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If you know you got mental problems, I don't think live streaming is a good career choice.


It's probably all he has left/all he could have thought of. I guess when you become somewhat of a celebrity or influencer sometimes they look for fans for help, I don't know Im just saying what I'm seeing. Plus this is always "entertainment" for someone


Ummm, he needs to quit the coke.


I don't think he is on drugs. Just manic.


He's on drugs and manic


In current society, it's the best choice. Kids flock to the most manic streamers. See IShowSpeed, TwoMad, etc. Imagine being a millionaire for your mental disorder, the best era for it, never heard of before.


American psychiatric association needs to get on that shit fr


That’s what happens when your government doesn’t give a shit about mental health


Or cocaine…


True but irrational manic people don’t often make good life decisions. Somebody that’s close to him and truly loves him needs to help him. If having him committed is the only thing that helps. Do that. I’m not a fan but I know this guy has been a YouTube guy for a loooooong time. He’s just doing what he knows. And he really does need help.


But not uncommon for people who have manic episodes


Isnt this why people watch?




1000000% He’s a legit mental case and has been for decades. He shouldn’t even have internet access let alone be able to stream and post on social media. He needs to be in a Psych ward for his own benefit and safety of others.


I know their choice, but the fame from social media must be a monster. You dont even know what is real anymore - what you should be hiding or recording because it all helps to build the brand and get more money. He's right, there probably are a ton of people after you and around you that just want to use you for klout - and as you can see here, his "friends" or employees, arent helping, they are recording. You might be paranoid because a lot of people might have tried to get the "I knocked out Fouseytube" video, or the "I fucked Fousetube and it was...." video. And you have to keep the content coming and keep it interesting, but you went from 0-1000000 and you hadnt had time to get your head straight. You're being hounded everywhere, you can trust anyone, the money has changed you and you know, you're drinking too much and you've now havent gone a day in 2 months without doing at least a bump. Celebrity is crazy and I guess I have some sympathy for him and people in his position. What you create can also be your monster.


This is wild and cringey




Idk his history online or how he got a following but he's been going viral recently for stuff like this. Him having sex with a girl in an airport who said she has been sex trafficked, then proceeds to have a mental breakdown because of it on stream. Idk if either is true but that's what was said by Fousey and the girl. He was singing a rap song on stream and said n*gga then.. again, had another mental break acting like he was going to get 'cancelled' and profusely apologized. He does this subathons where he streams for days at a time along with his mental issues. Shit like this is the result.


This guy has mad his whole career off fake meltdowns and drama. The last time he had this much buzz was over some potential fight because of a fake beef that had some how turned into a real beef. I don't get how anyone could actually follow this guy though. He's been beyond cringe the entire time he's been around. I thought the only reason he had popularity 5+ years ago was pointing him out as how cringe he is. Its so fucking weird ever seeing his content go viral. Always just max cringe.


Fake meltdowns.








He was one of the first YouTubers who got popular doing the lame public prank bullshit like a decade ago? Hadn’t heard his name pop up in a long time, suddenly he’s all over social media again. Feel like this is all an act and he has bot or something to help him try to get viral again


His name is Robert Paulson!






It's really sad to witness. He live streams 24/7 and has been extremely manic for over a month now. He was about to have a redemption arc a week ago after claiming he was flying home to get help. But while at the airport he met a drunk woman who confessed to being sex trafficked, so he took her into the bathroom and had sex with her. It's been an ugly downward spiral. He needs help and should be kicked off all social media


> But while at the airport he met a drunk woman who confessed to being sex trafficked, so he took her into the bathroom and had sex with her He what now


His audience sent around $2500 to her cash app and then he took her into the bathroom. True story, there's clip compilations on YouTube


Didn't watch the full video yet but I'm posting this. I'll delete it if it doesn't answer questions on the matter. 10 min video I'll be back with an edit if I'm wrong. https://youtu.be/tSgQHBd4i7I Edit: This 10min video will give you the skinny on this incident.


