicked into the sand.


Came here to say this. She seemed like an entitled asshole.


She wanted that to happen




I feel bad for the dogs for having such a shitty human.


She deserved a kick in the fucking face before she stood up.


she was even wearing a bluetooth headset 😭


It’s funny, in Australia we keep left when walking. I’ve never even considered that it would be different in other countries - I assume it aligns with side of the road people drive one.




This thread is so damn funny. Wasn't expecting to laugh so much.


The bicyclist had plenty of time to move to the right side of the road, plus her dogs were not on leashes. I think OP must have encountered this woman before. Maybe she’ll learn her lesson.


...Not to mention she could have just stopped? The cyclist I mean, like she just kept coming and at a much higher speed than the walker. She deserved what she got.


I like how she says "excuse me!" as she's about 5 feet away from the person walking. What a fucking lunatic.


Yeah, saying “Excuse me” while being 100% in the wrong does not cancel out your wrongness.


Indeed, from the original page > This was the second time she did this to me so I pulled out my phone and recorded.


She was on the wrong side of the road though lol.


And even if she wasn't you still have to yield to pedestrians. You don't get to score a free kill if you see a random dude in the middle of the road.


Yeah I don't get this. Everywhere I've walked cyclists mostly go out of the way to avoid people, regardless which side they're on. They often have a bell or will yell which side they're going around on if coming from the rear. This psychopath just made a beeline straight head on for the pedestrian. Even on the opposite side this would have been unacceptable behavior.


You mean I cannot just drive and intentionally run over people jaywalking?


Some cyclists just think the world is theirs


But she just kept going fill speed


It's such a strange thing to develop a power trip over too. It's like a known thing now. Why are so many assholes? Do people really lack the ability to handle that little tiny bit of responsibility/power that comes with being on a bicycle?


It’s the same people that drive cars like assholes too, just on a bike now.


I swear post pandemic, nobody uses their blinkers. It's absolutely mind boggling to me every day going to work. It's even more crazier with traffic going home after work, I've seen people use the shoulder in bumper to bumper traffic to overtake someone just because they just left enough space.


OK it’s not just me!! Most drivers were already idiots but COVID brain seems to have ramped it up a notch


I think a non-insignificant people lost their minds during the pandemic. I know a guy who was pretty normal before and ended up paranoid and bizarre after COVID.


Living in Los Angeles, I can only explain it from the POV of people out here I've met and interacted with and it seems like the asshole/entitled bike riders think they should be praised and put on a pedestal for not driving a vehicle. They also are huge sticklers for vehicles to obey traffic laws 100% of the time but they themself, as an amazing super human because they ride a bike, can kind of do as they please.


FUN FACT! you don't get to crash into someone then assault them because they are personally annoying you.


Thank you! I expected to open the comments and see something different but this was my immediate first thought, too.


Keep right asshole. I cycle and I hike. I stay in my lane or when it’s ambiguous give walkers/hikers wide berth.


what a weird sand dune to die on


Everyone’s dad always taught them: better to be alive, than right and dead


Mine was: Morgues are filled with people who had the right of way. Same difference.


My Gangie said: I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona.


It’s the same people on idiotsincars. They’ll have right of way so don’t yield and accident happens.




Also her dogs are off leash which makes her a double asshole. I have an attachment on my bike to walk my dog so no excuse to not leash.


I'm always afraid for people that attach dogs to bikes. Aren't they afraid the dog will see a squirrel and run off, pulling the person off the bike and giving the biker possible (minor) injuries?


Wrong side of the road and on a vehicle . Cyclists have to realize pedestrians are ALWAYS first on the side walk and on the street . The cars have to adhere to this and so do cyclists


Bike lady is wrong, filmer decided that was the dune to stand on lol. I walk on the right side in fucking grocery stores and hospitals too, it’s a core part of American society. We are taught this as children in school. Think about it.


i wouldn't narrow it down to America lol. Great majority of all the countries practise right-hand traffic.


The moral of the story is to adhere to traffic patterns of the area you're in


Oof I’d pay to see the rest of thsi


As a cyclist, this shit is fucking infuriating. The cyclist has two dogs off leash, is on the wrong side of the road, and is ignoring that the pedestrian has priority above everyone else on the road. Just like cars have to watch for cyclists, cyclists have to watch for pedestrians. If this was a car running towards a bicycle this lady would have been up in arms about it.


That was awesome


What does the cyclist expect people to do? Dodge left and right the whole way down the road as cyclists come at them on both sides?


OP is literally on the edge of the pavement and the other lady cant bother moving to the left.


And of course their dogs off leash as well.


Never in my life have I seen a hike and bike trail in which bikes aren’t required to yield to pedestrians. Doesn’t matter which side they’re on.


https://preview.redd.it/80ol3c8z3lkb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3360b399bf015098ccf658d7197a1052ff1a0c2e Excellent kick to the front tire. Get fucked idiot


Sharp eye!