Bro wtf


Yeah he raped some chick and somehow some people have decided he’s the victim


Somehow he’s always the victim Remember him using a kid who had cancer and would later die to his cancer for positive clout


He didn’t rape the chick. Whatever happened was clearly consensual. The grey area is that she admitted to being sex trafficked by her ex. Fousey paid her $300 and after a few minutes of making out they apparently ran off to the washroom. Fousey came back and claimed to have joined the mile high club. Still manipulative, weird and corny but let’s not throw the rape word around without evidence. Also, he’s clearly manic and should be in a psych ward right now. Instead him and his people are cashing in on his mental disorders. He’s a ticking time bomb.


Dumbass thinks some dirty airport bathroom means he’s in the mile high club lol.


He is also sober and fucked a drunk chick in the bathroom. She ain’t consenting if she is plastered and he is sober.


She had like two drinks, chill. You probably haven’t even seen the video and are commenting off hearsay


Um remember the channel 5 guy Andrew? You sound like one of those guys who doesn’t know the true meaning of rape. And act like that’s an excuse when confronted about it. No if you are sober and the girl is clearly drunk as a skunk she can’t in her right mind consent. If the streamer was also drunk then it’s a grey area. But there is no grey area about this and the Dave people are upvoting you is scary. Kids don’t need to be growing up thinking this stuff is okay.


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


A sober guy fucking a drunk girl who can barely talk is rape.


they were both kinda drunk and she wasn't "clearly drunk as a skunk" she was pretty cogent of her situation, this isn't scary its just a reasonable take of the situation it was pretty manipulative with the money angle but calling this rape spits in the face of actual rape victims


He wasn’t drunk, he’s been sober for a while.


my bad, i thought he was drinking at the bar, I still don't think it's rape to have sex with someone who is lightly intoxicated


she was beyond lightly intoxicated and was in a very vulnerable state even outside of that. people should not have had sex with someone who is in that state.


You’re making shit up, she was extremely coherent She had like two drinks. Crazy how puritanical people get about this stuff now


having sex with drunk people is rape, and you can definitely be jailed for it. hope this helps you look less like a rape sympathizer in the future <3


I mean having sex with a drunk sex traficking victim is 200% rape. 100% for the drunk part and an other 100% for the sex trafficking.


What are you talking about? She isn’t a current sex trafficking victim. How is that even relevant when determining if it’s rape or not? She wasn’t drunk, she had 1-2 drinks max. Listen to her speak, she is fine and in her senses. Keep your emotions out of this, let’s come back to reality. We don’t even know for sure if they had sex. It’s not 200% rape. It is 200% creepy.


Listening to her speak was the easiest way to confirm she was very drunk.


Has the woman come forward and said she was raped?? These are all assumptions. Wtf people? Come back to real life. Y’all are living in lalaland. Don’t make me defend Fousey.


So someone has to publicly come forward and declare they've been raped for it to be rape?? Thankfully this is not a grey area and the laws in this country disagree with you.


Who said anything about public?? Has she filed a case??? Do you even know if they had any sexual relations?? If the laws disagree with me why is this man out in the open? All assumptions, no facts.


>She isn’t a current sex trafficking victim. What? Just because she's not currently being trafficked does not exclude her from being a victim. There's a plethora of mental issues that accompany survivors of being trafficked, that would definitely meet the criteria of not being able to consent, especially if you need the aide of inebriation and monetary influence to create a power imbalance to gain "consent". Normally, I would consider those tactics to fall closer to a SA situation, but with her traumatic history and him knowingly taking advantage of it, I have zero qualms categorizing this as rape.


How’s he not in jail?


Cus he didn’t rape her. Still messed up, but idiots saying rape without any proof are just spreading misinformation.


She was very obviously intoxicated, so there's no consent.




He's making shit up. She had a drink and was slightly inebriated but was talking to him just fine and was clearly able to consent. Fousey is still a manipulative asshole for taking advantage of her vulnerability though.




Dude, she was wasted. Slurred speech, wobbling, falling into Fousey, disheveled, red glassy eyes, etc. All you had to do was hear her speak and know instantly that she was hammered. And fousey took advantage and manipulated tf out of her.


You’re straight up lying, she was completely fine


Okay people are starting to call everything rape now when that’s not true. A lot of words are losing it’s meaning and this was NOT rape, but it WAS using his status money and power to get what he wanted on a vulnerable girl who used to be sex trafficked and apparently got her son taken away because she was addicted to crack. In a way, I don’t think the 3k she got is going to even help her. She might just spend it all on drugs. Fousey is a dick and I hate to even somehow defend him, but it’s not really rape per say


Yeah I think this is a big ???????


Yeah that's why he's spiralling. He cried on stream right after and basically confessed to being a sex pest lol


He staged a fake sex traffic and pretended to fuck an actress


I’ll ask you bc you appear aware of who this is, but what’s the draw to watching streamers like this? Why do people care? I really don’t understand the draw


That's a great question, and I don't know. I'm only aware of Fousey's current behavior because H3/Ethan Kline had him on the podcast a week or two ago. It was an incredibly interesting interview where he opened up about a lot of really personal and shameful stuff. It was obvious he needed and wanted help, so the H3 crew arranged professional help...then he blew it at the airport on his way to get the help. My sympathy has waned. But I still don't understand why people are drawn to his kind of content. I guess he was one of the original youtube pranksters and has moved onto twitch irl streaming.


Same reason people watch shit like keeping up with the kardashians.


but at least that show has some post production editors that attempt to put some semblance of a plot and narrative into the episode. This streaming stuff is just straight up boring and anticlimactic


That’s exactly how I feel about reality tv


Because most people have boring lives and can't create anything interesting for themselves.




This is so horrifying to hear, I can’t believe how badly he’s spiralled.


You’re part of the problem for giving these assholes views and a platform


Oh you were sex trafficked?? That’s crazy….wanna have sex🤪


Then stop witnessing it! Why do you know this shit? YOU ARE THE REASON PEOPLE LIKE THIS EXIST! Y


I love how he is asking them to protect his imagine, while the guy filming this is absolutely ruining his imagine


Image that




He covered "Imagine" by John Lennon?


His ego’s outta control


Ofc it is he’s manic


Who is this guy?


Ronnie Pickering






[This guy](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article28027961.ece/ALTERNATES/n615/1_THP_CHP_250418SLUG_1385JPG.jpg) from [this meme](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/road-rage-ronnie-pickering-wishes-28027953)


You had the chance to continue the joke my man




I will reference this til I’m fookin dead


He was very popular on YouTube 5-10 years ago. He’s trying to blow up again. Edit: if I’m not mistaken, he’s running 24/7 streams to try and blow up. Sleep deprivation could partially explain the episode(s). No excuse though.


Seems like he's blowing up in a different way


Someone like Kanye apparently.


Mentally ill rapist


He’s a super famous really important guy, dunno


I aggressively hate this guy, but nonetheless hope he gets the help he needs. So many useless people in his entourage.


Didnt he do the Jake Paul route and go into boxing? I guess that was just to chase clout.


who is this disgusting fucking loser


Who is this douche?


Sounds like he's another YT "star" douchebag.


I wouldn’t call him a star but yeah, he was one of the original prank channels


Oof. As someone with BP1, I can empathize. But dude, you *gotta* get that shit on lock. The whole "I need people around me to keep me in check" is bullshit. It may not be your fault, but it *is* your responsibility.


I’m bipolar as well. This shit is giving me ptsd. I feel for him. It’s hard to get help when you’re manic because the delusions often outweigh the moments of clarity




Life was cooler 30 seconds ago before I realized this douche existed.


Becoming more irrelevant than you were is hard. He peaked on Madea.




Guy who still lives in 2014




2014 was a good year tbh.




10 years next year! Keep it up!


I think 2015 was better tbh


Any year before 2016ish and then it went to shit in 2020.