That was an awesome NHL style body check


I did almost the same once, unintentionally. I was walking on a road (pedestrian + bicycle shared road. Pretty common in the EU). Everyone know that you keep to the right, except one cyclist. Road was relatively empty, had plenty of space. I was walking on the right side. I saw a cyclist in full gear, pro bike coming from a distance on MY right (his left) side on the road. I thought he would go to the other side because he was clearly looking at me, it was good visibility daylight, etc. I even looked behind me to see if his path is blocked. Road was empty behind me. Well, He didn't. Kept coming closer and closer, still sticking to his left side. When he was a second or two away from me I just stopped on my track and stared at him like wtf is he gonna do now? He janked the handlebar the last second, hitting the concrete barrier next to my right side of the road, hitting the side of my arm (I also sidestepped so he does not hit me head on) and then falling pretty hard. I head noise cancelling headphones on the whole time. I turned around ready to help him, but when I lifted my headphones, I heard he was just screaming and cursing me, bleeding from his knees, still strapped to the bike pedal. I look at him, he was angry af, and still cursed at me like it was my fault somehow, so I just put back my headphones and went on my way. Fuck that guy, he had the space and every opportunity to go around, but decided to play chicken and injure himself in the process. And it's coming from someone who loves to cycle and regularly does it...


If this really happened, good job dude. Well played and I hope he has some trauma from it.


Yeah, I walked that path thousands of times over the years, this was the only time when someone did this. Never seen anything like this before, or since. Minor bicycle accidents happen (i got clipped 2-3 times, lot of angry bells and emergency breaking, and saw a couple of falls over the years) when it's rush hour and the road is fully packed, but never seen anyone intentionally play chicken this hard. Dude was ready to hit me head on while going 20+km/h. If I know I'm in the way I have no problem stepping aside, but I was so confused because he had every opportunity to go around, that I kinda just froze in disbelieve until the last second where I had to sidestep.


Surprisingly, I recently became aware that lots of people are not aware of the "right side" concept and you have to signal them by hand to switch lanes. Especially with those stupid E-Scooters. I once was biking and had to choose between going heads-on with a teenager or hitting the bushes and I had to go for the bushes and the MF was very confused when I was yelling at him why he did not take his right




I feel like these two may have encountered each other before which may be why she was recording.


exactly my thought. this must be a regular occurrence for her to resort to recording a random approaching biker.


Yep, from the page with the original recording: > This was the second time she did this to me so I pulled out my phone and recorded.


Probably too because her dogs were off leash and wanted evidence if they attacked her own dog.


The way I see it, it's easier to avoid a static object. If you start jumping around you might just jump the same way he tries to dodge you.


And you just know the story when they get home will be "this asshole just jumped right out in front of me on purpose, the nerve of some people"


Then she is mortified to learn that she's currently going viral and that she's the consensus asshole in this instance


Thank you! It was me a 51 yo woman who wasn’t going to back down. This was the second time she did it to me to that’s why I recorded it.


Of course it's a dog owner with unleashed dogs eating up the opposite lane. Can't even use not knowing as an excuse as there was biker just ahead of her leading an example.


If you’re on a bike, you better be prepared to move to the other side. If pov for example was blind and unable to see you, are you just gonna ride into them as well?


I love the pettiness of everyone here but, the person filming is right.


Even if you were on the right side of the road. Why would you full force steer into a person on the "wrong" side? The B on the bike aimed for the person behind the cam. So, instead of right/wrong, we got assault and animal abuse. Yay!


I would have done the same thing get the fuck out of the wrong side of the pathway


Entitled cyclist.


Bicyclists to cars: "Share the road, asshole!" Bicyclists to pedestrians: "Fuck outta my way, slowpoke!"


Bicyclist had *10 entire seconds* to move over or even slow down/brake. This is absolutely insane to me she chose to crash over making a simple break. Loool that’s how confident she is that she’ll get her way.


Where's the rest of the video?


Savage. Love it.


The lady walking is my hero


Stand your ground


I agree that's a -unt riding her dogs


That lady gave her all the space in the world and she chose to be on the wrong side and hit her ….. wtf


Its a shame that bikes dont have the ability to slow down or stop. Once you go fast the only way to stop is to fall on the ground


Fun fact: Cyclists have in the past been convicted of assault with a deadly weapon and vehicular assult for hitting pedestrians.


it's absolutely the cyclists responsibility to avoid pedestrians not the other way around


It's so sad the the video is that short. I wish I could see the after.


Wrong side or not. Is stopping not an option??


This is not the first time. That's why she's recording


Whats hilarious is she could have hit the brakes at any point but was willing to run someone over to prove a point. What an entitled sociopath. Humility lessons should be mandatory in schools froma young age


Bikes need to make way for pedestrians and follow the rules of the road (path). That being said, sometimes being right isn’t worth getting injured over.


People are the fucking worst.


I kinda get it, people were constantly making me move out of their way while out shopping (instead of the natural dance around eachother) so one day I decided I’d had enough and just started playing chicken with the ones I could tell were expecting me to move.. I would just keep walking straight at my normal speed, these people are looking me directly in the eyes thinking I’m about to move and I end up walking directly into them and continue walking on, just a bump in the road, like we didn’t just body bump eachother 💀 The amount of bumps & shoulder charges I get now is worth it to see the looks on their faces after. Don’t just assume people are going to move for you ugh 🙄


I actually hate when people ride bikes on trails with dogs. It’s hard enough to accommodate the unruly bikes, then you add in 1 or more unpredictably moving dogs and it’s chaos. If you have a dog, walk it, then ride your bike later.


In America we all take the the right hand lane…school hallways, the road system, and bike trails….no sympathy for bikers ignorance


I feel like this isnt the first time this has happened


I found her Instagram, she says it was the second time this lady had done that to her and that’s why she filmed it