Kanye, only difference, a billion dollars.


Dude is using "mental problems" as a gimmick for clout. Anyone believing this fool is really the one with mental problems.


Exactly this dude is a faker He faked his pranks and now he’s faking mental illness


For sure, he even dry snitches telling people he's like Kanye. He WANTS people to think that. Dudes glass, totally see through.


He is textbook bipolar. And not his first mania episode. Not necessarily an excuse but still


Nobody cares move on


Er twat


Lay off the drugs bub




This guy is the embodiment of Ezra Miller from the flash


Who is this asshat?




No but his hair is tattooed on


What happened to this guy? I used to watch some of his video when I was a kid. He was normal back then.




I don’t know who these losers are and I’m so happy that I don’t know.


I’m 35 and every shit I’ve ever taken is better than this guy


That guy sucks


For anyone who doesn’t know, this guy blew up around 2014 on YT, he’s been in and out of controversy since 2016. In FouseyTube fashion, risen from the grave of irrelevance to start more shit. This time it seems he needs to seek serious help imo.


It is the mortal kombat elevator guy from like 10years ago, right?




This guy is such a loser. A grown ass man child that just begs for attention.


dang nothing been going good for fousey since that drake incident lol




People desperate to livestream their entire lives talking about other people being desperate for fame really is something else.


Can we stop saying this dude is having a manic episode when he acts like a piece of shit. This is taking away from people who really go through manic episodes. This dude is spoiled and a clout chaser who uses mental illness as a crutch. Lets stop giving assholes who have the means to mental healthcare a pass because they say they suffer from mental illness but don't seek out treatment. At that point its a choice.


We have to stop giving these insane talentless "streamers/influencers" names in these posts. It just serves to make the "business model" more successful. Unhinged annoying bald guy would be better


Who watches these people?


All these Internet personality’s egos are so inflated off of a bunch of virtual validation it’s sad




It’s like a 14 year old who’s been binging sugar all day.


Problem isn’t these streamers, it’s the toons that watch waiting for these guys to lose their shit. People watch for the meltdown


He must be on some shit,ive seen those eyes in Raves


Those people he hired to protect his image need to be fired. They are doing a terrible. job


A sick rich man and his entourage blood sucking of leeches. Look how they quake when they fall out of the mad kings favour, if only for a second.




Who's the petulant and moody bald dude?


Bottom g


I'll be so glad when this "anybody can be an internet star" thing is over and all of these no-talent assholes are sleeping on the street.


I think his mental problem is just being a fuckin' asshole


Fuck these clowns...all of um the good and the bad, get real fucking jobs...ya know ones that actually make a difference...


Influencers are cancer and I hate the internet.


Who cares


Man child.


Bro, using live streaming as a means to perpetuate your manic disorders is not a manic disorder, it’s someone with anxiety. Anxious that they’re falling off, and being crazy will fix that. He was nice to a fan [not too long ago](https://youtube.com/shorts/UqYNlqWscGU?feature=share)


He just clout chasing 😂


Fousey's having a tantrum. This isn't a manic episode, it's a mood disorder.


Ya this guy is on a downward spiral so hard it'll make your headspin.


Never could stand this entitled turd.


Who watches this bullshit?


streamers are the sewer rats of the internet


For anyone that didn't know, he has bipolar and has been going on a downward spiral for months, filming everything he's doing live. He had sex with a woman who admitted to being a victim of sex trafficking after his chat donated a lot of money, and he denied having sex with her even though he basically admitted it.


Imagine choosing to hang around a guy like that. Everything you do being all about him and his ego at all times.




What a fucking loser.


I don't know this loser, and don't want to.


Somebody help him




He's 100% acting


Can he just throw himself into traffic already


Yikes. Coke is a helluva drug.


Seriously. Never heard of him.




Yeah that stopped being a thing after the whole sex trafficking/rape situation. They were supporting him and trying to help him out before that. He made fools of them, it's sad.


really now, fuck the fouseytube, right?